#low level guide to boralus
boralusrp · 6 years
The Low-Level Guide to Boralus: Horde Edition
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So you’ve seen in previous posts that Boralus is accessible to low level Alliance characters (spoilers: you can take the boat from Stormwind at any level), and can even explore some locales outside of Boralus.
But what about low level Horde characters? Can they explore Boralus?
The answer is: yes, as long as you don’t mind dying a lot.
The biggest problem is how to get to Boralus at all.
If you have a BfA-level character, you can just hop over to Boralus the same way you get anywhere on Kul Tiras, like if you need to do your WQs or whatever.
But that only opens up once you’ve completed quests, and obviously low level toons can’t get those toons.
The only other way to get there by yourself (note: you could get a warlock and friends to summon you over) is to catch the same ship from Stormwind that your Alliance counterparts take.
You’re probably thinking, “Wait, is that safe?” right about now. And no! It’s not!
If you are allergic to death or rez sickness, you probably want to stop reading this post right now.
Okay, for everyone else:
1. Remember, you need Battle for Azeroth to be access Kul Tiras.
2. You need to get to Stormwind. I went from Orgrimmar to Ratchet to Booty Bay to Westfall.
3. Yes, Westfall. You don’t want to go in the front gates of Stormwind, that’ll just eat up time.
4. Instead, head north from Westfall, past the murlocs, along the shoreline. Hug the cliff to avoid fatigue.
5. You’ll soon see Stormwind ahead of you, or properly, Stormwind Harbor. With piers, a lighthouse, ships, and all that fun.
6. Now you die for the first time. Swim up to the end of the first pier you come across.
7. You should be able to jump up on some boxes or something, to get up on the dock.
8. Then you die instantly as a Stormwind guard kills you.
9. Release now. You’ll find yourself seemingly miles away, in the eastern part of Elwynn Forest, in front of a spirit healer.
10. Don’t rez at the spirit healer. It’ll take some time, but start running to your corpse. This time you can cut through the front gates of Stormwind, you’re dead already.
11. When you get to the harbor, run out along the pier to the end, but don’t rez yet.
12. Wait around for The Relentless to show up. It has a round-trip travel time of 4 minutes 26 seconds.
13. When it arrives, go on board the ship and rez.
14. Surprise! You just died again! Don’t panic.
15. This time, don’t release.
16. The ship will start to move, and you’ll see the travel map for Kul Tiras.
17. Congrats! You are now in Boralus! You’re dead, but you’re in Boralus!
18. Now you can release.
19. You’ll be looking at a spirit healer at about (54, 22). Take the rez sickness and rez here.
20. If you go north, east, or south, you’ll probably get killed by Boralus guards, Go west, across the water.
21. Cross under the bridge, and swim down around past Proudmoore Keep and the academy. It really helps if you have a water mount. As long as you don’t get too close to hostile mobs, you won’t die again.
22. But who likes to just float around in the middle of Tiragarde Sound? Boring! So prepare to die some more.
23. We can go to Fireside Anchors, which is the home of our friends over at The Violet Tap! Sounds fun, right?
24. Circle around the shore near the keep, go past the academy and its obstacle course, and soon you’ll see the lower dock beneath Pinky’s Groggery. There are a couple boats tied up here.
25. Let’s talk about hostile mobs in Boralus, if you’re Horde. Not only are there the normal hostiles that Alliance has to put up with, but there are Boralus guards who will shoot you on sight.
26. You meet one of these once you climb out of the water and run up the stairs beside Pinky’s. Bang! You dead!
27. It’s okay, the spirit healer isn’t far, not like in Stormwind. Run back to your corpse, come back to life, and probably die a few more times.
28. However, unlike most Alliance towns, most of the mobs won’t actually attack you, or shout for guards. The vast majority of the red-named mobs won’t attack you if you don’t attack them.
29. Be careful, though. The guards will kill you, and so will any other NPC that has a PvP indicator on their tooltip. It’s really humiliating to be one-shotted by a freakin’ bag merchant.
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^^^ Selma Crump, killer bag lady.
30. By the time you make it to Fireside Anchors, you are now safely out of line of sight of Boralus guards. Huzzah! Snap some selfies, grab a brewski or something, and enjoy your stay in scenic Boralus!
... just watch out for Selma Crump.
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boralusrp · 6 years
The Low Level Guide to Boralus
Hello roleplayers!
Can your level 1 human, level 20 void elf, or level 60 dwarf hang out in Boralus? Yes! Here are the things you need to know.
You have to have the Battle for Azeroth expansion. If you don’t have it, you don’t get access to BfA content.
There is no level requirement to go to Boralus. Even your brand new character can visit.
You can take The Relentless from Stormwind. It’s located where the boat to Darnassus used to be.
You can’t use the Sanctum of the Sages portals. The portals to Stormwind, Ironforge, and the Exodar require a high level quest to open, and you can’t get that quest. You’ll take The Relentless if you want to go back to the rest of Azeroth.
You can’t open chests in Kul Tiras. A few treasure chests spawn in and around Boralus, but you can’t open those. You need to be level 110.
You can’t do world quests in Boralus. Those are only for level 120 characters; that includes Picturesque Boralus, alas!
You will die if you go to the bad parts of town. Ashvane Docks, Dampwick Ward, Hook Point, and Stormsong Monastery have mobs that will scale to your level -- but with a minimum level of 110. If you are significantly below that level, they will one-shot you.
If you die, don’t rez at the spirit healer at Stormsong Monastery. Level 10 and below can rez for free, and you might not care about resurrection sickness anyway at your level, but you will likely be insta-killed by a Stormsong loyalist.
You can’t consume most of the local food and drink. Like other consumables in WoW, nearly all of the food and alcohol sold in Boralus has a level requirement. Characters below level 110 can’t try any Kul Tiran drinks; they’ll card you.
There’s only one place to set your hearthstone. Despite a lot of inns and taverns in Boralus, Wesley Rockhold in the Snug Harbor is the only actual innkeeper in game terms.
Get the flight points as soon as you can. There are three flightmasters in Boralus -- Tradewinds Market, Proudmoore Keep, and Mariner’s Row. These will help you get around the city quickly and safely. Reminder: They cost money!
When traveling on foot, hug the side of the road -- the east side in Dampwick, the south/southwest side in Hook Point. You may not feel like you’re close to dangerous mobs, but they can come running from the next street over to kill you.
You can pick up your free copy of Stormy Seas, a steamy romance novel, at Laurence E. Craft’s book signing, and you won’t die.
If you are getting lost in Boralus, get the HandyNotes: Boralus RP Spots addon.
If you are getting lonely in Boralus, it may be because of sharding issues. The sharding of the city makes it more difficult to find walk-up RP. Join a Boralus RPing community to find other people to meet up with!
Will Melborne, the ferrymaster, won’t take you on a ferry ride. “You don’t know any locations connected to this one,” he’ll tell you.
Want to see more of Kul Tiras? Stay tuned for our next post!
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