#love taking cloud photos in the backyard the textures interest me and it just makes me so happy
batz · 1 year
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tartagilicious · 4 years
[CN] Lucien’s Sunset Date (eng)
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this date is amazing ugly sobbing but if this doesn’t post I’m rioting. also, this makes me wanna dance under the stars with lucien while listening to feel good by fromis_9 is that too much to ask, universe?
MC: the sweet and sour short ribs, black pepper beef tenderloin, boiled cabbage heart... the meal is almost done!
I checked the recipes on my mobile phone while checking on the dishes in the bento box. Recently, Lucien’s research institute is working on a new project. He stayed in the institute for several days and did not come home.
I studied a few new dishes in my free time, but I never had the opportunity to try them with him. So, I took advantage of the rest of the day to cook and made a bento. Of course, I was also planning to see him out of my own selfishness.
When I happily took a few quick photos of the bento, I marked “Professor Xu’s love bento” on the photos with cute fonts. When I was about to go out, I received a text message and opened it to see that Lucien sent a strange address.
MC: ?
Is this a mistake? I dialed Lucien’s phone doubtfully.
Lucien: Did you receive the address?
MC: Um, where is this?
Lucien: This is where I am now. I guessed that you would come to me for lunch.
MC: ???
MC: How did you know?
Lucien: Because… black pepper beef tenderloin, sweet and sour short ribs, and boiled cabbage heart.
MC: ...Lucien! Are you studying mind reading for your new project at the institute?
His shallow laughter came from the earpiece.
Lucien: The project sounds very interesting, but you seem to forget that my research field is brain science. If you want to know the answer, you can open the photo album now.
I hung up the call, opened my phone’s photo album, and a buffering icon appeared in the middle of the screen. After a few seconds, my photo album automatically updated a piece. I have never seen the picture before.
The photo shows an exclusive courtyard with a wooden log door frame and red brick wall, and a row of old-fashioned labour utensils are displayed at the foot of the wall. In the middle of the yard is a 28-brand bicycle, its style reminiscent of the 1970s.
And under the light of the noon sun, reflected on the wall is the shadow of a person. I recognise it almost at a glance as Lucien.
“Ding” my phone has received a text message.
Lucien: Do you know the answer now?
After Lucien’s reminder, I finally realised. Last week, there was a problem with my phone and I needed to use another cloud account for verification. So, I used Lucien’s account temporarily, but I must have forgotten to log out. In other words, during this period, our mobile phones were using the same cloud account, so the photo album was also in a shared state.
MC: Yeah…
On my way to the private courtyard with the bento box, I blame my own carelessness in my heart, while repeatedly confirming the appearance of the “inventory” inside the box. Lucien must have seen the recipe that I saved in the photo album, not even the photos taken of the box just now have been spared.
I sighed and knocked on my head a little, then I suddenly realised again. If our mobile phones have been synced for more than a week, that means that all the photos I took during that time…
I quickly send a text message to Lucien.
MC: Lucien, have you seen anything else in the album? What photos?
Lucien: For example?
MC: For example, something that impresses you…
Lucien: Are you saying that this subject is my photo?
My fingers flicked subconsciously as Lucien’s reply appeared on the screen.
Lucien: I forgot to say that next time, you can shoot with more integrity, that way I can cooperate with you on more poses.
He really!!
He often took pictures of himself reading books or doing experiments, but he didn’t take any others! This cunning man!
(translator’s note: the original translation refers to him as “a lion man”, basically saying that he’s sly and superior.)
When I arrived at the lane where the courtyard was located, I saw Lucien from a distance standing and waiting for me. I hurriedly raised my hand to him.
MC: Lucien, is your research tricky? Have you set aside the time to eat?
Lucien took the bento in my hand and looked at me with happy but tired eyes.
Lucien: It’s not too tricky. As for having good meals… if the standard is this bento, then i really can’t call any of them good meals.
He took my hand and leads me through the door. When I stand in the courtyard, the sense of precipitation of the years becomes stronger.
MC: How can you be in this place? Is it related to research?
Lucien: Well, this research project will conduct clinical trials here.
MC: This is actually a new research base?
Lucien: To be precise, it’s a temporary research base.
MC: What about the other people of the research institute?
Lucien: The study will officially start tomorrow, and today we gave them the day off.
MC: It turned out to be so, but how could the research base be chosen in a yard with such a sense of age?
Lucien didn’t answer. He took me to sit down at the square table in the courtyard.
Lucien: Based on the understanding of ___, I answered your question, but after that, your curiosity will only grow more questions. So, before this, let’s eat first. I’ll give you a good tour after we eat.
After supervising Lucien eating the lunch, he took me by the hand and walked into the second part of the courtyard. The style of the building is consistent with the courtyard, even more so seeing the rest of the architecture.
The dark grey rough floor exudes a faint smell of cement, and the green leather wall is painted with the four red characters “hard work”. The three classic furniture pieces restore the old texture and the rest of the daily necessities present also exude a strong sense of age.
Lucien: How do you feel?
MC: Although I obviously haven’t experienced this era, it seems as if i’ve really returned to the past.
Lucien: The research team here has spent a lot of time restoring it to seem like the 70s.
MC: I’m even more curious now that you mention it. What kind of research is it that you need to have a venue like this?
Lucien: It’s a study on the healthy brain of the elderly. For people with Alzheimer’s disease, or elderly with hidden risks of clinical depression.
MC: I’ve heard that there’s no effective treatment or medicine for these conditions, is that true?
Lucien: Well, Alzheimer’s disease can be said to be a serious challenge facing modern brain science research. Even this research can only focus on early intervention before illness, while observing the quantity and quality of brain cells.
MC: So, why do you want to restore this place to the 70s specifically?
Lucien: The brain of elderly people is often in a state of stagnation, so the brain will easily degenerate. The most memorable experiences of the elderly staying here are concentrated in the seventies, which is the most meaningful time of their lives.
Lucien: Putting them in a familiar environment to stimulate the brain is the basis of this research project.
MC: use memories to wake up the brain and prevent them from succumbing to sickness… that’s it. It would be nice if more people could know this method.
I looked around, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration.
MC: Lucien! Can I use my camera to record this research? This might attract more investors.
Lucien didn’t speak, he looked at me a little bit more and then smiled. Realising my offer was a bit abrupt, I quickly tried to change the topic.
MC: Though, it doesn’t matter if I can’t shoot. After all, this involves the confidentiality of research. But, if our memories can be recorded, this way, when we’re old, we’ll have more memories to look back on in these cases.
He remained silent, but the smile on his face was deeper.
MC: What happened? Did I say something wrong?
Lucien: No, if you want to shoot, I can ask the patient’s families for their opinions. But, I think they will agree, because what you want to do is also a very meaningful thing.
MC: I thought you would think that my idea was too bad to consider…
Lucien: I’m just happy. It turns out that you’ve already planned so far for our future.
After going through the entire building, Lucien took me to the backyard again. In the centre of the yard was a dense wisteria tree. There was a breeze in this early autumn afternoon, and the sun above also swept away most of the hot temperature.
The backyard shrouded by the wisteria flowers was concealed by a shady and drooping branch, swaying leisurely in the air but looking very comfortable. Obviously, it’s my first time coming here, but I feel a familiar sense of deja vu.
Lucien: What do you think?
MC: It feels weird to say it, but just for a moment, I felt that this scene was familiar.
Lucien followed my line of sight and looked at the branch of wisteria.
Lucien: On a scientific level, you must have visual experience. But I have a more romantic explanation. It may be that our souls snuck out in a dream, and then we met in a yard in the seventies.
He turned to look at me, his dark eyes deep like an exquisite pool of water.
Lucien: Maybe they were there and had a stable and slow life.
His voice is calm and determined, and his words fell to the bottom of my heart.
MC: Lu-Lucien, you’re seriously bluffing to me again…
Lucien didn’t seem to care about my disbelief, the pool in his eyes was still flowing with waves.
Lucien: If you don’t believe it, do you want to try it?
MC: What is there to try?
Lucien: Having a slow dream in the courtyard of the seventies.
MC: Like our souls, spend a lifetime in a dream?
Sure enough, I subconsciously believed Lucien’s words, but the initiator only smiled and nodded.
Lucien: “Life” is a subjective word, and how long a life is, is up to you to feel and decide. So as long as you want, we can spend our “life” here.
Maybe I was moved by Lucien’s romantic theory, or because I haven’t seen him for a long time, but either way, I eagerly agreed to his proposal.
MC: Since we’re going to live a slow life in the seventies today, let’s be more involved!
I took out headphones and my mobile phone and placed them on the stone table in the yard.
MC: I’m asking professor Xu to please confiscate these modern contrabands.
Lucien nodded knowingly, and took out his phone as I did.
Lucien: It seems we have to find something to seal them in the “future”. 
As he said this, he found a wooden box and put all of our electronic products inside of it.
Lucien: Welcome to the seventies, silly girl.
The weak autumn sunlight in the room shone crookedly through the window like a painting waiting for us. Though, we don’t have the mind to appreciate it, only focusing on living in the slowed down time.
Lucien seems to have come prepared, and the activities proposed were endless. He taught me how to light a kerosene lamp and took me to try an old fashioned sewing machine. We played with fans leisurely together, and listened to the squeaky Suzhou Pingtan on the radio.
(translator’s note: suzhou pingtan is a traditional musical art in china)
Time seems to have really slowed down for us while we do a lot of things, but the sun outside is still mild and bright. After listening to a pingtan, I eagerly looked at Lucien
MC: Lucien, what should we do next?
Lucien: What do you want to do?
MC: May I decide?
Lucien: Well, I also want to know what you think of this slow life.
MC: Well… I can’t think of my answer at the moment.
Lucien: It’s okay, just let the flow happen. Rather than using your brain to think about what you want, it’s better to leave the feelings to your heart. This deliberate content doesn’t necessarily conform to the meaning of a slow life. What you feel currently is the most important.
MC: Then… can we sit in the sun longer? Is that too plain?
Lucien: I think it’s a good idea.
After getting Lucien’s affirmative answer, I also dreamed of sitting in the sun with him. Only soon, my beautiful fantasy was disillusioned, because we searched the entire yard and found that there was only one recliner.
Lucien and I stood under the wisteria frame in the backyard, looking at the narrow chair in front of us.
MC: Hey… how about you sit down first? We can take turns.
The moment I blurted it out, I felt like I said something silly again. I blushed and was about to fight for myself further, but he reached out and pulled me into his arms. Before I knew what he was going to do, Lucien grabbed the back of my waist and gently closed the distance, our warm breaths instantly intertwined
Before I could speak under his deep eyes, my centre of gravity suddenly fell and I was in a soft embrace. My eyes moved slightly down, and I found that we were sitting on the recliner at the same time. My legs had encircled his body without me knowing when.
The motion startled the recliner, and it shook slightly. I couldn’t find my balance for a while, and I subconsciously hooked onto Lucien’s neck.
MC: Lu-Lucien?
I struggled to stand up, but Lucien released the hands that were fixed on my waist, and I was forced to tighten my arms around his neck. There was a warm breath stagnated in the air between us. The suffocating sensation reminds me of the air above an asphalt road in the summer.
Lucien: It’s boring to be alone in the sun, I think two people would be better.
MC: There’s nothing boring about being in the sun…
Fearing that I would make him uncomfortable, I lightly held on to prevent myself from slumping into him.
Lucien: You can relax, this chair is enough to hold the weight of both of us.
MC: I-I’m very relaxed.
Lucien:  Are you….
I heard his low and dull voice noise in my ears, and I hung my head even more as my face flushed. He stretched out a hand, pressed the knuckle of his right hand against my chin and gently lifted it up.
In the next second, a gentle and light kiss fell on my lips.
I instinctively closed my eyes and could only hear the beating of my heart in my head. Although it was only a soft kiss like a dragonfly’s, time seemed to slow down. When we finally separated again, it was really as if we had spent a lifetime in that moment.
Lucien: I can be sure that you are really relaxed now.
When I blushed and didn’t know how to react, Lucien’s cell phone began ringing in the wooden box. As if I had caught a life-saving straw, I stood up and started to go into the other room, his laughter coming from behind.
MC: Answer your phone, I’ll be in the bathroom!
Lucien: I know, I’ll finish up soon.
When I came out of the bathroom, Lucien’s call was just ending. He saw me coming and waved his phone apologetically.
Lucien: Sorry, ___. There’s a problem with the preparations of the study at the institute, and I need to return to discuss it with the research team.
MC: It’s ok! I’m very satisfied with your company for the whole afternoon.
After returning everything in the yard to its original position, I reluctantly took Lucien’s arm and prepared to leave with him. After spending almost the whole day with Lucien in the private courtyard, I feel a bit reluctant to give him up here. Perhaps seeing through my mood, Lucien stopped walking.
Lucien: Maybe we can slow down our departure?
Following his gaze, my eyes fell on the bicycle in the middle of the yard, the same one from his earlier picture to me.
MC: You mean, we can ride that?
Lucien: It doesn’t matter, I can find someone to send it back tomorrow.
Lucien stepped forward and patted the horizontal bar in front of the bike.
Lucien: It’s just that this time I still feel wrong, so ___ can sit here.
I couldn’t help but think of our experience of cycling in Canada. At that time, I was anxious to ride the bike, my hands and feet shaky.
(translator’s note: this is a reference to Lucien’s Autumn Date, available in EN)
Lucien: Want to revisit it?
Lucien supported the handlebars and body, his slender and powerful arms firmly supported the bicycle. I nodded and looked at his hand that was supporting the seat.
MC: I won’t be as anxious today as I was that time.
After confirming that I was sitting firmly, Lucien stepped on the pedals. He lifted his hand and wrapped me in his arms, a reassuring temperature stemming from my back.
MC: Because, I hope this road can be longer.
A white crescent moon took over the setting early, and the pink-ish purple sunset was like peach-flavoured candy. In the middle of the modern city, Lucien and I looked extremely out of place with our old-fashioned bicycle, and the angle of the sun stretched our shadows very long.
Our two shadows, they slowly inched towards the next day.
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xiaomoxu · 4 years
MLQC CN Lucien (Xu Mo) Nostalgia Date
MC: Sweet and sour short ribs, black pepper beef tenderloin, boiled cabbage soup are also cooked, complete!
I checked the recipes in the phone while checking the dishes in the bento box.
Recently, Xu Mo's research institute was working on a new project, and he stayed in the research institute for several days and did not go home.
I studied several new dishes in my spare time, but I never had the opportunity to try it with him.
So I took advantage of the rest day to cook and made a bento. Of course, I was able to see him out of selfishness.
I happily took a few certified photos of Bento, and marked “Professor Xu’s Love Bento” on the photos in a beloved font.
When I was about to go out, I received a text message. When I opened it, I saw that Xu Mo had sent it to an unfamiliar address.
MC: ?
Was it the wrong message? I dialed Xu Mo's phone with doubts.
Xu Mo: Did you receive the address?
MC: Yes. Where is this?
Xu Mo: This is where I am now.
Xu Mo: I guess you will come to me for lunch.
MC: ?
MC: How did you know?
Xu Mo: Because...
Xu Mo: Black pepper beef tenderloin, sweet and sour short ribs, boiled cabbage heart.
MC: ...Xu Mo! Are you working on a mind reading project?
His light laughter came from the other side.
Xu Mo: This project sounds very interesting, but you seem to forget my research field is brain science.
Xu Mo: If you want to know the answer, you can open the photo album now.
When I hung up the phone, I opened the phone album in a busy time, and a buffering icon appeared in the middle of the screen.
After a few seconds, my album was automatically updated with a photo I had never seen before.
The photo shows an exclusive courtyard with wooden log door frames and a red brick wall. At the foot of the wall, a row of old-fashioned labor tools are displayed.
In the middle of the yard is parked a 28-brand bicycle, and the simple wind of the 1970s blows across.
Under the noon sunlight, a person's shadow was reflected on the wall. I almost recognized it at a glance. It was Xu Mo.
"Ding", the phone received another text message.
Xu Mo: Do you know the answer now?
After Xu Mo's reminder, I finally realized that there was a problem with my mobile phone last week, and I needed to verify with another cloud account.
So I temporarily borrowed Xu Mo's account. After the account was restored, I forgot to log out.
In other words, during this period, our mobile phone uses the same cloud account, and the album is also in a shared state.
MC: Isn't it...
On the way to the exclusive courtyard with my lunch box, I asked myself for my carelessness in my heart, and repeatedly checked the "stock" in the album.
Xu Mo must have seen the recipe that I kept in the photo album, and the certified lunch photos taken before the release were not spared.
I sighed, tapped my brain a little, and suddenly reacted.
If our mobile phones have been shared for more than a week, does that mean that all the photos I took this week
I quickly sent a text message to Xu Mo.
MC: Xu Mo, have you seen any other photos in the album?
Xu Mo: For example?
MC: For example, something that impresses you...
Xu Mo: Are you saying that the subject is my photo?
My fingers flicked subconsciously, and Xu Mo's new reply popped up on the screen.
Xu Mo: I forgot to say that next time you can take the photo openly, so that I can take more poses with you.
I usually secretly took photos of him reading books and doing experiments, and he saw them all!
This crafty man!
When I arrived at the alley where the small courtyard was located, I saw Xu Mo standing at the door of the courtyard waiting for me from a distance. I quickly waved to him.
MC: Xu Mo, is this research difficult? Did you not eat well again?
Xu Mo took the bento in my hand and looked at me with a concerned look, and his narrow eyes were bent.
Xu Mo: It won't be difficult.
Xu Mo: As for whether to eat well...
Xu Mo: If the standard is this bento, then I really can't claim to have a good meal.
He took my hand and led me through the door.
When I stood in the courtyard, the sense of precipitation of the years became stronger.
MC: By the way, Xu Mo, why are you in this place? Is it related to research?
Xu Mo: Well, this research project will be clinical trial here.
MC: This is actually a new research base?
Xu Mo: To be precise, it is a temporary research base.
MC: What about the others in the institute?
Xu Mo: The study will officially start tomorrow, and today we will give them a day off.
MC: It turned out to be so, but how could the research base be chosen in such a yard with a sense of age?
Xu Mo did not answer. He took me to sit down at the square table in the courtyard.
Xu Mo: Based on my understanding of you, after I answer your question, your curiosity will raise more questions.
Xu Mo: So before this heart-filled bento cools down, let's eat first.
Xu Mo: After this, I will show you a good tour.
After supervising Xu Mo ate the lunch, he took my hand and walked into the second floor of the courtyard.
The style of the building is consistent with that of the courtyard, and it is even more difficult to tell what era I am in now.
The green leather wall is painted with "work hard" with four big red characters, and the dark gray fur has a light cement smell.
The three classic furniture pieces restore the old texture and the rest of the daily necessities also exude a strong sense of age.
Xu Mo: how do you feel?
MC: Although I haven't experienced that era, it seems to have really gone back to the past.
Xu Mo: The research institute spent a lot of time restoring this place to what it looked like in the 70s.
MC: What you said is even more curious to me. What kind of research is it that you need to construct a venue like this?
Xu Mo: It is a study on the healthy brain of the elderly. For the elderly who suffer from Alzheimer's disease, or who have hidden risks of the disease, perform clinical observations.
MC: I heard that there is no effective medicine and treatment for this disease, is it true?
Xu Mo: Well, Alzheimer's disease can be said to be a serious challenge facing modern brain science research.
Xu Mo: Even this research can only focus on early intervention before the disease, while observing the quantity and quality of brain cells.
MC: So why do you want to restore this place to the 70s?
Xu Mo: If the brain of the elderly is often stagnant, the brain will easily degenerate.
Xu Mo: Recalling the deep things in your own impression can stimulate the vitality of your brain.
Xu Mo: The most impressive experiences of the elderly who will be staying here are concentrated in the 70s, which is the most meaningful time in their lives.
Xu Mo: It is the basis of this research project to stimulate their brains in a familiar environment.
MC: Use memories to wake up the brain and prevent them from getting sick... That's it.
MC: It would be great if more people could know this method.
I looked around and suddenly a flash of inspiration.
MC: Xu Mo! Can I use the lens to record this research?
MC: This can attract more resources to invest in.
Xu Mo didn't speak, and there was a little smile in his eyes when he looked at me.
Realizing that my request was a bit abrupt, I quickly changed the subject.
MC: It doesn't matter if it can't, after all, it involves the confidentiality of research.
MC: But our memories can be recorded with the lens. In this way, when we are old, we have more memory material.
He is still silent, but the smile on his face is deeper,
MC: What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?
Xu Mo: No. If you want to shoot, I can ask the patient's family for their opinions.
Xu Mo: I think they will agree, because what you want to do is also very meaningful.
MC: I thought you would think that my ideas are too bad.
Xu Mo: I'm just happy.
Xu Mo: It turns out that you have planned so far for our future.
After visiting the entire two-story building, Xu Mo took me to the backyard again. In the middle of the backyard was a dense wisteria frame.
There was a breeze in the early autumn afternoon, and the sun overhead was also swept away most of the hot temperature.
The backyard shrouded by wisteria is concealed in a shade of shady vines swaying leisurely in the air, making it particularly cozy.
Obviously this is my first time here, but I inexplicably feel a sense of familiarity (deja vu)
Xu Mo: What are you thinking?
MC: ....It’s weird to say it, but for a moment I felt that this scene seemed familiar.
Xu Mo followed my line of sight and looked at the piece of Wisteria.
Xu Mo: On the scientific level, you have a visual experience.
Xu Mo: But I have a more romantic explanation here--maybe our soul ran out in a dream, and then we met in a yard in the 70s.
He turned his head to look at me, a deep pool of water hidden in his dark eyes.
Xu Mo: Maybe they were there and spent a peaceful life.
His tone was calm and determined, and his words fell in my heart.
MC: Xu, Xu Mo, you lied to me seriously again...
Xu Mo didn't seem to care about my dismantling, there was still light in his eyes.
Xu Mo: If you doesn't believe it, would you like to try it?
MC: try what?
Xu Mo: Had a peaceful dream in the yard of the 70s.
MC: Like our souls, spend a lifetime in a dream?
As expected, I subconsciously believed Xu Mo's words, but the instigator smiled and nodded.
Xu Mo: "Life" is a subjective term. How long a life is is up to you to feel and decide.
Xu Mo: So as long as you want, we can spend our "life" here.
Perhaps I was moved by Xu Mo's romantic theory, or because I hadn't seen him for a long time, I eagerly agreed with this proposal.
MC: Now that you are going to live a slow life in the 70s, let's be more involved!
I took out the headphones and mobile phone and placed them on the stone table in the backyard.
MC: Ask Professor Xu to confiscate these modern contraband.
Xu Mo nodded clearly, and took out the phone as I did.
Xu Mo: It seems we have to find something to seal them in the "future".
He said that he found a wooden box and put all our electronic products in it. Then turned around and reached out to me.
Xu Mo: Welcome to the seventies, little girl.
After autumn, the weak and feeble sunlight shone into the window crookedly, like a silhouette painting for us.
And we don't have the mind to appreciate it carefully, we are devoted to the time being slowed down.
Xu Mo seemed to be prepared, and the activities proposed were endless.
He taught me how to light a kerosene lamp and took me to try an old-fashioned sewing machine.
We played the fans leisurely together and listened to the squeaking and squeaking of Suzhou Pingtan on the radio.
Time seems to have really slowed down for us, obviously we have done a lot of things, but the sun outside the window is still mild and bright
After listening to a pingtan, I eagerly looked at Xu Mo
MC: Xu Mo, what shall we do next?
Xu Mo: Is there anything you want to do?
MC: May I decide?
Xu Mo: Yep.I also want to know what you think of a slow life.
MC: um, I...Can't think of it for a while.
Xu Mo: It’s okay, just let it go. Rather than using your brain to think about what to do, it’s better to leave your feelings to your heart.
Xu Mo: The deliberate content does not necessarily conform to the meaning of slow life, the current feeling is the most important.
MC: Then sit on a recliner to enjoy the sun? But is it too plain?
Xu Mo: I think this is a good idea.
After getting Xu Mo's affirmative answer, I also fantasize about me and Xu Mo persevered in the sun together.
But soon my illusion was disillusioned, because we searched the entire yard and found that there was only one recliner.
Xu Mo and I stood under the wisteria frame in the backyard, looking at the narrow lounge chair in front of us.
MC: So... why don't you lie down for a while? Let's take a turns?
The moment I blurted it out, I felt like I had said something silly. I blushed and was about to fight for myself, but he reached out and pulled me into his arms.
Before I knew what he was going to do, Xu Mo grabbed my back waist and gently closed it, and the warm breath of each other instantly intertwined.
Before I could speak with his deep eyes, the center of gravity suddenly fell into a soft embrace.
My gaze moved down slightly, and I found that we were sitting on the recliner at this time, and my legs encircled his body without knowing when.
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The large motion shook the recliner, and he shook it slightly. I couldn't find the center of gravity for a while, and subconsciously hooked Xu Mo's neck.
MC: Xu... Xu Mo?!
I struggled to stand up, but Xu Mo released the hands that were fixed to my waist, and I had to tighten the hands around his neck.
There was a warm breath between the bodies close to each other, and the scorching sensation reminded me of the hydrogen above the asphalt road in summer.
Xu Mo: It's boring to be alone in the sun, I think two people will be better.
MC: There is nothing boring in the sun...
Fearing that it would make him uncomfortable, I held on to myself, not to let myself collapse on him.
Xu Mo: You can relax a little. This chair is enough to carry the weight of the two of us.
MC: I, I am very relaxed.
Xu Mo: Is it...
I heard his low and dull noise in my ears, and I hung my head even more flushed.
He stretched out his hand, pressed the knuckles of his right hand against my chin and gently lifted it up,
The next second, a soft and light kiss fell on my lips
I instinctively closed my eyes, and in the sweet silence, I could only hear the buzzing tinnitus in my head.
Although it was only a soft kiss like a dragonfly, time seemed to slow down for this kiss. When we were separated again, it seemed that we had really spent a lifetime.
Xu Mo: I can be sure that you are really relaxed now.
When I blushed and didn't know how to react, Xu Mo's cell phone rang in the wooden box.
As if I had caught a life-saving straw, a carp stood up and rushed into the room, and his laughter came from behind.
MC: Answer the phone quickly! I'll go to the bathroom!
Xu Mo: I know, I'll go back soon.
When I came out of the bathroom, Xu Mo's call was just ended. He saw me coming and waved his mobile phone apologetically at me.
Xu Mo: Sorry. There was a problem with the preparation of the institute, and I needed to return to the institute to discuss it together.
MC: It's okay, you have been with me all afternoon. I'm already very satisfied.
After returning everything in the yard to its original position, I reluctantly took Xu Mo's arm and prepared to leave with him from here.
After spending a day with Xu Mo in the exclusive courtyard, I even felt a little bit reluctant for this place.
Perhaps after seeing through my mood, Xu Mo stopped walking.
Xu Mo: Maybe we can slow down our departure.
Following his gaze, my gaze fell on the 28 bicycle in the middle of the yard.
MC: You mean, can we ride this?
Xu is: It doesn't matter, I can find someone to send it back tomorrow.
Xu Mo stepped forward and patted the horizontal bar in front of the bicycle.
Xu Mo: But this time I still have to feel wronged by you sitting here
I couldn't help but think of our experience of cycling in Canada. At that time, I was anxious to ride the bike firmly, but my hands and feet were frizzy.
Xu Mo: Want to revisit it?
Xu Mo supported the handlebars and the body, his slender and powerful arms supported the bicycle steadily.
I nodded, holding his arm firmly into the "seat"
MC: I won't be as anxious today as I was that time.
After confirming that I was sitting firmly, Xu Mo also stepped on it. He held up his hand and wrapped me in his arms, and there was a reassuring warmth from my back.
MC: Because... I hope this road can be longer.
The white crescent moon took over the setting sun early, and the sunset was like peach-flavored soft candy.
In a busy city, Xu Mo and I were riding a two-eight bicycle that was out of place. The diagonal red stretched our shadows very long.
Accompanied by the two shadows, they swayed towards the next tomorrow.
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