#look idk how to spell their names because I'm listening to the audio and my Google and any google related apps whatever aren't working
that-girl-glader · 1 year
Pip and Rooney/Roony/Runey?? are soooo annoying, I swear to peter pan. Like ughhhhh just kiss already. I'm so done. If they don't end up together I'll SCREAM!!
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allthegothihopgirls · 8 months
Were you named after anyone? i was named because of an actor with a very specific spelling of a common name, but not after them.
When was the last time you cried? idk, it miiiiight have been watching yellowjackets.
Do you have kids? my cat.
What sports have you played? i've dabbled in everything from tennis to competitive bowling. i did netball for the longest though, around four years i think.
Do you use sarcasm? i try not to as much as i used to, but definitely.
What's the first thing you notice about people? if they have cool hair or piercings. especially if they have the same ones as me.
What's your eye colour? green. i had blue eyes when i was really young, and then they went hazel, but now they're just green. The only hint of brown left is in the freckles i have in my irises
Scary movies or happy endings? scary movies for sure. i can rarely enjoy media that ISN'T horror-related. idk what the appeal is for me but i just love spooky stuff.
Any talents? meaningful ones? no way. i can fold my tongue into a 4 leaf clover though. also being able to recognise most songs from just a few seconds of audio, i think that's a talent.
Where were you born? australia!!!
What are your hobbies? oh god i have so many. being insane about twd. doing art, all of it. decorating my over-decorated room (latest addition is glow stars on my spinny fan) skateboarding (SOOOO beating the uncoordinated allegations). crocheting, knitting etc. getting obsessed with video games for the perfect amount of time to 100% them and never look back. listening to cool music and making my silly little playlists. talking people's ears off. running a mediocre fandom-obsessive tumblr blog. overall just being the coolest guy ever.
Do you have any pets? YEAHHHH!!!! my awesome big cat alden (did not name him after a walking dead character, i would neeeeever) i also have fish, and i'm getting hermit crabs VERY soon!!!
How tall are you? i think i'm just over 6'0. most of the time i'm in my platform docs though, so by general consensus, way too fucking tall.
Favourite subject in school? I loooooved my arts, but couldn't bring myself to take them into my final years, some things are just supposed to stay as hobbies. i do like all the sciences though, which is what i'm ACTUALLY doing.
Dream job? sitting around and being the special-est guy in the world... what do you mean that's not reeeealistic?? i guess if i HAD to pick an ACTUAL job, i'd love to work for NASA. TAGS TAGS OH GOD I DONT KNOW WHICH ONES OF YOU WOULD WANT TO DO THIS!! @xolborsaysstuff @radio-ctrl-faggot @khris0l0gy @princeofpittsburgh NO PRESSURE!!! HAVE FUN!!
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