#love drawing the blorbos beating the shit out of each other
good-wizard · 11 months
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A family reunion.
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puppy-phum · 2 years
Not Me for the fandom ask thing! 😊🥰
lizzieeee~ thank you a lot for asking! gosh am always so excited to talk about not me :') let's go!
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Sean i think i’ve established already that i am utterly in love with this mess of a man. i still remember when i was watching the first ep of not me and at the end we have white finally meeting sean for the first time and i instantly knew sean was gonna wreck me emotionally. bc what am if not a slut for emotionally constipated boys who turn out to be super soft and only in need of some love and understanding? yeah. and then the nightmare scene happened at the beginning of ep 4 and i was like. yup. called it. my blorbo now. 
Least Favorite character(s): Dan and Gram ok ok hear me out. i don’t hate either of them. i truly do not. i find both of them quite charming in their own ways and i love them as part of the group. but out of all the characters we get to meet and see in this, out of all the characters that aren’t just straight up shitty, i find gram and dan the most boring. they’re kind of plain. the writing doesn’t do them justice bc they could’ve both been so much more. i expected them to be a lot more - and yet. 
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): SeanWhite, DanYok, GramBlack, ToddBlack, GramGeneBlack
Character I find most attractive: Yok i wanna say sean bc he is one handsome motherfucker (all bc off is just. so pretty). but also just. yok. my absolute beloved. he has the looks. he has the wardrobe. he has the damn tattoo and the personality. he could flirt the pants off from a fucking table. he is absolutely mesmerizing and i do not blame dan for going absolutely bonkers bc of him. i would too. 
Character I would marry: Gumpa our garage dad! i would absolutely say yes to him if he asked lol. we could have a comfy life. he could do his gay garage revolution trainer stuff and i could maybe like. edit and draw and study in the corner. we could cuddle up when the time calls for it. no one can bother either of us about future marriage. we can stay bffs. maybe he can offer me a hug and some head pats, who knows. idk what i can offer him but i’ll try my best which seems to be enough for him. hey maybe this is not marriage but adoption instead. i have the papers ready man, get out your pen-
Character I would be best friends with: White this is all based on personality. i think all the other character would be a bit too intense for me to be best friends with. other than gumpa who i mentioned above, i could only see myself hanging out with white. he’s sweet and quiet and calm. he likes reading just like i do. maybe we could go do a couple of leap of faiths at times to spice things up. we can go brood by the sea. i won’t let him go drown himself tho, i swear.  
a random thought: we need a second season about black’s toxic relationship with todd. give us all the dirty little details. twist them up and break our hearts. or wait no, let them both be twisted together but make todd see he can be much more than a rich little shit. also i just wanna see more of black and how he came to be with his gang and how he actually cares about those assholes.
An unpopular opinion: Namo shouldn’t have been made to be in love with Sean idk how “unpopular” this opinion is but it always frustrates me when friendships between men and women are made romantic. there always seems to be this romantic aspect to it and i am just tired. can’t it just be a platonic relationship where they’re both comfy with each other? i thought we got that with them at first. they were just being so casual, and namo seemed to pick up on white’s interest on sean quite early. i thought she was just being an observant best friend. but no, they had to make her confess and kind of ruin that friendship. i know they can still be friends after but was it really necessary? tho of course her confession provided us with the extra angst when sean goes to her after getting beat up by black but dammit, you could’ve gotten that from somewhere else too if you just wanted to pile up on the angst. 
My Canon OTP: SeanWhite they are just so good. i adore they. i want to cry so much more bc of them. i miss them and their lovey-dovey nonsense ♥ 
My Non-canon OTP: ToddBlack yes i am in this pit too and what about it, i like how twisted they could be and how their past could just be so heartbreaking and how they could maybe have a future. i can dream. 
Most Badass Character: Black i think the ending episodes speak for themselves. like damn, ever since i saw him first fighting with todd and then going against half a swat squad with his bare hands i have not been the same, that was so sexy. 
Most Epic Villain: Todd idk if he’s truly epic in any sense bc he’s mostly just pathetic. but god is he more interesting than tawi or the twins’ parents. so him it is. also at least he dresses up better, those open shirts were truly something else. 
Pairing I am not a fan of: BlackGene/GramGene i didn’t really mind these happening in the drama but i just. didn’t really get into them? it felt boring. even more boring when we somewhat got baited with it being gramblack. what a disaster that was sigh. rest in peace our nice little ship. also pls eugene deserves someone so much better than either of these boys and i think she should date a girl instead actually. 
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Gram like i said before, both him and dan could’ve been so much more. they gave us so many promises with gram as the drama started and then continued but then made him just very boring. and somehow even an asshole? bc at the beginning he seemed to care so much about black, and i actually adored the thought of black having someone like gram in his life that he actually let a bit closer to himself. but then they just. brought in the whole gramgene mess. which made all of gram’s motives kind of dubious. like idk if the writers just simply forgot that the gang wasn’t actually white’s gang but black’s but god dammit they wrote black out of it quite harshly. 
Favourite Friendship: Sean and Yok absolutely obsessed with this couple of unhinged besties ♥
Character(s) I most identify with: Sean and White i feel like i’m a strange mix of both of them which probably explains why i like their relationship so much. i sometimes get very defensive like sean and i can be a bit impulsive at times too. am also bad at admitting my own mistakes, tho i will not go choking someone else about it hhhh. also i doubt myself and try to correct my own thinking like white. i try to be better. tho i can also see myself being as stubborn as sean when it comes to things i believe, and then again as understanding and sweet as white is with everyone around him. 
Character I wish I could be: Namo she seemed just so cool in the series. she was an artist and very sure about it, and i truly admired her ambition and knowledge on things. also she was best friends with sean - and i truly refuse to think of them as anything else so let’s ignore the romantic part. i also just wanted to steal her style so this would be an easy way to do that haha
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