#lotsa boardgames
somedudeotaku · 6 years
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Haven't been able draw much lately as have had lotsa things going on, so thought to post stuff from my game to fill the space. This is one of Frederick's super moves. #drawing #illustration #game #boardgame #cardgame #oc #fighter #fightinggame #character #manga #anime #art #ink #markers #sketch #indie #indiegame #gamedevelopment #posh #tailcoat #gloves #lightning #punch #wind https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo3_q5pB1sN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=j9frk7vs5xql
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salsabubble · 6 years
👊 ❄️ 🍸 ⚔️ for... whoever you like I’m not super familiar with your characters yet. Preferably a lot of them.
Certainly! Thank you for the ask, it’s greatly appreciated! Sorry it took a while, I wanted to write up something good for this. Answer’s under the cut!
👊 - Describe their fighting style!
Ferocious and straightforward, though he has been known to use ‘tactics’ of some sort. He can plan and such, just often he doesn’t really do it. Wolfboy prefers to fight using his fists and claws over anything he can use to fight with, and he’s certainly not above biting and using anything at his disposal to catch someone off guard. He rarely fights ‘for real’ though, preferring to fight for fun. Scrapping and brawling and the like!
❄ - What kind of weather do they prefer, and why?
He prefers rain, themore the better. If he’s not hiding under a pile of blankets during it, being cozy because listening to the sound of rain falling is amazing and really helps him relax, he’s running around outside.
Though he also prefers sunny weather, because that gives him a reason to run around coatless and show off some.
But I guess he also really like snow, cuz SNOWBALL FIGHTS and ROLLING AROUND IN SHOW and MAKING SNOWSURAS.
So I guess he doesn’t really prefer any kind of weather. It’s all amazing and awesome to him.
🍸 - How would they celebrate a major event? (birthday, anniversary, etc)
Oh he’d go completely out of control with preparing stuff. A party is a reason to have friends over, and he really really really does like his friends! Any way he can invite some over will be utilized to the fullest to get more people close to him, because after all a party isn’t a party without friends!
⚔ - Is there a significance to the weapons they wield? Do they have names?
No, there’s not. He gave his sister the idea (she’s pretty smart, see) to create elemental gauntlets for him, which is an idea -he- got out of a dream in which he shot lightning from his hands. What she came up with wasn’t really what he had anticipated or expected, but it was awesome anyway!
They don’t really have names either, though Fizz calls his arms ‘left’ and ‘right’ sometimes.
👊 - Describe their fighting style! 
He fights in the most brutal way possible, and is extremely straightforward. While preferring to use his claws, teeth, tail, and generally everything, he will also use everything he has at his disposal to get the one he’s fighting on the ground and no longer moving.
Depending on the sort of fight, however, this might change. If he’s actually fighting for survival he’ll continue beating what’s in front of him until it’s actually no longer alive (because these situations usually entail that he’s extremely angry) and isn’t above trying to literally tear things off.
But of course there’s also the fighting for fun. Mostly the fun of others, true, but still. In these situations he doesn’t punch or actively harm, but rather just deflects and weathers hits where he can. Taking a hold of fists and pushing them aside gently and such.
❄ - What kind of weather do they prefer, and why?
Crocoboy prefers warm, humid weather. Not extremely hot, but just sunny and on the warm side is perfect for him. With weather like this he can often be found sleeping somewhere in the sun, sprawled out on whatever surface he can find. He does prefer to sleep on sand however. He prefers to sleep on a beach even more, because that means he can go and swim whenever he wants to.
🍸 - How would they celebrate a major event? (birthday, anniversary, etc)
I don’t think he really would, in any situation. He hates attention and being stared at, no matter what it is for, and would most likely just invite one or two people to talk with for a little before all going on their merry way again.
⚔ - Is there a significance to the weapons they wield? Do they have names?
While not particularly wielding any weapons most of the time, he -does- have one weapon he uses occasionally. Or rather, a weapon he used back when he still had a ‘job’ in the Inquest (the Megakrewe think he’s dead and he’d rather keep it that way). In this case this is a giant greatsaw he customized himself. It’s simply too big and heavy for anybody else to wield, but he manages just fine. Now he just keeps it around, maintaining and improving the thing for when it’s needed again.
👊 - Describe their fighting style!
If he can help it, Bhazz doesn’t fight. He’s a pacifist if there ever was one (though for some reason he thinks sparring and training is fine), but of course he can’t avoid every combat. Whenever he -does- have to fight he assumes the role of wall, taking and blocking hits and waiting for the other to tire out and surrender.
Whenever he goes on the offensive it’s with grapples and holds, no punching or other sudden and violent movements.
❄ - What kind of weather do they prefer, and why?
There isn’t really a sort of weather he prefers, honestly. Though, if he can help it he would like it to stay dry and on the warm side, because rain makes him somewhat sullen and dreary. Not too much, but enough for him to start thinking on how things were before the Inquest turned him into what they turned him into.
🍸 - How would they celebrate a major event? (birthday, anniversary, etc)
He’d celebrate it with his family! Despite the fact that he was changed beyond being classified as ‘Asura’ in some cases, his family never stopped loving him. Any celebration or occasion to come together is taken with both hands, and the entire day is usually spent at his family’s side. Sometimes they just enjoy eachother’s company, sometimes they play boardgames or do physical games like wrestling and anything you can think of, but they -always- enjoy the time to the fullest.
⚔ - Is there a significance to the weapons they wield? Do they have names?
His weapons don’t have names, and they don’t really have any significance whatsoever. It takes a lot for him to pull out his weapons, and if at all possible he avoids it however hard he has to avoid it to make sure it doesn’t happen. The one tool for combat he -does- pull out rather often (comparing how often he fights for real to how often he pulls it out) is a barrier shield.
👊 - Describe their fighting style!
Long story short? Like an animal. His preference is to lurk underground and snag people away from the surface, all sneaky-like and assassin all the way. But of course in fights he can’t really go underground and hide, so when he’s not the one initiating the combat he’ll make himself small (however well that goes for an over-eight-feet-tall freak) and violently lash out to anything that comes close to him.
He wouldn’t initiate combat himself though, most likely. He’s a cuddlebutt.
❄ - What kind of weather do they prefer, and why?
He doesn’t really prefer any kind of weather, though he would want it to be dry whenever it can be. Rain is complicated for someone like him, because it fills everything around him with sound. And for someone who relies primarily on his hearing (because of the metal clamp over his eyes) that’s very annoying.
That and rain makes the ground all soggy and muddy. You know how annoying that is to dig in? I mean it feels funny, but… yegh. It gets everywhere, and then dries up!
🍸 - How would they celebrate a major event? (birthday, anniversary, etc)
I doubt he would at all. He’s completely clueless what a ‘major event’ even means, let alone celebrating them! Of course if someone starts a celebration somewhere immediately around him he’d join in, but… no, he wouldn’t start anything himself. He doesn’t even remember his own name, so remembering birthdays is out of the question.
⚔ - Is there a significance to the weapons they wield? Do they have names?
Wurmboye doesn’t use weapons, unless you count that what the experiments have provided to him; A big tail, mandibles and lotsa teeth, MASSIVE claws, and armor plating.
👊 - Describe their fighting style!
If he can help it not at all. Despite the size and brawn, Yacc’s -extremely- timid and shy, and even regular conversation is enough to fluster him. When he does fight it’s mostly slow shoving, pulling, and pushing, using strength rather than speed to get enemies to the ground as gently as possible.
Of course this all doesn’t apply when he loses it. This happens very rarely, but it is something akin to a stampede when it happens. In this case you’d best just get out of the way, because (despite not being sharp!) those horns hurt.
❄ - What kind of weather do they prefer, and why?
As cold as it can get. Gifted with a very high body temperature and fur, Yacc’s incredibly resistant to cold. Which is why he lives in the Shiverpeaks. In his case, the cold -actually- never bothered him anyway.
The kind of weather he particularly enjoys, however, are blizzards. That’s the time to huddle up with the people you like and be comfortable together, and in his case serving as a giant heater for the people around him. Which is, of course, something that makes him blush like a maniac, but hey! That just amps up the temperature just that tiny bit more, no?
🍸 - How would they celebrate a major event? (birthday, anniversary, etc)
Yacc would celebrate any event with one of the two people he actually trusts; his friend Rhaull or his boyfriend Kexx. It wouldn’t be a big party at all, just a getting together and exchanging some stuff before going back to work, but… it’d be nice and comfortable. Probably with food in the evening.
⚔ - Is there a significance to the weapons they wield? Do they have names?
Yacc doesn’t particularly use weapons of significance. His hammer serves him well of course, whenever he does need it, but he’s not at all a fighter.
I’ll uh… I’ll end it here, to avoid it becoming too long ^^; Thanks so much for the ask, and feel free to ask again if you wanna know more!
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draknek · 8 years
My 2016 - videogames played
In 2016, I kept a record of what media I consumed, with a short record of my thoughts about some of them (one or two sentences only).
This is every videogame I played for longer than 30 minutes, and some of the games I spent less than that with.
This is part five of my 2016 retrospective. The other parts:
games I made
books I read
podcasts I listened to
films/TV I watched
videogames I played
boardgames I played
Imbroglio (beta) Ushered in the new year by playing this until 4am.
Patchmania Cute presentation but I'm never going to sit through hundreds of easy levels to get to the interesting ones.
Kaodoku Just as mind-numbing as normal Sodoku, and that's not a compliment.
Streamline (beta) Initially seems samey but there's a nice combination of mechanics here.
Land Sliders Nice UI, but unexciting game.
Divide By Sheep Seems like a puzzle game that doesn't take forever to get interesting?! Shame about the linear level structure and inability to queue moves up, but overall this was really enjoyable.
Go To Gold 2 The puzzles themselves seem like decent Sokoban-with-pressure-plates levels. But the controls are really bad, which exacerbates the tediousness of Sokoban.
Inch By Inch Nice idea, but the controls give no feedback for when you can move, which feels awful. Also a very ungenerous F2P lives system.
Does Not Commute Fun and full of flavour.
Luminare Surprisingly interesting for a short while, but quickly becomes samey.
Churchill Solitaire It's solitaire.
The Witness It's a shame that the most impressive part of this game is not also the most interesting. Overall I had a good time with this game, but towards the end my feelings soured somewhat.
CLARC [first three levels] Nice graphics but terrible writing and I don't have confidence that the puzzles will get interesting.
These Robotic Hearts of Mine [my own game] The damning problem with this is that finding optimal solutions is so encouraged, but largely uninteresting and a waste of time. If you ignore that part it might be okay as a storygame though?
At Dawn, Pistols Now that I think about it, I realise that the turnips/pumpkin controller doesn't fit the framing of this game at all.
Worlds Fastest Pizza Did a good job of making me not sure how much stuff there is to do.
The Greatest Voice of All A well-scoped jam game. Has some niggles, but overall it's fun.
DANCE DOOM Without strafing, this is really awkward. Entertaining to watch though.
Snow Cones Ridiculously cute.
Killing Time at Lightspeed Great concept! Not much resolution at the end though.
Skorpulac Ugh, it has a lives system :(
Swing Copters 2 I played for 15 minutes and didn't score higher than 1.
Arrowance Fairly standard play-indefinitely-to-score-higher game. Doesn't seem to get any harder over time.
Induction (beta) Smart time travel puzzle game! Sometimes hard to reason about, but worth playing.
Tomb of the Mask This would be great if it didn't have a permanent global points multiplier that makes scores meaningless.
PUSER TOH Nice idea.
Rust Bucket New levels introduce some interesting enemy types but could do with more checkpoints. Roguelike mode seems mostly unchanged in the early stages, which is maybe a shame.
Blackbox: think outside the box Seemed like an okay implementation of the "every puzzle is a different system to work out" thing, but I never felt compelled to go back to it after a very brief play.
Tacoma (beta) Main takeaway: it's cool to watch conversations split/rejoin. I've not played either, but it felt very much in the vein of Gone Home/Firewatch.
20something Hard to tell how close the fiction is to being autobiography, but it doesn't really matter. The end result is something that feels very real.
Unnamed Pokemon-like game from unnamed team (preview) Lotsa numbers, not really my thing.
Discharge Looks great for a jam game. Level design wasn't great at teaching what you're trying to do a lot of the time though.
BBTAN I played this for about 10 seconds before putting it down in disgust.
Semispheres (preview)
Metareal (preview)
PSHNGGG! This is really great but I uncontrollably grip the controller so hard that it's physically painful to play more than a few games in a row. This is the only game that has caused this problem, and I think is a sign of how engaging it is.
Armed and gelatinous
Lazy Village
Planetary capacity
It's spring again
Wibble wobble
Orchids to dust
Lumini Very pleasant.
Please stand by So dumb and so entertaining.
Hello, operator!
Planet licker
Threadsteading A strategy game played on an embroidery machine, in theory about claiming tiles but in practice more about denying them to your opponent. One of my best GDC anecdotes was the cliffhanger when the machine ran out of thread in the middle of sewing the scores.
Disc jockey jockey
Von Neumann personality test
Mr Heart Loves You Very Much Nice mechanic.
Redder Good level design, a solid exploration of toggle switches and one-way systems.
West of Loathing (beta)
Journey of 1000 stars
Dungeon of the Endless Seemed to be easing me into it gently, up until I tried to move on to level 2 and got massacred on the journey there. Not my kind of thing.
Abzorb I want it to control like Helix, and the fact that it doesn't apparently makes this kinda unplayable for me.
Two Interviewees Not very subtle, but that helps get its message across I guess.
Mario Kart 64 I haven't really enjoyed dipping into any of the more recent Mario Karts, but this was enjoyable enough. One big difference is that less focus on drifting makes for a much more accessible game.
forget-me-not I gather from hearsay that playing well is all about grinding, but I found that kinda awkward with touch controls.
No Pineapple Left Behind
Say When
Dolfin Trash
Four Horsemen
Get Lost!
Niña Nueve Some "wait around for something to move slowly to the right place" tedium, but otherwise fairly stylish.
Pretender to the Crown Lots of puzzles! And nice graphical touches
Clickmazes BoxUp Nice idea, but maybe a bit too prone to "just do the only thing that doesn't make things unsolvable" syndrome.
Net I wouldn't want to do a larger size, but with edge-wrap even a 5x5 grid is surprisingly challenging.
Isles of Color Nice concept but ends up being more focused on backtracking than hard puzzles. Worth looking at as an example of exploring the intersection of mechanics.
Craequ I guess I can't ever relive the experience of playing it for the first time. Still neat, but short; I can't help but wish for harder puzzles.
Helix This game is crack to me. Everything about it just feels right.
Mammoth Monkey Mole Levels are too big, controls are too awkward.
Slayaway Camp (beta) Lovely theming of an otherwise not particularly novel game, but then it ruins it with "tap the grave for coins". Hopefully that'll be removed for the actual release.
PRISM Feels a bit like a more abstract/geometrical The Room. Satisfying, but not very challenging so far.
PROMESST Would be much more comfortable with a better map. When the midpoint hits, it hits hard and intimidatingly; I don't think I got much past that point the first time I played either.
Wobble Yoga Nice QWOP-like, though the shape detection could have been better.
shapeshit Really hard! That shape in the top left really doesn't want to be hit.
Stephen's Sausage Roll Even the tutorial area would be a great game on its own, and then it just keeps asking more and more and more of you.
Hanano Puzzle The less-well-known fiendishly hard game from the creator of Jelly No Puzzle. After a rough first level it's not so bad so far though (up to level 25).
Jelly No Puzzle Also not that bad!
Fish Fillets NG I just bounce straight off this level design: too-big levels, too-fiddly object shuffling. I remember trying it before but I'm not any more likely to stick with it second time round.
Chairs This is based on some chemistry principle but it didn't succeed in teaching me anything.
100ft Robot Golf
Loud on Planet X
Ape Out
Swing Star VR
Not Everything is Flammable
Marble Madness 2
Budget Cuts Only having one checkpoint felt punishing but it probably wouldn't have been that bad if I was playing in a home context. Really nice UI.
Robot Heist Nice ending.
Quick drop
Block swap
Balloon buoyancy
Sky rogue
Uh oh love comes to town
Windowframe One of the best puzzle platformer twists that's happened for a long while. Shame it has to use fake windows though, and I'm way more into the puzzley side than the action side.
ᗢ Cute! 1.5 years after playing I'll hear from the creator that some of my games inspired it, which is cool.
Cavern of Flight Some people will go "nope nope nope" because of the enemies, but they're pretty well done. I didn't get far due to the unforgiving time-pressure platforming.
There is no game I've played this before, but it's really well done.
A Rose for Icy Heart
The Maître D' This is fantastic themeing, good art and sounds, pretty solid work for a jam. Unfortunately it's let down by level design, there's too many levels and they're all kinda samey.
Size Matters Not sure how far I got, I bounced off an execution challenge level that felt way too finnicky.
Experiment 26 Incredibly disjointed, it gets slightly less so towards the end but probably not enough so for me to recommend. I think it could have done with more application of "yes and".
Time machine VR [first two missions] underwhelming to be promised time travel but then get the second mission be indistinguishable from the first
Lands end [first two chapters] soothing, not hard but I didn't really mind
Audioshield Does what you want it to.
The Lab The robot repair demo was significantly shorter than I was expecting.
pico park
Dark Souls I think this caused longterm damage to my hands, and yet I can't entirely regret my time with it.
The Temple of No
Leap Day
One Last Cup (preview) Ridiculously ambitious.
39 Days to Mars (preview)
Duck Roll Decent mechanics, but the difficulty curve is basically flat and it has a move counter :( Touchscreen controls aren't great either, but I still played most of the way through.
Puzzlepops Good thinky puzzle game.
Spaceplan First idle game I've played in ages, probably the last in a while too but it was fun enough. Nice aesthetic design.
Pole riders
Vacuum Really neat interconnected-world puzzle game! Lovely theming and attention to detail.
Super hexagon
Samurai gunn
Wibble wobble
Game Title A nice interconnected puzzle.
Life is Strange Lows: some time travel inconsistencies, not being able to rewind to mid-conversation, some really tedious filler content. Highs: overall good pacing and cliffhangers, good characters, I'm glad I got around to playing it.
Circles (beta)
Shadow Bug Rush Not my kind of thing.
Really Bad Chess I wish this didn't take so long to calculate AI moves, it makes it kinda unplayable on my old iPad.
Mallow Drops (beta) Too samey for my tastes
Game Title: Lost Levels Really neat interconnected puzzle about exploiting glitches.
The Trials Short and simple puzzle game.
Disorient on the murder express
Four floors of doors (preview)
Snake pass (preview)
Sure footing
So Broken
min! Not my kind of thing.
Spider's Hollow Solid PuzzleScript game.
Integer Snake Not my kind of thing.
Knot Fun Nice enough idea, not much there though.
Sara Is Missing
Lara Croft GO Prettier than Hitman GO, and thankfully gets rid of "do it in x moves" challenges. Not as hard as I'd like, but enjoyable enough to keep playing.
WitchWay (beta) Cute, neat, wish the secrets were more puzzley though.
Blocky XMAS Decent version of the "Sokoban + things stick together" genre
Induction (beta)
Klocki Slooooow start which was very tedious, but gets more interesting.
Nest (watched) I can't tell if there's something I'm missing or if it's really just asking you to do what it seems like it's asking you to do.
The Last Guardian (watched)
Firewatch (watched) Beautiful world, but plot didn't really come together for me.
Boats Cars & Trains
Hanano Puzzle 2 Good set of levels for a game I already liked.
Tiny Heist Really solid stealth roguelike. Happily rung in the new year while playing it.
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ibrews · 9 years
WACTS - Episode 47
Watch Alex Coulombe Talk Stuff!
8 videos
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WACTS Ep47 Intro for Week of December 24, 2015 January 3, 2016 by Watch Alex Coulombe Talk Stuff! 2:46
WACTS Ep47 House Garage, Pantry light, Driveway gutter by Watch Alex Coulombe Talk Stuff! 4:17
WACTS Ep47 TV Background House of Viking Cards by Watch Alex Coulombe Talk Stuff! 0:40
WACTS Ep47 Board Games ALL THE GAMES by Watch Alex Coulombe Talk Stuff! 11:14
WACTS Ep47 Baby Upright Singing by Watch Alex Coulombe Talk Stuff! 5:24
WACTS Ep47 VR Myo Armband by Watch Alex Coulombe Talk Stuff! 4:31
WACTS Ep47 MOVIE Steve Jobs by Watch Alex Coulombe Talk Stuff! 8:30
WACTS Ep47 OUTRO - Just one episode to go! by Watch Alex Coulombe Talk Stuff! 5:24
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