dadzawa-adopt-dabi · 3 years
Level 7 pain skill.
Dabi leaned his head to the side and purred as Hawks sucked on his neck. His eyes closing for a moment before he snapped them open as he felt himself grow slick. Gasping as he felt Hawks erection grind into his own, overwhelmed his hips jerked into Keigo's and then away again. He pushed against Hawks chest and gasped as Hawks gave him one last hickey before pulling back. His arms shook as he held Keigo away and shakily breathed. trying to ground himself as Keigo caught his breath. the rough bricks in the alley scraped against his back, his coat on the ground at his feet and his shirt rucked up. He shivered and growled, head spinning and confused. Dabi snatched his coat up and yanked his shirt down as he skittered back from Hawks.
 "Am I assuming correct that your place is out? we can always head to my apartment of you want to continue this indoors." he looks at Dabi with half lidded eyes and a smirk as he holds out a hand. Dabi stands there, breathing hard and try's to stay here. not remember any other alley's or brick walls he was left broken and bleeding against. He's still slick down between his legs and has a building warmth in him as he swallows hard. Taking the hand, he needs to get out of this alley before the warmth vanishes and he's left here to shiver and puke alone. This is fine, he's fine, Hawks is fine. Dabi's never done this, left a alley with someone like this. Been fucked in apartment in a soft bed by a Hero and a decent person. He'd just been suprised by how turned Hawks made him, how much he actually wanted the Alpha. Weather Hawks used him to get off in a open alley or a love hotel or his apartment didn't matter to Dabi. He supposed Hawks had to be careful about tabloids, which made a little more sense to him. Explains why he would accept Dabi as a option for a one night stand.
Keigo held him close and Dabi got to tuck his face into the soft fur of Hawks flight coat. He was struck with the thought of stealing it for his nest. he didn't need it, didn't have a nest and it wasn't worth risking his safety but it was nice thought. His scent gland itched under his patch and he nibbled at Keigo's to distract himself as his stomach flipped in nerves and motion sickness. He was actually going to do this, have sex with Hawks. No going back once they reached the apartment and Hawks was removing his clothes again. the trembling getting worse as he swallowed hard and he groaned into Hawks neck. Keigo chuckled at the groan and gripped Dabi tighter as they landed on his balcony. Dabi stumbled and leaned against the railing with his eyes closed as he forced himself to stop trembling and stand to face Keigo.
 Mouth still dry despite how often he was swallowing to keep himself from spilling bile and ruining his chances with Hawks tonight. His hand still trembled like a traitor when Hawks helped him out of his coat as they stepped inside.
 "Want something to drink or a snack Dabi? might help settle your stomach?" Hawks asked while going into his kitchen. Dabi snorted a little, Keigo didn't have to whine and dine him. Dabi had been ready to fuck there in that alley for the most part, Hell if Hawks had just kept going it would have been fine. He'd just, been lost for a moment down memory lane. He was fine to just fuck. Find out what it was like in a bed, like he knew it was for some omega's. He squirmed where he was standing and tugged his shirt off. leaving it there on the floor as he grabbed Hawks hand and pulled him in for another mind blowing kiss. kisses like this were nice. The ones inside of clubs were things were discreetly given to him before he ended up out in alley's didn't feel like this. they didn't light him up on the inside and relax him. have him curling into the Alpha as he nibbled at Dabi's broken skin and ran his hands so gently along ribs.
"I'm fine." He muttered and drew breathed in Keigo's relaxing scent. Bright lemon and spruce rolling from him as he stripped out of his own coat and Dabi fumbled with his belt. Hands trembling and watching Hawks abs flex as he tossed the shirt over a couch. It looked comfortable enough anyways if he was let spend the night here. he wondered what he might have smelled like to Keigo. Every love hotel with every person sliding him a scent patch and a few bills  until he'd realized that his scent, whatever it was tended to kill the mood for some Alpha's. Keigo helped Dabi step out of his pants silently and then nuzzled against him as he led him back to Hawks room. Dabi realized he was practically dripping and flushed in embarrassment. He struggled to remember the last time he'd been this ready for sex, this wanting as Keigo laid him on the bed and his hands found their way into Dabi's boxers. Maybe he wanted Dabi to beg before he just gave him what he was waiting for. He pulled Keigo's loose cargo pants down and whimpered as he saw the piercing on the head of his dick. his stomach wasn't even rebelling at him and Keigo filled his mind to the point where no other experiences or alpha's passed his mind. "we match on that one at least, although these? begging for my attention and to see how sensitive you are." Hawks grinned as he pulled back and tugged Dabi's boxers off fully, revealing Dabi's own pierced dick. Hawks threw the boxers on the floor and brushed his hands over Dabi's pierced hip dermals before tugging the hoops through his nipples lightly. Dabi's back arched and he croaked out a bitten off sound as his dick kicked, red and begging for attention. Right alongside his glistening entrance, Keigo stuck two of his fingers in him and curled them, making Dabi see stars as he struggled to keep his noises to himself. he didn't know what he'd sound like, Hawks was very quickly proving this was different than anything else he'd done. he'd rather not risk ruining the mood with some new weak sound he could feel in his throat. he covered his mouth and Keigo grinned devilishly at him. bending down and sticking his tongue in Dabi to taste his slick. Dabi's legs kicked out, overwhelmed, and Keigo chuckled at the reaction and the desperate confused tears building in Dabi's eyes. He grabbed Keigo's bicep and tugged upwards, sealing their mouths together and letting out a practiced breathy plea as he grabbed Keigo's dick. Lining him up and trying not to tense as he braced himself. it always hurt at first, always stung as he was rammed into and used. Keigo kissed his neck and nibbled at his jaw as Dabi closed his eyes. Keigo slid in, painless and lighting up nerves in pure pleasure. Dabi moaned under his hand as he arched into Hawks tears leaking through his eyes.
 "let me hear you Omega." Hawks asked softly and Dabi was flinging his hand away to hold on to Hawks instead. He squirmed under him, unsure what he was supposed to do and tilting his head back as his hips jerked. Keigo smiled into his skin as he eased himself out before rocking back in and Dabi keened as he gribbed him with white knuckles.
 "you can just let me do all the work if you want." Dabi shook his head and continued squirming beneath Hawks, breath stolen away by how good everything felt and how it continued building in a speeding crescendo. Overwhelming him as he tried to commit it to memory. He didn't want to ride Keigo, he wanted to stay just like this with Hawks heavier form above him. Blanketing him and making him feel warm. his hips moved upwards at some point when Hawks ground back down and into him and he shattered. seeing white as he tipped his head back and a hoarse shout escaped him. Hips continuing to move after he'd come and Keigo made a surprised noise at him. pausing for a moment until Dabi let out a strange pleading sound and pulled him in for a kiss. Hawks pulled back once and Dabi gasped at the empty feeling before Hawks was continuing again.
Dabi groaned and twisted his hips up. trying to imitate the motion that had felt so mind numblingly good. most alpha's preferred if he just laid there but Keigo didn't snap at him or growl or even so much as latch on to his scared neck. He just let Dabi wrap himself around him and wiped at the tears flowing out of his eyes. he kept rolling his hips up in that motion, Keigo sometimes helping him. He sealed his mouth over Hawks when he felt his knot swelling, starting to catch on his rim. it didn't hurt, he was too slicked up and turned on to feel anything but pleasantly full and the most content he had ever been. a long flat whine leaving him as Keigo's knot got stuck on his entrance and Keigo slowly grinded into him until the ring of muscle gave and he popped in. Dabi let his jaw drop as Keigo made short aborted thrusts and started playing with his nipple rings again. Hawks knot fully swelling and rendering him incapable of thrusting anymore with that small bead of his piercing right up against Dabi's prostate. It threw Dabi over the edge of his second orgasm and he clenched almost to the point of pain on Keigo's knot as he pumped cum into. Keigo flipping them over, easily lifting Dabi's weight as he tried to focus and failed with his limbs twitching in overstimulation.
 He shook threw the orgasm before he raised his head enough to look at Keigo, who had been holding his head in the crook of his neck and rubbing along his spine. Fingers dancing over each sharp vertebra and the scent calming him down. he drowsily nibbled along the bottom of Hawks jaw, kissing the hollow of his throat as his chest rumbled and Keigo's dick twitched inside of him. he whimpered before he could stop himself and Keigo turned his head to kiss him. petting his hair and giving him such slow lazy kisses that Dabi fell asleep right there. He'd never get this again, but for one night he'd gotten to actually enjoy sex. A hero of all people had seen him through it as well.
 This was fine, right?
 "Dabi?" Hawks asked softly. head tilted in confusion as Dabi rushed out and grabbed his coat off the balcony before continuing down the fire escape, he skipped the last few steps, wanting to get away from the apartment and the strange alpha who'd been different. not just said he could be, but actually was. He felt a glob of cum and slick leak out of him into his boxers as he ran and a sob ripped itself free from him. Dabi had to stop and lean against a building to let the sobs work themselves out until he could stop. Hawks hadn't hurt him, nothing had hurt and he'd wanted it. he'd cum twice and Keigo had held him as he purred himself to sleep on his knot. now he was running away and sobbing hard against a building as the sun rose. what was wrong with him? it was just sex. sex that didn't even make him feel sick to his stomach so why was he so upset over it? he slid down the wall and let his head rest against his knee's until he calmed down enough to call kuroguri for a pick up.
He wakes up in the middle of the night, slips off Keigo's dick. it made a wet noise as it had slipped out and just like that, the bubble popped. Dabi felt his pressure behind his eyes with tears he refused to spill. what had he been thinking last night, the usual shame and regret twisting his stomach. he felt sticky and his eyes were crusty with dried tears he brushed away. he scrambled off the bed and was slipping on his shirt as Keigo woke up, coming over to him right as he looked over his shoulder and met Hawks golden eyes with his own panicked ones.
"Dabi? what time is it? are you hurt? are you drunk, where are you? are you alright, i can hear someone crying. do you mind moving someplace quieter so i can hear you?" the mist man opened on the first ring and Dabi started sobbing all over again. what would he even say? 'hey i got fucked really really well and it felt nice so now i’m sobbing like there's anything that hasn't already been done to me and calling you at a god awful hour? please don't be mad?'
"I. im. I." Dabi couldn't get a grip. Despite Kuroguri's calm questioning as the sounds of getting dressed came through the phone. he sobbed again, let his chest heave with it and his head ache until he could finally take a break and speak. "I'm. I'm sorry to wake you." he muttered quietly with his eyes closed tight.  a begging crying whine escaped him before he could stop it when he realized Kuroguri hadn't hung up during his episode.
 "Dabi. we can take care of anything, i just need to know where you are. I can sleep when I'm dead." Kuroguri almost sounded panicked and Dabi didn't know how to react to that. apologizing again and again until a pair of beatup tennis shoes came into view and the smell of ciggerates and cloves mixed with ginger accompanying them. Twice crouched down and gently took the phone from Dabi's hands as he apologized and then turned away to dry heave. stomach rolling and clenching on nothing and flinching at nothing.
 "Hey, I've got him. He's pretty bad off to be honest. see you soon." Jin reached out and waited until Dabi stopped puking to touch his shoulder.
"It's alright Dabi, just me. Can i help you get back to base? take care of you there, that sound good?" Dabi nodded and managed to uncurl himself enough to attempt to wobbely stand, His legs gave out and Jin caught him. scooping his thin body up and every muscle freezing when he got a wiff of the scent covering him and the wet patch on Dabi's pants.
 "no. he. i. it didn't hurt. I. wanted, not. i'm just broken. "Dabi gripped jins sweater tightly and shook his head. Jin frowned but let himself relax a little as he cradled Dabi and walked a few blocks down to where a purple swirling warp gate was waiting for them.
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