happyhavnts · 4 years
( closed starter requested by @lostothers. )
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it was rather uncharacteristic for the boy to drown his troubles with liquor but somehow christopher had still somehow found himself stumbling into the bar. all he needed was a temporary escape, something to distract him from the transgressions he was forced to deal with. this definitely wasn’t how he had expected things to play out, but then again things rarely ever went according to plan. it was one of the many disappointments that he was forced to come to terms with over the years, but was still having trouble grasping. he shifted himself slightly in the barstool he was seated in, his blank stare cast down at the glass of bourbon in front of him. it was much stronger than whatever he was served at home, the occasional wine during a celebration. even though it was a smaller amount, he was already feeling a comfortable buzz halfway through. all he wanted was to feel numb. he turned his attention toward the individual seated beside him, looking the male over with keen interest. “you don’t look like someone who would choose to frequent a place like this.” he noted as he stared up at the other through his lashes. “then again, who am i to speak on that? this is definitely not my scene either.” he chuckled softly before lifting the glass back up to his lips and taking a quick swig. “but misery loves company, am i right? bottoms up.” he lifted his glass as if to toast the other. “it tastes bloody awful but it’s better than nothing.”
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razorcrst · 4 years
@lostothers​ said “i was just a machine taking orders. it wasn’t really me.” / honey & jin.
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honey had remained rather silent after broaching the topic initially, a shaky breath falling from her lips the moment she heard the other’s explanation. she knew deep down that decision jin had made, or hadn’t made, must not have been easy to deal with after becoming deviant. a small frown tugged at the corners of her lips as she looked the other over. she took in a deep breath and reached out to place a supportive hand on the man’s shoulder, “i don’t blame you for anything you did, jin. you didn’t know any better.” she reassured him. “look how far you’ve come since then.”
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risingmccns · 4 years
@lostothers​ (Baz) said “danger and i are old companions”
Nick nodded as he listened to the other’s words. He could definitely relate, since he’d gotten into dangerous situations as a soldier. And although he’d tried to avoid it afterwards, due to his vampirism, danger sometimes came his way. “That makes two of us.” He said with a chuckle. “Why are you friends with danger?”
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scatteredstorieshq · 4 years
did i just spot ( GEORGE MACKAY ) around town? oh no wait, it was just ( JOHN MOUSE ). rumor has it that he is the ( TWENTY SIX ) year old child of ( BASIL ) from ( THE GREAT MOUSE DETECTIVE ). i’ve also heard that they’re ( PERCEPTIVE ) and ( EGOTISTICAL ), and have ( ZERO ) siblings. {CALEB}
Did I just see GEORGE MACKAY walk down Main Street ? No , it’s just JOHN MOUSE ! Either way , welcome to town. You have twenty-four hours to send your blog into the main. Please feel free to ask for an extension if you need one.
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@lostothers​ said ‘ i didn’t believe in soulmates until i met you. ’ / jo & olivia.
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a smile eased its way onto olivia’s lips as she reached out to take jo’s hands into her own, her heart nearly skipping a beat from the other’s words. “see, i was that girl who always believed in soulmates and fairytale romance… but i was starting to think there wasn’t something like that out there for me. that was until i met you and everything changed.” she admitted, teeth sinking into her bottom lip. “though, i must admit that this might just be better than any story i’ve read.”
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scatteredgossip · 4 years
name a couple of cinnamon rolls that you think need to be protected.
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Just a couple? I think all cinnamon rolls should be protected. But, I suppose the warmest and sweetest are the most vulnerable, so I’ll name out those ones! Please, don’t target them for mean tricks. The ones out of the oven are Dee Dee, Poppy, Scout, Rory, Flynn, Fend, Luna, Reilly, Beau, Alder, Mary, Elodie, Kennedy, Morgan, and Failynn! They all do their best to be so nice and welcoming to everyone. I’m just so sad that not everyone reacts to such bright personalities very well all the time.
@fairyxdustedx / @happyhavnts / @bearlyxhuman / @thegirlwithredeyes / @beauprideatyourside / @lastingsongs / @lostothers / @ofstorybooks / @realhercs / @failynnarendelle / @ncmeinthesky
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examinos · 4 years
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 @ollmaniisms / @royaliity / @miraculousandcursed / @hxneysuckle / @shcnebrights / @lostothers
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miraculousandcursed · 4 years
event starter as requested by @lostothers​ for Anna
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“I hope the night has been treating you kindly, Miss Anna,” Kai greeted the blonde with a fond smile. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you. And I’ll have you know I’ve read up on cars and planes. This point in time for the human race is pretty impressive,” Kai beamed widely like that would at all impress her. “But more importantly, I want to ask how you’ve been,” his tone became less playful. The way he said it conveyed she had his attention wholly.
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starschne · 4 years
( @lostothers​ asked: ∞ from this meme ) 
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“ Then run, go ahead, have fun... “  
- Paradise: The neighborhood
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royaliity · 4 years
Olivia, how do you feel about John?
“John is like family to me. I aspire to prove I can do more in his eyes.” // @lostothers
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happyhavnts · 4 years
( event starter for @lostothers​ / victoria & red. )
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victoria was already starting to grow a bit restless as she stood by the large spanning window within the emporium. out of all the places she could have been stuck in town, she objectively lucked out. but, she still found herself wishing that she had been stuck in the fairly empty apartment she had claimed as her own. knowing that nothing was presently changing about the current state outside, she slowly turned towards one of the boys she had found herself trapped with. he was quiet. which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing but it made her all the more curious about him. she looked him over with keen intent, taking notice of the scarring on his wrists. she was itching to inquire about them but didn’t want to overstep any boundaries or bring up any bad memories. “can i ask you something?” she tilted her head to the side slightly. “--you can totally tell me to shut the fuck up or that it’s not my place but… how did you get those?” she gestured to her own wrists. “they look pretty bad.”
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razorcrst · 4 years
@lostothers sent in cups my muse’s cheek(s) / christopher & john.
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it was extremely uncharacteristic for the prince to allow himself to get upset in front of anyone, but all the emotions he had been bottling up for years were slowly bubbling up to the surface and there was nothing he could really do to stop it. he had gone on a long tirade about how useless he felt compared to his brother, tears welling in his eyes and voice beyond strained by the end of his tangent. the only thing that made him feel grounded once more was john’s hand cupping his cheek, his expression softening slightly as he stared up at the other. “i’m sorry for dumping all of this on you… you probably think i’m a mess now.” a dry chuckle falling from his lips as he glanced down at the ground.
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scatteredstorieshq · 4 years
did i just spot ( CILLIAN MURPHY ) around town? oh no wait, it was just ( DIAVAL RAVANA ). rumor has it that he is the ( FORTY-FIVE) year old originally from ( SLEEPING BEAUTY ). if they had to choose a side, they would consider themself ( EVIL ). i’ve also heard that they’re ( LOYAL ) and ( CUNNING ), and have ( TWO ) children.
Did I just see CILLIAN MURPHY walk down Main Street ? No , it’s just DIAVAL RAVANA ! Either way , welcome to town. You have twenty-four hours to send your blog into the main. Please feel free to ask for an extension if you need one.
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@lostothers​ said ‘ your life is like one long director’s cut of final destination. ’ / kal & alexander.
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a look of confusion was etched across alexander’s face at the other’s words, not overly familiar with many films in general due to his sheltered upbringing. “is that the series where everyone dies a gruesome death somehow?” he questioned, head cocking to the side as he glanced over at the other. “if so, i sure do hope yours is next.”
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scatteredgossip · 4 years
If there was a cinnamon roll slumber party, who should get an invite for cuddles?
“Oh! Could I be invited? I’m just kidding... Or, am I? But, for people that could actually get invited, I would say the invitation list should include Luna, even though I’m pretty sure she would be super nervous. She still deserves some cuddles. Kennedy should be there, too -- she’s so sweet and always up for anything! Get Melanie over there, she looks like she would be a good cuddler. Chase is a big time cinnamon roll that would probably eat all of the cinnamon rolls -- the food, not the people ( hopefully ). Rory needs to be there -- a sweet baby that needs to be protected. Elliot, Alder, and Failynn from the frozen North all need some warmth and loving -- especially since they’re all so nice. How can you be so nice when you’ve lived in such a cold place? The Min-Mins ( Flynn and Dee-Dee ) are actual sunshines and are in SERIOUS need of some holding right now considering their run in with good ole dad. Throw Scout in there because he’s an actual puppy -- just try to keep him from licking your face. We need Morgan, who will probably try to hold every single person in this giant cuddle party and make sure they all feel loved and included. Reilly gets a definite invite with no questions asked. Fend won’t need an invite -- the slightest whiff of a cuddle party and he would suddenly appear. And, last, but not least, our hard-working Beau! So, to recap our mailing list for the giant cinnamon roll cuddle party: Luna, Kennedy, Melanie, Chase, Rory, Elliot, Alder, Failynn, Flynn, Dee-Dee, Scout, Morgan, Reilly, Fend, and Beau!
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@thegirlwithredeyes / @realhercs / @ncmeinthesky / @lastingsongs / @happyhavnts / @fairyxdustedx / @lostothers / @failynnarendelle / @beauprideatyourside / @bearlyxhuman
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happyhavnts · 4 years
brody is now cis-bent.
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Uncomfortable was an understatement for how Brody currently felt in his new form. A soft sigh fell from his lips in frustration, “I swear… men are so gross. I’ve had about five guys check out my butt in the past hour. Is this what girls have to deal with on a regular basis?” 
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