#diabetes management.
zeenathinno · 2 years
Managing Gestational Diabetes
When a woman becomes pregnant, some women who do not have diabetes can develop it. The body of the pregnant woman develops a decreased sensitivity to pancreatic insulin also known as gestational diabetes, especially in the second and third trimesters. As a result, blood sugar levels rise, which can negatively impact both the pregnancy and the health of the unborn child. It is therefore important to have routine tests at a maternity hospital to ensure that your blood sugars are in the normal range.  In the world, one in ten pregnant women has diabetes, and of them, 90% of cases are caused by gestational diabetes, according to research from the National Health Mission (NHM).
Managing Gestational Diabetes
The pancreas secretes a hormone called insulin, which helps blood sugar enter body cells where it may be used as energy. Women create numerous additional hormones during pregnancy. These have an impact on how well the body responds to insulin, which causes a condition known as insulin resistance. To combat insulin resistance, the pancreatic insulin-producing cells become more active in response. According to certain studies, it is observed that Indians struggle more than other populations to produce insulin in response to pregnancy-related insulin resistance because South Asians have fewer insulin-producing cells. Most pregnant women do not develop gestational diabetes symptoms or may mistake them for pregnancy-related ones. Therefore, it is advisable to visit a gynaecologist at a nearby maternity hospital to help with diabetes management if so diagnosed.  Risk factors could indicate to the doctor about the possibility of gestational diabetes. These include having a pre-diabetic condition, having a close relative who has had diabetes and leading a sedentary lifestyle. The risk factors for this disorder also include nutritional deficits, gestational diabetes from a prior pregnancy and polycystic ovarian syndrome. However, for the majority of patients, gestational diabetes is diagnosed based on a screening test that monitors how the body reacts to sugar.  Lil Feet by Altius Hospitals is one of the best maternity hospitals, and has packages for regular screening tests to keep track of your health condition.
Pre-eclampsia is a significant pregnancy condition that produces high blood pressure and poses a threat to both the mother’s and the unborn child’s lives. Pregnant women with gestational diabetes are at an increased risk of developing pre-eclampsia. It is therefore important to talk to your doctor about diabetes management.  Women who have had gestational diabetes are more likely to develop it once more if they become pregnant again. With age, they also have a larger risk of getting type 2 diabetes. Prenatal diabetes may potentially have an impact on the infant. Being overweight during birth, which might harm the baby during delivery, is the main complication of this disorder. High blood sugar can cause early labor, which could lead to premature birth. Preterm infants may experience severe respiratory issues and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Obesity and type 2 diabetes can develop in a baby as a result of gestational diabetes. A stillbirth or infant mortality may occur if a severe case of gestational diabetes goes untreated.  It is therefore extremely important to visit a maternity hospital such as Lil Feet by Altius Hospitals and talk to a gynaecologist about diabetes management, and ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy and delivery.
Prevention and management
When it comes to gestational diabetes,the strongest evidence-based strategy is true “self-care,” which involves making sure to eat well and exercise. These can help women who are at risk of gestational diabetes, while some women with gestational diabetes may benefit from taking medications.  About 85% of them can successfully manage their blood sugar levels by making simple lifestyle changes. Modifying how we eat or making even minor replacements can have a significant impact on our general health. Eating foods with high nutritional content and in balanced proportions is crucial. Physical activity through exercises, yoga, and sports like cycling and swimming are crucial components of diabetes management. Women can strive to start their pregnancies at a healthy weight and concentrate on adopting long-lasting dietary and lifestyle adjustments. Regular doctor assistance and consultation are essential during the entire process and it is necessary to have a monthly checkup in a maternity hospital.
For Indian women, the risk of getting gestational diabetes has increased. Many women can effectively prevent and treat this condition by making evidence-based lifestyle modifications. Exercise and dietary changes of any size can have a significant influence. If you are looking for a maternity hospital near you, then Lil feet by Altius Hospitals is the one as it is one of the best maternity hospitals in Bangalore.
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lamelaybe · 5 months
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would Quackity from the dsmp become an avatar of the flesh?
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Hey, what does "DSMP" stand for anyway?
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Somehow I don't think these are the acronyms I'm looking for.
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weareweirdpeople · 4 months
not a vent but diabetic shit because why not I want to share my experience
I have diabetes. I've had diabetes sense i was an elementary schooler on the way to middle school. Diabetes fucking sucks and it runs in my family. Because of this, and the fact that my family refuses to call it a disability despite it literally being a chronic illness, it has taken me a while to realize I do infact have a disability.
in hindsight, I am "lucky" that my mom raised me restricting lots of "unhealthy snacks" (non health foods. My mom viewed fucking cheezits as unhealthy and she came from a family that was even stricter with 'healthy' foods.) This meant that when I got diagnosed with diabetes, I would be prepared for the fact that now they weren't just rare treats my mom was learning to be ok with. Now they were aparently dangerous to my health and I could almost never eat them again.
My uncle has severe type 1 diabetes and my mom used to try to help him manage it, but he's a grown man whos never taken good care of it and does what he wants. So now that I had diabetes she was going to are sure I definitely didn't end up like that. This means that even if he himself brought all the kids a sweet treat, depending on my blood sugar I wouldn't even be allowed to have it. Most of the time she didn't want me to have it. This all went down with covid and I got to live with my diabetic father. The plus side was that the restrictions where pretty much gone, and I just needed to manage my sugar. The bad part is that I was fucking terrified of pricking my finger. It would take me hours to pick my finger, and my dad would be pissed. It slowly became very normal. I also had to learn how to take pills and open a pill bottle.
A while later now that I'm living with my whole family, I still have great care over my diabetes. I say great care as in how my family views it. I have the best a1c, I have the most consistent blood sugars. Personally I'm happy I can do that while having major depression but it makes me sad at the same time. It just pisses me off. Anytime my sugar is high I'm asked "what did you eat? What did you eat today? What was your sugar this morning?" I have an anxiety disorder. The doctors and google have told us that stress and anxiety can heighten blood sugar. Every time its about what I at. If im super sleepy? What did I eat? Whats my blood sugar? If im super anxious? Whats my blood sugar? Is it low? What have you eaten today?
My mom has always been focused on my diabetes. I low key hate it.
But in hindsight some of her ideas and things she let me do were so bad that its actually funny. Like holy shit mom, that was wild.
She at first wanted me to count all of my carbs. Every time I ate. All the carbs. She wanted me to check my sugar everytime I ate and then based on that it would determine what I was allowed to eat.
Then there was the point in time where she let me run around outside all day without eating lunch and sometimes even breakfast or any water until my sugar dropped crazy low and I was dizzy and shaking, and then id go outside again right after it went up. She doesn't like me reminding her of this because she says it makes her feel like a bad mother and that she was distracted. Im pretty sure the only constant meal was eating was dinner.
one time during Easter when we did an egg hunt my siblings got eggs fully of candy like normal. But my mom was running late on candy shopping so instead of giving me candy eggs, she made me get the special eggs she made, thinking they had zero sugar candy. They were fuckkng almonds. Unsalted Almonds. What. The. Fuck. I have never let her live that shit down, because who gives their kid fucking almonds as a treat??? Diabetic or not, unsalted almonds???
I was very very upset that year to say the least. My mom has always been stingy with any candy of any sorts. Even before we knew I was diabetic I was only really allowed 1-3 prices of candy from a holiday at most, and only after dinner. My Halloween candy especially would either go bad or she would eat it as well and I would not get much of it.
And after diabetes? Keto everything. My mom wanted to find as much keto stuff as possible, and I get it. We have a diabetic household, but she didn't do that shit until I got diagnosed with diabetes. I am happy that by now shes pretty much stopped all her restrictions and the keto stuff, she's still really diabetes focused when it comes to my mood and doesn't consider it a disability but that's okish.
Hilariously j don't have type 1 diabetes. Or type 2. I have a genetic mutation, and have had to convince multiple people that no I don't just have type 2, no I didn't not get diabetes because of my eating habits have you fucking seen me I am a god damm stick and even if I was fat that doesn't mean shit, no I cannot just eat fruit instead of candy that's not how diabetes works you peice of shit.
Long story short, i don't get a CGM or an Insulin pump. I actually make too much insulin, and dont really absorb it all and a CGM is to expensive... that means I just have to watch my sugar and take my pills indefinitely and I can't check my sugar too much because then I'd have to wait for my refills to get done because American health care fucking sucks ass.
lol diabetes sucks, stop being assholes to people with diabetes.
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landgraabbed · 17 days
i know that generative ai is today's boogeyman but i really wish that people were more precise when discussing it. ai is a huge field that isn't just "create thing based on stolen assets", there's many legitimate uses in medicine, research, etc. your beef is with generative ai, not ai in general.
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typicaltypeone · 10 months
Stress & Sleep
You stay up till two in the morning working off coffee and stress to keep you held together.
Yeah that has to stop when you become a diabetic.
Like it or not a huge part of maintaining your diabetic health is your sleep and your stress. Something I learned from my doctor is that without a minimum of 8 hours of sleep, your body can become even more resistant to insulin.
Set up a bed time for yourself! Go to bed on time, get eight hours of sleep. On top of that, you need to eliminate the basic stresses of life.
When I talk about stress I mean both emotional and physical. Im calling out my whole generation, we don't like to eat three meals a day, we don't like to get our daily required intake of water. We do these things then wonder why we feel like garbage.
Three meals a day, around the same time each day, on top of proper water intake will do wonders for keeping your blood sugar stable. Add a good sleep schedule into the mix and you’ll do better and feel better overall. Even these basics can also help reduce depression and thus emotional stress too.
Continue into other healthy habits like showering, brushing your teeth, and you’ll find yourself much happier and much more stable as a diabetic. DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor or licensed medical professional, you’re welcome to ask me any questions about my journey or experiences but for any serious issues or questions please contact your doctor or endocrinologist.
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phoenixyfriend · 1 month
Why is it that my insurance doesn't cover like. Half the things I need.
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eatclean-bewhole · 1 year
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tjerra14 · 1 month
cw pet injury, pet death
nothing more unnecessary than losing your 3 month old kitten to a tilted window (or your 14yo diabetic cat to hypoglycemia because for some reason you waited another three hours after finding her comatose, cold, and barely breathing in your garage, and merely covered her with a blanket. When she came in, our thermometer refused to give us a reading, she had a heartrate of 40, and a blood glucose of 0.7mmol/l.)
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pain-and-persistence · 4 months
My condition right now 😢
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flutterbyfairy · 2 years
actually diabetes is never "badly managed" or "poorly controlled" because blood sugar readings don't hold moral worth.
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mooneln0ne · 1 year
hey idk if it's sensitive to ask, but how did you exactly almost die? (you can ignore this question)
It's ok Anon, I don't mind answering!! This week was my exam week and I'd been studying, sleeping, and drawing and I think it tired out my body to the point where I accidentally dropped to the ground and started twitching. I think it was because of my anemia? idk I'm fine now, that's really what matters to me My little brother told me that I looked like I died because I stopped moving after the twitching, so there's that
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staggeringsmite · 2 months
status effect -> vein-deep melancholy: [-1 self esteem, -1 cognitive function, -1 emotional stability]
cause: low blood sugar -> to alleviate: snack or a meal, depending on severity
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weareweirdpeople · 1 month
Oh god why the physical discomfort is happening again. Why is it so tiring to walk or do anything. No matter how much I sleep, I'm still tired. I manage my diabetes well. Why does my body just make existing feel bad.
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c3s6 · 2 months
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filet-o-feelings · 2 months
Ugh I'm always hungry but also never have an appetite and can't make myself eat much of anything... which of my many ailments is the cause of this and how do I eat more than a few bites without feeling like I'm going to be sick when I started out super hungry?
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