#low blood sugar baby Low blood sugar babies low blood sugar infants low blood sugar toddlers Low blood sugar newborn low blood sugar newborn
FREQUENCY: Episode 1 - A Soldier Boy Story
FREQUENCY: A Soldier Boy Story
EPISODE 1: “Frequency”
PAIRING: Soldier Boy X Reader
WARNINGS: (NSFW) Mentions of suicide, mental illness, rape, and self harm. Foul language. Mentions of sex, or sexual innuendos. 
A/N: This story is dark, and covers mature themes. The main character, as well as other major characters, are offensive in nature, and may offend some people. Please peruse with caution, and remember that this is fiction. Reader discretion is advised. Please message me for any questions, comments or concerns. 
This is introductory, we do not meet Soldier Boy just yet. Please excuse any grammar or spelling errors.
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I was pumped full of V at Vought Laboratories when I was born. My mother took a thousand dollar bribe for some dope in exchange for her newborn daughter. They placed me in a NICU unit, hooked my veins up, and hoped for the best. 
The scientists were worried at first. I showed no physical symptoms of compound V. There were no laser eyes, no fire aura, no electricity flowing from my fingertips. They kept their tabs on me. Ran test after test. Colic. They said I had colic. I cried over everything. There was no consolation. They thought I was a lost cause. Ready to pretend like this test subject never existed. A late term abortion ex-utero. Thank God a few of the doctors started catching on. 
It was door slams. Creaking floors. Burners boiling. Cleaning supplies. Microwave lunches. Music from a few floors down. The overhead lights. Open windows. High blood pressure. A baby crying. Tuna fish sandwiches. Bleh. Spoiled milk. Fireworks. Gunshots from the Police Academy in upstate New York. Ship horns. Cigarette smoke. Low blood sugar. An earthquake in Siberia. Nuclear detonation testing in the Pacific ocean. Car horns. Rush hour. 
See, they didn’t notice my abnormalities because they weren’t seen by the naked eye. They weren’t paralyzing mind tricks. Compound V took every ounce of my five senses and shot them up with gasoline, tequila, adrenaline, cocaine. A high voltage defibrillator to my nervous system. As if my sinuses were stapled open. As if my eardrums were plucked out by tweezers. I heard everything, even with my ears plugged. I saw everything, even with my eyes closed. I tasted everything, even with my mouth shut. I was everything, everywhere, all at once, and for an infant, that can be overwhelming. 
As I grew older, I was still kept in the lab until they were fully aware of my capabilities. Until they had studied every strand of DNA in my body. 
I didn’t have super strength, I didn’t have superpowers. They made sure of that. One time they strapped me to a chair, sticking ekgs on my chest. I passed out before they could even run a test. I could never stand velcro. 
Frequency is what I was called. My supe name, at least. They called me Freaq for short. Which I guess if you think about it, isn’t really a lie.
My hearing was my most valuable asset. What’s this radio frequency? They’d ask. Can you make out the voice in this? Is this a bomb or just a backpack? Listen in on this meeting. I need collateral. We have to know everything that’s said. Is this person lying? Is that person lying? Keep in mind, these were the tasks I was given at around six or seven. It was easier for them then too because I was so small. I would slide into the air vents and stay as quiet as I could, absorbing as much information as possible. I’d spew it back to them like a pawn.
Teen years the work really started. They’d be strong in their threats to others. People would get hurt. People would have their lives ruined. I’d spy on them for weeks, getting all the information I could. Listening in on their most intimate conversations. Their most profound, and personal moments. I’d spew it all back to Vought. And they’d use what I’d told them as collateral.
Thanks to my hearing, thanks to my sight, I was able to snipe better than any experienced veteran. I never even needed to use the scope. For the most part I would snap my fingers, or click my tongue, and sense the vibration of the objects around me. I’d shoot whatever I needed to right between the eyes. Everytime.  To this day I still can't get the sound of hot, metal rounds, piercing through brain matter out of my head.  Me stealing the life of a defenseless victim who unluckily got caught up in the mess. Even when I plugged my ears, screaming, nothing kept me safe from the deafening silence from their no longer beating heart. I was never caught. 
I had been cursed. By God? By Vought? Who knows. Mothers mourning the loss of their stillborn child. Smelling the cancer in people who walked by me on the street, on the way to pick up their young child from school. Gang violence. Break ups. A father beating his son to a pulp for not taking out the trash that day. Suicide. A young woman, screaming, begging for him to stop. This takes a toll on a young kid. No one should be forced to listen to the struggles of others, we have enough to deal with on our own. Hell, I’m sure if I focused hard enough, I could've heard the sound of my mother crying out to me, sullen and alone, from her perch on a rundown curbside. 
I had lost it, as expected. Cutting, acting out, pathetic suicide attempts. It got bad enough to where they had to isolate me off somewhere in Appalachia. Somewhere I could enjoy the peace and quiet. The nurturing lull of nature. Waterfalls, and animals, and the rustle of trees in the Eastern winds. Native music, and arts and crafts underneath a big, red harvest moon. I could see every crater out that far in the mountains. There was no light pollution. That was always the best part. If I looked hard enough, sometimes I could see Saturn's rings without a telescope. Of course they’d still call my handlers whenever they needed me, they weren’t that concerned for my wellbeing. But hey, at least I no longer had to deal with the sounds of the city on my off days. 
I had learned to resent Vought, which is understandable, and honestly a given. I mean what did they expect? I was cursed, to say the least. Every day was torture, and unpredictabe, even when I was all the way out in West Virginia. Some nights I’d hear a distant shotgun fire, and torpedo into the heart of a beautiful buck, with a sleepy, quiet family waiting for him a few hundred yards away in a clearing.
I wanted nothing more than to watch these people crash and burn. To listen to each and every one of them take their last breath. The only deaths I could, or would ever enjoy. The sweetest sound I’d ever heard. I could get off to it. And I would surely avenge that. That was a promise. 
After I turned eighteen I did end up getting a place back in the city. Which is where I am now. I cope with the overstimulation in my desperation for revenge. A desperation so wild and intense I would do anything. I would do absolutely anything to get what I want. 
The Homelander would tour the labs after his graduation every once and a while as I was growing up. He’d be intimidating. Stiff, and brooding. No one would ever amount to the power he held. None of us would ever become the specimen that he was. I’d look up at him with innocent, wide eyes. His body always sounded different than everyone else's. His organs moved with a horsepower. It was like his body took diesel. No one's insides ever sounded like his. I could feel the vibration of his cells dividing from half a mile away. He was so enchanting to a little gifted girl like me.
“What’s this one?”
“Heightened senses, Sir.”
“All five?”
“Yes. We find her hearing very promising.”
He had hummed in response. Staring back at me with an emptiness I’d get to know very well. He had only gotten worse since then. 
After I had moved back to New York, Vought would still use me on occasion, but for the most part they just saw me as damaged goods. I was invited to parties, and events multiple times, and got paraded around like a fucking circus freak. Advisors would bestow me upon rich donors. “Ooh, let me stand across the room! I want you to guess what I’m saying.” I’d shake my head. There was no “guessing”. It was a stupid game if you ask me. They could have stood twenty miles away and it still wouldn't be much of a challenge. 
I had felt him before I heard him.
“Repetitive, huh?”
I didn't even have to look at the donor across the room to know he was saying "orange". He had the audacity to whisper too. Your money paid for this, I thought. Don’t you have a little faith in me being more than a party trick?
“Yes, actually.” I said, turning around to see the symbol of patriotism.
“I didn’t know you had moved back to the city.”
I looked at him with the same eyes I did all those years ago, and he still stared back at me just as broken.
“Yeah, I’ve been here for a few months now.”
He placed a hand on my lower back. My skin tingling from the brush of his augmented fingertips. He walked me over to one of the large windows that overlooked the skyline. I had worn a tight dress, which he had taken notice of. 
“You’re not so little anymore.”
I had laughed at that. 
“If I’m honest I can’t remember the last time I felt like it.” 
He looked at me with a gleam of recognition. Realizing we weren’t so different. Sure, he could break my spine if he clapped too hard, but we were both stripped of the innocence we so desperately needed. John and I were never friends, we were just two children starved of loving parental affection. 
And now, a few years later, I sit perched on his lap. My legs falling off either side of his sturdy frame. His hands don't touch me. But he is smiling softly. His eyes glazed over and heavy. His nose rubs mine as I whisper to him. My hips moving up and down on the heat of his crotch. 
“Do you like what I’m wearing?” 
He tilts his head down, his thumbs sliding across the trim of my black lace underwear. He hums, a goofy smile spreading across his face. 
“I do,” I brush my lips against his, his teeth catching on the skin of my cupid's bow. “Although, I can’t help but think there is an ulterior motive here.”
My eyes shoot open, glaring at him. He's still smiling at me. 
“I needed you…” I’m an awful liar. 
He takes a deep breath in through his nostrils. Placing two big hands under my ass while he fixes his posture on the chair. He cradles the back of my head, lacing rough fingers into my hair. Pulling me back until I’m looking him in the eyes.
“What do you want?” He asks plainly. I sigh, rolling my eyes, trying to pry myself out of his grip. “You know this doesn’t work on me.”
He pulls me tighter, my hair follicles hanging on to my scalp by sheer luck. I whimper, the feeling knocking the breath out of me for a second. 
“You come up here to see me, of all people, wearing this pretty little get up.”
He uses his other hand to pull my lower half closer into his, wrapping his arm around my waist. My ribs could turn to dust under this vice grip.
“You know what I’m here to ask for.”
“We’ve been over this so many times now.” He tsks at me. “Tell me what’s in it for me, and I’ll consider it.”
I glare at him. This routine is like clockwork by this point. I come to him with a plan for revenge and he shoots me down everytime. I know he agrees with me, I know he wants it just as bad as I do, but this is his leverage. He can be so fucking evil. 
“Does the idea of getting back at these people not give you a hard on?”
He laughs at me, releasing his vice grip. I pull myself off of him, walking over to my jeans discarded on the floor. 
“Now why would I, of all people, want to get back at Vought?”
I pull my tight jeans up, one leg at a time. He walks over to me, looking down as I button my pants.
“You would be fine without them. Fuckin’ buddhist monks have your photo up at shrines in the himalayas for Christs sake.”
I walk past him, grabbing my shirt from off the ground. He slaps my ass as I pass by.
“I’ll think about it.” He suggests. I roll my eyes- he won’t. 
I pull my hair out of the neckline of my shirt. He stands in front of me, his gloved fingers pulling out my necklace. He adjusts it so the clasp is back where it needs to be. I look up at him through my lashes.
“Just the scientists that worked with Vogelbaum.” I whisper.
He brings his hand up to my chin, pinching it with his thumb. He places an out of character, gentle, chaste kiss to my lips. 
“...And Stan Edgar, and all the other top Vought executives…” He teases.
“No!” I pout.
“Yes,” He taunts. “And last time I checked you are perfectly capable of taking these people out all by yourself, one at a time, without ever getting caught.”
He's trying to pull it out of me. He knows why I need his help. He’s so smug. He wants to hear me say it. 
“Why do you really want my help?” He torments. 
I sigh, moving to grab my purse from off the chair in the corner of his living room. He stops me, gripping my wrist tight into his hand. I glare at him. Anything but this, I think. I would never beg him for anything…but I do.
“The gala…in the Summer,” I mumble, defeated. “Everyone will be there, even the scientists.”
“Ah, yes, the gala. Being applauded for their efforts in the creation of Temp V.” He smiles. “That wasn’t so hard was it?”
I shake my head, making my way back over to his front door. He doesn’t stop me this time, too satisfied in his successful grilling. 
“One of us has lasers for eyes, John, and it’s not me.”
“Why would I want to ruin my own party?”
Before I leave I turn to him, pointing my finger. My eyes welling up with tears. Why does he do this? Hes been fucked over by Vought more than I have.
“All of them are going to be there at the same time. In the same building. We could end this, we could fucking destroy these monsters, once and for all.”
He glowers at me.
“Compound V made me a hero.” He argues.
“Compound V made you despicable,” I counter. “You’d finally be a real man without them.”
I open the door, him tripping at my heels.
“Vought made me a God.”
“Made you a sad fuckin’ excuse for one. Come find me when you grow a pair of balls.”
I slam the door in his face. 
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I met Billy Butcher at a speakeasy a little over a year ago. He was downing a bottle of whiskey at the bar. It was only 2PM. 
“William, I’m assuming,” I reached my hand out for a shake. “A little early for the bottle don't you think?”
He looked down at my gesture, ignored it, then slammed his booze back on the counter. 
“Freak, I'm assuming?” He had added an obnoxious emphasis to the ‘K’.
I nodded, pursing my lips. Extending my awkward, unshook hand back into my pocket. 
He reeked, and I mean, reeked. His insides had smelt like a nuclear bomb had gone off. His liver was already in the later stages of decomposition, to say the least. His eyes were sunken in, and dark around the edges. Irritated too. Like he'd been rubbing them raw. 
I took note of his entire presence, leaning over to the left a tad to take in all sides of his bloated, depressed body. I looked closer. His right ear was oozing what looked like old blood. It was black, like tar. It didn’t smell like blood though. It was pungent and harsh, almost similar to ammonia- radiation, maybe? The nuclear bomb inside him, I considered. 
“You have black rot coming out of your ear,” I stated plainly. He had reached his hand over to wipe it. “It’s disgusting, whatever it is. I’ve never smelt anything like that before. You should really think about getting that checked out.”
He ignored me, picking up a napkin, and wiping his tar-coated hand on it. 
“Let's get down to business, ey?” 
“Alright.” I added. Breathing through my mouth wouldn’t have helped either, I thought. 
“Me and the boys are going to Herogasm.”
“Congratulations. I’d recommend cleaning those ears out before you go.” I said, unimpressed. 
He rolled his eyes, then looked around the room. No one was in there besides a bartender, and an old man asleep at a rounded booth. He leaned in closer to me. 
That's when I caught it- a familiar scent. I couldn’t put my finger on it. A certain chemical compound I remember smelling often during my recent visits to the tower. 
“Look, to make a long story short, I got ten grand with your name on it, and a party infested with obnoxious supes. I need you to sit at high ground, and keep watch.”
“Why don’t you get one of your boys to do it?” I grill.
“None of ‘em have aim like you, sweetheart.” He said it with such a shit-eating grin.
I rolled my eyes, “I’m flattered, truly.”
He took a deep breath, getting even closer, I could feel his hot breath on my ear.
“We’re going to be...taking him out.”
I looked at him, hard. I squinted my eyes. Listening in on his slow, heavy heartbeat. His unrelenting, static blood pressure. He wasn’t lying, I thought. He knew better than to anyway. 
“Good luck with that,” I chuckled, beginning to stand up to leave. Had he lost his mind? I thought. I didn’t have the time for this. Plus, thinking hard on it, I didn’t even know if I had wanted John to die. I had people to get revenge on, y’know?
“We have a weapon,” He added, yanking my arm back down, nearly pulling it out of its socket. “The same one that killed Soldier Boy.”
The blood had rushed out of my face then. He really was serious. I looked around, trying to focus on anything, but my thoughts were racing, and my eyes had gone cloudy. 
“Want to know something even crazier?” He probed. “The weapon is Soldier Boy. The cunt was still alive. Had to fight a handful of Ivans to get the bastard out.”
“That's impossible,” I laughed, wiping my sweaty palms on my jeans. “Soldier Boy died in Nicaragua.” 
“Ten thousand big ones for a few hours of your time, sweetheart.” He smiled.
I swallowed hard, grabbing his bottle from off the counter and taking a big swig. 
“You have to make me a promise,” I held my finger in his face. “If homelander dies, you and your boys have to help me finish something.”
He put his hand out for a shake. 
“Anything you need.” He grinned.
“Anything I need if he dies.” I nodded along, grabbing his hand, my mind off worrying, my eyes glazed over with fear. 
“Anything you need when the cunt dies.” 
And that’s when I had smelled it, the Temp V. My eyes widened at him. Now that explained why his organs were rotting. The bastard had been shooting up liquid radiation into his veins in a lame attempt to put up an equal fight. His grip tightened around mine, threatening to shatter my wrist. 
“I’ll give you the address, you’ll need your own car. Don’t be seen by anyone.” He declared, beginning to stand up from his stool.
“I wasn't born yesterday,” I mocked. “And by the way, if you do any more of that Temp V, you can go ahead and sign your death certificate.”
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As we all know, that plan never worked. Homelander survived, and Soldier Boy is off somewhere frozen solid, I’m assuming. I never ended up getting the chance to see either of them that day, my shitty car ended up breaking down on the side of the road only twenty miles out of the city. Maybe it was for the best, I thought. A lot of people died that day. 
And so here I am, a year later, still willing to help him, but now for a different reason. If John wasn’t going to help me with my plan, Butcher and the boys surely will. 
Butcher had told me to meet him at a sketchy apartment building in the Bronx, so here I was. Looking around, there isn't much to see. Piles of trash and hoards of rancid homeless people litter the streets. Gross, I think. Why can’t the city grant these invalids a communal shower or something? Doesn’t the mayor know some people can practically smell atoms? 
Before I buzz in for him, I catch the wind and listen for their lingering voices upstairs. They are on the roof, and I think by the heartbeats I can count four- no- five. There are five of them, and one of them is definitely a woman. Her heart is delicate, small. But pumped full of V? I think. It thumps with an exertion only jacked supes would understand. Sounds like a panic attack waiting to happen, if you ask me. 
“Any of you ever use one of these before?” A voice asks. 
“Eh, maybe a rifle but not a scope.” Someone replies, an accent thick...present.
“Frenchie, hasn’t she had combat training?”
“Combat training, yes, but not a fucking sniper.”
“Butcher, would you come over here please? Hughie, would you grab him?”
A giant group of idiots, I think. Maybe this wasn’t the greatest idea after all. I pull my hands into a finger gun and shoot it into my open mouth. This is going to be a long night.
I walk over to the entrance, looking down at my phone. Butcher is taking too long to answer me. I slap the side of the code box, listening to the stops on the inside. A thicker metal, and rusted too. But I can still make it out. 1111? Really? No wonder everyone gets robbed on this side of town. 
Typing in the code, I begin to saunter my way upstairs. I'm slouched over and panting by the time I reach the top floor. Man, it’s times like these where I wish I could’ve been V-blessed with some fucking stamina. Fuck you Vought. I slip my way out onto the rooftop. Everyone's heads fly around to see me as I walk towards the group. 
“Could you guys be any fucking louder?” I ask, walking right up to Butcher. He smiles down at me.
“Glad to see you’re in a good mood this evening.”
I roll my eyes, “Too bad I could smell your insides rotting from half a mile away.” I pat him on the shoulder as I walk by, heading towards the man at the edge of the roof with a rifle. 
“Butcher, what the fuck?” The scrawny one asks.
“He doesn’t bring too many girls around, huh?” I say. 
“Who the fuck is this?” The French one questions. 
Butcher smiles as I go up to the man holding the gun. I shoo him away, squatting down, and placing my finger on the trigger. I squint my eyes and look down the scope. 
“Which one is it?” I ask.
Butcher comes over, squatting next to me, as well as the guy who was holding the gun before. 
“Blue tie,” Says butcher. “Bad haircut.”
“Balding or buzzed?” 
“Neither. Short mullet.” He adds.
I nod, and suddenly stand up, moving to another spot on the rooftop.
“What the fuck are you doing? I just spent two hours setting that spot up!”
“The glass is bulletproof,” I state. “Can’t you see the reflection?”
I start laughing then, “I mean, can’t you hear the way it sounds as the wind gusts off of it? There might as well be a sign.”
He looks at me quizzically, they all do. It usually takes a second for most people to recall my pathetic existence. 
“This window here must've just been replaced, because it’s temporary. Not bulletproof, and frankly, not strong wind proof either. This thing is just asking to be shattered.”
I crouch down again, squinting my eyes, and looking down the scope. I hold my hand up, snapping quietly. In fractions of a second, I can feel, hear, and see sound waves bouncing off of every nearby surface. They rush through the open air towards the glass window, bouncing off, only then to reverberate around the inside. It wraps around the target's stature like a sheet in the wind. Bullseye. I pull the trigger, hitting him directly between the eyes. We all watch as all hell breaks loose within whatever party I just ruined. 
I stand up, handing the rifle over to Butcher. I wipe my hands off on my pants.
“We have five minutes before a swat team barrels up here. Do you mind if we talk in private?”
Butcher nods, he and I both begin to walk downstairs. Everyone grabs their stuff, and from the scrawny boy I hear a snap, like he's finally put his finger on it. 
“Frequency!” Ego boost, I think. “God, that makes so much sense.” 
That recognition hasn’t happened in a while. I'm embarrassed to say I’m beginning to blush.
The french one nods to him, “A freak of fucking nature. That is a hell of a gift.”
A hell of a curse, he means. If only they knew the half of it. The boys chuckle as Butcher and I disappear into a dark alley. There are sirens in the distance.
“I need a favor.” I say, stopping and turning to him. The only thing illuminating us is a musty street light. It's hazy and orange. He looks down at me with damp skin. His body is trying it’s hardest to detoxify itself. There is no use. 
“What's that, love?” He chuckles, pulling a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket. He brings one up to his lips, inhaling and lighting. He gestures the pack to me. I shake my head. I always end up tasting the pesticides. 
“Look, I’ve asked everyone. You and your boys are the only thing I have left.”
“Well, spit it out then.” He coughs.
I take a deep breath, looking down at my shoe and kicking a little rock with the toe of it. 
“I want revenge on Vought.”
“Get in line sweetheart.” I roll my eyes at him, why does everyone always say that?
“But listen, I have the perfect idea,” I explain. “Over the summer they will be throwing a huge event in celebration over the success of Temp-V. I’m sure almost, if not all of the major Vought scientists will be there. Oh, and executives too. And all of the supes we all hate as well.”
He watches me as I talk, just smoking his cigarette. He’s hard to read these days. His expression is always pained. Not surprising though, I can literally hear his body decomposing. 
“I just- this is my best chance to get back at these people for cursing me. For making my life, and everyone else's life a living hell. Think about it, you can avenge your wife!"
“Why don’t you ask the big man in the sky?” He scoffs.
“I did, he said no.”
“Well, there is your answer from me.”
“I’m sorry?” I glare at him, appalled. “Last time I checked all you wanted to do was avenge your wife! Say 'fuck you' to Vought, and to Homelander. Why do you suddenly have cold feet?”
He reaches around me, placing an arm on my shoulder. He begins to walk me down the alleyway. 
“If the cunt says no, then it’s a no. We show up there ready to blow a crater into the ground, he’ll be the first to know. You know better than I do that he ain’t gonna like it. Also, we got ties to the FBI and the CIA. The last thing they need is for their agents that are integrated within Vought to be a part of Supe 9/11.”
“You’re telling me the CIA isn't looking for an excuse to destroy these bastards?”
“They are,” He smiles. “Just in a way that won’t have a trail leading back to ‘em.”
We’re at the opening of the alley now. Police cars fly by as they respond to the murder I just committed a few blocks away. I should be in the clear, I’m hearing a lot of “Arab Supe-Terrorist” static over the vibrations of police radio. 
“Get Soldier Boy back, thatll make it even easier for everyone. They can just blame it on him.”
“That’ll come back on ‘em too, Love. They have him hidden with a frostbitten dick at a military compound. If the cunt got out on their terms they’d never hear the end of it.” 
Huzzah, I think. Now that is a good idea. I go to shake his hand. If he's gonna reject me too, I guess there is only one thing left to do.
“Where'd they end up keeping him anyway? My bets on upstate.” I question.
He squeezes my hand tight, smiling at me mischievously. 
“I know better than to tell ‘ya that, sweetheart.”
I laugh, not genuinely, more out of frustration by this point.
“Right,” I say, beginning to walk off in the direction of my subway. “Let me know if you are ever need any of my services. You know where to reach me.” 
He walks off the opposite way, his radioactive stench leaving a trail behind him. The plot thickens. Soldier Boy is upstate alright. And if no one is willing to help me, then I’ll just have to do it myself.
Masterlist | Episode 2
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thunyielding · 2 years
the unyieldling bodement , princess elizabeth of england , daughter of anne boleyn
penned by velvet. for bloodydayshq
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name: elizabeth tudor age/dob: twenty five / 5th may 1534 status/rank: princess of england country of origin: england place of birth: the palace of placentia, england birth order: she is her father’s fourth child, her mother’s second - her brother edward being only a few months younger than her mother & father: queen anne boleyn & king henry tudor viii ✟ siblings: duke henry fitzroy of richmond ✟ (illegitimate), queen mary of spain, king william iii of england, edward seymour (illegitimate, unknown) sexuality: bisexual horoscope: taurus  virtues: earnest, alleviating, enlightened vices: opinionated, impulsive, domineering marital status: n/a issue: n/a alliance(s): king william iii, the reformation, the boleyn family adversaries: the seymour family, strict anti-reformist courtiers, spain
1534 — Born in Palace of Placentia to Anne Boleyn, named after her grandmothers Elizabeth of York & Lady Elizabeth Howard, her godparents were Thomas Cranmer, Henry Courtenay, Elizabeth Strafford & Margaret Wotton 1536 — Moved to Hatfield House for her safety & education after the death of Katherine of Aragon, her mother suffers a stillborn son and Jane Seymour gives birth to a son, Edward 1537 — Edward, Thomas & Jane Seymour are beheaded to secure the rumours around William & Elizabeth’s legitimacy 1538 — Mary Tudor returns to court and marries Philip of Spain, leaving England 1439 — Her first summer is spent at Hever Castle 1545 — A warrant for the arrest of Anne Boleyn is signed, but her death is only just dodged. Elizabeth remains at Hatfield House, but by the end of the year begins to travel to Greenwich Palace and Hampton Court on occasion to see her parents 1557 — King Henry VIII dies, followed by William (her older brother) as the next King of England, Elizabeth moves to court to join her brother’s coronation and present herself as no longer daughter but sister 1559 — Anne Boleyn marries Thomas Wyatt, Elizabeth joins court again to attend the wedding
The chroniclers of Henry’s Tudor Court would describe the birth of Elizabeth Tudor for years to come - mostly, her beginning was an enigma; a mythology of its own. Seymour Loyalists would whisper that she had been born from the low-hanging fruit of the Percy household due to her mother’s swindling ways. Others would declare that she had been conceived well before the private marriage between the King and his adored subject, Anne Boleyn. Others, coated in sugar by the royal household, would bear the new Princess as a holy comet sent to signal a new dawn and age upon the English royal throne. 
But beneath each and every whisper comes a slither of truth. She had arrived fighting, her lungs heavy with breath as she took her first screams. Coated in her mother’s blood with the feral instinct of Tudor burning within her eyes, Elizabeth was heralded as the King’s legitimate and most beloved daughter - and in time, as Henry Tudor would insist, a son would follow. 
Separated soon after to be fed by a wet nurse, Elizabeth barely knew her parents as a bairn. Surely, she was visited now and again but to an infant they were but strangers who’d sometimes bring new toys or would influence her household to bow and curtsey with deep admiration. No, she didn’t know them as any other normal child would’ve - but then, Elizabeth wasn’t normal. She never would be. With fire shimmering atop her crown, she was prepared to enlist herself into a lifetime offered for England’s future. As her parents brought forth a new playmate, Elizabeth was taught to give way and stand aside for the baby who was now heralded as the one and true heir of the English Kingdom that had once been ruled by giants - descendents of Troy, or so her nanny would whisper. 
As a girl, Elizabeth grew fiery. In some other lifetime where she had lost a mother and her gilded title, she would’ve been forced to become modest and coy - her own father would’ve named Elizabeth as a bastard after all, tarnishing her to become something quite hidden within the shadows till the ever-loving touch of a stepmother who thought each of Henry Tudor’s children were deserving of a place in their father’s heart. But in this timeline? She had been bolstered by her blossoming relationship with her mother and father, often claimed as Princess of Hearts and future Queen of some far away land (even if Mary had been promised to the King of Spain, it did not mean that Elizabeth would not carry a crown - her governess would insist). She prepared with eagerness, studying attentively - learning foreign tongues and histories, indulging herself in horse riding, poetry and philosophy. 
Though celebrated as a daughter of England, Elizabeth was kept from the haunted gloom of court and instead was held within Hatfield House, where she grew from girl to woman - flourishing in her father’s colours as she took to dancing at balls and hosting elaborate feast days and plays. Styled as the Golden Princess, she would cast a wide net to entertain friends and courtiers, often mistaking true friendship and confidants with people who’d whisper behind sugared palms - this would ultimately lead to another sort of mythology to cloud Elizabeth’s public persona. The forever growing Seymour Loyalists and Anne Boleyn’s enemies would often say that her parties grew thick with the devil’s pleasure - that she bore a witch’s mark upon her navel and danced with unmarried men without a chaperone present. Others would say that her entertainment was heavenly, marked with laughter and prayer. Some wouldn’t care to repeat what they saw or heard. Certainly, the truth cannot be known, but Elizabeth’s reputation was soon taken over by the death of her larger than life father, the King. 
Henry Tudor died by a wishbone - choking till his skin turned purple, grey then a bloated whitish-yellow. Elizabeth, who had been walking the gardens before retiring to her chambers, was alerted by a messenger who had been sent by her mother and brother - or should that be mended to read, King William III. No longer a daughter, but presently a sister, Elizabeth moved from Hatfield to London for both the coronation and to reinstate herself as a woman. Hands clasped, she swore to protect her brother and agreed (hesitantly) to marry if such a union would strengthen William’s reign. Now a sister to the King, and the prize pawn to be sold at market, Elizabeth strains against the rules set upon her - and burns with the Boleyn might that nearly every Englishman has grown to fear. 
Now at court, her toes inching closer to the doomed centre of the Tudor court, Elizabeth must protect herself and her family - what with the ghost of war growing louder with each day that passes. No longer a girl of soft fat and small curled fists, Elizabeth’s reputation is at stake. A maiden of pure white linen and an overflowing cup, the Princess bides her time and holds back any type of suitor in the hope to remain a feared Tudor.
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nutrition-expert · 2 months
How to Deal with Maternal Obesity and Risky Pregnancy: 5 Recommendations about Foods to Avoid
Obesity during pregnancy is becoming a major health concern for women worldwide. It's linked to a higher risk of nearly all pregnancy complications, including gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes mellitus, delivery of large-for-gestational-age infants, and a higher incidence of congenital defects. Additionally, obese pregnant women face an increased risk of caesarean birth. The maternal obesity can make it harder to check the baby's size and position, and to monitor the baby's heart. Even breastfeeding initiation and maintenance can be more challenging for women with obesity.
 To help manage these risks, here are five foods to avoid for a healthier pregnancy journey.
5 foods to avoid for a healthier pregnancy journey.
1. Sugary Foods and Beverages
Sugary foods and beverages such as sodas, candies, and baked items are rich in calories and can result in excessive weight gain. Excessive sugar consumption can increase the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus, which cause health risks for the mother and the baby. Instead, opt for natural sugar found in with low sugar content, such as berries and apples to get essential nutrients and fibre.
2. Limit junk and processed food
Consumption of foods high in saturated fats, such as fried food, processed snacks, animal fats, and butter, should be minimized. These foods majorly contribute to weight gain and can elevate cholesterol levels, increasing the risk of heart disease and hypertension. Choose healthy fats found in fruits such as avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil. Avoid processed foods, which are rich in unhealthy fats, salt, and preservatives. Rather than choose whole grains and nutrient-rich foods such as vegetables, fruits and lean proteins.
3. Reduce Salt Intake
High sodium content present in processed and canned foods, salty snacks, and fast food can lead to high blood pressure and fluid retention, posing risks during pregnancy. Consume less than 6 grams of sodium intake per day. Consume meals and season them with herbs and spices rather than salt.  Choose fresh or frozen foods over canned or processed options whenever possible.
4. Avoid Refined Carbohydrates
Refined carbohydrates such as white bread, pasta, and pastries can quickly convert into sugar by the body and lead to spike in blood sugar and potential weight gain. These foods do not have fibre and nutrients as found in whole grains. Substitute refined carbs with whole grain alternatives such as brown rice, whole wheat bread, quinoa, and oats. They offer energy and adequate nutrition.
5. Avoid Alcohol and Limit Caffeine
Pregnant women must avoid alcohol consumption as it may pose severe risks to the developing foetus, such as congenital defects and developmental issues. It is also better to limit caffeine intake from coffee, tea, and other caffeine rich drinks that can increase the risk of miscarriage. Choose healthy options as water, herbal teas, fresh juices and smoothies.
A healthy diet is essential during pregnancy, but sometimes food alone isn't enough. Taking prenatal vitamins with folic acid, iodine, and Vitamin D can help ensure your baby gets the nutrients needed for the best chance at a healthy start.
Trimacare is the leading MMN & IFC based pregnancy supplements, crafted by experts and recommended by leading Indian gynaecologists.
Trimacare pregnancy supplement offers a single-pill solution, packing over 20 essential nutrients to meet the nutritional needs of expectant mothers conveniently. With vital nutrients like Vitamin D and magnesium, it helps lower the risk of preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, and hypertension. Designed for Indian mothers, Trimacare prenatal multivitamin provides trimester-specific care, addressing the unique needs of the mother and child during pregnancy.
Source url - https://pencraftednews.com/how-to-deal-with-maternal-obesity-and-risky-pregnancy-5-recommendations-about-foods-to-avoid/
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sachinsinghj02 · 4 months
Decoding Dairy: Understanding Lactose Intolerance and Dairy Alternatives
Dairy products are a staple in many diets worldwide, providing essential nutrients like calcium, protein, and vitamins. However, for a significant portion of the population, consuming dairy can lead to uncomfortable symptoms due to lactose intolerance. Understanding lactose intolerance and exploring dairy alternatives can help individuals manage their diet and maintain their health without compromising on nutrition.
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What is Lactose Intolerance?
Lactose intolerance is a common digestive disorder where the body cannot fully digest lactose, a sugar found in milk and dairy products. This condition occurs due to a deficiency of lactase, the enzyme responsible for breaking down lactose into glucose and galactose, which are easily absorbed by the body.
When lactose remains undigested, it passes into the colon, where it is fermented by bacteria, leading to symptoms such as:
Stomach cramps
Lactose intolerance can vary in severity. Some people can tolerate small amounts of lactose, while others may react to even minimal dairy intake.
Causes of Lactose Intolerance
Lactose intolerance can be classified into three main types:
Primary Lactose Intolerance: This is the most common type, where lactase production decreases with age. Many people develop symptoms in adolescence or adulthood.
Secondary Lactose Intolerance: This occurs when lactase production decreases due to illness or injury to the small intestine, such as from celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, or gastroenteritis. It can be temporary if the underlying condition is treated.
Congenital Lactose Intolerance: A rare, genetic form where babies are born with little or no lactase. This requires strict avoidance of lactose from birth.
Diagnosing Lactose Intolerance
If you suspect you have lactose intolerance, it’s important to seek medical advice. Common diagnostic methods include:
Lactose Tolerance Test: Measures blood glucose levels after consuming a lactose-rich beverage. Low glucose levels indicate poor lactose digestion.
Hydrogen Breath Test: Measures the amount of hydrogen in your breath after consuming lactose. High levels suggest lactose fermentation in the colon.
Stool Acidity Test: Used for infants and young children, this test checks for lactic acid in the stool, a byproduct of undigested lactose.
Managing Lactose Intolerance
While lactose intolerance can be inconvenient, it’s manageable with dietary adjustments. Here are some strategies:
1. Lactose-Free and Low-Lactose Products
Many dairy products are available in lactose-free versions, including milk, cheese, and yogurt. These products have lactase added to break down lactose, making them easier to digest. Low-lactose options, such as hard cheeses and some fermented dairy, contain less lactose and may be tolerable in small amounts.
2. Lactase Supplements
Over-the-counter lactase enzyme supplements can help digest lactose when taken before consuming dairy. These can be particularly useful when dining out or when dairy is unavoidable.
3. Gradual Introduction
Some people can build tolerance to small amounts of lactose by gradually reintroducing dairy into their diet. This method involves starting with small portions and slowly increasing the amount.
Dairy Alternatives
For those who choose to avoid lactose completely, numerous dairy alternatives can provide similar nutritional benefits. Here’s a look at some popular options:
1. Plant-Based Milks
Plant-based milks are a versatile and widely available alternative to cow’s milk. Some popular options include:
Soy Milk: Rich in protein and comparable to cow’s milk in nutritional value. It’s often fortified with calcium and vitamins.
Almond Milk: Low in calories and fat, though lower in protein. Often fortified with vitamins and minerals.
Oat Milk: Creamy texture with moderate protein content. It’s naturally sweet and often fortified with essential nutrients.
Coconut Milk: Rich and creamy with a distinctive flavor. It’s lower in protein but often fortified with vitamins and minerals.
Rice Milk: Sweet and thin, suitable for those with nut or soy allergies. It’s lower in protein and may be fortified with nutrients.
2. Plant-Based Yogurts and Cheeses
Plant-based yogurts and cheeses made from soy, almond, coconut, or cashew provide lactose-free options for those who miss these dairy products. These alternatives often mimic the taste and texture of traditional dairy and can be fortified with calcium and probiotics.
3. Butter and Cream Alternatives
Non-dairy butter and cream substitutes, such as those made from coconut oil or various plant oils, can replace traditional butter and cream in cooking and baking. These alternatives can provide similar textures and flavors while being suitable for lactose-intolerant individuals.
Nutritional Considerations
When choosing dairy alternatives, it’s essential to consider their nutritional profile to ensure you’re getting the necessary nutrients. Here are some tips:
Check Fortification: Look for products fortified with calcium, vitamin D, and B12, as these are crucial nutrients found in dairy.
Compare Protein Content: Some plant-based milks, like almond or rice milk, are lower in protein compared to cow’s milk. Soy milk and pea protein milk are higher in protein and can be good alternatives.
Read Labels: Be aware of added sugars and flavorings in some dairy alternatives. Opt for unsweetened versions to reduce sugar intake.
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joneysingh01 · 4 months
Exploring the Benefits of Fish Consumption for Overall Health
Fish, a delectable and versatile food source, has long been recognized for its culinary appeal and nutritional value. Beyond its exquisite taste, fish offers a plethora of health benefits, making it a valuable addition to a balanced diet. Packed with essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, regular fish consumption can positively impact various aspects of health, from heart health to brain function. In this article, we delve into the numerous advantages that fish offers, highlighting its role in promoting overall well-being.
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Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids
One of the most significant health benefits of fish lies in its abundance of omega-3 fatty acids. These essential fats are not produced by the human body and must be obtained through diet. Omega-3s are renowned for their heart-protective properties, as they help reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, and decrease the risk of irregular heartbeats. Studies have also linked omega-3 intake to a reduced risk of heart attack and stroke.
Brain Health and Cognitive Function
Fish consumption has been associated with improved brain health and cognitive function. Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), are crucial for brain development and maintenance. Research suggests that adequate omega-3 intake may help protect against age-related cognitive decline, Alzheimer's disease, and dementia. Additionally, fish consumption has been linked to improved memory and focus.
Eye Health
The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish are also beneficial for eye health. DHA is a major structural component of the retina, the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. Studies indicate that consuming fish rich in omega-3s may help prevent age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a leading cause of vision loss in older adults. Additionally, omega-3s may reduce the risk of dry eyes and other eye conditions.
Strong Bones and Joints
Fish is an excellent source of vitamin D, a nutrient essential for calcium absorption and bone health. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to osteoporosis, a condition characterized by weak and brittle bones. Regular fish consumption can help ensure adequate vitamin D intake, promoting strong bones and reducing the risk of fractures. Furthermore, fish contains other nutrients like calcium and phosphorus, which are also important for bone health.
Mood and Mental Well-being
Studies have suggested a link between fish consumption and improved mood and mental well-being. Omega-3 fatty acids may play a role in regulating neurotransmitters in the brain, which are involved in mood regulation. Research indicates that consuming fish rich in omega-3s may reduce the risk of depression and anxiety.
Pregnancy and Infant Development
During pregnancy and infancy, omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for the development of the baby's brain and eyes. Pregnant women who consume adequate amounts of omega-3s may reduce the risk of preterm birth and low birth weight. Omega-3 intake during pregnancy and breastfeeding has also been associated with improved cognitive development in infants.
Additional Benefits
Beyond the aforementioned benefits, fish consumption has been linked to a reduced risk of various other health conditions, including:
Type 2 diabetes: Omega-3s may improve insulin sensitivity and help regulate blood sugar levels.
Rheumatoid arthritis: Omega-3s have anti-inflammatory properties that may alleviate symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
Asthma: Children who consume fish regularly may have a lower risk of developing asthma.
Certain cancers: Some studies suggest that fish consumption may reduce the risk of certain cancers, including breast, prostate, and colorectal cancer.
Choosing and Preparing Fish
To reap the full benefits of fish consumption, it's important to choose the right types of fish and prepare them in healthy ways. Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, tuna, and sardines are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Baking, grilling, or broiling fish are healthier cooking methods than frying. It's also crucial to ensure that the fish you consume is sourced from reputable suppliers to minimize exposure to contaminants like mercury.
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lotushospitalshyd · 10 months
How to Choose the Best Neonatology Hospital for Your Baby's Care 
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A newborn baby with respiratory problems or any other defect requires the utmost care. Delicate and vulnerable, the new-born is kept alive, and so is the hope of its parents. A NICU medical team and nurses have to be highly qualified & skilled to service babies. In short, parents need the best neonatology hospital in town so they can take the newborn home as soon as possible.  
Lotus Hospitals for Women & Children in Hyderabad has an excellent team of experienced paediatric doctors and qualified nurses who work with compassion. We explain why the choice of the best neonatology hospital will work for your baby’s care.  
In Hyderabad, Lotus Hospitals for Women & Children is considered as a hope for many parents. We have a wonderful team of doctors at our NICU department. To get to know the quality assurance, check out the metrics that make us unique.  
Everyone in the department mandatorily practises thorough hand hygiene before and after handling delicate babies.  
We take care so that blood-related infections are not passed on. 
Monitor temperature, blood pressure, blood sugars, liver functions of new-borns who have low birth rates. 
Be ready for unplanned extubation. Once the baby is put off the ventilator, the risks are high.  
These are some of the benchmarks we use for the baby’s overall care within the unit. There are other factors also that are taken into consideration. They include: 
Provision of milk in the NICU.  
MRI/ CT/ X-ray and EEG procedure for newborns. 
Enhancing communication related to the progress of the baby. 
Having a survival rate without bronchopulmonary dysplasia. 
Improving internal feeding. 
Monitoring the digestive tract to process food and remove the waste.  
Checking kidneys to ensure that they eliminate waste. 
Lastly, the liver and immune system should work without external assistance.   
Family support is vital as long as the newborn is in the ward trying to make it to the real world. Parents also need to be assured and relaxed to know that the baby is in the care of the best doctors. This is an important characteristic of the best neonatology hospital in Hyderabad. Family members are integral to the support a baby needs to survive and breathe normally. At times, it can be emotional and stressful. But helping each other and seeing progress sets a benchmark and hope. 
Interesting facts about babies in neonatal wards 
Newborns react when they are read. It helps in their brain development. It allows the baby to develop a bond with the mother and father. When the baby hears the mother’s sound, it is comforting, and improvement is clear. This journey has to be traversed by the parents and the baby much before they reach home.  
Before the health milestones are reached  
In the neonatology ward, babies have to make several adjustments, and our staff is ready to hand-hold at each nano-step. To be the best neonatology hospital in Hyderabad, we have taken many tiny steps over the years to improve our facilities. Many parents trust us leaving their baby in our care. We ensure that the baby is able to use the lungs to breathe normally. We track the cardiac and pulmonary rhythms and circulations with advanced machinery and ventilators.   
We hope to see you at our facility and discuss how we can help your baby to have a quality life. This is the best neonatology hospital care your infant will ever need to live normally. 
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urbanbuddy · 11 months
Special Care Australia | urbanbuddy.au
Some newborn babies need more care than is available on the postnatal ward. They may be born premature, or have low birth weight or a health condition that needs to be treated.
There is currently no national register for babies admitted to special care nurseries (SCN) in Australia. This limits the ability to collect detailed clinical and cost data that can be translated into improved care.
What is a special care nursery?
A special care nursery, also known as a level II nursery, is a hospital unit that provides care for sick or premature newborns. Sick or premature infants are often at a higher risk of illness and require more care than other babies.
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The nurses at a special care australia nursery are highly qualified and experienced in looking after sick or premature babies. They will help you learn about caring for your baby and will encourage skin-to-skin contact.
If your baby moves from the NICU into a special care nursery, they will probably no longer need most of the medical equipment that was used to look after them in the NICU. This means you will be able to cuddle your baby for longer and do more of their daily care, like nappy changes.
What can I expect in a special care nursery?
Once babies get healthier and stronger, they might move from the NICU to a special care nursery. If this is the case, you’ll still see the doctors and nurses you know from your baby’s time in the NICU. They’ll monitor your baby but less often than in the NICU. You’ll be able to cuddle your baby for longer, and you might feed them at breast or by bottle instead of via tube.
It’s natural to be excited about your baby moving to the special care nursery, but it’s also normal to feel worried too. The medical and nursing staff are highly qualified to look after premature babies, and they can help you learn about how to care for your baby at home. They’ll follow your baby’s progress through our Neonatal Follow-Up Program over their first year of life.
Can I bring my baby home from a special care nursery?
Some babies need specialised care after birth, especially if they were born premature, have a low birth weight or are part of twins. This can be too much for a postnatal ward, so they’ll need to be admitted to an SCN or NICU.
Babies in the SCN are usually healthier and stronger than NICU babies. Often this means they can go home earlier.
Once babies are discharged from the SCN, they’ll be followed up in our Neonatal
Follow-Up Program. This means that a clinical team will keep track of their progress, including feeding and growth. They’ll also provide support to parents as they bring their baby home. This service is free to families who live in Victoria.
Can I visit my baby in a special care nursery?
Babies need special emergency care service when they’re born, especially if they’re sick or premature. They may also have health issues like jaundice, low blood sugar or temporary breathing problems.
Babies who are getting stronger might be transferred from the Women’s and Children’s Hospital (WCH) or Flinders Medical Centre Neonatal Intensive Care Unit to our special care nursery. These babies have some medical equipment but not as much as NICU babies do.
In the special care nursery, nurses monitor your baby less often and you can do more of the hand-on work, such as nappy changes. Nurses might encourage skin-toskin contact between you and your baby (Kangaroo Care) to help you bond with them. They might also let you give your baby a bottle or breastfeed instead of having to feed them through a tube.
Can I bring my own food and drink into a special care nursery?
Hospitals will usually not allow you to bring your own food into a special care nursery for hygiene and safety reasons. Similarly, they won’t let you into a nursery if you are unwell with an infection such as colds, fever, diarrhoea or vomiting.
Some babies require more care than is available on the postnatal ward and may need to be admitted to a special care nursery (SCN) or neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Babies who need to go to SCN are often premature, low birth weight or have health issues such as jaundice.
We can show you how to express your breast milk if you plan to feed your baby breastmilk. This will help to build up a supply for your baby in specialised care.
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thehook · 1 year
Why Most Prefer Steak Restaurant in Wellington
Steak is one of the favorite food choices in Wellington. The popular Steak Restaurant in Wellington prepares it in many ways and pairs well with eggs, potatoes and roasted vegetables. A steak is cooked medium rare when a globule of blood appears on the outer surface of the meat. This is an indication that the inner core temperature has reached a safe level.
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Many people enjoy the rich, robust flavor of a steak. Its flavor can be influenced by several factors, including the cut of meat, the diet and breed of the animal, and how it is cooked. The Maillard reaction, a chemical process that occurs when proteins and sugars come into contact with high heat, can also improve the taste of a steak by adding complexity and depth.
The umami flavor, derived from the amino acid glutamate, is another factor that contributes to the mouthwatering appeal of a steak. When steak is cooked to perfection, the umami taste is intensified.
Another way to enhance the flavor of a steak is to serve it with a jam-based condiment, like bacon jam. The sweetness of the jam can offset the savory flavors of the steak. This unexpected pairing can make for a delicious and unique meal.
The tenderness of a steak is important as it influences eating satisfaction and repeat purchase intentions. Tenderness is also a major contributor to meat quality and profitability. Tenderness is influenced by muscle fiber properties and connective tissue structure. Tenderness can be improved by aging, primarily through the degradation of cytoskeletal proteins.
Tougher cuts of beef, like those from the chuck or round, benefit from low and slow cooking. On the other hand, tender beef cuts, such as filet mignon or rib eye, are best served hot and fast.
There are a variety of ways to tenderize steak, from scoring with a knife to pounding with a meat tenderizer. Other ways to ensure juiciness include using a marinade and brining the steak. Certain fruits, such as kiwi, papaya and pineapple, contain enzymes that are effective in tenderizing tougher cuts of meat. They can be added to a marinade to break down the tough fibers. However, these enzymes may denature meat if used for too long.
According to a research, consumers cite flavor, tenderness and juiciness as the top attributes of a great steak. Consumer perception of a steak’s quality is also influenced by cut, cook and toppings. However, claim-related factors like “all-natural” or “organic” are less relevant to consumers when it comes to choosing a steak.
It is also observed that during the Covid-19 pandemic period, people were eating out more frequently and splurging on steak and other high-end items. Restaurant owners advise chefs to be aware of pricing issues and consider menu items like the Denver steak, a cut from chuck that resembles a filet but is a bit less pricey.
Medical organizations recommend red meat because it provides essential nutrients like phosphorus and zinc that help maintain good oral health. And starting at around six months, babies need increasing amounts of iron, which can be found in steak.
Many steaks are served with a variety of sauces that can punch up the flavor. A common option is a sauce made with red wine. Other common sauces include Bordelaise, mushroom, and Hollandaise.
The most popular steak cuts are ribeye, filet mignon, and T-bone/Porterhouse. Other steaks include New York strip, hanger steak, and chuck cut. A New York strip is a cut from the loin that's shaped like a T and includes part of the tenderloin. It has less fat than a ribeye and a more robust flavor than the filet mignon.
Some vegetarians also eat steak in the form of portobello mushrooms and other vegetable-based dishes that are similar to steak. Steak can be introduced to babies as soon as they're ready for solid foods, generally around 6 months old. It's important to watch them closely while eating it because it is a choking hazard for infants. It's also important to ensure that they don't overcook it.
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Stay hearty and healthy during pregnancy by following these simple tips
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Pregnancy marks the onset of parenthood. We often think that we only become a parent after the birth, but it really starts at conception. During the phase of pregnancy, everything we eat, drink, breathe, say, think… becomes relevant in a whole new way altogether.
You probably know some of the basics about taking care of yourself and the baby. Don’t smoke. Don’t drink. Get your rest. The list goes on and on…There are do’s and don’ts for everything. But, instead of following a set rulebook, and stressing yourself out even more, just keep in mind that staying healthy comprises of simple efforts carried out every day. Here are some handy tips, that can help ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy.
Take prenatal vitamins daily
Even when you’re still trying to conceive, it is the right time to start taking prenatal vitamins. Your baby’s neural cord, which becomes the brain and spinal cord, develops within the first month of pregnancy, so it’s important you get essential nutrients, like folic acid, calcium, and iron, from the very start. Plan an exercise chart
Staying active is a must for most moms to be. Regular exercise will help you control your weight, improve circulation, boost your mood, and help you sleep better. Pilates, yoga, swimming, and walking are all great activities for most pregnant women, but be sure to check with your doctor first before starting any exercise program. Aim for 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week. Listen to your body, though, and don’t overdo it.
Know about latest trends
Even if this is not your first child, attending a childbirth/prenatal class will help you feel more prepared for delivery. Not only will you have the chance to learn more about childbirth and infant care, but you can ask specific questions and voice any concerns. You’ll also become more acquainted with the facility and its staff. This is also a good time to brush up on your family’s medical history. Talk to your doctor about problems with past pregnancies, and report any family incidences of birth defects.
Practice Kegels
Kegels strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which support your bladder, bowels, and uterus. When done correctly, this simple exercise can help make your delivery easier and prevent problems later with urinary incontinence. It is a very convenient and easy exercise and can be done daily.
Practice squeezing as though you’re stopping the flow of urine when you use the bathroom.
– Hold for three seconds, then relax for three.
– Repeat 10 times.
Track your weight gain
In pregnancy, the common notion is to eat for two people. But packing on too many extra kilos may make them hard to lose later. At the same time, not can gaining enough weight can put the baby at risk for a low-weight birth, a major cause of developmental problems.
Go shoe shopping
As your body grows, so may your feet. This happens due to natural weight gain throwing off your center of gravity, putting extra pressure on your feet. Over time this added pressure can cause painful over-pronation, or flatten out the feet. You may retain fluids, too, which can make your feet and ankles swell. To prevent these problems, wear comfortable shoes with good support.
Folate-rich foods are a must
Folic acid is crucial for the baby’s neurological development and vital for the creation of new red blood cells.  It is a smart choice to start eating plenty of folate-rich foods like fortified cereals, asparagus, lentils, wheat germ, oranges, and orange juice.
Recharge with fruits
Most doctors recommend limiting caffeine during pregnancy since it can have harmful effects on you and the baby. Cutting down can be tough, though, especially when you’re used to your morning cup. For a quick boost up, try nibbling on some fruit. “The natural sugars in fruits like bananas and apples can help lift energy levels.
Fly smart
According to clinical experts, mid-pregnancy, around 14 to 28 weeks, is usually the best time to fly. By this time you’re probably over morning sickness, and the risk of miscarriage or early delivery is low. Still, check with your doctor about any travel plans, and make sure the airline has no restrictions for pregnant women. While on the plane, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, and get up and walk around every half hour to reduce the risk of blood clots. An aisle seat will give you more room and make trips to the bathroom easier.
Know when to call the doctor
Being pregnant can be confusing, especially if it is your first time. How do you know which twinge is normal and which one isn’t? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you should call your doctor if you have any of these
– Pain of any kind
– Strong cramps
– Contractions at 20-minute intervals
– Vaginal bleeding or leaking of fluid
– Dizziness or fainting
– Shortness of breath
– Heart palpitations
– Constant nausea and vomiting
– Trouble walking, edema (swelling of joints)
– Decreased activity by the baby
Get regular prenatal care
Begin prenatal care as soon as your pregnancy test result is positive, when you decide you want to conceive or when you suspect you might be pregnant. You can start by seeing your regular doctor, but will likely want to transfer to a specialized prenatal care doctor as your pregnancy progresses. As long as you are undergoing a normal pregnancy (according to your doctor), your scheduled prenatal appointments should follow this timeline:
See your physician every four weeks until you are 28 weeks pregnant
See your physician every two weeks from the time you are 28 weeks to 36 weeks pregnant
See your physician once a week (or more often, as per your doctor’s instructions) after the 36th week of pregnancy
Indulge Yourself
You may think you’re busy now, but once the baby is born, you will have even fewer precious moments to yourself. Treating yourself to a pedicure/manicure, spending time with friends, or simply taking a quiet walk can help you relax and de-stress, and that’s good for both you and the baby.
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kingherbs · 1 year
New Nutritional Fortifier---Inositol
Today we will give you an overview of inositol, an ingredient that has been buried for too long.
What You Need To Know About Inositol
1) Structure and mechanism of action
Inositol is a six-carbon cyclic alcohol. In terms of mechanism, inositol, with the molecular formula C6H12O6, is exactly the same as glucose. It is a slightly sweet sugar, about 50% as sweet as sucrose, a good carbohydrate.
As the precursor of inositol phosphates and lipids, inositol is involved in various life activities of the body, such as growth regulation, biofilm formation and signal transduction, etc. It is an essential nutritional factor for human beings. It has been added as an effective ingredient in functional foods, health foods and drugs according to the 2010 national standards.
Inositol, commonly known as myocardial sugar, is essential for the growth of human beings, animals and microorganisms. The daily dosage of the human body is 1 ~ 2 grams per day. It has similar activity to vitamin B1 and was once classified as a B vitamin. New research shows that the body can make inositol from glucose.
2) Sources
The biggest food sources of inositol are organic whole grains, nuts, cantaloupe, citrus fruits, Lima beans, raisins, and cabbage.
The main source of inositol in infants is breast milk. The content of inositol in human colostrum is about 35.5mg/100mL, the average of mature breast milk is 14mg/100mL, goat milk is 5.3mg/100mL, and cow milk is 2.1mg/100mL. Because the inositol content in cow milk is low, baby formula is usually supplemented with some inositol.
3) Nine isomers
They are Myo-inositol, D-chiro-inositol, L-chiro-nositol, scyllo-inositol, epi-ino-sitol, muco-inositol, allo-inositol, cis-inositol and neo-inositol.
About 99% of inositol in nature is myo-inositol (Myo), and about 1% is D-chiro-inositol (DCI). There are few inositol in other structures. At present, the industry mainly focuses on the research and production of Myo and DCI, and these two inositols can also be converted into each other under the action of epimerase.
Application of D-chiro-inositol
The study of D-chiro-inositol (DCI) is also a hot topic at present. Several studies have shown that it can regulate the function of autonomous follicle development and oocyte quality in patients with polycystic disease.
DCI is a signaling substance involved in insulin signaling in the human body. After taking inositol normally, it will be automatically converted into DCI, which can regulate blood glucose, menstruation and improve PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). Patients with insulin resistance cannot convert to DCI even after taking inositol, so they need to take DCI directly to regulate blood glucose, menstruation, and improve PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome).
The mature technology of DCI is derived from carob extract, which is also classified as natural flavor according to regulations. It can be added in various kinds of food according to production requirements, and is commonly used in chocolate, functional candy, beverage, etc.
Application of terminal product
According to the current regulations and applications, inositol is not only a food nutrition fortifier, but also a health food and a medicine. Conventional applications include the following directions:
1)Application of drug
As drugs, there are inositol tablets, Inositol Nicotinate Tablets, and vitamin tablets with inositol added. The indications of inositol tablets are usually described as being used for fatty liver, hepatitis, early cirrhosis and arteriosclerosis, hyperlipidemia, etc.
2)Application of milk powder for special medical purpose 
Special formulas for preterm infants and young children contain twice or more inositol than mature breast milk to meet the infant's demand for inositol, a functional sugar.
As an important nutritional fortifier, inositol is widely added to infant formula food. From the market products, inositol can also be found in most infant formula milk powder.
Inositol can be used as food, health food or medicine. It is also a carbohydrate with special physiological functions.
Although it can be easily found in baby formula, food for special medical purpose and functional food for women, it is only used as a special vitamin at present, and has not been more diversified and comprehensive development and application.
On the whole, the current research on the mechanism and efficacy of inositol at a deeper level is still relatively limited and lacks rich and solid basic research support. In terms of preparation process, inositol preparation process is very simple and there is no barrier, which causes that inositol is not paid attention to. But it is important to note that inositol has an excellent range of applications and no regulatory hurdles, and if companies can study it further, inositol may have a promising future.
article from:New Nutritional Fortifier---Inositol - Kingherbs Limited
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How a Paediatric Dietitian Can Help Your Child
Paediatric dietitians are experts in the field of nutrition, and they can help your child lead a healthy life.
Pediatric dietitians work with children, teenagers, and young adults in hospital, outpatient clinics and at home. They help with a wide range of food and nutrition problems.
Help with breastfeeding
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If you’re breastfeeding a baby and have questions about what to eat, a paediatric dietitian can provide help. They can explain what foods are best to eat while breastfeeding and how much you should eat.
A good nutrition plan includes a variety of foods, including protein, fruits and vegetables. It should also include a healthy amount of dairy foods, which can help maintain milk supply and keep your body strong.
You should aim for at least four servings of dairy a day, such as milk, cheese and yoghurt. Non-dairy sources of calcium, such as green leafy vegetables and nuts, are also a good option.
Pediatric dietitians are university qualified experts in children’s nutrition and dietetics. They work with a range of children and families, from infants who aren’t growing as expected to young adults who are struggling with obesity or eating disorders. They can help children with special dietary needs, such as those who have celiac disease or food allergies.
Weight or growth concerns
A paediatric dietitian will provide advice on food and lifestyle to help you and your child manage any concerns. They will use a variety of tools including food diaries, fluid balance, regularity of stools and barriers to feeding to assess your child's needs.
Poor weight gain or a drop from the expected growth rate may be a concern. It's important to talk with your doctor if the trend appears to be changing.
Your child's doctor will take a look at their growth chart to check that they are growing as they should and may ask you to provide them with any additional information about your child's diet and activity. They'll also be looking for any medical conditions your child may have that might be causing this, such as anemia or thyroid problems.
In most cases, children who aren't gaining the right amount of weight need to be provided with extra calories to boost their growth. This can be done through a variety of means, such as additional oil or sugar, special formulas and dietary supplements that stimulate appetite.
Food allergies
A food allergy occurs when your child's immune system overreacts to a specific protein found in foods. Common food allergens include milk, eggs, peanuts, wheat, soy, fish and shellfish.
Symptoms of a food allergy can range from mild to severe. They can include hives (red, itchy patches of skin), eczema, itching, vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing and lowered blood pressure.
Your doctor may suggest a skin prick test or blood test to confirm the diagnosis. The tests will show what your child is allergic to.
A child with a food allergy must avoid the foods that cause their symptoms, or they could have life-threatening reactions called anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis can be treated with epinephrine, which is injected quickly into the arm or hand to reduce the signs and symptoms of an allergy reaction.
Diets that are restricted
A paediatric dietitian Brisbane will be able to help you create a plan that provides your child with the nutrients they need. This includes a balance of protein, calcium, iron, carbohydrates and fiber.
The dietitian will also work out if your child needs extra nutrients for growth, or if they have a condition that requires a special diet. This could include a specialised diet for an infant with iron-deficiency anemia, or a low-fat diet for a child diagnosed with obesity.
A study conducted by Fisher and Birch found that restricting access to a palatable food (i.e., a high-calorie snack) increases children's selection and intake of this food immediately after the restriction. These findings replicate previous findings and extend the research by examining individual differences in the effect of restriction on children's eating responses. Specifically, greater increases in intake were observed among children lower in inhibitory control, higher in approach and who found the restricted food highly reinforcing.
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Losing Weight While Pregnant
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Pregnancy is an exciting time for many women, but it can also be a challenging one. One of the challenges that some women face during pregnancy is weight gain. While weight gain is a normal part of pregnancy, excessive weight gain can lead to health problems for both the mother and the baby. As a result, some women may be interested in losing weight during pregnancy. In this blog, we will explore the topic of losing weight while pregnant, including the risks and benefits, and provide some tips for safely managing weight during pregnancy.
The Risks of Losing Weight While Pregnant
Before we delve into the topic of losing weight while pregnant, it's important to understand the risks involved. Losing weight during pregnancy can be risky for both the mother and the baby, and should not be done without medical supervision.
The first risk of losing weight while pregnant is that it can lead to malnutrition. Pregnant women need a variety of nutrients, including folic acid, iron, calcium, and protein, to support the growth and development of their babies. Restricting calories or certain food groups can make it difficult to get these essential nutrients, which can lead to developmental problems for the baby.
The second risk of losing weight while pregnant is that it can increase the risk of premature birth. Premature birth can lead to a range of health problems for the baby, including breathing problems, infections, and developmental delays.
The third risk of losing weight while pregnant is that it can increase the risk of low birth weight. Low birth weight is a major risk factor for infant mortality and can also lead to developmental problems later in life.
In addition to these risks, losing weight while pregnant can also be emotionally stressful for some women. Pregnancy is already a time of heightened emotions and anxiety, and adding the pressure of weight loss can exacerbate these feelings.
The Benefits of Managing Weight During Pregnancy
Despite the risks involved, there are some potential benefits to managing weight during pregnancy. For women who are overweight or obese, managing weight gain during pregnancy can reduce the risk of gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, and pre-eclampsia. It can also reduce the risk of complications during labor and delivery.
In addition, managing weight gain during pregnancy can make it easier to lose weight after the baby is born. Women who gain excessive weight during pregnancy are more likely to retain that weight after giving birth, which can lead to long-term health problems.
Tips for Safely Managing Weight During Pregnancy
If you are interested in managing your weight during pregnancy, it's important to do so in a safe and healthy way. Here are some tips to help you manage your weight during pregnancy:
Talk to your healthcare provider. Before making any changes to your diet or exercise routine, it's important to talk to your healthcare provider. They can provide guidance on safe weight management during pregnancy and monitor your health to ensure that you and your baby are getting the nutrients you need.
Eat a healthy, balanced diet. Rather than restricting calories, focus on eating a healthy, balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. This will provide you and your baby with the nutrients you need while also helping you manage your weight.
Avoid processed foods and sugary drinks. Processed foods and sugary drinks are high in calories and low in nutrients, which can lead to excessive weight gain. Instead, focus on whole foods and water or other low-sugar drinks.
Stay active. Staying active during pregnancy can help you manage your weight and improve your overall health. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week, as long as your healthcare provider has given you the green light.
Get enough rest. Getting enough rest is important for managing stress and supporting a healthy pregnancy.3
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vegi1 · 2 years
Is vegan pregnancy safe?
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A vegan diet excludes all animal products, including dairy, eggs, and honey. Vegans also do not consume any food that has been produced from animals, such as gelatin or lard. The vegan diet has many benefits, as it is typically high in fiber and low in cholesterol and saturated fat. Vegans also tend to eat more fruits, vegetables, and legumes, which are all high in essential vitamins and minerals.
There are some risks associated with a vegan diet during pregnancy. vitamin B12 Vitamin B12 is essential for neurological development in babies, so it is important to supplement with a vegan source of vitamin B12 if you are following a vegan diet during pregnancy.
Omega-3 fatty acids are also important for pregnant women, as they are essential for fetal development. To make sure you get enough omega-3 fatty acids, look for fortified vegan foods such as vegan milk , as well as take a vegan omega-3 supplement.
Many people criticized a vegan diet during pregnancy because they believe when you are vegan you can’t get nutrients and this is not good for the baby.  Because pregnant mothers should have a full of zinc, vitamin B12, omega-, iron, and calcium meal plans. Also during pregnancy, you should use folic acid. But vegan food doesn’t contain this vitamin and mineral.
In my opinion, you will be satisfied with this diet, because this lifestyle decreases postpartum depression and maternal or infant mortality.
If you have a planned based diet and limited sugar you can protect yourself from safeguarding gestational diabetes. Also, you can have a healthy vegan diet and Prevent weight gain during pregnancy.
Many mothers have Constipation during pregnancy, vegan foods are a rich source of fiber and prevent this problem. Also, if someone has a rich blood pressure during pregnancy and veganism can help them with spending pregnancy.
When you want to start a vegan diet and you have a plan for pregnancy, I suggest you use a dietitian specializing in guiding and protecting your baby during Vegan pregnancy.
It’s wonderful news that a woman who is on a vegan diet has become pregnant! However, pregnant women always need to be mindful of their nutritional intake. As a vegan, the challenge is even greater, since it’s important to make sure that she is getting all the plant vitamins, minerals, and vegan nutrients that she needs. Pregnant women need extra doses of iron, calcium, folic acid, and vitamin B12, which are all essential for the development of her baby. It can be difficult to get all these nutrients from a purely plant-based diet, so it’s important to supplement with vegan-friendly supplements. Additionally, she should be sure to eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds to make sure she is getting a complete range of nutrients. With proper nutrition and the right supplements, she can ensure that she and her baby are both healthy and happy.
Protein is an essential nutrient during pregnancy and can be difficult to get on a vegan diet. The best way to make sure you’re getting enough protein is to include a variety of protein-rich foods in your diet, such as beans, nuts, seeds, and tofu. You can also supplement your diet with vegan protein powders and bars.
You should also focus on getting enough protein on a vegan diet. Good sources of vegan protein include beans, nuts, seeds, and tempeh. Eating a variety of plant-based proteins will ensure you get all the essential amino acids your body needs.
When following a vegan or vegetarian diet, certain foods should be avoided. Processed vegan meats and cheeses are generally not recommended, as they can contain large amounts of sodium, saturated fat, and preservatives. Alcohol should also be avoided, as it can increase the risk of birth defects.
It is also important to avoid unpasteurized cheeses and raw or undercooked eggs, which can contain harmful bacteria. Additionally, caffeine should be avoided, as it can increase the risk of miscarriage.
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its-me-magnesium · 2 years
Cant get enough of me?
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My RDA is 400 to 420 mg daily for males and a little less for females at 310-320 mg daily. If a female is pregnant, they need just a little extra of me, at 350-360 mg per day (The Nutrition Source, 2021). Furthermore, children and babies need some of me too! The RDA for infants varies from 30 to 75 mg per day, and the RDA for children ranges from 80 to 360 mg per day, depending on their age. There are a lot of delicious foods out there that are high in magnesium! A fantastic source of magnesium is dark leafy vegetables, such as spinach, which has nearly 80 mg in only half a cup! That is about 1/4 of a female's RDA! Some other tasty sources of magnesium include bananas, cashews, beans, tofu, whole-grain bread, and milk. Although vitamins and minerals usually work together in the body to get things done, diets high in protein, calcium, and vitamin D can increase your body's need for more of me! Magnesium deficiency can be unpleasant, and some of the most severe signs and symptoms of deficiency are tingling skin, muscle cramps, seizures, an abnormal heart rate, and a low blood calcium and potassium level (Bridges, 2021). Some less severe symptoms of magnesium deficiency include fatigue, poor appetite, nausea, and vomiting. The most common causes of a deficiency include a low magnesium diet over a long period, conditions relating to malabsorption, alcohol abuse, diabetes, and being older. Some conditions can affect digestion, and these conditions can relate to a magnesium deficiency because magnesium is absorbed in the small intestine. Alcohol abuse is related to a deficiency because alcohol can affect your organs, which help to process magnesium, causing them to flush out too much of it. People with diabetes may urinate more to flush out excess sugar, but this excessive urination may also flush out too much magnesium, causing the deficiency. Older people are prone to not getting enough of me because they do not absorb magnesium as well, urinate more frequently than younger people, and may be taking medications that can affect how much magnesium your body stores. A magnesium supplement is a good idea for those not absorbing enough. However, I am better absorbed in the liquid forms of the supplement, such as magnesium citrate, rather than solid tablet supplements. Magnesium supplements are often given to people who suffer from migraines as they usually are also deficient (The Nutrition Source, 2021). Supplements can also be given to people with diabetes. The supplement can help to improve their insulin sensitivity. Some studies have also found that taking a supplement of mine, along with B-6, may reduce PMS symptoms (Ware, 2020)!!! You're welcome, ladies!
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zeenathinno · 2 years
Managing Gestational Diabetes
When a woman becomes pregnant, some women who do not have diabetes can develop it. The body of the pregnant woman develops a decreased sensitivity to pancreatic insulin also known as gestational diabetes, especially in the second and third trimesters. As a result, blood sugar levels rise, which can negatively impact both the pregnancy and the health of the unborn child. It is therefore important to have routine tests at a maternity hospital to ensure that your blood sugars are in the normal range.  In the world, one in ten pregnant women has diabetes, and of them, 90% of cases are caused by gestational diabetes, according to research from the National Health Mission (NHM).
Managing Gestational Diabetes
The pancreas secretes a hormone called insulin, which helps blood sugar enter body cells where it may be used as energy. Women create numerous additional hormones during pregnancy. These have an impact on how well the body responds to insulin, which causes a condition known as insulin resistance. To combat insulin resistance, the pancreatic insulin-producing cells become more active in response. According to certain studies, it is observed that Indians struggle more than other populations to produce insulin in response to pregnancy-related insulin resistance because South Asians have fewer insulin-producing cells. Most pregnant women do not develop gestational diabetes symptoms or may mistake them for pregnancy-related ones. Therefore, it is advisable to visit a gynaecologist at a nearby maternity hospital to help with diabetes management if so diagnosed.  Risk factors could indicate to the doctor about the possibility of gestational diabetes. These include having a pre-diabetic condition, having a close relative who has had diabetes and leading a sedentary lifestyle. The risk factors for this disorder also include nutritional deficits, gestational diabetes from a prior pregnancy and polycystic ovarian syndrome. However, for the majority of patients, gestational diabetes is diagnosed based on a screening test that monitors how the body reacts to sugar.  Lil Feet by Altius Hospitals is one of the best maternity hospitals, and has packages for regular screening tests to keep track of your health condition.
Pre-eclampsia is a significant pregnancy condition that produces high blood pressure and poses a threat to both the mother’s and the unborn child’s lives. Pregnant women with gestational diabetes are at an increased risk of developing pre-eclampsia. It is therefore important to talk to your doctor about diabetes management.  Women who have had gestational diabetes are more likely to develop it once more if they become pregnant again. With age, they also have a larger risk of getting type 2 diabetes. Prenatal diabetes may potentially have an impact on the infant. Being overweight during birth, which might harm the baby during delivery, is the main complication of this disorder. High blood sugar can cause early labor, which could lead to premature birth. Preterm infants may experience severe respiratory issues and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Obesity and type 2 diabetes can develop in a baby as a result of gestational diabetes. A stillbirth or infant mortality may occur if a severe case of gestational diabetes goes untreated.  It is therefore extremely important to visit a maternity hospital such as Lil Feet by Altius Hospitals and talk to a gynaecologist about diabetes management, and ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy and delivery.
Prevention and management
When it comes to gestational diabetes,the strongest evidence-based strategy is true “self-care,” which involves making sure to eat well and exercise. These can help women who are at risk of gestational diabetes, while some women with gestational diabetes may benefit from taking medications.  About 85% of them can successfully manage their blood sugar levels by making simple lifestyle changes. Modifying how we eat or making even minor replacements can have a significant impact on our general health. Eating foods with high nutritional content and in balanced proportions is crucial. Physical activity through exercises, yoga, and sports like cycling and swimming are crucial components of diabetes management. Women can strive to start their pregnancies at a healthy weight and concentrate on adopting long-lasting dietary and lifestyle adjustments. Regular doctor assistance and consultation are essential during the entire process and it is necessary to have a monthly checkup in a maternity hospital.
For Indian women, the risk of getting gestational diabetes has increased. Many women can effectively prevent and treat this condition by making evidence-based lifestyle modifications. Exercise and dietary changes of any size can have a significant influence. If you are looking for a maternity hospital near you, then Lil feet by Altius Hospitals is the one as it is one of the best maternity hospitals in Bangalore.
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kabbur28 · 2 years
Managing Gestational Diabetes
When a woman becomes pregnant, some women who do not have diabetes can develop it. The body of the pregnant woman develops a decreased sensitivity to pancreatic insulin also known as gestational diabetes, especially in the second and third trimesters. As a result, blood sugar levels rise, which can negatively impact both the pregnancy and the health of the unborn child. It is therefore important to have routine tests at a maternity hospital to ensure that your blood sugars are in the normal range.  In the world, one in ten pregnant women has diabetes, and of them, 90% of cases are caused by gestational diabetes, according to research from the National Health Mission (NHM).
Managing Gestational Diabetes
The pancreas secretes a hormone called insulin, which helps blood sugar enter body cells where it may be used as energy. Women create numerous additional hormones during pregnancy. These have an impact on how well the body responds to insulin, which causes a condition known as insulin resistance. To combat insulin resistance, the pancreatic insulin-producing cells become more active in response. According to certain studies, it is observed that Indians struggle more than other populations to produce insulin in response to pregnancy-related insulin resistance because South Asians have fewer insulin-producing cells. Most pregnant women do not develop gestational diabetes symptoms or may mistake them for pregnancy-related ones. Therefore, it is advisable to visit a gynaecologist at a nearby maternity hospital to help with diabetes management if so diagnosed.  Risk factors could indicate to the doctor about the possibility of gestational diabetes. These include having a pre-diabetic condition, having a close relative who has had diabetes and leading a sedentary lifestyle. The risk factors for this disorder also include nutritional deficits, gestational diabetes from a prior pregnancy and polycystic ovarian syndrome. However, for the majority of patients, gestational diabetes is diagnosed based on a screening test that monitors how the body reacts to sugar.  Lil Feet by Altius Hospitals is one of the best maternity hospitals, and has packages for regular screening tests to keep track of your health condition.
Pre-eclampsia is a significant pregnancy condition that produces high blood pressure and poses a threat to both the mother’s and the unborn child’s lives. Pregnant women with gestational diabetes are at an increased risk of developing pre-eclampsia. It is therefore important to talk to your doctor about diabetes management.  Women who have had gestational diabetes are more likely to develop it once more if they become pregnant again. With age, they also have a larger risk of getting type 2 diabetes. Prenatal diabetes may potentially have an impact on the infant. Being overweight during birth, which might harm the baby during delivery, is the main complication of this disorder. High blood sugar can cause early labor, which could lead to premature birth. Preterm infants may experience severe respiratory issues and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Obesity and type 2 diabetes can develop in a baby as a result of gestational diabetes. A stillbirth or infant mortality may occur if a severe case of gestational diabetes goes untreated.  It is therefore extremely important to visit a maternity hospital such as Lil Feet by Altius Hospitals and talk to a gynaecologist about diabetes management, and ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy and delivery.
Prevention and management
When it comes to gestational diabetes,the strongest evidence-based strategy is true “self-care,” which involves making sure to eat well and exercise. These can help women who are at risk of gestational diabetes, while some women with gestational diabetes may benefit from taking medications.  About 85% of them can successfully manage their blood sugar levels by making simple lifestyle changes. Modifying how we eat or making even minor replacements can have a significant impact on our general health. Eating foods with high nutritional content and in balanced proportions is crucial. Physical activity through exercises, yoga, and sports like cycling and swimming are crucial components of diabetes management. Women can strive to start their pregnancies at a healthy weight and concentrate on adopting long-lasting dietary and lifestyle adjustments. Regular doctor assistance and consultation are essential during the entire process and it is necessary to have a monthly checkup in a maternity hospital.
For Indian women, the risk of getting gestational diabetes has increased. Many women can effectively prevent and treat this condition by making evidence-based lifestyle modifications. Exercise and dietary changes of any size can have a significant influence. If you are looking for a maternity hospital near you, then Lil feet by Altius Hospitals is the one as it is one of the best maternity hospitals in Bangalore.
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