#genuinely who else thought inarizaki was gonna win
slice-0f-anime · 7 months
my thoughts on karasuno vs inarizaki
The game between them was so incredibly hype and I nearly lost my breath at multiple moments. I love both of these teams and honestly its just so hard to choose a winner, but I felt like the actual outcome wasn't the best?
I dunno I generally thought that many of the results (anime only) of the games were pretty realistic for the most part, with karasuno vs shiratorizawa toeing the line but the struggle made sense there.
The issue came with the karasuno vs inarizaki game, which I thought should fairly go to ina? Maybe I'm missing something fundamentally wrong with their team (other than their cheering section and insane lack of communication sometimes) but they were 2nd seeded in the interhigh nationals while karasuno was beat in the semis of their prefectural tourney. It just doesn't make sense to me that karasuno honed their skills that much leading up to the spring nationals, otherwise ina should have been beaten by many other teams no?
Also, after looking closely, ina's team is pretty much an upgraded version of karasuno. Atsumu was known as the "#1 high school setter" and his synergy with Osamu was freaky, Aran was a top 5 spiker, Suna had crazy blocking, Akagi was a mad cool libero, Kita was a defense oriented captain, and their pinch server was an adorably nervous first year.
Sound familiar? They're basically karasuno upgraded (right now... polished karasuno would slay so hard)
Karasuno winning against Inarizaki kinda shocked me because I was sure they were gonna lose and then come back for redemption the next year, but instead the opposite ended up happening. As of right then in the anime, I felt that ina was the better team and probably would have won that match.
Although, I do understand why karasuno had to win, cause they were playing nekoma next, and no one wants to miss the battle at the garbage dump. I'd be upset if we didn't get to the current team with all the third years play against their rivals, so I suppose I could let it pass.
Even so, I do think realistically Inarizaki should have won that match. Thoughts?
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miyalove · 4 years
good luck kisses | atsumu
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—pairing: atsumu x fem!reader
—warnings: best friends to lovers, manga spoilers (specifically the kurasuno vs inarizaki match), swearing, name calling, reader admires his thighs for a split second, *unedited
—synopsis: 3.1k | after countless times of refusing atsumu a good luck kiss, you figured that after the major lost against kurasuno— what better way to cheer him up?
—a/n: this is literally the cutest request ever, thank you so much, anon! + request are open!
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you’ve know miya atsumu long enough to know that he’s over all a very likable guy. he’s charming, funny, optimistic, and the list could go on forever. but like any thing else, with perfect attributes comes a few flaws. sure, your best friend is handsome, skillful, and observant but damn is he stubborn.
a prime example of this bold trait is right now. 
it’s game day for him, nationals to be exact. you were waiting in the crowd with what felt like the whole of your school when you got a text. it was from your best friend, obviously, saying to meet him in front of the boy’s changing room 4. you responded with a quick, ‘i’m here’ when you didn’t see his lean figure any where near the entrance. as you waited, you observed the busy halls of the gymnasium.
this is a big game. you could tell from how the school’s going all out in with the cheering and decorations. you were so lost in your thought, you didn’t notice the changing room door creep open behind you.
as you got pulled into the room, you are fast to react. pulling your arm out of the supposed attackers grip, you turned back to run for the door but it was too late. it shut and from what you could see; it’s’ locked too.
“relax, doll,” instantly, your tense figure loosens up at the familiar voice. turning to your “attacker”, you send a sharp glare his way, “oh god, 'tsum. i thought i was gonna fucking die cause of your dumbass.”
you playfully hit his chest as he lets out a small chuckle, his signature smile resting on his lips. you can’t tell but it’s much brighter now that you’re here. he’ll never admit it, but there’s just something about you that makes his mood lighter...
“sorry, didn’t mean to scare ya,” as he speaks, he finds purchase on a lone desk in the corner of the large room. he hops up on it, all while facing you still. he’s legs dingle at the edge of the table. as he settled himself down, you see his smile falter a bit.
sad at the sudden distance between the two of you, you find yourself chasing after his warmth like moth to a flame. following his ways, you’re hoping on the desk next time him casually resting your head on his shoulder. in the midst of the comfortable silence, you speak up, “shouldn’t you be out stretching with the rest of the boys?”
“yeah,” his golden eyes can’t help but steal quick glances at you. he can smell the sweet vanilla of your shampoo with how close you are. you’re not looking at him, sadly, instead your focused on the bland walls of the changing room for whatever reason.
despite his thoughts, he continues, "i just wanted to see ya before the game." his words are sincere, you can tell, but even at that you don’t react much.
he doesn’t like how your attention isn’t all on him. yeah, you’re close practically sitting on his lap, but what’s the point in all this affection if you’re not truly with him. shifting his position, you pick your head up at the sudden movement.
the setter is facing you know, deep honey eyes meet your own. there’s something within his hues that you can’t make out properly, a spark that you sometimes only see when you’re with him. a warmth spreads through you at the thought, but quickly leaves once you remember who atsumu is.
he’s your best friend, you remind yourself, you’re not supposed to be feeling things like that for him. 
in the middle of your admiration, you didn’t even realizes he was speaking. “earth to (y/n)? are ya there?” he waves his large hands in front of your face, successfully knocking you back into reality.
shaking your head, you sigh with wide eyes, “sorry, what were you saying?”
in response, the taller boy lets out a teasing giggle. casually, he leans back onto the wall behind him spreading his legs a bit wider. for him, the action probably meant nothing but you can’t help but stare at the way his lean legs flex as he makes himself comfortable again.
“ya liking what you see, doll?” 
this couldn’t be happening. you just caught caught checking out your best friend like a piece of meat. embarrassed, you roll your eyes trying your best to rid of the thoughts of atsumu. not having enough courage to look him in the eyes, you can’t help but shift your attention away. furrowing your brows, the way you fidget with your fingers gets worse when you hear his voice again.
“avoiding eye contact won’t make you want me less, yanno,” he delivers this line with a teasing smile. when you finally shift your attention back to him (just the way he likes it) you notice a pink hue taking over his face. it’s light and if you hadn’t focused on it, you would have definitely missed it.
it’s causes a fluttering feeling in your chest knowing that your actions, and even his playful flirting, is affecting him too. shaking your head, you remind yourself why exactly you’re here.
“’tsumu, you have a game in—,” grabbing your phone, briefly you check the time, “about 9 minutes so why exactly did ya call me over here?”
as if a switch went off in his empty head, he jumps off of the desk the two of you were perched on and grabs at his volleyball club jacket.
“ah shit, i called ya over cause i needed my good luck kiss, but now i’m running a little later than i thought,” frantically, the setter opens and closes his lockers. the clanking of metal echoes in the room. grabbing random gear off the floors and on shelves, he’s slipping on one of his knee pads when he flashes you a beaming smile.
“unless of course, the time can help me out?” tilting your head, your brows scrunch up in confusion. what does he mean help him out? oh! the good luck kiss. 
looking back up at him, he’s hopping around with one shoe on, trying his best to slip on the his second knee pad. you can’t help but let out a little chuckle when he stumbles off balance and nearly falls straight on his ass. it’s a funny sight, your tall best friend wobbling and jumping around like a newborn fox hunting for the first time.
“’tsumu, you know i always say no whenever you ask for...” the two of you suddenly make eye contact. the setter’s lean figure freezes in the middle of the room. and despite his messy hair and frenzied appearance, he looks at you like he as all the time in the world. his eyes, though far away and obviously distracted, hold a much more deeper meaning within them. he’s almost daring you to say the magic words. under his intense eye, you feel small like prey getting watched from the distance by it’s hunter.
“... those things.” defeated, you avoid his strong gaze. you don’t see the way he stares at you (since your so focused on your feet dangling from the desk you’re atop of). you don’t see the way his eyes shine just a little darker or the way he smiles (a real, genuine one) at you with so much adoration and so much compassion that really it would take a fool to not see that miya atsumu is in love with you, his best friend.
it feels like now’s a good time to say it. whenever the two of you are alone, the feelings you give him practically suffocates him. he can’t help but to crave your attention or hear your laugh or make you smile (because you’re absolutely gorgeous doing nothing but you practically glow when you smile). with one shoe in hand and the other untied, the blonde feels like now is the best time to come forward... but of course, that’s not what he does.
“come on, doll. not even a small pe—” 
knock. knock.
the door swinging open, cuts his thoughts off.
“kita’s getting on our asses cause of you, again,” suna’s monotone voice breaks the uncertainty in the room. lingering his stare on your figure for a little too long, the setter nods at his teammate tying his shoe before walking towards the door.
“(y/n),” you wave at your fox-like friend at the mention of your name. quickly getting off the desk, you follow their lead in leaving the room. 
the two of them part ways, suna impatiently waiting for their setter to finish his farewells not too far behind him. “good luck ‘tsumu! even you suna,” at the mention of his name, suna nods.
leaning into your best friend, mockingly he puckers his lips only for you to roll your eyes at his childish behavior, “i said no, freak.” stepping back a little, atsumu let’s a out a playful chuckle while rolling his eyes, “whatever.”
instead of a kiss, you give him the next best thing; a tight hug to which he immediately returns. his arms rest on your waist while you feel the weight of his head on top of yours. his grip on you tightens when you pull away for the first time.
“3 minutes,” you mumble into his shirt as a warning. you’re practically choking on his ocean breeze clone with how deep atsumu is shoving your face into his chest.
trying your luck, you pull away one more time and to your relief, he lets go with a sigh. instantly, he gets ushered away by a peeved suna before he can say anything else. as he gets dragged by the arms, you wave goodbye with a smile, “beat those damn crows, guys!” 
“when i do, i better get my kiss!” is the last thing you hear before he get’s shoved through the gymnasium doors. 
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hearing the buzz go off, it was the only sound you could focus on. it was the end and the outcome had been more than surprising— inarizaki had lost. the audience seemed to be stunted, the crowd including you had gone completely silent. all that you heard was kurasuno’s crowd screeching in glee. all that you saw was the dog pile of orange and blue uniforms happily cheering for their win.
your face morphs into pure irritation. eyes filled with fury, lips pressed into a line. to say you were pleased with the outcome of the game would be a complete lie. resentfully, you think aloud, “can’t they celebrate a little less publicly.” 
so caught up in side eyeing the flock of crows on the field, you barely noticed your own team huddling up to take a bow for the crowd. you only look away from glaring at kurasuno when you feel an all to familiar stare on you.
shifting your gaze, there in the gym floor is your best friend who is standing closely to his brother. you can see the hurt in his eyes despite being a notable distance away from him. 
in fact, the whole team’s aura shifts right before your eyes. they all wear emotionless smiles, heads down in shame. despite being friends with all the members of the team, you can’t help but focus on atsumu the most. 
his eyes had shifted away from yours, but even without his golden hues staring you down you can tell how hurt he is. you can tell just from the way he grits his teeth, the way he refuses to look up at the cheer squad, and how stiff his shoulders are that he’s taking the lose to heart. 
it breaks your heart seeing how rough he’s talking it. atsumu is a perfectionist and holds such a high standard for him and his team. he works hard every practice and even goes after hours because that’s how much passion he has in this sport. he’s blaming himself, you can see it written all over his face.
without thinking, you lean over the safety railing. bracing yourself to let outa loud scream, “‘TSUMU!” he snaps his head your way again. 
“JUST SHUT UP ALREADY!” mood instantly shifting, you think of the best way to get your best friend’s mood up. atsumu tilts his head in confusion, had you really heard him bad mouthing himself from all the way up there? 
wide eyed, atsumu flashes you a brief smile. it doesn’t really reach his eyes like the ones you’re use to getting from him, but you decide that even a little happiness is better than none, right now. sending him a thumbs up, the whole team bows while simultaneously thanking the crowd. and with that, they disappear back into the gym halls.  
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it seems that this is atsumu’s favorite way of meeting with you recently. here you were again, waiting in front of changing room 4 as per requested from atsumu, himself. instead of waiting though, you knock on the door hoping that you’re not interrupting any one whose actually using the changing room to, you know, change. 
“’tsumu?” creaking the door open, you poke your head into the room. the setter hums in response and you shut the door behind you when he motions for you to come in.
not wanting to beat around the bush (a trait atsumu admires about you), you take a seat on the floor as he shimmies a fresh shirt over his head, “how ya feeling?”
“we just lost. how do ya think i’m feelin?”
you’re glad he has a shirt over his head because then he would have definitely saw you eyeing his lean figure. realizing you need to respond, you rid yourself of those thoughts again, “jeez, it was just a question...” 
rolling your eyes, you hear him sigh as he rakes through his hair to fix up his messy tassels, “i— there was a lota shit on the line for this game.” you hum allowing him to continue. 
“kita gave us this speech thing after headin back to the changing room and it really had me thinkin. he wants to be proud of us, but how can he be when his underclassmen lost to a bunch of newbies,” in the middle of his monologue, he lazily throws himself on the floor.
with his arms wide open and legs stretched out like a starfish, you take it as an invite to embrace him. you settle yourself onto your side to face him on the floor as atsumu continues. 
“this was the 3rd years last game, just wanted to make it a good one but ya saw how that went,” his brown hues never break from the ceiling. it’s not that he doesn’t want to look at you, in fact, he’d probably enjoy tracing all the small detail of your face than the ceiling’s but he just can’t rip his attention away from the bland wall.
he’s really deep in it, you mentally note. the last time you had saw the setter so stressed out and uncertain was when osamu came up and told him that he was loosing interest in volleyball. it was a heartbreaking feeling for him (you knew this because he didn’t lay off of it for nearly 8 months). 
you eye the rambling setter at your side once more. he’s lips are pressed into a deep frown and his eyes don’t shine like usual when he’s with you. thoughtlessly, his fingers tap to a random beat on the tiles all while critiquing every little thing he did wrong in the game. 
it was upsetting hearing him underestimate himself like that. you’ve been with him through most of his volleyball life, and you don’t plan on leaving when he, most definitely, goes pro. 
he’s in the middle of another speech when you’re body moves without thinking. just like when you shouted down at him when he was thanking the crowd. there is just something about seeing the one person you love tear themselves down right in front of you that hurts. 
best friend or not, you figured that making an exception tonight was okay. you wanted to make him happy and in your head it made sense. game after game, he’d ask for a good luck kiss and game after game, you would reject him. it never stopped him from asking though which was baffling to you.
it became a sort of tradition to reject him at this point, even having no shame in front of his teammates too. but this was different, this was more than just a good luck kiss, you wanted to see him again the teasing, stubborn miya atsumu you’ve grown to fall in love with.
so as he rambled, you leaned into his figure. he didn’t even flinch. hell, he didn’t even notice how close your lips were to his. he was so focused on ripping his plays down piece by piece. it wasn’t until your hot breath fanned over his skin that his words faltered.
finally turning towards you, his eyes widen a bit before narrowing them down at your lips, “what are you doing?” his words come out as a small whisper. 
you have no idea how to respond because in all honesty, you don’t know what you’re doing. all you do know is that, with how close you are you can trace every detail of his face from his slender nose to his round eyes. all you do know is that hearing him disgrace his skills makes your chest ache.
all you do know is that despite miya atsumu being your best friend, you want to kiss him more than anything right now.
“i’m gonna kiss you...” is what you say and exactly that is what you do. 
your lips pucker into a soft kiss, finally closing the gap between the two of you. you turned your head to the side, leaning in to deepening the kiss. without hesitation, atsumu is sitting up, gently guiding your figure over to his lap. 
you don’t break away from the kiss as you gladly find purchase straddling his hips. all your senses are overtaken by him. your eyes flutter close but even in the darkness, all you can make out is his beaming smile, all you can hear is his melodious giggles, all you breath in is his sea foam cologne.
you can feel his large hands resting on your hips, pulling you closer every time you even think about pulling away. at one point, it becomes too much. the flame ignited on your skin gets too hot and you need to breath in more than just sea foam smoke.
humming into his mouth, atsumu takes it as a sign to part. breathing hard, you can’t help but to rake your eyes over his swollen lips and how his uneven breathing matches yours. the sight of a disheveled atsumu sends a pang of pride to you heart. 
panting for air, you smile at the boy in front of you lightheartedly reaching out to play with his blonde locks. a comfortable silence blankets the two of you as you focus on evening out your breathing.
in the middle of your gulps of air, you can’t help but let out a laugh, “how’s that for a good luck kiss?”
taking this opportunity, he rubs his nose against your cheek, impatiently waiting for you to give him the go ahead for another. he’s enjoying how your scent takes over him as he smirks, “i wouldn’t know... mind if we try it again?”
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merakicharm · 3 years
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"I may not show it, but I'm proud of the heights to which you have rose to. I told you that you were a prodigy right? Was I wrong? Ha! In your dreams. I'm never wrong Tobio-Chan, remember that. Remember that, every time someone tells you something stupid or hurtful. We live in a world were people find it highly joyful trying to pull others down to their level, when they can't reach up to yours. Indian crab psychology, you know. (Disgusting!). Remember that, and leave those haters behind, and move forward.
You will fall. Definitely you will. But you will rise again too, I know you will. You did defeat me in the second Seijoh vs Karasuno match right? That counts for something, I assure you.
I know that you admire me wholeheartedly. Heck, you were the first person to tell me that I was an amazing setter. Genuinely, you know. There were others of course, but they said it with a falseness that was as fake as can be, whereas you, you just said it so simply. Sincerely.
"Oikawa san you're awesome."
Your sapphire blue eyes sparkled everytime you saw me set, steeling my determination more and more, to become the best setter out there. For now I had one more person, who believed in me and my prowess. Someone other than Iwa-chan, who's seen me, trying and trying, right down from our childhood. Someone else who's expectations I had to rise up to. I will of course, and I will defeat you too, Tobio-chan. Touché.
There's also a part of you, a small part that's scared of me. After that day I tried to slap you, and Iwa stopped me, I have always noticed the careful distance you put between us. You also stopped telling me about your daily achievements at the end of the day, probably because you thought it would annoy me, I guess. And trust me, when I say, your not talking openly to me bugged me more than your innocent chatter might have. Can you believe that? Guess I was too used to your sapphire orbs shining, when you talked about that dump you pulled off that fooled even Iwa? Or that spike of yours that sent Kindaichi and Kunimi helter skelter? Anyway, believe me Tobio-chan, I regret that action of mine, now.
For now I know, that just because you're a prodigy doesn't mean you haven't put any hardwork into it. After meeting other prodigies, like that emotionless man mountain of an Ushiwaka, and his wingman, you know that red haired lunatic, what was his name....? Bento? No... Tendou! Ah yes that irksome jerk, always blocking Iwa-chan's perfect spikes! Stupid little Ketchup Top! Not to forget that setter of Inarizaki, the one that calls you Tobio-kun.
Hmph! I still don't approve of him calling you by your first name, of course.
Anyway, I now know that prodigy or not, people who love volleyball, put hours and hours of practice into it and that is how they believe it should be. Sometimes, I even get the feeling, that prodigies might have it harder, because in their minds, maybe, they have to earn their position, as simply being selected because they're a paragon doesn't satisfy their egos. Add to that, their obsession of living on and for volleyball, and volleyball alone.
So, I guess I'm sorry for that day. Truly.
I want you to believe in yourself, Tobio-chan. I know you do, but do it more and more. Only then will you be able to beat your opponents, including me. Of course I'm the strongest and on a totally different level, so that's not gonna be happening any time soon, gotcha!
Know that I'm proud to call you my first and best student, Tobio-chan, even though, I probably was a bad teacher, in terms of my attitude to you. You were an ideal student and still are, for I can see the sincere respect you have always had for me, in both your eyes and your conduct towards me. Even now. It makes me feel happy. It really does. Thank you for that.
I realize that I'm the one on the pinnacle for you, the one you look up to, so I promise to rise up to that level. And I know that the higher I rise, the higher you will rise too, to catch up to me. That's good. Keep it up. Sometimes you might catch up to me (ugh!), other times you might not be able to. But even then, keep trying. That's what even I do Tobio. I keep trying and trying. But please don't be like me, and overwork your body into braces or casts or crutches please.
Repeated trials and persistence are absolute necessities in this field.
I know you have a slight problem in communicating with your team mates. That's how the King of the Court was born, wasn't it? Me and Iwa figured it out, the moment we heard it from Turniphead-chan and Sleepy-chan. But your persistence paid off, didn't it?
You found a better team right? Karasuno understood you in a way that was probably only rivaled by Iwa-chan. Iwa-chan always understood you best, didn't he? I was kind of jealous of that, sheesh.
Karasuno made you understand what teamspirit was, didn't it? I'm glad. That's the one thing, we both needed to have drilled into our heads. 'The best team of six wins'.
Even so, communication is necessary Tobio-chan. You don't have to be like me or Mr. Refreshing from your team. You just have to inform your team mates of your plans and gauge their capabilities and approach in a game. Don't clam up during a game. It's the one time you have to open up the most.
Of course I'm still competing with you, Tobio Kageyama. I will keep on competing, as I promised. You keep at it too. I like seeing you soaring up and up. Iwa-chan likes it too, btw. God! He was so proud of you when you finally stripped yourself of your title during the first Seijoh vs Karasuno match! He was literally bloating with pride.
Tobio-chan you're doing so good! You aren't my best student for nothing!
So fly up to greater heights. You can do it. There are lots of people who believe you can do it.
I'm might not be able to catch you if you fall, others will. All I can do, is fly higher and goad you on. Give you determination of steel and rock, to resume the climb and reach up to my level. And eventually, you will."
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♡〜 All teams with reader who doesn’t fight they just say the most hurtful things, like they cussed out tsukki one time and didn’t let him breath 😩 ( gender neutral )  Just sexual tension headcanons 😩 how would all teams react too a mean teammate that brings people down then just flirts〜♡
Haikyuu Teams x gender neutral reader
There’s so many teams bro. For the sake of my sanity, imma do most interesting characters or what comes to mind while writing. Also, I felt like since we know Karasuno the most it’s only fair I do all of them.
At the home stretch I thought I’d used putty too much so I just said ‘clay’
Also I don’t think this is a very nice thing to do, sweetie
Requested: Yes
Sexual Tension Haikyuu Headcanons (don’t know a better title)
Warnings: Sexual tension, swearing, mentions of nsfw, haikyuu season 4 spoilers in the Kageyama bit
Aoba Johsai
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Oikawa lives for this shit
He will pretend as if he’s affected by the insults just to flirt with you. You can tell in the end that he wasn’t affected, but you go with it anyway because the sexual tension is through the roof. Oikawa being Oikawa, he’ll probably pull you away to make out.
The first few times Iwaizumi tries to break it up, but after a while he gets used to it.
But the first time you do it to Iwaizumi he doesn’t give a single fuck. These insults are stuff that anyone could say; unless you say something that only Oikawa, as his childhood friend, knows, then that’ll hurt. So until then, he’s basically invulnerable.
He’d be angry after the those mean comments, but I think Iwa would be good at angry sex
Mattsun’s a chill mf that would insult you back light-heartedly and he would not care about the comments. On the other hand, he will flirt back. After he knows about your antics and when he sees that he’s going to be your target, he’ll just pull you aside to make out and make fun of each other. Though, if he’s in a bit of mood, he will build up the sexual tension with you.
Makki is snarky as well, so he will insult you back and make it a competition. In the end, of course, you win since you do this on the daily. Keep in mind that mean comments don’t affect him, it’s only the fact that he lost the competition that does. He feels a little embarrassed when you start flirting with him, especially if you flirt with pity. “Aww, little Maki feeling down?” cup his chin with your hand i beg of you
Kyotani will also make the insulting a competition, but his insults are pathetic even compared to Makki’s since he lets yours get to his temper. Flirting with him would make him tsundere-like, but he will accept a few kisses, maybe even make out. He’s not experienced at all, which is what makes him reluctant. Of course, if he were, angry sex would be amazing
You bet your ass that somebody will make out with you after a match because you insult and flirt with them, even if it distracts them. “Hey, nice ass!” As they jog to go serve and, “That spike was pathetic!” even when they spike a kill. Somebody’s gonna shout “shut up” or “fuck off”
Date Tech
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Aone would simply not give a fuck about the insults. But the flirting will get him flustered. Good luck on trying to kiss him though, cause he won’t try to kiss you and you can’t tiptoe to his height.
But he will always try to stop you if he ever catches you trying to do the same to anybody else, except for Futakuchi. He knows that his captain likes the flirting part.
Futakuchi will make the insult a competition but he will be affected by your snarky comments. In the end, what signals his defeat is him groaning - really loudly - and falling to the ground dramatically. Pick him up, tease him for it, and you got putty in your hands.
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Mean comments will get to Bokuto’s ego. He tries to fight back with his own, but that doesn’t affect you. Eventually, he’s going to turn into depressed Bokuto. Akaashi will scold you for this if it’s the first time, but when you assure him that “You got this” he’ll let you try to entertain the ace.
The flirting made him perk up and react as if you were comforting him, which makes him forget you were the one who insulted him in the first place. In the end, he’ll accept a kiss, but he’s too dense to register the sexual tension.
Akaashi will not give a fuck about your insults unless, like Iwaizumi, they’re based off something that nobody else knows. Until you don’t know those things, he will not accept your flirting either.
Once you do, and you get him dejected and all, the only way flirting will build up sexual tension for him is an apologetic undertone.
Konoha insults back and makes it a competition but the only way he stands a chance is if the mean comments don’t make it to his ego, which they do. He also makes flirting a competition, it’s just in his nature.
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When you insult either of the twins, the one you’re making fun of calls for the other. It’s the only way that they’ll cooperate with each other. Even so, you’re much better at making fun of them than they are. Mean comments Osamu will still get to his ego, but it won’t hurt him as much as it does to Atsumu. Suna will record the whole thing.
Flirting with Osamu makes him realize that the insults didn’t mean shit, thus restoring his ego. He’ll flirt back and, instead of only suggesting something explicit, he’ll mostly likely invite you for a dinner date ‘cause he knows his cooking is amazing. He doesn’t mean it, but he won’t mind if you actually do take his offer.
Flirting with Atsumu makes him confused. Granted, the flirting still gets him flustered, but he will be fighting back with insults or bragging about himself; something like, “Ah, so you realize that I am much better than you think I was!” At some point he will give and just kiss you right then and there.
Aran is unfazed by your mean comments, knowing that you do the same thing with the others. Also because of this, he knows you don’t mean the flirting either. Unless you compliment and flirt with him genuinely, you’re not getting anywhere near romantic with him.
Kita is the same, except he will bluntly shut down your efforts.
Suna won’t be affected by the insults. Depending on his mood, he either flirts back - though extremely lazily - or just smiles cheekily. His face tells you that he’s accepting the flirting, but he just won’t flirt back. He will make the first move to making out if he thinks you’re taking too long.
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Kiyoomi just says no. That’s it. He does not give a single shit about you unless you do anything like touch him or make a move, which makes him annoyed at you. 
At first, Komori tries to fight back your insults with positivity. When you don’t stop, he insults you, and he means it sincerely. After that, he realizes you don’t actually put any weight behind your mean comments. At that point, you make fun of each other with no problem. 
He’s not affected by your insults, only pretending that he is by saying “Meanie!”
The first time you did this, he acted dejected to see what you’d do. He did not expect you to start flirting with him, but boy, did he enjoy it.
From then on, your friendship was full of flirting and making fun of each other.
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Terushima is basically the only Johzenji member we really know, so here we go
The insults will hurt his ego. He tries to insult you back - they’re horrible insults - and use his captain status as a way to get you to stop but you certainly won’t. When he’s absolutely done, he’ll go sulk in a corner, which is a great opportunity to kabedon and start flirting.
He’ll be surprised (with his dumb himbo brain and all) but since he lives off of flirting, he’ll flirt back and completely forget about the insulting earlier.
Tongue piercing makes making out much better
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Daichi tries to stop you, no matter what, even if he’s the victim. He’s not affected by your insults, like Iwa and Akaashi, unless they’re personal. Even then, he’s realized that you don’t mean them. Flirting does fluster him, though it doesn’t build up sexual tension unless your friendship already had sexual tension without the flirting.
The next groups count on the fact that they’re not the victim.
There’s the ones that try to stop you, that is if they’re not the victim: Asahi, Nishinoya, Tanaka, Ennoshita, and Hinata.
Then there’s the ones that sit back and relax, probably with popcorn: Sugawara (he ‘tries’ to stop you but he only says “Hey, stop!” really weakly) and Tsukishima (he probably joins along with Suga) The others give them side-eye, cause dude, they’re literally insulting your teammate, what the heck! And then they point out that you don’t mean it.
Finally, there’s the ones that want to interfere but are just too shy to interfere or they just think it’s not their place to do so: Yamaguchi, Narita, and Kinoshita. Yams cause Tsukki is literally acting as if this were a show and Narita and Kinoshita because they’re both awkward babies.
Kageyama is just unfazed, as if this were a normal thing.
Then when it comes to the flirting part, everybody is confused and or shocked, with a few exceptions.
Sugawara would’ve been unfazed by your antics. He’s very observant, so he can already insult you as well. Like I said, he already knew you didn’t mean it, so flirting comes easy. He’s down to make out.
Asahi would already be very scared and intimidated from the mean comments, but when you start flirting - with a pitiful undertone - he’s basically a puppy that wants affection. He’s not experienced at all and would be shocked with a mere kiss, so he’s not the ideal ‘victim’.
Nishinoya would make both flirting and insulting a competition. Suga told him that you didn’t mean it, which urged him on. He would not let the mean comments get to his ego, but the flirting would. Especially if you praised him.
Tanaka’s ego would get hurt, but it’s restored when he realizes you don’t mean it. Before he does, though, he insults you back the best he can. He’s a little awkward, so he wouldn’t flirt back very well. He tries one time, and then he finds out he’s awful at it, so he just lets you do your thing. He’s down to kiss, but he’s not experienced at all.
Ennoshita would frown and sit through your insults, realizing that you didn’t mean it a while after Sugawara and Tsukki. He does get a bit annoyed, which isn’t redeemed by your flirting. In spite of that, he does get flustered and almost lets the sexual tension break him; but unless you’re genuine, like Aran, you’re not getting anywhere.
Kinoshita is putty in your hands any day of the week.
Narita is way too awkward for either insulting or flirting, so he basically sits there blankly with a red face. He’s down for kissing though.
Kageyama is once again unfazed by your mean comments, unless they’re about him being King of the Court before Hinata tells him it’s fine. As for flirting, he’ll turn as stiff as a rock and stare at you with the widest eyes and the cutest blush. There is no flirting back. He’s down for kissing, but absolutely cannot comprehend making out.
Hinata insults you back but the mean comments don’t affect him too much. When flirting comes, after a few seconds of being frozen, he explodes like a flare. No flirting back either. One kiss, that’s it.
Yamaguchi is also putty in your hands, but he’s completely inexperienced and can only kiss - in a chaste way, at that.
Tsukki insults back, but when you get a taste of how he acts and how snarky he is, you try hard. He does not get a single breath and cannot say anything back because you won’t let him. What hurts his ego isn’t your insults, but the fact that he couldn’t even let a single word out. He’s also a little angry at himself. Flirt with him while making fun of him and have a “I’m better than you” undertone to put him in his place. It’s either cause I really like him or I think it’s true, but I think he’d be good at angry sex.
Of course, the others would be shocked, especially Yamaguchi. Hinata, Nishinoya, Suga, and Tanaka would’ve loved to rub it in his face, and they would’ve if it weren’t for you flirting with him.
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Most of them are dry mfs except for Tendo.
Ushi is entirely blank faced and would’ve ‘insulted’ you - he calls it constructive criticism - if you hadn’t followed up with flirting. That said, he doesn’t even react to that either. The only thing that flirting did was reassure him that you didn’t mean anything you said. He’s just blunt, straight-forward and emotionless. I headcanon he’s demisexual. 
Semi Semi is very annoyed at you when you give him mean comments. In a way, your insults do give you what you wanted. With his short temper, he’s prone to having angry sex, and your flirting really helps with that.
Shirabu’s reaction really depends on your year.
If you’re an upperclassman, Shirabu will sit right through it and call it ‘constructive criticism’; that’s how much his respect blinds him. But when you start flirting, god, he is clay. If you show a little pity and persuade him to flirt back, he will. It’s a little pathetic, but he’ll do it.
If you’re his year or the year below, he will bicker with you, as long as there are no upperclassmen around. Your insults really do affect his ego, but he’ll pull a straight face as he bickers with you. When he’s dejected by the fact that you don’t seem affected, you start flirting. He’s flustered, hiding the lower half of his face with his hands. Just like before, he won’t flirt back. He is entirely incapable. 
He’ll be shy, but he’s down for making out.
Tendo is the besssst
He can tell that you don’t mean it, so insulting turns into making fun of each other and having fun. Flirting is mutual and also has a side of making fun of each other. You’re totally gonna be fuck buddies.
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