#look. a Hlvrai stageplay is good- but a religious stageplay is funnier
pistachi0art · 9 months
My roommate n’ I watched Jenny Nicholson’s “Church Play Cinematic Universe” video where immediately after we started cracking up to the thought of a Church stageplay of HLVRAI. Heres just some of what of what we thought.
-The costumes aren’t of the highest quality (Benrey’s skeleton backup dancers are just wearing Party City costumes)
-Gordon, being the “one free man” is the Jesus stand-in for the play and gets the first musical cover. He later gets crucified via Ben’s skeleton minions and resurrects after The Science Team’s song.
-Benrey is the Devil? With his character being swapped from a need for friendship to temping the science team. After he says “you forced me to be bad so now I’m gonna be baaaad” it follows in with his villain religious-edited cover of “Bad Guy” by Billie Eilish +skeleton backup dancers
-Bubby gets a religiously edited version of Dr. Feelgood (no mention of drugs whatsoever- think of the children!)
-G-Man directly tells Gordon (while the characters stand still to show how he froze time) he’s gonna be dead for a few days bc of Benrey but will rise again
-Sunkist is a cardboard cutout with a guy in a morph suit moving it around.
-The last part is Gordon saying that now they can celebrate Tommy’s birthday with all of the characters then dancing to a group cover “Fun Fun Fun” from Despicable Me. Tommy stops briefly during the songto point out the now Minion-costumed backup dancers to his dad.
That’s all- (for now) it’s pretty damn funny, I highly recommend watching the vid to appreciate these fantastic ideas we concocted.
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