#in the jungle and they were a disco ball
numbfandom · 10 months
Ashton battles the age old fight: plants vs rocks
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dejaonline · 5 months
same space | shuriri x spoiled!black!fem!reader
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Summary: you and shuri have a unique romantic history—the two of you have been bonded by an “arrangement”, but it’s been a good while since you’ve seen each other last. What happens when a routine drunk call + rescue reveals that it is no longer just the two of you.
Content includes: mentions of drugs and alcohol, swearing, semi-offensive insults.
nkosazana- princess
umhle nkosazana yam- you look beautiful, my princess
Author’s note: ahh! Baby’s first fic! I am extremely nervous posting this, but i’m equally just as excited. I wanna say thank you to my baby boo @prettymrswright for all of her help and encouragement throughout the process. my tummy is achinggg (anxious girlies stand up!) but i cannot wait to hear what you guys think! thank ya’ll in advance for reading <3
Tagging some of my favsss: @prettymrswright @sapphicvqmpires @kisskourt @inmyheadimobsessed @pvnks0ul @vampzxi @quintessencewrites
Shuri took a deep breath, bracing herself for the chaos awaiting her just behind the heavy doors of the mansion. She could feel the music up through her arm as she pushed through the barrier.
She stepped inside and took in her surroundings. Glitter covered the marble floors, shimmering beneath the beams of light coming from one of the many disco balls hanging down from the high ceilings. A neon ‘Studio 54’ sign was mounted on the wall surrounded by vintage photographs and abstract art pieces.
To the left was a dimly-lit lounge with large, plush earth-toned couches and loveseats. People dressed in rhinestone covered jumpsuits and bell bottoms were socializing throughout the space, some smoking or sitting at the bar with decorated martini glasses.
The young royal ventured down a dark hallway to the right of her, following the sound of music emitting from the commodious ballroom. Colorful rays of light bounced off the walls and beneath Siri’s black boots, multi-colored tiles danced around to the beat.
The queen stood out amongst the sea of metallic gogo boots and fringe. Her slender frame was concealed beneath a black, oversized blazer and perfectly tailored pants to match. Her wandering eyes hid behind her favorite pair of black shades.
Shuri did her best to avoid getting sandwiched between a couple of inebriated bodies thrashing around her. She swiveled her head, attempting to locate you amongst the crowd until finally spotting you.
You were tucked away in a roped off section, attention focused on someone sitting dangerously close to you in the conversation pit. In the center sat a glass table, littered with empty liquor bottles, ashtrays, and assorted sizes of plastic bags. Your smooth, rich skin was covered in a sheer, floor length gown. Diamonds cascaded in detailed patterns across the fabric and tufts of feathers decorated the sleeves and hem, sweeping the silver open-toed platform heels on your feet. Your fresh braids lay parted down the center, hanging down to your lower back. You looked opulent and sexy in the iconic gown. The shimmer on your eyelids and glossy lips catching the light.
You sat with your legs crossed, one arm stretched out beside you and the other resting on your thigh while you sat back engaged in a conversation with a girl in a beaded mini dress. You watched her lips as she chatted about..stuff.
Your liquor induced arousal was immediately redirected once you caught sight of the slim figure looming behind the stranger.
“I hate to cut you off baby, but my ride is here.”
You eyed Shuri from head to toe, lingering on the bit of exposed chest behind her blazer. You leaned forward to plant a quick kiss on the girl's left cheek before standing to take Shuri’s awaiting hand.
She pressed her palm against the small of your back, steadying you.
“You okay to walk, nkosazana?”
You looked to Shuri with big, pleading eyes and she took the hint. She wrapped one of your arms around the back of her neck and scooped you up into her arms bridal style.
The two of you made your way back to the entrance. You were highly intoxicated and giggling in Shuri’s hold, your head pressed against her chest. You caught a whiff of her signature scent, the mix of sweetness and musk that you recognized as Tom Ford Vanille Fatale. You bought it for her a while back and it had been her favorite ever since.
Meanwhile, Shuri was playing it cool, trying not to make it obvious how happy she was to have you this close again. She cracked a smile at how easily tickled you became at her praise.
Although the noise level had significantly quieted down, Shuri whispered into you again.
“You look beautiful, my love.”
Another giggle escaped you and it was music to Shuri’s ears.
“Thank you, shuri bear”
“I thought I told you to stop calling me that, y/n” Shuri huffed before letting you down, her still wrapped around you until the swaying ceased.
“Oh, by the way, this is Riri.”
Shuri softly tapped on the tinted window, prompting the stranger to roll it down.
Riri sat stone-faced and unamused. Her sharp jaw clenched in annoyance before she threw an uninterested two finger wave your way. She still had not looked in your direction, but your gaze locked in on her. She sat slouched in the front seat of Shuri’s Maserati Quattroporte, wearing a baggy denim jacket over a tight fitting white crop top with matching baggy jeans.
Your attention focused on the neat star design braided into the side of her head and the joint tucked behind her ear.
Even drunk, you could sense that she didn’t like you. Or at least she didn’t care much for you. She didn’t even know you, how could she not like you?
“You good, Cher?”
Riri’s low voice pulled you from your thoughts and you tightened up immediately, flipping your braids back and straightening out your dress. You wouldn’t let her see you sweat, but can admit you were impressed she caught the reference. You threw on a fake smile before bending down to reach her level.
‘You’re in my seat, Riri—“
Before she could respond Shuri snatched you away from the window.
“Hey watch the dress!” You shouted.
Shuri pulled you around to the driver’s side pushing you up against the side of the car. You yanked your arm out of her grip.
“The fuck was that for?”
Shuri stepped closer to you, the front of her body touching yours.
“Riri is my girlfriend, she’s not riding in the back.”
You stared blankly at Shuri as your thoughts began to race again.
Girlfriend? When did this happen? How did this happen?
It seemed Shuri could read your mind.
“We can talk about this later. Just sit in the back and be good for me, please? Riri likes to fight.”
Shuri opened the back door, helping you inside. She was about to close the door, but stopped to pop her head back inside the vehicle, taking your chin between her thumb and index finger.
“Play nice” she whispered
Your eyes followed Shuri as she hopped back into the front seat. The engine purred to life and the three of you were off.
You stared out the window at the star lit sky, watching the lavish residence disappear from view, thinking back to the last time you had seen Shuri.
Four months ago the two of you were inseparable. Showing up to parties together, showering each other with gifts, sneaking away to private islands. It may have seemed extravagant to others, but it was a lifestyle the two of you were accustomed to.
You enjoyed your time together, but both parties especially enjoyed the freedom that came with not committing.
It was no secret that you and Shuri had undeniable chemistry. She would do anything for you, go anywhere with you.
The reason you weren’t in Riri’s position was because you didn’t need to be. Girlfriend or not, Shuri was never really out of reach. Your history ran deep and you had been through a lot together. Somewhere down the line, friends became more and things became romantic.
You both saw other people, nothing serious. Shuri usually had a few girls on rotation. It didn’t really bother you because she would abandon whomever she was using to occupy her time with to be with you.
It was one of the things you loved most about her. She was kind and attentive, kept you in check, never let you get lazy or unfocused.
On top of that she really knew how to f—
“-uck is she back there daydreaming about?” Riri snapped.
“She does that a lot” Shuri laughed.
“You wanna hit this or not? Don’t got all night.”
Riri held the lit joint between her fingers, pointing it in your direction.
“Thanks.” You replied dryly
You took it from her, then began to examine the bubblegum pink rolling paper.
“You roll this, Riri?”
“Yeah. Problem?”
You didn’t miss the small smirk that crept upon her face as she awaited your response.
“You used my rolling papers.” You stated matter-of-factly.
Your voice came out more shrill than you intended.
Shuri cut her eyes to you through the rear view mirror. It was a look you had come to learn was a silent warning.
“You left them behind the last time you were over, nkosazana”
You looked back over to Riri, who had now cracked a full blown smile. She watched in amusement as you took a long drag, letting the smoke fill your lungs.
You blew a path directly at her with the remaining smoke, letting it drift around her chiseled face and creating the illusion of her sitting among the clouds.
Her gaze had yet to leave yours. She was studying you: the way your nose scrunched up in annoyance, how your plump lips seemed to always sit in a permanent pout, and fixating on the way your chest increasingly rose and fell.
Maybe it was the weed or maybe it was the fact that Riri was stunning. Her eyes were intense as they bore into you, it made you nervous. It also made you extremely horny.
The car finally rolled into Shuri’s garage. And although you felt a suffocating heaviness in the vehicle, neither you nor Riri moved. You both knew better than to touch your own door handle.
Shuri went for your door first. You stepped out and pushed right past her, leaving no room for conversation. The clicking of your heels echoed throughout the vast garage as you stormed off, hips swaying beneath your dress.
The couple silently watched your figure stride past the rows of parked vehicles and vanish behind the door, making your way inside the house.
Shuri sighed deeply, carefully contemplating her next move. She grabbed Riri’s hands and kissed her knuckles before guiding her inside.
Inside, you made a b-line straight for the kitchen. You swung open one of the cabinets just above your head, snatching a wine glass from inside before slamming it shut.
Shuri was leaned up against the wall, right next to the small space that housed her impressive wine collection. Her eyes traveled down to the glass in your hand and she rolled her eyes, turning to grab the handle.
She disappeared inside, a look of contemplation on her face as she scanned the rows of bottles. Finally, she reached for a 1973 Chateau Montelena Chardonnay. She sauntered toward you, sending you a cryptic smile before heading right for the same cabinet you were just abusing.
In her hand she held two more wine glasses.
“I taught you better than that, y/n.” She teased.
Shuri made her way into the living room and you followed behind.
Riri sat alone on one of the couches, her hand rested over her face.
Shuri stood before you two, looking as beautiful as ever, oozing with charm and sex appeal. She set two of the glasses down, prompting you to add yours to the mix. You jumped at the ‘pop’ of the cork, anxious to have the glass back in your grasp.
“I think we should play a game, get to know each other a little better.” Her accent was thick, but it was no match for the tension in the air.
“And why would we do that?” You questioned.
The last thing you were interested in doing was learning anything about Riri. You felt you had gathered enough information about her from the ride to Shuri’s place: her name and the fact that she has a nasty attitude. Which is rich coming from you.
“Because, princess,” Shuri paused as she filled each glass. “If I’m going to keep both of you in my life, I want you two to bond, learn to get along.” She passed one to Riri, then you, before picking up the last for herself.
Before she could take a sip, her kimoyo beads hummed to life, signaling that someone was trying to contact her.
“I’ll be right back” was all she said before rushing out of the room.
Silence once again fell upon the house. You sipping from your glass, Riri staring you down from across the room. She was the first to speak up.
“So, what escort service did she find your ass from?”
You choked on your drink, appalled at the accusation.
“What the fuck did you just say to me, Keebler elf?”
You were trying to keep your voices down, afraid Shuri would hear from wherever she ran off to.
Riri stood up from her seat, coming face to face with you.
“There’s no way someone would be desperate enough to cling onto someone with a whole ass girlfriend the way that you do without getting paid for it.”
You stood your ground, pushing your upper body up to meet Riri halfway, mere inches away from her face.
“And you’d have to be one dumb bitch to think that title has any meaning.”
Before you could register the end of that exchange, Shuri grabbed you up for the second time that night, dragging you down the corridor and into a guest room. She slammed the door behind her, shoulders raising and dropping as she breathed heavily.
Stupidly, you opened your mouth to defend yourself.
“Shuri, that’s not fair, she was being awful to me—“
“I do not care! That is my partner, you do not speak to her like that. You disrespect her, you disrespect me. You’re lucky she even allowed you to step foot in our home!”
Our home. Your throat tightened at the sound. You were starting to feel sick.
“I should have told you earlier, I’m sorry.”
Shuri kneeled in front of you, taking your hands into hers.
“I met Riri a while back, when I went on that trip to Massachusetts.”
“That was six months ago.” You were trying to keep up with the timeline of events that Shuri was explaining to you.
“Yes. We kept in touch, nothing serious.” She peered up at you, waiting for your reaction.
“Go on.”
She cleared her throat before continuing.
“Of course you know, I got this place here in New York to be closer to you. But then I had to return home for a while.”
Things were starting to add up. You remembered having to say goodbye to Shuri, how much you had missed her over the last 4 months.
“Riri came to help me in the lab and we grew to enjoy each other's company. Not in the way that I’m used to, this was real. We made things official and when all the chaos settled, I asked her to return to the city with me.”
You were speechless for a moment, taking in Shuri’s words. You didn’t find yourself being angry, you had no right. The two of you were never exclusive and until a few weeks ago, you didn’t even entertain the thought of it. It had never bothered you that Shuri preferred an open relationship, but hearing that she was serious about Riri struck you to your core.
“Does she know?” You whispered.
“About us?” You nodded in response.
“Yes, I told her up front. My love for you never ceases. No matter who I am with, no matter where I go. You may not have chosen me, my love, but I will always choose you.”
Classic Shuri, girl always had a way with words.
“So how does this work?”
“Riri doesn't care for monogamy, that is how this even works in the first place. We’ll have to set some boundaries, of course, but I believe that we can figure this out. You just have to trust me, okay?”
It was a lot to consider. To say that you and Riri were at odds was an understatement, and establishing mutual tolerance would take some work. But you saw how much this meant to Shuri.
“I missed you, Shuri” you said honestly. Fatigue began to overcome you, and Shuri knew she didn’t have much longer to converse with you.
You laid back onto the bed while Shuri removed your heels. She covered you with a blanket and bent down towards your face. Your eyelids grew heavier with each passing second.
“We’ll talk some more in the morning. Get some rest now. Did I already tell you how beautiful you look?”
“Yeah, but you can tell me again.”
A big smile broke across Shuri’s face. She placed soft kisses on your cheeks, one after another, and lingered as she made contact with your forehead.
“umhle nkosazana yam”
It was the last thing you heard before sleep carried you off.
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an-darth-maiden · 6 months
Introducing myself and giving an explanation.
Hi everyone! 🙋🏻‍♀️
My name is Ana, but you can call me An or Annie.
I'm Mexican.🇲🇽
I like many things like animals, read history, classic novels, esoteric stuff and magic, manga, watch anime, belly dance, music, tv shows and movies, videogames.
Some of my favorite things are:
Animals like felines and canines (ALL OF THEM!), bats, hummingbirds, crows, rabbits, bears.
History:Ancient Egypt (everything about that time), and other historical periods (Middle ages, Ilustration era, Victorian era).
About the cultures of my country I love the Aztec (Mexica) culture, Mayan culture, Toltec culture and others.
My favorite books are:
The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson, The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde and Dracula by Bram Stoker.
Other books I love that are on Spanish are "Cuentos de la selva" (Jungle tales) by Horacio Quiroga
"El Diosero" by Francisco Rojas González .
About the Esoteric stuff, I'm a Tarot and Oracle reader, I learn and practice Reiki, I love quartz, rocks and minerals for spiritual, magic and therapeutic uses, talismans and charms, candles, dowsing with pendulum, astrology.
Anime I like Yu-Gi-Oh, InuYasha, Saint Seiya, Sailor Moon, Card captor Sakura, Record of Ragnarok, Naruto, Dragon Ball Z (just to mention a few).
I'm not a belly dancer, but I really enjoy belly dance (oriental dance). I practice at home by the moment. I hope I could go to a dance academy someday.
I like the Egyptian style. Particularly, the Golden era period. Some of my favorite dancers are Souhair Zaki, Samia Gamal, Tahiya Carioca.
Music: I like the music of the past century, specially since the 70's till 90's. I like disco and funk, classic rock, hard rock, glam metal, heavy metal, but also the New Wave or Pop music.
My favorite singer is Michael Jackson.
And my favorite band is Guns N ' Roses.
Tv shows and Movies I watch a lot. I like animated shows and movies, action and superhero, some comedies, medical drama, police drama, supernatural shows.
My favorite films are Alice in wonderland (animated and Tim Burton's version), The Prince of Egypt, Beauty and the Beast, The Mummy and The Mummy returns, Hitch, School of Rock, The Nightmare before Christmas, Sam Raimi's Spiderman films, Star Wars franchises.
My favorite shows are Looney tunes, Powerpuff girls, Arrow , Friends, The Big Bang Theory, House M.D , E.R, Law and Order Special Victims Unit, White collar, Supernatural, Charmed.
This last year, I've been watching a lot of K-drama. I'm really enjoying it.
Videogames like Castlevania ( I like both, videogames and the Netflix TV shows), Halo, Mortal Kombat, Devil May Cry for example.
I had a Tumblr account with the same name before. It was fully dedicated as a fan blog of Castlevania. Many of the things that I had were some of my silly memes about Castlevania Netflix (most of them about Alucard).
I deleted the account because I was very inactive here and I felt a little bit limited by just post about Castlevania.
Sometimes I reblogged the nice drawings of friends that are here, sometimes I shared about ancient Egyptian history, but not so often.
After deleting the account, I didn't feel well about leave this place, so, I decided to create an account and start all over again.
I want to use this place to connect with people that enjoy the same things that I do.
So, I hope find again the cool friends who are still here, but at the same time, find new friends.
With the time, I'll be re-posting the material of Castlevania that I posted before, just in case there's someone interested.
For the last, I want to share some pictures of my favorite things.
Thanks for your attention.
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jessmess13 · 1 month
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A safe haven. That’s what her bedroom was. Everyday the second she walked through the doors of her house after school, she walked straight into her room pulled up some make up tutorials on YouTube and spent the whole evening applying and reapplying make up. That was her escape from reality. A small way to pretend she was someone else. Even just for a second.
She hated herself. That started in Kindergarten when her neighborhood friends started calling her “fat pig.”
They thought it was funny. She cried herself to sleep. The next day she woke up, put on her pink sequin princess dress and played alone in the backyard. The backyard had a forest of sunflowers that sprouted out of no where that summer. They freshly moved to Colorado, so the weather changes where still a shock from the normal average 70 degree weather California had to offer. The sunflowers glistened a beautiful yellow orange color as the sun itself reflected on them. The flowers stood taller than the fence that surround the apartment. That turned into her jungle gym that day, as she shifted through the flowers collecting earthworms in her bucket as she twirled around pretending to be in a fairy princess land far far away. Worm Princess. That’s what she called herself. These wiggly little creatures were her new friends. That’s all she needed.They were taller than the fence.
A flicker back to reality as she stared into the mirror in front of her. Staring at the dark circles under her eyes, the frizz from her dark curly hair, the red marks from teenage acne, her potato shaped birthmark. Imperfections. She reached for her foundation that was just a shade or 2 to light for her skin tone. She grabbed a brush and started smearing the foundation covering everything she disliked. Making her look as pale as a ghost. Or in her eyes… Snow White. The fairest princess of them all.
She started to reminisce on her freshman year. She started the year being surrounded by friends. Laughing non stop. Talking about fall out boy and panic at the disco. Brendon Urie and Pete Wentz. The latest they we read in Fruits Basket, and passing notes to read a write back for next period. She started band even, just to try something new. Her step dad played clarinet in band, and she wanted to be just like him. Except… she was not musically talented… she she got put in charge of the electronics. She was okay with that though, it helped her stage fright. Until her very first foot ball game, she never realized what a big crowd there would be. Her best band mate though created a joke with her and would yell “Chicken Orangatang” randomly just to see the surrounded faces reactions. That was a great distraction.
A few months into the year, that all dramatically changed. A friend let her borrow an iPod during computer lab, and when she wasn’t paying attention it was stolen. She felt so bad. She didn’t even know how to tell her friend. She went to the teacher, to the office, she did what she could. And once she broke the news, the whole world flipped upside down. She went from being surrounded by friends to hiding alone behind the W wing. Drawing pictures. Writing stories. All with tears streaming down her face. Alone.
Until one day a random boy starts sitting with her. She knew exactly who he was… her old friends crush. He was always alone too, he was friends with everyone but hung out with no one. Tall. Dirty blonde hair. Bright blue piercing eyes. And everyday he wore almost exactly the same thing. Khaki pants and a white t shirt. They never said to much to each other. But the presence of each other was calming enough. One day he referred to her as Snow White. Her face lit up! Little did he know how badly she wished she was a princess, surrounded by animals, her own kingdom, her own Prince Charming, and eventually a get a way from the “evil” she had surrounding her. Her smile after his comment when ear to ear showing every out of place tooth she had.
But she also knew at that moment she was falling for him. That was her old friends crush. She couldn’t do that do her. So she quickly ended things. Once again leaving her alone behind the w wing.
Tears started to fall down her face, leaving tear stripes. She let out a big sigh. One bad habit she always had was ruining and smearing her make up during the applying process. Clumsy. Why can’t she control herself enough to not make a mess of things? Everything she touched being destroyed. The older she got the more used to it she was getting. She smudged a little more foundation on filling in the missing areas. She pulled out her eyeshadows trying to find a blue one to match the make up she was trying to match in the video. All she wanted more than anything was to be a beautiful princess.
An accepted one. One that no body questioned, one that nobody can pick apart, one that actually felt needed and surrounded by people.
You see, her make up obsession was so much more than what it appeared to be. Everyone who ever “loved” her left, whether it be family or friends. Playing make believe in the mirror was her happy place, to be whoever she wanted to be. As long as it wasn’t herself.
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camelcashcasino · 1 year
Experience the Crazy Adventures of Camel Cash Casino
Stress is a constant motion in our daily lives nowadays. And the greatest stress busters are the games. These games help us to release the most of our stress and increase the dopamine level. One such game that has proven to be the best among all is Camel Cash Casino. A casino game that takes you on a fun ride.
Being a casino game, this game does not involve real money. The game offers a reasonable amount of virtual coins to its players at their arrival. You can start placing your bets on the games using these coins. And as you level up, you win more such coins in your journey.
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Furthermore, as we all know, visiting a traditional casino can be very exhausting for the many of us. Because, we tend to lose a lot of our virtual gold whilst on this visit. To get you out of this agony, the idea of social casino games emerged. The developers made it possible for all the players to visit a casino virtually.
Moreover, the experience is surreal. To mention a few perks of Camel Cash, the game recently introduced 3 new slot machines. The graphics are so realistic, that you would feel like sitting in front of a real slot machine. Plus the sound quality is mesmerizing. In addition to this, there are more benefits to this game.
Simple gaming interface
The very first and best part of Came Cash is that it brings a pretty easy gaming layout for the players. As it is pretty obvious that any game with a challenging UI is not liked by the players. Especially by the working community.
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Adding to this, the game also introduced 3 new slot machines recently. These are Robinhood of the Jungle, Farm Jackpot and Spooky Ghost. Furthermore, you can place your bets on Midas Touch, Kitty the Invader, The Mash Show, Jewel Bonanza, Vampire Fortune, The Hord of Orcs and many more slot machines.
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Plus, you can also turn to these games when you get bored of continuous slots and casino games. The trio of Lucky Disco Balls Mania, FunHouse Pinball and Beer Mania Fortune is your best option. So, play mini games in order to kill boredom or gain more coins.
In conclusion, Camel Cash is the single destination for all your casino game cravings. You can earn as many coins as possible and get rich with just spinning the wheel. Besides, playing these games are super easy. You just have to spin the wheel and let your luck do the rest.
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Download Now
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You Saved Me - Derek Hale x fem!reader part 15
Derek and I had taken off after the Kanima on foot. Stiles and Scott followed in his Jeep. We made it to an abandoned parking lot, halting a moment. 
“You stay behind and wait for Scott, I’ll follow the scent this way.” He took off over the fence as Stiles and Scott pulled up. Scott got out, and jumped over the fence. I followed behind him down the tunnel. 
“Okay! I’ll be here!” I heard Stiles yelled. I caught up to Scott, and we both ran in the direction of hissing and growling. 
“Where’s-” He came to a halt and froze. I skidded to a stop as well. Gerard Argent stood there, almost like he had been waiting. Well, there goes my alibi of not being a werewolf, but odds are he already knows. We took off in the opposite direction, eventually finding a boiler room below a nightclub.
“Why the hell is Gerard here?” I panted. 
He shook his head, “I have no idea.”
“What do we do now?”  We turned around and yelped. Stiles was standing behind us. 
“Sorry, sorry.” He apologized, “Did you see where he went?”
“We lost him.” Scott panted, resting his head against the red brick wall. 
“What? You can’t catch his scent?”
“I don’t think he has one.” 
I leaned against the wall, “That’s how he gets the jump on us, we can’t smell him coming like any other werewolf.”
“Alright, any clue where he’s going?” 
“To kill someone.” Scott narrowed his eyes at Stiles. 
“ Ah. That explains the claws, and the fangs, and all that. Good. Makes perfect sense now. “ Stiles’ voice dripped with sarcasm. Scott continued to stare. 
“What? Scott, come on. I'm one hundred and forty-seven pounds of pale skin and fragile bone- sarcasm is my only defense!” 
I looked him up and down, “You’re only a hundred and forty-seven pounds? We gotta bulk you up for the finals, you’re gonna get killed out there.”
“Not the time for lacrosse advice, (Y/N).” 
“Yup, got it.” 
“Just help me find it.” Scott said, getting frustrated with our back and forth. 
“Not “it”. Jackson.” Stiles corrected. 
“Yeah, I know. I-I know.” Scott looked around the corner. 
“All right, but does he know that? Did anybody else see him back at your house?” Stiles asked. 
“Everyone who knew saw. Lydia missed it though.” I said, trying to hear anything.
“I mean, I don't think so, but he already passed Derek's test anyway.”
“Right, because that test was so accurate.” I smirked. 
“But that's just the thing, how did he pass the test?” Stiles asked. 
"I don't know." Scott said his favorite sentence. But the fact of the matter is, there were no answers for anything. 
“Maybe it's like an either-or thing? I mean, Derek said that a snake can't be poisoned by its own venom, right? When is the Kanima not the Kanima?”
“...When it’s Jackson.” Scott and I said in unison. Stiles’ eyes went wide and his mouth was pressed firmly shut. I followed his gaze and gasped, quickly covering my mouth. Scott followed our gaze, seeing the slimy green tail of the kanima disappear into the attic of the club. 
“He’s inside.” Scott said, staring up. 
“What's he gonna do in there?” Stiles asked, peaking around my shoulder. 
“Well, I don’t think he’s looking for a date.” I said, staring at where the kanima went inside. 
"I know who he's after." Scott stared at the window.
"What? How? Did you smell something?" Stiles asked, staring at Scott. 
"Armani." Scott stated. We moved around the corner and looked inside the window of the building. The origin of the Armani just happened to be Danny. He was walking towards the entrance of the club, named Jungle. 
“Well... At least he’s getting out.” The corner of my mouth twitched up. We walked around to the other side of the club to the back door. Stiles attempted to open the back door, but alas it was locked. 
“Ah come on.” Stiles groaned, backing away from the door and looking up, “ Alright, maybe there's, like, a uh-like, a window we could climb through, or some kind of-” Stiles was cut off by Scott ripping the handle off the door and handing it to Stiles.
“...Handle that we could rip off with supernatural strength? How'd I not think of that one?” He threw the handle over his shoulder. Why was this place familiar? We all walked into the club. As we got into the actual club, we stopped. The loud music and lights reminded me of a party from high school. There were four disco balls on the ceiling surrounding one large one in the middle of the room. Beams of colored light were bouncing off the sweaty club goers. There were aerial silk dancers throughout the room, there were also shirtless men dancing on tables. That’s why I recognized the name. 
“Dude, everyone in here is a dude! I think we're in a gay club... “ Scott said, astutely observing his surroundings.” We turned back, looking at Stiles who was flocked by two drag queens. 
“Man, nothing gets past those keen Werewolf senses, huh, Scott?” Stiles said sarcastically. 
We managed to get Stiles away from the queens and over to the bar where we found Danny. But before I could make it there, another drag queen pulled me away from them. 
“Miss girl.” She drawled. This queen was all pink. Pink acrylics, pink outfit, large poofy pink wig. Her makeup was very dramatic, but in an aesthetically pleasing way. 
“Um... yes?” I cracked a nervous smile. 
“Do you know where you are? Because the lesbian night club is a town over.” She pointed towards the door. 
“I uh, my brother,” I pointed towards Stiles, “He just came out and was too nervous to come alone.” 
“Oh, how sweet.” She said, looking over at Stiles. Stiles looked back at us. The queen smiled and winked, waving dramatically. Stiles smiled back nervously and waved before turning back to the conversation they were having. 
“See, he said he wanted to go try to talk to someone alone, but he’s just so skittish.” I put my hands on my chest. 
“Well good luck, doll.” She put a hand on my shoulder, “It is the beginning of a long journey.” I smiled, watching the queen walk away. I rushed back over to Stiles. Where he was unsuccessfully trying to get a drink.  "Three beers." Stiles smiled. The bartender stared at us. 
“IDs?” We all took out our respective IDs. He stared at them, then back at us. 
“How about three cokes?” He asked. 
“Rum and Cokes!” Stiles grinned, “Sure.” The bartender looked unamused.
“...Coke's fine, actually. I'm driving, anyway.” Stiles backed down. We turned around and waited, scanning the room. 
“Your drinks are paid for.” We looked back at the bartender. He motioned his head to the end of the bar. There was an older man who smiled at us, toasting his beer to us. 
“How bi.” I smiled, waving back. Stiles looked at Scott who was trying not to laugh. 
“Awh, shut up.” Stiles glared. 
“I didn’t say anything.” Scott said innocently.
“Well, your face did.” Stiles sneered, we looked back towards the dancefloor where we saw Danny dancing. 
“Hey, I found Danny.” Stiles said. 
“I found Jackson.” Scott said. We looked up, watching Jackson stalking the ceiling, twisting and turning through wires. Right above where Danny was dancing. 
“Get Danny.” Scott said. 
“What are ya gonna do?” Stiles asked as we watched Scott’s claws come out, “Works for me.” We started maneuvering our way towards Danny’s direction. 
“Danny!” Stiles shouted over the music. Danny was dancing with a guy, but as we got closer, we lost sight of him. 
“Danny!” Stiles called again.  Smoke started coming down from the ceiling. Was there a fire? No, the smell wasn’t the same. That’s when the screaming started. I frantically looked around, trying to find anyone. Soon the smoke cleared, and there was a line of paralyzed men on the floor, Danny being one of them.  “Danny!” I called. The music was shut down and the lights had come back on. I went down on my knees to check if he was breathing. He was looking around, fear in his eyes. 
“(Y/N)?” He asked, his voice trembled. 
“That’s right, Māhealani. I’m right here.” I smiled. 
“What are you doing here?” 
“Uhhh..” I looked around, “Stiles was questioning but... I think after tonight he’s gotten his answer.” I lied. 
After questioning Danny, Scott made his way back to the jeep. I was sitting in the back, looking back at a very naked Jackson who they had found in the back of the club; naked and covered in blood and black goo.
“Couldn't get anything outta Danny." He said. 
“Okay, can we just get the hell out of here now, before one of my dad's deputies sees me?” Stiles said anxiously. Stiles started the Jeep, but a police cruiser pulled in front of the Jeep, keeping us from our escape. 
“...Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Could this get any worse?” Stiles groaned. Suddenly, Jackson groaned and sat up. 
“That was rhetorical!” Stiles sighed. We turned back towards the cop car. Scott pointed to the car, “Get rid of him.” 
“Get rid of him? We're at a crime scene, and he's the Sheriff!” Stiles said anxiously. 
“Shit.” I ducked down, realizing that if Uncle Noah saw me, it was going to be even more awkward. 
“Do something!” Scott motioned with his arms. Stiles fumbled with the door handle and got out. 
Jackson sat up in the back, “Wha-...What’s going on?” I pushed him back down. 
“Jackson. Jackson, be quiet.” Scott said urgently. He looked towards Stiles, then back to me. 
“Why didn’t you get out with Stiles?” 
“We’re not attached at the hip, ya know.” I avoided the question. 
“You know what I mean.” 
I sighed, chewing on the inside of my cheek, “I got into a fight with his dad. I told him that he wasn’t my dad and to stop acting like it.” 
“A little harsh.” He titled his head. 
“I am aware of that-” Jackson tried to sit up again. 
“What’s going on?” He groaned, holding his head. 
“I’m sorry, Jackson.”  He punched Jackson in the jaw, sending him back down. 
“Ow.” Scott winced, waving his hand. 
“Don’t be sorry. I’ve been wanting to do that this entire year.” I grinned, a little impressed. 
Stiles came back shortly, not saying a word as he started Roscoe and drove out of the parking lot. 
“What’d you tell him?” I asked, leaning between the seats. 
“I told him we took Danny clubbing because of Damon.” He sighed.
Stiles and Scott dropped me off at Scott’s house so I could get to my car and drive it back to the railroad depot. I needed to talk to Derek about what had happened tonight, if he missed it that was. He seemed to disappear after we split up. 
I need to apologize. But he also needed to explain himself. What if he had gotten to Lydia that night and killed her, what did he think I would do, accept that, especially since he was wrong? I got inside, I went up to Derek’s room. He was lounging on his bed, looking at the photos. He looked up from the photos, avoiding my gaze. 
“Derek, I’m sorry that I was trying to distract you... But I didn’t know what else I could do to stop you from killing Lydia.” I walked in, sitting on the edge of the bed, “I don’t know why she failed your test either, she must be... I don’t know, immune or something else that is immune.”
“You’re right, okay? I should have trusted your instincts.” He said, setting the pictures on the bed in front of him. I moved closer, looking at them again. He had the pictures of us together. There were three teens in the picture. Me, another girl, and Derek. She had long, dark brown hair, kind brown eyes with a very distinct beauty mark under her right eye. Flashes of her face filled my mind, smiling, laughing.
“Wait... Do I know her?” I picked up the picture, “I do know her.... That’s Paige.” Derek’s emotions rose higher: guilt and sadness. Looking back at him, I saw his face. He looked so broken. 
“Derek, what’s wrong? Did something happen to Paige?” I asked. He leaned back against the wall. 
“You were friends. She was my girlfriend.” He sighed, “She was bitten by another alpha. And she was rejecting the change. I killed her to put her out of her misery.” 
“Der...” I reached out, putting a hand on his knee. Derek sat up quickly, moving the pictures onto a box next to his bed. He pulled me closer, hugging me close to him. He rested his head against my shoulder, breathing deeply. I sighed, lightly brushing my fingers over his knuckles. Derek was followed by tragedy, plagued by guilt and fear. 
“I’m sorry.” I whispered. 
“It’s fine, you didn’t remember.” 
“Not about Paige, about everything. I just wished I could remember so I could help you more. It isn’t fair that you’re going through all of this by yourself.”
“I’m not alone.” He picked his head up off my shoulder. He brought his hand up, turning my head so I could see his eyes, “I have you. And that’s all I need.” My lips pulled up in a smile, turning so I was kneeling between his legs. 
“I love you.” The words fell off my lips like they had always been there. 
He grinned, “I love you.” His lips brushed against mine with every syllable. He pressed his lips to mine. 
Read part 16 here!
This one is a little shorter because... There really is no reason, it be like that sometimes. 
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
childhood survey by [joybucket]
You were a huge Mary-Kate and Ashley fan. You played with Barbies. You had an American Girl doll. You had a rock collection. You had a stamp collection. You loved to color with markers and write stories. You liked to play dress up.
You played house in a big dishwasher box. You loved The Jungle Book. You watched all of Mary-Kate and Ashley's "You're Invited" videos. You liked to write songs. You wrote a lot of songs, poems, and stories. You went to Disney World and loved the Magic Kingdom. You went on the Disney Cruise. You got Mickey Mouse's autograph. You had a swimming pool. You had a big backyard. You had imaginary friends. You played with your brother. You had a huge imagination. You loved to read. You loved Anne of Green Gables. Your mom read you The Little House on the Prairie books. Your mom read to you at bedtime. You enjoyed playing games on the computer. You enjoyed playing with Paint on the computer. You had Windows 95. You had a Generation Girl doll. You loved Lisa Frank. You had Lisa Frank folders for school. You listened to the Spice Girls. You listened to N Sync and The Backstreet Boys. You listened to Aaron Carter and A-Teens. You watched Nickelodeon. Your favorite shows were All That and The Amanda Show. You loved the show All That. You watched Saturday morning cartoons. You ate Lunchables. You brought a packed lunch to school. You were shy. There was fighting in your house every day. You had a dog. You loved playing with scooters in gym class. You loved playing with the big parachute in gym class. You enjoyed playing floor hockey in gym class. You hated kickball. You only got your name on the board once, and it was for an unjust reason. You hated school. You liked coloring. You loved cheese. You loved dance classes. You had bangs. Your hair was blonde. ...but now it's darker and not considered blonde anymore You loved recess. You watched Arthur. You got really excited on Christmas Day. You got really excited on your birthday. You celebrated your dolls' birthdays. You celebrated your pet's birthdays. Your parents abused you. Your brother was mean to you. You had neighborhood friends. You rode a bicycle. You owned a tie-dye shirt. You tie-dyed a shirt. You built a sandcastle. You build a snowman. You made snow angels. You went sledding down a hill. You went sledding at recess in the winter. You cheated at Heads Up 7-Up. You brought in your dog for show-and-tell. You have both good memories and bad memories from your childhood. Ultimately, you like adulthood better. You watched Kenan and Kel. You watched Nick Jr. with Face. You watched Little Bear. You watched Allegra's Window. You watched Doug, Hey Arnold!, Rocket Power, and Rugrats. You watched Clarissa Explains it All. You watched Legends of the Hidden Temple and Global Guts. You watched The Brady Bunch on Nick at Nite. You watched Figure it Out and watched people get slimed. You played with silly string. You watched Caitlin's Way, Taina, As Told by Ginger, and Cousin Skeeter. You played with legos. You had a pog collection. You watched Winnie the Pooh. You owned pleated pants. Your mom braided your hair. You had asthma. You were hospitalized for a few days. You had your tonsils taken out. You had the chicken pox. You were allergic to mosquito bites. ...one bite could make half your entire leg swell up. You loved spending the night at your grandma's house. You always beat your grandma at Tic-Tac-Toe. You were in a spelling bee. You loved swinging on the swings at recess. You played the game Camouflage at recess. You've been on some incredibly boring field trips. You played Four Square at recess. You jumped rope at recess. You owned a bag of marbles. You entered exhibits in the county fair. You were afraid of roller coasters. You went to Sunday school. You grew up wishing you had Christian parents. You enjoyed the music in church. You played with cootie catchers/fortune tellers. You started a fad at school. Your brother was obsessed with yo-yos. You read American Girl Magazine. You were homeschooled.
You loved popsicles. You loved macaroni and cheese. You won a writing contest. You won a reading contest. You played tag with other kids in your neighborhood. You played on your front lawn. You played with sidewalk chalk. You played with bouncy balls. You wish your mom had loved you. You wish your dad wasn't such a jerk. You wish your brother wasn't so mean. You wish your grandparents were nicer. You feel like you missed out on a lot of life because of how you were treated. You read Nancy Drew Notebooks. You read American Girl books. You didn't like to get dirty. You were cautious and didn't do anything too risky. Your favorite card game was Go Fish. You owned a boombox. You owned a disco light for your room. You owned a GameBoy Advance. You played with paper dolls. You owned Bratz dolls. You owned porcelein dolls. You wrote in a diary. You had your first crush when you were eight. You watched JJ the Jet Plane. You watched The Rugrats Movie in the theater. You coordinated your sippy cups to your outfits. You had a piggy bank. Your dad made you cry on numerous occasions, because he was mean. You had swimming lessons. You were a daydreamer
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zipstick-writes · 4 years
Inktober 2020 Day 2 - Wisp
Virgil had finally gotten away. Nothing had gone right; in fairness he didn't expect it to- he didn't even know why he'd tried. He had just come out as transgender to his mum and stepdad. This didn't go down too well, of course. They didn’t want their precious little girl becoming some gross abomination; yet they sure made him look like one.
Virgil pulled his hoodie tighter around him as he trudged up the hill. He had been wakling for hours now; his feet were numb. Music blasted loudly in his ears but it couldn't drown out the crying in his mind. He sat down by a narrow creek and curled into a tight ball as he cried himself to sleep.
Unsure of the time, Virgil slowly opened his eyes. His phone was dead and he awoke to sounds of whispering and fluttering. Blue light darted in and out of his peripheral. He turned around.
Floating above the water was a group of blue glowing… somethings. They were small, round, and somewhat translucent, as if they were made of fog. Little wisps of light floated around their- bodies? Virgil wasn’t really sure. All he did know was that they were like nothing he’d ever seen or heard of before.
Virgil stood up slowly and walked quietly towards the somethings. The closer he got to them, the clearer it was that they were some kind of creature. They had little faces and tiny “hands” that seemed to just be nubs.
He reached towards one of the creatures and watched, mesmerised, as it turned towards him an settled just above his outstretched hand. He brought his hand closer to his chest and the Wisp moved with it.
“Woah.” Virgil breathed. “You’re… beautiful.”
The Wisp looked up into Virgil’s face and it seemed to… smile, as if it understood him. Virgil wondered if maybe it did.
Suddenly, the Wisp grabbed onto one of Virgil’s fingers with its little hands and began tugging him into the forest.
“You want me… to follow you?”
The Wisp seemed to nod, and dear God it’s so goddamn cute.
“Okay, I guess I’m coming with you then.”
Virgil followed the Wisp for what could have been minutes, or hours, or days. He couldn’t tell, but it felt like no time had passed at all since he’d settled at that tiny creek.
They eventually reached a clearing in the seemingly endless woods. Virgil wasn’t sure if he was hallucinating. It was a small cottage, just like he’d always dreamed of living in. On the windowsills were potted flowers of all sorts of colours and leading up to the cherry-coloured door was a cobbled path lined by clovers. There was a front garden enclosed by a white picket fence. Looking into one of the windows, he could see a perfect living room with soft sofas and comfy bean bags, all covered in blankets.
It was his perfect safe space. It couldn’t be real.
The wisp dragged him by the hand towards the door and pointed to the handle, as if telling him to go inside. Virgil complied.
Inside was even more perfect that the outside. Beside the living room window on a stand was a brand-new acoustic guitar, and on a table next to it sat a stack of books of music. On the other side of the room was a bookcase filled with all his childhood favourite stories and dozens of books about nature and animals, and everything he’d always been fascinated by. Beside the bookcase was a TV linked with a DVD player, on top of which was a stack of DVDs of his favourite Disney movies. Mulan, The Jungle Book, The Princess and The Frog, The Lion King, and so many of the films he’d loved his whole life. Beside the DVD player was a Nintendo Switch with a whole assortment of games. Animal Crossing, Mario Kart, The Legend of Zelda, and too many others for his brain to take in at once.
At the end of the room was a staircase leading to the second floor, at the top of which was an oak wood door. Virgil opened it and was greeted with a bed piled with blankets and pillows, a desk with a laptop and littered with art supplies. On the other side of the room was a closet filled with soft hoodies and jumpers, and warm scarves. Beside it was a set of draws.
The top drawer was filled with t-shirts, including a stack of merch of his favourite bands, My Chemical Romance, Panic! At The Disco, and Fall Out Boy. In the drawer below it were pairs of jeans, both blue and black, some ripped at the knees.
It was like a dream come true. His perfect life handed to him as if in a fairy tale. Virgil could hardly believe it was real.
He turned back to the door, where the Wisp creature was waiting with a soft smile on its face.
“Did you… make all of this for me?”
The Wisp nodded, and floated towards Virgil before nuzzling into his chest.
“I love it. Thank you.”
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mugler88 · 5 years
Tumblr media
Mirror Mirror on the wall, where do I find the Halloween Ball??? Were having our Halloween Party Thursday Oct 31 at Plaza 739 N La Brea 8-2am Cash only, Costumes only, no hosts, no bottle service, no twats, just FUN! A proper Halloween Party! Decor theme is Haunted Disco Jungle but creativity in all forms is encouraged! More info on the Facebook event page. (at Amazônia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2p2vYHAXhZ/?igshid=rxh1h6wcbk11
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seagreen-meets-grey · 5 years
When you’re close to me Ch. 2
After the realization hit her, it was impossible for Astrid to look at him the same way anymore. (Aka being a teenager and having a crush on your best friend is the best set-up for prom night.)
[Part 1: Revelations] [Part 2: Chicken Dance]  [Part 3: Night Owls]
Crossposted on ao3 and ff.net
Astrid looked at herself in the mirror while she was brushing her teeth that night, a smile on her face that had been there constantly since lunch, since Hiccup and she had agreed to go to prom together, as friends.
It was when she spit out the rest of the toothpaste foam that it hit her. He hadn’t phrased the question specifying they only go as friends. She shook her head as if the physical motion could stop her mind from overthinking, which was usually Hiccup’s move – he was the overthinker, she was there helping out with common sense.
Astrid [10:59pm]: It’s not a date, right?
Hiccup [11:11pm]: we’re friends
It was more of a statement than an actual answer, but it was answer enough. It wasn’t a date and they would make sure of it in order to keep it from becoming awkward.
They decided that Astrid would pick him up instead of the other way around where the boy would stand at the door with a bouquet in his hands waiting for the girl to come down the stairs while her father gave him the intimidating dad talk. They agreed on no flowers and no dads. She was there at eight and texted him to come outside, and then she drove them to prom.
Fishlegs was the official photographer of the night. He insisted on the job and wouldn’t leave it to anyone else. He was head editor of the school paper and as such would provide one of the important sources. Which was why he was taking his job very seriously and wouldn’t let Hiccup and Astrid pass without taking their official prom portrait. They tried talking him out of it, but he was relentless.
Astrid rolled her eyes and stood in front of the camera, arms crossed and glaring. Hiccup came up next to her, standing close enough that their arms touched and she could smell his cologne, which flustered her for a moment. It was somehow simultaneously grounding and disarming.
He told her to smile, his voice so close to her ear that it gave her goosebumps. She met his eyes and the camera went off with a flash. Hiccup put an arm around her shoulders and she casually leaned into him, the corners of her mouth curling into a grin on their own accord. The camera flashed a second time and Fishlegs was finally pleased.
Hiccup pulled her along, his hand burning on her bare arm, leaving it tingling when he let go.
The gym at Berk High was almost unrecognizable. Lights hung everywhere, a disco ball was suspended from the ceiling, colorful flashes were dancing over the floor. There were a few tables with drinks and snacks, seating accommodations here and there, and a big dancefloor in the middle of the hall. A DJ had set up his gear on a desk in a corner, music was blaring through large speakers, and the dancefloor was already full of students.
“Welcome to the jungle,” Astrid heard a familiar voice behind her say.
“We’ve got fun and games,” another equally familiar voice joined in.
The twins Ruffnut and Tuffnut appeared, matching grins on their faces.
“We got everything you want, honey, we know the names.”
“We are the people that can find whatever you may need,” Tuffnut finished and made an exaggerated bow.
Astrid crossed her arms. “You didn’t spike anything, did you?”
“We? Never.” Hiccup gave her a look that clearly said he didn’t believe them either. “Anyway, if you two need anything – and I mean anything – you know where to find us.” With that, Tuff winked at them and disappeared into the crowd, his sister by his side.
“Someone should keep an eye on them,” Hiccup mused and Astrid wholeheartedly agreed. Judging from the look on the twins’ faces, something was clearly to go awry tonight.
The party itself turned out to be better than Astrid had anticipated. The music wasn’t awful, there were no overprotective parents playing chaperone, people weren’t showing up drunk and it seemed like the twins had not done anything to the drinks (which made her a little suspicious, but she chose not to dwell on that, for the sake of her enjoyment of the night so far).
Hiccup was right next to her most of the time. Sometimes their elbows would touch and make her all the more aware of him. She would brush her bangs out of her face and look away to hide the almost constant blush that heated up her cheeks and ears. Heather winked at her every single time which Astrid always answered with a glare.
Snotlout tried asking her to dance every time a slow song came on, but she kept shutting him down. From the corner of her eye, she could see Hiccup frown at him in an annoyed fashion. But not a single time did he ask her himself.
Tuffnut, however, did. That was, he didn’t exactly ask but simply pulled her onto the dancefloor with him. It wasn’t a slow dance and Astrid knew there were no deeper intentions there, so she let him twirl her around in an extravagant fashion until she felt dizzy.
“Snotlout doesn’t even know how to dance,” he yelled in her ear over the loud music. “And Hiccup’s too chicken to even keep eye contact with you, so your best friend Tuffnut will show you how to have a good time.”
“Thanks, Tuffnut,” she said when the song ended. He bowed and placed a kiss on her hand.
“Anytime, my fair Astrid, anytime. Hey, I love this song!” With that, he threw his head back and his hands up, yelled along to the music and started to jump and spin around. The students around him quickly moved away from him so they didn’t get hit by his flailing limbs. Soon enough, a circle formed around him while he banged his head and danced in true Tuffnut fashion.
On her way back to her friends, Astrid saw Heather talking to Hiccup somewhere off to the sides. He rubbed his neck with one hand, and she could swear there was a blush on his nervous face. When Astrid reached them, Heather winked at her and disappeared into the crowd.
Hiccup wouldn’t look at her directly when she came to stand next to him. “So, um… Nice party, huh?”
“What did Heather say to you?”
He finally looked up, his green eyes wide. “Oh, n- nothing. I’m um, I’m gonna… I’m gonna go and… And find Fishlegs! Yeah, that’s… what I’m gonna… Yeah.” And with that, he was gone. Tuffnut was still rocking the dancefloor, Heather, Snotlout and Ruffnut were nowhere to be seen, and Fishlegs was taking photos on the other side of the gym, which left Astrid to herself. She crossed her arms with a scowl. She didn’t have to think hard to guess what Heather might have said to Hiccup. And that muttonhead had panicked.
She huffed and sat down on a chair in a corner, her good mood suddenly gone. Why was he avoiding her? Since Fishlegs had taken their portrait, he hadn’t looked at her once, apart from a few short glances. He’d been by her side the whole night so far, though. Had come along when the group decided to dance. Once, he had taken both her hands and twirled her a couple times, making her dizzy in a different way than Tuff had with his moves. But immediately after, he had dropped her hands and barely said anything to her since. It was as if he couldn’t stand being close to her. It stung.
On the one hand, Astrid figured he was as nervous as she was, here on their not-date that, whatever she told herself, felt real nonetheless. They were overstepping a line. They had always been friends, exclusively. By agreeing to go on this not-date date, they had made room for the potential for more. It wasn’t just a longing idea anymore that kept them – her, at least – awake at night. This was a chance for them to make a move, to erase that line. On the other hand, the otherwise determined Hiccup was acting like a coward by flinching away from every chance he got to take a step forward in whatever it was between them.
But, as vulnerable as Hiccup could make her feel with a mere look into her eyes, she wasn’t Astrid Hofferson if she didn’t advance on her own. If he was too afraid to do something, she would do it instead.
Taking a deep breath, she made a decision. Tonight, she would make the move.
What that move was, however, Astrid wasn’t sure. Should she kiss him? Tell him about her feelings? Kiss him then? But what if he didn’t want her to? Argh! Astrid stomped her foot. She hated this uncertainty, this vulnerability. It was like Hiccup had this power over her. This power that he didn’t even know he possessed. Was he aware that he could easily break her, turn her whole world upside down? Knowing him, he would never intentionally do that. But if he hadn’t picked up on all the signs she’d been sending him during a whole year, he could have the best intentions with his actions but still unknowingly break her heart.
She nervously clenched her fist when she heard the music change to a slow song. She scanned her surroundings but couldn’t find Hiccup at first. Then the crowd parted and he dodged several couples who had started swaying to the music.
Astrid’s lips curled into a smile on their own when he sat down next to her and breathed a simple “Hey.” She felt the familiar storm of butterflies in her stomach when he held her gaze and smiled that lopsided smile of his that gave her heart palpitations on a regular basis. “Sorry for running off earlier.” He sheepishly rubbed his neck, a familiar gesture of his.
“Yeah, that wasn’t cool.” She relaxed in her seat. A simple smile and his calm voice did that to her. She raised a hand and loosely hit his shoulder with it. “That’s for leaving me alone over here.”
“Guess I deserved that.” Astrid hummed in agreement and they fell into a comfortable silence. It wasn’t until the song was almost over that she remembered her plan. She just needed to ask him. Just a single dance. Now, before the song was over. But when she turned to him and opened her mouth, the words already on her tongue, and he looked back at her with these big green eyes, freckles barely visible in the dim light, she froze, stuck under his questioning gaze. And when she shook herself out of it, it was already too late, the beat faster, the chance missed. Astrid inwardly cursed.
“What is it?” Hiccup asked, still looking at her.
“Oh, nothing,” Astrid brushed her bangs out of her face, “I just wanted to ask if you… wanted something to drink.” She could have sworn he looked disappointed for a second, but then he nodded, smile back on his face.
With ABBA playing in the background, they made their way to the drink stand, choosing between water, soda, and something ominous with a bright blue color. It tasted as predicted – too sweet and too fake, and weirdly sour at the same time. Astrid downed the whole cup all in one go and flushed the strange taste in her mouth away with water. Hiccup was silently sipping his coke, flashing her tight smiles whenever she looked over.
Astrid wished the twins had done something to the drinks. Maybe a little alcohol would calm her nerves and make this less awkward. Hiccup’s simple presence made her feel energetic, powerful, like she was on fire, and extraordinarily nervous at the same time. She cursed her adolescent hormones. One glance from him and she wanted to step closer, closer, until their bodies touched, until their lips collided, and closer, always closer and – and she wished she had a beer, or maybe six, right now. To make it easier to be around him while he was in this tux, jacket thrown over his shoulder, the sleeves of his button-down rolled up, flashing lights illuminating his face. Astrid wished it were easier to just ask Hiccup such a simple question as–
“Do you… want to dance?”
She blinked in surprise and stared at his outstretched hand, then at his wide, hopeful eyes. It took her an embarrassing time of several seconds to fully register what was happening.
Her heartbeat took up a notch when she placed her hand in his and walked with him to the dancefloor. She hoped he didn’t feel her racing pulse or noticed the blush creeping on her face when she realized this was a slow song.
The world around her blurred and faded when she put her hands on Hiccup’s shoulders and felt his coming around her waist. They started swaying to the music, soon finding their own rhythm.
Astrid was aware of every smallest movement of her fingers where they were lying on his shoulders, felt the fabric of his shirt, and realized she was gripping a little too hard. She felt the warmth of his hands through her dress. Her waist was the source of millions of tingles shooting through her body, her heart was racing, her stomach dropping out with every little shift of his fingers, with every time their eyes met. Somehow, they managed to not trip or step on each other’s toes, like this rhythm was specifically designed for them.
Hiccup pulled her closer ever so slightly, green eyes full of affection, and an overwhelming wave of fondness spread in her chest. She managed to break away from his gaze, put her hands around his neck and lay her head on his shoulder. She breathed in his scent, a mix of cologne, shampoo, and something distinctively Hiccup. Closing her eyes, she buried her nose in his neck while his hands snaked around her back.
Astrid didn’t remember the last time she felt so content, so safe and so warm. As a matter of fact, she didn’t remember anything, couldn’t think about anything. There was just her and Hiccup and Phil Collins. Right now, a comet could destroy the earth, everything could burn down, aliens could invade Berk, her whole world could shatter – nothing mattered except Hiccup’s arms around her, hugging her tightly.
In this moment, she didn’t give a damn about how cliché it sounded that she felt his heartbeat sync with hers. For all she cared, a director could yell cut when the song ended and wrap some high school rom-com she and Hiccup were unknowingly starring in as leads. In fact, she never wanted the song to end, willed the DJ to put in on loop.
But her wish didn’t come true. The song faded into a fast, more upbeat one. Reluctantly, she let go of Hiccup, taking a step back, her fingers twitching to reach out for his hands. She could feel her heart in her throat when she met his eyes again and swallowed. All of a sudden it was hard to breathe when he looked at her that intensely.
“Wanna get some air?” she managed to say while her brain was still caught in the fog of being so close to Hiccup. He nodded and they weaved their way through the crowd and out the doors.
As soon as they got outside, Astrid’s heart slowed down to a normal pace. It was already dark, the last remnants of light on the horizon disappearing while more stars appeared every time she blinked. She took a deep breath. The air was fresh and smelled like rain. And sure enough, the first clouds were blanketing the sky in the far distance.
A few students were standing in groups around the entrance to the gym, lit only by the light coming from inside and the screens of their phones. Astrid ignored their curious glances and kept walking, Hiccup trailing close behind her. She’d never really cared for high school gossip and would certainly not start tonight. Besides, one of them was one of the girls that had tried asking Hiccup to prom, and it took Astrid a lot of willpower to not turn around and meet that girl’s seething glare with a victorious smirk. Her dignity knew better.
They strolled along the school grounds in comfortable silence. Hiccup had his hands in the pockets of his pants, his jacket still over his shoulder. Astrid wondered how it had not fallen off yet and if he even knew it was there. She wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t. Every once in a while, their arms brushed, but Astrid didn’t flinch away. She could feel his eyes on the side of her face and was glad that it was dark. Her cheeks were burning from a combination of the hot, stuffy air inside the gym and Hiccup’s attention.
“You look great, by the way,” Hiccup said when they passed the garden club’s flowerbed. “I really like your hair down like that.”
Astrid felt her ears flush and twirled a strand of hair on a finger. “Thanks. You look really nice, too.”
Hiccup rubbed his neck shyly and Astrid already sensed a protest coming, but for once he actually accepted a compliment like that without talking himself down in a sarcastic way. “Thanks.”
A sudden cool breeze hit her and she tried to suppress a shiver, but Hiccup saw it. “Here,” he said, took the jacket off his shoulder – so he did know it was there – and put it around hers.
“Thanks,” she murmured and slipped her arms through the sleeves. The shivering stopped immediately. It smelled like Hiccup.
She shot him a smile as they approached the set of swings they’d spent most of sophomore year on, mostly with the whole gang, sometimes just the two of them after last period, talking and joking around for hours. She remembered one day when her mother had called her asking where she was and Astrid realized it was past eight already, the sun dipping down on the horizon.
She sat down on the right swing – her swing – and Hiccup plopped down on the left one. They just sat there silently reminiscing for a while.
“I guess that song goes into our playlist, huh?” Hiccup said eventually.
“Really?” Astrid played nonchalant, “you think it was special enough?” Even in the dark, she could see the panic on his face as he tried to backpedal.
“Oh, well no, I mean yeah, I mean if you don’t–“
Astrid chuckled. “Hiccup, it’s okay. I’m kidding.” She couldn’t hear his exhale, but it was evident in the way his shoulders untensed. Jumping off the swing, she slowly started walking again. “It was nice.”
“Yeah.” He smiled his lopsided smile at her as he caught up with her and bumped his shoulder against hers. She bumped back harder.
“Hey!” Hiccup complained. “Violence!”
“Communication,” Astrid insisted and earned herself a chuckle.
“Then tell me, what are you communicating?” Hiccup asked.
“Well, what do you think?”
“I don’t know, give me a hint, maybe.” Did this count as flirting? Astrid wasn’t sure, but she liked it.
“I’ve given you plenty of hints, Haddock.” She didn’t wait for him to answer. There was another subject she wanted to bring up. “What did Heather say to you earlier?”
Astrid expected him to avert his gaze, maybe rub his neck or start rambling. Instead, he looked her dead in the eye. “Well, what do you think?”
Her fist hit his shoulder. “That’s for using my words against me.” She hit him again. “And that’s for not dancing with me sooner.”
Hiccup rubbed the spot she’d hit and pursed his lips. “You didn’t dance with me, either.”
“Because you were avoiding me!”
“I wasn’t– This isn’t even supposed to be a real date, remember?”
“Oh, really?”
“What is that supposed to mean?” His arms were flailing around more than usual while he was talking.
“You tell me!”
Hiccup sighed. “Are we really having this argument right now?”
“Why can’t you just tell me what’s going on?” Astrid asked, softer, hoping. They’d made their way over the school grounds by now and had reached the other side of the gym. A few lights were illuminating a small area near the back exit. Astrid could see Hiccup’s forehead crease, his brows furrow, as he looked at her for a long time. She gulped down the sudden fear of rejection that wormed its way into her heart. Whatever Hiccup would say or do now, however vague it would be, it could go only one of two directions. Either it was a hint that he felt the same way about her like she did about him – or that he didn’t.
“I-” he began, the rest of the sentence getting stuck in his throat, for once lost for words. His eyes darted down her face. “Your lips are still blue,” he mumbled. Astrid traced her tongue over them. They tasted like sugar.
She wondered what his would taste like if she inched closer. If she leaned in, tilted her head a little, shut her eyes and–
“Hiccup, my man!”
Astrid and Hiccup jumped apart. She released a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding. He ran a face over his hand with a sigh as he turned around and faced the source of the interruption.
“Yes, pal, it’s me. Welcome to the jungle!”
Ruffnut appeared by his side, a wicked grin on her face. “We’ve got fun and games.”
“We got everything you-“
“You do know what that song is about, right?” Hiccup interrupted Tuff with a raised eyebrow and crossed his arms.
“Sure we do,” Ruff said, “that’s why he have–” she pointed with both her hands at her brother who opened his jacket, revealing pockets full of condoms, “these.”
“We already provided our service to three couples,” Tuff added. “If anything, we’re the safe angels of Berk High prom.”
Astrid rolled her eyes. “I don’t even want to know the details.” She turned to Hiccup defeatedly. “Let’s just get back inside.”
“You know where to find us!” Ruffnut shouted after them as they rounded the corner, disappearing from the twins’ sight.
Astrid sighed. The moment was ruined. Neither of them brought up what had just almost happened while they took the shortest path back to the party. Her heart was racing again. Being around Hiccup was probably bad for her health.
But that had been it, right? They had almost kissed. She tried to remember if it had been just her who had leaned in or if he had as well. He had, hadn’t he? All at once, Astrid wasn’t so sure. But he hadn’t pulled away, either, right? She groaned inwardly.
“The twins are one of a kind, huh.” She turned her head to look at Hiccup. The expression in his eyes was unreadable, which Astrid found absolutely frustrating. Usually, she was able to read him like a book. But if she were to guess, he was equally unsure about what to do or say in this situation. There was no way he could interpret what the twins had interrupted the wrong way. The question was how he felt about it.
“Sure are,” Astrid answered as he opened the door, paused for a second and then awkwardly held it open for her.
“Milady,” he mumbled and waved her inside.
Her heart skipped a beat at the nickname as she shuffled past him. The loud music and stuffy air immediately greeted her as soon as she stepped inside the gym. After the cool, quiet atmosphere outside, she felt like entering a different world. She soon found Heather talking to Fishlegs near the snacks and trudged over to them.
“Where have you been?” her friend asked her when she entered earshot. “And what are you wearing?”
It was then that Astrid noticed she was still wearing Hiccup’s jacket. “Oh, right,” she muttered and took it off before giving it back to Hiccup who had followed her over. “Thanks,” she said, brushing her bangs out of her face.
“You’re welcome.” He smiled and took it from her. Their fingers touched ever so slightly but the spark was intense, nonetheless. Astrid swallowed.
Heather looked at her with a teasing grin and leaned forward to whisper something in her ear. “I’m sensing sexual tension.”
“Heather!” Astrid hissed under her breath, knowing she was blushing before she felt it. She shot the boys a glance. Hiccup averted his eyes quickly and Fishlegs had turned in the other direction, shooting more photos with his camera.
“He’s blushing,” Heather whispered in a sing-song voice.
“Shut up,” Astrid answered in the same way. “What even did you say to him earlier?”
Heather chuckled. “Don’t worry, it wasn’t related to… you know.”
Astrid eyed her warily. “Related to what?”
Heather winked at her in the most suggestive manner. “The sex dream.”
Astrid whipped around and pulled her friend away from the boys, far away, to the other side of the gym, where there was no chance they could hear them, see them, read their lips or use any other way to find out what the two girls were talking about.
“You will never ever talk about this to anyone, least of all Hiccup!” She gave Heather her very best glare. “I told you that in confidence!”
“You told me because you were horny and desperate to talk about it.” Heather wasn’t affected by Astrid’s glare at all, probably because her face was as red as a tomato.
“I was confused, not horny! And it was still in confidence, okay?!”
Heather put an arm around her shoulders. “Don’t worry, I’m just messing with you. I won’t tell him, mainly because he’d probably combust on the spot or drop dead anyway. Or stutter himself to death, I bet he can do that.”
Astrid crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at the other girl, trying to figure out how serious she was. Heather was her best friend after Hiccup and Astrid knew she could essentially trust her, which had been a reason why she’d told her about the dream in the first place, but sometimes she could be devious and sneaky. “Do you promise?”
Heather nodded solemnly. “I promise and I swear. Whichever you prefer.”
After another minute of judging, Astrid sighed and finally dropped her glare. “Thanks,” she mumbled. “Let’s not talk about this anymore, alright?”
“At least not for tonight,” Heather winked at her and grabbed her wrist. “Come one, let’s dance.”
Thankfully, Heather kept her word. It didn’t stop Astrid from watching her carefully whenever she came close to Hiccup, though.
Every once in a while, their eyes met and Astrid’s heart contracted in her chest. She wanted nothing more than to drag Hiccup back outside to a spot far from the twins and continue what they’d started before they’d been interrupted. And ever since Heather had mentioned the dream, she thought about paying a visit to the safe angels of Berk High prom to let them provide her with their goods and – and she really needed to cool off. Her hormones were raging.
Maybe she just needed to clear her mind of him for a while. Dance with Heather, get Fishlegs to lay down his camera for an hour, invent a fake party on the other side of town that Snotlout just had to attend.
Maybe then she could try this move one more time.
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asilverjackal · 5 years
-- @wardogsong​!
      Frankie was summoned to the Scozzari home for a matter that was utmost serious in nature. Had Frankie known that he would just be listening to a record rather than cracking skulls, he would have possibly endured the greatest mood whiplash. But all the same, Salvatore did deem this moment serious. For it was firmly believed that this record would be the key in solving the mystery that was Cassie -- or ‘Toni,’ as her friends were now calling her.
     As the silence ends and sound finally fills the room, Salvatore steps to the couch where the teen planted himself, “Whaddya think?” He asks, pointing to the source of the sound.
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     ‘It’s like a jungle sometimes, it makes me wonder how I keep from going under,’ the man on the track muses this, low and thoughtful.
    Salvatore is ignorant. Ignorant in the matter that he has no idea that this is not the song his daughter uses for the backdrop of her life. Ignorant in the matter that he is not aware this song is ‘old,’ replaced with new songs from new artists that steadily came out of the woodwork since it’s release. Salvatore is ignorant because during the time this genre rose, he had been preoccupied with disco balls. A thing that would never be hung in a club again.     Even so, Salvatore gave mind to Frankie’s youth: believing that he would ultimately make more sense of this song. Sal decided that if Frankie liked it, this new trend was worth examining. If Frankie gave it a thumbs down, then Sal was certain his baby girl was running with a no good group.
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stabil0 · 6 years
Do all the songs #TreatYoSelf!
REY I KNOW THIS IS YOU and that’s okay, thank you :) I didn’t answer some of the questions though because I had no answers. Sorry this took so long it’s a lot of thinking lol
1. three songs that come up when you put your phone on shuffleLove Game by Lady Gaga, Crushcrushcrush by Paramore, Daylight by Coldplay
2. three last songs you listened toSign of the Times by Harry Styles, I Will Follow You Into the Dark by Death Cab for Cutie, Dream by Priscilla Ahn (it was someone else’s playlist hah)
3. three songs you were recently obsessed withDying in LA by Panic! at the Disco, Crazy = Genius by Panic! at the Disco, I’m Coming out by Diana Ross
4. three songs that you know thanks to your parents70% of my classic rock knowledge (Another One Bites the Dust by Queen), any slightly less popular song by ABBA (SOS… at least I think it’s slightly less well known?), Christian pop (Grey by Barlow Girl) 
5. three songs you wish you could forget (because listening to them hurts)I don’t actually wish I could forget any of these songs because I’m a masochist who likes to make myself hurt via music, but Sylvia by The Antlers, Pale Green Things by The Mountain Goats, and Old College Try by The Mountain Goats
6. three songs you wish you could erase from history (because they’re terrible)Thunder by Imagine Dragons, Blurred Lines by what’s his name, No by Meghan Trainor
7. three songs you didn’t expect to like but eventually lovedI Choose You by Point of Grace, Golden Boy by The Mountain Goats, Shadow Moses by Bring Me the Horizon
8. three songs that remind you most of summer and vacationGiorno Dopo Giorno by Kelly Sweet, Polaroid by Imagine Dragons, Chandelier by Sia
9. three songs that get you in the Christmas MoodAll of them any of them! My favorites are probably Silent Night (esp when done by Selah), Carol of the Bells, and Good King Wenceslas (esp when done by Manheim Steamroller)
11. three favourite songs from movie or TV series soundtrackTrack 10 on the Spirit soundtrack called Run Free, Strawberries and Cigarretes by Troye Sivan from Love Simon, whatever the tree song is called from Melody Time
15. three songs you want to dance with your love toTis Autumn as done by the Airmen of Note, Little Wonders by Rob Thomas, whatever that “coffee shop” song is… oh it is called Coffee Shop and it’s by B.A.P
16. three favourite songs for sexI have never made a sex playlist. @smexayflyboii​ apparently likes old R+B which I don’t mind but it’s really funny sometimes. If I had to pick three songs…? Wonderland by Caravan Palace, Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene by Hozier, A Three-Legged Work Horse by This Will Destroy You
18. three songs that remind you of your best friendI have like 4 best friends but for the one I miss the most rn (you know who you are) is this percussion cover of Sburban Jungle, this meme remix, and All That’s Known from Spring Awakening 
19. three songs that are your guilty pleasureMarjani by… whoever this is, Meltdown by Rin Kagamine, Teenage Dream by Katy Perry
20. three songs that remind you of the person who sends this one(assuming this is Rey lol and aside from the obvious one) Yellow by Coldplay, I was a Fool by Tegan and Sara, Big Girls Cry by Sia
21. three songs of your childhoodSend Me On My Way by Rusted Root, Yesu Azali Awa by Selah, There’s Gotta be More to Life by Stacie Orrico
22. three songs you listen to when you’re sadSince I’m the king of sad songs, you get six! Hide Me by Winterpills, Ride by Twenty One Pilots, Rain Awhile by Stabilo, Not in Nottingham covered by Mumford and Sons, Alpha in Tauris by The Mountain Goats, Medicine by Daughter
23. three songs that never fail to get you pumped upVictorious by Panic! at the Disco, 212 by Azalea Banks, Black Me Out by Against Me!
24. three favourite old songsIt’s Been a Long Long time by umm someone and Kitty Kallen, Asleep by The Smiths, Pour Some Sugar on Me by Def Leppard
26. three favourite non-English songsJupp von Jupiter Jones, Ich Lass Für Dich das Licht An von Revolverheld, Zeitlos von Artig
28. three best songs to get drunk or high toPsika by Dusty Kid (esp if you watch the video lol), Nine in the Afternoon by Panic! at the Disco, I Gotta Feeling by the Black Eyes Peas (none of these are the best bc I don’t get drunk or high often but they’re good enough)
29. three songs that influenced you most (some songs change or save lives)Guns for Hands by Twenty One Pilots, This Year by The Mountain Goats, If It Was Up To Me by Stabilo
30. three songs you really want your followers to know (for reasons other than all those above)Next Life Already by Ball Park Music, We are all Compost in Training by Ramshackle Glory, West Virginia by The Front Bottoms
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camelcashcasino · 1 year
Play Casino In The Most Healthy Way Possible
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Las Vegas is the heart of the casino world. And Camel Cash Casino was created to bring that heart right in the palm of your hands. Hence, with realistic graphics and enthralling sound quality, you can enjoy the adventures of a casino anytime and anywhere as you like.
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clarinda0110 · 6 years
Welcome back to the crazy adventures of drunk!Yuuri! It was a joint effort with @writinghappilyeverafter and I. Our musical inspiration is “Don’t Threaten Me with a Goodtime!” By Panic! At the Disco. Enjoy!! (Also had to repost cause I messed up and left out the beginning)
The bass rumbled through Yuuri’s hips as he sloshed warm bud light out of his red solo cup. The Chads always had the worst beer, but at least the beer made him forget this fact after about three choked down cups. And they had terrible taste in music. Lil’ Wayne had rocked out at least a dozen oh yeahs and that’s rights in between the ear-grating Nicki Minaj. Yuuri grabbed his… fifth? cup of beer to drown out her crowing about anacondas while trying to remember why he was there again. Oh right. Chads are hot. That’s what Phichit had told him at least. As Yuuri watched a Chad dare another Chad to drink from the goldfish bowl, he promised himself he would not be kissing any of the Chads regardless of how nicely that other Chad’s muscles rippled as he stripped off his shirt and tossed it into the fan which turned around and spat it back into his face. The group around him thought this was hilarious enough to merit falling on the floor in hysterical tears. Yuuri did not. That was his cue that he was not nearly drunk enough for this, and he meandered his swinging hips back over to the drink table.
“Ooohhh!” His eyes lit up as he spotted a plastic punch bowl that hadn’t been there before that was filled with something that was not warm bud light. He took a huge gulp. Grape flavored this time. And at least they got the alcohol to Kool-aid ratio right. Last party it tasted like cough syrup. He raised his cup to a random Chad to show his appreciation.
“Niiiice!! Yu-dog has gotten into the juice!! Time for the party to start!”
“What are you talking about?” He guzzled the rest of his cup and filled it again. “I’m just a wallflower. I’m so boring.” He tried to believe his own words, really he did, but if even half of the stories phichit had told him were true, well, he might have to revise that opinion.
“Oh god, Yuuri! I’m too drunk to handle you and jungle juice!” Phichit tried to steal his cup, the cruel bastard, but Yuuri snatched it back from his grip and drank faster. “You should have warned me.”
“Warned you what?” He stepped closer, holding his cup safely above his head. Phichit tried for the cup again, but Yuuri backed up and poured the alcohol down his throat. He grinned at his victory then poured another cup and offered it to Phichit. “Here. You wanted it so bad. Drink.”
“Yuuri!” he whined. “I’m too drunk to handle both of us and jungle juice!”
“Drink, hamster boy. Or I will.” He grinned and brought the cup to his lips.
“No! I’ll drink!” He snatched the cup and started chugging.
“Good boy.”
Yuuri’s shirt became unbearably hot. His pants too. He left the offending articles lying on the floor right in front of the jungle juice which was apparently the cue for several people to pull out their phones and begin documenting the trail of kissed lips and broken hearts and blue balls in his wake. Grabbing one boy and giving him an open mouth kiss, then turning around and grinding up on one behind him, he made his way outside and saw some fun to be had in the pool.
“Phichit! Phichit!” He tugged at the hand he was holding only a much paler face than he was expecting came into view. “You’re not Phichit. Where’s Phichit?” He let go of the hand and spun around in a circle enough times to make him grab the Chad he’d been holding again to stabilize himself before he spotted him. “Phichit!” He unwisely tossed his hands up in excitement and stumbled into Phichit’s arms. “My buddy! My roomie! My bestest bro! I missed you.” He kissed his cheek and spun him around. “It’s time, Peach.”
Phichit laughed, his camera ready even through his drunken sway. “Time for what?”
“It’s time to fantasticate this biatch!” He tossed his hands up again to emphasize his declaration to his audience of Chads.
“Wow. Yu-dog’s really fucked up. He’s started making up words. I don’t think we’ve seen this level yet. He’s gonna really get into it tonight.” The Chads seemed thrilled by this observation and nodded their heads in agreement.
“It is a real word, and I’ll bet you a hundred bucks that I’m right.” He grabbed Phichit’s phone and started tapping.
“You’re on.”
“Pay up.” He grinned as he held the phone out. “It’s in the dictionary.”
Chad grabbed his hand to hold the phone steady while he read. “Fantasticate. To make something fantastic. Also fantasticated and fantasticating. Holy shit. Yu-dog wins again.”
“Damn right I did! I fantasticated your vocabulary and my wallet and now I’m gonna fantasticate that pool!” He stripped off his boxers and sling shotted them into the face of the Chad who had dared to question him. He staggered a few steps back then ran forward and cannon balled right in the middle of the pool. The last thing he remembered was seeing the Chads and all their little Chads flying toward him as they joined him in his fantasticated pool.
Two weeks later, a Chad grabbed a mic with a cup of grape jungle juice in his hand and a pink chiffon skirt on his hips. “It’s time to fantasticate this biatch!”
A chorus of cheers erupted of which Yuuri’s was one of the loudest as he swayed to the beat, rocking his white wedding gown and high heels. How they ended up like that is another tale altogether. ^_−☆
Pt. 1, Pt. 2
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peterhongwrites · 6 years
Cat Toy
I. That boy’s name was stuck on everybody’s lips, probably cuz that boy’d been on everybody’s lips.
All the queens from We-Ho to the valley were hollering, screaming, oh, they went sneaking for that boy’s name. They called him Tiger, moaned it like that boy would purr. Oh, everyone’d get their turn once, and once you got on the ride-- mmm! Up, down, up down, never stop! Boy was a Buddha statue walking gold: rub your hands over him, get you some good luck. Lots of boys-- oh, lotta lotta boys-- were just waiting, lining up to get lucky.
!!. Tiger was a pretty little thing. Young, twiggy, a clean, spick sparkly clean face, and Madeline eyes. They wanted to hold his long fairy legs; boy was so tiny, you could wrap one pinky ‘round and ‘round him. With skin like his, so shiny you could see yourself in it, like a $2000 cup of China... Lots of boys, you could bet, a lotta lotta men wanted to see ‘em looking back.
So what did Tiger say? What’d he tell them? You know it, you’ll hear it when it’s your day.
III. One day, you don’t know when, it’s your day. That’s the day old Tiger gives you a check-up. You don’t know where, cuz that’s the point. It happens in an alleyway, or the gym, hell, a good old-fashioned bathroom stall. You know him when you see him, like your blood gets pumping and you tie the cherry stem ‘round your tongue. He bites his lip and tells you he’ll bite yours. “I’m a little talent,” he says. Then snap! Your life’s never the same.
That’s when Ronnie Howie went to church looking for his day.
IV. The cops tried to find him. But any cop that did, you know they scooped up in leather and threw in the can. Ronnie Howie from Minnesota went looking for him too. Ronnie’d already seen him once, had his taste of the sweet, sweet nectar. Ronnie’s brain was fried from the first round: Tiger electroshocked him with his love, smoking so hot the smog came out his ears, and Ronnie couldn’t think of anything else.
Ronnie Howie went to church, looking for just a taste. He told the priest, I got a lot of sins to sort out. The priest went sorting, cuz that’s what priests do.
That’s when Tiger showed himself again.
V. He bites his lip. He tells you, I’ll bite yours. “I’m a little talent,” he says. Oh, the lord’s looking on down from stained windows.
Ronnie Howie trembles, oh, he’s got sins on sins.
The priest shores up holy water, speaks a prayer from the good book; now he’s waving it round and round. Tiger keeps walking, jungle boy he is, stalking by.
VI. The church pews are holy, they don’t take kindly to Tiger marching in. God-fearing butts have sat on this here wood, we won’t let some sinner in here! But Tiger, oh Tiger, the wood grows around his step and carves ‘em to a bathroom stall.
The crucifix is holy. Name one shape holier than the holy man’s cross! But Tiger, oh Tiger, would you give ‘em a wash? The sugar crusts over the cross, and out pops a shiny disco ball from the cocoon.
The holy water is holy. Hell, what kinda holy water is it if it’s not? Tiger, oh Tiger, do your thing! The steam rises from the bowl, the steam is bursting from the walls, the steam is eating up the church.
“Repent,” priest says, “repent.”
Ronnie Howie can see clear through the milky white steam. Tiger’s eye, reflected back.
VII. “I want another taste,” Ronnie Howie says. “Please, please, please. Please, please, please.”
Tiger, oh, the steam was a glass mirror to him. His red lips moved, nothing coming out.
“I want another day. You’re so good. C’mon, can’t I have one more?” Ronnie Howie says.
Tiger bites his lip. Squints his pretty eyes. And says,
“A weakness for stupid guys.”
Tiger says,
“Oh, they’re cute when they’re dumb.”
“I wanna hold you. I like kissing you. I wanna put you away somewhere,” Ronnie says. “Tuck you somewhere. Stash you.”
The steam bites at Ronnie’s skin.
“Ronnie Howie, I know your name,” says Tiger. “Oh, I know the names of every cute dumbass I ever met. But you don’t get the rules.”
Oh Tiger, oh Tiger. What did you say?
“I’m not from a place like yours. You couldn’t know where I’m from. You’re gonna get your wish, Ronnie Howie. You’re gonna know why you don’t break the rules.”
Tiger, Tiger, what did he do?
Oh! Oh! Oh!
That boy, Tiger, he pe-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-led Ronnie down to the rind.
VIII. The next day, didja hear the news?
Down where that old nasty church was, whole place got cleared out.
All they can find there now, sitting in that lot:
A bathhouse, sitting proud and warm.
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automnehiver · 6 years
For the lesbian as : 1 to 50. Do them all. T'aura pas le courage, I dare you
Don’t fucking underestimate me (thanks for the ask, I actually really wanted to do this ; find one so I can make you do the same)
1. Sun lesbian or moon lesbian
Moon I guess, since I became all romantic and shit staring at the moon and smoking when I had my first love as a teen
2. Flannel lesbian or sweater lesbian
3. Curly fry lesbian or waffle fry lesbian
Honestly I ???? We don’t even have these in France, but curly sounds fun
4. Thrift store lesbian or high brow lesbian
Thrift store for some things but I also like things that are a bit classy, over all coats………but you could also find me picking up a jean jacket from a thrift shop so………………………..it’s hard to choose one tbh
5. 70’s disco lesbian or 90’s grunge lesbian
90′s !!! I love old shirts with shitty designs and pastel colors from the overuse
6. Fat cat lesbian or hairless cat lesbian
Fat cat, but I’d prefer my cat healthy honestly ; poor cat
7. Chinese takeout lesbian or pizza delivery lesbian
8. Big dog lesbian or tiny dog lesbian
Big dog, wtf are even chihuahuas
9. MoMA lesbian or metropolitan lesbian
Louvre lesbian, sry
10. Matte nail lesbian or glossy nail lesbian
No nail polish lesbian, since you can’t possibly use your fingers for sex if you put on some ; unless you’re a gloves-during-sex lesbian but yeah no
11. Red lipstick lesbian or dusty rose lesbian
I love both, I put red sometimes but I literally have a damas rose lipstick that looks a little dusty !!
12. Crop top lesbian or maxi dress lesbian
What’s a maxi dress ? I love dresses, I wear one from time to time but I never wore a crop top, though I find it hot
13. Neck kisses lesbian or forehead kisses lesbian
Neck kisses……………definitely (to give and to get)
14. Fluffy fat cat lesbian or tiny hairless cat lesbian
Fluffy cat ! What’s with hairless cats, are lesbians in particular supposed to like them more than other persons ?
15. Leather jacket lesbian or letterman jacket lesbian
Leather jacket !!!
16. Puts too much salt on food lesbian or too much pepper
Too much salt probably……I drown my pasta in maggi
17. Glitter eyeshadow lesbian or matte eyeshadow lesbian
Matte, but it’s been a long time since I’ve put any on ! I’d rather have a really cool lipstick and some mascara
18. Flower lesbian or succulent lesbian
I have both in my house, how should I pick one ? I love succulents, it’s super cute, but I can’t get enough of fresh flowers
19. Ugly cat print sweater lesbian or jean jacket that looks like it’s been through a war lesbian
Jean jacket that looks like it’s been through a war hahahaha
20. Spaghettis lesbian or Kraft dinner lesbian
Spaghettis please
21. Hot chocolate lesbian or lemonade lesbian
I love both to death, over all when the hot chocolate is thick and creamy and a bit strong…but lemons are so cool, ghhhghhghgh can’t pick
22. Champagne lesbian or whiskey lesbian
Definitely whisky
23. Dark aesthetic lesbian or pastel aesthetic lesbian
I’d say pastel for some things but if unicorns are pastel aesthetic then nah ; but I was way darker in my teens
24. Silk velvet lesbian or crushed velvet lesbian
Silk velvet, oh god ; I hate crushed velvet
25. Ball gown lesbian or tuxedo lesbian
26. Forest lesbian or space lesbian
Forest…….I think it’s obvious when you look at my tumblr
27. Lennon glasses lesbian or aviators lesbian
Lennon glasses !! I have a few pairs like this
28. Hestia lesbian or Artemis Lesbian
29. Nose piercing lesbian or belly button piercing lesbian
Belly button, so it can be kissed
30. Electric guitar lesbian or ukulele lesbian
Honestly I love ukulele, but I also really really like electric guitar………probably ukulele
31. Converse lesbian or doc martens lesbian
Doc martens are life dude
32. Hayley Kiyoko lesbian or Mary Lambert lesbian
Allie X, Tove Lo and Tame Impala lesbian ; I like Hayley but not all of her songs
33. Olive Garden lesbian or Chiles lesbian
Olive garden I guess, but again, we don’t have these restaurants in France
34. Tarot card lesbian or astrology lesbian
Astrology I think, I love constellations and stars
35. Peppermint lesbian or cinnamon lesbian
Cinnamon, but it really isn’t my fave…lately I’ve been developing a thing for strong vanilla in cakes and creams
36. Playing-with-her-hair lesbian or getting-hair-played-with lesbian
Playing with her hair…I don’t know if you saw that Brieuc but when Judith and I were on the couch on Saturday night I started doing it and I didn’t even notice, and I had rarely done it before
37. Victim of tickle attacks lesbian or tickle attacker lesbian
Tickle attacker…I’m unbearable, I’m a fucking child. I’m also the kind of asshole who throws snowballs at you if we’re taking a walk together in winter
38. Tiny tattoo lesbian or whole sleeve of tattoos lesbian
Tiny tattoo, but I love tattoos so much that one day, maybe………
39. Lady and the tramp lesbian or aristocats lesbian
Aristocats ! I was identifying with Thomas O’Malley so much when I was little…I also wanted to be the Tramp in Lady and the tramp, how. about. that
40. Cool Rock collection lesbian or cool leaf collection lesbian
Ooohhhh definitely rock since I have one but I would really like to start a leaf one
41. Art hoe lesbian or music hoe lesbian
Art hoe, but you all knew I was going to reply that right ? Though I get so easily caught in music and when I can appreciate art with musics in my ears I just orgasm
42. 80’s windbreaker lesbian or 80’s blazer lesbian
Blazer I guess, but some colors on windbreakers from the 80′s are super dope
43. Mom jeans lesbian or skinny jeans lesbian
Skinny jeans !
44. Silver lesbian or gold lesbian
Mostly silver I think but there’s one item of gold jewelry I’m wearing all the time because it’s a gift from my girlfriend and I love it so much
45. Flower crown lesbian or snap back lesbian
Can’t get enough of flowers, but I think snap backs on girls are hot
46. Annie on my mind lesbian or rubyfruit jungle lesbian
Wicked lesbian ; though I would like to read these books now that I know about them !
47. Breakfast club lesbian or princess bride lesbian
Uhhh didn’t see any of these, but I saw a bunch of teen movies with Anne Hathaway in it because I think she’s gorgeous
48. “Wanna cuddle?” Lesbian or surprise hug attack lesbian
Surprise hug attack and you have to be ready because I’ll be fucking glued to you if I start ; but other times I can be fucking cold and distant if I am lost in my thoughts or working on something
49. Jupiter lesbian or Pluto lesbian
Neptune is prettier
50. Make her mixtapes lesbian or sketchbook filled with drawings of her lesbian
Sketchbook filled with drawings of her (I somehow lost inspiration during some time because all I could draw was her). Plus she has better taste in music than I do
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