raayllum · 2 years
I’m sorry but Sorvus MUST become canon…who doesn’t want a himbo and his long suffering, nature loving partner?? Crown guard boyfriends - yes yes please! (Also the idea that Soren keeps challenging Corvus to combat/trials etc rather than just asking him to hang out Is hands down one of the most adorable things I’ve ever seen!😩)
Honestly the funniest thing about this ship for me is that months ago (aka back in good ol’ August) I started working on / posted about a Sorvus and Rayllum focused oneshot since I just had a feeling, after rewatching the series a few times and knowing that Corvus and Soren were going to be Ezran’s co-bodyguards, and now it’s just a matter of how far along in their development they’re gonna be as a ship in S4, lmao!
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kazhan-draws · 2 years
Ahhh I just stumbled across a post on tumblr and recognised your name and was like it’s the author of the mungrove favourite song verse fics!! - thank you for that series I love, love, love it!!! Your writing is wonderful!
Aaaaah thank you so much omg!!! 🥰 I'm glad you're enjoying the series (and my writing 😭), thanks for the sweet message! 💙
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ihni · 9 months
2am by Lostlimerence
This one is short, under 1K, so it's like ... snack-sized. But it's the best snack you're ever gonna get.
It's Mungrove, and the language is poetry. I love it, I feel it in my chest when I read it, I know I'll never be able to write something like this for as long as I live but it doesn't matter because I'm at least alive here and now so I can read it, and that's enough.
Billy is at Eddie's place, and he's hurt. Eddie wants to know what happened. Billy tells him.
I'm a sucker for scars, I'm a sucker for hurt/comfort, I'm a sucker for flowy language. This fic is hitting so many of my buttons. I adore.
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mrbluesummers-moved · 2 years
@lostlimerence replied to your post
Give them time? Everything is different maybe she’ll be grown in season 2? We’ve only had her for like 2 minutes and this season of stampede is clearly set when they are all younger?
I get what you're going for here, and I still love Stampede and the adaptation we've been given here, but Elendira and Legato are close to, if not the same age in the comics. It still feels weird to single her out and make her a child clone rather than making the clone a new character ala Roberto.
Also, the fact that she's a clone feels weird just as much as her age, and that's not going to change even with a timeskip between season 1 and season 2.
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wasabi-gumdrop · 2 years
I just wanted to drop by and let you know that I am completely in LOVE with your writing.
Second Hand News is one of the most beautifully crafted pieces of writing I have ever had the pleasure of reading.
You have made me fall into absolute adoration and love with a character I used to barely give a second thought (I had to Google him to double check what he looked like in the show when I started reading).
Your Tetsu is so beautifully and heart wrenchingly complex, you’ve made me so desperate for this man to have a happy ending with Kiri and Katsuki (and don’t even get me started on your characterisation of them I am completely in love with them too). Honestly the way you write is so immersive and masterful.
Some of my favourite lines so far:
‘The taste of summer in the air was nothing but a haunting reminder of just how easy it was to squander time.’ - literal poetry right off the bat.
‘Tetsu’s brain was a mess of spongy cotton, leaking thoughts that he never usually bothered with. It filled his mouth with the metallic taste of rain.’
‘Katsuki pulled a slim cigarillo from between his lips.
“The hell are you doing here.”
His voice was shaky.
Tetsu smiled gently and stepped closer, pointing to the house.
“Here? This happens to be where I live.”
“Hilarious,” Katsuki deadpanned.’ - Your dialogue is just so delicious and so effortless I can literally see this scene (the whole scene with them outside the party) so perfectly.
Also as a side note on this scene I love that even though it’s soft and melancholy you still throw in a little bit of Tetsus horny brain (there was a chain around his neck — steel loops wide enough that Tetsu could almost poke his fingers through.) it’s just so perfect and realistic haha.
‘But like a beautiful storm made of fire, Katsuki came into the picture and Tetsu had no room left to run.’ - killed me, just stunning.
‘Big doe eyes met his gaze in the rearview mirror, sincere and shimmering with curiosity.
“T, do you think we look exactly the same?”
Tetsu’s stomach did an odd flip.
“Well, maybe not exactly the same,” he grunted after a pause.
“Okay. I’ve always thought we looked sorta different —”
“I’m obviously hotter.”
“Oh, fuck right off,” Ei scoffed.
Tetsu barked out a laugh. “You know it’s true.”
“You’re lucky I love you.”
“Because I’m so hot, right?” - this whole interaction as well just fucking wonderful, the relationships you build are just so intimate.
I just absolutely love the interactions between any combination of these three boys you’ve built up such beautiful relationships between them all! Also the revelation that Kiri was asking if he thinks they look the same KNOWING Katsuki had slept with Tetsu?! Magnificent.
‘Slowly, their hands slipped apart. The heat of Katsuki’s touch lingered. Tetsu resisted a shiver and turned to leave the room.’ - the pain, my god please I need to see Tetsu loved by his boys!
‘Ei’s smile vanished.
Time screeched to a halt.
Tetsu was ready to commit murder with his best friend.
But then someone tossed an empty solo cup at Buzzcut’s head.
The plastic bounced off and landed on the floor and it was like a grenade pin had dropped in the room.
It was Pikachu.’ - just the absolute beauty of the tension build in this scene and the burst of comedy we get from denkis interjection - again just masterful.
Anyway I should stop now but I could literally do this for hours haha!
Sorry to be so rambly (promise I’m not deranged) I just needed to let you know how in love with this story and this world you have created I am.
Unfortunately you have ruined me for any other characterisation of Tetsu in any other fic (not written by you) ever but it is a small price to pay!
I re-read your work constantly and cannot wait to see where you take it next! I apologise for being so gushy I just needed to get this out of my system haha!
this is 🥺 the sweetest message?? 😭💕
i’m so glad you’ve found new love for tetsu through this fic. and i can’t thank you enough for letting me know your thoughts. this fic has been such a joy to write, it has definitely made me a tskrbk ride or die ✨
for the curious: second hand news on ao3
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ichigokeks · 6 years
Yesss so glad! Sorry I’m messaging so much haha I really loved it (so hyped when it appeared in the qiucheng tag) and was in fear it had gone! Not blurry at all! ❤️
oh no no, you are always welcome in my ask box!! I get so happy when I receive a new message ❤️❤️
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howlsofbloodhounds · 5 years
Love how Qrows first reaction when the airship rocks is to look to Clover! How are people being so blind to everything!
No idea. Maybe they just have never seen two men openly flirt with eachother with no harmful intent to hurt, manipulate or betray eachother??
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