#lots of fangirling/focusing will be happening for that writing process hehe
merakiui · 11 months
Mera I love your writing so much TT HOLY CRAP YOU ARE COOKING WITH TMDG i feel like it'll be my vacation after a long days of work once it comes out, really looking forward to it!!! Please do take care<33 I really wanna squeal and roll around in my bed and just fangirl but unfortunately I am not home to genuinely enjoy it. When you write do you get distracted from your own thoughts and fangirl in between or are you like in the zone type of writer?
-Honey Anon
AAAAA THANK YOU, DEAREST HONEY ANON!!!!! 💖🫶 I am indeed cooking the most yummiest Jade meal of all time!!!! I guarantee everyone who likes eel will be feasting for days!! ৻( •̀ ᗜ •́ ৻) I will be so happy to share it with everyone once it's finished! Let's fangirl and celebrate together when that happens!!! >w<
Aaaa yes,,, I am notorious for fangirling during the writing process. Even though I know what happens because I'm the writer, I still react accordingly whenever something surprising, exciting, smutty, etc happens lol. Just recently, while writing the discord mod Azul fic, I was so flustered because it was such a shameless scene and I felt so embarrassed to write it. >_< but then I got to the part where Reader finds out he's the CEO of the restaurant they work at and I couldn't stop feeling so >:3c
I'm just too expressive in all aspects of my life, but being so excited only boosts my motivation. ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ
Although sometimes I tend to become "in the zone" when I write without succumbing to distracting thoughts. For example, the scene in DRU where Riddle's writing notes and being so methodical in his theorizing—I wrote it with such meticulous focus. As someone who is organized like Riddle, it was easy to put myself in his shoes. He's logical and orderly, so of course the first thing he'd do is want to gather as much information as he currently knows, structure it into lists, and then see what needs to be done from there. It's how he's able to better comprehend the incomprehensible. I also listened to noukou from the Summertime Rendering ost on repeat while writing that scene because it made me feel like a detective hehe.
Forgive me for rambling!!! Essentially, I do a little of both fangirling and focusing intently when writing! When something horrible happens in the plot, I am the first one to cheer, groan, cry internally, and so on. orz
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dulce-pjm · 3 years
tag game !
tagged by @jtrbluv !! ty love, i’ve seen this one going around and it looked fun !!
1. what fandoms have you written for (but do not currently)?
i only started writing fanfiction this year, so bts is the one and only lol 
2. what fandoms are you currently writing for?
bts !! i think i’ll be sticking to just bts x reader fics during my time here :) (but i am def a big fan of other groups and post about them sometimes !! my other interests can be found through the navi and i’m down to chat/fangirl anytime)
3. how long have you been writing?
like five or six years? i used to write original stories on wattpad in middle school but i have unfortunately forgotten both the username and password to that account and just realized those monstrosities might still be floating around on there oof 
4. on which platforms do you post your stories?
just tumblr !! i’m the process of making an ao3 in case something happens to my account, but i probably won’t crosspost unless i have to, just kinda depends
5. what is your favourite genre to write?
def fluff and comedy !!! i enjoy angst but i’m a bit of a method actor in that i deeply feel whatever i’m writing so i normally don’t make it far writing angst lol but i will try one day !!
6. are you a pantser or a planner?
planner for sure !! i have def written fics that weren’t planned, but i tend to feel way better about the ones that i plan out. they flow better when i plan them and when you know where your story is going it’s easier to foreshadow and actually build tension towards the climax and ending !!!
7. one shot or multi-chapter?
it really just depends on the story !!! it’s all in how i envision it tbh. if i see the scenes more as episodic and almost separately working towards the ending, then it’ll probably end up fitting into chapters. but if the scenes and arcs all really rely on each other and flow as a group, then yeah it’s a big one shot !! as a reader, i tend to binge anyway so it doesn’t matter to me lol
8. what is the perfect chapter length in your opinion?
lol again it depends on what suits the story !! and i think it’s fun sometimes for there to be a variety of chapter lengths 
9. what is your longest published story? is it complete?
stepsisters and squires at 11.0k, and yes it’s complete !! although my current biggest project is probably going to end up around 15k and if i had to guess, part two will probably be a bit shorter than that 
10. which story did you enjoy working on the most?
hmmmm for sure @alpacaparkaseok’s request case closed!! i was being very silly writing it and had a grand time, but takes two to tango is a close second behind !!!
11. favourite request you've have written and why (if any?)
oh well there we go it’s case closed !!! i love some good silly ridiculous romance and i feel like i did an okay job achieving that lol
12. are there reoccurring themes in your stories?
awkward people finding love ???? LOL and lots of overthinking only to realize things aren’t quite as big as they first appeared wait omg yeah that’s it that’s the one lmao. scrolled through my masterlist and it seems that the central conflict is always the main character versus their own mind which is basically my day-to-day life so makes sense i guess 
also i’ve accidentally written people talking over each other and then said something like “timing’s funny” right after in two separate fics and needless to say i’m disappointed in myself LOL how did i do that ??? tsk tsk 
13. current number of wips?
ahhh i’m not really sure how to count them but i’m like actively writing around four or five, i tend to bounce around and then suddenly binge write an entire one
14. three things you have noticed about your own writing?
hmmm well 1) we’ve learned my characters are too caught up in their own heads (like me muhahaha), 2) i tend to write pretty colloquially even though i have the vocabulary to be more descriptive lol, and 3) even when i don’t mean to i tend to end up writing based off of things i’ve experienced before
15. a quote you like from a published story
lol this isn’t particularly well written or anything i just think it’s funny and i really enjoyed writing this scene. it’s from stepsisters and squires !
“Maybe you can trick the witch!” You suggest, words muffled by the dessert you’re chewing on as you blatantly talk with your mouth open. All manners have been abandoned as Taehyung is eating two eclairs at once, equally focused on the matter at hand. “Well, no, maybe trying to trick a magical scary lady is a bad idea.”
i’m very attached to tae’s character despite him making a very minor appearance and i love his and the oc’s chaotic energy together haha !! i’d like to write him his own spin-off sometime based on their interaction 
16. a quote from an unpublished story
hehe imma keep teasing the tae twoshot in the hopes that it makes me ACTUALLY FINISH IT FJKDLSHGLSDKJF anyway ~~~
“Your singing, on the other hand, is just fantastic,” he adds, smirking as he side-eyes you. He suppresses a laugh when he sees your mortified expression. You’re quick to cover it, crossing your arms and feigning pride.
“I know. You guys are lucky I’m not participating in the battle of the bands. I’d crush you.” Taehyung full on giggles then and you don’t hate it all that much. It’s a little squeaky though. But then his eyes light up and he’s grabbing you by the shoulders, a desperate look in his eye.
“Wait, would you wanna join? Because we could really use a mezzo voice, it’d completely change the sound—”
hopefully an official teaser will be dropped soon we’ll see !!!
17. space for you to say something to your readers
thank you guys for being so patient and supportive :( i know i’ve been very sporadic about posting and really haven’t posted at all in like a month and a half. it was very much my intention to write a bunch and then release things on a schedule (and it still is!!) but things have been difficult recently and prevented that from happening. to get to the point, you guys are so great and every piece of feedback and every like and every follow absolutely makes my heart soar. you guys remind me that i’m still capable of writing even when i really don’t feel like it and i appreciate you !! much love <333
tagging @softbobamilktae and @hyungieyoongi my go-to’s lol (sorry if you’ve already done it !!!)
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