#lord garmadon becomes quite distressed
blackcover · 1 year
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Uhhhhh, surely it's been a quite long while...? Anyway! Yeah, still alive yet apparently not that active anymore. So please bear with my sticking to the older setting because?? BOY HERE HAS BEEN THROUGH A LOT AND I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE TO BEGIN?!
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aweebwrites · 5 years
Allies Ch2
Super brief mention of attempted murder of an unhatched child and murder. Mentions of blood and an organ but nothing too graphic.
Lloyd made no sound as his sword clashed against Kozu's, quickly jumping back once he swung his sword at his stomach. He then charged in again, sword held back as he pinpointed a source of weakness in the Stone General's defense. His eyes darted left suddenly, seeing a concentrated shot of magic heading his way. He looked back to Kozu and found the General swinging right at him with all four sets of blades then smirked. He launched himself up, using his butterfly katanas as a boost to flip over the general, the shot of magic blasting his swords out of his hands. Lloyd used the momentum of his flip to plant his feet on Kozu's back then pushed himself off, the force making the Stone Warrior stumble forward as Lloyd fell into a roll then pushed himself back up on his feet again. He then jabbed the hilt of his sword backwards, smirking once a grunt sounded.
"Not bad kid." Cryptor says as he dropped his cloaking magic.
"Indeed." Kozu agrees, gathering his swords.
They've trained with Lloyd every day for various hours, never once bringing the same tactic twice. It was the Emperor's order to train him but their will to go this far. Having a weak Prince was not ideal, especially with the loss of sight in his right eye as a child. That wasn't quite what kept them motivated to their duties unlike one Pythor. They were the ones who saw that day what happens when anyone harms the Emperor's son. As beings who are often seen as soulless puppets by the Kingdom of Fulgor, they felt true fear that day. Kozu wiped his sword clean before placing them in their holders on his back then turned to where Cryptor was delivering their usual post training recommendations.
The Knights will be no match for Lloyd on their own, worse still with the three chief generals at his side. The sun sets on this day. The morrow will begin the journey to end this war spanning millennia upon millennia. Kozu looked towards the higher level of the castle, sensing that the Emperor was watching them. Lo and behold, there was his dark figure, red eyes piercing as he watched his son. Kozu’s cape fluttered as he contemplated this man he served. This… Oni. He fought along his side for over a thousand years before he fought under him. For the longest time after the first Lord, the Overlord and his creator took him under his wing, he had been suspicious and annoyed by the creature his father spent so much time on. Training him personally, helping him master his true potential. He was a great asset to the war as much as Kozu had hated to admit it. The First Spinjitzu Master, his father, had not once stepped foot on the battle ground but had attacked once, to poison their land and sky. Instead of facing the Overlord, he let his son and the elemental masters he created fight for him. A true coward. In that time, they were on the losing end of the battle, Serpentine and what few Umbrians they had at the time falling like the ashes of the land they called home the First Spinjitzu Master scorched at the start of the battle then poisoned their skies to get them to desist. But that only made them angrier, more determined. It was what made the Serpentine join their cause.
Garmadon was a breath of fresh air for the Serpentine and Umbrians alike, his powers stronger than those of the elemental masters and growing stronger still with the Overlord’s guidance. The longer he fought with Garmadon, the more he saw he had the makings of greatness. He saw why his father kept fanning the flame that was he. But the Overlord had no good intentions by growing Garmadon’s strength, by becoming his master. Not in the slightest. He planned to steal Garmadon’s powers once he broke through his nemesis, the First Spinjitzu Master’s defenses, and defeat him once and for all. But that never happened. The Overlord’s plans were completely derailed once the First Spinjitzu Master left for the Departed Realm, leaving his son and army to fight this war for him. The only thing that prevented the Overlord from finding him himself immediately at the news, was the prophecy of the Green Knight. He suspected that the First Spinjitzu Master had passed on his powers to another to fight him or simply reincarnated himself into a younger body able to keep up with battle for longer.
But he waited for years, the war still underway, with no news. Then, that woman came, serving the castle and Garmadon had foolishly opened his heart to her. She made herself appear to be an Umbrian when she was truly Fulgoric, had craftily and patiently worked her way to be trusted by all, listened in on plans to fight the Kingdom of Fulgor and fed it back to their enemies. It gave the Fulgaric army a great advantage over them. So great, the Overlord had to rise forward another army, the Nindroids, created from the modified blueprints of the Fulgoric’s grand inventor living in the Palace there. The Overlord was not happy to expend that energy to create the Nindroids and demanded to find the source of the information of their attacks. The woman must have realised that they would discover her soon and had used the softness in Garmadon’s heart he had grown for her to her advantage. They knew Garmadon would never utter a word of their operations to anyone, especially when he more than all of them longed for Fulgor’s demise. She was always by his side, almost always so she wasn’t looked at as closely as they should have. They never made that mistake again. Garmadon never made that mistake again.
Kozu looked away from the Emperor to where Cryptor was demonstrating to Prince Lloyd an easier means to swing his sword that would cause less distress in his wrists and arms.
He was the result of their arrangement. An unexpected one in her case. Her horror, her disgust even was what caught his attention. While he hadn’t cared much for something as unnecessary and troublesome as mortal affairs, her reaction made him watch her closely. The longer he watched her, the more the illusion she casted began to wane. Of course he brought this to the Overlord’s attention but his father had only urged him to keep watching, to let her keep thinking her cover was safe and to report to him. He hadn’t understood why he hadn’t just slain the mortal, regardless of Garmadon’s feelings on the matter but he did as he was told. He discovered that she was not even an Umbrian, and that she seemed to have strong relations with the Emperor of Fulgor. A spy. Then, at last, she brought forth into this war wreaked world, a large, emerald green egg that faded into gold at the very top. She was horrified. Garmadon had been brought to tears holding the egg that held his child inside. That odd birth was her breaking point it seemed. Just before dawn, when the night was at its darkest, when activity in the castle was at its absolute minimum, she took the egg and attempted to flee. He had told the Overlord of this, who had in turn woke and told Garmadon.
He was there, watching from the higher tower as the woman, her name Misako, ripped Garmadon’s heart to careless shreds with the truth of her purpose here. He who had loved her with all his heart. She had even gone as far as to drop their unhatched child over the edge of the cliff, wanting to ensure his bloodline never carries further. She hadn’t expected Garmadon to jump after the egg, hadn’t expected him to catch it and survive the fall. She certainly hadn’t expected to be faced with the Overlord in all his draconic glory once she turned to run. More than anything, she had not expected her former lover to climb his way to the top, brimming with rage, his powers lashing around him like whips as he cradled his unhatched child as the treasure it was. That day found her lifeless body laying in a pool of her own blood with her own heart in her grasp for the few seconds of life she had. She had been trying to put it back to the hole in her chest where Garmadon had ripped it out from.
He was also there, watching as his father, at Garmadon’s pleading, had checked to see if the child was uninjured inside its egg. The child, Lloyd, was fine. Uninjured and very much alive still inside his egg. It was in that moment however, checking the child’s vital signs, that his father saw that this child was the Knight of prophecy. The Green Knight. The moment his father let Garmadon know that, did Kozu know what would come next. His father was a creature of pure darkness, not evil. He had his own standards, his own views on the world. The realm of Ninjago could burn and he wouldn’t have cared. He had one goal he was determined to fulfill, and that was to defeat the only one equal to him in power. As he reverted to a more humane form, he held a scowl of disgust on his face as Garmadon feared yet again for his son’s life, more than willing to fight to the death to keep him well. His father would do no such thing. He would not fight a child, especially realising all the utter coward that was the First Spinjitzu Master, the so called glorified creator of this realm did, was to push this fight on his kin, his grandson whom had nothing to do with the grudge, the natural need to defeat the Overlord felt towards the First Spinjitzu Master. The Overlord heard the tales from Garmadon and his spies in the Kingdom of Fulgor, of the First Spinjitzu Master’s time in a realm before this, how he left due to a war he could not end. He had expected the coward to flee but to pin his fight on another, a child of all persons. Kozu had never seen his father more enraged. So when the moon was at its highest that night, his father relinquished his armies, his people, his land… And most importantly, his powers to Garmadon.
He would leave this world to the Departed Realm to face the First Spinjitzu Master directly, once and for all to settle his score. Kozu, Cryptor, Pythor and Ultra Violet, all four generals of the Overlord’s grand army, representing the major 4 species that lived on his land swore their loyalty to their new Lord- no. He rathered to be called Emperor. They witnessed as the Overlord left this world, fading as black mist in the wind. That was a little over two decades ago. For half of which, Garmadon hadn’t left the castle. Not when he had an egg to keep incubated in his warmth, to urge the child to be hatched with his presence. It took 5 years but the egg finally hatched in Garmadon’s arms in the throne room. The green hatchling dragon had recognised its father, had understood that there was no mother for it to rely on, nor did it ask for or need one. For 4 years, the child grew and learned as a dragon before finally taking his human shape on his fifth. Then, the war had slowly began taking more and more of Garmadon’s time.
He had assigned them as his caretakers during his absence. While he and Cryptor were clueless what to do with a dragonling child, they discovered that he was an intelligent child and hardly needed their care. But they were directly assigned this task by their Emperor and they would not take it lightly as Pythor, the current Serpentine General had until he was unassigned- and punished. Kozu and Cryptor both had some… Choice words for the slimy snake for being as careless as he had been. Had he not been so full of himself-
“Kozu.” The Stone General shifted his glowing, slitted green eyes to Lloyd who was watching him curiously, sword seeming to be in its hilt for some time now.
“... Let us go.” He says as he turns away, red cape fluttering behind him. “Our journey begins before dawn. You must have an early supper and an early rest.” Kozu told Lloyd as he followed with Cryptor behind him.
“Understood.” Lloyd nods, expecting as much.
It won’t do him any good to be fatigued for tomorrow.
“The Knights are aware of your existence but you are the last person they would expect. We intend on keeping your identity unknown for as long as possible. I don’t need to tell you what would happen if they discover you, the Emperor’s son out in the open.” Cryptor says as they entered the castle.
“Of course not.” Lloyd says seriously, their heels clicking against the polished ground as they made their way through the castle. “I’m not foolish enough to think that despite my training, despite your presence with me, that the Knights won’t think of something clever to try should they know my identity.” He spoke, a small sneer tugging at his lips at the mention of their names.
“I’ll be careful.” He promised them.
“Good. Because once we’re out there, we won’t always have the time to look after you.” Cryptor warned as they stopped by the dining hall, Lloyd turning around to face them.
“That’s alright. You won’t need to.”
______________________ (Woo chapter 2!  I'm sorry. I don't vibe well with Misako and I know that which is why I don't write her at all because if I do, she turns out like this. Love me some Movie Misako though. She's only mentioned a hand full of times through the fic at least. (twice or three times).
__________________________ Ch1
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