#lookism rua
nomnomdiary · 2 years
Guys, seems like I don't hate this ship anymore ^_^
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I don't know what black magic did I get and suddenly I'm start to thinking this ship is.. not that bad. She's sooooooo pretty and Johan deserve that girl.
Maybe I ship it, but I'm a little disappointed with Johan's character development. Well, it's possible that PTJ-nim really likes "let me fix you" ship dynamics like Mira x Zack, Zoe x Daniel, and Eli x Heather. Even thought that's not my cup of tea, I think it's fine. Why should i bother about it?
Unlike me and Karmiro ship (Big Hero 6), I still don't like this ship even thought Karmi get development character lol
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lookismstuff-2 · 3 months
Idk if you knew this but apparently there is (was?) a National Gymnastics morning routine in South Korea. As someone who had this sort of routine where I lived (not Korea) it was embarrassing sometimes... when the leader was too enthusiastic doing this in open public spaces.
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lookismstuff · 1 year
Of all the shelved ships of lookism I think Eli x Crystal and Luah x Johan could still be re-explored in the future as true friendships, really. Just that friendship alone will still be good.
I mean, why not?
Eli was abused by his stepparents because his beauty made them see him as a monster, and Crystal's beauty and brain were utilized by her dad to expand his business empire. They were saddled with too many responsibilities on their shoulders, and Eli crumbled and resorted to crime because of it while Crystal was coping with the pressures by working so hard. Aren't these some points that they could talk about someday?
Then Luah, who was a wounded (and abused?) runaway child and found by Big Deal, and Johan who went through a similar ordeal? Aren't they both lonely while they tried so hard to stay independent? Aren't they people who would forsake basic comfort just to survive?
Or better still, maybe make all four of them good friends someday? Now how about that?
Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy reading the fight scenes so much but some more humane moments will be good.
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sscarletvenus · 2 years
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when jerry introduced big deal no.5 and said rua was able to get into big deal with gun-approved information gathering skills... HE LITERALLY USES THE WORD GUY AND MASC PRONOUNS (idk if this is a translation error)
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shidos-daughter · 2 years
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Have you ever forget about your OCs and they show up in your head beaten u up 😭😭
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seizuki · 2 years
Shut up. It's like picking toys lol
(Too lazy to fix the first my b it look ugl)
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eviyum · 2 years
Big deal no 5 is waifu but gurl don't you dare try playing wiTH JOHAN'S FEELINGS!! MY GUY ALREADY HAD ENOUGH OF PEOPLE'S SHIT.
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spaceyflowers · 2 years
lua im rambles/thoughts !! (based on ch 398)
um. be warned this kind of turned into a very informal mini essay ^_^;;
first impression of her is... okay! her character design is very pretty tho 💖 anyways she was just introduced so i dont want to say anything too harsh yet; gonna wait until more of her is shown before making a real opinion. still, im still mad at how ptj is currently handling her and worried for how her future will look.
first i will start off by saying that when she did this i laughed because i love how dramatic she is <3
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confusion and curiousity
ok now onto stuff i wanna say: her only super amazing skill is gathering information, so much so it was even praised by gun. does she know this or is it word of mouth only? has she ever met gun or has he ever told this to her personally? how did she get so good at gathering information and how does she do it; how will it be shown? whats her background like?
speaking of that, based on whats currently been revealed; im... really confused? jake and jerry speak as if they dont know her at all, even referring to her with the wrong pronouns like they've never met her before but they still trusted to leave her in charge while they were away saving sinu...?
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they also speak like theyre intimidated of her and deadass ran away when they heard she was coming which is... kind of funny but like. why. jerry's word choice is also pretty harsh 😭 even if this translation is off so the wording seems more cold, the tone is pretty set in stone for how he feels about lua
and im confused for how she came into big deal? jerry says she was able to come inside big deal with info gathering skills like she wasnt a member that they welcomed in like family--she just snuck in/blackmailed (im using that term VERY lightly) them into joining and they just let her in with no other choice??
but then in these panels jason speaks fondly of her:
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does he, brad, and lineman all personally know her while jake and jerry dont and are scared of her....? and it seems like shes been a part of big deal for some years seeing as shes probably 17-19 in current time but in the flashback shes probably 14 at the youngest or something.
the girls on the street are also implied to have raised her so surely shes met jake and jerry at some point but they talk like shes a secret agent theyve never seen in their entire life while she talks like she knows them and has met them before ?? how come only jason, brad, and lineman seem to know her enough to be comfortable with meeting and casually chatting with her ?? (also lineman being a chair for her 😭😭😭) am i misreading or missing context or something ?????
complaints and concerns
once again i will complain about ptj being too much of a coward to make the girls be strong and able to fight. like the second i saw this panel i was bashing my head on the wall. shes introduced like "shes good at muy thai" and then immediately after "shes not good at it tho" fuck off 💀
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secondly i feel the same concern a lot of other people have already expressed ! it's her involvement with johan, of course
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like this post says here, im worried if johan actually ends up trusting her, he'll feel upset knowing she only grew closer to him to make him an ally of big deal. even if her feelings for caring about him do eventually grow genuine, im pretty sure johan would be upset either way. i guess the best outcome would just be for him to forgive her and then i guess they start dating? 😭
urgh but thats the thing, too... she just exists as a love plot device to help the men of big deal and to serve as johan's love interest ?! nothing for herself ...? unless she does something jaw dropping to help advance the story with her info gathering skills alone then im convinced she just exists as a love plot device to advance the story 💀
also sucks to say but her gender definitely plays into her character. if its not as this post theorizes that ptj just changed big deal no.5 from a guy to be a girl to have more girl characters "that can fight", then big deal no.5 was definitely made as a girl to play a love interest. why tho...? i know this can just be countered with "why not?" but i feel like johan is in way more need of a friend than a lover 😭
could be a friends to lover thing of course but it just irks me that no.5 could've been a guy and johan couldve just made a new friend (theres still worries about manipulation ofc). unless ptj somehow only keeps lua and johan just friends... maybe in another timeline lol but im pretty sure the direction is heading towards a romantic thing
and yet i still have to ask Why. was a new character necessary? will lua play a bigger role other than this obvious love plot device thing? if so, i'll be more willing to look past her plot device concept but if shes just relevant to make johan friendly with big deal and immediately tossed into the background right after because the plot is gonna go back to focusing on the guys fighting again once johan probably trusts big deal to join their side, i will... be frustrated, to say the least <3
and if she does just serve as a plot device then i guess she's just excuse for filler(?). why couldnt we have just seen johan slowly befriending big deal over time tho? 😭 i think thatd be way more fun to see; the big deal guys awkwardly trying to befriend johan who is cold to them at first but eventually befriends them and becomes like a lil bro to the guys ?? like damn let johan join big deal family ???? it would be a nice twist too because of how he almost joined them in the past until samuel rejected him but now he's basically part of the gang? (but again, johan would probably still be upset if he finds out their first intentions)
or hell, bring jace back on the scene! wouldnt it be fun to see jace somehow stumbling into friendship with johan again and big deal taking advantage of the situation? like they go up to jace and say "hey so youve been hanging out around johan lately do you mind telling him big deal is trustworthy and stuff ^_^" and jace realizes hes suddenly in some kind of dilemma?! maybe burn knuckles gets involved too and big deal befriends them all. we could see vasco and jake interacting again, have a bunch of these dudes become good buddies and bonding over how much they love their leaders (big deal with jake and burn knuckles with vasco ofc) i think that would be fun.
...i miss the j high kids so much.
on another note. if lua is still on the scene, i still think it would be fun if jace got involved again. like considering jace's intelligence, im curious to see if he would find out lua's intentions and how he would handle the situation. would he understand? would he warn johan? (maybe even speaking from past experience of when he got manipulated by that one girl 😭😭)
i dont have much hope for lua plot-wise, just bare minimum with wanting some of my questions answered. i do hope she's shown having friendly banters/interactions with big deal though, it'd be great if i could add her to my big deal family agenda !! for now she's outside of it tho... ;;
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mint--pozzum · 2 years
I havent check any fan translation for this but here this goes lookism chapter 397
So Hyungseok under go training with Jong Gun
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Zinsung comes a temple and meet with daegu gen 1 king (Ji Gong Seob). it seems ptj wants to set him up to train Zinsung
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Also Big Deal no.5 reveal. Their name is Im Rua
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Yohan looking like straight out from shoujo manga at the end
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rrrandomism · 2 years
Man.... I kinda wanna make a summary of Generation 0 history. Because among all the recent arcs, the story of Generation 0 is what intrigues me the most. I wanna focus on what makes the gangs who they are. Their origins. How such powerful syndicates exist in the Lookism universe. How they operate. What their motivations are. Ya feel me?
I mean i love the boys and girls from Generation 2 and all, but the fighting technique and power scale thing are getting kinda boring...
Even the "uniting the 4 men crew" thing is kinda meh. Eugene has already got his hands on almost all the crews' powerful people like Eli, Warren, Samuel (yes, he counts 'cause he's originally from Big Deal. Now he works for Ilhae), and Johan (he might dgaf about 4 men crew anymore, but he works for Baekho, who has relations with Ilhae).
Hell, Eugene even imprisoned Big Daniel. Now little Daniel is still under Gun's mentorship. Zack is also still on his spiritual journey with a monk as his mentor. So uniting the 4 men crew is still a long way to go.
Though i might change my mind if Big Deal, Sally Park + the runaway family, Burn Knuckles as well as J High kids become allies and do something cool later.
Or... if Baekho betrays Ilhae because Lee Dogyu has something going on with Park Jinyoung that is related to the death of Kim Gabryong.
OR... if Johan betrays Ilhae because he's actually in love with Im Rua (I see potentials).
Wow, that's a long rant.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk 😂😂
Edit: I wanna see Samuel's hidden agenda being revealed. The guy has made his own crew with K-House. He has Jang Jinhyuk. THE frickin' Jang Jinhyuk, a clever mastermind who made all members of God Dog turn their backs against Johan. Even Jonggun thinks he's smart af. Such an overly underrated character he is. And Samuel, too, is such an interesting character. All hail King Samuel.
Anyway, the question is: does Eugene know about Samuel's crew tho???
Sigh... Okay, enough rants.
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nomnomdiary · 2 years
My Impression to Im Rua/Lua
In the story, Im Rua (or Lua) is the female version of Sinu Han. But for me, she's more like Jace Park of Big Deal. They both are the brains of the crew.
First, I suspect that Rua was made to be a boy. It's just my instinct haha. because PTJ Univers has a lot of male characters, it is possible that Rua's initial concept was male and changed to female.
If she is really Johan's interest love, the ship probably based on Johan and Jace's bromance story from One Night arc. Im Rua is a diplomat who influences others to follow her will just like Jace.
The chemistry between Johan and Jace was very good. The diplomatic Jace must deal with the unruly Johan. In the end, Johan slowly cares for Jace even though it’s covered by his strong tsundere. Meanwhile, Jace becomes interested in getting to know Johan more closely.
Is this happening again? But it looks like it won't be the same anymore because Johan's tsundere seems to be fading.
By the way, I suspect that PTJ has heard criticism from fans who complain about the lack of female fighter characters. So far, there are only 3 women who can fight. So let's just make no.5 of the Big Deal is a woman.
Maybe that’s it. My feelings for her are... I don’t know. It’s hard to explain. PTJ gave him interest love for too long, so I was bored and made an OC as Johan's interest love. 
PTJ, you're late LOL.
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lookismstuff · 1 year
Lookism TMI (Trivia)
Most Beautiful Korean Name Meanings Among Lookism Characters (in my opinion)
Note: this is only the literal meaning and not the metaphorical sense (which might be different) of the Hanja (Chinese Characters)
Luah (IM RUA): The Child of the Soothing Rainy Dew
Jake (KIM GIMYUNG): The Dazzling Foundation (Root)
Samuel (SEO SEONGEUN): Brightly Blessed with Grace (Recognition)
Vin (JIN HOBIN): A Radiant and Vigorous Tiger
Vasco (LEE EUNTAE): An All-Encompassing Kindness
Sally (PARK SERIM): The Poetry of a Gemstone
Johan (SEONG YOHAN): Graced by God / Outstandingly Possesing Something Rare
Mandeok (BANG MANDEOK): A Thousand Virtues
Doo (LEE HYUNDO): The Path Towards Wisdom
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seizuki · 2 years
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"Big deal
No. 5
Im Rua"
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seizuki · 2 years
Dear, for Yohan stan(those who wan to see Yohan in chapter 398 and what happend/planned for yohan)
Big deal planning for make Yohan fall inlove with Im Rua(Big deal no.5), so
so that Yohan doesn't work in Baekho (used google translate😭)
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seizuki · 2 years
⚠️Spoiler Lookism chapter 398⚠️ YooJin look cute here
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YooJin look like a middle schooler here
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sscarletvenus · 2 years
I'm kinda confused, how is Rua Big Deal's no.5 even though it was made clear that she's not really good at fighting? I'm guessing what got her there were her intelligence gathering abilities, but I've always had the impression that the ranking was done based on strength,,? I'm not sure my memory isn't very good 😓 would've been better if she was actually strong tho.
hey anonie! and yeah, you're right, rua isn't a major fighter as is stated by jake and jerry in 397. what most likely landed her the no.5 position was her intelligence-gathering skills, that even GUN praised... with this piece of info, i would assume the ranking is not exactly in terms of strength, but skills instead. because before jake weaponised his vengefulness in 3A against xiaolung, jerry was hinted to be stronger. however, big deal's no.1 was jake because he had the ability to lead and make people want to follow him. nonetheless rua did a pretty decent job against questism thugs, and if ptj did not take her fight as an opportunity to bring our shojo manga protagonist johan back, we could have seen more from her... hopefully she doesn't remain one-dimensional and ptj elaborates on her charcter, she seems genuinely interesting.
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