boralusrp · 5 years
Our new twitter, featuring the Boralus RP Spots location of the day!
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boralusrp · 6 years
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Menu for 2/28 - 3/6
Specialty Drinks
Butterfly Pea Tea Lemonade - The beautiful violet color of butterfly pea tea blended with lemonade and served over ice. Cherry Blossom Latte - Soft pink, white chocolate latte topped with cherry whipped cream and flaked cherry chocolate. Hibiscus Rose Latte - Hibiscus tea latte flavored with rose water. Salted Caramel Latte - Rich caramel latte topped with whipped cream and plenty of caramel sauce and candies.
Beer and Wine List
Black Rook Stout - Val'Sharah - Stout Drop Anchor Dunkel - Tiragarde Sound - Dark Malt Snowberry Berliner - Tiragarde Sound - White Beer
Bradensbrook Gorse Wine - White/Floral/Sweet Distilled Nightwine - White/Bitter/ Strong Sea Breeze - White/Crisp/Creamy
Thunderbrew Mead - Anvilmar - Dry Mead
Salads served with a small wedge of Gilnean white cheddar.
Azshari Salad - A crisp blend of herbs topped with fish and stag meat and served with an olive dressing. Seaside Leafy Greens - Fresh greens from the coast and beneath the water.  Topped with tomatoes and cucumber and served with green goddess dressing.
Soups served with a thick slice of bread and a piece of cheddar cheese.
Bean Soup - Various beans and ham cooked together in this comforting soup. Mah’s Warm Yak-Tail Soup - A thick, hearty soup imported from the Valley of the Four Winds.  This famous dish is filled with vegetables and thick chunks of yak meat. Spiced Blossom Soup - Eternal blossom petals infused in a warm, lightly spiced soup.
Bakery Case
Banana Bread - Packed with cinnamon chips and frosted, topped with cranberries and pistachios. Cheery Cherry Pie - A Gilnean treat!  Personal cherry pie infused with rum and topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Farmer’s Delight - Sweet rice and berries in balsamic cream.  A Pandaren favorite! Honey Croissant - Freshly baked with nuts and honey. J'llah Suspension - Sweet berries suspended in a cool gelatin dessert. Ravenberry Tart - A ground nut crust with rich cream topped with sweetened ravenberries. Red Velvet Cupcakes - A Lost Hearts speciality!  Red chocolate cake with a rich cream cheese frosting.  Decorated with hearts and roses. Violet Cake - Vanilla cake with sweet violet icing.  Sprinkled with edible violet flowers.
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boralusrp · 6 years
Hey, y'all, follow us on Twitter
We haven't posted anything there really before, but here you go.
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boralusrp · 6 years
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I Decided to Mark the Most Prominent Locations in BFA’s Capital Cities.
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boralusrp · 6 years
The Low-Level Guide to Boralus: Horde Edition
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So you’ve seen in previous posts that Boralus is accessible to low level Alliance characters (spoilers: you can take the boat from Stormwind at any level), and can even explore some locales outside of Boralus.
But what about low level Horde characters? Can they explore Boralus?
The answer is: yes, as long as you don’t mind dying a lot.
The biggest problem is how to get to Boralus at all.
If you have a BfA-level character, you can just hop over to Boralus the same way you get anywhere on Kul Tiras, like if you need to do your WQs or whatever.
But that only opens up once you’ve completed quests, and obviously low level toons can’t get those toons.
The only other way to get there by yourself (note: you could get a warlock and friends to summon you over) is to catch the same ship from Stormwind that your Alliance counterparts take.
You’re probably thinking, “Wait, is that safe?” right about now. And no! It’s not!
If you are allergic to death or rez sickness, you probably want to stop reading this post right now.
Okay, for everyone else:
1. Remember, you need Battle for Azeroth to be access Kul Tiras.
2. You need to get to Stormwind. I went from Orgrimmar to Ratchet to Booty Bay to Westfall.
3. Yes, Westfall. You don’t want to go in the front gates of Stormwind, that’ll just eat up time.
4. Instead, head north from Westfall, past the murlocs, along the shoreline. Hug the cliff to avoid fatigue.
5. You’ll soon see Stormwind ahead of you, or properly, Stormwind Harbor. With piers, a lighthouse, ships, and all that fun.
6. Now you die for the first time. Swim up to the end of the first pier you come across.
7. You should be able to jump up on some boxes or something, to get up on the dock.
8. Then you die instantly as a Stormwind guard kills you.
9. Release now. You’ll find yourself seemingly miles away, in the eastern part of Elwynn Forest, in front of a spirit healer.
10. Don’t rez at the spirit healer. It’ll take some time, but start running to your corpse. This time you can cut through the front gates of Stormwind, you’re dead already.
11. When you get to the harbor, run out along the pier to the end, but don’t rez yet.
12. Wait around for The Relentless to show up. It has a round-trip travel time of 4 minutes 26 seconds.
13. When it arrives, go on board the ship and rez.
14. Surprise! You just died again! Don’t panic.
15. This time, don’t release.
16. The ship will start to move, and you’ll see the travel map for Kul Tiras.
17. Congrats! You are now in Boralus! You’re dead, but you’re in Boralus!
18. Now you can release.
19. You’ll be looking at a spirit healer at about (54, 22). Take the rez sickness and rez here.
20. If you go north, east, or south, you’ll probably get killed by Boralus guards, Go west, across the water.
21. Cross under the bridge, and swim down around past Proudmoore Keep and the academy. It really helps if you have a water mount. As long as you don’t get too close to hostile mobs, you won’t die again.
22. But who likes to just float around in the middle of Tiragarde Sound? Boring! So prepare to die some more.
23. We can go to Fireside Anchors, which is the home of our friends over at The Violet Tap! Sounds fun, right?
24. Circle around the shore near the keep, go past the academy and its obstacle course, and soon you’ll see the lower dock beneath Pinky’s Groggery. There are a couple boats tied up here.
25. Let’s talk about hostile mobs in Boralus, if you’re Horde. Not only are there the normal hostiles that Alliance has to put up with, but there are Boralus guards who will shoot you on sight.
26. You meet one of these once you climb out of the water and run up the stairs beside Pinky’s. Bang! You dead!
27. It’s okay, the spirit healer isn’t far, not like in Stormwind. Run back to your corpse, come back to life, and probably die a few more times.
28. However, unlike most Alliance towns, most of the mobs won’t actually attack you, or shout for guards. The vast majority of the red-named mobs won’t attack you if you don’t attack them.
29. Be careful, though. The guards will kill you, and so will any other NPC that has a PvP indicator on their tooltip. It’s really humiliating to be one-shotted by a freakin’ bag merchant.
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^^^ Selma Crump, killer bag lady.
30. By the time you make it to Fireside Anchors, you are now safely out of line of sight of Boralus guards. Huzzah! Snap some selfies, grab a brewski or something, and enjoy your stay in scenic Boralus!
... just watch out for Selma Crump.
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boralusrp · 6 years
The Low-Level Guide to Kul Tiras: The Southern Route
In our last post, we talked about where it’s safe to go in Boralus and where to avoid, if you’re low level. The high level mobs won’t scale down below 110, so wandering into the wrong part of town can prove deadly.
Want to explore the rest of Kul Tiras? Here are some travel tips.
Before you embark, you will probably want to set your hearthstone at Snug Harbor Inn in Boralus Port. Just trust me on this one.
You can also safely go to Eastpoint Station, on the southern road out of Boralus. Hey, it’s Flynn! Watch out for the hostile eagles in the tree, though.
You can’t go on to Greystone Keep without being eaten by eagles. Don’t rez at the Greystone Relief spirit healer either.
If you continue on from Eastpoint and get too close to Ashvane Foundry, you will die.
You can safely get to Bridgeport. Jump off the small bridge when you leave Eastpoint Station and run along the shore or swim. There’s a flight point here, as well as an innkeeper and mailbox.
Bridgeport is named for two bridges that straddle the river. You can safely go up to the top of the large bridge, on the Old Drust Road. You can also go to Two Spans Tavern, on the north side of the bridge.
There is also an unnamed bar for foundry workers on the south side of Bridgeport; it’s also safe. However, if you get closer to the foundry, you will get shot. If you die, it’s okay to rez at the Bridgeport spirit healer.
Winterdeep Basin is a lovely place with wild Fjord Mustangs (ha ha), but if you to Winterdeep Mining Camp, elementals will kill you. If you rez at the Kennings Lodge spirit healer, you will probably get killed by a deer.
If you’re quick, you can probably run along the Old Drust Road to get to Southwind Station, but you’ll probably aggro another killer deer. There is no flight point or innkeeper in Southwind.  There are, however, gnomes.
You can head west along the Old Drust Road if you want, or go down to Umber Shore. There are wolves to the left of Old Drust Road, so be careful.
Running west along Umber Shore is mostly safe, but keep by the water. It’s okay to go under the first natural bridge, but watch out for the Isolated Siren who prowls nearby.
When you see scary looking elementals along the shore, turn left and head up the hill. Don’t stray east to Wanderer’s Cove; continue west along the side of the mountain.
Head up the mountain to the Placid Spring to see not only gryphons but also the Guardian of the Spring, a unicorn. Don’t go too far inland or you may be torn apart by wolves.
You can ride the Guardian of the Spring, even if you don’t have riding skill yet. But it will despawn after a bit.
To leave the spring without dying, cross the pond and go up the path to the second nesting gryphon. Then run southeast and down to Old Drust Road.
Incidentally, if you didn’t go along the shore, this is where you can follow the path up to the Placid Spring as well.
Just to the east, about where you can see the waterfall the best, is the road to Fizzsprings Resort. There is a light post with direction signs on it.
Following the trail to Fizzsprings is really dangerous. If you die, you will end up at the Fizzsprings Resort spirit healer. Rezzing there will get you killed, but if you run west again before rezzing, you’ll make it to the main building of the resort. There is no flight point or other amenities at Fizzsprings; give Wulferd a few months.
There’s no safe way out of Fizzsprings Resort. If you take the road south, you’ll probably be killed. If you take the road east, you’ll probably be killed. If you go west across the springs, you’ll die. If you go north, you’ll die. Did you forget to set your hearthstone in Boralus? Well, welcome to your new home!
Okay, okay, there’s a way out. Jump down from Wulferd’s location, hug the hill and run west around the hot springs. You’ll come to a fork. If you go left, you may die. Go right at the fork.
When you see volatile bubbles or elementals, turn left and run up the hill. There will be a goat on top of a rock to your right. Turn due west and run down the hill to the Old Drust Road again.
Moral of the story: Just don’t go to Fizzsprings Resort.
From here, head southeast along Old Drust Road and you’ll come to the Thirsty Otter, a small tavern. The refugees outside are worried about their homes in Vigil Hill burning down, so it’s only a fun place if you don’t mind crying sounds in the background.
If you continue west from the Thirsty Otter, you’ll come to a fork. One leads up the hill, past the fire brigadiers to Vigil Hill, and the other leads onward.
If you go up the hill, turn left at the second fork, and you’ll find a building on fire. Oh no, Scratchy is trapped! What will Meredith do? Hey, look, there’s Fire Marshall Jill! 
Continue along that path and you’ll soon come to some cannonballs. Turn right and head up the hill to the town. This will let you get the Vigil Hill flight point; there’s also a mailbox and an innkeeper.
If you die around here, you will go to the spirit healer at Vigil Hill. Rezzing here will lead to you being instantly killed by people riding parrots, but you can just rez again further into the town.
To leave Vigil Hill, go back the way you came. Any other way can get you killed by cannonballs or giant parrots. Turn left when you get back to Old Drust Road.
Stay on the right side of the road. Don’t go investigate that cave on the left. Avoid the shore here as well.
Ahead you’ll see some buildings, and this is the home of the Proudmoore Admiralty border guard. What border you ask? Why, with Drustvar, just across that bridge … and the subject of our next post. 
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boralusrp · 6 years
I’ve never understood why people do this kind of thing.
If you don’t like what someone is roleplaying as, just don’t roleplay with them. There’s no need to go up and harass someone because their concept is one you wouldn’t play.
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This is your regular reminder that in rp, and especially in Stormwind/Orgrimmar, you have 300% the free will to not walk up to someone because you don’t like something about their character. 
It costs $15/month to rp here, but it’s absolutely free to not make a comment about someone roleplaying a nonbinary character. You’re absolutely free to pretend that I’m not there or even hit that mother fucking ignore button so you don’t have to see my emotes ever. 
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boralusrp · 6 years
New version of Boralus RP Spots!
The HandyNotes: Boralus RP Spots addon has been updated to version 0.320. 
This adds the /bora nearby command, that lets you look up what spots are close to your current location.
/bora nearby will list spots within 50 meters. /bora nearby [range] will list spots within a given range, e.g. /bora nearby 25
Get the latest version via the Twitch client or from the following link: http://boralus.city/addon
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boralusrp · 6 years
Welcome to the Violet Tap - New Location!
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Managed by the Half-Orc, Olyviane Haldstan, the Violet Tap is a grand tavern located Unity Square in Kul’Tiras. For many in the surrounding region, this Tavern serves as a prime spout for drinking, eating and relaxation. From Dukes and Duchesses to average wanderers, all are welcome!
Open every day from 6am-12am, the Tap hosts a wide variety of drinks and foods, many imported from various spots across Azeroth, many more crafted right here in the Northlands, or by Miss Haldstan herself!
So come on by! Enjoy a drink, enjoy twelve! And gather around the warm hearth in a setting of comradarie and revelry!
Olyviane Haldstan
The Violet Tap is open to the public every Tuesday starting at 6pm Server Time (That’s PST!)
When?: Tuesdays, 6pm Server Time (PST)
Where?: Boralus – Kul’Tiras! Fireside Anchors in Unity Square!
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Worry not! The boat to Boralus in Stormwind is available to everyone, regardless of level, so anyone will be able to come! Summons and ports will not be needed!
Want to RP with Olyviane at the Tap on a day other than Tuesday? Just hit me up and we can work it out!
Interested in adding your own drinks or food to the menu? Message me and we can discuss it all!
Looking to join our Discord with more up-to-date information? Or perhaps looking to just chill out with us! Click here and come on down!
And finally a big thank you to @theengraver for working on my menu! Check her out, her work is amazing!
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boralusrp · 6 years
Welcome to the Violet Tap - New Location!
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Managed by the Half-Orc, Olyviane Haldstan, the Violet Tap is a grand tavern located Unity Square in Kul’Tiras. For many in the surrounding region, this Tavern serves as a prime spout for drinking, eating and relaxation. From Dukes and Duchesses to average wanderers, all are welcome!
Open every day from 6am-12am, the Tap hosts a wide variety of drinks and foods, many imported from various spots across Azeroth, many more crafted right here in the Northlands, or by Miss Haldstan herself!
So come on by! Enjoy a drink, enjoy twelve! And gather around the warm hearth in a setting of comradarie and revelry!
Olyviane Haldstan
The Violet Tap is open to the public every Tuesday starting at 6pm Server Time (That’s PST!)
When?: Tuesdays, 6pm Server Time (PST)
Where?: Boralus – Kul’Tiras! Fireside Anchors in Unity Square!
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Worry not! The boat to Boralus in Stormwind is available to everyone, regardless of level, so anyone will be able to come! Summons and ports will not be needed!
Want to RP with Olyviane at the Tap on a day other than Tuesday? Just hit me up and we can work it out!
Interested in adding your own drinks or food to the menu? Message me and we can discuss it all!
Looking to join our Discord with more up-to-date information? Or perhaps looking to just chill out with us! Click here and come on down!
And finally a big thank you to @theengraver for working on my menu! Check her out, her work is amazing!
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boralusrp · 6 years
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With the new baby trade boom coming to Kul’tiras soil, what better way to expand your market and gain new alliances and trade agreements than through an open market!?
Anchor Trading Company is hosting an open trade market on the 24th of November for any and all legal trade companies and merchants to peddle their wares. This is a chance for mainlanders and islanders, alike, to branch out and generate new avenues of trade and revenue alike.
For this we only seek one thing.
We will be opening up a simple form for tradesmen and merchants to fill out in an effort to fill the trade grounds with their presence and wares. Mainlands and Islanders are all welcome. This form will be open beginning next week, but we are taking preregistrations from those who merely wish to be on the list of vendors from the get go! This is open to any and all Alliance no matter your server. Come one. Come all. ( Please be aware that party groups or raid groups may be required due to sharding)
We are seeking security members to help keep the peace at the faire. If you are interested in this- please seek out Sabine Hadley ( @tirasiansails or Amber#3565 on discord) to discuss.
Guidelines and Regulations for the faire will be posted on the same day the registration form is opened.
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boralusrp · 6 years
New Version of Boralus RP Spots
HandyNotes: Boralus RP Spots has been updated to add a new /bora invites command that lists the invitation codes for the (US) in-game communities as well as the discord server. /bora links gives useful links, such as this site. 
Actually they’re the same command, but it’s easier to remember this way, I think. In addition, typing /bora invite BoraRP will bring up a window so you can copy/paste the invite code directly, without having to retype. This works for BoraRP, PortRP, and Discord.
It does the same things with links -- /bora link events lets you copy/paste the URL to the Boralus Events tumblr.
Download the latest version from Curse, or get it through the Twitch client. The latest version is 0.301.
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boralusrp · 6 years
These are good people, be sure to check them out! Join the Boralus roleplaying communities and follow @boralusevents for more RPing fun!
Welcome to the Violet Tap - New Location!
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Managed by the Half-Orc, Olyviane Haldstan, the Violet Tap is a grand tavern located Unity Square in Kul’Tiras. For many in the surrounding region, this Tavern serves as a prime spout for drinking, eating and relaxation. From Dukes and Duchesses to average wanderers, all are welcome!
Open every day from 6am-12am, the Tap hosts a wide variety of drinks and foods, many imported from various spots across Azeroth, many more crafted right here in the Northlands, or by Miss Haldstan herself!
So come on by! Enjoy a drink, enjoy twelve! And gather around the warm hearth in a setting of comradarie and revelry!
Olyviane Haldstan
The Violet Tap is open to the public every Tuesday starting at 6pm Server Time (That’s PST!)
When?: Tuesdays, 6pm Server Time (PST)
Where?: Boralus – Kul’Tiras! Fireside Anchors in Unity Square!
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Worry not! The boat to Boralus in Stormwind is available to everyone, regardless of level, so anyone will be able to come! Summons and ports will not be needed!
Want to RP with Olyviane at the Tap on a day other than Tuesday? Just hit me up and we can work it out!
Interested in adding your own drinks or food to the menu? Message me and we can discuss it all!
Looking to join our Discord with more up-to-date information? Or perhaps looking to just chill out with us! Click here and come on down!
And finally a big thank you to @theengraver for working on my menu! Check her out, her work is amazing!
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boralusrp · 6 years
New twitter account!
Y’all didn’t really want to see Oraibi’s personal business on this page anyway. http://twitter.com/BoralusCity
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boralusrp · 6 years
Part one, today, was lots of fun! See part two, tomorrow (Monday), for even more fun!
ATC Presents...
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ATC is hosting the first Semi-Annual Harbor Games on September 23rd and 24th. These games are based on the day to day life of sailors and seaworthy people! Four races are available. Two of them are for single entries and two are for teams of two.
Information on how each competition will be posted closer to the day of the games, however, be aware that if you wish to participate in the Dinghy derby you must have a Love Boat toy.
The prize for the winners of each of the competition is a bust shot painted by @teallinum . Four Games. Six Winners!
We will also be having an amazing Riddle and race in the Hedge Maze right there by Proudmoore Keep. Every attendee may run the maze up to three times. The entry fee is 100g. Once you reach the center, you will receive a wrapped gift from our representative stationed there. These gifts all have something in them worth 100g or more with rare prizes like Reins of the Crimson Charger and Jaina’s Locket also mixed in. Good luck to all who choose to participate.
Schedule for Each Day
4pm - Opening Ceremony
4:30pm - Dinghy Derby Starts 
6pm - Performance
6:30-7pm - Monkey in the Rigging
8pm - Closing Performance - Party
5pm - Performance
5:30 - Tow the Line
6:30 - Cargo Relay
8pm - Closing Ceremonies & Party
Our current food and drink vendors are The Violet Tap run by @olliehaldstan The Cookbook run by @mremaknu and The Rat Bastard inn run by @enigmatic-elegance and co.
We are currently looking for one to two performers for the Sunday performance slots. An IC interview and demonstration will be required with Elaianna Stalsworth. If you are interested in gaining one of these two slots, please reach out to @elaianna in game or leave her a message here on Tumblr.
[See full-size advert here]
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boralusrp · 6 years
New URL for Boralus RPing!
Your new destination for roleplaying in Boralus city is ... http://boralus.city
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boralusrp · 6 years
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We can’t give free food and drink to people on servers besides Moon Guard, because Blizzard won’t allow cross-server trades. :(
But you can buy your own food and drink at the food court!
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