#look part of this thing is set in sotenbori in 2002-2005
meadowmines · 1 year
RGG Tactics/Aoyagi Saga Business Sideplot #2 Battle Chef League
At some point in the story Aoyagi will head to his cat cafe to do a little R&D and find a representative from the Battle Chef League waiting for him with an invitation to compete (and being crawled upon by former feral cats). And so begins the second business sideplot!
The cooking minigame on steroids! Now you have a whole crew of assistant chefs you can assign to various tasks. You also have opponents, judges, and a time limit.
Quantity and quality both matter. One god-tier dish or a full spread of mediocre dishes isn’t enough to win a boss battle.
You can only submit one of any given recipe. You can’t just spam the best recipe you have five times.
 Each chef battle will have a theme, either a type of cuisine or a key ingredient or Oops! All Desserts or whatever. You can submit dishes that don’t fit the theme but it won't be worth full points.
Bosses include the mushroom-loving mafia boss from Y0, wee babby middle-schooler prodigy chef Zhao, and a sweet little old udon cart lady who will wreck your absolute shit if you don't bring your best game. Defeated bosses are added to the assistant chef roster.
Aoyagi’s main area of expertise is baking and pastry but the assistant chefs all have different strengths. Zhao specializes in Chinese cuisine. The mushroom mafioso is your Italian food man. Etsuko does Japanese home cooking like nobody else on this bitch of an Earth. 
New assistant chefs can be added to the roster via substories or pay-to-pull
Etsuko the Obatarian is, I am sorry to say, probably the best non-boss assistant chef you can possibly pull and yes, she does join up whether you like it or not after she terrorizes Aoyagi in a substory.
Completing the sideplot unlocks a new Battle Chef boss in the finale: Ryo Amon. Who is, of course, dressed in an all-black chef outfit and shades and who is, of course, an absolute force of nature. Beating him adds his secret recipes to the cooking minigame. “Oh :/” you say. “Big whoop.” Hello: Ryo feeds the entire Amon Clan. This is food that can fullheal your entire team, max out morale, and revive KO’d units and is a LICENSE TO PRINT MONEY if you put it on the active menu at the cafe. Of course it won’t be easy to cook, and you might have to source some pretty rare ingredients...
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