#love you miscellaneous supporting characters around metropolis
bisupergirl · 22 days
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they need to start putting this but with kara on new issues of action comics so i know if i'm wasting my time or not.
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makubes · 5 years
repost, don’t reblog !
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𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
full name.  Rock Holmes pronunciation.  - nicknames.  just Rock height.   5′5″ age.   wildly verse dependent but I’d say 28 for default zodiac.   libra languages.    Japanese, English, Mandarin, Korean, French, Russian
hair colour.    black eye colour.    deep blue skin tone.    pale    body type.    very slim, model-esque with long legs, has a bit of an hourglass shape going on under his clothes but he’s more top heavy.  accent.    depends on which language he’s speaking. for jp he’s trained himself to speak with a tokyo accent. english he doesn’t really have one anymore. in other langauges he sounds a lot more formal and robotic since he doesn’t speak them as much. french is starting to sound a little better but there’s still like, something in the way he talks that makes it noticeable that it’s not his first language. dominant hand.  right posture.    kinda flucuates depending on the situation but by default i imagine his posture is pretty proper since he’s had a lot of this kinda stuff drilled into his head as a kid.  tattoos.   ah no... wouldn’t wanna ruin his flawless skin most noticeable features.  His striking blue eyes, or those thick black sunglasses covering them up. 
place of birth.   Japan. hometown.   Yokohama birth weight / height.   Average first words.  Probably something cute and standard like “mama” siblings.  none. parents.  His bio parents, mother and father, both deceased. Later adopted by Duke Red. parental involvement.   Rock’s bio parents were very active and involved with his development during the short part of his life that they were around. They noticed he was very bright for his age and encouraged that growth by reading more advanced literature to him, such as Sherlock Holmes novels, and allowing him to read easier books on his own. Unfortunately when he was around 4 years old his father lost his job, and unable to face his family afterwards, committed suicide. His mother grew extremely distant after this until eventually she too took her life as well, leaving him alone. 
Duke Red was super involved at first too. Spoiling Rock rotten by treating him to the extravagant lifestyles of the super rich and basically giving him anything he wanted. Even at this time however this didn’t come with certain drawbacks such as very strict etiquette lessons and curfews. Things only got worse tho as Duke Red grew more distant and downright cruel. It got to the point where Rock was basically just living in this huge mansion by himself and if he tried to raise issue he’d be beaten for it. He started to act out for attention figuring negative attention was still better than nothing but was eventually disowned entirely.
As of current he has no family. Fun
occupation. He claims to be an “investigative reporter” but in reality he works for a cheap tabloid magazine. as a child he was a pretty popular ~boy detective~ with tv spots and everything but he’s washed up now, as they say. current residence.    He travels a lot so he has no single solid residence but he has apartments in a few major cities like Paris, New York, and Tokyo.   close friends.  Kuroo Hazama, a close frind since childhood. The only one he hasn’t pushed away. relationship status.   currently single but he’s full of love so financial status.   Rock started blackmailing rich people in his teens so even though he was officially disowned by his father years ago he still has a vast amount of wealth saved up and doesn’t really have to worry about money all that much. driver’s license.   he really SHOULDN’T but yes he does have one criminal record.   im sorry for stretching the page but
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sexual orientation.    gay romantic orientation.    really gay preferred emotional role. ��submissive | dominant | switch  |  unsure preferred sexual role.  submissive |  dominant  |  switch |  sex repulsed libido.  I mean it’s THERE. He has pinup posters on his fucking apartment walls and masturbates to his own reflection (yes this is canon) but he’s not like super horny all the time you know? very needy at times yes but its not a constant. turn on’s.  He’s pretty kinky tbh. Body worship, biting, blood play, breath play, bondage (gagging and restraints on either him or his partner), bdsm, pet play, orgasm denial, leather and lace, dress up (either his partner dressing him or him dressing his partner), s&m, sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite meeeeee turn off’s.   overly submissive and gullible people, orgasm denial is only hot when he’s doing it if his partner pulls that shit he gets pissed off, group sex is a huge turn off too, basically he has to be the center of attention at ALL TIMES or he WILL get bored and annoyed. love language.   uhhhhhh i dont know how to explain it exactly but i imagine Rock is the type to initiate things but then he’ll want his partner to support him the rest of the way so that’s why i don’t really strictly label him as a top. also he’s just really supportive and full of love to give  relationship tendencies.   In terms of longterm relationships Rock tends to avoid those, pushing people away because he’s just used to people leaving him and doesn’t wanna have to put up with that again. Short term however it’s not unusual for Rock to go out and have a short fling with a guy just because he’s feeling a little needy and doesn’t wanna commit to anything (tho he’ll still be upset that the other dude doesn’t wanna commit which is like lol). But like YEAH Rock has a really bad habit of self sabotaging all his relationships ogshaofdschxv
character’s theme song.     there’s a lot of songs that I think fit but like tbh the Metropolis OST is right there. hobbies to pass the time.     being an asshole, investigating crimes that he wasn’t personally involved with, blackmailing rich people, investigating the paranormal and supernatural, pissing on public property to assert his dominance, picking up cute boys at bars, caring for exotic animals (deer, snakes, ect), actively looking for reasons to go bother BJ, gambling mental illnesses.   PTSD, NPD, and all the fun stuff that comes with physical illnesses.  doesn’t happen often but he is seizure prone. as an adult he’s legally blind  left or right brained .   idfk what this means or care enough to look it up tbh fears.   he fears death, and more specifically dying alone without making any sort of impact on the world. self confidence level.    He’s extremely full of himself but he also absolutely despises himself its very odd to explain but vulnerabilities.  uhhh im not entirely sure what this means but he’s still very sensitive about the whole family subject and if asked about it he’ll just claim he doesn’t have any? also despite claiming otherwise there are people he cares about a whole lot and he would be really upset if anything happened to them.....
tagged by:   no one i stole it tagging: the girl reading this
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