#love the action poses waa
cutegirlmayra · 8 years
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Thanks for the help! <3
I saw that you liked The Legend of Zelda so I wanted to draw a scene but with Sonic and Amy! Its one of my first digital artworks so enjoy ^^
It’s so cute!!! :DDDD Yes, I ship zelink too xD
I’ve done a few crossovers in the past with prompts about Sonic and Amy taking on Zelda and Links roles, but I’ve never tried THIS scene before~<3 Hur hur hur…
After Amy finished her song, she lowered the instrument and turned to Sonic, who had listened quietly to her playing the ancient song.
“Intriguing lyrics.” he mused, moving his arm from his hip, folding it in with the other and smiling sarcastically at her. “You wonder if it means something.”
Amy giggled, and rolled her eyes skyward, “You never know with these things…” She then pulled out a piece of cloth, but Sonic wasn’t sure what it was.
“What’s that?”
“I… for the ceremony… I made you a sailcloth. It’s strictly stated that it MUST, ABSOLUTELY be made with this symbol on it.” she then handed him the cloth.
“You… made this?” He received it…
Sonic suddenly spun around and held the sailcloth up, as Amy closed her eyes and smiled at the cute gesture.
Sonic received Sailcloth!
It was handmade by Amy Rose! Whose totally a love interest! But we’ll never tell the details. Also… is that the smell of strawberries…?
Sonic brought it down and looked it over, suddenly draping it over his shoulders and swishing it over the other to pose, making it seem like some kind of fashionable apparrel.
He bounced his eyebrows to the camera, and grinned heroically.
“That’s the sailcloth that the hero used to glide through the skies… though, I’m not sure what he would be gliding down to… unless…” Amy turned, putting a finger up to her mouth, before shaking her head at her thoughts, and turning back to Sonic. “Nevermind that! But…” she suddenly looked down, drooping her eyelids at the action and swayed her body, putting her hands behind herself.
Sonic’s relaxed and charming nature suddenly changed too, as he straightened up a moment from looking fondly to her, and now seemed a little confused by her odd behavior. “Huh?”
She stepped forward, “You…” and continued to advance, “Do know what happens after the ceremony… don’t you?” she swayed her body and then tilted cutely as she questioned him.
Judging by her body language, it couldn’t be anything good…
Sonic unfolded his arms and cringed them slowly back, looking nervous as he sweatdropped, “W-what do you mean by that..?”
She then jumped scarily close up to his face, smiling adorably.
He flinched back and leaned his head, not sure how to take this odd motion but not backing down either.
“Amy… what are you doing?” he stretched his frown down, but blinked in awkward curiosity.
She once again turned her head slightly, batting her eyelashes.
The scene shifted to right behind the two, before Amy spun Sonic around.
“You have to jump! Hehe~”
“Waa-ahh!” He balanced himself, almost falling and looked down. “W-wh-what!?” his funny fluctuation of his words there made her laugh again.
“Off you go~” Amy pushed, as he turned back, jumping one leg, before falling straight down, flailing before getting the sailcloth out and gliding down.
“Having fun?” Amy leaned down over the pillar, smiling cheekily, “Hehehe~” she was so mischievous… grinning widely.
“I know why the hero needed to glide across the skies!”
Amy heard his voice shout up, and looked down, blinking her eyes open. Her mouth also formed a curious ‘o’ in her expectation to learn what he meant.
“It’s because of people like you!”
“Ohhh!” Amy puffed up a cheek, before looking up to her blue plane that moved on it’s own.
She jumped up and rode it down, as Sonic’s red automatic, AI-plane also landed by his side, and the two stood across from each other.
“You know,… Sonic…” Amy twiddled with her fingers in front of her, hanging down by her. “We could… um…” she averted her eyes a little bit. “Go for a joy ride?” she scrunched up her shoulders, as if shrugging to the idea.
He smiled, but raised an eyebrow, realizing she was playing ‘coy’ with him.
“Sure. Why not?” He winked and gave her a signature thumbs up.
Excitedly, she placed her hands up near her muzzle in cute fists, and nodded to that idea, tilting her head, “Hm-mm! Great!”
As they flew, Amy looked ahead to see Sonic turn back to her, “Free skies today!”
“Yeah!” Amy agreed, before looking away nervously shy again. “Sonic.. there’s… there’s something I wanted to tell you…”
Suddenly, a fierce wind picked up, and Amy’s plane got suddenly shoved back into a forming tornado!
“SONNNICCC!” she reached out for him, before the plane spiraled, and she fell out.
“AMMYY!!” Sonic dived his own plane down, but was knocked away, flinging his twirling plane back to Skyloft….
(there you go :3c hope you thought it was cute! and thanks for the submission! :D I love prompt trades! Gets the old creative mind tickin’! ;D))
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grapsandclaps · 7 years
Food done at Yates's it waa time to take in a couple of the usual haunts in Preston, first of all - The Guild Ale House which is a real ale haven for the hardened craft ale drinker, generally every drink is under £3.50 and of the highest quality. I would liken this pub as well to someones fromt living room with the white carpet which i am surprised no one has ruined yet spilling their stout, we decamped to the small yard area to think up of niche songs for one of the night's combatants - Su Yung. A mixture of stuff from The Beatles, Genesis and The Corrs were batted about but as we would find out later would go down as well as a wet fart in Church. The drink i had in here was 2/3rds of a Saison like drink "Never Known Fog Like It" for £3.50 and it was a nice drink that i would try a second helping of if i saw it again. Next stop was Hogarths to see the latter end of our football coupons going down and also a lovely pint of £2.05 Hogarths own ale. This pub looks like it has been a success since it has opened rivalling Wetherspoons on price and it also caters for people who like their sport with Racing UK and Sky Sports being prominent on all screens. Drinks done it was time to get into Evoque for the show, thankfully this time their was a high stool in my usual spot so i took advantage to rest my feet and sit in my perch to watch the graps. A bigger crowd than expected crowd was in attendance and it was nice to see people give PCW another try having probably being put off by the below par shows that were provided in 2016, but in fairness since the change in booker this year to Greg Lambert holding the pencil shows have improved by far so the ball was in PCWs court to make it worth it - lets see if they pulled it off. First off was a 3 way match to be no.1 contender for the Cruiserweight Title with Ricky Knight Jr vs Chris Ridgeway vs Chris Brookes - the latter making his return to PCW after just 1 solitary appearance in one of the Who Dares Wins rumbles a few years ago. Brookes received a great reception once his banger of a tune hit (Human Fly by The Cramps), Brookes has become a darling of the scene in the last year or so and could be on the cusp of joining his Midlands cohorts in the States sometime. This was a great opener to set the tone for the evening with all 3 guys working well together, Ricky Knight Jr impressed and didnt look out of place with his more experienced adversaries. Ridgeway eventually got the win in around 12 minutes catching Knight Jr with a choke in midair causing RKJ to tap immediately. Next up was Sheikh and Shake and Dave Birch vs 3 Mates Pissing About (Kirby/Hope/Joey Hayes). Seymour Gains gave an opening spiel trying to get over his S.H.I.T.S Protein Shake to a chorus of boos with his mate Sheikh El-Sham eyeing me up again - naturally i booed him again. These two have become a good team in their short time together getting the right reaction from the audience - good work lads. This was a really fun match as you can expect with the 3 mates who are fantastic at these comedy matches and are filling the void left by Dave Rayne and Mad Man Manson. The 3 mates got the win with the Shield Powerbomb to Seymour for the 1-2-3 and to rub it in Seymours face even more they poured his S.H.I.T.S Protein Shakes all over him. Soner Durson vs CJ Banks Part 3 was next with it being 1-1 in the series from their 2 good scraps in Tidal and PCW. Even though it took time for the crowd to warm to the match, they eventually got the crowd onside and provided a good match with Soner looking impressive again but sadly coming up short trying to hit the frog splash but CJ caught him with a pair of knees and Cheeky Rolled him up for the win. Good Stuff!! Half Time Main Event was Aussie Open challenging the PCW Tag Champions The UK Hooligans. As expected this was a really good match but it was more suited to The Hooligans style of working fighting around the ringside area smacking especially Fletcher with suicide dives and school chair shots to the head. The Aussies did eventually get some offence in, using their raised cutter for a close 2 count but after 15 minutes they fell to The Hooligans but they shouldnt be too disheartened and i for ine would like to see them in PCW again. But if you do see Kyle Fletcher and Mark Davis elsewhere in the country I urge you to see them. After the match the UK Hooligans found out that they would be facing The NAK (Chris Renfrew and BT Gunn) in September, should be a good scrap. My mate Ben made quite the hot take after the match saying even though he likes The Hooligans, he is a bit fed up with their style of match and would like to see something different from them, but did point to the fact only Team Single went toe to toe with them all the way through their matches and wouldnt lie down and take a pasting. 1st half done and a mark photo with British Wrong Style accosting Aussie Open for a picture near the bar, decent enough gentleman to meet. Now the 2nd half and what do we start off with - Lionheart vs Philip Michael. The opening of this contest started off with a 3 minute singing of Philip Michaels name the like we havent seen since the days of Noam Dar, Philip was over like rover. Good action here for around 7 minutes with Phil matching Lionheart hold for hold and looking his equal but a spot where Lionheart pulled Phil off the ropes causing Phil to land awkwardly caused a long stoppage to the match and bringing a number of the roster to ringside to check on Phils wellbeing. Now with what happened to Lionheart previously when he broke his neck at PCW which left the audience in stunned silence and tears that night, visions of seeing a serious injury is still fresh in peoples minds but as ever with wrestling companies nowadays - many a fake injury angle happens and you dont know when to know if its real or not. In this case Lionheart picked up Phil to applause but then proceeded to use a Uranage Slam to drop Phil to a chorus of boos and a 1-2-3. Personal opinion i think Fake Injury Angles are shit and the dog worst thing to get a baddie over in this sense. They could have easily had Philip Michael catch a win from nowhere on Lionheart and then have Lionheart give him a beating after the match - it still has the same effect. This left a bad taste in a few peoples mouths and I for one was one of them. Su Yung vs Lauren (replacement for an injured Saraya) was next in a short match with Su Yung dominating early and looking good in the process. But despite all the songs in the world to rally Su she fell to a roll up from Lauren for the shock victory. I do think Lauren will probably end up winning the PCW Womens title in 2 weeks in the tourney but i cant say i am totally sold on her as a champion but just my opinion. Dean Allmark took on Jody Fleisch next for the Cruiserweight title in a fantastic match as you would expect from these 2 wrestlers. Jody hasnt missed a beat since the early 2000s and looks better bodywise since then, Deano has been a constant highlight in the past year with the rest of the cruisers pulling some of the shows over the line with some top matches. Jody hit the 720 DDT but only got a 2 for a near fall, Deano hit Jody with the Smiles Clash before finishing a valiant Jody off with the top rope Spanish Fly. Great stuff and a great pick me up after what was on previously to it. The Big Grudge Match with Tel Banham vs BIG T was next but sadly after much talking from Banham and tomfoolery from his cronies, it never got started with BIG T booting referee Des and joining up with Banham to be his bodyguard muscle i guess to the Chicken Shit Heel Banham. In one way a poor payoff to an angle that has been going for 3 months but in one sense Banham can use BIG T to fight his battles. Live i think the angle didnt go down well in the end and left a flat feeling due to people wanting Banham to get his comeuppance. Main Event time with the 3 way being turned into a 4 way with Champion Iestyn Rees vs T-Bone vs Bubblegum vs Ashton Smith. This went around 20 minutes with plenty of action and nearfalls happening, Iestyn did a majestic dive over the ropes which for a big fella is impressive. With the clock ticking to me getting the train, i took a position at the back of the room to see just in time Iestyn Rees using the Cheeky Roll Up to beat a defiant Bubblegum and continuing his near year long reign as champion. This made the show finish on a flat note, with the crowd wanting to see Bubblegum pick up the win and finally get a small run with the PCW Title. I found out when i left that Bubblegum is putting his PCW Career on the line at the next show vs T-Bone in a street fight which i guess there is a reason behind but i didnt see much skullduggery costing Bubblegum from a T-Bone prespective but hey ho - Wrestling!! Iestyns next opponent i am not too sure where they are going next, maybe Ashton gets another chance but for me that was 3 contenders finished off in one night. So i guess we get Iestyn being the not so brilliant paper champion again for another 6 months 😕. Overall a great first half followed up by an indifferent second half with as i have explained - the result of the main and the injury angle being topics of complaint from myself. But still this is worth a watch when it comes on demand. Delayed train to Manchester meant getting back at around half midnight into Rochdale, as ever Geoff was doing his best sleeping pose for #grapsandnaps - Standard part of a trip to the wrestling. Evoque beer prices - £4.50 for Tyskie (500ml) they ran out of these bottles halfway through. £7 for 2 bottles of either Samuel Adams, Brewdog Punk IPA or Brooklyn Lager. So in effect it was £7 for a pint and a smidgen if you look at it that way. Next time in #grapsandclaps will be my first trip to Attack Wrestling in Cardiff which by going off what people are going and the general fun of that promotion - could be a fantastic which i am looking forward to.
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