#lowly crumbling and he just rolls over all emotionally exhausted and shit
lunaremy · 1 year
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guy thats going through hell and back in the present vs guy that went through hell and back in the past except guy 1's issue is "im so tired of protecting people please let me rest" and guy 2's issue was "i hate people so fucking much please let me kill people"
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ladyspaceradio · 7 years
Fire and Glass Chapter 8
Ao3 Link
Chapter 8: We found paradise?
She’s falling again, twisting through the air. Mouth open, wanting to scream. Something bulky hits her in the face. Pain and blood fill her mouth. The impact shatters her wrist, she didn’t have enough time to put on the jets. 
She’s wheezing, fingers digging in the dirt, she tries to blink past the blood and dust, but she can’t. She can’t see, she can’t breath-Her hands scrap uselessly at her throat as she gasps for air.
More air
Can’t breathe, can’t breathe, can’t breat-
I’m going to die.
“Breathe deep, baby girl.” A voice says as the world spins between blinding white and fading black. Grace finds herself focusing on a face, blurred but familiar as her helmet-broken..useless-is pulled off.
He reaches for his own, unlatched it. It hisses as air escapes. She can see his mouth moving, but it fades as the world is suffocated out. Grace reaches for him, collapsing into his lap as she tries to cling to the only parent she had left.
Don’t go.
Gasping awake, Grace laid motionless in bed, listening to her thundering heart beats as she tried to get her baring through the stars that hung above her head. Hot tears leaked from her eyes as the pressure in her chest expanded, weighing down on her lungs.
Swallowing large sums of air to starve off the impending explosion, Grace called out to SAM. His blue sphere popped up on her desk.
“What time is it?” She croaked while laying on her elbows to stare at the blue ball.
 “The time is 0200 Ryder.”
Grace groans, flopping back to bed only to get up as the pressure grew.
“It’s natural.” Lexi assured her as she passed over the pills, ones that were supposedly for her health. Vitamins and other proteins that ‘humans required while out on space journeys 600 years from home. “It shouldn’t scare you Ryder, your body’s way of coping with the grief you feel. If this feeling persists you should come back and see me. I’m here to help you Grace.”
Lexi never counted on the fact that the Ryder family were emotionally constipated people who refused to show the slightest bit of weakness.
Pulling on a pair of shorts Ryder left her quarters, doing her nightly rounds of checking on each crew member. The med bay was first. Peering through the window Grace could see the outline of the Moshae laying on her side, curled into a ball as she slept.
Breathe in……..Breathe out.
Crew quarters are next. She counts four bunks and four sleeping lumps in each.
Gnawing on her lip, she moves through the docking bay, past the Nomad.
The numb tingling sensation is hitting her hands now. Grace waves them a bit, at least her left one since the right is still in a cast, while she struggles to keep her breathing normal. 
Breathe out…..Breathe in.
She passes Gil, who’s working on something in the drive core. She’d normally stop to chat with him, but conversation was the last thing she wanted right now.
Her heart is beating out of her chest, she’s having trouble breathing without it sounding like Darth Vader. There are tears blurring her vision now. 
Breath in, Breath out, in and out, in-out.
Passing through the doors leading to the research station, Grace is gasping while the walls swirl together. Colors blend into a dull gray, while black dots dance across her vision. She pushes herself against the railing to the ramp leading up to the conference area. The scared ragged gasps coming out of her are the only thing she can hear before another sound drifts to her ears.
A loud rumble that sound like a twentieth century engine. Rhythmically it starts then sputters out before beginning again. Latching onto that noise instead of her steadily increasing breaths, Grace turned her head to look at the source. The tech door is across from her, where the loud snores are emerging from within. 
Stumbling, she moves towards the door before she can think about it.
Jaal seemed to provide a comfort to her. Even when he wasn’t physically with her. She didn’t know when it started, perhaps the day they first landed on Voeld where he promised no harm would come to her. Or the night in the monolith where the walls between them came crumbling down. Whatever it was about the angara male, Grace found herself snatching a semblance of control over the crushing panic as she focused on his deep breathing. Pushing against the wall beside the tech doors, Grace matches her breathing the best she can to his. 
Sliding down she sits outside the techlab doors listening to the rumbling snores coming from within. Closing her eyes she leans back against the cold metal and just listens. For a while she’s simply sits there, existing. She doesn’t think about her father and his sacrifice. She doesn’t think about the weight of her responsibilities and the loud voice that keeps telling her she can’t do this. 
All her thoughts center around the heady sounds coming from the door mere inches to her left. Swallowing she relaxed against the wall, exhaustion creeping up again.
He’ll be gone by morning.
Jerking Grace snapped up from her slumped position only to cry out as her forehead collides with something. There’s heavy thuds in front of her while the grated floor shakes from the impact. Grace jolts as she spots the sprawled male in front of her.
“Jaal?” She scrambles forward, one hand on her head over the throbbing pain, The other supports her weight she hobbles on all fours towards the angara who is holding his head in a similar fashion staring at her in shock and amusement. “Are you okay?”
“Fine,” He drops his hands before reaching out to touch her cast, which is probably hiding the reddening mark on her skin. “Angara have thicker skin, are you okay.”
“Fine.” Her hand drops as she settles on her knees between his legs. The swelling on her hand had gone down and in a week's time Lexi said the bones would be knitted together so she could remove the stuffy cast.
“What are you doing out here?” He ask when they continue to sit in silence.
“Uh.” She hesitates trying to come up with an excuse that didn’t sound as lame as ‘I was panicking but your snores lulled me to sleep.’ Which was somethings he was NOT telling him. She settles on shrugging
Grace was learning that angara expressions translated well, or well enough, to human equivalents. She didn’t know if she was getting a better reading on him because they were actually talking, or if it was something she never picked up on before.
At this moment he was giving her the ‘cut the shit’ look her dad often gave her when she attempted lying to get out of biotic training.
“I uh couldn’t sleep.” She offers with a shrug.
Jaal inclines his head a bit, eyes scanning her form, probably taking in Grace’s disheveled appearance. She know the dark circles beneath her eyes are probably standing out to him.
Probably doesn’t even know what they mean.
“Why couldn’t you sleep?” His tone is gentle, like he’s talking to a child who’s on the verge of breaking down.
Grace shrugs again.
“Ryder.” He sounds exasperated.
“I...had a bad dream.” It sounded stupid to her ears and for the life of her she couldn’t figure why she was telling him this. “It happens….often, and I just can’t sleep afterwards so I end up wandering the ship till I’m too tired to move again.”
He makes a small wounded sound before drawing her into his chest where he starts a low purring sound rumbling deep in his chest. Grace stops breathing for a moment as he begins to pat her back and rock them a bit, just as she had in the kitchen.
Where I almost kissed him.
Just as she starts feeling embarrassed about her brazen behavior Jaal is talking again. “I’m sorry Little One.”
She blinks at the nickname, a tired smile pulling at her lips as she sags against his hold. Past mishaps forgotten as she soaks up his warmth, and those tingling caresses that come with his touch. It’s sad how desperate she is for this. To feel someone hold her, even if it was a 6’3 alien.
“Not your fault.” She whispers, fearing that he voice will break this enchantment he has over her. That her overworked mind would start whispering harsh things to ruin this moment.
“Then,” His flat cat-like nose is pressing against her temple, where his breath is fanning across the side of her face. She shivers just a bit. “I will claim it as my own….share your burdens with me, I want to help.”
It almost sounded seductive the way he’s talking to her. Holding her on the floor in the middle of the Tempest without a care in the world.
He’s alien, different cultures. He doesn’t mean it that way. She reprimands herself before a small, mean voice adds. He’ll be gone in the morning.
“It’s okay Big guy.” She bits her lips while pulling back away from the warmth. Her voice has taken a croaking quality, which is not because she’s going to miss him.
I am not crushing!
“Grace.” Breath hitching she stares at him as her given name spills across his lips in that purring rumbling accent that has him rolling the ‘r’s. “You are not alone.”
Bitter words, like sour swill. She’s not alone in a sea of people, but she’s lonely. She’s not alone on the Nexus, but there's no one there that understands how truly desperate she wished she wasn’t there. She’s not alone, but she is deep in the caverns of her glass heart that’s so fractured the jagged edges are peaking out of her flaming red skin.
“Jaal, I'm fine, you don't have to worry so much.” She adds a little laugh in the end to prove her point as she starts to stand.
“Don’t.” He growls lowly in his throat, the noise has her stilling. “Don’t try to hide it all Grace. Your emotions. They aren’t a weakness.”
She’s staring at him, wondering how he could simply guess what she was thinking.
How much of me can he see?
It was a scary thought.
“What are you two doing?” The unmistakable voice of her salarian pilot came from behind.
Grace jumps startled while Jaal continues to sit there looking at her with the same intense focus she was getting used to. 
“N-nothing.” Grace staggers to her feet as she turns to look at Kallo. Her legs are tingling and prickling from being in the same position to long. “Good morning!” She chirps to loudly before back peddling towards the bay door. She avoids looking at the angara who is slowly getting to his feet, even as those azul blue eyes are latched onto her form... watching her every move. 
“I should go!” Spinning she leaves the room in a stumble.
She’s weaving her way through the ship in a jog trying to make it back to her room before anyone else catches her. A hand is pressed to her sleep shirt, above the rapid beats of her heart.
I’m not crushing….
Yet she knew now, in the space of her room, that it was a lie. Jaal Ama Darav had done what she thought was impossible. He reached past her fiery skin and touched the glass heart she had thought was hidden for good.
“What am I going to do now?”
There was no clear answer forthcoming to her quiet whisper. Despair over the fact she was feeling, Grace ran a hand through her hair before flopping face down into her bed.
It’s best to ignore it.
It’s what Ryder did. Pain, sorrow, puppy crushes that can only lead to heartache, it was all left to be ignored.
He’s leaving in the morning.
 Only it’s morning now, and the dread she had been fearing is washing over her like a tidal wave. Threatening to drown her in panic again.
 “Ryder, we will arrival at Aya in 20 minutes.” SAM announces.
 His voice is like a buoy in the ocean. Latching onto it Grace pushes back the unwanted emotions
 “Thanks SAM.” Grace scrubs a hand over her tired face before she goes about getting ready for their landing.
 Forgoing weapons, like she had last time, Grace picks a pair of black pants that hung her hips and thighs, with a soft gray top that has a scoop neck. Rubbing her bare arms she peered into the mirror before fluffing her cyan locks. She started gathering them to put up into a bun be decided to let them fall around her shoulders.
Business casual, completely non threatening. 
Grace is exiting her quarters just in time to hear the Moshae’s voice. It wasn’t sounding anywhere close to as feeble and scratchy as it had been a few days ago. The sun lamps Cora had lent Lexi seemed to do wonders with the angara physiology.
Who knew the cat people were part plant too. 
“I am not an invalid Jaal, I can walk perfectly fine.”
“But-.” Jaal was twisting his hands together as he followed closely behind the lilac angara. It seemed the hovering trait he had with Grace was a normal thing as he loomed like a mother hen over the Moshae who didn’t even blink at the behavior.
Moshae Sjefa shushed him as she made her way out of the medical bay. “I think,” She chortled with a small smile on her lips. “You have other things to worry about.” This was said with very obvious looks shot Grace’s way. “Evfra already knows.”
Jaal sighed, pressing a hand to the side of his cowl, fingers absently tracing the old scar. “How bad?” 
“Not so bad,” A twinkle entered her eye then. “Sahuna had some choice words for him, along with all your other mothers.” She pauses giving him a disapproving look. “Your true mother wasn’t all too happy finding out about this from me.”
There was a rough chuffing noise coming from Jaal as he stood stunned behind the laughing Moshae.
Grace glanced back and forth between the pair with confusion. “Uh?”
“Grace!” The Moshae tilted to the left looking around Jaal to gaze at her. “Are you ready?”
Somehow she felt that there was an underlying meaning she wasn’t picking up. “There isn’t an angry mob outside is there?”
“A mob? Perhaps, coming to sing your praise.” The Moshae laughed at Grace’s aghast expression. “And Olvek will probably be scowling like Evfra when I see him.”
“Oh good,” Grace sighs as she starts leading the way to the ramp. “Another Lexi.”
“I’m not that bad Grace!” Lexi called from the medbay.
Grace just laughed as she ushered the pair out of the Tempest.
Sjefa was right, Olvek was standing outside the docks with a medical staff at his side. He wasn’t frowning till he caught sight of the womans battered body and pale skin.
“By the stars!” He cried rushing up to help the Moshae down the ramp, to which she swatted his hands away growling that she was perfectly fine to walk. He fussed over her worse than Jaal  who had come to stand behind Grace and watch the reunion play out.
There was a small gathering of angara, all come to greet their Moshae.
It was heartwarming seeing each and every member step up, some clasped her shoulders, others touched foreheads with her. The hum of their bioelectricity was brimming with joyous pulses.
Grace smiled with a sigh. It was moments like this when all her hard work bared fruit that made her feel like she was doing something right.
A hand brushed across the small of her back, just above the curve of her butt. Tensing she turned to look at Jaal who was watching the Moshae.
Different cultures, doesn't’ mean the same.
“Ryder!” The medic was suddenly on Ryder, pulling her into a bear hug that had her hissing when he squeezed her back a bit too roughly. The bruising was mostly healed but being hugged by someone who was 90% muscle certainly brought back the pain.
“Olvek,” Jaal growled. “She’s still injured.”
“Ah.” The angara released her so quickly she stumbled back into Jaal. Hot hands settled on her shoulders steadying her her. “Forgive me.”
“It’s okay!” Grace waved off his puppy dog look that the angara had perfected. “I’m made of tougher stuff, a little hug is not going to break me.” Jaal snorts at this.
“You did not-.” She stops talking when Olvek grabs her face suddenly and presses his forehead to hers. The hands on her shoulders give her a gentle squeeze when she stiffens.
“Allow me to be the first to thank you Pathfinder Ryder, for bringing back the Moshae, and hope to the resistance.” Olvek pulls back, a smile is adorning his face as he pats the top of her head before retreating.
“Jaal,” Grace turns to look over her shoulder at the angara who still holding her. “What does the,” She motions to her head while she’s talking. “Forehead thing mean?”
“A great show of adoration and respect.” He pauses. “It means he loves you.”
“Uh,” Grace starts scratching at her scar. “Like what kind of love?”
“Your people have an odd view of this emotion.” His thumbs are rubbing across the bare skin of her shoulder blades. “It means you are family, one of us.” His voice drops as he lowers his head till his lips are by her ear. “I also feel the same.”
Gasping she shivers while he breath ghost across her skin. She doesn’t have to to reply before he’s walking away. Biting her lips, she catches the Moshae’s eye, as she gives the Pathfinder a knowing look.
Flushing Grace chases after the confusing angara as he head into the city, towards their meeting with Evfra.
There are a thousand words at the tip of her tongue. Some questioning what he meant, or if he realized what that sounded like to her. Some pleas asking him to stay, and some just small awkward chatter to fill the space that she desperately wants to close. But Grace is stubborn, and developing feelings only left heartache in the end. It happened to Alec, it happened to Nebby and it happened to her.
So she keeps quiet as they pass through the city, looking down at her feet instead of the broad shoulders ahead of her.
Evfra was his usual icy self when they made it to the Resistance headquarters. Grace wondered if he ever smiled as she approached the frowning male who didn’t look happy to see her again, nor did he look particularly unhappy either though.
“Hello again.” Grace greeted as she came to stand in front of his desk.
“Ryder,” He nods at her while his eyes flicker across her face before glancing at the male hovering in the background. His frown is deepening as he meets Jaal’s eyes. “You have done my people a great service.” He’s back to looking at her as he speaks. “You have done something even the Resistance didn’t think was possible.”
“I couldn’t have done it without your men Evfra.” Grace holds his gaze as he studies her. Her palms begin to sweat a bit underneath Evfra’s harsh frown.
“I think you give yourself too little credit.”
“Not at all… If Jaal had not been there I would be dead.”
The eyebrow ridge raised at her admission. He’s looking over her head again as his lips curl for the briefest of moments. The amused expression is gone so fast Grace wonders if she had imagined it.
“So I have heard.” Evfra pulls to his full height, going a full head taller than Jaal. “Thank you Ryder.”
Grimacing, Grace started twisting a strand of blue hair around her finger before stopping. She could just hear Alec scolding her for not having good posture in front of someone so important. “I gave you my word.”
“And you kept it.” Evfra nodded. “Now I think there is another matter we need to discuss.”
Heart in her throat, Grace threads her fingers together behind her back as she stares at the angara waiting for her to speak. “There is the matter of outpost and an embassy here on Aya.” Grace shifted her stance, straightening up. “We would like to post a settlement on Voeld, if you’re against it I can list the many benif-”
“itesss...yes?” She stares at him, jaw unhinged in surprise.  
“You have proved yourself Pathfinder, not only to the angara for bring back the Moshae, but to me.” Evfra cross his arms, the harsh frown on his lips softened just a bit. “You went above your word, freeing angara from kett enslavement camps, restablishing supply lines, went out of your way to help anyone who asked. The answer is yes.”
“Oh.” Grace felt the glowing heat on her cheeks as she started to trace the scar on her nose. “uh thanks...and the embassy?”
“That,” He gives a indignant sniff. “Will be something Paaran Shei will handle.”
Sighing, Grace decided Tann can handle that part, since the hard portion was done. She was after all the Pathfinder, not a politician.
The Resistance leader is done with their conversation as his gaze goes back over her head.
“Jaal,” Evfra is scowling again. “We have something to discuss.”
“Of course Evfra.” Jaal is also frowning, as he seemed to be puffing himself out more.
Are they about to fight?
“Ryder,” Evfra doesn’t take his eyes off the male in front of him. “You are free to enter Aya at anytime.”
In other words, get out of his space.
Grace hesitates, wanting to open her mouth, to tell him that Jaal was a valued part of the Tempest crew, that should wouldn’t be leaving unless he was on her ship. But she couldn’t. The truth was she couldn’t be that selfish to take him away from his people. Who were in desperate need of help. Help Jaal had the skill to lend.
“Right, I’ll uh see you when you’re done.” She smiles at Jaal who returns it with a smile much warmer than her own.
“Of course you will.” He chuckles patting her head as she passes. “I’ll show you Aya when I’m done.”
Heart in her throat she feels the tingling warmth spreading through her limbs. “I look forward to it.” She gives Evfra a small wave before bidding good bye.
Once again she's outside the Resistance doors, though this time she doesn't have a bunch of guns ready to shoot if she so much as twitched wrong. Hesitating at the top of the steps, Grace gazed around at her surroundings, unsure where she should go.
I'm the Pathfinder, let's find a path.
Taking two steps at a time she goes right heading for what looked like a railing overlooking Aya. It seemed like a good place to wait for Jaal. He’d be able to find her as soon as he left the headquarters.
And we can say our goodbye’s.
There was a hollow ringing in her stomach that made her sick at the thought. Biting the inside of her cheek she turned her head to look out over the railing. The city limits extended beyond what she thought before the scorched planet surface swallowed everything else.
Aya certainly was beautiful. The lush greens and warm sun reminded her of the tropical regions of earth. As a breeze tickles her skin, Grace tilts her head back soaking in the calm moment that did nothing to sooth the churning of her stomach.
“Ryder,” SAM pops up in their private link. “May I ask why you didn’t tell Evfra you wanted to keep Jaal aboard the Tempest?”
She didn’t know how the AI knew this, it wasn’t like she had discussed it with him. Though he did monitor all her vitals, or perhaps she’s more expressive than she had intended.
Unless he’s gained the power to read my thoughts.
“I didn’t want to take him from where he is needed.” She shrugged leaning forward onto the railing. “He's a valued part of our team, but the Resistance needs a man of his caliber. If you haven't noticed all the flyers they are practically begging for help.”
She didn't think Evfra trusted the initiative enough to accept their help yet.
We'll get there one day.
“I understand.” He’s silent for a moment before speaking again. “I still have the recording of Jaal's conversation with Commander Do Xeel on Voeld.”
Grace had been meaning to listen to the conversation ages ago, but the more she got to know Jaal the less important the conversation became. She hadn’t trusted him then, now...she knew he had her back.
“I don’t….perhaps I shouldn't listen to it.” It felt wrong listening into his privacy. She had come to respect Jaal and his opinion. This felt like betrayal on the trust he was extending to her.
“Would you like me to delete it?” SAM inquired
She opened her mouth to say yes but the compulsion to know was just nibbling away at her. “No...play the recording.”
There's a small crackling static noise before the soft whisper of Anjik’s voice starts talking.
“Evfra has been sending me your reports. He says you think the Pathfinder can do what she says she can. I want to hear if from you Jaal, tell me I’m not about to send my men to die.” There is an edge in her voice that Grace hadn’t heard when talking to the Commander.
“I believe she can do what she says, I’ve seen how her people talk about her Anjik,” There’s an awed note to his tone as he talks. “They say she’s done the impossible before.”
“Then I believe your words Jaal Ama Darav.”
There's a pause between them. Grace can only assume they are talking physically or there is something else pulling their attention. The silence stresses for so long she almost thinks the audio clip has ended.
Till Anjik is talking again, her voice going lower then it had before.
“Is she yours?” Anjik ask.
Jaal’s quiet for a long moment before he speaks again. His voice lower, raspier. “I do not know.”
Anjik snorts. “There is no guessing when it comes to the bond Jaal Ama Darav. She’s either yours or she’s not.”
The audio cuts off after that. Leaving Grace with more questions then she started with. “What did she mean by bond?”
“I haven’t the data to tell you, perhaps when Jaal returns you can ask him.”
“Fuck no.” Grace did not want him knowing she was eavesdropping on his conversations via the comm link she had given him.
Nothing says trust like spying.
Was she the one they talked about or another ‘she’? Grace nibbled on her lip as she tapped her fingers along the railing. Perhaps she could talk to the Moshae after Olvek released her. They had discussed, or Lexi had ordered really, that they wait to enter the vault till the Moshae’s immune system was up again. This was a course of action they had yet to talk about in detail.
“Oh!” A startled gasp from behind had Grace whipping around in a defensive stance. She scanned the area, looking for a threat before she found herself staring at a very tall, very ecstatic woman who is moving rather quickly in Grace's direction. There was no mistaking the intent of the woman's gaze was solely based on Grace.
“You truly are lovely.” The angara woman is squealing as she comes to stand in front of Ryder. “Sjefa said you were adorable.” She gasped, her hands cupping both sides of Grace's face, smooshing her cheeks till her lips were puckered like a fish. “You are so soft.” She cooed. That delicate nose wiggled a little as a smile bloomed across her face. “And smell like cetulive.”
“Uh.” Grace blinked a bit unsure what to do with this over excited angara who was crooning sweet things at her. “Thanks?”
“Oh!” Suddenly the gentle hands cupping her cheeks vanished as the woman’s neck inflated a bit. “Forgive me, I was just so...excited to meet you. I am Avale.”
Gaping at the magenta colored angara giggling at her bewildered expression Grace cleared her throat before offering her hand. “Grace Ryder….most call me Ryder.”
Avela eyed her hand before grabbing her wrist and correcting the position so that Grace could bump her shoulder. The same sort of greeting she had seen on Voeld and Aya.
“May I call you Grace?” She asked after Grace properly delivered their greeting after the thrid attempt.
“Sure.” She shrugged before her face was being captured by Avale again.
“So very soft! Do you use lotions to achieve this?” Her fingers are running along her skin as she ‘pets’ Grace.
“Naturally soft. wonderful!” Avela is squealing, drawing attention from on lookers. “I have never touched anything so soft before.” She gasps again when she fingers Grace's hair. “Oh it's like silk!”
“Thanks.” Grace shifts uncomfortably in the angara’s hold.
“Where is Jaal?” Avela ask as she finally extracts herself from Grace's face.
“Huh?” She's in a bit of a daze, having been petted like a cat from a stranger.
Socially hyperactive didn't even begin to cover the angara social structure. From what Grace had observed on Voeld angara where extremely touchy people. She shouldn't have been shocked that a random a angara as petting her.
But she was.
“I would think he would be with you.” Avela sighed. “Unless what I've heard is false.”
Grace assumed she meant him staying on the tempest. “No.” She shakes her head. “He's with Evfra, being reassigned.”
Avela blinks her eyebrow ridge lifting in confusion. “Surely Evfra’s not that cruel to separate a newly bonded pair!” Avela huffed suddenly. “Worry not Grace I will have a word with him...and so will the Moshae. She won't stand for this either.”
Before Grace can ask the odd angara what she means, Avela is slipping away into the crowd.
Left to her own devices again, Grace ducked her head turning around as she noticed all the angara staring in her direction. Feeling nervous she wrapped her hands around the railing and leaned over it to peer down into the city below.
As the minutes ticked by, Ryder’s antsy feelings wound tighter till she couldn’t sit still any longer. Glancing at in the direction of the Resistance, Grace makes her way through the thins part of a crowd.
About this time SAM should have given the crew an all clear to explore the city. When Jaal was done he could send her a message, in the meantime she’ll find one of her crew to keep her company as she waited.
Stepping into what it seemed to a dining area, Grace scanned the bar for familiar faces. If there was booze to be had Drack or Liam would be there. To her disappointment neither seemed to be there, nor was anyone else from the Tempest.
Continuing her search she started to pass through clusters of angara tables, most were empty though there was a family or two crowded around the much too small tables. She smiled a little at hearing their merriment. This was certainly a different atmosphere than the Nexus. If she wasn’t being eyed with interest Grace might have been able to even relax her. Might even forget her problems for a time.
Turning to find the source of the yelling, Grace cried out in pain as something smashed into her nose. Stumbling back into a table, she tried to find purchase to keep standing.The angaran at the table gasped as their plating and food were knocked to the floor. She could feel warm liquid drip from her nose as the tang of copper coated at the back of her throat. The cafe area she had been walking through became hushed.
Turning, Grace eyed the large green angaran male hovering over her. His big blue eyes reflected the burning flame of resentment and anger.
“You are vesagara.” He hissed. “And they let you walk through our city as if you are one of us.”
Grace wiped her nose, smearing the blood across her face. She winced as her fingers touched the bridge. She was either going to have major swelling there or it was broken “Look.” She slurred before spitting the blood pooling her her mouth out.  “I get you’re mad-”
Ryder stumbled back as the angaran charged, knocking her to the floor.
Grunting she curled her knees and used them to shove the angara off before rolling out beneath him. Her broken hand caught on the table edge as she staggered to her feet. Biting back the cry of pain, Ryder watched the olive green angara as he stumble to his feet, holding his stomach where she had kicked him.
Circling each other, Grace flexed her hand a bit as she considered her options. Hand to hand combat was not going to be an options. She didn’t even know if she could take the giant male with two hands. And if she broke it again over some jackass’ face Grace was going to be pissed. She could use biotics and have him out flat on in his back in two seconds, but she didn't want to scare the onlookers. She was the representative of the Initiative, if she came off as some scary biotic it could end up hurting what fragile trust they had just gained.
Talking would be her only option till someone came to break up the fight.
“Look, I'm sorry for-” Grace jumps back out the snarling angara’s way. He's stumbling to keep up with her swift dodged.
Is he drunk?
“Your people killed my mate!” He roared while swinging wide, too wide. Leaving all defenses open. He’s staggering and reeling as Grace circles him again and again, like he can’t keep track of her.
Obviously drunk.
Grace ducks under another wide swing as she tries to move him away from the thick of the people gathering. “I’m sorry.” Grace tries to pacify. “I-I didn't know….”
“You're the reason my Toashay is gone.” He stumbles to lean against a table, the fight seemingly leaving him as he sags into the surface.
Holding both hands up, Grace in hes around the angara who is choking on a sob. For a moment she doesn't see the green angara consumed by grief, but Jaal as he cried over a Kett body.
“I'm sorry.” She croaked tears pickling eyes. “Losing a loved one is never easy.”
“What would you know!” He spat his hand pulling a gleaming knife from his belt. He's unsteady as he gains to his feet.
“Hey now-” Grace jumps back as he swipes at her stomach. “Look we can-” Again he aims for her unarmored stomach as he continues to jab the knife.
“FUCKING STOP!” She yells throwing a weak biotic push that has him stumbling back into a table.
In the distance she can hear the Krogan war cry and instantly stood between her attacker and the charging Krogan.
“Drack, no!”
There was no way she was letting all her hard work go to waste because of hate and misunderstands. Ryder refused to let the months of freezing her ass of-
Grace gasped, something hit her side with a quick and painful explosion. Her world tilted a bit as Drack skidded to a stop before he was charging again, yelling her name.
Grace stumbled her eyes dropping to look down the length of her body. The breathe in her lungs concave as she stared horrified at the sight. The simple gray shirt was steadily growing darker. A concept Grace couldn’t grasp even though her mind spun around in panic. 
You’re bleeding-call for help.
Sharp ragged pants escaped part parted lips as she hesitantly reached for the sleek back grip of a blade, the blade, sticking out of her abdominal. Dimly Grace recognized that she was going into shock as her body quaked with pain and sound faded to a dull buzz in the back of her mind. Her fingers graze something warm and sticky trickling down her back before her fingers wrap around something hard. Something that shouldn’t be there. Mind reeling in confusion and pain Grace tried to grasp that she had been stabbed.
Oh god.
Colors swirled, something leaked from her mouth, as her lung collapses in on itself while the blade scrapes against her ribs with each desperate inhale. Chaos erupted around her, but Grace couldn’t perceive anything beyond the object protruding from her ribs. 
Ryder looked up again, and for a second her eyes see Earth on a cloudless day before rolling back into her head.
‘She’s losing too much blood.-’
 ‘-he hit an artery.’
 ‘It’s her lung! He punctured her lung. Get her to the Tempest immediately.’
“Grace, Little Love, you’ll be fine.”
Hi Lovelies! Heres Fridays update! 
Cetuive- Sweet drink mothers give children. Often made from fruits from Harval. It's a pale yellow, with a creamy consistency.
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