#look i'll admit i'm a nerd i love mythology and i love things based off or inspired by mythology!
anomiidae · 11 months
listen I could make this a literal essay but I won't. tl;dr: I don't get why people get so angry about the concepts of demons or monsters being nice. for starters, if you read mythology, demons are pretty fucking chill; it's not all about fucking with humans. plus it's so boring to see the same plot regurgitated in movies and whatnot about evil demons wanting to ruin humans lives or some crap like that.
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marcspectorsbooty · 2 years
Won’t Say I’m In Love
(Marc Spector x f!Reader)
TW: tooth rotting fluff and cuteness
Description: Marc comes to terms that he has feelings for you after conversations with Steven and Jake.
A/N: I knew I needed to write more Marc content, so here's some fluff for y'all.
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No chance no way I won't say it, no no
(Give up, give in, check the grin you're in love)
This scene won't play I won't say I'm in love
(We'll do it until you admit you're in love)
You're way off base I won't say it
Get off my case I won't say it
(Girl don't be proud it's okay you're in love)
At least out loud I won't say I'm in love
Marc watched as you danced and sang along, wiggling your body while you sat on the couch. Hercules was one of your favorite Disney movies and he had promised you that he would watch it with you. After all, he had never seen it and he couldn’t miss out on one of the greatest Disney movies of all time. Marc loved seeing the smile on your face when you were staring at the TV or the melodies you would hum as your favorite songs from the movie played. 
The two of you sat at opposite ends of the couch, but Marc couldn’t help but feel a want to close the distance between you. If only he could just reach out and hold your hand.
That’s stupid, I shouldn’t, he thought to himself for a moment.
He felt silly for thinking those things. After all, you were just a friend. It was only a few months ago when Steven had taken you to a cafe to nerd out about mythology. It didn’t take long for you to find out about Marc and Jake, which you had immediately befriended as well during your time together. And now here you were, at the apartment almost every night, sitting so close but yet so far away from Marc.
Marc remembered that first time talking to you. He basically held his breath and tried to slow his heartbeat as you two walked through the bookstore together. You were enticed by the stacks of books, trying to scan through and find the one you were looking for. When you looked at Marc, you could immediately see the change in his demeanor. 
“Steven, are you okay?” You had asked.
Marc’s heart started to beat faster in his chest. God, she is going to be the death of me, he thought at that moment. You were so beautiful and he felt so lucky to be in the same room with you. He knew about his feelings for you right at that moment, but clearly didn’t want to freak you out.
“Not Steven, actually.” Marc said shyly.
“Oh, you must be Marc! Steven talks about you all the time, you’re the alter that I haven’t met yet.” You beamed at him. 
“Yeah, that’s me. I’m Marc.”
“Steven and I were just looking for some books before we picked up coffee. Do you drink coffee?”
He felt his cheeks heat up. “I love coffee.”
“Marc? Marc?”
He snapped out of his daze looking over at you, realizing that he had totally not been paying attention to whatever was going on. You smiled at him, beautiful and bright as always. 
“Sorry.” Marc muttered. 
“It’s okay, I was just asking if you wanted me to make more popcorn. Looks like you got a little too invested in the movie.” You giggled.
“More popcorn would be great.” He smiled shyly and handed you the bowl.
“See, I told you this movie was good. I'll heat up the other bag.”
You got up and walked over to the kitchen, disappearing from Marc’s view. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, feeling the warmth still on his cheeks. He paused the movie and got up, making his way over to the bathroom for a second of solace. 
Marc closed the door behind him and went over to the sink, turning the tap on and splashing water in his face. 
“Stupid.” He muttered to himself as he grabbed a towel to dry his skin. “Stupid, stupid, stupid.”
“Ooo, Marc’s got a crush.” The British man in the mirror said. 
Marc looked up to stare into the mirror directly at Steven. “Shut up.”
“It’s all right, mate. We’ve all been there. She’s a real treat too, I think you should go for it.” Steven beamed.
“What’s the worst that can happen?” Jake chimed in. 
“She won’t see me like that.” Marc gritted, feeling his heart ache. “I can’t risk losing her, she’s too important.”
“We’re not gonna lose her.” 
“Jake’s right, Marc. Even if she says no, I’m sure she’ll still want to be friends.” Steven assured.
“But what if she does say yes? What if I do this with her and then she finds out how messed up I really am? What if she leaves?” Marc felt the tears welling in his eyes. “What if I fuck up?”
“You don’t know if you don’t try.” Jake said. “All I know is that she’s worth it and even if all that shit does happen, we’ve still got you.”
“We’ve always got your back, Marc.”
Marc took a deep breath and ran a hand down his face. “Okay, I’ve got this.”
He exited the bathroom and came back to the couch where you were patiently awaiting his return. The bowl of fresh popcorn sat in the middle of the couch, inviting him to sit on the other end. You smiled at him as he sat down again, ready to press play on the movie again. 
The both of you watched the film intently, occasionally grabbing handfuls of popcorn out of the bowl. Marc felt like his heart was about to implode from how fast it was beating. How do I do this? What should I do? He asked himself in his head.
And then, for a moment, there was a spark between you as soon as your hand brushed up with his while trying to grab popcorn. Marc looked at you, his cheeks probably beet red as he slowly pulled his hand back and let you grab your popcorn. 
“Sorry.” You muttered.
“Don’t be.” He grinned. 
“Your hands are really clammy, are you okay, Spector?”
He took a deep breath and went with it. Here it was, it was happening. Finally, after all these months, it was happening.
“I really want to kiss you right now.” Marc admitted, feeling his body immediately heat up with shock.
You took the popcorn bowl, placing it on the coffee table. He noticed your cheeks turning pink at his words and he was hopeful for a positive response. 
“Then what are you waiting for?” You asked.
Marc immediately closed the gap between you, leaning over to kiss your lips softly. His hands cupped your face gently as he took you in, loving every single second of your interaction. You pulled back after a moment, resting your forehead on his and grinning at him.
“It’s about damn time. I didn’t know how much longer you were going to keep your feelings a secret.” You chuckled.
“What?” Marc furrowed his brow. “You knew?”
“Steven told me within like the first week of me meeting you.”
“Of course he did.”
“I think it’s sweet.” You pecked his lips again. “And just so you know, I’ve felt the same way since I first talked to you.”
Marc kissed you again, pulling you into him and never wanting there to be space between you again. You both spent the rest of the night in each other's arms, exchanging sweet words, kisses and jokes about Steven and Jake’s reactions. Marc wouldn’t want to have it any other way.
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