futuristicdoormats789 · 11 months
The Spider Within short film clip without effects! Via: loonietoonies on Twitter
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starlenebreiter · 4 years
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My lil princess, "Lunaticx" studying the fixed stars, and pulling some cards -~ahh, her cute little Aries sun & Capricorn Moon pulled the Devil and the Hierophant. . She is contemplating how she's going to delve deeper into the cosmos and get momma to give her some kitty nip! ... Which, of course is never! 😂🌟🧙‍♀️✳️🤭🖤😻😻😻😻😻😻😻 . #blackcats #luna #lunar #lunarticx #kitteh #gypsygirl #loonietoonie #cat #tarot #familiar #fixedstars #astrology #kitty #6months https://www.instagram.com/p/CF-KtAJnUwj/?igshid=42tawv81xngr
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kmp78 · 3 years
Jezz I will try to find the tweets but I don't promise because it's from a couple months ago, but check the tumblr, you can see her bs right there and scrolling down you'll see the posts she took from here, the exact link is on the bio of her ig echelondetective
Here's the thing that makes me doubt this connection:
The nutbag you're referring to/suspecting is completely unhinged and hysterical with her defenses regarding JL.
She cannot handle even the slightest bit of criticism or negativity towards JL. Not in any way, shape or form. She's completely irrational and cannot handle reality like a sane person should.
She actually cries and gets upset/rages uncontrollably when JL is ridiculed on socials or gossip outlets. THAT's how unhinged she is - and that's why she can't handle her emotions and writes shit like wanting to bury me and strangle me. She just cannot control her hysteria! 👀
I've "known" of and had dealings with this loonietoonie for years, and looking at her Twitter for example, it def does not look like she has changed one bit from when I first had the misfortune of running into her. 🙄
This is why it is extremely difficult to believe she could handle and hide her crazy and suddenly be able to run a secret acct that is not 100% positive and adoring towards JL for this long.
She cannot handle anything critical about JL in her own acct, so how would she be able to handle it in secret.
Makes no sense to me, knowing the looner in question. 🤨
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shauna-lynn · 8 years
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🎀 #LunaTone #frenchbulldogsofinstagram #frenchbulldog #frenchie #frenchieoftheday #loonietoonie #looneytoon #lunaisfamous @tommcintosh
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kmp78 · 4 years
Moi moi K. Where have all the normal people gone today??? 😂😂😂
Mooooi 👋
There certainly has been MASSIVE participation from the loonietoonie section today... 😂🤪
And all because of one of the most normal things on the planet: a girlfriend having house privileges. 🙄
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kmp78 · 4 years
These press junkets are set up for the same day. If fucking COVID wasn’t ruining everyone’s lives the cast would be holed up in a hotel while a plethora of interviewers come in and ask their questions. Watch Notting Hill when HG goes to see JR and he gets caught up in it 😂😂 The same thing probably happened while he was in Hawaii but remotely. Thank god thinks JL.
Yep, they do happen in a row.
And of course they happen faaaaaaaaaaar away from VK because that's what our resident loonietoonies "know" and want. 🤭🙄
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kmp78 · 4 years
Don’t forget Stevies wives candles 🕯
Oh god don't even get me started... 🙄
I guarantee some loonietoonies even ran out and bought that Avalon chick's moisturizers cos OF COURSE she is an insider since she used to diddle Rat Boy's ding-a-ling. 🤪
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kmp78 · 4 years
"Why is it so hard to believe she couldn´t have?" There you go again taking her side once more.
And there you go treating him like the victim.
Like this loonietoonie!
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SmFUCKINGhead 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
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kmp78 · 4 years
You are becoming famous, K. There always be idiots in this world and I may be very well one of them, but that's what my intuition is telling me to do. Shout out to the world.
Well, tbh I would prefer to be famous for something else rather than trying to reign in Mars loonietoonies...
Or at least get paid to do it! 🤷🏼‍♀️
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kmp78 · 4 years
You do know that Incjslit managed to get her permit all on her own just a few months ago, right?And you do know that per her IG and based on all we know, Incjslit´s so-called employments and livelihood are nothing more than some god-awful rap songs and “modeling” shoots from 5 years ago, right? So… - How do you know she get this? Maybe she was married and divorced at the same time? Maybe she won a green card? I know the process of getting status in USA and believe me, this IS NOT a piece of cake
We know she got hers because she posted several clips/pics about it on IG, and even went as far as to thank SL for “his support”.
She literally does nothing except pretend to be some sort of rapper and some sort of loonietoonie astrology enthusiast now.
Meanwhile VK has an actual agency, gets actual jobs, has residencies, relationships, even education credentials all from the US of A.
I guarantee that if someone like Incj manages to get a permit, then VK would have no problems getting hers.
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