#love when jojo goes full psychological horror
leggerefiore · 2 years
I've noticed in some headcanons that Ingo seems to enjoy rom-coms, I feel like he might also enjoy period dramas/romances for the old school courting. It might appeal to his domestic heart and even give him ideas on how to court someone but what kind of movies or tv shows might the twins enjoy?
Cw: Death mention
● Yes, man loves his romcoms. He watched them with his mom during his younger years and got dreadfully into them. Any completely predictable drama and downturns had him in tears, as he didn't understand why a stupid misunderstanding had to ruin their clearly true love? He's upset and writing a bad review until they get back together in the end. He writes an absolutely glowing review, starting with “Bravo! Excellent!”
● He finds period dramas neat, and does find traditional courting interesting. Usually, he'll find him a long movie adaption of some Jane Austen novel and dedicate an evening to it. He also gets passionately in to these and ends up buying Victorian romance novels. No one believes to Depot Agent saying Ingo was reading Jane Eyre during his lunch break. He very much was but denies it. His image must be upheld.
● Deeply enjoys Murder on the Orient Express. He would for anything like to happen on his train, but it gets his mind rolling. He loves mysteries, it makes his mind think and consider things from perspectives he might not otherwise. Also gets mad if the killer isn't who he thought it was; he goes on a full rant. Ingo loves anything that takes place on a train. (He has also read through book.)
● Naturally, he likes documentaries that are train adjacent and watches them quite often. He loves learning how they are made, how different engines function, about certain famous train wrecks. All of these things he knows by heart, yes, but he loves hearing it over and over again. It's a bit terrifying when you're just chilling at his place, and you learn about a wreck that killed dozens, and he's explaining how it could have been prevented.
● Secretly into true crime as well. He really is the bored housewife to a love for murder documentaries. Emmet calls him weird whenever he visits, and there's just a narrator going on about how a woman had been steadily poisoning her husband for years. (The younger twin turns that shit off.)
● Watches Hallmark movies around Christmas like crazy. Everyone hates it, but no one can stop him. Elesa had to wrangle the remote from him because genuinely started crying over one. Emmet felt bad, but it was for the greater good.
● He also watches sitcoms when he doesn't want to think. Sometimes they're modern, but often they're dated. Walk in, and you'll catch him watching reruns of 'I Love Lucy' while doing some excess paperwork. He doesn't even look up to greet you, he's in his zone.
○ Horror movies. Emmet loves anything exhilarating, so naturally these are some of his favourites. Despite what some people might think, he actually has the patience for slow burn psychological horror as well. (Unlike Ingo with his romcoms who wants to couple together in the first act.) He's not sure what his favourite one is, but he definitely enjoyed the Evil Dead. (And Dark Water, too. Disliked the Shining, however, because of all the bullying it allowed for him and Ingo.)
○ Also likes train documentaries! More obsessed than Ingo, he will memorise an entire script for favourite one. He loves learning about the more mechanical side of trains, so you'll frequently hear him getting into the engineering side of things. People wonder if he's planning on trying to build his own train. (Ingo won't let him… Alone.)
○ Shamefully, Emmet absolutely has watched a few animes. No one talks about it, but everyone has walled in to catch him watching some weird shounen. He has very strong opinions on them, too. Do not get him started, it is a rare time he will not shut up. (Others being battle and train adjacent.) See, all this is to say Emmet has seen JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and is reminded of Ingo by Jotaro. He does not know why. (Also, Emmet has read part 7 and likes it solely because of Love Train. Horrible man probably thinks the villain should have one because of that reason alone.)
○ Watches those multiple hour long videos on YouTube about random topics as background noise. Does he care about the content? No. Is it wonderful background noise while he does things around the house? Yes, absolutely. Emmet is really uncomfortable by silence, as his job has constant noise and Ingo talked a lot growing up. He appreciates the vague comfort it gives him.
○ Emmet likes high fantasy content. You will catch him rewatching Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit quite often. People get tired of it, but they are some of his favourite movies and books. He enjoys aggressive world-building. Definitely read The Silmarillion and managed to understand it without a chart of what the fuck is who and where. Ingo has no idea what drives his brother to such odd lengths. (He hates Tolkien. Not enough romance.)
○ Watches high league competitive battles to analyse them for strategies and new ideas. Ingo does this, too, actually. They both sit around a screen and criticise bad plays. They have absolutely roasted a poor novice trainer who lucked their way into a league challenge. Emmet scribbles down whenever someone does something he wants to use in his own battles. He's very passionate and into it.
○ Doesn't really watch shows, so much as movies. It feels hard for him to slow down and watch content split up slightly. Ingo does it regularly, so Emmet feels like he might be the weird one. He has no idea how he sits through animes, yet one episode of a highly acclaimed that Elesa recommended him will always be ditched with the first three episodes.
○ Also likes sci-fi content, so people are often amazed by his strange conversations about things that make no sense without context. Why is the train guy going on about sulfur-based lifeforms? He is going into great detail about to his brother who is just kind of nodding along like he understands. (Ingo does not.)
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
Calling for dedicated roleplayers with a passion for writing
Hello! My name is Aaliyah or Ally for short, and I will cut right to the chase. I am looking for a mature role-player, preferably 21+ but will also accept 18+ (just to be sure that you are of legal age, otherwise it’ll be very uncomfortable).

As I am 26 years of age with 12 years of experience, I hope to meet someone who shares my passion in creative writing, as well as formulating interesting plots and characters. 

In case you are curious about me as a person, I am a full-time student and a young writer who works at the gym on the side, but also enjoys other creative outlets such as drawing. Usually my schedule is fairly full, including the attendance of friends or family. However I always have ample time for a good roleplay. :) 

I am seeking a literate writer who is committed to a long-term partnership, and by that I truly mean it. Please do not respond if you are uncertain of upholding a stable roleplay. Furthermore, I’ve noticed the “ghosting after the first few messages“ trope is a fairly widespread issue in the roleplaying scene / community. I would like to implore you from refraining it. I’ve grown quite irritated by it lately and rather like to avoid it in the near future. That way we don’t waste anyone’s time. Thank you in advance. If you are hitting a hiatus, that’s completely fine! A simple message of putting things on hold is completely sufficient, but I would like to keep in touch in case the story bears great potential. Now I have a wish, or as other say it, a certain craving for something new and fresh. And that something is quite specific, as my interests are a little unorthodox. Not the typical ‘Marvel, DC, My Hero Academia, etc’ type of stick. (Not to throw shade on them! They are great! Just not my cup of tea at the moment)

I heavily enjoy video-games, tv-shows, comics, films, books, the list goes on. Hopefully I can attract some kindred spirits. 
 I do roleplay both Canon and Original!

So if there’s no luck in finding a fitting Canon based story, we can always switch to original world building. First, I like to list all of my heavy cravings and interests. The ones marked in bold are usually the ones I am very willing to do.

Harry Potter Next Gen (original character cast)
True Blood
Vampire Hunter D (or Manga / Anime)
Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice
Game of Thrones
Dragon Age (from Origins to current instalment)
Devil May Cry
Infamous series
The Darkness
Star Wars the Old Republic

Lore Olympus
True Beauty
The Darkness
Alita Battle Angel
Vampire Hunter D
TV-Shows live action:
True Blood
The Boys
Game of Thrones (Open for discussion. Still haven’t recovered from the season finale however…)
TV-Shows animated:
Castlevania (Netflix adaptation)
Devil May Cry (Anime adaptation)
Demon Slayer (I have only started watching this)
FMA Brotherhood
Jojo’s bizarre adventure
Black lagoon
As for original plots, I am very keen on urban and gothic fantasy, but also mythology as well as horror and crime and action. I have plenty of ideas up my sleeve, some of them quite fleshed out and some of them being concepts in the making. Either way, I would rather have these ideas introduced throughout email or whatever platform we choose to communicate on. Themes for an original story I am most inclined to do are:
Supernatural / Metaphysical (Demons, Angels, Spirits, Monsters, etc.)
Sci-Fi & fantasy (Aliens coming in contact with unsuspecting earthlings during the middle ages / ancient time-periods)
Urban fantasy mixed with high school / college themes (similar to Supernatural with local monsters, creatures, etc)
Now onto the qualities of what my roleplaying partner should have.
What it all entails: What the Partnership should be: I strongly encourage an active roleplayer who is not afraid of sharing 50% of ideas, plotting, length, detail but most important of all, passion. A bird cannot fly with only one wing. Communication: I love making new friends and brainstorming, and communication is the bedrock of it all. It strengthens our compatibility and the story. Should there be anything that might bother you, or if you think you are left out in some type of way (be it a mistake on my part or if we’re both at fault here), simply tell me. It really doesn’t bother me rewriting certain scenes to better fit the narrative. We can always exchange opinions and see what would benefit the story most. The Way of Writing: No one-liners. No text-talk. No half-assed replies. And certainly no ‘quality over quantity’ when you can have both. I don’t expect anyone to write a novel, absolutely not. I don’t either, but if I get the feeling of my partner wavering in their effort and not investing as much as I do, I have to give them the chop, unfortunately. Too often have I encountered partners who showed strong enthusiasm at first, but after a while… they slacked and eventually only put the adequate effort into their side of things whilst completely disregarding my characters. I hope to avoid this in the future. And now to myself and how I write: My writing: Third person perspective usually, although I have made some exceptions in my years of writing. My style is wide-ranging and flexible, which means that frequently, word count will go up 1000+ per reply - though it also depends on the given situation and partner. And yes, I do double, preferably even, most likely in a canon universe. However this again wholly depends on the type of story, partner and cast of characters. I am very open and willing to discuss.

Rating: So you are writing with some of mature age. I have 12 years of writing under my belt. There will be violence, there will be swearing, gore, intimacy, uncomfortable topics, drama, conflict and other dark themes included when you are writing with me. I have few limits but I will respect the boundaries of my partner. And lastly, I won’t fade to black or skip out on the nitty gritty, unless it doesn’t serve a particular purpose in forwarding the story.
Characters: I write canon as well as OC characters. Faceclaims, GIFs, drawings, mood boards or just a plain physical description is absolutely sufficient. Characters should be written as opulent, flawed, unique, talented, heroic, villainous, spiteful, angry, and everything in-between. In other words, don’t be scared of making them flawed.
Romance: Openly play and accept characters of both genders, preferable m x f pairings, but I am open to m x m and f x f relationships as well. I have more experience with m x f relationships, so I might be more adaptable with this one. If the chemistry of two characters compel me, I’m on board with it! When it comes to sexual scenarios and intimacy (intercourse, foreplay, all that funny business). I encourage eroticism, but always in a tasteful, sensual manner (that goes for romance as well), though it is never the main focus of any of my stories, rather a tool to further the plot. Erotica is welcome but never the focus of any kind of roleplay. Content: Drama, violence, sex, metamorphosis, symbolism, action, romance, pretty much everything is a-okay. I am not explicitly bothered by certain subjects that may be uncomfortable for the general public. Roleplays are fictional stories and we best keep treating them as such. If there are things you are uncomfortable with, name them and I shall respect those boundaries. But don’t be surprised when suddenly one of our characters bites the dust, or gets tortured, etc. It may be difficult to write and read, but it is all part of the story and a tool for furthering the plot. My roleplays imply and involve brutality, mayhem, psychological and physical altercations among other things. But I also endorse beauty, serenity and placid moments for our characters to grow in. I love it when it comes full circle… everyone- and everything has a beautiful and hideous side. Again, this is mature and I am not here to coddle, I am here for a challenge. Should I hit a hiatus myself, I will inform you as soon as possible. :)

Platforms I usually roleplay on are email and google-docs. I also have Discord in case for plotting and chatting outside of the RP. Though Google Hangouts has proven itself as a sufficient chat-medium for such things, so I rather stay with that one. 

When you message me, please use the given codenames so I know what you like to specify in.
Blue Rose: Canon 

Red Feather: Original 

I’d be happy to receive a small description of yourself and what your passions are! :) Message me here: EMAIL: [email protected] I am very excited to hear from you! Sincerely yours -Ally
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internetremix · 5 years
In IR lore, what are the personalities of your personas? Basic likes and dislikes?
Kristen: Goggles is An Child and behaves as such. She's very cheerful, very curious, a bit mischievous and also 100% obsessed with making fanwork of her internet family... like a goddamn weirdo. She'll usually be hanging out with everyone, spot some sort of inspiration, squeak with joy and then rush off to write or draw. She's also the defacto leader of the Smol Squad, which is composed of herself, Shyner, Jojo and Chi-chi, and she's usually the one squeaking out ridiculous plans in muppet for dumb shit like stealing cookies and trying to trap people in fanfiction scenarios. She likes to help and can often be found doing such things as assisting Xander in his many schemes or just popping up to provide shit like charts or hold things for other people- basically whenever it would be funny to have some goddamn muppet backing something up.
She loves plush toys, particularly Crockernanner, and also loves sugar, star decorations, and cuddles. She likes being picked up and loves attention, and she's pretty consistently attached to at least one person, often her big brother Split if she's not with the Smol Squad. She is in eternal war with Phill since he bullies her constantly, and will occasionally try to set up elaborate traps for revenge only to fail miserably. Also she's a huge weeb. She does not like to sleep and will often go days without it before being dragged off by some bigger person to take a goddamn nap you ridiculous child.  She is also very afraid of thunderstorms, she doesn't like loud noises or the dark.
She also has... various flaws and problems. But those are spoilers and I have no idea when/if we’ll be doing story stuff with IRsonas so I don’t want to give too much away with that.
Sorry this is very long, I think about my child a lot.
Jojo: JoJo is also a very happy child... like, stupid happy all the time. Like, they don't really have a concept of being angry. they're either manic happy or a bit sad. They love to find any way to make anybody smile or laugh, whether it be a somber happy, or a crying fit of laughter. They thrive off of happiness. They're a bit mischievous as well, and will try to play pranks and swipe things to chew on. They'll just appear in random places you'd never expect. like, in the pantry, the vent, or in your drawer. They chew things all the time to keep their dragon teeth sharp! They do tend to come off as obnoxious and kind of useless sometimes? But that's ok.
They love happiness, rocks, swimming, sandwiches, Vanilla coke, coffee, pianos, stars, ghost stuff(horror genre), and laughter. JoJo is pretty similar to Goggles now that I think about it x_xJoJo is best friends with Phill, and will always be on him in some way. Like his leg, back, holding onto his scarf by their teeth, etc. They're also very close with Goggles and Shyner, and Scott (even though Shyner tries to chase JoJo off with knives, JoJo will take it as a game of tag or something)JoJo doesn't like being yelled at or being told to go away. They get spooked easily by loud noises. They always get paranoid when they think someone is mad at them and will go to ungodly lengths to make them not mad or slightly annoyed with them, which sometimes makes people more annoyed with them than they were before.
JoJo is just an exaggerated version of me XD
Atwas: Atwas is fairly easy going. They make light of things often, and often hide serious sentiments behind jokes. They’re the type to roll with goofy and silly situations, and are very “yes and” type that enjoys escalating things in the name of light-hearted fun. They enjoy playing pranks, especially ones that take advantage of their hologrammatic nature (being able to enter and ‘possess’ electronics is something that they take advantage of often). Being technically in the cloud and a part of the internet at all times, they will often chime in with fun (often unrelated or humorous) metrics about situations and people as they occur—and often forgets that having a HUD isn’t something everyone has access to.
Being ‘technically’ invulnerable, atwas isn’t phased by the more dangerous things that go on in the IR tower, but usually prefers being a spectator or commentator as opposed to being an active participant in general shenaniganry. They don’t have any particular animosity towards anyone, and will occasionally help manage technical parts and functions of the tower.
They enjoy things like tech, cold weather, tea, fun statistics, darkness; and aesthetics like Film Noir and Retrowave.
They dislike things like excessively hot weather, being interrupted, getting too personal, having to put in a lot of “effort”, and being out of the loop.
Shyner: Shyner can easily be summed up to a tsundere in denial, and is the definition of an agent of chaos. If something goes wrong, she’s the one pouring a trail of kerosene to let the fire spread. She's loud, impulsive, and really doesn't give two shits. While quirky and charismatic, she’s also sarcastic and witty, reveling in the amusement of making fun of others. She’s often stubborn and impatient, thinking highly of her own beliefs and angered by those who dare to challenge her ideals. She also lacks a filter, and enjoys garnishing her words with colorful profanities. Filled with gripes of past trauma, she’s engaged in a constant internal war of turmoil and grief. She’s incredibly cautious and closed off around those she doesn’t trust, and can be very selfish.  Despite this, she’s loyal to the few people she cares about, going out of her way to put them first if a dire situation were to arise. She’s also very sneaky and mischievous, often finding amusement in spying on others. Her MBTI is INTP-T.
Her hobbies include stargazing, ghost hunting, spying, and Satanic worship. She enjoys melancholy vibes, horror movies, animals, thunderstorms, and has an unhealthy obsession with sweets. Yes, this child will stab you without hesitancy if you take her cookies. She dislikes seafood, big crowds, kiddie leashes, and is afraid of experiencing intense emotion she doesn’t understand.I love my satanic smol bean very much. If I may be so bold as to dive into the nitty-gritty psychology, Shyner possesses many flaws, a lot of which I personally struggled with growing up. She is a reflection of my past self, some gripes with my current self, and the perception of how I could have turned out if I hadn’t met my family at IR. Hiding behind the exterior of being a merciless bully, she still has an intense internal desire to be a good person, but gets frustrated and often derails herself in the process of fighting her desire to act on impulse. She keeps most relationships with people at arm's length, fearing that if someone were to think highly of her, it would only be a matter of time before they’re disappointed. If we were to go full-fledged story mode, she would most definitely have an intense character redemption arc, making the revelation that being shitty to those who care about her isn’t the way to run from her problems and hide away from her own sense of self-insecurity/hatred.
Phill: Phill likes mischief, bad jokes, sexual undertones, Jojo, sexual overtones, bullying Kristen, and the colour pink. That's it xD
Jojo: :D yay
Alex: Alex don't give a shit but is for whatever reason the bossman and is also as powerful as silver age Superman, just don't try actual murder of the crew and he won't yeet you into the sun
Moon: 2019 Moon is an idiot. If we didn't know any better, we would assume he was born from nothing but an old head of lettuce in Satan's refrigerator. Think like Scott from Monster Prom, but different. He knows his right from his left, but the compass is still just "NESW" to him. Impulsive, lovable, and kinda loud, this muscley dumbass will do practically anything you tell him to if he finds it enjoyable. When paired with a few people, he works well as a second to many dynamic duos. Brodingles and Moon/Split and Moon are two really good ones, dangerous shenanigans ensue. Can and will rap like a beast, any challenge to a freestyle will result in a career ending and a death being sentenced. Extroverted people pleaser, definitely shooting high to perform and when adapting to a character, goes a little too hard. This man played Gander in Charlottes Web and didn't stop making goose sounds for months. Did I mention he's also a disney princess? Singing, animals, mortal enemy falling to their death? Everything
Dawn: ToonWolf/Dawn's personality falls within the confines of recklessly adventurous who doesn't think things through entirely. They like to try and rope others into going on various hikes, treasure hunts, mythic/cryptid searches, etc. Unapologetic sailor mouth. They will fight for friends and family. Various animals, trinkets, treasures, and cool but useless garbage are brought back to the tower often (oops theres a liiiiiiitle bit of hoarding). Sometimes those animals consist of dogs, cats, lizards, bears, wolves, The Great Noble One, horses, lions, elk, you get the idea (Can I keep them?Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaaseeeeee??????????).
Overall they are most comfortable and relaxed in/around water and likes a whole lotta things including sailing, swimming, adventure, stargazing, animals, mythology/legends, friends, family, and drawing.
They dislike waking up early, limitations, being talked down to, boredom, desert/hot/humid/dry weather, coffee, and the movie "Cube"
Tex: Tex is an avid cryptid detective + has a surprisingly good intuition when creating conspiracy theories about them to follow. Mm lots of memes and disguises. Smart, but usually just off on their own thinking about other stuff.Totally has a wall in their room dedicated to figuring all the cryptids out with like, red string and everything.
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