#love how sora is just *surprised pikachu’s face at the back*
softbewitcher · 2 years
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somebody asked me to redraw this and i’m just here to deliver ~
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yeojaa · 4 years
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What do you do when you've called your wedding off but forgot to cancel your cake tastings?  Why, you ask your brother's grouchy best friend, of course. 
pairing.  min yoongi.  sort of.
genre + rating.  fluff-adjacent.  general.
warning / tags.  mentions of infidelity, cake tasting, cake tasting isn’t a euphemism, fluff and hurt/comfort, alternate universe, alternate universe - modern setting, friendship, friendship/love, childhood friends.
reading.   n/a.  a stand-alone three part one-shot.
word count.  ~1850
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chapter iii.
“I didn’t mean it, Yoongi.”
The apology is off your tongue and crashing into his ears before you have a second to consider it, pleading colouring syllables in soft shades of blue.  You hate the way he’s looking at you, like you’ve found the chink in his armour and are on the verge of exploiting it.  
“It’s fine.”  Over a decade of friendship tells you it’s decidedly not fine.  His concession comes far too quickly, meant to placate whatever guilt he’d accidentally kicked up. 
It makes you feel worse, the weight increasing tenfold when he offers you his seldom-seen smile.  Gums flash, corner of his mouth hitching over soft pink tissue.  It doesn’t quite meet his eyes though, falling just short of the endlessly dark depths of his irises. 
“Seriously.  Forget about it.”  You know he’s doing his best to force you onward but you can’t help but dig your figurative heels further into the dirt.  An immovable force.
“I’m really sorry,”  you repeat, voice thick with meaning. 
Yoongi huffs a little, seemingly frustrated.  You shrink a little further in on yourself, shoulders dropping and lips shifting in tandem.  You’re probably pouting.  You feel his stare from your periphery, feline gaze focused wholly on the way your mouth turns and turns around words you’re trying to perfect.
Silence stretches on, longer than you can stand and far more awkward than you’re used to.  You can feel it like a suffocating weight, a goose down comforter in the heat of summer - heavy and unpleasant.
“I’m sorry.”  It squeaks out in the same instant he sighs.  He sounds less irritated, though you can see the tension in his chin, how it jumps the muscle in his jaw. 
“You don’t have to keep saying it.”  
“But I don’t think you’re heartless, Yoongi.  I shouldn’t have said it.”  You say it like it’s crucial - as if you might perish if you don’t get them out.  They sweep into the spaces between you, earnest and full of fear, filling all the cracks left by your own hand.
You layer your reassurances as best you can, tongue tripping over teeth as you ramble about all the different ways you see him.  
In shades of diffused morning light, lined with silver like a physical reminder that there’s always hope.  Through the lens of childhood admiration, sprinkled with childish laughter and doe-eyed awe.  With as much unconditional love as you’ve ever been capable of, wrapped up in furtive glances and curious, miserably nonchalant texts to your brother.
It comes and comes, word vomit that won’t stop until you’re brought back by the expression on his face.  It’s tender, bemused - reminiscent of a parent of an overzealous child.  You’ve seen it a million times before, though the instances were much fewer and far between now that you were older. 
You immediately backtrack.  “I’m sorry.”  This time it’s for wasting his time, for being his best friend’s annoying little sister. 
You’re tumbling over your own two feet again.  You’ve said too much by the time he speaks at all.  
“You’re more than that.”  A statement of fact, seemingly, by how he delivers it with such ease, as if it hasn’t just set your heart off in your chest, the poor thing stuttering to life (or death).  You’re not sure.
Despite your best efforts, the singular word gives you away, coloured canary red with hope.  “What?”
If he’d heard your question at all, he says nothing, footsteps never faltering.  He’s walking ahead like he hasn’t just turned your world on its axis, throwing you completely off-balance.  He doesn’t even offer a glance back, halfway down the block by the time you come to your senses.
You jog to catch up, fingers eager to close the distance you quickly eat up.  You settle into a measured pace behind him, though your mouth moves at a mile a minute.  You can feel the maddening persistence in your bones, hear it as it carves demands into what was once comfortable silence. 
“Why did you say that?”  No response.  “Yoongi!”  He doesn’t even flinch, gaze trained ahead as if he’s never been in Apgujeong before and he’s terribly interested in everything but you. 
The distinct urge to stomp your foot fizzles through your limbs and you almost do.  You’re rooting yourself to the spot, sneaker raised comically, when he rounds on you.  Brows have disappeared into his swath of dark hair and his chin tilts just so, studying you quizzically.  It looks like he’’s having an internal debate as to whether he should rib you further.
He decides against it - returning to the conversation you’re so adamant to have.  “You know, for being a Kim, you’re not that bright.”
“Excuse me?”  Indignation bursts out your mouth.  You’re focusing too hard on the words he’s spoken than the implication behind them.  They sail over your head, lost to the pretty coral that streaks across the sky and eats up the horizon. 
To Yoongi, it’s like watching his literal heart fly out the window.  He’s a little exasperated when he speaks again.  “You’re my best friend’s little sister.  I don’t know what you expect me to say.”  
“What’re you saying?”  Because you’re really confused now.  You think Namjoon would be too. 
Are you even having the same conversation?
“Do I need to spell it out for you?”  The line of his mouth quirks, corner stretching into something that borders on a smirk.  It’s devilish - decidedly not something you’re used to - and you imagine your stomach kickflips before wrecking itself on the pavement.
Your silence seems to be answer enough.  
He heaves a sigh as if he’s been terribly inconvenienced, arms folding over his chest.  The gesture should read as don’t come near me! but you have the very distinct urge to fold yourself under his arms.  You resist it by biting down hard on your bottom lip.  
“I’ve had feelings for you since we were kids.  Specifically since you had your 10th grade ballet recital and you kept the bear I got you.”  
You remember the day like it was yesterday.  You’d been lucky enough to land the coveted spot in the winter showcase and he’d been there, shoulder to shoulder with your brother, when you’d taken your bow.  The bouquet of peonies he’d brought you - in soft shades of blush and violet, your favourite colours - had nearly engulfed your frame and you’d had trouble holding both it and the sweet brown bear that came with it.
The same bear that still sat on your bedside table, propped up beside your charging cable and yearly planner.  The one you’d cried yourself hoarse over after you thought you lost it during your freshman year of college.
“I don’t understand.”  You frown, deeply.  You can feel the little dent between your brows.  It comes out when you’re stressed or confused or, in this instance, both.  
He’s more teasing than unkind:  “Like I said - not that bright.”  
You ignore the dig.  “Why didn’t you tell me?”  
“I couldn’t do that to Joon.  I promised I wouldn’t.”
Somehow, that’s more of a revelation than Yoongi’s confession.  
“He knows?”  You can’t help the gasp that ricochets out of your mouth, belligerent and betrayed.  You’re already running through the 100 different ways you’re going to kill your brother.  Because he’d known!  While you’d pined, Namjoon had known and simply stood by.  “He knows how I feel about you and he didn't say anything?”
You know if you think about it, you can’t blame him.  You’d given him a hard time too when he and Sora seemed to get along a little too well.  Call it a sibling thing.
In the heat of the moment though, you’re livid.  So Yoongi does what he does best and redirects effortlessly.   
The prompt reassigns all focus back to him, your anger toward your brother all but forgotten.  You think you could give Pikachu a run for his money by the surprise that works itself into your expression.  Heat licks itself across your cheeks, rolling like a steam engine over the exposed skin of your neck and up past your ears.  Had it suddenly jumped 20 degrees?
“I mean felt.”
When Yoongi steps forward, you’re hyper fixated on the way his mouth bends and bows, gums and neat white enamel revealed by the motion.  You’re rooted to the spot as he’s suddenly all you can see, crown of dark hair blocking the light from behind him, narrow shoulders curling in on you.  He’s near enough you can smell his comforting, woody scent.  
You haven’t been this close in - well, ever, you think.  
Then he kisses you - a chaste thing, right on the cheek - and you forget how to breathe.
“I guess we’ll need to change that.”
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“I’m honestly surprised,”  your boyfriend drawls, the picture of disinterest as he leans himself against the packed counter top, elbows propping himself up.  He’s staring out at the sea of people swarming the apartment, a comfortable group of new and old coming together to celebrate something very important.
He watches as your brother narrowly misses knocking over the beer pong table, earning a groan from the participants.  Jungkook yells something about his shot being messed up;  Jimin denies a re-throw.  There’s more incoherent shouting. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?”  
You’re at his back, arms twined neatly around his slender waist as you press your face into the warm expanse of his back.  The sweater he wears is overly soft from years of wear and it feels good under your reddened cheek.
You’d had a bit to drink and you were feeling exceptionally affectionate.
“You actually kept it a secret.”  Not that he hadn’t figured it out himself.  It was in your nature to throw surprise parties - you did for Namjoon and Jin and that loud best friend of yours - so he’d only figured he would get one when the time came. 
“We’re very good at keeping secrets in this family, remember?”  Your voice carries past the cotton of his clothes, filtering through laughter to kick his beating heart into overdrive.  
“Oh, how could I forget.”  He snorts quietly, turning in the same instance you unlatch yourself from him.  He has to fight the look of disappointment that threatens to pull his mouth into a pout, brow knitting in disapproval as you round on the refrigerator.
It’s only when you spin back to face him that his expression cracks and re-sets itself with glee.  Now he’s actually surprised.
Because you’ve got a cake box from the same bakeshop you’d gone cake tasting at.  He recognizes the logo on the front and the pretty frosting behind the plastic cover.  It’s shades of cream and citrus and decorated with cherries.  Your - and his - favourite cake from that day.
“You’re not supposed to see the cake ahead of time!”  It’s Namjoon bursting into the kitchen looking alarmed.
You laugh first, bright and sunny.  “It’s a birthday cake, not a wedding dress.”
But as you kiss him, cake cradled gingerly between your bodies, Yoongi thinks he wouldn’t mind seeing you in that, either.
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notes.  this final chapter was short and sweet but i hope you enjoyed it.  thank you for reading!  x
tag list.  @hoodmeup​​ @loveyoongles​ @vi-hoshi​ 
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goldencursive · 3 years
Chapter Two: 1965 words
Title: bro, will you be my bro forever, bro?
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Kaminari Denki/Sero Hanta, Kaminari Denki & Sero Hanta
Characters: Kaminari Denki, Sero Hanta, Uraraka Ochako, Ashido Mina, Hagakure Tooru, Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki
Additional Tags: BNHA Rarepair Week 2021, Fake/Pretend Relationship, 5+1 Things, Fluff, Humor, or At Least an Attempt at Humor, Carnival, Meet the Family, a wedding wheeee, its not kamisero's lol, POV Kaminari Denki, POV Sero Hanta, POV Alternating, Mutual Pining
alternatively titled: five times denki and hanta pretend to boyfriends and one time they actually are
“Brooooo, look at that!” Eijirou’s excited voice calls from ahead. The Bakusquad were hanging out at the fair during a rare day of relaxation. Most of the other members of their class are scattered around the fairgrounds somewhere, but right now, the five of them - minus Kyouka, who’s on a date with Yaomomo - are standing in front of a small contest stage.
“Wow,” Hanta remarks. “That is a giant Pikachu plushie.” Denki gapes at it. It’s in a sitting position, arms out, face beaming. It’s as big as he is. He wants it.
“I want it,” Denki announces out loud. “It looks so soft and cute and huggable. Can you imagine the cuddles you could get out of it?”
The Pikachu is sitting close enough to the front of the stage that they could touch it if they want to. Well, if they had really long arms. Like, arms twice as long as their legs, while holding one of those claw grabber thingys.
Okay, maybe they can’t touch it, but still. They can see it close up in its full, fluffy glory.
“Hey, you guys admiring our Pikachu plushie?” A bubbly girl with bright green hair pops up from behind it. “You can win it from our contest! Couples only, starts in an hour. I can give you a sign up sheet if you want it.”
Denki turns to Hanta immediately, because he might not have a boyfriend, but he does have a best friend who he’s totally not crushing on what do you mean and who owes him so many favors for charging his phone. “Hanta, bro, please. I have never wanted anything more in my life.”
Mina snickers and drapes her arm around him. “Didn’t you say that last week about the cake Sato made?”
“His cakes are like heaven and angel tears rolled up in the burrito of the gods, okay? Don’t judge me, Kiri said the same thing.” Denki crosses his arms, pouting. “Anyways, I have never wanted anything more in my life, Hanta, please help me.”
Katsuki smacks Denki in the back of the head (but nowhere near as hard as he would have in first year because they’re totally friends now, no matter how much he likes to deny it). “Idiot, you didn’t even see what kind of fucking contest it is. Don’t just jump into it without being prepared.”
“Says you,” Mina snickers.
“Oi, you wanna die?!”
“I’m a bad bitch, you can’t kill me,” she answers playfully, ducking behind Eijirou.
While Eijirou tries to defuse the Bakubomb, Denki turns to the sign next to the Pikachu. “How well do you know your partner?” he reads. “Hey, that doesn’t sound too hard! We know each other pretty well, I think,” he says, turning to Hanta. Although he’s not sure the kind of information he knows, like how Hanta still sleep with a blanket his mom made
“I mean, it’ll be fun,” shrugs the taller boy. “I’m down.”
Denki cheers, and accepts a sheet from the girl. “Let’s gooooo.”
An hour later, they’re sitting across from each other with a whiteboard in their hands. The three couples sit at tables arranged in a row with the two hosts in front of them and the prize Pikachu on a raised pedestal behind them.
“All right, let’s get started!” cries the bubbly girl from earlier. “I’m Hina and this is Yumi.” She gestures to the pink haired girl beside her, who cheerfully waves to the crowd gathered in front of the stage. “This is our ‘How Well Do You Know Your Partner’ contest for couples. It’s a lot harder than you’d think! We host this every day at the same time, so if you wanna participate but missed out today, you can always come back tomorrow! Now, can we get some introductions from our couples? We’ll start with you two,” she says, gesturing to the couple on the right of Denki and Hanta, a shy looking boy and brown haired girl.
They wave to the audience, introducing themselves as Yui and Haruto. “We’ve been together for over a year now, so I’m certain we’ll win!” the girl, Yui, says, smiling.
“All right, long term relationships are the best for this kind of contest! How about you guys?” Hina continues, gesturing to Denki and Hanta.
“What up, people? I’m Denki, and this is Hanta, my best bro and the love of my life.” Denki gives Hanta a dopey smile that’s not hard to fake because it’s not fake, and playfully bats his eyelashes, making Hanta crack up.
“Bro, stop, you’re going to make me blush in front of all these people,” Hanta says between snickers.
“What a lovely relationship! We love the ones where you can play around with your partners,” Hina says with a grin. “Now, what about the last couple?”
“I’m Ayaka and my girlfriend is Sora,” grins a girl with hair red enough to rival Eijirou’s. “We’re just here for the Pikachu!” Her girlfriend smacks her arm for being so blunt, but Ayaka’s grin doesn’t falter.
“That’s right! Our lovely prize, a giant stuffed Pikachu plushie, will be in the possession of whoever wins our contest! Now, our rules.” Hina looks over to her partner, who smoothly jumps in.
“The rules are simple: we’ll ask twelve questions of varying difficulties. Each of our contestants have a different color based on the seat they sit in, red or blue. We’ll direct our questions to either color. For example, if we ask Blue what Red’s favorite color is, Blue will write their guess on their board, while Red writes the correct answer on theirs. You’ll have thirty seconds to answer the question. Everybody got it?” She looks back at the contestants, who all nod back at her.
“Then let’s get started!” smiles Hina. “First question: what is Blue’s favorite food?”
Okay, blue, that’s Hanta. Denki looks down at his whiteboard, thinking. The first two things that pop to mind are oranges and soy bean flavored food. But which does he like better? Can he write down both? Is that allowed?
“Ten seconds!” Yumi calls. Ok, no time to agonize over it. Denki quickly scribbles ‘soy bean flavored stuff’ down. Hanta drinks soy bean milk all the time and hardly ever steals Denki’s orange juice, unlike SOME people who shall remain unnamed (cough *mina* cough cough). “Time’s up! Please flip your boards around to show the audience!”
Denki cranes neck to see what Hanta wrote. “Hey, we wrote the same answer word for word,” he says, grinning at Hanta. “High five!”
“Looks like everybody got this question right! Congratulations!” says Yumi. Hina makes a show of adding points to a large whiteboard bearing their names. “Next question: when is Red’s birthday?”
Denki writes a neat “July 29th” on his board, smiling as he remembers the first time they told each other their birthdays. Denki had been so excited to find out that their birthdays were only a month apart.
“All right, another easy point for everybody,” cheers Hina. “Keep it up! The next question: what is Blue’s favorite hobby?”
Favorite hobby, huh? Well, they don’t really have time for any serious hobbies outside of hero-ing, but Denki remembers oohing and aahing with Mina and Eijirou over the beautifully hand-woven rugs and tapestries all over Hanta’s room. His family owns a crafts shop, and Hanta had gotten into weaving that way, saying it was fun playing with the patterns he could create and good stress relief as well. So, weaving then.
“Let’s check out your answers,” Yumi says, calling the time. “Hm, looks like Yui and Haruto are the only ones missing this question.” Yui, sitting in the blue seat, frowns at her boyfriend for getting it wrong, but softens when he murmurs something back.
“I’m surprised you remember I like to weave,” Hanta says, a teasing glint in his eyes.
Denki snorts. “Your room is covered in the stuff. It’s kinda hard to forget.”
The next few questions go by without a hitch for Denki and Hanta. “Hey, we’re doing pretty good,” Hanta says. “We’re the only ones who have a perfect score right now.”
“Heck yeah, that Pikachu’s gonna be mine,” grins Denki. He’s honestly kind of surprised that they were the ones with the perfect streak, even though they weren’t even dating. But he can’t deny the burst of satisfaction that comes with getting each question right, and further cementing their brohood.
“Okay, we’re getting into the last few questions now. Who was Red’s first kiss?” Hina asks deviously.
Aw, shucks, this might actually throw their score off. Denki’s not sure if he’s ever told Hanta who his first kiss was since the guy wasn’t really anybody special. Actually, Denki kinda feels bad for forgetting the dude’s name as he scribbles down “a boy in middle school.” When the timer runs out, Hanta’s board only has a question mark on it, and he smiles sheepishly at Denki.
“Sorry for not knowing,” he says.
“Nah, dude, you couldn’t have known since I never told you,” Denki says, brushing it off. “But, hey, we still have the lead!” he continues, beaming. Hanta returns his smile with a wider one. Honestly, Denki could get drunk off Hanta’s smile, sweet and goofy and always there, like the way All Might’s always smiling, but softer and infinitely cuter.
Get a grip, Denki, he scolds himself. He’s definitely going to notice if you keep staring at him. So he looks towards the two hosts and gets ready to answer the next question.
“What is Red’s weirdest fear?”
Huh. It would be an easy point if the question were biggest fear since it’s common knowledge that Denki hates spiders as much as Katsuki loves swearing, but weirdest fear? Denki has lots of fears, ranging from insects to angry pomeranians (thanks katsuki) to forgetting his homework to Midoriya with no sleep (you’d understand if you saw it). And it has to be one that Hanta knows, so what about...sand foxes.
Okay, listen, Denki knows next to nothing about sand foxes, but he does know that their faces are NOT NATURAL and CREEP HIM OUT, so DON’T laugh at him. Seriously, the first Denki saw one, he couldn’t stop thinking about that face for hours. It still haunts him to this day. And it's definitely a weird fear that Denki complains to Hanta about all the time.
“Alright, let’s see your answers!” Looking around, Denki sees that only he and Hanta got this question.
“Dude, we’re totally gonna win,” Denki whisper-shouts excitedly, leaning into the table. “Look at how far we are compared to everyone else!”
It comes as no surprise, then, that they do end up winning. The contestants line up in front of tables. “Hey, that was a great game! In third place, unfortunately, is Yui and Haruto, with six points.” Kinda strange, that the couple has been together for over a year and they have the lowest score, Denki muses. Meh. Worked out in his favor. “Second place, we have Sora and Ayaka, with eight points. And finally, our winners, Denki and Hanta, with eleven points!”
Denki whoops, turning to give Hanta a high five. The other two couples walk off the stage while Yumi and Hina hand over their prize. “I know this Pikachu is huge and kind of hard to carry, so you can leave it here until you’re ready to leave,” Hina tells them.
“Promise we won’t let anyone steal it,” Yumi adds, winking.
“Nah, I think we have to go now,” Hanta says, shaking his head. They say goodbye to the two ladies and rejoin their waiting friends, carrying the heavier-than-expected plush between them.
“Bro, it’s even bigger up close!” Eijirou raves.
“And it’s so fluffy I’m going to die!” squeals Mina. She strokes it reverently. “Denki, you have to bring it to our next Bakusquad sleepover.”
Denki laughs. “You know it!”
one thing that i couldn't find a proper place to add in: i promise denki's not being inconsiderate in assuming the pikachu all for himself! they had a convo abt it while they were waiting for the contest to start
part one | part three
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smartzelda · 4 years
Okay *Demyx voice* Arendelle time!
Poor Sora😂
That gust of snow just moves in and he's like "Coat! Please! I'm an islander!"
Donald just shrugs it off like "That's not how it works. Go and freeze."
This is where I bring up the "kh3 is self aware thing" again because now we actually have Sora dying from the snowy area, and then when Sora just like completely forgets about it, Donald and Goofy are like, "Islander my butt. He's not even feeling it anymore, is he?"
Sora getting the first puzzle piece to the situation when Elsa runs away, a sad look on her face. Y'know, the beginning of that Riku to Elsa and Sora to Anna parallel, Elsa running away because Anna and the whole Kingdom are better off without her
Elsa: *uses magic*
Sora, Donald, and Goofy: *surprised pikachu face and slightly fearing for their lives*
If I'm remembering correctly, there's a section right here where you basically fight a bunch of enemies in the huge area
I distinctly remember running around, (and Xion could vouch for this) fighting the enemies, and very monotonely voicing that I was about to die
So...ice maze.
In my proud runthrough I really had to get to a save point so I zoomed through the ice maze as fast as possible. This time I took the time to explore every room and beat all the enemies. I still hate light rails with a passion.
So, the avalanche gets started at the top once we reach the palace, pushing Sora, Donald, and Goofy off
I... The ice dragon thing was so bad. I spent forever, dying and dying and dying to their stupid laser beams. It happened so many times that I had to go to bed and try it again the next day. I would get to the part where all three flew in the air and shot beams, and it felt so unpredictable and stupid and impossible because I would dodge beams from two, and the third's would appear right under where I was landing, which was impossible to judge. It was here I learned a lesson: Use the Kupo Coin when you need it
Bless the kupo coin for saving my stupid butt
The sled part after that stressed me out cause it wasn't hard, but I had a bad habit of bumping into things, so...😂
I pretty much just abused shotlocks, ultimate form, light form/double form okp, and thunder or thundara or whichever I had at the time and I finished those dragons off
Spiky brown grass 😂😂😂😂
Poor Sora is so frustrated that he didn't get a color like green or blue like Donald and Goofy
The part where Anna talks to Sora about Elsa and he finally puts some pieces together and relates it to him and Riku really gets me every time because their situation is a big Soriku parallel. I know this is one of the scenes that's probably been soriku analyzed to death, but like
Elsa and Anna used to play all the time when they were really little like best friends
Baby Sora and Riku, best friends, used to play together all the time
One day, Elsa shuts Anna out because she doesn't want to hurt her
Kairi enters the scene, Sora starts paying a little more attention to her, Sora and Riku's duo relationship isn't terrible, it just does a little decrease. The literal shutting out in which Riku and Sora close the Door to Darkness. Then, the shutting out when Sora wakes up in kh2 and Riku alienates himself because of his guilt over what he did, and what leads into the next part of the parallel
Elsa accidentally uses her ice magic and flees the kingdom to the north mountain. She alienates herself so she can't hurt anyone (especially Anna) and because she thinks the kingdom and Anna are better off without her
Riku feels like he can't win without using the power of darkness and is weak. He is ashsmed that he relied on darkness and it showed in his appearance as Ansem. He alienates himself from Sora and everyone because he feels like he can't show his face as Ansem and because he thinks Sora is better off without him.
Sora, of course, puts these pieces together with Anna's story and makes the parallel connection between him and Anna, then Elsa and Riku in his head. I like how he says, "If anyone can help her, it's you," because I feel like that's him remembering his situation with Riku when he wanted to find him and that because of the reason for Riku's actions, only he could help.
And I think it's interesting that it's first Anna saying "I have to bring her home" and then Sora saying "I'm sure she knows now much you love her" for him to make these parallels. I think that implies that Sora gets that Elsa and Anna are siblings that love each other and he's thinking over what Riku means to him and even what he means to Riku.
Also Sora (in jap ver dialogue) realizing that maybe Riku pushed him away because he's someone precious to Riku is like...
My heart bro...
Ngl, so many times here I moved up the mountain fighting enemies and died that I'd go halfway up the mountain, then backtrack all the way back to the save so I wouldn't have to keep completely starting over every time I got oneshotted by an armored body. I did that multiple times for this area.
So, we get to the point where Sora finally reaches the top of the mountain again. For whatever reason I couldn't remember if it was like that before, but the Elsa freezing Anna's heart scene and it flashing between that and Sora, and then Sora holding a hand to his heart in pain right after we see the shot of Elsa putting ice into Anna's heart.
I think it's a parallel and Nomura's tryna tell us/foreshadow something
Okay, so big oof on the Marshmallow fight. I think on my proud run I got a bunch of times to use the team attack with the tree. I swear I only got to use it twice counted up from all my attempts on this run
The suckiest part was armored mode. I did a lot of trying to let Donald and Goofy do the work here cause I didn't wanna get oneshotted, but that didn't always quite work out... I eventually did it though, snd of course Sora, Donald, and Goofy are knocked off the mountain again
Idk how mant times I'm gonna keep saying this, but poor Sora. He's just so done and frustrated. "I could do this a hundred times."
And then Donald and Goofy both take him seriously 😂
"Please don't."
"Yeah, we should do it again!"
Awwww, Marshmallow. He just wanted to protect Elsa. I know that's what he was created to do, but that's still sweet
Sweet Sora boy making friends with anything that moves and we love him for it
Marshmallow made my life with enemies a little easier ngl
At the save point right before seeing Kristoff, I did some meteorite farming in gummi space and took a trip to the bistro. By this point I had excellents on all but 3 dishes because I didn't have the ingredients yet.
Also, by this point I was blessed with adorable remmy and Sora getting presents. Remmy got his own tiny present!
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And I'm sure you know this already, but like...I have a soriku obsession right now, so I enjoy making things into little personal Soriku references
Exhibit A: My gummi and Teeny Ships
They are both named after Yozora and contain the colors for Sora, Riku, and Yozora
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Okay, so back in Arendelle, Sora, Donald, and Goofy temporarily leave Marshmallow behind, and we come upon Kristoff and another Soriku parallel
Kristoff: "No, Sven! We're not going back. She's with her true love."
Riku: "You mean Kairi. To Sora, she's someone very special."
Sora: "Where'd Anna go?"
Kristoff: "She's back at home."
Sora: "Something happen?"
Kristoff: "Anna was struck in the heart by Elsa's ice magic. If the ice isn't removed, she'll freeze forever. Only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart. So I took her back to Arendelle and to her true love, Hans."
Xion: "Do you know where Sora is now?"
Riku: "That secret stays with me."
Xion: "Why's that?"
Riku: "Xion...your memories...they really belong to Sora."
Xion: "So you mean...I'm like a part of him?"
Riku: "When his memories were scattered, some of them...found their way inside you. Now, Sora has been put to sleep so that we can piece together his memory."
Sora: "But...what about you?"
Kristoff: "What about me?"
Sora: "Uh, I sorta assumed you guys were..."
Kristoff: "Nooo! I just keep her from getting lost."
Xion: "So, do you hate me for taking your friend away from you?"
Riku: "Nah, I guess...I'm just sad.
Sora: "Really? Oh, but you seem so..."
Goofy: "Perfect together!"
Donald: "Yeah, like me and Daisy!"
So let's talk this over.
Point one, both assumptions on who the person in question's (Sora and Anna) true love/most important person is. This may have to do in part with some surface level stuff and Kristoff/Riku's anxiety that the person in question (Anna and Sora) probably doesn't like them like that.
Point two, the person in question has had something bad happen to them such as their memories being "erased" or their heart being frozen, needing some sort of action to save that person.
Point three, neither Riku nor Kristoff factor their feelings into the situation, Kristoff because he just feels the duty to save Anna and doesn't believe he is her true love, and Riku because he feels the duty to save Sora snd similarly does not believe himself to be Sora's special person (which didn't exactly factor in in Riku's case, but it's true he too pushed his feelings aside in all areas except saving Sora).
Point four, "I just keep [him] from getting lost" is totally something Riku or Sora would say about the other.
Point five, I added the last part because despite the insistence that Hans is Anna's true love, Sora, Donald, and Goofy agree that it seems Anna and Kristoff are perfect together, and it especially helps to know that on their side, they've seen that Anna and Kristoff work well together. They haven't seen her with Hans, and even in the movie, she and Hans don't get much screentime development. This is a parallel more to the soriku experience. On our side, we see Sora and Riku get a lot of screentime and development together, and it's clear that they care for each other. So when someone, even in game, insists that Kairi is most important to Sora, it feels like, "Oh, but Sora and Riku seem perfect together" and "But Kairi and Sora don't really get development like that or really much screentime together."
So, resuming the story (and the parallel), there's a gust of wind amd Kristoff looks towards Arendelle. He obviously feels something is wrong and says Anna's name before rushing off. I'm being completely honest, we've seen Riku too rush off, feeling that Sora's in danger. Prime example I remember though would be in the keyblade graveyard when Riku just gets a feeling and runs over to Sora, giving him a pep talk sorta just before everyone else gets swept up.
So, Marshmallow too, just like Kristoff, feels something is wrong, and gestures in the direction of Arendelle, saying Elsa's name, and the group is off to save Elsa and Anna.
And then, another parallel! Yes, Arendelle is Soriku parallel city over here!
Before Hans' sword reaches Elsa
Before the demon tide reaches Sora and Riku
Anna stands between the sword and Elsa
Riku stands between the demon tornado and Sora
Anna puts her right hand out to block the blow
Riku thrusts the keyblade in his right hand forward, directing the darkness around him and Sora into a tunnel
Anna completely turns to ice and saves Elsa, an act of true love
Riku attempts to save Sora at the expense of his own life, an act of true love, and is swallowed by the darkness
Anna gives one clear final breath
Riku gives one clear final breath
Elsa, alive due to her sister's act of true love, realizes the power of love and is able to save/unfreeze Anna
Sora's heart and body persist, arriving in the final world, his heart likely persisting due to Riku's act of true love, and his body due to Kairi, and he believes in himself and is able to go save Riku's heart
Just...ya know...food for thought...
And now, boss battle time! I believe I didn't have too much trouble on it when I dodged correctly. I beat it fine. One of my favorite shots I saw though was Sora using subzero impact with Ultima, but his clothes were the formchange color because I had just hit Ultima form right before. It was literally so epic!!
No, Marshmallow! You can't die this way! I need you to battle things for me-! Uh, I mean, you need to be alive because we care about you!
Just kidding Marshmallow! I love you and you're actually a nice snow giant with a big heart!
Cue Sora getting the example of the power of true love when Anna unfreezes.
Pretty animation Sora, I looooove you
Poor boy caring so much about everyone. He just wants to keep everyone safe.
And after Elsa gives another demonstration of the power of love, Arendelle is over.
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nobodies-png · 5 years
sora, roxas, ventus, and vanitas with a s/o who’s always falling asleep on them/in weird places??
as a sleepy bitch myself, we stan a sleepy s/o in this house,,,,
He’s the type of person who realizes that you’ve fallen asleep 20 minutes later. Like he’ll just continue talking about stuff until he needs your answer or something and then oh wow, turns out you straight up fell asleep on him ! Sora thinks it’s SUPER cute and he’s a warm guy so he’d just let you chill there, mooching off his warmth until you woke up. 
Sora loves when you chill on his lap and just lean on his chest or the crook of his neck. Maximum comfort : achieved. This way he can cuddle you better and he doesn’t have to worry about his shoulder or legs falling asleep ! But it’s hard for him to sit still for a looong time, so he might sway to the sides or back and forth from time to time.
If he finds you sleeping on weird places, he’ll probably just laugh it off and take you back to your room, tuck you in bed and also maybe fall asleep next to you. Like aight, Sora willl wake you up if necessary, but he also doesn’t wanna because if you keep falling asleep everywhere, it might be cause you’re tired or not getting enough good rest. So he doesn’t mind being your personal pillow !
Roxas :
Ngl, Roxas will lowkey panic the first dozen times you fall asleep on him. Like, are you okay ? Why didn’t you tell him you were tired ? Like he’ll def notice that your eyes keep closing and you can barely stand up properly. It’s c u t e but also worrying, so he’ll probably insist that you take a proper powernap. He’ll stay by your side until you go back to sleep, if you wanna.
After some time, Roxas would just get used to it. Oh, you fell asleep again? Well, here’s his jacket, stay toasty warm and have sweet dreams while he wraps one arm around you so you don’t end up falling or something. He’ll definitely try to be sneaky and kiss the top of your head very gently so you don’t wake up. 
You know when pets fall asleep on top of you and you’re legally and morally required to stay there until they decide to leave ? Same thing. Roxas just doesn’t have the heart to wake you up under any circumstances once you’re asleep. It’s like, t a b o o, man. ALSO you know that one meme that’s like “why are we laying on the ground bro.” “you passed out and I laid down so people think we’re chilling bro” “bro” - that’s Roxas. A homie through and through.
Ventus :
It might also take Ventus some time to realize that you’re sleeping, since his head seems to be in the clouds most of the time. But no joke, he’ll always be surprised. It can be the 6th time of the day you fall asleep on him and he’ll still go all pikachu face. His first instinct is to wake you up so you can at least rest in a better position and Not Fuck Up Your Back And Posture™.
But if you don’t wake up, oh well, he’ll just deal with it. Ventus would love to take cute pictures, but he’d be too shy so instead he just gushes about you internally. Chances are he a l s o falls asleep next to you. Man, you two spend a considerable amount of time just napping and sleeping.
Out of these four dumbasses, he’d use the braincell and suggest that you get that checked up - specially if you fall asleep in dangerous places or if you’re just constantly tired, cause he might not be there to lend you a hand and he wouldn’t want you to fall asleep all alone while outside. (cOUGH Vanitas will draw dicks on your face, guaranteed).
Vanitas :
It gonna be hard for you to sleep around him in the first place - cause the moment he sees you doozing off, Vanitas will flick your forehead or snap his fingers in front of your face. Maybe even make a comment about how dumb you looked back there. At first he’ll just continuously try to wake you up, getting gradually more pissed off.(cause he’s a piss baby and he think’s you’re falling asleep because you think he’s boring)
But like Roxas, he’d end up getting used to it. Vanitas can tell that you’ve fallen asleep without having to look at you, so when you do he’ll just push you away so you don’t end up drooling on him. And then give you his jacket. And then regret it because now he’s freezing. So if you wake up to him mooching off your body heat, you know what’s up.
His phone is FULL of pictures of you making funny dumb faces or sleeping in stupid positions or places. And he ALWAYS shows them to you once you wake up, refusing to delete them. But don’t worry, he’ll never post them online - in his eyes, only he’s allowed see you being cute and dumb like that.
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