#sure lotto winning numbers
mycryptosuite · 1 year
How to Win Saturday National 2sure for Today
How to Win Saturday National 2sure for Today Click to check Abc Naija National Lotto Prediction for Today and i assure you of winning without stress, we have narrowed it to the best possible numbers to drop on today’s Ghana lotto game draw. However; some people will say it’s impossible to predict the winning numbers for Ghana National Lotto for today. But you can use your favorite numbers and who…
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evita-shelby · 2 months
The First Date
or I created the Frecheville-verse and now Eva's in The Royal Hotel
Eva x Teeth(James Frecheville, the Royal Hotel)
I am deliberately ignoring the movie for this, all the lore is my own invention.
Eva Smith is my oc, but most of y'all already know that
Cw: mentions of sexism, sexual harrasment, illegal gun owning, sex, drinking? I think that's all
for @violaobanion
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The best decision Eva has made this year --by far-- has been buying a handgun.
In her desperation to escape the fallout of her disastrous affair with a Sicilian Mafioso in New York and a married Romani gangster in England, Eva had gone and asked for a job in the ass crack of nowhere instead of leaving Australia.
The Royal Hotel is as ironic in its name as you can imagine.
And sure, most of the men here are pigs and she’s stuck here with shit pay and no way out of here, but it gives her the one thing she’s wanted all her life.
She is just Eva, the hot foreign girl no one has a real chance at. She is a mystery they don’t care to solve as long as they can leer at her, and they won’t try a thing after she threatened Dolly with her gun.
Granted no one knows the gun is illegally owned save for her and Billy and Carol, so it works like a charm.
But the witch’s come to know she needs more than a gun to keep these assholes at bay, especially now that the English Girls have made enough cash to get the fuck out of here.
Teeth with his clumsy ways ---and who has never needed her to casually threaten him to stop--- and reputation for scrapping with the others over anything, is the perfect candidate. Sure, Matty was quite the looker with aspirations and that, but Teeth had this strange obsessiveness that would put a man in the hospital for looking at her the wrong way.
Eva needs that just as badly as she needs the crumbling old house his granny left him as her new address.
“Do you reckon...?” the burly ginger-bearded man begins thinking he’ll be rejected only for Eva to tease him over his awkwardness.
“Out with it, Teeth, or I’ll drink your beer myself.” She likes teasing him, he’s always here and relatively good company.
The locals make him the butt of their jokes here, he is not a smooth talker and there is that sort of pity he gets from Billy who always gives him his first beer of the night for free. The English Girls barely give him the time of day, but Eva’s developed a bit of a soft spot for him.
The Mexican woman has been teasing him for a while, flirted openly, showing obvious favoritism towards him to push him into finally making a move. Everyone else had gotten the memo except him.
Glenda had been sufficiently occupied with the task of getting him to finally say the damn words, she’s no longer asking Eva to take a page from her coworkers and roommates to get better tips. A blessed reprieve the younger woman will always be thankful for.
“Um,” he begins again feeling a bit more confident, especially after Glenda eggs him on. “Do you reckon I could, like, take ya out somewhere sometime, like a date and that?”
“About time you asked me, big guy.” The dark-haired woman gave him his beer with a wink, and you’d think she’d given him the winning numbers of the lotto by the looks of it.
The date wasn’t as bad as she thought, while unoriginal and a way to get into bed with each other, it went better than expected.
Teeth cleaned up very well, opened the door and pulled out her chair when they went out for dinner in the neighboring town. Even cleaned his truck for the special occasion.
She’s worn a dress that shows her off well enough without screaming puta, and while the Mexican woman has had to be very obvious about her intentions to climb him like a tree, it had the ending she desperately needed it to have.
A few drinks in and both inhibited enough to barely make it past the front door. Teeth had picked her up like nothing and made all that waiting worth every second of it. He even went down on her and ate her out like a champ.
For a guy reeking of that Nice Guy vibe, he knows how to give a girl a great time.
“You’re mine, Evie. No one else gets to have you but me, ‘cause you’re my property now.” Teeth punctuated his words with a love bite the witch won’t be able to hide. Not that she wants to, as archaic and red flaggy his possessiveness was, it served its purpose.
“Mmm, is that why they call you Teeth? Because you like biting your women?” Eva returned fire and made sure to claim him in like. He may think he’s got the upper hand here, but Eva never doesn’t anything she doesn’t want to do.
The burly man with newfound confidence lies straight to her face about the origin of his nickname. Having met every single of his coworkers, friends, and the other locals at the pub, Eva knows it’s because he had braces when he started working in the mines straight out of school.
Still, it’s been the best night she’s had since she got here and even with his alarm going off at the ass crack of dawn, Eva would absolutely do it again and leaves the sexy lacey panties she’d worn hanging onto the gear shift while he refueled his truck as a clear invitation for a second date.
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underpaid-paragon · 2 months
OC Smash or Pass
I got tagged by @vampemoqueen and it just so happens to be the right time of day for me to both catch a tag chain AND attempt to participate in it :D I'm not sure who's left in my circle to tag so...tag YOU, if you wanna do it ♥
Rules: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc).
(also much thanks to this year's beautiful Art Fight piece from @sycherart that I will not stop slipping into places)
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THE 411
Name: Circe
Age: 40s/50s? (embraced in the 1970s, in her late 20s)
Height: 5'7"
Eyes: dark brown, green
Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/they
Sexuality: Bi
Optimistic, even in the face of horror (usually)
Is both the Mom Friend AND the Auntie friend all in one (she'll take care of you AND attack your enemies with minimal provocation)
In life, a massage therapist: in death, an unlicensed and continuing practice massage therapist who doesn't charge friends for backrubs
Physically affectionate, but respectful of boundaries she's aware of
Malkavian, which means occasional free psychic advice (no winning lotto numbers tho)
Adventurous on the streets and in the sheets
Acts a switch but is definitely more to the domme side
Malkavian, which means hiding things from her is going to be that much harder
Developed aphasia after being Turned, which makes conversations hard a lot of the time (you know the Malk dialogue in VTMB? THAT, but mainly verbal)
Clingy tendencies
Maintains a too-high threshold for mistreatment from people she cares about
Dat snap when she hits the breaking point tho
Incredibly pushy when she's decided to be your friend
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queenofbaws · 5 months
Hey Queenie, I hope you're having a lovely weekend!💕 And since it's a Six Sentence Sat(or)Sunday, you know what that means... - I'm gonna ask for some LauraMax again, of course! 😁😅 Maybe something about hayfever season? (can't wait for *that* to be over - at least my personal main agitator is largely through, so I can't complain) - anything you write with these two is fine with me, tho! 😉
It wasn't something they did all the time, the movie-in-the-park thing, but when the sign outside the little league stadium said they'd be playing Air Bud on the projector that weekend, it wasn't like they couldn't not go - it was Air Bud.
"Hey, so, do you think they've added an actual rule since this came out that dogs super can't play basketball, or do you think - " Laura had to pause there, though, because when she turned and caught sight of Max there on the blanket with her, there wasn't any mistaking what she saw. "Hun, are...are you crying at the dog-playing-basketball movie?"
He turned to her, but whether or not the fat tear rolling down his cheek meant he really was emotionally distraught she couldn't tell; not with how stuffy his voice came out as he asked, "Why would you think I'm cryi - " but he had to pause that time around, sneezing so hard that he flopped down flat on the blanket altogether, earning them no fewer than three dirty looks from surrounding families.
"So you just...totally forgot your allergy meds before coming out here tonight, huh?" she asked, flopping flat on her back to join him.
"I think I just saw the future for a second," he said, making her snort hard enough that a few angry shushes joined the looks, "I'm so serious, here, Laura, give me a pen or something, I'm pretty sure that sneeze projected me forward in time, and I'm not saying it for sure gave me some winning lotto numbers, but like, I'm not saying it didn't either."
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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azureaqua · 2 years
Final Showdown! (a.k.a Last of the Ikemen artbreeder series, the Ikesen guys - Pt. 1)
Yay, I'm not dead! Or I have just risen from the dead.
After nearly 2 months I've made the Ikesen guys too. Let me tell you, this was the hardest & longest one tbh. I had to make asian portraits only and there were 17 guys in total, so yeah, it took some time.
(It's also kind of funny how - unintentionally - I did my 3 main Ikemen games in a certain order; the way the suitors' number grow each time lol.)
I'm not sure if I'm as satisfied with this batch as I want to be, despite the time and effort, but all together they look nice! So let's get into it!
Part 2 here!
• Maeda Keiji
(So, at first Keiji was Shingen's prototype, if you will. Mainly because of the hair and its color. Also his basic features were good; like the smokey, smouldering eyes, nicely curved eyebrows and mouth, and stronger cheekbones and jaw. (Idk, I always imagined Shingen having really nice and defined cheekbones in real life haha.) But in the end, he looked a bit too young, I guess? Shingen - historically - but even in the game IS one of the older guys, so I wanted to make him even more mature. And then I looked at this prototype and because of the hair's shape Keiji came to mind and in the end, I think I did the right thing.)
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• Kennyo
(I admit it, he was - surprisingly - one of the easiest ones. I was genuinely worried that he'll be hard to recapture because of the harsh scar and grimace on his face, and again; the older-man look. I guess I just got lucky with the bases? Other than his scar that I had to draw on, I didn't touch up anything. His design is the most Asian-like in my opinion with the 'everything black' theme going on with his hair and eyes lol.)
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• Tokugawa Ieyasu
(He wasn't as hard either, than some of my other edits, but I couldn't get him right the first time. He was okay, but really, not the best effort. His face was just off - it was way too soft. Ieyasu is young, perhaps one of the youngest of them all, but he has an uninterested scowling expression on him almost all the time, so I guess that makes him appear more mature in general. But I'm definitely satisfied with him, and his emerald green eyes look super nice!)
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• Uesugi Kenshin
(Well, he's one of those that I'm not exactly sure about. At one point he seems accurate, but then just so off-track of his game avatar so I genuinely don't know what to think. He has a harder stare and more grown-up look and features than Ieyasu, so they are not the same base. Although, while making them, I was thinking of using them for each other, since they are very similar with the blonde hair and cold, uninterested stares. But he came out pretty and kind of unreachable, noble-like! And they definitely describe him as so in the game so it's a win?!)
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• Sarutobi Sasuke
(It was a two-part thing again, since he's that ONE character who wears glasses lol. Editing on specs in a way that looks good AND appropriate for the character is hard. Although for Faust, I think I really did a good job and probably won a lotto or something that it came out so good. But I think Sasuke isn't as bad either! His eyes and hair are fairly simple, but achieving that stoic, blank expression was the real deal in the end. But it worked, he looks smart, like a real moderately awesome ninja!)
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• Date Masamune
(He was difficult, especially since I had to imagine the eyepatch on him every time. It makes a big difference, trust me. This isn't the original edit of him, on second tries I always do a better job to be honest. By then I realized that his cheerful and reckless expression was missing and tried to give him a wider smile and sharper eyes and he indeed came out super handsome with those plus touches! His eyepatch is drawn on by me again, but even that can't ruin this image!)
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• Mori Ranmaru
(I struggled with him the most, I feel like? His baby-like features, overly cheerful smile and big eyes was hard to achieve... Somewhat. I don't think I did him justice. Also, I admit that I mixed female prototypes into him, mainly because of the hair, but also since in the game they mention it a lot of times that he's considered really beautiful and feminine. All-in-all, I think he's precious nonetheless!)
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• Akechi Mitsuhide
(I'm also not quite satisfied with him, because I think at some point I had a better base for his face and hair, but in the end when I tried mixing with that one or just reconstructing it, it didn't come out so well. And in itself that piece wasn't good enough, so yeah, that's why we ended up here. He could use some more work, but I wasn't exactly sure where? From a close up he feels decent though, so maybe it's some kind of black magic. I also like his expression and his floofy white hair, I'm happy that I could achieve such a nice, pure color!)
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What do you guys think so far? How did I do?
(Don't forget to look at Part 2, with the other guys in it!)
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pandasmagorica · 1 year
Partial rewatch: Be My Favorite
Mild spoilers if you're not caught up on the series. Contains Pisaeng time travel speculation and other random thoughts. Please forgive me if I'm misusing the headcannon tag.
My brain is going overtime on figuring out whether or what happened when Pisaeng turned the music box. I'm having fun with this as well as enjoying reading other Tumblr writers' takes, and will be fine with being wrong. But it will also be so satisfying if I'm right.
All this discussion about whether Pisaeng is doing any time travel has brought me to rewatch the codas.
I initially speculated that the codas represent the final no more time travel timeline. However, in one, Pisaeng meets Kawi in college and in another Pisaeng meets Kawi in high school. So I'm guessing these might be different timelines. More importantly, though, Pisaeng seems to know who Kawi is in both of these. While this could simply be from Pisaeng being observant, it could be that Pisaeng did indeed, as I've speculated, travel into the past and attempt to remedy his staying in the closet at 15.
Anyway, let's recap the codas:
Episode 1 [4/4] 6:39-7:50 Pisaeng reveals himself as Kawi's secret buddy in college. At 7:29, Pisaeng gives Kawi a flirtatious wink. Could be friendly. Could be this is future traveled into the past Pisaeng, and he is in fact flirting in a new timeline. My guess is on future Pisaeng traveling back to 15, resolving his coming out issues with his mom then, and being a fully confident out gay man in college. (Bonus points if future past Pisaeng forged the secret buddy sticker and wasn't actually Kawi's secret buddy. Not actually sure how this secret buddy thing works - can a secret buddy have their own secret buddy?) Followed by next episode scenes narrated by Kawi breaking the fourth wall.
Random thought: If he settles coming out with his mom at 15, then he won't have the episode 10 fight with her, and won't have an excuse to stay over at Kawi's, so won't turn the globe and won't go back to age 15. But of course, he could lie. Or just ask to stay over because he wants to. Or say he has to so he can activate the globe and go back to age 15.
Another random thought: Actually, does he really have to return? He can simply live the timeline from age 15 to the present. Okay, not sure how he'd get to the right place at the right time to set the music box down, so that's probably not what happens. I still predict that Kawi won't time travel again in the series, as he's seen it doesn't necessarily make things better.
Episode 2 [4/4] 6:02-7:25 Pisaeng tries and fails to get the turtle plushie. Okay, this one doesn't seem to fit my last timeline theory. Then again, maybe there is a timeline where he never gets it. Or maybe it's filling in just how much work it was for Pisaeng to finally win the plushie. Followed by next episode scenes narrated by Kawi breaking the fourth wall.
Episode 3 [4/4] 8:39-9:09 Kawi in the future getting the lotto numbers; Kawi in the past winning the lotto. Okay, again doesn't fit my last timeline theory. Followed by next episode scenes narrated by Kawi breaking the fourth wall.
Episode 4 [4/4] No coda. Director title is immediately followed by next episode scenes narrated by Kawi breaking the fourth wall.
Episode 5 [4/4] 10:04-11:00 Okay, this is where I strongly feel this supports my prediction that Pisaeng goes back to 15 if he time travels, and could be the final timeline. 10:18-10:57, high school Pisaeng approaches high school Kawi, seems to know who he is but doesn't expect Kawi to know him, unsuccessfully tries to engage with Kawi, is un-surprised by this lack of success, and accepts that it didn't work. Followed by next episode scenes narrated by Kawi breaking the fourth wall.
Episode 6 [4/4] 7:39-9:06 Kawi visits Pisaeng's place for the first time. Doesn't seem to support or oppose any particular timeline. Followed by next episode scenes narrated by Kawi breaking the fourth wall.
Now, to break my coda-only rewatch and start with the entire Episode 7 [4/4] (oops, actually started with 3/4 by mistake, but it turns out to be a fortunate mistake) followed by a binge-rewatch of episodes 8 through 10. As you may recall, I binge-watched 1 through 8, mistakenly thinking I could binge-watch the entire series only to discover I was mistaken. And I've found the discussion around this series so fascinating that I've switched to episode-by-episode watch. Not sure I'll stick with this in the future for other series, but I'll go with it for now on this one. (And if I do go back to binge-watching, that's not a hit on my fellow Tumblerites, just my preferred watching method.)
Actually, I will have to re-watch all of 7 at some point. 3/4 is just heartbreaking. And them leaving the doors and windows open in the camper at 11:43 is just so distracting. Aren't there mosquitoes? I needed that water frolic.
Good thing I watched 3/4 as it establishes important context for 4/4. But the camper is still wide open at 1:02. This is so distracting. Now for the coda: 7:19-8:52. Yeah, I probably need to drop my codas are the last timeline theory. This is clearly set 8 years into the Kawi as rock star timeline with Pisaeng still carrying a torch for Kawi. Oh, well, it was a fun speculation. But definitely more than one timeline is being represented across the different codas. Followed by next episode scenes narrated by Kawi breaking the fourth wall.
Okay, on to full episode 8. First off, I see I was mistaken as to how far Kawi needs to turn the music box to time travel. It's actually quite brief (or cut).
8 [3/4] 7:32 Another distraction. How does Kawi know which airport? Thinking of Bad Buddy episode 12. Okay, Kawi doesn't actually go to the airport, but that's where my mind went. And 11:38 yeah, not cool Kawi hitting Pisaeng. He's going to need to get his temper under control if he's going to succeed.
As for the coda 8 [4/4] 5:17-6:44 If Pisaeng lets the fixer guy help him, then his car will be like in Back to the Future. No Kawi narration or broken fourth wall in the previews.
9 [1/4] 7:26 Yeah, Kawi's rough. He needs to work on that. 7:37 Incoming call - Fluke. Distraction again. Is Gawin calling himself? 8:49 "We're done eating. What else should we do?" Kawi's so romantic...not.
9 [2/4] 5:09 Okay, a bit seme there.
And no coda for 9. And no Kawi narration or broken fourth wall in the previews.
10 [1/4] 11:24-11:26 Kawi's father: "If I could go back in time, I'd want to do better." Said to his son who has gone back in time, is trying to do better, and doesn't think he's doing better enough.
10 [3/4] opening: Kawi definitely needs to work on his temper. And 00:53, Pisaeng needs to drop the seme.
05:36-05:49 And @rocketturtle4 you're right, it switches to Kawi's view, so we could definitely be seeing time travel in Pisaeng's present/past?/future? I'm sticking with past for my prediction. Oh, and yes, Pisaeng spends several seconds after the globe goes dark reflecting on...something before setting it down. So yes, likely time travel.
In the last, full reveal of Kawi's conversation with Pisaeng's mom, Kawi's reaction doesn't match what happened when Kawi returned from that conversation. So I wonder whether the two versions of their conversations we get are in two different timelines. If not, it makes Kawi too much of a jerk. Not that Kawi hasn't sometimes been a jerk.
And yes, the preview makes it clear that Pisaeng has activated the globe, without showing us where he goes.
Guess we'll find out.
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mysticbewitched · 2 years
I keep persisting on winning the lottery (it started last december) and whenever I see the lotto results my numbers aren’t there. So I keep on persisting until the present because I know it will happen, and all this delay are just some test of doubts. I am claiming that I’m a lottery winner. I’ll update if I won 🫶
You have already won the lottery for sure, and that's an epic accomplishment.
Try not to pay any attention to the "outside delay" and remember to stay focused on living in the end of being a successful lottery winner.
Continue to enjoy knowing that you have already won the lottery because you are the powerful creator and you are in control of your own reality. Keep persisting in the new state and living in the end with self-belief and confidence in your power. You are most definitely on the right path for success.
I'm so proud of you, anon. Keep it up.
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Haha - that me! off to buy my lotto ticket but I'm not sure there is any winning in this mess.
What do you make of the leaning into the SMA title this week? Seemed off limits so is it just leveraging for Ghosted promo or trying to remind people who he is after the last six months of mess? The cynic in me says he survived the Chicago Con and Ghosted press so he's breathing easier and will carry on as if half the fandom hasn't exited due to the unseemly mess.
I feel like the SMA questions weren't that prevalent, though, and I fully expected People to bring it up since it's their property. I think it does play well as a topic with the "rom com" identity of the movie. However, they have seemed to parse it finely when talking about it to not bring up personal life issues connected to it. We can see that by how few places have mentioned her name at all.
Also... what's some good number??!!???? I need new lotto numbers! 😂
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tameflux · 1 year
Do You Know Your Probability of Winning Lottery Numbers?
When it comes to winning the lottery, when you participate in the normal technique beyond an e-Lottery Partner your chances of winning lottery numbers are just 1 - 14 million. Playing in an e-Lottery Organization is being portrayed the more brilliant method for playing as your possibility's of winning are raised significantly to 1 - 1.9 million. People that are previously in the e-Lottery Organizations give an account of connecting with normal sums.
When it comes to Lottery Coordinates the eLottery assuming that in all honesty are driving the way and have stood the analysis of time. Laid out and delivered to the globe toward the beginning of 2002 by a business called Virtual World Direct (VWD). The initial item added to the e-Lottery supporting the chances of prize-winning the lottery prize by 733% was the UK Public Lottery. While joining this e-Lottery Partner you will be significantly added into a 49 in number pack giving individuals 88 attempts of winning lottery numbers each and consistently.
The Euro Millions Lotto was the second Lottery idea extra to the e-Lottery conspire, the EuroMillions was shaped in February 2004 for the European people group. Like it is with the UK Lotto Organization presented by eLottery, playing in the Euro Millions Lotto Organization gives each player a lot greater chances over performance ticket players. You will get 3600% raised odds over the standard ticket players. In like manner considerably more prominent chances of Winning Lottery Numbers. This is a critical plus and stretches out exactly down to the reality that 2 "fortunate star" numbers will be sure in each and every EuroMillions lottery draw. This as a conclusion dispenses chances of winning lottery numbers for the Euro to just 1 - 3 expected to 1 - 103.
In December 2008 The El Gordo Lottery (Spanish Public Lottery) for numerous Individuals an exceptionally thrilling third option that has been added to the eLottery Organization plot. This Spanish Lottery - the El Gordo is a Lottery that has 6 yearly draws, the Christmas El Gordo Lottery draw is the most celebrated and is estimated to be the greatest Lottery prize in the globe. While the winning lottery numbers are drawn, within reach is a 1 of every 6 bet of winning a cash prize for people that contend the run of the mill way. At the point when you sign up for with one of e-Lottery's El Gordo Lottery Coordinates your probability of charming a hard money Win move by multiple times.
Back ground and the customer support
Considering that the e Lottery had its send off in 2002, Virtual World Direct (VWD) has encountered immense accomplishment. So widely from north of a 136 realm's from something like the world the e-Lottery to child up has added than 190,000 players. VWD is an English enterprise that is exclusively possessed is completely obligation free, lead by a moving strong reasoning managerial gathering. The regulators and makers Tom Brodie and Len Fitzgerald.
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mycryptosuite · 2 years
Hot Live Fortune Thursday For 29/09/2022
Hot Live Fortune Thursday For 29/09/2022
Hot Live Fortune Thursday For 29/09/2022 Hot live fortune thursday – Fortune thursday lotto pros, Here are the best two sure and banker for Fortune draw on 29 September 2022. Check live banker for fortune – fortune lotto prediction for today, fortune thursday lotto banker, ghana fortune lotto forecast for today live. Fortune thursday lotto forecast – Baba Ijebu fortune predictions and forecasts…
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king-of-my-kingdom · 1 year
How To Increase Your Chance To WIN The Lottery!
The Silver Lotto System works on all lotto games worldwide that have from 5 to 7 balls and up to 59 numbers. Simple steps,How To Increase Your Chance To WIN The Lottery! Articles everyone can do shortly. Visit now:
A personal meeting with the Silver Lotto System's creator, Ken Silver. Q: Howdy Ken, gratitude for joining us in this meeting. Before we discuss your lotto system, inform us a little regarding your background. Ken: It actually undeniably began with the lotto system. I originally developed the Silver Lotto System in the mid 90's, and it sold all around well through standard mail. Following a couple of years success with it I wrote a "how-to" manual about my experience and how others could do it- - which also sold well. In fact you can in any case get it today. Then I proceeded to sell it over the web during the 90's and deals increased enormously. I wrote another, "eBook Insider facts" about composing How-To ebooks, and together my manuals have sold over a million copies from myself and other marketers who bought the limited number of Privileges. Q: Let us know how you developed your exceptional lotto system. Ken: All things considered, for quite a while in the last part of the 80's I had been looking for ways to make the lottery advantageous for me, and I concentrated on a lot of material. It was an interesting period. You wouldn't believe the abnormal, off the wall theories out there. I even read one book that asserted a few thousand people could 'will' the numbers they needed through mass ESP - Extra Sensory Perception. Q: Weird solutions to be sure. How did you sort out your own system then, at that point? Ken: Through a lot of hard thought and lateral reasoning. It helped that my late dad was a splendid optical specialist, and some of his logical numerical capacities could have rubbed off me! At the point when I found the "aha" solution that appeared to work, I spent a further couple of years exploring and really taking a look at it. Although at that time I had computers that could have sped the whole examination process up, the Silver Lotto System doesn't actually work on designed or computed numbers. So it must be done by hand. Took some time. Q: For what reason is your system so unique that you couldn't use a computer? Ken: I found that regardless of the blinding velocity and computational capacities of modern systems even in those days, no-one had actually come up with a way to foresee a win from past draws. This was an ideal breakthrough for me. It basically told me this: That no-one can actually foresee winning numbers through investigating and extrapolating previous results. Furthermore, when I understood this, it made my own system solution significantly more important as a result. So, although it took some time to sort out, out of nowhere I had found the 'missing connect' to winning lotto. Q: Assuming you say that no-one can foresee a win, how does your system work then? Ken: The system works principally by eliminating the millions of number combinations that won't win. For instance, you'll never see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 in a winning draw... that is really unlikely. What's more, there are countless other losing combinations too. My Silver Lotto System distinguishes these, leaving the potential winning combinations. Simple - once you know how! Q. How is the Silver Lotto System unique in relation to other systems out there, like Wheeling? Ken: Wheeling just gives various number combinations. It doesn't make any distinction between good and terrible number combinations, so most times you are squandering your money on the many poor number selections in them. With the Silver Lotto System, EVERY line has the best number combination you can find, which immensely increases the chances of winning. That makes it unique in relation to almost every other system I've examined. (What's more, in the event that you find a system that works like the Silver Lotto System, you can bet your bottom dollar that it was adjusted from mine!) Q: OK, that sounds good. In any case, has anyone won with your system? Ken: Yes to be sure, many people. An Australian person won AU$$3.2 million. Another won $281,183.09. What's more, a few round the world have won prizes of $100,000.00. Another won $70,634.60 on the Canada 6/49. Many people around the globe take care of their costs, and won smaller amounts up to $50,000.00. One of the fundamental advantages with my system is that you can be winning moderate amounts WHILE you are trusting that the Huge Win will come along- - as it eventually will.
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oyeitsjules · 1 year
Lotto or Lottery
There is actually no difference between lotto and lottery. It is just called lotto in some countries and lottery in others. In the US it is usually alluded to as the lottery.
In the Unified Kingdom it is usually alluded to as the lotto. We as a whole just have various ways of saying the lottery and the lotto. However, Lotto or Lottery Articles they are exactly the same thing.
In the US there are various forms of the lottery like the Powerball, Super Millions, Win For Life, and others. These are the most popular. There is also the Tri-State lottery, Check lottery, Hot Lotto, Special case, 2by2, and almost one lottery game for every state.
There are also sure lotteries for some particular states like the Delaware lottery, the New Jersey lottery, the South Dakota lottery, and that's just the beginning. Truth be told you can find lottery games in just about anything in the US. The Fish and Game department has a lottery. Some other states have their own lotteries too: Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Locale of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.
That covers virtually every state in the US!
Other countries that have the lottery (yet often call it the lotto) are Britain, Ireland, Spain, Canada, the Unified Kingdom, Mexico, Brazil, and then some.
Just as we as a whole use other words in an unexpected way, some call it the lotto and some call it the lottery. It is a similar type of pool game where you need to choose between specific numbers and you have somewhere in the range of 2 to 60 numbers to choose. It is a game of chance and karma, however in the event that you use others ways of expanding your chances of winning the lotto or the lottery you can see more winnings in your games.
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kimarisgundam · 2 years
I can't believe our Solo won the city's Body Lotto... even our DM is surprised @_@
My friend's luck is insane @_@. Her Solo managed to guess the number of dead bodies found in 6 districts, like what are the odds he got all 6 districts right...
When our DM sent us the screamsheet, my friend immediately texted everyone saying she has the winning number 😅
I was like no way... but darn, it's literally there on the screamsheet. The police department verified the number of dead bodies found and the official winning lotto number O_O
She insisted we all stop preparing to go to bed cos she wanted an immediate short RP session to collect her 4000 eddies 😂
Omg her Solo won't shut up about it... He's like "See! See?! Buying lottos is an investment!"
My Netrunner is so mad cos she keeps telling the Solo not to gamble. Geez, he won 4000 eddies now, but I'm 90% sure he spent more than 4000 eddies buying tickets 😑
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sociomi · 3 days
Top guide to lotto numbers
There are various ways one can move toward dowsing the lottery. We will approach the 2 most notable ones under:There are various ways one can move toward dowsing the lottery. We will approach the 2 most notable ones under:
We covered a lot of subjects associated with dowsing frames on this site. Diagrams can moreover be used for dowsing lottery numbers. The standard is very essential: you truly need to either shape or buy a dowsing frame, which can be of three sorts: list charts, fan-like layouts or diagram graphs. You then start representing the right requests. From greater requests, for instance, 'am I going to get winning numbers today?', to extra specific ones, for instance, 'is 23 a victorious number for the accompanying time I play, etc. If you are unpracticed with dowsing charts for the lottery or dowsing frames, when in doubt, we excitedly recommend examining this post first.
Pendulum dowsing is a significant topic without any other person. So much that we have a full class gave to it. While dowsing for lottery (or lotto) numbers using a pendulum, it is basic to follow the fundamentals of pendulum frame dowsing first. In direct terms, dowsing for lottery winning numbers isn't not exactly equivalent to pendulum dowsing generally. What changes is the sorts of requests presented. Delineation of requests that can be presented to while pendulum dowsing the lottery: 'could you say you will show something like one winning number today? , if for sure, you can ask 'are you going to show something like two winning numbers today?' et cetera.
A large number individuals who start dowsing for lottery, furthermore need to get a bearing at first or some likeness thereof. This is really sensible, especially considering the way that dowsing the lottery is more muddled than water dowsing for example. Water dowsing can utilize the data someone has about a particular soil or geographic and land locale, where dowsing the lottery can by and large rely upon your abilities to dowse and nature. Check out Saputoto.
Expecting you will dowse the lottery, you could have to have an early phase that is by and large easy to get to. PDFs can be very important for this present circumstance. For example, accepting you will glance through dowsing the lottery pdf, or dowsing lottery numbers pdf in the web crawlers, you will most likely be redirected to this dowsing lottery PDF. The record has 31 pages, it is permitted to download and contains a ton of pieces of information on lottery dowsing. Surely recommended as an early phase, especially for youngsters. 
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jynandjuuice · 21 days
Lotto or Lottery
There is actually no difference between lotto and lottery. It is just called lotto in certain countries and lottery in others. In the US it is usually alluded to as the lottery.
In the Unified Realm it is usually alluded to as the lotto. We as a whole just have different ways of saying the lottery and the lotto. However, they are exactly the same thing.
In the US there are various types of the lottery like the Powerball, Uber Millions, Win Forever, and others. These are the most popular. There is likewise the Tri-State lottery, Check lottery, Hot Lotto, Trump card, 2by2, and almost one lottery game for each state.
There are likewise sure lotteries for a few specific states like the Delaware lottery, the New Jersey lottery, the South Dakota lottery, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. In fact you can find lottery games in just about anything in the US. The Fish and Game office has a lottery. A few different states have their own lotteries too: Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Region of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.
That covers virtually every state in the US!
Different countries that have the lottery (however frequently call it the lotto) are Britain, Ireland, Spain, Canada, the Assembled Realm, Mexico, Brazil, and that's only the tip of the iceberg.
Just as we as a whole use different words differently, a few call it the lotto and some call it the lottery. It is a similar kind of pool game where you need to choose between specific numbers and you have somewhere in the range of 2 to 60 numbers to choose. It is a game of chance and luck, however in the event that you use others ways of increasing your chances of winning the lotto or the lottery you can see more winnings in your games.
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atlanticcanada · 24 days
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