Today was speaking to a client. She is such a strong girl who has literally fought to live life peacefully. What amazed me was the magnitude of her strength what saddened me was that she was blind folded to her own strength and confidence.
I am sure all of us have crossed such a path and a situation. Whenever you feel you are less confident and that you have lost. Do the below mentioned ritual
Take a piece of paper write down all your achievements, the battles that you have won, the victories you have faced
Pull out the strength card if yoy own a deck or take a printout of the card and have right besides the paper.
Now close your eyes take few deep breaths and start writing what difficulty are you currently facing, compare it with your previous list of achievement.
Start meditating with the intention that you will find the strength and courage to overcome the obstacle this time as well.
Look at the strength card see what captures your attention focus on it.
You will find your answers.
Love light and strength to you all.
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