#love my fav lesbians and they’re adopted french son
margareturtle · 4 months
I haven’t seen this in a fic yet (pls send me links if you have!!) so I’m doing it myself:
How Jeremy+Cat+ Laila find out about the 80% deal (set after the news about Jean’s family has already been released) (pt 1)
The gang is in the kitchen:
Jeremy: Jean, I’m telling coach to bench you for just this one match! You’re sick (or minorly injured). Just take a break and you’ll be back next match!
Jean: No! I’m fine! There are scouts for Court coming to this game!
Jeremy: yes and you’re just getting over the flu (or a twisted ankle idk)! Just take a rest, the Court scouts will be back next year!
Jean: I’m good to play! I need to play! I need to sign to court!
Jeremy: And I’m sure you will be! Kevin was just signed, no one doubts you will be signed as well ! What difference does a year make?
Jean: what difference does a year— I need to prove myself or they’ll think I can’t and— I can play! I will play!
Jeremy: no— I already told the coaches you aren’t playing— they’re in support
Jean: YOU WHAT? *panicking* they’re gonna kill me they’re gonna kill me
Jeremy: *softening* oh Jean it’s ok. You’re with the trojans remember. You’re not at the nest. You’re safe. Riko is dead. Tetsuji is gone. Everyone respects your right to a break. You’re free of the Moriyamas now.
Jean: You insolent fool! I will never be free of the Moriyamas!
Jeremy: ok Jean, I know it may feel like that sometimes. But you are free with us now. There are no more Moriyamas that will hurt you.
Cat: *thinking* well there’s Ichirou
Jeremy: *glares at Cat*
Cat: what? As smart as you are Jere you still haven’t learned to take the things Jean says at face value. He just said “I will never be free of the Moriyamas”
Jeremy: yeah but that’s not— Ichirou is a business man, all he cares about is money and his new fiance!
Laila: yeah but what really is the Moriyama family business? I haven’t really thought about it before but Ichirou looks rich af so it’s gotta be smth good…Jean you must now what it is.
Jean: *doesn’t respond to non questions*
Jeremy: Come on, this isn’t related to why Jean is so freaked out he can’t play today!
Cat: judging by his silence rn it def is! So what is it Jean? What’s the Moriyama business? You must know!
Jean: *stressed* it’s not important
Laila: clearly it is, now you can tell us or I’m happy to start guessing!
Jean: don’t—
Laila: let’s see it’s prob smth shady if you won’t say. Let’s see, do they deal in exotic Animals? Is Ichirou secretly tiger king?
Jean: No?! Just stop!
Laila: Or is it some business offensive to french culture? Oh no Jean, is their business in wine? Do they sell prosecco and call it champagne?
Jean: it’s not—
Laila: Oh or it has smth to do with why you learned so many languages while you were there? They’re secretly in the spy industry training to be spies??
Jean: of course not! Now stop asking I won’t tell you.
Cat: oh jean 😭 way to get us all more intrigued.
Jeremy: yeah let’s return to the topic of—
Laila: *who’s been thinking for a sec* pfft I know *sarcastically* Ichirou is secretly a mob boss too who has been in kahoots with—
Jean: *flinches*
Laila: your dad and neil’s dad which means—
Laila: Wait what the fuck?!! I was joking—I know the Moriyama’s business is just some boring corporate shit! But you just—What the fuck? WHAT THE FUCK!! You only flinch when I land spot on I—
Jean: *lunges for a knife with one hand that Jeremy catches. Lunges for his throat with the other that Cat gets a hold of first*
Laila: holy shit. No way. What. You’re kidding— I can’t. I wAs jOkinG !! Do the foxes know? Kevin must know if you do—
Laila: *picks up Jeremy’s phone he left in the kitchen counter*
Laila: *calling kevin*
(Pt 2 call with kevin coming soon)
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