#love to see them with the issylra crew
numbfandom · 1 year
Ashton battles the age old fight: plants vs rocks
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masterqwertster · 11 months
🏴‍☠️ because Bells hells looked like they enjoyed their little pirate visit
Prompt I was kind of hoping someone would ask for pirates because I've been having thoughts about a "pirates" AU since I did the hint of one as part of Ashton's alternate dreams in this prompt. So here's the intro to:
🏴‍☠️High Seas Hells AU
Bells Hells has a boat and good luck getting them off of it.
The Ship:
Called The Hellion
Not a particularly outstanding boat at first glance, but quite serviceable
Special features include: the Captain's Cabin being converted into a terrarium (yes that's actual soil and rocks coating the floor that the plants are growing in), cozy macabre decor, far too much carved detailing all over the ship, scorch marks in unusual places, and a suspiciously large amount of knitted blankets for use
Most commonly runs shipments or people travelling in or into the Shattered Teeth. But is easy enough to convince to make port in Tal'Dorei or Marquet. Issylra and Wildemount are much harder sells
The Crew:
Imogen is the captain. Mostly because she's the best at being the group Face. Though knocking down other ships' masts with Lightning Bolt definitely helps too
Orym is the First Mate and Look Out. A calm head to take command when/where Imogen can't and that small god Perception put to work
Ashton is the Navigator. Titan blood is useful for communicating with eidolons and getting them to help out by commanding wave and wind. Being Ka'Mort's heir grants even greater boons in the Shattered Teeth, like being able to sense the islands' locations
Laudna is the Bosun. She loves a project, and keeping the ship in ship shape makes her happy
Chetney is the Carpenter. No brainer there. He does add detailing around the ship when he gets bored
FCG is a Ship Medic and sometimes Chef. They want to be a therapist, but they're still sorting themself out and learning from Jirana whenever The Hellion stops by Slival
Dorian is the back-up Navigator and bard. He's still figuring out how to get the eidolons to listen to him consistently (it works best when he's confident and not an anxious mess) and doesn't have the supernatural edge Ashton possesses, but he can get the job done
FRIDA is the Sharpshooter. As the only one to use a gun (or really any kind of ranged weapon regularly), it had to go to them
Dianna is the Chef and a Ship Medic. She's ship momma. And they make extra money selling her knitting at ports
Prism is the Ship Wizard. They didn't mean to acquire Prism, but she's very happy to stay aboard and actually get to use magic to help out. And steal books and magic scrolls when they get to port
Milo is the Gunnery Chief. Kinda. Mostly they just get to tinker where the cannons go since The Hellion is so full of magic users it basically doesn't need defense cannons. Not that Milo isn't kind of interested in making magic defense cannons
Story Bits:
Ashton never meant to go to sea. Jianna sold his debt/him off pretty quickly to a ship captain out of the Menagerie Coast area who believed that a genasi's connection to the elements would act as a good luck charm for their ship against the wind and seas. Wouldn't you know they got the one genasi where that is actually true, and absolutely false. Eidolons are eager to answer the call of Titan's blood, but considering how distressed Ashton is being earth at sea, they're not being helpful. Not until the captain gets mean about it to Ashton, forcing him to learn to actually command the eidolons or be tossed overboard
FCG is brought aboard Mean Captain's ship as loot. They find the idea of an automaton (sort of) trying to be a person novel and funny. Ashton sees a fellow prisoner trapped aboard and takes him under their wing
Imogen and Laudna still meet in Gelvaan and leave it together. But they head down to the cost this time, and book passage on a ship instead of going over land.
Guess which ship
Imogen and Laudna find out about Ashton and Fresh Cut Grass's horrible situations and end up staging a mutiny.
...Which turns into more of a massacre of most of Mean Captain's crew. Two witches on a mission and one very angry Titan blood unleashed is a lot to contend with. Especially when the little robit is keeping their health up
The ship ends up under new ownership and in need of a new crew because like hell are they trusting the survivors of the old one.
Enter the rest of Bells Hells. And Milo once they sail back/to an Oderean Wilds port and depart for a quick collection trip to Jrusar
Dianna and FRIDA are acquired later when they happen to make port at the same beach town that Chetney had his fling with her at while she's bringing FRIDA there just to see the place
Prism was sent to do a survey for the Cobalt Soul at the Emon docks and ended up accidentally stowed away on The Hellion when they had to make a fast getaway. She thinks it's one of the better decisions she's made in her life
I think the fun/interesting way for the crew of The Hellion to get involved in Moon Shit is that Liliana needs to hire a ship quick for Potion of Possibility smuggling and ends up hiring The Hellion. Where she finds her daughter is the captain.
So ensues a voyage of Liliana trying to convince her daughter to go back home to Gelvaan where she'll be safe, Imogen being pissed that her mom shows up now and isn't listening to her or respecting that she's a grown-ass woman, and everyone else offering to kill Liliana the moment Imogen says 'go'
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