#lots of ldb drabble this time
isamajor · 6 months
Whumpril 2024 - Day 6 to 10
6 . Dizzyness
A sort of dizziness greeted the Dragonborn as they climbed the ruined tower. With each laborious step, dizziness seized them more and more. They swallowed heavily, struggling to keep their balance on the worm-eaten wooden staircase. The bandits must have stashed their loot up there. That's what they always did.
At the top of the tower, the wind blew violently, threatening to send them flying below. At the foot, their companions shouted at them to go back down. Sweat beaded on their forehead. They felt their legs weaken, and the Dragonborn collapsed onto the chest in front of him. (101)
7 . Hesitation
Lucien hesitated, staring blankly at the snarling bandit. Magic hummed between his fingers, ready to strike if necessary. Yet, taking a human life seemed abhorrent, something foreign to his sheltered existence. The fight was raging around him and he had seen the Dragonborn plant his sword more than once in the steaming entrails of their attackers. Yet, time seemed frozen, suspended between hesitation and action. The bandit's blade came dangerously close to his blue eyes. His body instinctively cast the ice spell. This survival instinct, which was unknown to him until then, did not hesitate. (96)
8 . Bloodshot
The Jarl had asked their small group to eradicate the vampires from Shriekwind Bastion in exchange for a gold reward. The Dragonborn had come out with many scratches but had not paid attention to them before the illness broke out. There was no doubt about their bloodshot eyes and their hypersensitivity to daylight. They have the Sanguinare Vampiris. The Dragonborn turned their bloody eyes away, unable to meet the gaze of their companions. If they don't find a cure, then in three days they will become a vampire, a predator, a nuisance just to be put down. (98)
9 . Self-doubt
Tormented by the magnitude of the task, the Dragonborn questioned their objective. Could they really end this catastrophic cycle and kill Alduin, the Devourer of Worlds? It seemed insurmountable and doubt sank deep within them. They didn't have faith in their abilities. They felt like a bandit's stray arrow could kill them, and dash whatever hopes the people of Skyrim might have had in them. The fact that everything weighted on their shoulders, and that they were the only one who could defeat Alduin made them feel anguished and insecure.
What if the prophecies were wrong? (98)
10 . Adrenaline
The shadow passed over him and the dragon landed. Taliesin had no time to think and charged. His footsteps echoed to the rhythm of his heart. His bones echoed with the sound of the beast's cry. With Berwhale in hand, he was ready to carve into the scales of the giant lizard. The adrenaline made him forget his fatigue and the pain in his muscles. The Mer was focused on his immediate survival and the threat that stood before him. Fleeing was not an option. He had to fight, his breathing was ragged, but his body knew there would be no rest until victory. (105)
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aureli-us · 1 year
here you'll be able to find all my writing works, past and present! i write for lots of different fandoms but i flip flop between hyperfixations and obsessions pretty regularly lol. my most written-for fandom is skyrim. currently i'm 500 episodes and 1 fic deep into one piece! i have a few fics on hiatus but 100% intend to finish them and working (VERY slowly) on both. below you can find my fandoms and my current/most recent works for each!
From the New World with Love (recently done!)
Smoker/OC content: a retelling of Punk Hazard with additional OC lore in the second half. rated T on AO3 for violence and language.
On the Cruise (collection)
a collection of oneshots, drabbles, ideas, and headcanons for one piece characters, mostly OC-centric. gets pretty smoker-focused in recent updates but things for other characters are still there and may be updated! NSFW content is marked in chapter titles!
it's been a while since i've written anything substantial for skyrim, but i do have a completed series and more plans for fics on the way!
First & Last Series (completed)
six fics telling of the journey of the last dragonborn as she rescues the first from apocrypha, brings him back to tamriel, grapples with the political turmoil of the country and magical happenings related to the pair of dragonborns. includes REVENANT, my crowning glory fic, a story told by the LDB of her past after killing alduin but before the events of the series.
4E 208: The Wild Hunt (not yet posted)
Set Yourself Free (in progress; no schedule)
a miguel o'hara x spidersona/spider oc fic, which takes place mostly in the time between ITSV and ATSV. lots of anguish, relationship building, emotions, a little smut, and (hopefully) a sound resolution 😎 guest appearances mainly by peter b and gabriel o'hara, and gwen/spidergang later on!
other assorted fandoms you'll find on my AO3 (these are either not updated or updated very infrequently)
star trek (mostly discovery & strange new worlds: pike centric, more maybe to come once SNW S2 comes out!);
a bit of jojo's, a fic i really need to finish (and intend to) but have been dragging my feet on forever;
dragon age, which i dearly love but had my hyperfixation peak on a while ago so it's been hard to get back into it:
and probably other stuff i'm forgetting, but those are my mains! please enjoy and always feel free to drop a comment on AO3 or come to my tumblr inbox no matter how old the fic or how weird the question. thanks for stopping by!
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