#look. Grelle said. grelle is gospel.
eemoo1o-animoo · 8 months
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elementalgypsyheart · 7 years
Something I really want to share with everyone about how two writers and their fics really affected me.
I really, and I mean really, love Sakurademonalchemist and Shadowblayze works they are my number one (and very close) two favorite fanfiction authors respectively. 
These two I find myself breaking my own rules for fics to read because I know, just know, I’m going to love there works. Examples? I don’t know the fandom they’re writing about? Fuck it I’m going to read the everlasting shit out of them even if I have to look up just about every other sentence about who or what the hell they’re talking about because it fucking worth it! I don’t read OC centric works because of how few good ones I find? Well Shadow came out with one and I know it going to be epic so you better believe I’m going to read it! I don’t do horror because I’m a wuss? Well Sakura have a horror centric fic so I guess it time for me to bring out my big girl pants because like hell I’m not going to read it!
I get such a fangirl rush when I learn they got into a new fandom that I’m already a big fan of and they plan to make fics in said fandom. Like I feel I died and went to heaven when Shadow started writing FF7 fics and Sakura started writing KHR ones. I keep certain fics of their on reserve that I never read for a day when I have nothing to read but want that whole new fic experience. I even have fics of their’s that I’m ALWAYS rereading. I think I read Sakura’s Golden Queen about 5 times already and Shadow’s Children of the Stars about 3 times. 
I feel like such a fangirl the few times I have message with them and gush so much about how nice and awesome and amazing they are and I always find myself wanting to go ‘ADOPT ME PLEASE!’/ ‘I AM UNWORTHY!’ every single time. Which seeing the only time I every felt like that was towards Grell from Black Butler it pretty wow.
Honestly they are my chicken Mcnuggets AU writers. They’re the only ones I would read such an AU if they would write it. They’re the one where I dream of a collab fic between. Where I feel so happy I could cry when they release a new chapter RIGHT on my birthday by pure chance. Whose writing could honestly turn my day around when I was having such a crappy day (which they so totally done before and I can’t thank them enough). I would stand and defend them with everything I have when someone slander them. I get so so so pissed when I hear they’re being harassed by haters and it make me want punch those people between the legs when they’re being dicks towards them.
These two honestly make me happy. Sakura my number 1 because not only was I reading her fic first but her fics helped me during a really rough time and were one of my brighter points in weeks at times. Shadow similarly I started reading when I was about to go into another rough patch (honestly I have many) and her fics too help me. These two people whom I never met or talk to much have had such an impact on me. Through their writings I learned new things. Thanks to Sakura I gain a love for genderbends, crossovers, and not to take canon as gospel while personality wise she taught me how to be vindictive but not cruel and how to not take everything too seriously and learn to laugh and crack jokes. Thanks to Shadow I gain a love for world building, in depth character analysis, and how to look from a different point of view while personality wise she make me see I’m not the only one who over analysis things, stress too much on details, and fall apart and always on the knife edge from having some kind of panic or anxiety attack and IT’S OKAY FOR ME TO BE LIKE THAT. That I’m NOT overdramatic or ridiculous for being that way but I need to learn to deal with it better.
And some people think fanfiction isn’t important or it doesn’t change lives because let me tell you it does and these two are proof of it.
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