#love her character more than words can say if yall cant empathize with her thats a skill issue
greenbloods · 1 year
you are seventeen and the world is at war. the ravens come on ink-feathered wings. they say your betrothed has died in the capital, strangled by the mad king’s wrath. the earth is shifting beneath your feet. you find yourself in a sept saying vows to his brother. he is quiet and stern and aloof, so different from his brother, but you always knew your duty. you will come to love him in time, you know. that night in the bedchambers where you consummated your marriage, you study his sleeping stone face in the pale moonlight streaking through the windows of riverrun. it is the first time you have seen his face, truly.
you come to bear a son in time, as your septa promised. he has rosy cheeks and auburn hair like yours. and he is healthy, gods be good. but from the south your husband comes too with a son, with dark hair and dim eyes. you had heard what men were like, you had steeled your heart to your duty, you had known that a man’s right was different from a woman’s, but you could not bear this. the son you bore, the months of labor, the long days looking out from windows for your lord husband to come on horseback with his helm glittering in the sun, were they not enough? the bastard had his father’s hair.
the boys grow close together, too close. you bear other children come time. then came another war, and ned brought home another son. this one had dark hair too. for the first few days he walked around the halls of winterfell dazed, half a ghost. you could not help but see yourself in him, the way you felt when you had first come to this queer castle, more ancient than legend, a world away from your father and your home. you were always your father’s favored daughter, you did everything right. never spoke out of turn never misplaced a stitch never said a word that was unseemly. your brother was dear to your heart, but even when his beard had grown he could not hide that he was a little brother, awkward and diffident and more heart than head. and your sister...lysa and your lord father had never seen eye to eye even in the best of weather. yet it was you who was sent off to a mans bedchamber, while edmure kept the castle home and remained at his fathers side.
the ravens bring words of doom from the capital, and the world tastes as it did seventeen years ago. your husband is dead. yesterday your son was half a boy, but he looks a man now, the sternness in his eyes. his beard is coming in; he looks so much like edmure. you are tired of being strong, tired of your duty, but you cannot balk now. day and night you spend at your father’s side as he dies slowly of the crabs in his belly. you cannot help him, but you cannot leave him. reason has lost its reason. you were good you were good you did everything right, the daughter to your father, the wife to your husband, the mother to your children. all gone, all lost, all doomed by the narrative.
you did your duty as the storm rolled in. and as the knife is at your throat you can feel the troubles drain down your skin in rivulets. if you come back, you promise yourself, you will haunt the narrative like a ghost.
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