#looking forward to battle at the garbage dump thoo
slice-0f-anime · 4 months
my thoughts on karasuno vs inarizaki
The game between them was so incredibly hype and I nearly lost my breath at multiple moments. I love both of these teams and honestly its just so hard to choose a winner, but I felt like the actual outcome wasn't the best?
I dunno I generally thought that many of the results (anime only) of the games were pretty realistic for the most part, with karasuno vs shiratorizawa toeing the line but the struggle made sense there.
The issue came with the karasuno vs inarizaki game, which I thought should fairly go to ina? Maybe I'm missing something fundamentally wrong with their team (other than their cheering section and insane lack of communication sometimes) but they were 2nd seeded in the interhigh nationals while karasuno was beat in the semis of their prefectural tourney. It just doesn't make sense to me that karasuno honed their skills that much leading up to the spring nationals, otherwise ina should have been beaten by many other teams no?
Also, after looking closely, ina's team is pretty much an upgraded version of karasuno. Atsumu was known as the "#1 high school setter" and his synergy with Osamu was freaky, Aran was a top 5 spiker, Suna had crazy blocking, Akagi was a mad cool libero, Kita was a defense oriented captain, and their pinch server was an adorably nervous first year.
Sound familiar? They're basically karasuno upgraded (right now... polished karasuno would slay so hard)
Karasuno winning against Inarizaki kinda shocked me because I was sure they were gonna lose and then come back for redemption the next year, but instead the opposite ended up happening. As of right then in the anime, I felt that ina was the better team and probably would have won that match.
Although, I do understand why karasuno had to win, cause they were playing nekoma next, and no one wants to miss the battle at the garbage dump. I'd be upset if we didn't get to the current team with all the third years play against their rivals, so I suppose I could let it pass.
Even so, I do think realistically Inarizaki should have won that match. Thoughts?
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