#love that byleth can be so boastful and edelgard is like ‘you’re insane … i love you …’
shepardyke · 2 years
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crackimagines · 4 years
Class VII Supports
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TOCS AU Masterlist Here
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Class VII was greeted with open arms in the monastery, and the general opinion of them are high, mostly.
The most liked students are: Rean, Elliot, Gaius, Laura, Emma, Millium, and Towa.
The most students who seem to be at odds are: Crow, Machias, Angelica, and Alisa.
The universal supports for Class VII is each other, and Byleth.
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Closest Friends: Byleth, Jeralt, Alois, Catherine, Manuela
Sara is noted to be one of the strangest out of the group. While she is more drunk than Manuela, she is by far the strongest of them. Those who have seen her in combat put her up with Jeralt and Byleth, if not more skilled. She gets along with all the students, even if she is more than a bit lazy. 
Sara is extremely suspicious of the church, but keeps these doubts only to herself and Class VII.
“That woman can go from completely plastered to absolute bastard in just a few seconds...”
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Closest Friends: Dimitri, Leonie, Yuri, Annette, Mercedes, Byleth
Rean is said to be the unofficial leader of Class VII, and anyone who hangs around him long enough knows why. He is said to be a very trusting individual, and always seems to go out of his way to help others. He is also a very skilled swordsman, and is the most mysterious individual. With his Divine Knight, Valimar, and skilled fighters around Garreg Mach state that he seems to be holding back, people want to find the answer, but have been unable to. Rumors state he might be hiding something dark within him. 
Rean gets along with mostly everyone, but is suspicious of Rhea like Sara.
“He’s a really nice person, but by the Goddess he’s oblivious when someone’s hitting on him.”
Rest of Class VII under the cut!
Supports - Golden Deer, Ashe, Annette, Caspar, Dorothea
Closest Friends: Ashe, Dorothea, Hilda, Caspar
Elliot is one of the most liked students of Class VII. His soft personality makes him very easy to befriend, but seems to be easily intimidated by the standoffish students. That being said, he is surprisingly brave, moving up to the frontlines with the rest of the class despite his less than ideal physique for a military academy. People constantly asks if he can play his violin for them, which he is more than happy to oblige. He can be found near the church, playing for the choir or with Dorothea.
“Elliot’s nice. Though, too much so for his own good.”
Supports - Golden Deer, Dedue, Ferdinand, Constance, Dorothea, Ashe, Edelgard
Closest Friends: Ignatz, Raphael, Dorothea, Ashe
Machias is hands down the most problematic student when it comes to relations. He hates Nobles with a passion for their “holier than thou attitude”, and is not afraid to state these sentiments to their face. He has the most hostile relationship with Ferdinand, Constance, and Lorenz. However to commoners, he seems to be far nicer and patient with them. Hatred for Nobles aside, he is quite gifted in both academics and combat.
“As long as you aren’t a noble, he’ll talk to you. Otherwise you’re better off talking to a wall. Plus you’re less likely to get shot at.”
Supports - Golden Deer, Petra, Dedue, Cyril, Ashe, Flayn, Mercedes
Closest Friends: Petra, Dedue, Claude
Gaius is the most calm of the entire group, seemingly never letting anything get under his skin. He is a caring individual, and his homeland is a topic that fascinates everyone, seeing how different he is from the rest of Class VII. He doesn’t have any problems when it comes to talking to the people of Garreg Mach and is a reliable friend.
“Gaius is cool and everything, but sometimes I wish I understood what he was talking about. Especially about the winds.”
Supports - Golden Deer, Annette, Flayn, Mercedes, Constance, Sylvain,
Closest Friends: Claude, Lysithea, Marianne, Annette
Emma being the actual representative of Class VII, or in their terms Class President, she speaks with Rhea and the other house leaders the most, though she is joined by Machias and Rean. She doesn’t seem to be particularly noteworthy according to others, saying she is booksmart and fully capable in combat, but seems a bit off. Her magic seems to be far greater than what she uses, but it seems that’s kept under wraps.
“She seems nice enough, but it’s kinda hard to read her sometimes, ya know?”
Supports - Black Eagles, Flayn, Felix, Lorenz, Constance, 
Closest Friends: Ferdinand, Hubert, Bernadetta, 
Jusis is the second quietest of Class VII, and seems very intimidating. However, he just doesn’t have much to say and has a bit of trouble saying what he truly thinks. While seeming rude and condescending, a lot of the time he does not mean for it to come off that way, and is acting a how he thinks a noble should. While he finds Ferdinand and Lorenz obnoxious with how much they boast, he shares the sentiment that it’s their duty to protect the common people. His fencing style is stated to be very elegant and deadly.
“Man, he’s so cool looking! I wonder what goes on through his head when people like Felix and Constance talk to him though...”
Supports - Black Eagles, Sylvain, Yuri, Claude, Shamir, Seteth, Rhea
Closest Friends: Edelgard, Sylvain, Yuri, Claude, Byleth 
Crow is referred to as “yet another Sylvain”, seemingly careless and always trying to hit on any pretty woman he can. He is shockingly very skilled in combat, and can hold his own and sometimes displays his responsible side, though that is very rare. This side comes out the most when he is with Towa and Angelica. He is notorious to be very bad with money as he constantly gambles and usually loses it.
“Never give him any money. Ever.”
Supports - Black Eagles, Annette, Mercedes, Lysithea, Ashe, Raphael, Shamir, Jeralt
Closest Friends: Dorothea, Bernadetta, Raphael, Hubert, Caspar, Byleth
Fie is the quietest of Class VII, and somehow outsleeps Linhardt. She has even less to say than Jusis and rarely engages conversations on her own. That being said, people love speaking to her due to how “cute” she is, much to her dismay. She is extremely skilled in combat, and agile to boot. She has been seen to jump around constantly during battle striking at precise enemy locations to disrupt them without breaking a sweat. The second deadliest of Class VII, right behind Sara, she has been known to be friendly with very few people.  
“Fie is adorable! But, man she scares me sometimes.”
Supports - Black Eagles, Sylvain, Ignatz, Leonie, Mercedes, Ingrid
Closest Friends: Caspar, Mercedes, Leonie, Ignatz
Alisa is notorious for holding grudges for an insane amount of time, leaving people doing their best to avoid her. While no doubt gifted with a bow, people state she has a very quick temper, making her the second most disliked of Class VII. However those close to her would defend her, they have a hard time denying what people say. Despite her problems, she is fiercely loyal to anyone who sticks by her, and seems to be a reasonable person. Most of the time.
“She’s a bitch sometimes, but she’s a good person...I think.”
Supports - Blue Lions, Leonie, Raphael, Caspar, Balthus
Closest Friends: Annette, Ingrid, Ashe, Felix, Balthus, Dimitri
Laura is the most physically strong person in Class VII, as she is known to be using a greatsword that’s almost bigger than her. Aiming to become the strongest, she is constantly challenged by those of similar mindset in the Monastery, and can be found in the training hall for a majority of her freedays. Despite being so intimidating, she is friendly with those who approach her, even being friends with those weaker than her. Though, she is known for no knowing what to do when it comes to doing “girly’ things.
“I’d say that her sword is comically oversized if I hadn’t seen her cleave armored knights in half with it.”
Supports - Blue Lions, Bernadetta, Hubert, Lysithea, Flayn, Cyril, Alois
Closest Friends: Alois, Flayn, Bernadetta, Dedue
Millium is the youngest of Class VII and seems to act very childish. Underneath her youth lies a fiercely intelligent girl, having been trained in covert operations and intelligence divisions. However, despite this training she seems to blurt out insensitive, rude, and important details as if everyone else had figured them out already, shocking anyone around her. Rudeness aside, she is very friendly to those she deems she wants to be friends with. The person in question has no choice in the matter, and better like them, cause she is known to pester them to no end.
“Millium is so cute! She’s like a little sister! Though, she’s everything good and bad about a little sister...”
Supports - Literally every female in Garreg Mach, Dimitri, Claude, Yuri
Closest Friends: Dorothea, Edelgard, Ingrid, Hilda, Byleth
Angelica is a terror among the females of Garreg Mach as she is constantly hitting on all of them, even moreso than Sylvain. Libido aside, she is friendly enough with all students, even the guys. What shocks people the most about her is her form of combat, which is purely hand to hand. For someone who is relatively small, her punches have killed, even though she’s hitting people in heavy armor. She is known to be the most friendly with Towa and Crow.
Supports - All Three Houses
Closest Friends: Dimitri, Edelgard, Annette, Yuri
Towa is the friendliest of Class VII. She is a workaholic to those who can see her, and the kindest girl anyone has ever known for those close. She cares for everyone in the monastery and takes the time out of her day to make sure everyone is okay and if she can help them with anything, acting as an unofficial school counselor. No one has been able to abuse her kindness for helping with work and get away with it, thanks to Angelica, Crow, Sara, and Rean.
“That poor girl needs a break, I’d buy her tea everyday if she would stop working herself nearly to death each night...”
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