#love my friend but even when i brought it up w them.they were just like. OK thats bad go see a therapist
fagpulp · 8 months
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cherrydae · 6 years
Clandestine | 9
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Series: see the masterlist for the links
Genre: Assassin!Baekhyun
Word count: 4.2k
Summary: One drunken night leads to your life getting entangled with a network of assassins. You became their target, and Byun Baekhyun the shooter.
You woke up with a dull ache in your head, causing you to emit a groan. However, as you tried to sit up more, you noticed that both your hands and legs were bound to the chair you were seated on. Then it suddenly hit you.
He was the last one you saw, and the last thing you remember was him pressing a piece of cloth against your nose and lips, and here you are. In a dark room with only the slightest bit of moonlight illuminating the confinement. Your eyes quickly roamed around as you pondered whether you should scream for help, or wait until the sun rose. One thing was sure.
You were absolutely terrified.
The metal chains kept your ankles and wrists tightly bound to the chair, and you could barely move them around. “Hello? Anyone there?!” You yelled out, yet wincing as you felt your head throb once again. Why on earth did Jongdae kidnap you, and where did he take you?
At that moment, however, the door opened, and you saw a silhouette in the door opening. You saw their hand move forward and switch on a faint light above you. However, the person you saw was unfamiliar to you. His aura, however, radiated that he wasn’t someone to mess with it.
“W-Who are you?” You carefully murmured, as he took a step closer to you.
His lips curved into a small smile as he stood in front of you, bending down slightly. “Hello. It’s nice to finally meet you, Y/N. I’m Minseok. I would shake your hand but—” He gestured to your bound hands.
You rolled your eyes.
So, that was Minseok. The one that Baekhyun mentioned. So, you’re probably at Black Lotus’ headquarters, with their boss right in front of you trying to crack a joke. You were going to die, you knew it.
“I would say the same if I wasn’t kidnapped by Jongdae and bound to a chair at god knows where.” You murmured as a reply, whilst lowering your head.
“Oh that’s just a precaution. Plus, I don’t think you would’ve voluntarily come to a secret assassin headquarters if asked, would you?” He replied, and you slowly looked up at him to lock eyes with him.
His eyes were sharp, yet they had this softer undertone to it that made you furrow your brows slightly. He didn’t seem as terrifying as you imagined.
Minseok, however, left out a whistle. “Now I see why Baekhyun took so long. You’re a gem, love.” His fingers reached out to touch your cheek, yet you flinched away from his touch.
“Anyways, you could probably guess why you’re here? Or didn’t Baekhyun tell you anything?” His head was tilted to the side and you swallowed thickly. Of course he told you. That’s the whole reason you walked away, and ended up in this mess.
You were about to answer, but that’s when Baekhyun’s words rang in your ears.
“Before anything. I want you to promise me that you won’t tell a single soul what you just told me. No matter who, or why, or how, or whatever. No one, please?”
You promised, and you figured you should follow his advice right now. If Minseok found out you knew everything, you’d be an obstacle and obstacles should be overcome.
“I—I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You replied, trying your hardest to keep your voice from wavering.
“Are you sure, sweetheart? Because to me it seems like you’re well aware what I’m talking about.” He stepped even closer to you, kneeling down so that his face was inches away from yours. “So do tell me. That costs us both a lot less energy.”
You shook your head, not daring to look him in the eyes as you spoke up again. “I honestly don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Minseok took a deep breath, trying to suppress his creeping outburst as he pressed the matter once again. “Sweetheart, you don’t want to get me worked up. You and I both know that you can hack, and that you hacked into our system. So tell me what you saw, to make this a lot easier.”
He surely was getting worked up, and it caused your palms to feel sweaty and your heart rate to pick up. You couldn’t tell him the truth, and it terrified you to know what he would do the longer you stay mute.
It didn’t take too long for you to find out, because the next moment, his fingers were wrapped around your throat. “I’m sick and tired of playing nice. Cut the crap, and just tell me the truth. What did you see?” He spat, and you struggled against his grip.
Was he just going to strangle you like that? End your life just like that? Tears welled up in your eyes as you tried to shake your head. “I—I don’t know— what you’re talking about.” You tried to bring out, yet you felt yourself lacking oxygen with the second as you started struggling with breathing. Yet his firm grip didn’t seem to let go of you soon.
“I could just strangle you right here, right now, you know? I wouldn’t even need to ask you anymore. Wanna know why?” Your response was a strangled wheeze.
“Because I don’t like to have useless blood on my hands. I need a reason. But you won’t seem to budge. No worries, you’ll crack soon.” He hissed before throwing you to the side, causing the chair to topple over. You landed with a loud thud against the ground, desperately gasping for air as you did so.
Minseok then walked out of the room, shutting the door with a loud thud, leaving you sputtering on the ground as hot tears streamed down your cheeks.
It’s been two days since the stargazing incident. Baekhyun hasn’t heard a word from you ever since, and even when he went to your apartment, there was no response.
Guilt was eating him up alive. He felt guilty for lying to you, for ever coming after you, for not going after you that day. He just wanted to apologise to you, and he wanted to let you know how much you meant to him. But he’d leave the decision up to you what you wanted to do about that. He’s toyed enough with your life, so he wanted to give you your freedom in deciding what to do.
However, he couldn’t get a hold of you. Which is why he was at Yejin’s door, knocking several times as his teeth dug in his lower lip. Once she opened the door, the surprise was evident on her face, but she nevertheless let him in.
“Hey guys.” Baekhyun murmured slowly as he moved to sit on one of the chairs, looking at Chanyeol, Jongin, Yejin, and Jongdae whom were all divided over the two couches.
“Hey. What brought you here?” Chanyeol asked, leaning back in his seat as he took a sip from his beer.
“Well— I haven't heard anything from Y/N in two days after confessing something… and I just wondered if you guys have reached out to her or heard anything?” Baekhyun heaved a sigh as he sunk into the couch.
Jongin furrowed his brows, and Yejin moved away from her position of her head in Jongdae’s lap. “I thought she was with you?” Jongin asked, lowering the can from his lips.
“The last text I got from her was two days ago at night, telling me that you came to bother her once again and took her out.” The confusion was evident in Yejin’s voice. Jongdae, however, remained eerily silent. His adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed thickly, feeling the guilt eat him up once again.
“That’s the thing. She was with me. But she— she left. And I haven’t heard from her ever since. Seemingly you guys haven’t either…” Baekhyun took a beer can from the table as well, opening it and taking a heavy gulp.
“What was it that you told her? She isn’t the type of person to just up and go and then not say a word to anyone. She usually texts us if there’s something.” Chanyeol said, one of his eyebrows raising.
Baekhyun swallowed. He wasn’t sure if he should tell them.They were his friends, and Y/N didn’t take it well; he didn’t want to imagine how they would take it. He knew they’d be angry at him, furious even. His eyes drifted over to Jongdae, but he seemed to avoid eye contact at all costs.
After pondering for a minute, did he decide that he had enough of lying. They deserved the truth, despite the consequences that surely were going to follow.
“I know you will hate me for this, and I completely understand if you do. But, please, also understand that I don’t want this anymore. I’m sick of this, and I want to lead a normal life. I’m trying to find out a way out of it…” He started, and Jongdae’s eyebrows rose at the confession. If Minseok found out, he’d be dead.
“Well?” Jongin pressed, and Baekhyun hesitantly continued. “I— my job. I do have a job. I work for, well, Black Lotus…” Everyone seemed confused, aside from Chanyeol and Jongdae. “You what?” Chanyeol spat, his hand slowly crushing the beer can.
“Let me explain, please. I am— an assassin. I work for the association called Black Lotus, and I’m actually one of their, if not, the best assassin.” Jongdae let out a scoff, but Baekhyun ignored it and continued. “Almost two months ago, Y/N hacked into our system, and I was sent to take her out…” Yejin let out a loud gasp, as she slowly puzzled it all together. Both Chanyeol and Jongin however, were fuming.
“But I failed! And then there was a plan that I join Haesan to find out how much she knows. If she knew too much, she’d be a hindrance… If she didn’t, then we would spare her. That’s why I ‘transferred’ to your university…” By that time, Chanyeol threw his beer can to the side and lunged towards Baekhyun, grabbing him by the collar.
“You were that jerk that almost murdered her?! Do you know how terrified she was after? She didn’t dare to leave her house anymore!” Jongin yelled at Baekhyun, to which he slowly lowered his head. He didn’t dare to face Chanyeol that was mere inches away from him, nor the others on the couch.
“I know… And I hate myself for doing that. Because when I joined, I expected this to be an easy job. Like my others… Two weeks tops, and I’d be gone. No trace of me… But Y/N is so amazing. She’s beautiful, intelligent, she never fails to make me smile. My heart swells whenever I see her. I never could imagine that I’d fall in love with her, but I’ve fallen. Deep. Which is why I’m desperate to find her…”
Jongdae felt his heart sink to his shoes. He felt horrible for taking her, but he couldn’t admit it. Not right now, with Yejin desperately holding onto his hand as the tears brimmed her eyes. Not with Chanyeol ready to snap Baekhyun’s neck. Not with Jongin who was about to lose his temper as well.
“You fucking asshole! Don’t you understand! She doesn’t want anything to do with you. You were after her life, and you expect her to come back to suck your dick just because you apologised!” Chanyeol lifted his fist, and punched Baekhyun square in the jaw.
“Chanyeol!” Yejin exclaimed, but to no avail because Chanyeol threw Baekhyun down to the ground, climbing on top of him to punch him once again. “She was terrified! And you thought it was a good idea to play pretend, waltz into her life, lie to her about who you were and toy with her heart!” Chanyeol’s loud voice echoed throughout the entire room as his fist landed square on Baekhyun’s cheekbone.
It would be a lie to say that he wasn’t intimidating. No one’s seen him this angry before. Baekhyun didn’t do anything however. He could easily pin Chanyeol down, and return the favor. But he knew he deserved this.
“I know… And I’m so sorry. But please, help me find her? I don’t know where she is…” Baekhyun murmured softly, his lips bloodied with a deep cut in his bottom lip. Chanyeol lifted his fist once again, ready for it to collide with Baekhyun’s face again but Jongin reached out to grab Chanyeol’s wrist before he could do anything.
“Chanyeol. Enough.” Jongin murmured, pulling Chanyeol off of Baekhyun. “But—” Yet Yejin cut Chanyeol off before he could continue. “No. Enough is enough.” She then turned to Baekhyun. “You. Get out of my house.”
He was about to retort, but Yejin snapped at him. “Now! We don’t anything to do with you. You’re a killer. You went after, Y/N. No joke she doesn’t want anything to do with you anymore. So leave!” Baekhyun’s eyes drifted to her hand still tightly holding onto Jongdae’s, before he locked eyes with him. Jongdae’s expression was a sad one. Yet he could see a glimmer of something in his eyes. A glimmer that he knew all too well.
Yet before he could say something about it, Yejin yelled at him. “Leave!” Baekhyun flinched before slowly pushing himself up to stand. His eyes drifted to Chanyeol and Jongin, who were looking at him in utter disgust. With a sigh, he nodded before slowly dragging himself out of the living room, and out of the house.
He felt powerless. He had no idea where Y/N was, or how he could find her. His friends hated him, and his friends of Black Lotus wouldn’t know either. Yet his gut told him that Jongdae might know something. That guilt didn’t seem like nothing.
Later that night, Jongdae was back at Black Lotus. Minseok ordered him to go check up on you and bring some food. If you died from malnourishment, he’d have to clean up that unwanted mess.
Rather than the usual tuna sandwich, Jongdae managed to smuggle a bowl of ramen and a protein bar away. The plastic bowl was hot, but he couldn’t just leave you with just that sandwich.
After unlocking the door of the cell you were in, he quickly stepped inside before flicking the light switch on and shutting the door behind him. “Y/N… Wake up, please…” He murmured softly as he walked over towards your sleeping form. His expression faltered into a guilty one once again once he saw the  bruise marks on your neck, jaw, and hands. He didn’t want to know if you had any more, and what Minseok did to you to get you to talk.
You let out a groan as you slowly fluttered your eyes open, blinking until your vision became less blurry. That’s when you saw Jongdae, causing you to scowl immediately. “Get away from me.” You hissed at him.
“Y/N, please… I know you hate me, and you have the full right to. But please, at least eat?” He whispered at you, glancing over his shoulder to make sure no one was listening in. “No, Jongdae! Get away from me! I can’t believe that you abducted me and delivered me to your assassin network that’s after my life!” Your voice increased in volume with each word, to which Jongdae slowly lowered his head.
“I’m so sorry… I honestly feel horrible that I had to do this to you. Yejin is going to hate my guts as well… They all will, after what happened…” Your head shot up at the mention of your friend, eyebrows furrowing. “What do you mean? What happened?”
Jongdae let out a sigh. “Baekhyun came by. He was asking if they knew where you were since you’ve been gone for two days. No one knew. And he then confessed that he’s an assassin and everything around it. Chanyeol beat his ass, and he wasn’t gonna stop if Jongin hadn’t stepped in. Yejin then kicked him out, and they all proceeded to talk about how disgusting Baekhyun was.”
Your eyes widened slightly. He told them everything? And he was looking for you? You expected that he’d move on, after baring his secrets. “Are you planning on telling them the truth? They have to know. You can’t keep up with these dirty lies.” You said, the disgust also quite evident in your voice.
He simply shrugged, still not able to look you in the eye. “I— I don’t know…” Yet at that moment, your stomach grumbled, causing you to let out an annoyed whine. Jongdae slowly lifted the bowl of ramen, an awkward smile hanging from his lips. “I secretly took this. I figured you’d be sick of the sandwiches here. I also got you a protein bar. Listen, I’ll untie one of your hands and place the bowl on your lap for you to eat. But please don’t try to do anything. If you anger Minseok even more, I don’t want to know what he could do…”
You slowly nodded, and Jongdae then placed the bowl on your lap, along with the opened protein bar. He then moved behind you to untie one of your hands, wincing at the sight of the angry bruises on your wrist from the tight confinement. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. What even did he do to you?”
With a shrug, you slowly moved your fingers again, wincing as you did so before shakingly reaching out for the protein bar to take a bite. “He grabbed me by the throat and threw me down against the ground. Multiple times. Which is why I have these bruises on my hand from the constant falls. He slapped me, at some point ended up punching me… That’s it so far.” You murmured after swallowing the bite.
Jongdae then stood in front of you, the corners of his lips falling. “I’m so sorry. He’s horrible at times… I’ll leave you to eat… I’ll be back in a bit to clean this up again.” He whispered as he slowly retreated. “I wish I could do something…”
Yet he heard your response right before he shut the door.
“You can.”
It’s been six days since you went missing. Your friends were desperately trying to figure out where you were, whilst Baekhyun locked himself up in his house, trying the exact same.
He hasn’t spoken to them ever since the incident at Yejin’s apartment. But he knew that this couldn’t last forever. He needed their help, and they needed his. But that could only happen if any of them had a clue where you were.
There’s been several options that crossed the mind of Baekhyun and your friends. You ran away. You spontaneously moved to another country. Someone abducted you on your way. And the one that gave everyone the shivers; you’ve been murdered.
That didn’t mean that they wouldn’t be out day and night, trying to find you, along with calling you several times. They decided however to not involve the cops, since that could heavily complicate things.
Baekhyun was also growing desperate himself. He had a feeling that Black Lotus had something to do with it, but he couldn’t just barge in and ask for you. It would mean an imminent death for both you and him. One thing he did find out though was that you were not too far away from the hill you and him were last.
When he drove back there, he found your necklace in the grass by the main road that lead away from the hill. But he still had no idea where you could be.
That was until he got texts from Jongdae.
Jongdae: You may hate me. Everyone will hate me. Please forgive me.
Jongdae: I’m so terribly sorry.
Jongdae: Tell Yejin that I love her, and that I’m sorry. Tell the rest that I hope one day in the future, they’ll forgive me.
Jongdae: I took her. They were orders. Minseok is losing it. She’s at the headquarters, in one of our underground cells. Ask the others for help. There’s something you don’t know. I can’t help anymore, since it could put her in danger. Minseok thinks I’m on his side. She’s alive. Please, save her.
Baekhyun’s first impulse was to throw his phone against the wall, but he withheld himself from it. He did, however, emit a frustrated yell. That explained Jongdae’s guilt. Why he was dead silent the entire time, and wouldn’t even dare to speak to him even in these past six days.
What a coward. Baekhyun was fuming, and he knew that the next time he saw Jongdae, he’d end up with a bullet through his skull.
But he finally had his lead. He knew where to find you. And Jongdae was right. He needed help. On his own, he could finish off his assassination jobs without an issue. But he couldn’t go up against his entire network on his own. Which is why he ran to his car, speeding his way towards Yejin’s apartment.
Once he arrived, he rushed out of the car to bang against her door. “I’m coming!” He heard her yell as she quickly opened the door. Yet as soon as she opened it, she slammed it shut right in front of him.
He wasn’t going to give up however, and he lifted his fists again to bang against her door. “Yejin, open up! I need your help! I know Chanyeol and Jongin are in there too. Please, help me out!”
No reply.
His fists continuously banged against the door as he didn’t stop pleading. “Please! Help me out!”
“Get away from my door before I call the police on you for harassing me!” Yejin yelled in return, and he heard Chanyeol’s voice cursing distantly.
“Yejin, please! I—I know where Y/N is. I need your help, and you’ll need mine to find her! Please, don’t do this for me. Do this for her!” He tried once again, his knuckles starting to ache from the constant banging. Yet he lit up as he heard the door open, taking a step back, only to be met with Chanyeol.
“You better not be lying, Byun. Because this time Jongin won’t hold me back.” He spat, before stepping to the side to let Baekhyun in.
He carefully stepped inside, before quickly making his way to the living room, seeing Jongin sitting there, surrounded by screencaptures of CCTV footage from around the area.
“Speak up. Now. Or leave.” Jongin hissed at him as he took his glasses off, his eyes boring through Baekhyun. Chanyeol and Yejin joined Jongin on the couch, arms crossed as they faced Baekhyun.
“Jongdae texted me. I had to apologise in his name. He wanted me tell you guys that he’s really sorry. That he wishes you would forgive him one day…” He then turned to Yejin. “He also wanted you to know that he loves you.”
Yejin furrowed her brows, as Baekhyun continued. “He told me he took her. Jongdae— he’s also part of Black Lotus. Both him and I are Minseok, our boss, his best assassins. He told me he got the orders from Minseok to take her. She’s in our cell at the headquarters, and according to Jongdae, still alive.”
Baekhyun saw Jongin’s tense shoulders falter slightly after hearing that, and that caused him to continue. “He also told me that I need your guys’ help. Apparently there’s something I don’t know. And he’s right. I can do my jobs on my own, but I can’t go against my own network alone.”
His teeth dug in his lower lip as he watched the three of them. Baekhyun noticed that Yejin was taken aback the most. The shock was evident in her glossy eyes, and her hands were balled into fists. “I can’t believe this—” She whispered.
Jongin let out a heavy sigh, fingers reaching up to thread through his hair. “As much as I hate this, Baekhyun is right. I know we’re tempted to just go against them right now, but we need someone that knows Black Lotus. And Baekhyun needs our skills as well.”
This time, Baekhyun’s eyebrows rose. “Skills?”
Yejin rolled her eyes. “Do you really think that because we’re rich snobs that we aren’t capable of anything else?”
“Who do you think helps Y/N out with her hacking and teaches her more things along the way?” Jongin said, a smirk tugging at his lips.
“Wait— you? Why weren’t you the one hacking that day into Black Lotus then?” Baekhyun uttered in disbelief. “I was too far gone. Soju hits me hard, so we let Y/N do it. She has to learn more anyways.” He replied with a shrug.
“And why do you think I almost beat your ass to pulp that day? You didn’t fight back, but I surely did manage to give you some nasty bruises.” Chanyeol said, pointing at the deep purple bruise on Baekhyun’s jaw and cheekbone.
“I don’t follow.” Baekhyun grew more and more confused with the second. “You clearly don’t fit in with our university. You’re such an airhead. I had training. I know how to fight, and how to fire guns.” Chanyeol said.
“Ditto. Minus the gun part. But I do know how give someone a proper kick.” Yejin added.
After hearing all this, Baekhyun felt himself grow more hopeful. They weren’t as useless as he expected. In fact, they were great assets. “Now this sounds promising. I’ll try to see if I can convince my friends at Black Lotus to be of some assistance. And, well, I’m obviously a great help when it comes to fighting and using weapons.”
His words caused them to roll their eyes.
“So, do we have a deal? We’ll work together to get her out?” Baekhyun hesitantly asked.
“Let’s go kick some ass.” Yejin replied.
a/n okay y’all probably hate me by now oOPS ITS BEEN MONTHS AND IM SO SORRY FOR UPDATING THIS SO LATE!! but as  I promised,  here’s chapter nine! i said i wouldn’t let clandestine go until it’s finished and i plan on keeping it that way. the story is ending soon tooooooo. probably one more chapter to go omg. anyways, i hope you enjoyed this chapter after the long wait! let me know what you think in the comments or in my ask, and thank you for all the support!!!
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