#look i wanna be told friendship is magic but also capable of horrific things
mamamittens · 7 months
Its been a while since I've talked about magical girls so here we go.
I love the idea of like, horrific transformations into cutesy outfits. Like, in universe, the people can't see it but the magical girl still has to go through Eldridge horror just to access powers beyond mortal ability. Just... the crossing of ✨ magic ✨ and friendship and overwhelming horror.
It's still cute and they have nice color coordinated outfits with themed powers and names. It's just every so often you get gut punched by a reality check that whatever they're getting their magic from is nowhere near our reality. And crossing them together has devastating effects when not used properly. And sometimes even when you do.
Sorta like madoka magica, really. Just unsettling vibes that only get worse as they grow stronger. By the time they defeat the final horror their magic is too strong to safely use. Maybe some good old retiree comes back years later when they can actually physically and psychologically handle it, idk.
I also like the mix of cutesy magical girl aesthetic with brutal horror. Like, you expect the whirlwind of sparkles and petals to poof the monsters away but they get shredded in gore before slowly dissolving into the ether. And the magical girls just get used to doing this so later we get a fun outsiders view of these horrifically powerful kids swearing to uphold justice and friendship before exploding knock off Godzilla's head.
Maybe not full Madoka Magica but a mix of slotchy cheesy 90's inspired girl power but Everytime Sailor Moon does her dizzying as hell twirl thing her enemies aren't vaporized into sparkles but blood. Still keeping that upbeat vibe but there's this edge and sense of real, horrible danger around every turn. Not dystopian but oddly hopeful.
Idk, it's hard to explain. Brutal optimism?
I'm going to make the world a better place or leave it covered in blood.
Something like that. Yeah.
Idk, I just think it sounds fun.
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