#looking back at what I've planned in the tags though i do need to specify that the hexagons will be 10ish hours
onyourstageleft · 29 days
don't have a photo to post bc I forgot to take one before I put my quilting box away for the night BUT after almost a month of making very minimal progress I am once again working on the d20 baby quilt! my friend found out this week that baby viper is gonna be a boy which gives me the next color of fabric I need to buy for the outside of the quilt (background will be a light grey), not that I'm even close to there yet, but it has given me the inspiration to work on it again
as a reminder this is the design I'm working on, it will all be hand-stitched paper pieced hexagons! (with handmade bais/applique tape for the dividing lines on the d20) and I have until October to finish it, which is great because I'm currently 41 hexagons in - out of 351
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ducknotinarow · 10 months
MM Michelangelo - All Symbol Headcanons please uwu
| Send me a symbol and I will write a headcanon about…  For multimuse blogs, please specify!
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Its ya boi! Mikey uwu I admit I do love him just as much as I do any other Mikey's I dunno it is nice to see him not just reduced to baby but he is still very baby ;3; like telling Splinter he loves them and going "kisses" just nice as someone who grows tried of how often Mikey can be flanderized or infantilized giving him a slight more maturness was just a nice change of pace. I wish we got a bit more but as i mentioned before I understand for the story and time why we didn't we'er gonna get more so I look forward to more Mikey soon.
𝓕 : My muse’s handwriting. (Is it good, bad, difficult to decipher, do they prefer writing by hand or with the help of some form of machine, e.t.c.) 
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"It me Micheal Angelo!" Untill I know for sure what they do for a last name i'm sticking with the joke I won't change my tags of course but ya know XD. In a lot of the promo art they show Mikey's name with a star over the I even when capital and it's cute i'm keeping it. It shows off Mikey's more child like and playful nature. Due ti the size, spacing and slant in his hand writing Mikey is a people pleaser and likes to avoid confrontation. Which we do see when it comes to them meeting the other mutants and even being against their plan Mikey agreed they can't let them do it but he still felt bad for having to be against them. Even among his brothers Mikey sort shows this peace keep mentality even among his brothers though he isn't above getting upset with leo for snitching on them. Because he may show these traits he isn't going to back down when it comes to defending himself, his words or others when he feels the need todo so. If there is a need of course. Mikey dose show he dose in fact over think here and there mostly when it comes to the situation him and his brothers are in.
Day dreamer he is he liked to think about if they weren't shunned from society they could be like humans their age. But that coming from having to remove that fact hes a mutant from his mind before he can indulge in the idea. Mikey also is someone that once he commit and puts his mind to something his ambition will carry him far.
✈ : My muse and  traveling. (If they do it frequently and why, if they never left their home town, e.t.c.)
"I've been a few places in New York? but that's about it really."
Mikey and his brothers haven't gone to a lot of places yet, mostly moving across New York and I wouldn't be too surprised if it's not even all that much of the city it's self likely the most travel happening when they go after the big crime families of New York.
✿ : My muse and nature. (If they are an ‘outdoorsy type’, like the sound of bird’s singing, if they have never set foot in a forest, e.t.c.) 
"I mean never really been? I'm a turtle so I dunno I bet that gives me an advantage maybe."
Mikey may live in a sewer and be a mutant turtle but I don't think he adapt to nature too well not like the hard core camping where you sleep on the ground. And such maybe be fine with a tent at least but he likely perfer some comfort of not being in the woods like able to be on his phone. But He might be fine with out it if really had to go with out the device hes still a someone who grew up with tech so there will be a miss for it.
☼ : My muse’s first memory. (Where it was, who was with them, how this memory makes them feel, e.t.c.) 
"hmm Pizza yeah the pizza for sure." I feel Mikey first memory was when Splinter first got them that Pizza uwu, it was the most beautiful thing the turtle ever laid his eyes on. This must be what love is. Okay there some over hyping but come on it's a Mikey Pizza may be the food of all the turtles but we know who loves it the most out of the four of them. It was also something new. And something so very common and normal for humans to enjoy just something Mikey wished he could do walk into a pizza place and get a slice. So mundane to most but for someone who can't do that?
☙ : My muse’s favourite food. (Bonus: A memory, be it good or bad, associated with said food.)
"Pizza of course." Feel Like I put too much in the memory forgetting this question is also here haha but yeah it's pizza for Mikey of course. Even when him and brothers were busy with their take down of Super fly plan he did go for the Pizza Splinter got for them. I feel it's a comfort food for Mikey, something Splinter would try and get for his boys when ever he could. Just this nice little treat that helped to brighten up his and his brothers days. Sure they can go out at night and such but somethings it get to him feel like he and his family were punished for simply existing (the scene with him gazing out from the sewer grid with the bars shadows over him ffffff hurts!)
But Splinter would get his hands on a fresh hot pizza and try and make it special for them so now mikey can't help but feel comfort around a good piece ;3;
♬ : My muse and music. (What type of music they like listening to and in what context, what music they would never listen to, e.t.c.)
"Nah I listen just about anything, even if I can't sign BTS songs for Donnie." Mikey likes rap and hiphop mostly stated off what sounds from the soundtrack I feel Mikey would be a fan off. He doesn't like old school music as well so he dips into the 90's era of music as well. Due to their life style sure they can be caught up on what new known but they were able to get their hand son the older stuff first.
Which helped to cement what kind of sounds and such that Mikey finds him self more drawn towards. Mikey just likes a good song he vibe with. Music is something he more turns to depending on his moods. If he feeling sad he dose like to listen to sad music and so on. He feels its a very good way for him to go through how he is feeling. Sometimes others words help him connect to his how emotions.
↺ : My muse and the past. (Do they live in the past and struggle to let go of past grievances, or move on more easily, is there anything in their past they want to forget, e.t.c.) 
"Well I mean I try not to think about much or I just get bummed out ya know?"
Lets be honest the turtles past? Sucks. It sad when you really look at these boys who just wants something so mundane as being able to go to school that getting to walk into a school excites them? They in a sense have freedom humans don't but they want this basic thing that many would moan and groan over. They were exited just to see a school hallway to mess around and sign up for an improve class even. Mikey rather focus on the future they have over wanting to look back. Course that doesn't mean the good times that part he dose think back on.
Just him, his brothers and their father, like bath time just playing around as kids. Raph waking him and broths up due to his fear of the dark. Mikey finding glow stars and setting them up claiming it was for him but it was really for Raphael. Cause the guy would never own up to the fear. He doesn't like to reflect on the bad times when it comes to the past rather stick to what was good even if that wasn't enough to make him content in that life for long.
☾ : My muse and sleep. (How much they sleep, how much they wish to sleep, if there is something that never fails to put them to sleep, e.t.c.) 
"Nah I'm good about sleep"
Mikey and his family for sure lived a nocturnal life before having to readjust but I feel Mikey was always someone able to go to bed at a decent time and up early not too early of course, Mikey dose enjoy getting a good amount of hours in to sleep. But when the sun is out? He is also up just as bright and sunny as it. He aint the sunshine turtle for nothing after all. Mikey only struggles to sleep when he is excited about something he cant wait for the next day to come around that his body just is not tried at the time. Those are the only times he misses out on his sleep but true to who he is still manages to have energy to get him through the day.
✧ : My muse and art. (If they have an artistic side or not and why, favourite artist if they have one, e.t.c.) 
"Ya know improve is very artistic." Mike's much more for performance art one could say as someone who always is thinking on his feet however though it makes sense that he dose take an intrest into improve being able to come up with things on the spot and working without any script or clue of what is going on? Yeah it fits very well with his mind set. He's quick to take note of his surroundings and working with what he has to execute plans like using donnies bo staff so make sense why improve appeals.
I feel in terms of a favorite person? Mikey really loves actors who can jump into improve like Robin Williams, loves catching SNL skits and other late night shows for this reason. He tries to bring in that same losse and easy going style to his own humor because he just finds it works best more so in stressful situations.
❃ : My muse and social media. (If the muse is/would be on social media and why/why not, their general opinion on it, e.t.c.) 
"No as much as Like Don's glue to his stuff but yeah i use a lot of it myself." Mikey for sure gets more use out of it once he starts to make friends. Like mostly in use of twitter, Instagram and Snap chat himself. Of course, Twitter is meant for following celebs and such but he also just posts nothing major or of value just a normal account where he chats with friends and mutals. Instagram is for sure where he posts photos of stuff he sees around the city or at home. Likes to take pictures of his family. Just small thing like hanging out with his brothers or stuff he thinks might be fun or funny to share.
He dose also use tiktok where I can see him having a platform for his improving skills I can see him being like Thomas Sanders where all his content is very light hearted aimed to just make you day better give you laugh even.
✉  : My muse and others. (If they social and outgoing or more introverted, and why. If they prefer communicating with others face to face or in written form, e.t.c.). 
"I like people with good vibes mostly." Unlike 2012 mikey he's not one to deal with the whole jealously aspect of his brothers getting new friends if anything he really wants them to do well oh he will still tease them on their crushes of course and call them out for being dorks. But he full on supportive younger brother here. If things go wrong? I feel hes the shoulder for his brothers to rest their heads on. And unlike 03 mikey I feel he's not as great about picking up on when someone might not be all that good to trust. Seeing how they all fall for Super flys charm after all, Even not able to pick up on the vibes from Mondo seeing how they clicked right away when they first met themselves. So it might not be abnormal for Mikey to have a few bad friendships in the near coming future simply because he is such a nice and friendly and welcoming person. Some people may take advantage of that but Mikey tends to let it roll of his back, in the open at least.
Mikey tries his best to stick to his easy going ways but somethings? it can be a bit to much even for him.
At school I feel Mikey is that kid who can mingle among all the groups and cliques. He just can vibe with a different mix of people he knows the theater kids, he knows jocks, the kid who go home everyday ect. He's pretty good about diffusing tension even usual making it to where everyone leave chilled and clam after.
▶ : My muse and level of education. (If the muse has some form of education, what education they perhaps wish they had, e.t.c.). 
"I'm in school now I dunno if I wanna pursue more though? I mean maybe an associates at least?"
As excited as Mikey is to start going to school he hasn't thought much pass a high school degree himself. Community college is likely the most he'll go with next maybe through a scholarship from the preforming arts section. If anything he might look to community theater to keep pursuing improve as an outlet. So that he can learn to sharpen that more.
◐ : My muse and animals. (If they like animals and treat them well, do not care for them at all, e.t.c.). 
"I mean? I'm a turtle, my bros are turtles, my dad's a rat, we got even more animals in the family?" LOOOK MANY PREVIOUS MIKEYS HAD CATS! I like to think Mikey will also find his own cat ;3; likely more how 03 found Klunk or like how April found the cat that became Ice cream kitty in the 12 series. I think he would find an animal in need of home and decide their home is with them. Maybe something a little out there even or like a dog to match his energetic side?
❒ : My muse and gifts. (If they are good/bad at finding gifts, good/bad at receiving gifts, good/bad at wrapping gifts, e.t.c.) 
"Gifts can be hard, I mean it gotta fit them be something they want or could even need? show you thought about them even," I think Mikey being Mikey is pretty good at knowing a sort thought process to follow for gifts. I feel no matter what it is clear he had you in mind so the gift liekly is always well received Mikey very much is someone who puts thought into the gifts he gets no matter what that gift is though.
☘ : My muse’s relation with their family. (If they speak with each other and how much, if they are close or estranged, e.t.c.). 
"I love them, and now? we have even more! Course Mondo is who i'm closest two guys vibe is real chill ya know?"
Mikey loves his family he really is all about them. He loves Splinter and everything he dose for them and tries to do for them. Like in part he can understand Splinter is just trying to protect them even if he can go a bit to far at times Mikey always knows its from a place of love. And well hes lucky to have a parent who loves him, his brothers even like that.
His brothers? He in the youngest and sometimes that can be a pain but he would change any of them given the chance. Of course, he still gonna be a little shit at times they are his siblings and well it just what you do to your brothers. He didn't make the rules but he follows them. He take advantage of his lil bro status loving to perch on Leo and Raph jumping up on them and such. He sometimes will do it a bit towards Donnie bout never fully throwing his weight their way. Mikey dose for sure see his brothers as his best friends they are the ones he can tell everything to. Even share those thoughts he doesn't find as pleasant. I feel he tends to go to each brother for different reasons however. Nothing against any of them just he feels he knows who would be the best to talk to about what ever is bugging him.
With his expanding family? He is closest to Mondo seeing them more like his own best friend. Mondo just gets him in a way many don't they even get into the same stupid antics together. So he can often be found skating in the tunnels with them or getting into some trouble with them. I do feel Mondo is a bit older than Mikey so he sometimes tries to take responsibility but pretty sure Mikey tends to have to step up the most when Splinter starts to scold them.
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ghoste-catte · 2 years
multiples of 9
@sagemoderocklee i know it's you
9. How do you find new fic to read?
Go to the GaaLee tag and sort by new, lol, since I've read almost everything in there at this point. If I'm joining a new fandom I'll generally sort by complete and under 15k by kudos for the pairing I'm interested in, or find an author I like and go through all their works and bookmarks, but in my old age I've become deeply accustomed to my single ship. I miss the reclists of ye olden LJ days; they were a great way to find hidden and underappreciated gems.
18. If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it involve?
Since you didn't specify a fic, I've got a couple of sequels/expansions on my existing fics planned.
For years now I've been planning to write a remix of if nobody moves, nobody will get hurt called 'if nobody gets hurt', which is basically the original story but expanded and from Gaara's POV.
There's an after-the-happily-ever-after epilogue to The Stolen Child that's actually based on a post someone made about it here on Tumblr ... but I need to ask their permission first, and I've been too shy.
There's a prequel to Worship as I Please that goes into the much-requested alcove in Grass Country, though probably not in the way that most people are hoping for (it's a pining-while-fucking fic, so heavy on the pain).
There's also an epilogue to To Love Like Broken Glass that @we-return-in-waves requested, which I won't give too much away about.
And finally, there's a part 2 to Try Again, where Lee teaches Gaara to do much more than kissing.
27. How long did it take to write [insert fic]? Describe the process.
Since there wasn't a fic specified, I guess I'll go with my most recent fic, Tsuru no Danna. I originally hoped to write the fic in one, one-hour sitting like I've done with a couple other fics recently, but it ended up being a bigger story than I planned. Ultimately, though, I think I wrote it in like 3 hourlong sittings over 2 weeks or so? That doesn't include the amount of time I spent outlining and 'marinating' on it (by far the longest part of my process). I also had to forgo my entire typical editing process so that I could make it in time for HorrorFest.
36. Do you visualize what you read/write?
Oh, definitely. What I write way moreso than what I read. When I'm reading, I'm generally pretty immersed in the story, so unless something's just super-duper visually evocative, I'm just really absorbed in the words more than anything. When I'm writing, though, I definitely swing wildly between "I know exactly how I want to describe this and the perfect words that sound lovely together" and "I know what's supposed to happen in this sequence and what it would look like but have no idea how to describe it." A lot of my clumsier, uglier sentences come from the latter, but sometimes striking at something 4-5 times to get the perfect sequence churns out a decent one, too.
45. What’s something you’ve improved on since you started writing fic?
I think I've improved on a lot, honestly; when I look back and read my first fic from 2017 it feels very amateurish and awkward to me. But I think I've most improved on developing my own author voice as well as (to an extent) being able to sometimes evoke the voices of other authors. I've gotten a better sense of how to word and pace things to give a poetic feel vs. a fairy tale feel vs. a childlike feel and so on. It's been a journey for sure!!
questions for fic writers - ask me some!
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cassowarywary · 3 years
Hello, I love your Eskew art! How'd you get the titles to look like that? I zoomed in and it looks like you actually drew the text but it looks like different fonts. Do you have advice to people who want to make text like that?
I'm glad that you like my art! Sorry that this is late; I only realized that I already had asks when I got a new one. Put under the cut because I love to ramble
The titles are generally based off different fonts, with a few exceptions that I think are glaringly obvious when I look at them. If you are looking for different fonts, I really recommend 1001 fonts (https://www.1001fonts.com/) where there are a ton of free fonts for non-commercial use. A few years ago, I went through the entirety of fonts uploaded at that point (I think it was about...10,000 or 11,000?) and downloaded a few hundred which I really liked, wrote the same phrase in every single font on a word doc, and then just used the find+replace function to test out different titles. I'm currently doing the lineart for Crossroads and this is one of the 12 pages
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I've been reliably informed that this is "a really weird thing to do, what the fuck?" I do not recommend going through the entirety of the site (looks like there's currently over 15000 fonts? And a fair number of them are pretty repetitive. Better to just use the site tags). I'm not great at typography creation, so though I often change elements or letters, I will generally take the style of one of these fonts.
But you're asking about how to draw the letters! And that is something I can help with! Here's my advice: use a ruler. Use a ruler for everything. When I'm doing the titlecard art, I'll generally have guidelines around the outside of the "textbox", then guidelines to measure out how much space I can use for each letter, then how much space for spaces between the letters, then a guideline for the center of letters (how high the lines should be on letters like A, E, F, ect). The size of the textbox for each letter determines how steep letters like W, Z, K, or R should be. You can kind of see these lines on both versions of the Reproduction art.
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This advice is most applicable to when you're making art with consistent lettering and capitals (more straight lines). If you're doing a consistent font with lower case letters, then the guidelines are still helpful, you just need to also put a lot more work into trying to copy angles. I spent more time on the lettering for Performance than I did on the lineart for some for some of the other illustrations.
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But when you're doing stuff with lower cases or inconsistent lettering, then the ruler thing doesn't help as much. I still recommend boxing in the area that you want your font to be, and approximating how much space each letter should take up (so you're not cramped on the right) but it is more difficult to plan. On the good side, this means that inconsistencies are not as big a deal: even if you repeat letters, they don't need to look identical like they would in a consistent Caps font.
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As you can see, I always draw my letters in pencil first. Normally I would erase it after but I'm doing these on watercolor paper and it tears so easily with erasing. And even when you do make mistakes, have inconsistencies, ect, I can almost guarantee that other people will not notice or care as much as you. Going back through and zooming in on all these titles shows a lot of mistakes but they're so small compared to the whole piece that I think it would be silly for me to obsess over them.
Also, to be honest, I do all this because I think it's fun and I like to change up the fonts to better fit the area I'm putting them in. If you find a font you really like and you have a decent light source, there's no shame in tracing lettering, or going on a program like Canva and putting text over an illustration.
I hope this was helpful! I'm not an expert and there's probably guides on how to become better at lettering; this is all just my process for this specific project. Good luck!
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