#lookism mini fic?
lokislytherin · 1 year
lookism x percy jackson
look i KNOW i should stop coming up with au ideas but. i thought of a way to write that soldier poet king au and it’s a lookism x percy jackson universe
the original song was technically about recovering from abuse, and i’ll put the summarized / paraphrased / slightly changed interpretations here so it doesn’t clog up space where my notes are
soldier: physically remove the abuser and trauma they caused 
poet: provide rationale against the abuser to fight their influence
king: show kindness and love to overcome aftereffects of abuse
original lyric: there will come a soldier // who carries a mighty sword  // he will tear your city down // oh lei oh lai oh lord
daughter of zeus: canonically daughter of one of the most powerful men ever, father has other ‘kids’ (10 geniuses are zeus’ adopted children)
my interpretation of soldier: listens to father’s instructions, the gods’ number 1 supporter, would destroy you if the orders were given to her because it’s her duty and duty is unavoidable and inevitable
soldier with og meaning: would remove any threats to the people she cares about, not afraid to get blood on her hands for law and order
weapon of choice: sword, lightning
original lyric: there will come a poet // whose weapon is his word // he will slay you with his tongue // oh lei oh lai oh lord
son of aphrodite: the signature Beautiful Guy (dg is son of apollo probably), loved by everyone, not the best at fighting but gets better
my interpretation of poet: weapon is his word because he’s a son of aphrodite he can literally charmspeak people into doing whatever the hell he wants once he learns how to do it well, slay you with his tongue bc aphrodite forced him to learn how to french kiss like irina jelavich from assassination classroom
poet with og meaning: able to confront the truth for what it is, understand it and overcome it, calm and capable of talking people down from fights
weapon of choice: bow, shapeshifting
original lyric: there will come a ruler // whose brow is laid in thorn // smeared with oil like david’s boy // oh lei oh lai oh lord
son of hades: not hades / hong kyeongyeong’s favorite child, but definitely is the most powerful one, inherited the most of hades’ abilities
my interpretation of king: the most powerful in terms of fighting ability & authority (let’s face it soojung is not zeus’ fav kid even though she’s the only true half-blood daughter instead of having diluted zeus blood), he’s also the one who’s most experienced with godhood so he’s the one people go to to ask what’s the ‘right’ decision
king with og meaning: if he loves you he’ll be the kindest person you’ll ever meet, would sacrifice everything and/or be a martyr if it means safety
weapon of choice: scythe, physical shadows
prophecy: do NOT ask me to poetry right now but it basically implies hyungseok is going to destroy the gods (aka the four crews / 1st gen / pre gen), soojung and jaeyeol are also involved in the prophecy, states that one of them will die but nobody knows who. naturally they get forced to go on a quest together
expectation: soojung and jaeyeol will kill hyungseok because they’re children of the big three and hyungseok is just a nobody who got abandoned at birth and grew up with a poor mortal + he’s going to destroy their parents and they should have some filial piety right
plot twist: well guess what jaeyeol and hades are not on the best terms, jaeyeol literally would not care less if the gods got kicked off their pedestals, somehow he and hyungseok befriend each other and jaeyeol falls for him but hyungseok is oblivious. hyungseok is still hoping the prophecy has a double meaning and has 0 idea about jaeyeol’s feelings the whole time, jaeyeol gets bullied by aphrodite. actually hyungseok likes jaeyeol too but he’s scared of being bullied by aphrodite / jaeyeol hating him when he finds out / dying, so he doesn’t tell jaeyeol anything
reality: somehow someone tricks hyungseok into cursing jaeyeol and soojung to fight each other, the gods are already kind of in panic because hyungseok is pretty op by now but jaeyeol doesn’t want hyungseok to die at the end of the prophecy so he lets soojung kill him, but this is precisely the reason why hyungseok goes ballistic and destroys the gods
we could have the good ending or the bad ending what would you prefer
bad ending: hyungseok destroys the gods but gets mortally wounded in turn, he dies hand in hand with jaeyeol and the furies rip their souls to shreds so they will never be reborn but at least they’re dead together. soojung tries her best not to get crushed under the guilt and grief of losing two of her closest friends
good ending: hades pops up at the end like damn ok. you had your character development. i guess it’s time for me to start my good dad arc. and then revives jaeyeol, so basically the gods get bullied by a half-mortal twink trying to protect his not-boyfriend who was un-alived and has now been re-alived. the prophecy works out bc nobody said dead people couldn’t come back to life + the gods got rekt that counts as being destroyed
will i write this au? i don’t know! will it be fun to write? oh absolutely
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manikas-whims · 2 years
26/06/2022: Mary ties Vin's hair into a ponytail
Mary leaves Vin sitting cross-legged at the foot of the couch in their living room.
She returns with a comb and a hand mirror from the bathroom, and plops on top of the couch, legs hanging at either side of his biceps.
“Remind me why we're doing this?” Vin asks, his fingers stroking imaginary patterns on her feet.
“So I can make your unkempt hair a bit more decent and likable.” She replies, examining his neck-length locks from different angles.
“Ugh...Isn't just washing it enough?”
“Absolutely not you idiot!”
First, he suddenly decides to refine his fighting skills. Then disappears for a month into the mountains. And when he finally comes back, his priority isn't even brushing his teeth or getting a haircut. Nope. Instead, he goes and gets himself kidnapped by some jerks who run an underground fighting ring and happen to know about him murdering a guy.
She exhales a breath to clear her head and picks up the comb. Slowly, she runs it through his dark locks, gently smoothing the tangles here and there.
He hums in approval, eyelids drifting shut as he leans back into the couch. “'kay, this is kinda relaxing.”
“Of course it is.”
When satisfied with her combing, she tugs off the hair tie around her wrist and uses it to fasten his hair into a small ponytail.
He grabs the hand mirror from her side and surveys her work. “Not bad.”
“What do you say?” He turns slightly, laying an arm over her knees.
She looks down at him, dark blue pools falling upon his mismatched ones. Despite her efforts to tuck the hair away from his forehead, a few stray strands have managed to escape and frame his face.
Now she may not admit it outright but he does look kinda…cool? Handsome even? She nearly pukes at the thought of using such adjectives to address him of all people.
“Huhh” He drawls out teasingly at her lack of response. “No words?”
She shoves his arm off her knees.
“Ohh no!” He perks up like a child as realization dawns on him. “Can it be– do you actually find me attractive this way?” He inches closer, grinning in amusement. “With my hair tied?”
Mary feels a traitorous blush spreading wildly across her cheeks. She brings up an arm to cover it as she pushes his face away. “Shut up punk!”
» 6/? of Manika's Mini Fics «
this is sorta inspired by a vinmary fanart i saw on twitter, where Vin's hair was tied into a little ponytail
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artemis32 · 2 years
Hiya Artemis! I saw that you write for Jace!! may I perhaps request a Jace x reader fic?
Hi :)) Firstly I'm so sorry this took so long (and that it isn’t exactly a fic, but we’ll ignore that for now) ://
I shed a few tears writing this because you were quite vague and it stressed me out trying to figure out what to write - so I assumed a lot (this is mainly a dark content blog, so that’s what this is - kind of)
Lookism Masterlist
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Jace never believed in “love at first sight”, he honestly thought it was a load of nonsense that people made up to convince themselves that they’d stay in a relationship forever.
Call him cynical, but he had a far more logical outlook on the world than that. 
And to be fair, he wanted to believe it, he really did - but realistically speaking, no one could be stupid enough to fall in love the very first time they laid eyes on someone.
Except that’s exactly what happened to him when he met you.
You’re in a department that he’s not particularly familiar with, most likely the Baking department or the Computer department, located on the opposite side of the building furthest away from all the drama of everyday J High school.
By all rights, you should never have crossed paths with anyone in the Architecture department, and definitely not Jace of all people. But life had a funny way of presenting one with new opportunities.
For the sake of this storyline, let’s say you’re part of the Computer department - smart, withdrawn, overall you tend to keep to yourself. 
(Baking department s/o is reserved solely for Vasco or Eli).
The Architecture department had decided to hold it’s first ever collaboration with the Computer department to design a small city - and for an extra twenty percent, build a mini diorama of the city - a project that would count sixty percent of your final mark. The key point of all of it was that it would be a project that would span the entire school year.
Naturally, you were a bit stressed. Having to rely on a group of strangers to pass wasn’t your idea of a good time, but you’d held out hope that everything would work out.
Students from both classes - second years only - were split up into groups: two members from each class paired together to make for a grand total of four people per group. Of course you had the wonderful luck of being paired with Vasco and Jace.
Surprisingly, you didn’t know who either of them were when you first met, not having heard about the infamous Burn Knuckles. Whether or not that would play in your favour was yet to be seen.
The first time Jace saw you, you were surrounded by computer monitors emitting cold, harsh light that brightened the otherwise dark room, and large stacks of textbooks scattered out across multiple desks.
He'd never been to this side of the school before, and the computer room was completely foreign to him, so much so that he felt slightly out of place - a feeling shared by many members of the Architecture department based off of the somewhat uncomfortable body language of many of his classmates.
They'd all filed in quietly, all on their best behaviour after the multiple threats they'd received for if they were to break anything.
Vasco had looked around awe, eyes wide and eagerly staring at the expensive monitors surrounding them. Jace had gently grabbed his arm and pulled him off to a semi hidden corner where two figures sat hunched over a shared computer, quietly arguing about something.
He cleared his throat as they neared the pair, waiting for them to turn around. Only one person turned to greet them, a tall boy wearing glasses, a hoodie, and multiple ear piercings. He gave them a slight nod of acknowledgement before turning back to the monitor.
Jace tried not to take offence from the dismissive behaviour of the two, coming to a halt directly behind the two seated people, introducing himself and Vasco before waiting for a response.
Silence rang out for a few long moments, longer than he was comfortable with, before you seemed to have a breakthrough moment, mumbling something while standing and turning to greet your two new group mates.
All Jace's complaints flew out the window the moment he made eye contact with you.
You gave them a small smile, awkwardly scratching your ear while you introduced yourself and your partner, apologising for the cold introduction.
Honestly, Jace barely heard a word you said - how could he when he was so breathless, so taken aback by you?
The light of the monitor reflected in your eyes, making them glow softly. Your smile was so pure apologetic, your body language so withdrawn yet confident. Most of all, you had this gleam in your eyes - something akin to wisdom, or maybe it was curiosity? He wasn't sure.
All he knew was that in that moment, in the dark, hollow computer room amongst the dust and wires, he fell in love with you. Of course you didn't know that, and he realised he didn't mind.
He had all the time in the world to win you over, and he was sure he would.
The first few months that all of you worked together, you and your partner seemed very professional and almost tense, never drifting from your polite language and good manners. If it had been anyone else, Jace likely wouldn't have minded, but he wanted to get to know you outside of your stiff working personality.
His opportunity came about one weekend when the four of you decided to take a Saturday to work on a few key problems in your project.
As fate would have it, Vasco caught a cold and your partner - Kyu - had some or other family trip planned. Jace was nervous and excited when you asked if he'd still be willing to meet up to get the work done.
This is was his chance - just the two of you, alone - he'd definitely be able to get to know you better.
And it ended exactly as Jace had hoped - he got to know you, really know you. You got to know him too.
He learnt that you were quite smart academically, that you enjoyed your classes far more than most people would think. He learnt small things like your favourite foods, colours, your hobbies and interests outside of school, he learnt about your family, your friends in the Computer department. 
Honestly, he thought the whole day was pretty successful, and you seemed a lot more relaxed by the time the two of you parted ways - he may even go as far as to say the two of you were now friends. 
Yes the relationship between the two of you was progressing a bit slower than he’d hoped, but any progress was better than none in his opinion.
The weeks following that were tentative, both of you slightly hesitant, neither one of you wanting to overstep boundaries, though likely for different reasons.
It all came to a head one day when the entirety of the Burn Knuckles, lead by Vasco as usual, confronted him about his apparent odd behaviour recently. It came as a shock to him since he didn’t realise how wrapped up he’d become with you and gaining your attention. Now that he thought about it, he truly had been spending most of his time with you.
With that realisation, he explained, somewhat embarrassedly, that he - Jace Park - had a crush and was at a loss of how to handle it. His confession shocked the Burn Knuckles into silence.
How could the brilliant Jace Park have problems navigating a crush? Whoever he liked surely must have been wonderful to have gained that kind of reaction.
So commenced a brainstorming session during which Jace was firmly told to suck it up and confess. After all, someone who was so clever and withdrawn wouldn’t want a man who tended to beat around the bush. No, the best route would be for Jace to just confess. And that’s exactly what he did.
Four months later, you still giggle at the memory of how much Jace had stuttered and blushed while he had confessed. He’d asked you to meet him at some cutesy café so that he could talk to you.
He’d been dressed up and squeaky clean, blushing and shaky when he stood up to greet you and help you into your seat. You didn’t mention it. You also didn’t mention that you’d seen his friends from the Architecture department peeking through the window ever since you’d arrived, or Vasco’s sub par disguise of a wig, fake beard and glasses.
Instead you got right to the point and asked him why he had asked you to meet him there on a weekend, originally assuming it had something to do with the project.
Although you couldn’t say you were surprised when, after some prompting on your end, he blurted out that he liked you and asked if you’d go out with him.
You were quiet for a bit, your silence scaring him half to death as he sat stiffly, barely daring to breath in fear of missing your answer.
After some seemingly careful deliberation, you said yes - that one simple word nearly gave Jace a stroke.
You think back on the memory fondly, likewise Jace turns red with embarrassment whenever you bring it up to tease him.
But regardless of how embarrassing it might have been, it led to the two of you having a relationship, and that's not something he'd trade in for anything, even to lose the embarrassment.
Of course the situation would never be as clean cut as that - not that you ever needed to know.
You never needed to find out that Jace knew everything about you before he asked you out.
Small things like your favourite colours or foods, or your weather preferences, or your favourite genre of movies.
Bigger things like where you lived, how many siblings you had, a list of all your friends and potential lovers, the layout of your house.
You definitely didn't need to know that Jace had long since scared off anyone that may have been interested in you, or that he'd spent months obsessing over the idea of you with him.
Not that it was much of a concern considering you'd likely never find out, especially not with Vasco and the entirety of the Burn Knuckles backing him, making sure he was happy.
If you made him happy, who were they to get in his way? In fact, it was their duty to help him in any way they could, including getting rid of any "competition" and helping him win you over. You made it easy for all of them by agreeing to date him right off the bat.
No one concerns themselves with the idea of what would have happened had you said no, or if you were to try and leave Jace - it was better for them to leave all of the planning to Jace himself after all.
Overall he's actually quite a lovely partner - he's very considerate and kind towards you, always giving you small gifts and snacks and taking you out on dates (study dates, cafe dates, picnic dates, arcade dates, you name it).
He celebrates everything that makes you happy, every milestone and achievement that you experience, and he tries his best to understand your hobbies and interests.
Your family adores him, and they're happy that you managed to attract such a handsome, charming young man - their words, not yours.
Burn Knuckles really like you too, mainly because you make Jace so happy. They also make sure you're safe whenever Jace isn't around.
Honestly 10/10, Jace is amazing and he wouldn't be too controlling or crazy, being around you is enough to keep him happy.
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manikas-whims · 2 years
01/10/2022: Mary doesn't regret her choice
For Fictober 2022
October 1: “I chose you.”
Prompt by: @fictober-event
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“Do you regret it?”
They are at the local park, sitting on swings that are clearly not intended for people their age, and enjoying fresh cones of ice creams.
Mary takes a small bite from her scoop of black licorice and turns her head towards him. “What?”
“Leaving Cheonliang.” Vin elaborates, licking his own passion fruit and mango flavored scoop, “Do you regret it?”
She nearly scoffs. Lately– No– Ever since his return from that den of Workers or whatever crew he had told her about, he's been asking this a lot. Do you miss Cheonliang? Wanna go back for a while? Seoul guys aren't all that attractive, right? Rephrasing and changing words but asking the same thing over and over everyday as if expecting her to respond differently. Say something she hasn't said before. But she won't give him the answer he needs unless he stops being a coward and asks her outright.
And that's exactly what she tells him. “You won't get the right answer if you keep asking the wrong question.”
Vin hums and kicks the ground lightly with his feet, making the swing motion back and forth a little. Then, with his head cocked away from her, he mutters in a hesitant tone. “Do you regret coming with me?”
She smiles. So this is what's been bothering him.
She has no idea what he encountered inside that game ring because he has yet to talk properly about it. That, and he's just bad when it comes to explanations in general. Nonetheless, he has changed since that day he came back. It's astounding for her to admit this to herself but he's been less idiotic and more…focused? Almost as if preparing to face something dreadful that is bound to happen soon. Which is probably why he's so concerned. He's worried that he'll drag her into the mess and that she'll suffer all over again. Just like she did back in Cheonliang.
“I don't regret it.” She says, taking another bite from her ice-cream, savoring the bitterness of licorice.
“Why?” He whips his head at her now.
She isn't sure so she shrugs her shoulders and utters the first thought that pops up in her mind. “Cause we're friends.”
“Mary,” He lowers his head, dark locks falling over his sunglasses. “You're not obligated to be friends with a murderer.”
“Is that so?” She says in a singsong teasing voice, eyes following the melting trail created by his ice-cream going down the cone, and even further down his fingers.
He doesn't say anything.
“I chose you.” She declares firmly. “It was either Cheonliang or you. So I made my choice. And I do not regret coming with you.”
“Ohh god! Clean this!” She points at the dripping yellow ice-cream and throws her piece of napkin at him before he can spout some sappy lines about how grateful he is to have her.
Vin scoffs in amusement as he catches the napkin. “Alright.”
» 11/? of Manika's Mini Fics «
lol, this was written in a haste, so ignore any errors..i really love writing these two sm ♥
divider by @firefly-graphics
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manikas-whims · 2 years
Manika's Mini Fics [Read on AO3]
a self-indulgent, writing challenge to keep myself in the habit of writing.
here i'll post a mini fic (100~500 words) ALMOST daily based on a little idea or a random thought i had about my favorite fictional characters, ships, etc..
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1: Mary steals Vin's shirt (Vin Jin/Mary Kim | Lookism)
2: Thena picks that apron for Gilgamesh (Thena/Gilgamesh | Eternals)
3: Phastos's first encounter with Ben (Phastos/Ben | Eternals)
4: Inej and Kaz make a deal (Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa | Six of Crows)
5: Matthias and Nina's son asks Kaz if he's a Demjin (Kaz Brekker & Soren | Six of Crows)
6: Mary ties Vin's hair into a ponytail (Vin Jin/Mary Kim | Lookism)
7: Inej returns miserable from the sea; Kaz helps her wash-up & sleep (Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa | Six of Crows)
8: Thena's attempt at making breakfast for Gilgamesh (Thena/Gilgamesh | Eternals)
9: Adrien tries a different method (Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir)
10: Marinette struggles against Adrien's charms (Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir)
11: Mary doesn't regret her choice (Vin Jin/Mary Kim | Lookism)
12: Gojo places a bet with Mei Mei (Satoru Gojo/Utahime Iori | Jujutsu Kaisen)
13: Gojo finds Utahime in his shirt (Satoru Gojo/Utahime Iori | Jujutsu Kaisen)
14: Utahime offers her ice-cream to Gojo as a payback (Satoru Gojo/Utahime Iori | Jujutsu Kaisen)
15: Nina and Matthias’s son asks Kaz if he’s a bad person (Kaz Brekker & Soren | Six of Crows)
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