#lotto chart reader
raweewann · 4 years
Malta Lottery Tips - How to Increase Your Chances of Winning the Euro Millions Jackpot
One of the best ways to make money is to participate in the Euro Millions Millionaire Raffle. หวย 30 ล้าน This is the most unique and interactive lotto game that is ever organized. Each day millions of people from all over the globe will be trying to win this huge prize. So how do you become one of these millions of winners? Here are some tips:
Join the Euro Millions Jackpot Mega Millions raffle. If no e-mail is given, you will get a message by mail. On the following day, millionaire next millionaire jackpot is going to be revealed. Download it to your type of mobile device, plan or ebook once and read it straight through on your pda, phone, tablet or e-reader.
Download the Euro Millions lotto chart. This is available for free on the website of the lottery itself. You can also download the free lottery software available on the website of Euro Millions. Download the software to your computer so that you can check and monitor your daily progress.
Join the Euro Millions syndicate. There are many Euro Millions users that have created their own syndicate so that they can be the ones to claim the lotto prizes. There are various online lottery books that are available on the internet that contain the Euro Millions lotto charts as well as other lottery games.
Buy Euro Millions lottery books. Most of these books contain the Euro Millions lotto top prize details and winning tips. These books may also contain information and tips on how to increase your chances of winning the Euro Millions jackpot prize. Aside from the Euro Millions jackpot prize, there are also other lotto games that have the Euro Millions as its prize like the Powerball and the Lottery Game.
Learn how to use the Euro Millions lotto software. You can download the Euro Millions lotto software to your computer. This is a necessary tool to help you increase your chances of winning the Euro Millions jackpot prize. There are various websites that offer the Euro Millions lotto software free of charge. Aside from downloading the Euro Millions lotto book, you should also download the free lottery guide that comes with it.
Join the Malta lottery syndicate. If you are planning to join the lottery syndicates, then you need to purchase tickets. Lottery tickets are sold at cheap prices. Besides purchasing tickets for the national lottery, you should also purchase tickets for the regional lottery events in your area so that you will have opportunities of winning big jackpots in the said event.
Follow the daily game results. In doing so, you will be able to know the Euro Millions pattern and you will also get to see how your numbers will look on the following day's Euro Millions pattern. The daily Euro Millions pattern is updated every Friday evening. You should also keep track of the daily jackpot amount.
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mycryptosuite · 4 years
National Live Prediction For Today 11/07/2020
National Live Prediction For Today 11/07/2020
National Live Prediction For Today 11/07/2020 National live prediction for today’s Ghana lotto draw is ready and we are going to win for sure and i want everyone to make sure you play today’s game. Abc lotto prediction for Ghana lotto today will surprise every one and i bet you guy to play it see yourself winning big with us on today’s lotto game. Leak lotto numbers for today lotto was not possible…
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daisychains4 · 6 years
Strings (4/16)
Chapter 4: Something Big (Masterlist)
Warnings: None
Note: Italics are song lyrics
AN: This is the Shawn Mendes x reader AU teenage heartbreak story you didn’t know you needed.
Andrew Gertler flew Shawn and his dad to New York, where Shawn signed his first record deal. With only heartbreak waiting for him back in Pickering, Shawn dove headfirst into his music.
Play the lotto you might win it.
It's like 25 to life so you bust out of prison.
Something's in the air, something's in the air.
It's like that feeling when you're just about to kill it,
Take your last shot, you know you're gonna hit it.
Something's in the air, something's in the air.
“Mercy” became an overnight sensation after Shawn recorded it in a professional studio. The official music video earned millions more hits on YouTube than the one he recorded in his bedroom.
Shawn watched his first music video for the first time in a room crowded with record executives, his mum, dad, and sister at his side. It didn’t feel real, and Shawn found himself gripping his mum’s hand tightly. She thought he was excited, but deep down, Shawn knew the moment felt incomplete. Something - someone - was missing.
He shook off the feeling, knowing that this was a moment he should enjoy. A smile spread across his face and excitement took over.
Something big I feel it happening
Out of my control
Pushing, pulling, and it's grabbing me,
Feel it in my bones like—
While “Mercy” was on the rise, Shawn was in a Toronto recording studio nonstop, working hard to write and record his first album. He was only going to school part-time, and completing some of his credits online. His parents supported his music career, but insisted he finish high school.
He loved making music, and he loved the distraction that staying busy provided. If he was constantly working and constantly on the move, it was harder to miss you. Instead, he poured all of his love and all of his heartbreak into his new songs. He couldn’t share them with you, so he would share them with the world and hope that maybe they would reach you.
It's like that feeling when you're 'bout to win the medal,
And you worked so hard that you knew you wouldn't settle,
Hands are in the air, hands are in the air.
When they hear you when you thought they wouldn't listen,
It's like an anthem that the whole world's singing.
Hands are in the air, hands are in the air.
Shawn’s EP was released in record time. It took the charts by storm and received rave reviews from critics. A rabid fanbase was born almost overnight.
Shawn had hardly had time to celebrate his early success when his newly named manager, Andrew, called him into his office for a meeting. Shawn wasn’t sure what the meeting was about, but Andrew sounded serious. Shawn fidgeted nervously next to his dad as he waited for Andrew.
Shawn jumped up when Andrew came into the room. They shook hands before Andrew walked around his desk to sit down. Shawn sat, following his manager’s lead.
“Well Shawn, I know you’re dying to know why I called you in today.”
“Yes sir,” he said politely. “I hope it’s good news,” he smiled.
Andrew smiled back mischievously. He pressed a button on his office phone and spoke into the speaker. “Are you there?”
“I’m here!” a woman’s voice replied through the phone. It sounded familiar, but Shawn couldn’t quite place who it was.
“Hi Shawn, this is Taylor Swift, how are you?”
Shawn’s jaw dropped. He was too starstruck to respond.
Andrew answered for him. “He’s good, Taylor, he’s - well, he’s speechless.”
Shawn recovered. “It’s so nice to meet you - kind of,” he said.
“You, too, Shawn! I’m hoping that one day soon we’ll meet in person,” Taylor replied.
“That would be great!” Shawn agreed. “I’m a huge fan.”
“Actually, I’m a huge fan of yours, Shawn. That’s why I called. I was thinking we could get together soon, maybe meet on stage for the 1989 Tour. What do you think about coming on the road with me?” she asked.
“Wh— Are you serious?” Shawn stammered. “I mean— what?”
Taylor laughed over the line. “I’m totally serious. I want you to open for me.”
Shawn beamed. “Yes! Are you kidding me, yes!”
Something big I feel it happening
Out of my control,
Pushing, pulling, and it's grabbing me,
Feel it in my bones like—
The 1989 Tour was an experience unlike anything else. Shawn’s fame was catapulted right along with Taylor’s megastar. Shawn played in 48 cities to stadiums filled with hundreds of thousands of people. They were there to see Taylor, but they were Mendes fans by the time his set was finished.
If we stomp our feet,
The ground will shake
If we clap our hands,
The walls will break
Yell so loud won't forget our names
'Cause something big is happening...
Shawn’s last night of the tour was more emotional than he’d expected. He was sad to see it end, and it felt like these would change again. He wasn’t ready for things to slow down; he knew that if he stood still for too long, he’d have to face his longing for you.
Taylor came looking for Shawn after her show ended. She wanted to celebrate.
“Let’s do something crazy!” she told him, grabbing his arm and pulling him out of his dressing room. Some of her dancers followed them as they headed out into the night.
“Like what?” Shawn asked. His heart was only half in it, and Taylor could tell.
“Let’s get tattoos!” one of the dancers suggested.
“Yes!” some of the other dancers agreed. “To commemorate the tour!”
“I don’t do tattoos guys,” Taylor said warningly. “But I’ll watch if you do!” she said, poking Shawn in the ribs.
Taylor’s excitement was infections, and Shawn couldn’t help but catch it.
“Ok, I’m in,” he said, shrugging. “I’ve always wanted a tattoo.”
Take this spark
And start a fire.
Raise this up,
We're feeling high.
They can't tell us anything,
'Cause something big is happening.
Shawn stood in front of a wall of tattoo designs, thinking about what he might want to get. Taylor stood behind him, throwing out meaningless suggestions, which he rejected.
“I’m not getting a tattoo of a pegacorn,” he said exasperatedly. “Or a cat, so don’t suggest that either.”
An Asian man came into the lobby of the tattoo parlour. “What’ll it be?” he asked in a voice that suggested he wasn’t someone to mess with.
Shawn pointed to a section on the wall with Sailor Jerry tattoos. “A swallow,” Shawn said.
“Ooooh, classic,” Taylor said approvingly.
“Black ink and shading; I don’t want any color.”
Shawn sat down and put his right hand on the tattoo artist’s table. Taylor sat at his side, squeezing his left hand for support.
Shawn winced when he heard the buzz of the tattoo machine, but was pleasantly surprised to find that the tattoo itself didn’t hurt as much as he’d expected.
“Why a bird?” Taylor asked curiously as she watched Shawn’s ink take shape.
“Swallow is the sign of a traveler,” the artist said gruffly. “That’s why sailors wore them.”
“And because a swallow is one of the few of its kind that remember their home,” Shawn added.
“I love that. What a great reminder of home when you’re on the road.”
What Shawn didn’t say out loud was that he hoped the symbol of a traveler returning home would somehow bring you back to him.
Something big I feel it happening
Out of my control
Pushing, pulling, and it's grabbing me,
Feel it in my bones.
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What really goes on behind the good doctor's door?
Episode 12 
Welcome to PTSD Bunker Gear For Your Brain
Like you didn’t think the same thing
If you are anything like me, you probably have a pre-conceived notion of what PTSD therapy entails. TV and movies had provided me a very specific imagine which I in return, blame for my lack of enthusiasm towards the subject. I pictured an old brown vinyl lounger where you would nervously lay. The room would be dim-lit with some faint ambient music playing in the background to set your mind at ease. The doctor would be well-put- together wearing a tweed jacket with suede elbow patches, and tiny glasses and the end of his nose. He would sit next to me in a squeaky office chair with his legs crossed. And I don’t know; maybe even have some accent.
  I see a woman’s vagina
 He would then administer the Rorschach Inkblot Test in which I would say every image reminded me of a woman’s vagina, ask me if I was breastfed, write some things down on his clipboard, and book me in for another session. And as soon as I left he would secretly contact my employer and tell them I would never be able to return to work as a firefighter.
   Nervous? Never heard of her
So yes, I had a very specific image of what I thought therapy entailed. But once again, I was WRONG!  In the beginning, I was so nervous before each meeting that I would literally throw up, and on more than one occasion too. We HAD to arrive one hour early, so I could have plenty of time to pace around the building. By the way, I can tell you where ALL the standpipe connections are to not only Dr. Storrie’s building but the surrounding ones also.
  You don’t understand GOOD therapy, trust me
 That’s beside the point. But therapy was nothing like I thought it was going to be. In the first few meetings Dr. Storrie and I didn’t seem to talk about anything in particular. We talked about the weather, little dogs, NASCAR and how messed up the U.S election was…you know everyday chit-chat. I know she loves Tim Horton’s iced coffee, is a fast reader, and is extremely passionate about what she does. To be honest, I can’t even remember when we ‘officially’ started any ‘real’ therapy, or at least not that I noticed. I mean we talked about what she does and why, we talked about emergency services in general, and how difficult it is for humans to be continuously exposed to constant levels of trauma. Little did I know, but Dr. Storrie was hard at work the whole time.
  It’s all in the delivery
 Dr. Storrie never directly asked how I felt about stuff, she didn’t ask me to write a journal or keep a chart of my feelings. I’m sure that approach may be effective with other people, but she certainly understands her clientele. If anything it felt more like a casual conversation between old pals. And before I knew it we were talking about the odd thing here and there, and you know, a few calls that had bothered me. No big deal, just chatting! 
  After you understand how PTSD works, you begin to understand why the  symptoms exist
 Dr. Storrie explained it to me like this. Emergency service workers face high rates of PTSD. Think about it. People typically choose to become an emergency responder because they are an extremely compassionate individual who wants to help people. This same highly empathetic individual is continuously exposed to trauma, tragedy, danger, violence, and incredible risk. Naturally, this is bound to take a toll on that individual. How can it not? So rather than look at PTSD as a weakness or a sign of softness, think of it as a normal, common, and expected result of your line of work. IT’S TO BE EXPECTED!!!!!
  Nobody can erase a memory, never forget that
 Eventually, signs and symptoms of PTSD can start to pile up. The behavior of PTSD happens when an individual doesn’t know how to put those memories and experiences away neatly. Nobody can erase a memory, but we can learn how to organize them, so they don’t bog us down. And that’s where your psychologist can help. THAT is how you beat PTSD. You simply have to put your shit away neatly. Let me use a garage for example. When that garage is a cluttered mess, you can’t find shit. It’s a pain just to look for one little thing. You trip all over stuff and start to get pissed off. Now if that garage is tidied up, all that aggravation is avoided. You love hanging out in your garage, as a matter of fact, you invite the neighbors over just so you can stand around in your clean garage, marveling at the whole thing. You get my point.
  To be the same is to be BORING!
 So why is it that PTSD doesn’t affect everyone? Why is it that some people seem to breeze through their career? You know the one’s that make this happen. Nothing seems to bother them. They are always happy-happy! Not a care in the world! Are they stronger, more resilient? No, not necessarily. Maybe they just know how to put their stuff away better than others. Every once in a while they might drop the ball and their garage much get a little cluttered, just as long as you can stay on top of it,  you’re good. Remember, everyone is different. We all have our own coping skills and mechanisms; the same thing doesn’t work for everyone.
  I’m sure you can see why 
 I feel I won the lotto with Dr. Jane. She is not only my doctor, but I consider her a friend too. I truly believe she saved my life. So two big thumbs up to Dr. Storrie!
Check out this episode!
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mycryptosuite · 4 years
Leak National Lotto Banker For 23/05/2020
Leak National Lotto Banker For 23/05/2020
Leak National Lotto Banker For 23/05/2020 Leak national lotto banker for today is the best lotto forecast for today and noting will stop us from winning – sure lotto winning numbers. Live national 2-sure was prepared and sent to us Lotto pathfinder with a national banker today and that may turn out to be the best of today lotto prediction. National one banker is out for today and we are very sure…
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