dantes--rebellion · 2 years
For @lostsonofsparda con’t from HERE.
Dante regarded his brother for a few moments before speaking again after a soft sigh. “You feel you can rest easy here, at my home?” He smirked, “That’s something I never thought I’d hear you say.” 
He sat next to his tired twin and propped a foot up on his knee as he usually did, a classic Dante pose that showed his guard was down. “I never expected to hear anything from you ever again. Funny how life works, isn’t it?” 
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notagoodfather · 2 years
@lostsonofsparda​ Cont. [X]
When he felt Vergil's fingers on his face, he tried his best to keep his expression rigid and exemplary. As any good servant would. Of course, it didn't stop his body from feeling a slight shiver. After all, any touch of that demon blue would make Sven's knees drop. But there were more appropriate times for that, and this wasn't it. So he kept his composure as best he could.
“Do you speak from experience or is it just a personal thought?” He gives a sarcastic smile. A way to change the mood and hide his reactions more when he was around Vergil.
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“I guess if you're alive and willing. Why not? Every sinner must pay for his sins. Including me. Who dared to fall in love with the son of the God Sparda...”
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dcviltriggcr · 1 year
@lostsonofsparda​ gets a short starter.
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            『 ❝ so what the hell did you two even do the whole time you were in the Underworld? ❞ 』 it had been a while since Nero had last seen Vergil and Dante, his last recollection of them was him calling the two of them idiots as they flew off and left him in charge of taking care of whatever mess was left after what had happened in Red Grave.             it wasn’t that he wasn’t happy too see they’d made it out { okay, maybe he was slightly less happy about Vergil, only because he was still a little ticked off at him }, because he was. he was just still trying to wrap his head around everything.
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            『 ❝ tell me you guys didn’t just constantly fight with each other like a couple of kids. ❞ 』 though, if he was honest, he wouldn’t actually be all that surprised were that the case.
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healingwords · 2 years
@lostsonofsparda asks ‘ [ CHIN ]:         as they stand close to one another, the sender hooks a finger and tenderly lifts the receiver’s chin, tilting it up so that they can look at one another, and running a thumb across their skin lightly. ‘
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If only the dam--er, darnable silverette wasn’t so keenly aware of how easily he could fluster the blond, turn her cheeks shades of red that were likely unique to her embarrassment. Perhaps then, Vergil wouldn’t seek it out with such frequency and with such finesse. Something as simple as him guiding her gaze up to meet his own had her heart jackrabbiting in her chest, blue eyes wide as she tried to retain her composure only to fail spectacularly. A hard swallow.
Hey, she managed a word! Look at that.
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lionheartedscout · 1 year
send me a "۞" and I'll introduce you to one of my other muses @carrotsaversion
The sound of distant sirens was enough to stir the elder Sparda from his sleep, the pale light of the moon peeking through the blinds of the window. It was nearly full, and that always meant more activity. He could already sense something, but it was faint and faraway. Perhaps it wouldn't be deadly enough to bother with.
The shrill of the phone ringing downstairs already told him otherwise. It rang once, twice, thrice...
"Devil May Cry."
He sat up and grabbed his blue coat from the hanger beside the bed, smoothing down the front before slicking back his silver hair. Satisfied, he picked up the Yamato from its resting place on the wall and unsheathed it a little to inspect it. Just as he was finished, there was a knock on the bedroom door.
"Yo, Vergil! You up? Looks like we got demons. Lots of them."
Vergil let out a small huff as he opened the door, greeted by a smug grin from his younger twin.
"Let's just get this over with," he murmured as he walked past Dante.
The sooner he could finish the job, the sooner he could get back to his reading.
Vergil (Devil May Cry) -> @lostsonofsparda
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huntsmengalore · 2 years
//it seems the FNDM is finally rising from the grave lol
tbh, i just find it hard to write on this blog and i’m not sure if i’ll ever find the muse again, but i am currently active on other blogs and socials
Thancred Waters (FFXIV) -> @thancrxdwatxrs Vergil (DMC) -> @lostsonofsparda Marian Hawke (Dragon Age) -> @champion-fem-hawke Harlock Trevelyan (Dragon Age sideblog) -> @piratetrevelyan
Dis.cor.d -> olivethesniper#5895
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thancrxdwatxrs · 2 years
//just hopping on to say hello <3
things have been kind of hectic lately with school and life in general (and also I’m gearing up to go to a con next weekend) sooo yeah, but I love and appreciate every one of you ^^ hopefully things will settle down soon, but in the meantime i’m usually on disco and you can catch me on my other blogs -> @lostsonofsparda and @champion-fem-hawke
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archivedhellahell · 3 years
@lostsonofsparda Cont. [X]
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That kind of situation wasn't that unusual for Sven. It was even common for him to share a bed with an agent or two on missions. But he didn't know if Vergil would be comfortable with such a thing. He looked a little surprised at the other. Special with the last words spoken. The brunette thought to say something, but in the end he just gave a nod in thanks.
“Well, I'll take off my coat and my boots. It's a little uncomfortable if I sleep in them. Please make yourself comfortable and also choose which side of the bed is best for you, my lord.”
He retreated to a corner of the small room, next to a chair and began to unbutton his coat. Sven didn't know why, even though he was already used to such a thing. Having Vergil there, in the same space as he undressed… made his face flush a little. At least, he was on his back to disguise such an embarrassing moment.  
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eeveeliciousrp · 2 years
@lostsonofsparda [continued]
V smiled from behind his dark hair at his other half. The apology was simple but nothing short of genuine. They’ve been through alot together and even more when separated. After being made whole once more, V was still able to manifest as his own being.
“Already forgiven. You needed to lose your humanity to learn to appreciate it, to appreciate my existence. I’m just glad you weren’t lost forever.”.
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@lostsonofsparda liked for a starter with Sparda ~
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☠       ───     "Such a darling young babe," the tall demon muttered with slight curve of a smile. He bounced the small Nero in his arms, picking him up to hold the infant over his head, inspecting. Sparda then lowered Nero slightly to sniff the child's fluffy hair. Nero bursted into a fit of giggles, reaching with tiny hands to grab at his grandfather.
"What did you say his name was?"
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holyguardian · 3 years
@lostsonofsparda​ continued from here:
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“Really?” Aerith woke up deciding to push her luck that day, going toe-to-toe with a human — but also not. There was no denying he was incredibly powerful when she had witnessed his skillful use of his blade first hand. He could slice through the scutes of a poison-spitting lizard like paper without even breaking a sweat!
“I mean, I could probably beat you in a fight you know. You look like a tough guy so I must be impressive.” The smile she flashed was teasing, though self-doubt betrayed her in how she looked relieved by his assurance. The world was terrifying and the young woman understood well enough that is was a matter of when not if it tried to swallow her whole.
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secondborn-cambion · 3 years
@lostsonofsparda continued from here
Vergil was an armful, but Dante found that he could let go the momentary discomfort if it meant he could get his twin to stop screaming like that .. Whatever he had dreamt, whatever was haunting him in that moment, just before wakefulness took him, Dante wasn’t sure he wanted to imagine .. If it was enough to crack Vergil’s icy façade, it must have been something out of Lucifer’s own ..
“Easy,” he said again, trying to force whatever soothing presence he could muster into the other, as though by osmosis. “You’re fine. You’re easy-breezy-beautiful-cover-Verg, right? Everything’s okay .. It was just a dream .. ?”
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notagoodfather · 2 years
@lostsonofsparda Cont. [X]
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The priest's gaze seemed lost, he seemed a little disoriented. He only realized he was in Vergil's room when he heard his voice asking to join him. Perhaps by instinct his body guided him to a safe place, to the arms of his master.
Their footsteps went towards the bed. And without ceremony he lay down clinging to the other's arms. Hiding his face in the blue Sparda's chest.
“I know it's bold of me…but can I stay with you tonight? I promise not to disturb you…I'll stay quiet. I just…need to stay by your side right now…”
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tyriandemonroyalty · 3 years
@lostsonofsparda continued from here
More than anything, Sparda knew, he was not in the running for “world’s best father.” He doubted he was in the top 100 .. He was too rough with the nestlings, too much a child himself, at times, or so his wife had once told him. Still .. He had loved the boys .. He remembered the day they were born. Small, squalling pink things.
“ .. You know, you always were small,” he offered, gently. “Your mother and I would say, you gave most of yourself to your brother .. You were always a good big brother, you were concerned with him. You made up for it, of course. Long legged, like a fawn, and so quick, running everywhere. Mi Paulo Efferus. Little Savage One .. “
Sparda swallowed, not wanting to become lost in nostalgia when he feared his time was yet still too short.
“ – Vergil, nothing you could to could make me stop loving you. I know your deepest heart’s desire was to be Mommy’s Boy, but you were only ever and always Daddy’s Prince. I want you to know that..”
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healingwords · 2 years
@lostsonofsparda asks ‘  ❝  i see every mark as something to be proud of,  proof of all i survived.  ❞ (continuing the chronicles of flustering Natalie lol) ‘
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"A-As you s-should. They a-are badges o-of c-courage, I t-think.”
The aasimar nodded in agreement with Vergil’s statement, a hand rising absently to rub at the back of her neck. Even if she was no fighter, Natalie had more than her fair share of scars that were visible, not to mention what lay beneath those voluminous white robes. Would he be surprised by that?
..the thought of him seeing her bare had pink rising to her cheeks as she cleared her throat.
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professor-goodwitch · 3 years
@lostsonofsparda​ cont.
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It’s been at least weeks since Glynda had found herself in her new “home” ever since she got here for some unknown reason. She had been figuring out how she would go back to her own world but it seems it would take a while for her to know so-- she adapted for now.
She currently works as a librarian in Red Grave’s local library and luckily she was well-versed in ‘office’ jobs. Also, it would help her find some ‘books’ that may explain ‘supernatural’ that may relate to her sudden warp to this world.
However, she does indulge in unwinding her stressful state as she had less of that back in Remnant. The blonde took it upon herself to go to a bar in the city and take a few sips of her drinks. Oddly enough, this world serves the same type of whiskey she would taste in Vale’s bars.
Glynda just minded her own business until a familiar face walked up to her, the man who had caught her after she was sent flying through the portal. That day was very clear, falling into his arms yet his stance able to withstand the force to keep himself standing. It was an awkward moment but luckily none that would bring shame to the blonde’s memory of that incident. 
She let out a small smile as she stood from her stool to face him. However, before she could even respond to him his hands were on her hips and his lips were now upon hers.
Shock froze the huntress and almost let her glass slip, but didn’t let it falter from her hand. Normally, she would raise her crop and fling the man away but his lips were.. soft. 
That might be the alcohol talking but it wouldn’t hurt to taste her ‘savior’s’ lips for a bit.
She pulled away, looking into his eyes with her emerald ones before she smirked. “ Is that how second greeting in this world goes? Kissing someone in the lips? Very odd indeed.”
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