#lothril answers asks
lothrilzul · 1 year
So, Thenasto, or Tendon as the shipmates came to knew him aboard the Merryweather, was free elf by the time the Magisters caught him. He was leading a one-elf healing clinic where he sometimes worked for free if people were unable to pay. He accepted trade, food, whatever. That’s where he met the other custom Godwoken of his story, Lady Arne, who was my Husband’s custom character.
As a young elf, he lived in the edge of the Homeland, near a human village where his father was helping the humans with the burials. He literally grew up in a cemetery but it never bothered him. He learned a lot about death, customs, rituals, respect, loss and the Hall of the Echoes was a very interesting thing for him. He also was curious about Source, but he didn’t connect the two yet.
When he was a little older, he had a crush/girlfriend, I don’t how serious it was, but they had a pet squirrel. Only, the squirrel died and he was grieving the poor innocent creature so much, that he somehow brought it back. It was not the same, and eventually not more than a walking (albeit happy) skeleton and the girl was terrified. Of both of them. She screamed and yelled and sent him away. With his broken heart, he ran from home, never to return.
He wandered the forests, silent at first, and then he came to peace with his talents. He vowed never to use these skills as offense, only in self defense, and only if there was nothing else he could do. He was also talented in Hydrosophist spells, so he focused mostly on those. He learned some ice magic, but it was healing that interested him most.
And scholarly stuff. He is a reader and a talented singer. Every night, he would walk the forest and sing to the creatures or the Moon. I know it’s cliche but he really was a pure dumb idiot like that. 
So one day, during the New Moon, lizard slavers captured him and it was his voice that saved him. He never stopped singing and didn’t resist. He liked living, even if he wasn’t free. He was immediately put to a different wagon, into a more expensive cage essentially and was sold to the highest bidder. The slavers were paid well for the find.
His first owner was a pleasure garden. He had pretty good life there, the ‘birds’ were respected by the owner, were allowed to refuse clients and most often didn’t even need to perform sexual acts. It was mostly mild things, think courtesan or geisha. They were expensive escorts, not cheap things. It was a prestige to hire a bird and if a client was not behaving they found themselves banned from the garden.
One day, a wealthy human woman came to the garden to buy a new book reader, because her eye sight was failing and her previous one just died. (You know, like you would buy a new e-book reader, I guess?) She quickly chose Thenasto because he spoke more than one language and could sing beautifully.
He continued to have a relatively happy life. He had everything but his freedom. They had fine clothes, free time, were free to leave the mansion and they loved the Lady. The Old Lady was nice, well, as nice as a slave-owner gets, but  everyone someone enough owned slaved there.
Thenasto fell in love with a man named Sandor, the cook. The Old Lady allowed them, she said it brought happiness into the ‘big old house’.
But the Old Lady was, well, old and only had relatives that lived in countries where slavery was abolished, and urged her to free her lot, give them wages, but she said she was too old to change now and they’ll be free once she died. All of the relatives squarely refused owning slaves, all but one. So, when she died, everything she had, including all the ‘servants’ in the house, were inherited by her niece, who was the only one not refusing. 
Now, the niece was everything but like the Old Lady. She was cruel and selfish. The last year of Thenasto’s slave-life was plain misery. The new lady was keen on showing them what slaves ‘deserved’, whippings were common as verbal abuse and so on. Sandor and Thenasto laid low, but they Lady found out. It led to Thenasto escaping via a literal bloodshed where he killed her, but also lost Sandor.
Since that event he could raise a bloated corpse, one of his starting spells. (Other is decaying touch, also used that night.) He used it only in self defense and was always horrified of it.
He had 3 owners in total, but I’m not sure how long his slave time was actually. He was free by the time the Fog devastated the Homeland and his last hope of seeing his family vanquished. 
At that time, he never would’ve thought he will end up with the man he cursed so many times and he would be grateful for meeting him.
(Spelling these all out, I’m now embarrassingly aware how similar some of these elements are to the stories of Fenris and Anders from Dragon Age 2 and Zevran from Origins, but when I conjured it all up, it haven’t played these games yet. Yeah I’m a latecomer.)
So, where did this idea came from? I wanted to play an elf because I was tired of equipping the shapeshifting mask everytime. I chose male, because female elves terrified me personally. I still respect Sebille but hoo boy. She’s a presense, isn’t she? Thenasto sure agrees. Now, I always had a sweet spot for Necromancy since Heroes of Might and Magic III’s Necropolis and my D:OS Source Hunter was a Geomancer/Witchcraft girl, so I was kind of familiar with the playstyle. 
Ah, and Thenasto is a well-read one and he craves old stories about Source users. Source Hunters, Arhu, Zandalor, Jahan, Cassandra and Braccus? He knows everything that was written down somewhere. Meeting Jahan, Arhu and Braccus in person was like a dream come true. Or a nightmare, in the latter case. (He personally almost worships my Source Hunter Busdra, even tho official texts claimed it was ‘Roderick and Scarlett’ or whatever, he always believed the ‘Busdra and Blossom’ version was true. That was what the elves taught to him. That was in the memories that he tasted.)
As for the romance? I didn’t even know this game had romance until I accidentally triggered Ifan with the ‘you know, lonely’ dialogue. I was done then and there. In a week I was shipping this boy so hard with Ifan my heart clenched. Because just imagine the possibilities! The back story was born soon and I’m currently 18k into their ‘idiots in love’ fic and half of it wasn’t even written. Or badly. It devolved from a violent climax to a totally tender one and I’m still polishing it to be good enough to share. It’s a quickly escalating thing, really, much like my real falling in love was. ^^
Ifan, as we know, can be in love with the player since the moment they meet on the ship, and I am on board with that. He saw this graceful parrot with his mohawk, soft words and kind soul and went: that’s the one. Thenasto didn’t need much more than a boop on the nose either.
Neither of them was comfortable prodding the other much tho, both thought the other deserved better. Thenasto was not proud of his past as a slave, especially as that kind of slave and well, we know Ifan’s story. It is extra angsty with an elf.)
Lady Arne and the Red Prince (the rest of the party, Hubbo’s characters) were doing their best to make these two idiots realize what they felt before they left Reaper’s coast. They succeeded, bless them.
We finished our game by sharing the source with everyone, but their canon is that Lady Arne became the New Divine in Lucian’s place. This was more or less satisfactory for everyone. Neither Thenasto nor Ifan really ever wanted it, and none of them wanted to outlive or outstrong the other, so they trusted Arne. Turns out, she is much better than Lucian. The only downside was losing Afrit for Ifan.
Thenasto and Ifan went on about the forest rehabilitation project and lived happily ever after. (Or not, but that’s a different story, and I’m still working on that.)
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skyeventide · 5 years
the Dagor Dagorath is near. we set the scene a few centuries before the final battle and follow the story of some elves you do not know... and some you very well might.
gon post this on AO3 when it’s finished but have the first part here in the meantime.
*note about “laiqendi”: I’m not missing a U, the word is in qenya
-------------- 1
Cemenien was daughter to parents who had worked the earth in a far hamlet of the south of Aman, dwelling in the plains of Yavanna, on the edge of the thick woods of the Lord of Forests and just west of the circling Pelóri.
She was born during the Noontide of Valinor, a time half mythical, half forgotten to those who had come after. She had been named daughter-of-the-earth by her mother, and Valinë by her father, who wished for her happiness. In later years, both names bore great irony to her, who had risen tall and proud to the chance of leaving for a new home.
Hilyatúrë Nildur was born in Tirion in the same age. His mother named him a loving servant and his father, for he had strong opinions about the Princes and their Houses, named him mighty-follower. Nildur followed indeed, and he wielded the sword with the same strength with which he used to wield the pen.
But why he should be a servant of the loving, he never quite understood.
Cemenien and Nildur never met during the wars of Beleriand; she died during the Dagor Bragollach and he during the Nírnaeth Arnoediad.
When Nildur at last returned to his likeness in Aman, he lay himself to his parents’ feet, on the steps of their house, and asked that he be freed of all his duties, of all the pain that it had brought him. Thus, he kissed them and his brother goodbye and left Tirion through the southern gate, setting forth towards the arduous task of forgetting.
Cemenien yearned for a body longer and more bitterly, and it was not until she had sweated and cried out that bitterness as mortals would a fever that she was allowed to return. She did not go to Tirion, she did not breathe the sea; instead, she headed home, for there were things that she regretted, and she had deliberated that the highest form of healing for herself and those she had most hurt was not expecting that they grant her forgiveness.
Both Cemenien and Nildur had loved, once, but had never married. Though some say that love is like the mountains, weathering storms and time unchanged, an immortal soul may find itself too altered by the passing of the eras. As they both had grown into another maturity, born of grief and betrayal, they found that seeking solace in each other was perhaps a deserved sort of peace.
When she birthed their firstborn son, as she lay exhausted by labour on their nuptial bed, Nildur wrapped the child in their richest piece of cloth, dyed with the crunched shells of the coasts and threaded in gold, and placed him in her arms.
Inspired as often are those that are come newly into motherhood, she named him Culdaner.
A name in Quenya was perhaps uncommon in the southern pastures, where elves who were not Eldar or had not crossed the mountains in nights long past were now in great numbers. They had come to Aman either through death or through the journey on the Straight Road, and had brought with them ancient dialects, mingling them with Sindarin; children of woods and moors and yet drier lands, they had picked the forests and the fields as their dwelling.
Indeed, it was in the north that Quenya was still spoken, that had never ceased being spoken, for the Vanyar still sat gladly at the feet of Taniquetil.
But Cemenien’s hamlet too had those who had never left and Quenya, in greetings and in names, was oft still in use.
Nildur and Cemenien’s neighbour had recently had her second child, a daughter much wanted. Lothril thus came to their house with a cordial of sweet mead and a knowing smile.
She said to Cemenien: « Drink it and recover from that pallor. »
With weary arms, Cemenien took the cordial and sipped miruvor, its new recipe brought back from Middle Earth, spreading vital strength in her tired limbs.
« I would happily tell you that the second time is easier », Lothril said also, « but I’d be lying. To me, it truly was not. »
Cemenien laughed. « There will not be a second time, believe you me. »
For she felt that she had given this one her everything.
As she nursed the new-born, Nildur worked their land and picked up the quill again, and during their nights he sat by the babe’s cradle, his attempts at bringing him sleep varying between caresses, songs, repeated pleas, and a curious form of market bartering.
He oft returned to his wife with a great sigh. « Blessed Irmo when he brings slumber. »
« You know what they say about sleep, that it is only for the weak and the reasonable. »
« …Who says that? »
« …Just me, dear. Just me. »
So they toiled, but joyfully, and they thought their new life satisfying and their serenity sufficient.
When Culdaner was but a child who could only walk by holding the hand of his mother, an elf came to the house approaching down the dusty path that twisted and turned between the crops gardens, and he had dark hair and blue eyes that shone of lost light, and a short beard grew on his face, for he was in the third age of his life.
« My name », he said, « is Ondomacil. I came to see Cemenien, as I understand she is returned and has a child now. »
Though Nildur did not call her, for he wondered at the stone-hard set of the stranger’s brows, she soon was on the threshold of her house, her hand against the door she had herself carved anew. Bare-footed, a shadow over her eyes, she descended to the gate.
« Nildur, this is my grandfather. » Thus Cemenien opened the gate and welcomed her kin with restrained gestures and slow steps. Long did they speak inside the house and long did Nildur wonder at what was said, as his hands parted the soil to plant seeds.
In the shadow of the kitchen, Ondomacil sat without drink or food, for his granddaughter had never been one who favoured politeness above all else, and the most delicious apple cider could not sweeten whatever words they had to share.
At length, he begun: « Has your mother, or your father, returned? »
« Neither has », Cemenien answered, « and if they did return, should they be permitted to and should they want to, I did not see them. »
« It has been many ages, many years. Enough that I no longer count them. »
In the darkness of Mandos, Cemenien had watched the tapestries of history unfurl; little else there was for her to look at but her own sorrows. « They died in Doriath », she said, and added nothing.
« Did you find what you sought across the sea? »
Cemenien could forgive the question but did not forgive that he was he who asked it. All words she may have spoken reached Ondomacil as bile rises to one’s stomach after an ill-considered feast, so he bowed his head, his movement stiff but his apology true.
« I did not come for your anger », he said.
« Then do not ask me of what we sought or what might have been. I sought everything and found nothing, and was left with the shell of me. But you spoke rightly, it has been many ages. »
Her grandfather lifted his head and gazed upon her, a softness now mellowing in his voice. « I do not know for how long you have been here. I left this place a long time ago and now dwell in the forest with the Laiqendi and some of the Ingwi. But words fly as the birds – I hear you have a son. »
« Yea, he is but a toddler still. »
Ondomacil smiled; Cemenien recalled how her grandfather’s smiles sat upon his face as something chiselled with great and gentle care from harsh rock: the years had not changed them.
« May I see him? », he asked.
Culdaner sat on the bedroom floor running his small hands on the crotchet of the sheets’ rim; she picked him up and brought him to see his great-grandfather, who held him on his knees like a precious gift.
Ondomacil only left when the Sun had begun descending with her chariot and the Star of Eärendil shone radiant in the red forge of the sky.
Nildur found his wife with Culdaner on her legs. They sat in front of one another as she relayed her conversation with Ondomacil.
« He was not in Beleriand, I take it », he said softly.
Cemenien shook her head. « Nay, but he has seen it. He has no father nor mother, for he was of the Tatyar, and once he had left Endor he chose not to return. »
« I did wonder at the scars on his arms. »
Ondomacil had taken his name as an epessë during the Great Journey, when the darkness encroached upon the host of the Eldar. Stone-sword, first after the weapons that the elves had devised out of sharpened rocks, and in later times after the blades that Oromë gifted them, so that they may protect themselves against the nameless dangers of the long unwinding road.
More at home among the Avari that had come to Aman, he invited the family that he had left among the woods upon his departure. Later, Nildur and Cemenien sat with their son in their garden, to gaze upon the bright stars.
It was in this age that Mandos came to Manwë atop Taniquetil and made it known that his Halls were at last emptied of all souls. Thus Manwë turned to Eru’s plan and saw that the time of Arda Marred was coming to a close and the cycles of the world were near their end.
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lothrilzul · 1 year
I don't have a meme but give us a line of your wip!
Thank you anon for the ask!!
Fenris was wary of magic, it could be used to do inexcusable things. He could understand the reasoning behind locking all magic users up, to prevent atrocities from happening, but he also saw how it meant nothing, and the atrocities happened anyway.
For 'Friendship is Magic', I worked on this today and put at least 600 words down, including these two sentences.
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lothrilzul · 1 year
For the fanfic writer game! 🎬 💕
🎬 If a movie or show were based on your fic, which fic would you choose and who would you fancast?
This is a topic I never really cared much about. I mean. I don't really know actors anymore, but I was told Cara Delevigne could be a face-claim for my Sole Survivor, Winter. (From my long neglected FO4 long-fic). Her fic is called Nuclear Winter and she romances Danse, but she doesn't want to betray the Railroad, and then everything collapses on her and she's forced to live with the consequences of her inaction. It's kind of a self-insert to work through some trauma.
💕 What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
It is weird, but my favorite is a one-shot tied into my Fallout 4 long-fic that I don't really made any progress in the last few years. It was about the day of an Average Joe and I had a blast writing it. It was 7k words in a week and I loved all the banter I wrote. I also showcased an OC at the end because I could. Man I had so many ideas about them back then I really should get back to write it. It easily has 300-400k words in it.
Thank you for the questions, it was fun thinking about these things!
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lothrilzul · 1 year
Thanks for those tags about Anders being like Dax. I will now be hyperfixating on this for the next 7 years
Oh don't worry I already have an idea for it! ModernAU, or more so Star Trek AU... :D
Welcome to this specific segment of hell, then!
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lothrilzul · 2 years
I dont watch house of the dragon but I do like context why is the "he fucked up" scene so funny 👁👁
Thanks for the ask!
It’s not that it’s funny mind you, but I am here for the petty drama and I was delivered above my expectations.
On a personal level, I wasn’t ready to see a layered portrayal of Aemond, I went into it thinking he was a psychopath, and now I think he was just a spoiled brat like all princes really (with mental health issues to be sure) and he didn’t understand what he was doing until bad things happened. Boys will be boys.
Heavy spoilers and more detes below.
Well, it’s a heavily layered family feud, but on a smaller level; these boys grew up together and while Aemond (the one eyed guy) has been bullied by his (older) brother and his nephews for not having a dragon yet, (because the one that was put in his cradle didn’t hatch or something). They once gave him a pig with mock-wing called the “Pink Dread” once. It understandably hurt him. Until one day, he decided fuck this, I’ll get Vhagar, a massive 170+yo dragon or die trying. Vhagar respected the little boy and allowed him to claim her (you see dragons bond to only one person and it lasts until death). Only problem was that is happened right after the funeral of her previous rider, whose daughter still didn’t have her dragon yet (unlike her twin). So when they came back from his joy-flight, the girl roused his nephew and the four of them confronted Aemond. There was a bit of fighting there that resulted in the youngest nephew, Luke taking Aemond’s eye. Aemond tho said a dragon for and eye was a fair trade, remained bitter about this. 
So when years later Luke flown to a lord with a message from his mother, and Aemond was already there, he challenged his nephew. It is my understanding that he only wanted to scare him, but the Vhagar didn’t get the memo. Except the dragons don’t get human petty drama, they are flying killing machines. The bond between dragons and riders is strong, emotional, so Luke’s dragon Arrax was frightened by this 5 times bigger beast and attacked her, angering the ancient Vhagar. Then it was not personal for the boys (who were just playing, at least Aemond was), but personal for the dragons. Both riders lost control of their dragons, and the less experienced Aemond struggled more to keep her massive killing machine in check, since he had limited experience in dragonry, due to him not having dragon for so long,  when he claimed one, it was pre-owned one. He never received that in-depth dragon lesson as others did I think. It was like going against a scooter with an APC that you couldn’t even drive properly. 
Long story short, he accidentally killed his nephew when he only wanted to feel in charge once, and possibly only wanted a fucking apology. Because that’s what I think he wanted all along, but his family is utterly dysfunctional and no-one can communicate honestly (because if they could there would be no HotD). And unlike Vhagar, I am here for the petty drama and heartbreaks. 
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lothrilzul · 4 years
Light blue, pink, purple
!!!!! Thank you thank you thank you!
Tumblr media
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lothrilzul · 5 years
What sort of everyday things does Winter miss from her old life?
Well that’s a good question!
Nate - Takes her a good few months to get over losing him.
Tapwater - Purified water is nice, but having a working sink in your house is luxury she never knew she should be grateful for before the War.
Swimming - Speaking of water, she wasn’t a beach person, but she misses actually sinking to neck into a pool on a hot day. On in a hot tub when it’s chilly outside…
The ease of (grocery) shopping - In the wasteland you eat what you find or what you make. Same goes for other kind of purchases. You need a new toaster? Head to an electronic store. Only that after the war there might be none on the shelves, they won’t work, or you’ll be attacked by the inhabitants of the store…
Public transportation vehicles - Walking is great and makes wonders for one’s backside, but Winter misses the time when she could make it to downtown Boston from Sanctuary in 20 minutes.
Horse racing - When she was sent to rescue a kidnapped settler, Winter found herself fascinated by the robot races at Easy City Downs. Too bad the robots turned against her in the battle…
News - In the wasteland news only travel by caravans or couriers. She misses the opportunity to simply switch the radio or television on and learn about the world. On the other hand, maybe it’s best if she doesn’t know what’s going on around other part of the planet…
New Comics! - Nate was a Grognak fan, while Theresa preferred the Silver Shroud. With the old world gone, there’s no canon source for these heroes anymore.
Cowmilk - Brahmin milk is just not the same. And whipped cream. Impossible to came by.
Oranges - She never saw anything close to pre-war oranges.
Birdsong - The post war melodies are just depressing and too few in between…
Thanks for the ask!  I guess I could go on for long, but these’s are some I established so far!
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lothrilzul · 5 years
Angsty ask 20 & 21 for Winter
20. How does your OC sleep at night?
She has low blood pressure, so once she manages to actually fall asleep, she’ll sleep well. Falling asleep is the hard time. Once things calm down and the crickets starts their choir, her mind wanders. It was hard at first, she usually drank until she passed out, but Preston, Mac and John helped her out of this depth.
Winter doesn’t carry sleeping gear with her. If the night finds her on the road, she’ll try to find a building and use her haversack as a pillow. There’s usually a mattress or a sofa or a good enough place in the dirt that does the trick. One gets dirty anyway, it’s not the mattress that worries him during the night.
Still, she prefers to reach a settlement before nightfall, and she’s usually warmly welcomed. She usually gets rested enough to take on the wasteland, but of course it’s better if she has a trusted friend with her, and/or is in a settlement behind a locked door, no matter whether she had to rent or build the room.
Nothing beats the pre-war security and coziness, but being with Danse comes close enough.  She doesn’t understand at first why, but she sleeps more peacefully if Danse is around, right after they start doing missions together. After Mac and Preston, he’s the third one who reported that she talked in her sleep, something that her other companions never noticed.
21. What is the worst thing your OC has done?
I dreaded this question. 
Well, she was stalking a man. That one time she didn’t take refusal well and got a bit far from her normal self. I mean, it’s not too much of a deal, but I personally wouldn’t look up the address and write letters across the country to a man who said no. Looking back, she’s truly ashamed of it.
(Talking of which, this is a detail I am almost certain that happened, but I didn’t find a good place for it in the story yet.)
I hope these answered what you were curious about, if not, please pitch in, and I’ll add what’s needed. Thank you for the ask!
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lothrilzul · 5 years
Hey don't mind me just passing on some love I received today! BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award, you're supposed to paste it in the ask of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out love you ♥️♥️♥️
I’m not crying… on the outside. Maybe sniffing a bit, but that’s just the cold. Just the cold…
Thanks @thegreatdivide and @red-king-4!!!
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lothrilzul · 5 years
Thanks Blade, though, I’m afraid, it has to be a timid, one-sided hug! 
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lothrilzul · 6 years
Figuring out public healthcare won’t do anything to help me or my child,  probably both of us are on the spectrum, and also knowing I don’t have the funds to go to private healthcare provider sucks a lot. How am I supposed to know how to deal with my kid when I was neglected in this regard as well? 
Every advice I hear I can’t use. Doesn’t work for me. I can’t focus or concentrate when I’m forced to. I day dream a lot. I work best when distracted and my mind can’t wander.  But even this can’t solve everything. Noone knows anything and I’m expected to suddenly change. How so? How am I supposed to change myself if I don’t know where to start?? 
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lothrilzul · 6 years
57, 63 and 65 also for Winter please.
Another late one, sorry for the delay.
57 - What makes them standout among others?
Her silvery aspects; her hair and tongue. Her giant splotches definitely, too. Pre-war she was the insolent student in class, the one to have the witty comeback. She was usually the one to first to advocate for a cause and gathered the symphatizers quickly. Her sense of justice never lets her rest.
63 - Are they approachable?
I’d like to think she is. She was a lawyer once, she has to be. How close she allows you to get to her is a different question. She likes to maintain her social connections and feels bad when she fails to.
65 - What makes them smile?
Mostly humour or happiness. Jokes, puns, stories. Or her love interests, doing their things. Remembering Nate, or seeing Danse getting momentarily upset for something only to relent a second later. And of course, she smiles when she talks to friends or when she feels proud of herself or tries to encourage her talking partner by pointing out their good traits.
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lothrilzul · 6 years
Just learned that I passed my ‘Formal Languages and Automata’ exam, I’m on cloud nine! Thinking about playing a bit Fallout 4 or drawing before I start studying for my other exam (Basics of Computer Architectures II).
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lothrilzul · 6 years
1 through 3 for Winter please.
From this ask: Send Me a Number and an OC and I’ll Answer
1 - What is their favourite food?
Pre-war it was poultry, she was especially into craft chicken burgers. She also loved Italian cuisine, Nate sometimes took her to Savoldi’s.
Post-war she sometimes tries to induce memories with the stale food, like potato crisps, but she usually eats more nutritious food like radstag jerky and mutfruit.
2 - Do they have a fear of an animal? If so, what animal?
Winter can’t stand radscorpions. Especially the red skull variant. Just, nope. If there’s a radscorpion on the way she might turn around to find another way to her destination.
And… the glowing ones. She knows they were people long ago, but today they are just a frightening sight that makes her blood ran cold everytime.
3 - What do they wear to bed?
Before the war she had a soft, long sleeved pajama set and some simple nightgowns.
T-shirt or tank top with or without a sports bra underneath and light jogger pants or a man’s boxer short. She covers herself with a blanket, even during the summer. In the winter, add a sweater and warm socks, too.
For sleeping, that is. For other night time activitives, it really depends on the circumstances.
I plan to answer one everyday, I have four more or these.
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lothrilzul · 6 years
8, 16, 29 😊
8 - Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Well played Braya. :D
Gee, this is hard, it was a bit long ago, so I didn’t actually remember my earlier dialogues, only what they were about mostly. So, should I put dialogues only, or some narrative is accepted? Also, I mostly have dialogue scenes. The first chapter has lenghty descriptions, but then it starts. Winter’s a chatterbox and she will initiate conversation any time.
[…reading through my chapters…]
Okay, I think I have the winner;
“So, what’s the decipherment, soldier?” Danse asked with raised brows, leaning back in his chair once more, radiating his commanding presence.
“She was hibernated, sir,” Rhys put the missing link into play and Haylen’s jaw dropped.
“And you only say it now?” Haylen snapped at him ferociously and he just blinked for a moment, unable to formulate a witty response.
“Don’t bite his head off, Haylen,” Danse reprehended him slightly, sufficiently hiding that he was caught off-guard by her outburst as well.
I don’t know, I just think I caught Gladius’ dynamics well here. The whole conversation, which lasts several chapters was a blast to write, but something caught me in this few lines here. (And don’t worry, I’ll edit this too, I am in pain to share this. I’d write anything but actual quotes differently this time, the rest is just lame. *sigh*)
16 -  If you only could write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be?
Phew. The back of my mind yells to say Zinnia-Balimund, they so much of their story untold, but… I have more to tell about Winter and Danse. Her AU is the biggest I ever did and I was working on our TES AU for 4 years, but I published more about Winter in a year.
29 -  If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
I don’t think that highly about myself to mess with their stories. If a story hooks me up, I will want more from the original author, or would work together with the original author to make a tribute-sequel. If it ever happens, it would be @evil-is-relative’s Dragon Kin.
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