#looking into ace shakes because their good 4 chronic pain
foursidecity · 4 months
Become such a mechanical pencil nerd in the past year
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nerdygaymormon · 5 years
I'm... scared... of your blog. It goes against a whole lot of what I was taught to believe and follow growing up. But, at the same time, I've been hurt deeply by that... doctrine... and I've only just begun to see and understand the extent of that damage. So... what if this is what my wounded and weeping soul has been searching for... since I can't pick up any "official text" without having a violent physical reaction that is drowning in pain and fear? 1/?
I can't even get near a chapel or temple without reacting. And I can't bring myself to confide in any of my local bishopric or ward members. As a result, I've been suffering alone. I know I need therapy because this is some deep, messed up shit, but I have not been able to find a compassionate professional and I'm not want to continue the search. I've neither the funds nor the energy. 2/?
I'm 34yo born and raised in the Church. Three years ago I experienced something that made me question heavily whether Gd still loved me because I for sure felt damned. And that event caused the floodgates to open, I suppose. I've not been active for years due to chronic illness and being treated like some sort of sub-human because of my disability. I used to maintain a current temple recommend but not anymore. 3/?
I think I'm asexual. And the more and more I think about this, the more and more it explains some aspects of me that I thought were broken. (No desire to date as a teen, no feelings of sexual attraction to anyone, confusion about terms like "infatuation" and "crush", confused and disgusted by sex and the world's obsession with it.) But, at the same time, the more and more I grew to like this term, the worse my feeling of being Rejected by Gd became. 4/? 
But, even before I adopted the term, I began to feel unwanted and damned because of a history of attempted molestation at 5 years old and being taught that I was 'chewed gum' amongst other doctrines that insisted that my every decision and move was responsible for the sexual purity of the male mind. I felt violated in almost everything that I wore that I felt "pretty" in because I was under the belief I was a walking sin. 5/?
I say I'm scared of your blog... yet I read through several posts last night, body shaking and nauseous with fear and guilt. And here I am, unloading in your askbox because I'm so desperate for someone to talk to who won't judge me like I've been judged all my life. The last time I went to church, I ran out of Sacrament in tears, hyperventilating in my car for several minutes. I have not been back since. 6/?
I want to believe that I'm still loved. I want to believe that I'm still wanted. There is a vicious war going in within me, complicated by chronic and mental illness, that I've lost my sensitivity concerning Gd. I can't tell if or when He's talking to me because the constant anxiety, fear and pain drown out the more 'subtle' emotions. And the maladaptive coping mechanisms I've developed likely don't help either... 7/?
Thank you for listening... if you have anything insightful that you think might help, I'd like to read it. (I hope all these messages stayed anonymous...) 8/8
Wow, the feels. You said so much. I recognize you’re in a hard place. 
Don’t worry, you managed to stay anonymous. I know when sending multiple asks it’s to forget to push the anon option.
Congrats on figuring out you are asexual (ace). 
I think discovering a lack of something is difficult. There’s all these hints along the way but then once you figure it out, it all makes sense, everything fits.  
Don’t be afraid to change your labels. We use words to describe how we understand ourselves. If the way you understand yourself changes, it’s fine to change your labels. 
Having a chronic illness can be difficult, it can take over a life as you organize things around it. Having a disability also can be challenging, especially if it’s one that is visible to others because they often view you as your disability. 
The thing is, you have a personality that wants to be displayed, I can tell that just from these messages you sent me. As people spend time with you and get to know you, they will start seeing you and not your disability. 
Things that you described about your feelings and reactions make me believe therapy would help. I’m no mental health professional, but I wonder if you have have the symptoms of PTSD (church caused you trauma) and an anxiety disorder. 
If you have insurance that will cover some sessions, look for a provider that takes your insurance. If you don’t, I know that therapy can be expensive. 
About 2 years ago I needed to see a therapist and I checked at my local university. They had a psychological services clinic where Ph.D. students could gain experience, so the price was reduced, and my therapy was overseen by professors who are up-to-date in their field.  
If you can’t get to therapy now, and if you want to go to church, it helps a lot to have someone you know that can go with you, like a security blanket. It makes it less scary to enter that space. 
If you don’t have someone like that, try contacting the missionaries, explain you haven’t been to church in a while but want to come back. They will be so happy to greet you in the lobby and have you sit with them. And if you want, they will introduce you around to others. 
Tbh, I was very surprised at how you describe my blog. I didn’t realize someone would view it the way you did. 
It’s true that I think our church is wrong on LGBTQIA+ topics. This is because of a few things:
1) I feel the spirit let me know that God loves me as I am, a gay man, and that I’m not broken. This is how I’m meant to be. 
2) What we learn about our Heavenly Parents and how they love us and are fair and just, and they treat us the same and view humankind as alike. I can’t believe they would set up a whole group of their children to fail and not have a path to return to them.
3) Jesus stood with those who were on the margins, He spent time lifting others and taught us that real religion is helping others, especially those who are downtrodden and on the margins. 
4) The Church doesn’t show LGBTQIA+ people as a part God’s Plan. The Church doesn’t know what to do with us. And it’s not a good space for queer people so most LGBTQIA+ members leave. This is not good fruit and it’s not what I think God would want, for whole groups of people to not feel welcomed.
I don’t reject the principles of the gospel, I want them to apply to all of us, even me, a gay man, and even you, an asexual woman. We are beautiful, we have a purpose, we deserve to be accepted and have joy. 
I guess that is rebellious and dangerous because it challenges the Church’s narrative about people like you and me. 
I let people in church tell me terrible things and for so long I believed them. I don’t anymore. 
Refusing the shame that church gives us as queer people, that’s radical. Church is supposed to help us be better, not wear us down. 
You can love yourself and be happy as ace. This is part of how God made you, you don’t have to deny this is how you experience life. 
What are your goals? What kind of person do you want to be? What do you want your life to be like? 
My psychologist used to have me write what I would like my life to be like, and then we made goals to start doing those. 
You are capable of change. 
This is your life. 
God has given you talents. We’re not supposed to hide them under a bushel. Work on developing them and developing yourself. 
You are your own longest investment. Investing in yourself is a gift to the world, it’s how we develop ourselves and increases our capacity to help others.
I hope you feel I understood what you were trying to say to me. 
I also hope I gave you some things to think about, to ponder, and figure out what feels right to you.
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dayrisesolarenergy · 5 years
Solar Technology
Solar Technology
Once going Solar: the hottest technology on the earth is reducing electricity costs remarkably everywhere then why not solar technology?
Since founding Director and CEO of DayRise Solar Enerdy Pvt Ltd, sold and commissioned the first residential photo-voltaic power system in a remote village Shahpur Turk, District Sonipat, Haryana, India, the renewable energy is selling like hot cakes in the region. Many house owners, domestic dwellings, premises, shop owners, schools, colleges, institutions and industries are coming forward to embrace this new and renewable energy.
Type and Size of Solar Technology for Average House Owner
It was an off-the-grid 24 volt, DC (direct current) system that ran at 15% conversion efficiency and, because of the cost of the system, produced electricity at around Rupees 60 per Watt. The system comprised 02 modules of 250 Watt each, a MS Dip Hot GI mounting structure, 6sq mm DC wire and a charge controller along with existing batteries and conventional inverter.  Today the same single-cell, Poly-crystalline silicon based photovoltaic (PV) system, averages between 16-20% efficiency and has dropped to nearly 1/100th of the price.
Prices of Solar Technology for Average House Owner
A 5 kilowatt grid connected (On-Grid) Rooftop Solar Power Plant System that meets nearly all the needs of a very energy efficient home costs around Rupees Three Lakhs installed, or Rupees Sixty per watt at the time of writing this article. At the high end, a 10 kilowatt system that completely meets the energy needs of most conventional homes may cost around Five Lakhs Eighty Thousands or Rupees Fifty Eight per Watt. Thought these prices are rough estimates and the actual costs depend on the system configuration, types of equipment and other variables as per user choice.
Rebates, Incentives and Solar Subsidies for Solar Technology
All the same, for the average consumer, solar still packs a punch when it comes to sticker price since initial cost for installation are expensive. Fortunately MNRE along with states like Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan, Punjab, Gujarat, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharashtra are getting into the act, offering everything from relief in tax, solar generation incentives / rebates to solar subsidy for homeowners, Institutions and NGOs who decide to go solar. In Haryana, for example, there is a Rupees 1 per unit generated for “renewable” - alternative energy provided by homeowners from any renewable source such as solar or wind generation.  Other than this, Government of India, MNRE is providing solar subsidy to the tune of Rupees 20,000 per kilowatt or 30% of the benchmark cost of the project, whichever is less. Such kind of incentives, Rebates and subsidies may help reducing the initial cost for installation of grid connected rooftop solar power plants.  This would remarkably reduce the initial cost of investment to Rupees 40 per Watt.
Payback Period or Return of Investment (ROI) for Solar Technology
Directorate of New and Renewable Energy, Haryana (HAREDA) estimates that a home that consumes 6,500 kilowatt-hours of electricity per year and sports a 3-kilowatt solar-electric system will get up to 90 percent of its energy from a grid connected rooftop solar power plant. “My belief is that the solar technology is going to continue to develop incrementally and if you examine the finances of it right now, solar makes sense in the states where there is a solar subsidy,” says Vipin Anand Ashodhiya, Founding Director of DayRise Solar. “It's got a six to twelve year payback which interprets into a profit on asset of 10 to 15%, which is better than you'll get in the stock.” In states without a rebate Vipin says the payback is closer to 5 to 10 years whereas in case of subsidy Return of Investment (ROI) would be 4 to 5 years.
Unmatched benefits for Grid Connected Solar Technology
But there are other advantages that make installing solar worthwhile. Unlike 30 years ago when the average solar-powered household was totally off the grid, today almost 90% of the people and societies in urban areas who install solar systems like to install grid connected rooftop solar tied to the utility company for back up. Not only does using the grid for backup rather than an on-site battery bank reduce the installation cost of solar by around 25%, people who invest in residential renewable can sell back the extra power they generate to their utility company, often at the going retail rate the company charges. Even if they don’t sell their energy, installing a grid connected rooftop solar system usually locks in their utility rate per kilowatt hour into perpetuity – a good deal when you consider that electricity rates are going up anywhere from of six to eight percent a year.
Should I wait for solar technology to improve?
Solar power is currently used in about 1% of homes countrywide, and the business is experiencing an explosive growth of 30% per year. Production costs for both mono-crystalline and poly-silicon wafers, the basis for most solar PV modules, continue to drop. But like every growing manufacturing business, solar has experienced initial growing pains and lot many teething problems in its infancy age. Production price for the wafers which should have dropped by as much as 50% over the last three years have not done so because of a chronic shortage of poly-silicon. New silicon plants are coming up across the nation. But building factories, manufacturing plants takes time, and critics point out that many solar manufacturing industries still use older technologies that use more energy for silicon production than they should. In the meantime tremendous strides in nanotechnology are beginning to shake the solar industry. The next generation solar PV module systems may well be non-silicon based solar film which is designed at the molecular level to transform daylight into power. The shatter-proof solar film will be mass produced and rolled out in large sheets that can be cut to meet specific roof configurations and be easily installed.
Solar Technology still cheaper than main grid electricity
Over the last 03 years you may be hearing about a new and renewable energy solar technology coming down the block that is going to be 50% percent efficient sufficient enough to cut down the price by 90% of electric bills with solar subsidies and incentives, we certainly feel like to embrace it. “And every time that happens we get a load of phone calls from people asking about the solar generation systems, solar incentives, solar subsidies, solar tax rebates and procedures about solar plant installation.  But headline of the story remains the same that “solar works” and it works well. The hippie image of solar from the “back to the Earth” movement in the 60s and 70s is long gone. Inverter technology that converts solar DC to AC current has advanced to the stage where solar created energy is as clean as that purchased from “the main grid” (mainstream utility companies like UHBVN / DHBVN). Clunky and robust solar panels are still around, but, responding to aesthetic demands, manufacturers have also shrunk and reshaped them so they can look like metal roofing, shingles, and even cement tiles.
Solar Technology over conventional energy sources still prevails
No matter what your lifestyle, solar power can support it. But there are ways to have it all and garner a ton of energy savings along the way. The average home in India uses anywhere from 5 to 10 kWh (kilowatt hours) a day. Whether you are owner of on-grid or off- grid solar system, Vipin advises people who want to save money to become “Energy Reliant.” Solar Technology over conventional energy sources still prevails.
Become “Energy Savvy” before adoption of Solar Technology
First and foremost is to change incandescent light bulbs to compact fluorescents. If you’re constructing or building a new house, if possible site your home to the south in order to take advantage of day lighting and only use electric lights at night. Don’t use the CRT monitor on your computer, better get an LCD flat screen. Even you may like to do away with your floor model computer which draws 250 watts a day and get a laptop that uses only 20 watts. If you really need to have a wide screen TV buy an LCD or LED since plasma screens are energy hungry. The largest electric load we have in our houses is refrigerator, so buy a highest Energy Star rated refrigerator.  “The fact is that most of us can save almost 10% of the electricity simply by using it smartly,” says Vipin.  “My house is on grid but we use an average three and half kilowatt hours a day of electricity. The average home uses about 5 to 10 kilowatt hours a day.
Benefits of Off-Grid Solar Technology
The Solar module converts the Sunlight into DC electricity in day time and this generated DC electricity is stored into a battery bank. Thereafter, the stored DC electricity converted into AC electricity by Inverter / Power Conditioning Unit is used for providing electricity to your house load. Haryana Government’s Manohar Jyoti Domestic Solar Technology Light Scheme offers a battery of 120AH with 150W Solar Panel. This can light up to three LED lights and a USB port and a DC fan.  Price of this device has been kept at Rupees Twenty Three thousand Four Hundred Seventy Seven (Rs.23,477). The financial assistance of Rupees Fifteen thousand has been fixed by the state government on a device, which will be given to the interested beneficiaries in Rupees 8477 at subsidized price.
Benefits of On-Grid / Hybrid Solar Technology
Solar Photovoltaic Technology converts the sunlight into DC electricity through solar cells. The generated DC is further converted in to AC electricity by the On-Grid / Hybrid Inverter which provides the AC electricity directly to your house load and excess if any is fed in to the Grid via Net meter. This type of Solar Technology Plants system is eligible for 30% MNRE Solar Subsidy.
Swapping to Benefits of Solar Technology is Easier than ever before
Swapping to solar technology is easier than ever before. If you are looking for a way to reduce your carbon footprint and save money while maintaining the needs of your family's energy source, then talk to a local Solar Technology provider to get started.
DayRise Solar Enerdy Pvt Ltd – A pioneer Solar EPC Company
DayRise Solar Enerdy Pvt Ltd is the leading organization in the field of renewable energy i.e. Solar Technology associated with some leading companies in the power sector of India and is proud to be among the list of top Solar Technology company in Haryana with its focus on “Designing, Engineering, Manufacturing, Supplying, Installing, Testing and commissioning any kind of Solar Photovoltaic plants, equipment and systems that cater to both Domestic, Institutional, Social and Industrial needs.” Strong vision coupled with professional and ethical business practices have helped the organization to achieve good position in the markets it serves in Sonipat, Haryana, India.
DayRise Solar Enerdy Pvt Ltd – 5 star rated Solar Company in Sonipat
As part of its growth strategy DayRise Solar ventured in to reliable qualitative technology with highly skilled and trained manpower.  DayRise Solar has set up a State of the Art Solar Technology Showroom with service facilities at Sonipat, Haryana, India while providing Solar Technology services to all districts of Haryana as well as Delhi NCR. The Organisation is an ISO 14001-2015 and OHSAS 18001-2007 certified facility for Design, Engineering, Installation and Commissioning of Rooftop / Ground mounted Grid-Tied, Hybrid and Off-Grid Solar Power Plant Systems.
Contact DayRise Solar Enerdy Pvt Ltd for Solar Panels in Sonipat Haryana India
The Expert team of the DayRise Solar may be approached through the contact page of the Company’s website or by official telephonic communication.
Contact DayRise Solar whenever you wish to know anything about Benefits of Solar Tehnology or Install Solar Panels in a Cost-Effective Way with Solar Panel Subsidy or ways to get good offers while you contemplate to install Solar Technology / Solar Panel Power Plant System or buy solar panels in Sonipat, Haryana, Delhi NCR.  Contact extremely skilled and expert group of DayRise Solar by way of its Website’s contact Page for any question associated to Solar Technology, Solar Subsidy, Solar power, solar products, design, installation and commissioning of On-Grid / Off-Grid Rooftop / Ground Mounted Solar Power Plants throughout Haryana and Delhi NCR. Qualified skilled team of DayRise Solar might help you in processing of subsidy utility, bi-directional meter utility and uploading of all related documents.
Solar Technology PDF
In the end, I would recommend all the students / researcher / information seeker who wish to get themselves acquainted with Solar Technology advantages and disadvantages, Solar Technology disadvantages, disadvantages of Solar Technology to the environment, benefits of Solar Technology, disadvantages of Solar Technology or pros and cons of Solar Technology, may like to download this article as PDF by clicking the PDF link given at bottom of this weblog.  This would come handy for the people who wish to know various aspects of benefits of Solar Technology including how solar works, Solar Technology projects, Solar Technology model, solar power system for home or working of photovoltaic cells etc. This article on Solar Technology would also provide insight upon “what is Solar Technology”?
 Solar Technology https://ift.tt/2Ubqlfo
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russellthornton · 7 years
How Not to Be Nervous: 18 Calm Ways to Eliminate Nerves Instantly
Everyone suffers with nerves from time to time. But if you want to know how not to be nervous, here are 18 tips that could help calm your nerves.
Feeling nervous is something everyone goes through. It might be getting nervous because you go on a date, about to take a driving test, or sit for an exam. Maybe you suffer from a more general nervousness which makes you shy and find it difficult to engage with other people. Whatever the reason for your nerves, we have 18 tips for how not to be nervous.
Different levels of nervousness
There are different levels of nervousness, and it is natural to feel nervous in some situations. However, feeling nervous can be a real pain. The most annoying thing, it tends to creep up on us when we least want it to!
Situations such as going on a date, when you want to feel cool, calm, and collected, not a sweaty, shaking mess. Or if you give a speech or take a test, nerves make you forget everything. No matter how well-prepared you are. And they really get in the way of many important events!
Chronic nervousness can be truly debilitating for some people. It leaves them feeling incredibly anxious. It even interferes with their day to day lives.
If you suffer badly from nerves, it makes you avoid some situations where you know they arise. This means you don’t live the way you want to, find it difficult to make friends, communicate with the opposite sex, and, in the worst cases, find it hard to leave your own home. [Read: Social anxiety to social butterfly – How to be less awkward]
How not to be nervous – 18 tips to help ease nervousness
Signs of nervousness include a dry mouth, shaking, sweating, your heart beating fast, feeling out of control, stuttering, getting tongue tied, feeling dizzy or sick, and generally overwhelmed. It’s not fun or easy to be nervous. It’s important to employ some nerve calming tricks to help ease them and get rid of that jittery feeling pronto!
Here are 18 tips to help you with your nerves.
#1 Be prepared. Being prepared for whatever you face helps you feel more confident and keeps those nerves in check, be it an exam or a job interview. Anything you can be prepared for, make sure you are.
Don’t go into a test having done no revision, or go on a date with no plan. You help yourself easily by preparing thoroughly, so make sure that you do! [Read: How to overcome shyness – 16 quick fixes to transform your life]
#2 Do your research. If you know what to expect then you will be able to visualize yourself in certain situations which helps you feel calmer.
Find out about something before you must do it. If you head to a new place that you think might make you nervous, do some research about it before you go. If you get nervous traveling, why not read about it and put those fears to bed.
#3 Be positive. Having a positive mindset actually works wonders when it comes to keeping those anxious feelings at bay. It’s very easy. When going into a situation that you know makes you nervous, you immediately start to worry about it or to think that the worst will happen.
Try to focus on the positives instead. Think about how great you feel when you overcome your nerves. Imagine yourself acing that test, or having a brilliant time in a social situation. Positive visualization is half the battle! [Read: How to master positive self talk and banish negativity]
#4 Take deep breaths. If you feel the symptoms of nervousness approaching, it is a good idea to take some slow, deep breathes to try and calm down.
Breathing slowly and steadily helps lower your heart rate because your focus will all be concentrated rather than running away with you and allowing you to get even more worked up.
#5 Breathe into a paper bag. If you have a paper bag handy then breathing into one helps slow your racing heart and keep you calm.
#6 Have a mantra. If you convince yourself that you are going to be okay and not get too nervous, it is much more likely you’ll be able to keep those nerves in check. Come up with a positive mantra and repeat this to yourself. Whether out loud or in your head, the more you tell yourself you’ll be great, the more you start to believe it. [Read: How to calm down: 15 steps to put the crazy away]
#7 Get medical help. If your anxiety is bad, it is a good idea to visit your doctor and see how they can help you. While medication should be a last resort, there is plenty of advice your doctor can give you. It might be well worth a visit.
#8 Talk about it. Don’t keep your worries bottled up! If you feel nervous about something, talk to someone about it. A good friend or relative, someone you trust, are perfect to share your feelings with. They reassure you and make you feel more confident too.
#9 Distract yourself. If you feel nervous about something, try to completely distract yourself with something else. Often, by diverting our attention to something else we get over our nerves quickly. It might be listening to music, getting involved in an interesting conversation, or doing a completely different activity, but keeping yourself busy and distracted is a great way to get over those nerves. [Read: Socially awkward? 16 hacks to loosen up and live life]
#10 Do a countdown. Counting slowly backwards from 50 helps you concentrate on something other than your nerves and can be a good way to settle yourself. Why not give it a try?
#11 Exercise. Sometimes you just need to do something energetic to dispel those nerves. Head to the gym, go for a run, or just dance like crazy around your bedroom! Burning off that nervous energy really helps. [Read: 12 benefits of exercise on your mind, body, and libido]
#12 Meditate. Find a quiet spot to meditate. Try to empty all those chaotic, nervous thoughts from your head. You could even try a class! Yoga, mindfulness, and other relaxation techniques could also be useful.
#13 Get a massage. Sometimes you just need a spot of pampering to help you relax and unwind. Why not treat yourself to a luxurious massage to help you feel less nervous?
#14 Go for a walk. Take a hearty stroll, ideally somewhere beautiful like the beach or into the countryside. Fresh air and great views give you an instant sense of calm.
#15 Look at calming images. Some evidence shows looking at images of calm scenes, a beautiful landscape, a cute animal, set off positive receptors in your brain. Immediately making you feel more relaxed and happy!
#16 Get more sleep. Getting a proper night’s sleep leaves you refreshed and rested. Lack of sleep only makes you feel more nervous and jittery. Make sure you get plenty of shut-eye! [Read: Sabotaging your happiness –  12 ways you may be ruining your own life]
#17 Lay off the caffeine. Overdosing on caffeine raises your heart rate, and makes you feel jittery too. If you are nervous, it’s a good idea to steer clear! Try soothing, calming drinks such as chamomile tea instead.
#18 Write it down. Keep a journal and write your innermost thoughts in it. Sometimes writing down what you worry about is a great release and helps you really express yourself and get to the root cause of the problem. Once you see your words on the page, put it all in perspective more easily too!
[Read: The meaning of YOLO: 15 ways to live your life to the fullest]
So there you have it. Next time you feel stressed out, worried, and nervous give some of these useful tips on how not to be nervous a try and see if they work for you!
The post How Not to Be Nervous: 18 Calm Ways to Eliminate Nerves Instantly is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.
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dayrisesolarenergy · 5 years
Solar Technology
Once going Solar: the hottest technology on the earth is reducing electricity costs remarkably everywhere then why not solar technology?
Since founding Director and CEO of DayRise Solar Enerdy Pvt Ltd, sold and commissioned the first residential photo-voltaic power system in a remote village Shahpur Turk, District Sonipat, Haryana, India, the renewable energy is selling like hot cakes in the region. Many house owners, domestic dwellings, premises, shop owners, schools, colleges, institutions and industries are coming forward to embrace this new and renewable energy.
Type and Size of Solar Technology for Average House Owner
It was an off-the-grid 24 volt, DC (direct current) system that ran at 15% conversion efficiency and, because of the cost of the system, produced electricity at around Rupees 60 per Watt. The system comprised 02 modules of 250 Watt each, a MS Dip Hot GI mounting structure, 6sq mm DC wire and a charge controller along with existing batteries and conventional inverter.   Today the same single-cell, Poly-crystalline silicon based photovoltaic (PV) system, averages between 16-20% efficiency and has dropped to nearly 1/100th of the price.
Prices of Solar Technology for Average House Owner
A 5 kilowatt grid connected (On-Grid) Rooftop Solar Power Plant System that meets nearly all the needs of a very energy efficient home costs around Rupees Three Lakhs installed, or Rupees Sixty per watt at the time of writing this article. At the high end, a 10 kilowatt system that completely meets the energy needs of most conventional homes may cost around Five Lakhs Eighty Thousands or Rupees Fifty Eight per Watt. Thought these prices are rough estimates and the actual costs depend on the system configuration, types of equipment and other variables as per user choice.
Rebates, Incentives and Solar Subsidies for Solar Technology
All the same, for the average consumer, solar still packs a punch when it comes to sticker price since initial cost for installation are expensive. Fortunately MNRE along with states like Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan, Punjab, Gujarat, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharashtra are getting into the act, offering everything from relief in tax, solar generation incentives / rebates to solar subsidy for homeowners, Institutions and NGOs who decide to go solar. In Haryana, for example, there is a Rupees 1 per unit generated for “renewable” - alternative energy provided by homeowners from any renewable source such as solar or wind generation.  Other than this, Government of India, MNRE is providing solar subsidy to the tune of Rupees 20,000 per kilowatt or 30% of the benchmark cost of the project, whichever is less.  Such kind of incentives, Rebates and subsidies may help reducing the initial cost for installation of grid connected rooftop solar power plants.  This would remarkably reduce the initial cost of investment to Rupees 40 per Watt.
Payback Period or Return of Investment (ROI) for Solar Technology
Directorate of New and Renewable Energy, Haryana (HAREDA) estimates that a home that consumes 6,500 kilowatt-hours of electricity per year and sports a 3-kilowatt solar-electric system will get up to 90 percent of its energy from a grid connected rooftop solar power plant. “My belief is that the solar technology is going to continue to develop incrementally and if you examine the finances of it right now, solar makes sense in the states where there is a solar subsidy,” says Vipin Anand Ashodhiya, Founding Director of DayRise Solar. “It's got a six to twelve year payback which interprets into a profit on asset of 10 to 15%, which is better than you'll get in the stock.” In states without a rebate Vipin says the payback is closer to 5 to 10 years whereas in case of subsidy Return of Investment (ROI) would be 4 to 5 years.
Unmatched benefits for Grid Connected Solar Technology
But there are other advantages that make installing solar worthwhile. Unlike 30 years ago when the average solar-powered household was totally off the grid, today almost 90% of the people and societies in urban areas who install solar systems like to install grid connected rooftop solar tied to the utility company for back up. Not only does using the grid for backup rather than an on-site battery bank reduce the installation cost of solar by around 25%, people who invest in residential renewable can sell back the extra power they generate to their utility company, often at the going retail rate the company charges. Even if they don’t sell their energy, installing a grid connected rooftop solar system usually locks in their utility rate per kilowatt hour into perpetuity – a good deal when you consider that electricity rates are going up anywhere from of six to eight percent a year.
Should I wait for solar technology to improve?
Solar power is currently used in about 1% of homes countrywide, and the business is experiencing an explosive growth of 30% per year. Production costs for both mono-crystalline and poly-silicon wafers, the basis for most solar PV modules, continue to drop. But like every growing manufacturing business, solar has experienced initial growing pains and lot many teething problems in its infancy age. Production price for the wafers which should have dropped by as much as 50% over the last three years have not done so because of a chronic shortage of poly-silicon. New silicon plants are coming up across the nation. But building factories, manufacturing plants takes time, and critics point out that many solar manufacturing industries still use older technologies that use more energy for silicon production than they should. In the meantime tremendous strides in nanotechnology are beginning to shake the solar industry. The next generation solar PV module systems may well be non-silicon based solar film which is designed at the molecular level to transform daylight into power. The shatter-proof solar film will be mass produced and rolled out in large sheets that can be cut to meet specific roof configurations and be easily installed.
Solar Technology still cheaper than main grid electricity
Over the last 03 years you may be hearing about a new and renewable energy solar technology coming down the block that is going to be 50% percent efficient sufficient enough to cut down the price by 90% of electric bills with solar subsidies and incentives, we certainly feel like to embrace it. “And every time that happens we get a load of phone calls from people asking about the solar generation systems, solar incentives, solar subsidies, solar tax rebates and procedures about solar plant installation.  But headline of the story remains the same that “solar works” and it works well. The hippie image of solar from the “back to the Earth” movement in the 60s and 70s is long gone. Inverter technology that converts solar DC to AC current has advanced to the stage where solar created energy is as clean as that purchased from “the main grid” (mainstream utility companies like UHBVN / DHBVN). Clunky and robust solar panels are still around, but, responding to aesthetic demands, manufacturers have also shrunk and reshaped them so they can look like metal roofing, shingles, and even cement tiles.
Solar Technology over conventional energy sources still prevails
No matter what your lifestyle, solar power can support it. But there are ways to have it all and garner a ton of energy savings along the way. The average home in India uses anywhere from 5 to 10 kWh (kilowatt hours) a day. Whether you are owner of on-grid or off- grid solar system, Vipin advises people who want to save money to become “Energy Reliant.” Solar Technology over conventional energy sources still prevails.
Become “Energy Savvy” before adoption of Solar Technology
First and foremost is to change incandescent light bulbs to compact fluorescents. If you’re constructing or building a new house, if possible site your home to the south in order to take advantage of day lighting and only use electric lights at night. Don’t use the CRT monitor on your computer, better get an LCD flat screen. Even you may like to do away with your floor model computer which draws 250 watts a day and get a laptop that uses only 20 watts. If you really need to have a wide screen TV buy an LCD or LED since plasma screens are energy hungry. The largest electric load we have in our houses is refrigerator, so buy a highest Energy Star rated refrigerator.  “The fact is that most of us can save almost 10% of the electricity simply by using it smartly,” says Vipin.  “My house is on grid but we use an average three and half kilowatt hours a day of electricity. The average home uses about 5 to 10 kilowatt hours a day.
Benefits of Off-Grid Solar Technology
The Solar module converts the Sunlight into DC electricity in day time and this generated DC electricity is stored into a battery bank. Thereafter, the stored DC electricity converted into AC electricity by Inverter / Power Conditioning Unit is used for providing electricity to your house load. Haryana Government’s Manohar Jyoti Domestic Solar Technology Light Scheme offers a battery of 120AH with 150W Solar Panel. This can light up to three LED lights and a USB port and a DC fan.  Price of this device has been kept at Rupees Twenty Three thousand Four Hundred Seventy Seven (Rs.23,477). The financial assistance of Rupees Fifteen thousand has been fixed by the state government on a device, which will be given to the interested beneficiaries in Rupees 8477 at subsidized price.
Benefits of On-Grid / Hybrid Solar Technology
Solar Photovoltaic Technology converts the sunlight into DC electricity through solar cells. The generated DC is further converted in to AC electricity by the On-Grid / Hybrid Inverter which provides the AC electricity directly to your house load and excess if any is fed in to the Grid via Net meter. This type of Solar Technology Plants system is eligible for 30% MNRE Solar Subsidy.
Swapping to Benefits of Solar Technology is Easier than ever before
Swapping to solar technology is easier than ever before. If you are looking for a way to reduce your carbon footprint and save money while maintaining the needs of your family's energy source, then talk to a local Solar Technology provider to get started.
DayRise Solar Enerdy Pvt Ltd – A pioneer Solar EPC Company
DayRise Solar Enerdy Pvt Ltd is the leading organization in the field of renewable energy i.e. Solar Technology associated with some leading companies in the power sector of India and is proud to be among the list of top Solar Technology company in Haryana with its focus on “Designing, Engineering, Manufacturing, Supplying, Installing, Testing and commissioning any kind of Solar Photovoltaic plants, equipment and systems that cater to both Domestic, Institutional, Social and Industrial needs.” Strong vision coupled with professional and ethical business practices have helped the organization to achieve good position in the markets it serves in Sonipat, Haryana, India.
DayRise Solar Enerdy Pvt Ltd – 5 star rated Solar Company in Sonipat
As part of its growth strategy DayRise Solar ventured in to reliable qualitative technology with highly skilled and trained manpower.  DayRise Solar has set up a State of the Art Solar Technology Showroom with service facilities at Sonipat, Haryana, India while providing Solar Technology services to all districts of Haryana as well as Delhi NCR. The Organisation is an ISO 14001-2015 and OHSAS 18001-2007 certified facility for Design, Engineering, Installation and Commissioning of Rooftop / Ground mounted Grid-Tied, Hybrid and Off-Grid Solar Power Plant Systems.
Contact DayRise Solar Enerdy Pvt Ltd for Solar Panels in Sonipat Haryana India
The Expert team of the DayRise Solar may be approached through the contact page of the Company’s website or by official telephonic communication.
Contact DayRise Solar whenever you wish to know anything about Benefits of Solar Tehnology or Install Solar Panels in a Cost-Effective Way with Solar Panel Subsidy or ways to get good offers while you contemplate to install Solar Technology / Solar Panel Power Plant System or buy solar panels in Sonipat, Haryana, Delhi NCR.  Contact extremely skilled and expert group of DayRise Solar by way of its Website’s contact Page for any question associated to Solar Technology, Solar Subsidy, Solar power, solar products, design, installation and commissioning of On-Grid / Off-Grid Rooftop / Ground Mounted Solar Power Plants throughout Haryana and Delhi NCR. Qualified skilled team of DayRise Solar might help you in processing of subsidy utility, bi-directional meter utility and uploading of all related documents.
Solar Technology PDF
In the end, I would recommend all the students / researcher / information seeker who wish to get themselves acquainted with Solar Technology advantages and disadvantages, Solar Technology disadvantages, disadvantages of Solar Technology to the environment, benefits of Solar Technology, disadvantages of Solar Technology or pros and cons of Solar Technology, may like to download this article as PDF by clicking the PDF link given at bottom of this weblog.  This would come handy for the people who wish to know various aspects of benefits of Solar Technology including how solar works, Solar Technology projects, Solar Technology model, solar power system for home or working of photovoltaic cells etc. This article on Solar Technology would also provide insight upon “what is Solar Technology”?
 Solar Technology https://dayrisesolar.com/solar-technology/
Solar Technology https://youtu.be/Im4k-QRTKbM
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