#lown suit
usagirotten · 9 months
Dick Tracy is set to return to comic books in March 2024 from Mad Cave Studios
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Dick Tracy is returning to the world of comic books, thanks to indie publisher Mad Cave Studios and the Tribune Content Agency, that’s going to change in early 2024. A new series, titled simply Dick Tracy, is — as Tracy himself would put it — on its way from the creative team of writers Alex Segura and Michael Moreci, artist Geraldo Borges, and creative consultant Chantelle Aimée Osman. “This has been a long time coming, and we are all so excited to bring our grounded, noir take on the Dick Tracy mythos to life at Mad Cave,” Segura said in a statement. “Michael and I have loved Dick Tracy, his stellar rogues gallery, and unforgettable supporting cast since we first became aware of the character as kids. It’s been a winding road to not only get the rights to publish new stories starring the iconic detective, and I’m so thankful that my journey with Chantelle and Michael brought us to Mad Cave. The stuff Geraldo is cooking up perfectly evokes the grounded, cinematic vibe we’re bringing to this origin story.” “Alex, Chantelle, and I have been pursuing Dick Tracy for many years, so to say this is a passion project, even that’s an understatement,” added Moreci. “We love this character, we love this world. And we’re approaching it with great care—we don’t want to make a new Dick Tracy; we just want to make a Dick Tracy that feels rich and layered, that feels suited to our times. We can’t wait to share, with our great partners at Mad Cave, what we have in store.” The Dick Tracy comic book license has been held by Segura, Moreci, and Osman for some time; the character remains the property of Tribune Content Agency, formerly known as the Chicago Tribune Syndicate. In his own statement, VP and general manager at TCA Wayne Lown said, “We’re proud to see Dick Tracy, an all-time classic of truth and justice, return to comic books through our partners at Mad Cave Studios. We look forward to daring new detective cases for this cultural icon, guided by their exceptional team of top-notch creators.” The new Dick Tracy #1 will debut March 2024.
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teatitty · 3 years
ma'am ok so i know we talked about this forever ago already but seriously ever since you pointed it out ive never stopped seeing it, BUNNYSUITS ARE GARBAGE. like, the person wearing them? Fantastic! The bunny ears can be kinda cute, as well, sometimes. but everything else about it tho ranges from mediocre to "why would you bother drawing this except for meme purposes". like, list of terrible reasons to draw a bunnysuit; "cuz sexy girl" well guess what you already failed before you started. list of good reasons to draw a bunnysuit; "cuz Fionn deserves to wear one" yes very good correct your brain is massive and your (hypothetical) meat is huge.
LITERALLY LIKE THERE'S SO MANY BETTER WAYS TO INDULGE IN YOUR BUNNY GIRL KINK/FETISH THOSE SUITS ARE TERRIBLE AND SO OVERRATED unless it's Fionn wearing one in which case go off King we stan your confidence and GNC rights
The origins of it all trace back to Playboy too! The original suits (though there's not much difference between the old and new ones) were designed by Ms. Taurins who, at the time, was dating one of the Playboy co-founders, Victor Lownes III. The design was "refined" by Hugh Hefner to give it the look we all know of today
And they are just. So. Overrated. And boring to look at. Once you've seen a bunny suit you've basically seen them all. It has no appeal to me my eyes just slide right over them and inwardly I grimace every single time I see them because I just...they look so uncomfortable man I don't get it why are they so popular there are better sexy alternatives out there I promise you
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[LoWN] Vol.1 Ch.1-2
What? That moment I stood still.
Ban Yeo Ryung saw me then asked.
“What’s wrong?”
Believe it or not, I’ve just realized another shocking fact and that made me freeze on the spot. My head was ringing as if I have been hit with a hammer on the back of my head. 
Slowly my face brightened. That’s it! I clenched my fists and shouted towards Ban Yeo Ryung. 
“Why did you confuse me like this!”
Dumbfounded, Ban Yeo Ryung just agape her mouth. I pointed towards the school and spoke with enthusiasm. 
“No wonder my uniform was totally different! This school isn’t the school I’m supposed to attend!” 
“The school I am supposed to attend is called ‘Dae Dam Middle School’! I’ve never even heard of Ji Jon Middle School. Even the buildings are completely different. This isn’t my school!” 
Ban Yeo Ryung stared at me with confusion. I made a refreshing face as I saw students marching in to the Ji Jon school gate like colony of white ants. 
Of course, this was not my school! No wonder the uniform is different, this is not my middle school!
My mom probably got confused on the school and that’s probably why she brought back the wrong uniform. And this girl in front of my eyes, Ban Yeo Ryung, probably thought I would go to the same school as her because of my uniform. I turned my gaze to Ban Yeo Ryung and spoke. 
“Alright then, I’m going to go to my school! Since we’re neighbors let’s greet each other once in a while!” 
“Huh, D-Dani! Where are you going!?”
Startled Ban Yeo Rang grabbed my arms. What does she mean where am I going? Telling her straight off would be the best answer. 
“I’m going to my school, Dae Dam Middle School. This isn’t the place I should be attending.”
“What? What are you talking about. We already had our class placement together just a month ago!” 
When I heard that I froze for a moment. What? But I came back to my senses and laughed it off.
“No way. I think you are mistaken me for someone else. The entrance exam I took was for Dae Dam Middle School.” 
“What? There is no such school named that around here!”
“Yes, there is. You are probably just not aware of it.”
Ban Yeo Ryung, just because you don’t know that does not mean it doesn’t exist. 
I firmly told myself in thoughts and patted Ban Yeo Ryung’s shoulders. I felt as if I’ve became the most understanding person right now. Realizing that I do not need to attend to this school for the next 3 years of my life with these pure white uniforms filled my heart with relief. 
After patting Ban Yeo Ryung’s shoulders I smiled and turned away.
“Bye! I will be going to my school now!”
“Dani, wait!”
Whether there was the sound of desperation coming from Ban Yeo Ryung’s voice or not, I walked away from the school as if I was in the clouds. Might of been  Ban Yeo Ryung’s shout becoming more desperate, I felt some stinging gaze coming towards me. However I did not mind. Because they are not students from my school! It was then, while in my thoughts.
Bump, I bumped my head into something hard. I staggered back two steps. 
Because my gaze was on the ground, the first thing that came into my vision was a pair of shoes. If they were middle school students, it was pretty normal for them to wear sneakers. However, the shoes that I saw looked like student loafers¹. By the look of the feet size, it must be a male student. 
Compared to the girl’s uniform which was bright white from head to toes, boy’s uniform were dark. I slowly raise my gaze pass the dark uniform, then when I saw his face, oh my gosh, my mouth was agape. 
I don’t usually pay attention to people’s face. No matter how good looking a celebrity was, I was never speechless or anything. However, besides when I first saw Ban Yeo Ryung, this is the second time being speechless due to someone’s looks. 
When I came to my senses, I stepped back.
Why, why so early in the morning, am I keep seeing people like this? Just today, it was my second time looking at someone with such rare beauty. 
Dark hair like Ban Yeo Ryung’s, however the place where the sunlight touched gave off bluish hue. It was normal for Koreans to give off brownish hue when the hair reflected in the light, however Ban Yeo Ryung’s is purple and this person gave off bluish hue. They both have unusual color. Dark blue-black color is not a color that suits people well, but he was different. And his skin looked as if frozen and clear. 
His distinct eyes that was gazing low… I took a deep breath. 
Blue. Not even bluish-black. It was a clear blue like a deep ocean treasure or something. His nose stood tall, and looked as if I would get a cut if I touched them. 
Overall, he gave off a clean and neat image. He was like a still life drawn from oil painting, or maybe a black and white painting drawn from ink. While I was thinking such things, he squinted his eyes. I got startled. 
“Oh, my ba-, no wait, I’m sorry.” 
Reply came straight back. Just like his looks a cold reply, but did not sound offensive. 
He looked like the type who did not speak much. After glancing at me once, he turned around and disappeared from my view. 
Before he turned, I got the glance of his name tag that came in clear view due to the light reflecting on it. Yu Chun Young. The name sounded bit androgynous, but I thought it suited him well. 
Anyways, I felt a sudden fluster and rubbed by face. He looked really handsome. At least Ban Yeo Ryung was a girl, but this Yu Chun Young. He was a guy and tall at that too. He’s only in middle school, yet his height seemed to be around 175cm. When I bumped into him earlier, I definitely felt the height difference. 
This is my first time seeing a boy this handsome. I felt my heart beating fast. As I was reminiscing this feeling and try to get the last glimpse of him, that moment I heard a voice. 
“Hey, did you see that? That girl bumping into him!”
“No way, did she do that on purpose!?”
“Hey, you, come here!” 
W-What? I turned my gaze towards the voices. The voices belong to the girls in the same uniform as me. By the looks there was some 2nd and 3rd years too. What, why. I opened my mouth by this absurd situation. Are they really calling me out because I bumped into someone? What is this, some kind of novel? The most absurd thing about this situation was, it was not just two or three girls. It was about twenty female students. 
I held on to my backpack straps tightly as swarm of angry female students increased. One with a sharp eyes came closer to me and said, 
“Hey, you want to know what happens if you covet him?”
I never thought one can ruin their life by bumping into someone, but considering this situation, I thought that may be possible after all.
Suddenly, this situation reminded me of a scene. When you read web novels it’s common. You know, during the first day of school, female protagonist bumping into a handsome boy. And next thing you know, that boy is really popular within the school and that’s when the ordeal starts for the female protagonist! 
I almost let out a laugh and stopped thinking about this. Just by pure coincidence this was that similar situation. However, this is not a novel, nor am I a protagonist. Most importantly, compared to female protagonists, I have common sense. 
I held my backpack strap tightly once more and dashed at full speed to the bus stop. Unlike the female protagonist I have common sense and know how to take care of myself! First I need to get to Dae Dam Middle School, then I will think what to do afterwards! I dashed with all my might and the voices and the shouts were becoming further away. 
* * *
After running until my breaths ran out, the pretty girl I met this morning, Ban Yeo Ryung, was gone from my thoughts. Even the breathtakingly handsome boy Yu Chun Young was fading away from my mind too. 
Alright! I took a deep breath and stood in front of the bus stop. Maybe because I ran too fast too sudden, I had a slight headache. I placed one of my hand on my forehead and squinted my gaze at the bus routes directory.
There usually are bus stops in front of the most middle schools. Even the current bus stop is named “Ji Jon Middle School”. This was weird. From the moment I was born and up to 14 years of living in this town, I have never seen this bus stop name before-- was a thought that soon passed by. It already exists, what am I going to do about it. Anyways, I tried to search for the station of my middle school. Hmm. I stopped searching for a moment and the students of Ji Jon Middle School came to my trace of thought again.
What’s going to happen for them in the future. For example, when they go to high school and the teacher asks what middle school they came from.
“Which middle school did you come from?”
“J-Ji Jon Middle School!”
“Ah-HAHA! Ji, Ji, Ji… … Jon!! Did you say Ji Jon Middle School!?”
Just the name of that middle school is to die from embarrassment. A name you probably want to erase from your life later on.
Is what I thought. I shook my head. It’s not my problem, I’m not the one going there!
I kept searching through the bus route directory, however there was no “Dae Dam Middle School” stop. This this weird. I squinted my eyes and took a step back from the directory and looked around my surroundings. 
The surroundings were strange yet quiet. The shadows of the green trees planted on the sidewalk were stretching. I took out my cell phone from my pocket and checked the time.
9am. Surely if you were normal student, it was a time where all the students probably arrived at school. Students and not even any business employees were to be found on the streets. It’s been a while since I've seen the street so quiet. I felt a strange feeling and took a look around the streets and tirelessly walked away. 
I should go out to the street where there are more people and ask where Dae Dam Middle School is. I adjusted my backpack straps. Suddenly, the words of desperation Ban Yeo Ryung shouted at me lingered in my ear. 
“There is no such school named that around here!”
There no way there isn’t! Just a month ago there was and I was even there for the class arrangement. It wasn’t a weird building like the one I saw earlier, it was a normal building. I know I am forgetful sometimes, but there is no way I will confuse my own middle school name. 
However, the one thing that’s on my mind. In a place where ‘Dae Dam Middle School’ should be, there is ‘Ji Jon Middle School’ out of the blue. 
Whatever, I scratched the back of my head. I feel a bit insecure, but surely… but.
While thoughts in my head, I unwillingly stomp my way to Ji Jon Middle School. When I took a turn on the corner, suddenly a car parked on the sidewalk. As the quiet the street was, even the car moved quietly, not even the engine can be heard. Casually I turned my head towards the car, and I was in a shock to realize the car was a black limousine that I rarely saw in my life. 
The dark tinted windows of the limousine slid down slowly. A man with shades suddenly appeared between the gap. 
Surprisingly, he called out to me in a soft and courteous voice. Like the tone of someone in a customer service. 
“Are you happen to be a student of Ji Jon Middle School?”
“Yes, yes?”
The question caught me off guard. I immediately wanted to say I was not, however I think he confirmed his answer as he saw my uniform.
“Oh, then could I ask for guidance? It's the first time our young master is attending school by himself.” 
“What do you mean, who’s first time? Also, Joo In is with me.” 
A firm voice that came from the back seat interrupted the man’s voice. The voice was quiet, but I clearly heard it. Not because my ears were bright. The voice that came from the back seat left an impact.
1. https://image.rakuten.co.jp/washington/cabinet/haruta/haruta4514.jpg 2. When he said “No” -- it meant like: “No worries”.
[Prev: Prologue + Chapter 1-1] [Next: Chapter 1-3]
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pakioutfits · 7 years
Exclusive Iznik Chinon Collection Volume 3 2017 For Women
Exclusive Iznik Chinon Collection Volume 3 2017 For Women
[nggallery id=151]
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kerbaldevteam · 6 years
KSP Weekly: The Orbiters!
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Welcome to KSP Weekly! On August 10, 1966, the Lunar Orbiter 1 was launched from Cape Canaveral Launch Complex 13 aboard an Atlas SLV-3 Agena-D to become the first American spacecraft to orbit the moon and the first probe to map the Moon.  As part of NASA’s Lunar Orbiter Program, it was designed primarily to photograph smooth areas of the lunar surface for selection and verification of safe landing sites for the Surveyor and Apollo missions. It was also equipped to collect selenodetic, radiation intensity, and micrometeoroid impact data.
The spacecraft acquired photographic data from August 18 to 29, 1966, and readout occurred through September 14, 1966. A total of 42 high-resolution and 187 medium-resolution frames were taken and transmitted to Earth covering over 5 million square kilometers of the Moon's surface, accomplishing about 75% of the intended mission, although a number of the early high-resolution photos showed severe smearing. It also took the first two pictures of the Earth ever from the distance of the Moon. Accurate data was acquired from all other experiments throughout the mission. Below you can see the first image of Earth taken from the Moon by the Lunar Orbiter 1 probe.
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The spacecraft was tracked until it impacted the lunar surface on command at 7 degrees north latitude, 161 degrees east longitude (selenographic coordinates) on the Moon's far side on October 29, 1966, on its 577th orbit. The early end of the nominal one-year mission was due to the small amount of remaining attitude control gas and other deteriorating conditions and was planned to avoid transmission interference with Lunar Orbiter 2.
The following four missions of the lunar orbiter program were also successful, and collectively they mapped 99 percent of the surface of the Moon from photographs taken with a resolution of 60 meters or better. The first three missions were dedicated to imaging 20 potential manned lunar landing sites, selected based on Earth-based observations. These were flown at low-inclination orbits.   
[Development news start here]
We continue to be hard at work on Kerbal Space Program 1.5. As we mentioned last week, one key aspect in this update is going to be the standardization, optimization, and make-over of various graphical assets within the game. As part of this task we looked back at one particular item that looked a bit outdated after the addition of the vintage space suits in the Making History Expansion; we are talking of course of the EVA Space Suits, which are now being given a well-deserved overhaul. We knew that such an iconic element of the game needed to stay true to its identity, so we are keeping its style, while also giving it a sleeker look. In the image below, you can see a comparison between the old and new EVA suits.
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Click here for the high res image.
As you can see, not only the suit itself looks better, but the jet pack received a refurbishment. You may also notice that there are two variations on the new EVA look, and here is where you come in… in good old fashion KSP tradition, we will let you choose which variation will be the definite one, so enter this poll to vote for your favorite one. The poll will remain open for a full week and we’ll make the results public in the next KSP Weekly, so stay tuned, and most importantly, help us decide! Here are a couple of GIFs to give you a better look at the suits: Red & White EVA Suit and the Red, Blue & White EVA Suit.
Bug fixing was also in our agenda this week and as such, the team looked at a bug that caused the ambient sounds in the editor to disappear when a user switched between the VAB and the SPH during a new sandbox game. This was particularly noticeable if the music was switched off.
[KSP Vault]
The KSP community never ceases to surprise us! This week we encountered some really cool stuff. First off, we Matt Lowne finally built the actual Hotel for its Minmus Hotel and Casino. Watch him build this gigantic structure and launch it to Minmus in one shot. Click here and enjoy!
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The Mission of the Week, the Wrecking Crew, entertained our inner problem child by letting us wreak havoc in the KSC as a self propelled wrecking ball with the sole purpose of destroying everything in our path. Check it out here!
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We also want to highlight the Universal Storage Mod! This modular parts mod allows you to build some of the best looking custom service modules out there, while also being highly compatible with the most popular life support mods. There is a lot to like within this mod, so check it out and try it yourself!
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Have you seen cool KSP-related content that you consider worth highlighting? Share it with us and help us give content creators more exposure. :)
Remember that you can also share and download missions on Curse, KerbalX, the KSP Forum and the KSP Steam Workshop.
That’s it for this week. Be sure to join us on our official forums, and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Stay tuned for more exciting and upcoming news and development updates!
Happy launchings!  
*Information Source:
Deffree, S. (n.d.). Lunar Orbiter 1 takes 1st photo of Earth from moon orbit, August 23, 1966. Retrieved from https://www.edn.com/electronics-blogs/edn-moments/4394618/Lunar-Orbiter-1-takes-1st-photo-of-Earth-from-moon-orbit--August-23--1966
Hamilton, C. J. (n.d.). Lunar Orbiter 1. Retrieved from http://solarviews.com/eng/orbiter1.htm
E. Bell, II. Lunar Orbiter 1. Retrieved from https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/spacecraftDisplay.do?id=1966-073A
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Resellers are most welcome 🛍️✨ Join regular updates here: https://chat.whatsapp.com/HjEwLyisI9p8ECaZrCQua1 Our awesome series "GAJBAN" Now New volume *GAJBAN ‐ VO2* Fabric Details : *Top: Heavy jam cotton (self Embrodary work)* *Bottom: semi Lown* *Dupatta : Heavy vichitra digital print* *Company price - 999/-* 5% GST extra Shipping extra Singles Available *Ready to Dispatching* *Singles & full set both Available* Dn55 #designersuit #suit #indianwear #punjabisuit #exporter #fashion #onlineshopping #kurti #ethnicwear #designersuits #indianfashion #kurtis #indianwedding #salwarkameez #weddingwear #salwarsuit #designerkurti #salwarsuits #designerwear #wholesaler #partywear #indianbride #reseller #lehenga #designersaree #suitstyle #designer #dressmaterial #indiandresses #wholesaleclothinghub (at Surat, Gujarat) https://www.instagram.com/p/CS1xVZCDk2u/?utm_medium=tumblr
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anisanews · 3 years
Producer’s Compound In San Miguel De Allende Is A ‘Catch’ At $6.25 Million
Called Casa Tres Cervezas, the custom San Miguel de Allende compound of producer Thom Beers offers a … [+] one-of-a-kind blend of traditional Mexican artistry and modern comfort.
CDR San Miguel | Laurie Black
If old town charm, modern luxury and outdoor living spaces are high on your wishlist, the vibrant home of “Deadliest Catch” and “Storage Wars” producer Thom Beers in the inland Mexican state of Guanajuato checks all the boxes.
Set along a cobblestone street two blocks off the central plaza of the colonial-era city of San Miguel de Allende, the three-time Emmy-winner’s fully furnished compound blends artistry with comfort.
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Views take in the pink “wedding cake” towers of the neo-Gothic Parroquia de San Miguel Arcángel as … [+] well as other church spires.
CDR San Miguel | Laurie Black
Called Casa Tres Cervezas, the turnkey property features two courtyards, plus rooftop and patio areas, that make the most of the temperate climate with indoor-outdoor living. Views take in the pink “wedding cake” towers of the neo-Gothic Parroquia de San Miguel Arcángel as well as other church spires.
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Stone corridors give way to a secluded pool and spa area.
CDR San Miguel | Laurie Black
“The rooftop garden has a remarkable direct perspective of the churches that transports you into another time and space,” said Joseph Lown of CDR San Miguel, who is co-listing the property with fellow agent Eduardo Mora.
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Walls of locally sourced stone lend a rustic quality to the artistic compound.
CDR San Miguel | Laurie Black
A heated swimming pool and spa sit in one of the courtyards, which connects to a yoga studio and a full bathroom with a changing area. Hand-carved stone walls and columns bearing botanical motifs surround outdoor spaces framed by plantings.
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The property features multiple structures and has a yoga studio that opens to the pool.
CDR San Miguel
A lanai courtyard across from the living-dining room, bar and kitchen includes a shaded loggia with a lounging area and an in-ground fire pit. The rooftop deck contains an outdoor kitchen.
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Handmade doors and windows flood the living spaces with natural light.
CDR San Miguel
The grand entry opens into a living room with a stone fireplace and large skylight. The domed and arched boveda ceilings are made of brick. Metal and glass lighting fixtures, ironwork and concrete Mexican tile are among other details throughout the more than 11,000 square feet of living space.
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The kitchen area can handle a party crowd
CDR San Miguel
Lown said the level of craftsmanship reflects Beers’ appreciation of the vibrant community, roughly 10% of which is made up of expats. To create the compound, the producer pieced together five parcels of land and sourced artisans from all across Mexico to update the property while keeping it entirely authentic.
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Expansive patios and intimate sitting areas expand the living space outwards.
CDR San Miguel | Laurie Black
“Rarely do you find someone so in love with the Mexican culture that they are willing to work with an architect to keenly preserve and enhance a property such as this,” Lown said. “[Beers] sourced the best artisans from across Mexico to do the stonework, carvings, glass etchings, metalwork and even some of the home’s paintings.”
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The rooftop patio and spa incorporates an outdoor kitchen.
CDR San Miguel | Laurie Black
The attention to detail is further evidenced in the formal dining room, which pairs rustic stonework with a fireplace, cantina-style bar and floor-to-ceiling windows.
The stone-walled kitchen is large enough to accommodate a table for eight. A seating nook with a fireplace anchors one corner of the room.
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The compound has a total of nine bedrooms and nine bathrooms.
CDR San Miguel | Laurie Black
Among the nine bedrooms is a suite with a loft. Another room has a skylight view of the koi pond for a total of nine bedrooms and nine bathrooms—and those are just the main living areas.
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The San Miguel de Allende compound is considered turn-key and can be purchased fully furnished.
CDR San Miguel | Laurie Black
“There’s even a recording room with soundproof walls that doubles as an Xbox lounge,” Lown said.
The $6.25-million asking price includes a separate adjoining property consisting of a garage, a ground-floor restaurant space, some rustic apartments and a garden area—though most aspects can be negotiated separately. 
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Domed and arched boveda ceilings made of rick top many of the living spaces.
CDR San Miguel | Laurie Black
Suppose the owner is open to offering the property as a short-term vacation rental. In that case, the income produced is capable of paying for the carrying costs of the house, maintenance, utilities and staff fees, according to Lown.
Private parking is another added bonus. “Parking in the city center of any colonial town is golden,” Lown said.
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Homes painted in a palette of mustard yellows, red and orange hues line the narrow streets of San … [+] Miguel de Allende’s historic core.
CDR San Miguel | Laurie Black
The Baroque Spanish architecture, cultural festivals and an active arts scene are among the attractions of San Miguel de Allende, which draws tourists and expats from around the world. The town’s historic core is designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site, requiring structures to retain their historic appearance. Homes painted in a palette of mustard yellows, red and orange hues line the narrow streets.
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The Baroque Spanish architecture, cultural festivals and an active arts scene are among the … [+] attractions of San Miguel de Allende, which draws tourists and expats from around the world.
CDR San Miguel
The nearest international airports are Del Bajío International Airport in Guanajuato, about 58 miles to the west, direct flights to Los Angeles, and Querétaro Intercontinental Airport, some 56 miles away in Querétaro. San Miguel de Allende is about 150 miles north of Mexico City.
CDR San Miguel is an exclusive member of Forbes Global Properties, a consumer marketplace and membership network of elite brokerages selling the world’s most luxurious homes.
from Anisa News https://ift.tt/3vN6BBe
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ddreamzzcollection · 4 years
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ddreamzz present Pakistani lawn embroidered 3 piece suit Description:- Shirt embroidery lown fabric 3 meter👌🏿 Dupatta chiffon krinkle 2.25 meter Bottom fabric plane n embroidery patches 2.5 meter Fabric detail:- Lawn 80*80 quality shirt lawn👌🏿🤷‍♀️ 👉🏿Maximum design 😱pick & choose *Rate : ₹1599 free shipping * https://www.instagram.com/p/CEDLw9qlGhZ/?igshid=1f8jeuxoertlp
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textilemall · 4 years
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"Your choice"® We persenting new concept Jam silk digital print with cotton Duppta digital all suit embodry Catlog----------NarGis ( jam silk cotton dup.) Fabrics-------- 👕Jam silk with embodry & digital print 👖Lown cotton 👗mal cotton dup Option⬇ Notes---------- Heavy najin emb Dup digital Availability Type-----------All suit with Emb and digital *Rate----------9️⃣9️⃣5️⃣* Notes----------Baloon slive emb Extra in all suits Des------------6 pcs only Dishpatching----Saturday Limited stock sir https://www.instagram.com/p/B8PG-h6B-0g/?igshid=102jlb0k22mj1
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Call or Whatsapp on +91-8788051232 for booking or enquiry
Bank Icici Bank Ac.Name Ethnic Collection Ac. No. 635705500665 Type CURRENT IFSC Code ICIC0006357 Branch Ichalkaranji Branch Note Goods Will be dispatched only after Payment is recived in our bank account.
Amyra Designer Presents Latest Collection NIKHAAR Launched on . Presenting Beautiful collection of 9 PCS with Amyra Designer, Causal Salwar Kameez, Occasional Wear Salwar kameez, Salwar Kameez, Salwar Kameez By Fabric, Salwar Kameez By Occasion
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bebofashions-blog · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://ethniccollection.in/portfolio/relssa-fabric-presents-kusum-5601-to-5608-series-catalogue-of-pure-lawn-cotton-fabric-party-wear-salwar-kameez-with-beautiful-embrodery-work-at-best-wholesale-price-from-surat-exporters/
Relssa Fabric Presents Kusum 5601 To 5608 Series Catalogue Of Pure Lawn Cotton Fabric Party Wear Salwar Kameez With Beautiful Embrodery Work At Best Wholesale Price From Surat Exporters
Relssa Fabric Presents Kusum 5601 To 5608 Series Catalogue Of Pure Lawn Cotton Fabric Party Wear Salwar Kameez With Beautiful Embrodery Work At Best Wholesale Price From Surat Exporters
ZIP PDF #gallery-1 margin: auto; #gallery-1 .gallery-item float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; #gallery-1 img border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; #gallery-1 .gallery-caption margin-left: 0; /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
ZIP PDF Relssa Fabric Presents Kusum 5601 To 5608 Series Catalogue Of Pure Lawn Cotton Fabric Party Wear Salwar Kameez With Beautiful Embrodery Work At Best Wholesale Price From Surat Exporters Camric Lone Cotton Salwar Kameez, Partywear Salwar Kameez, Relssa, Salwar Kameez, Salwar Kameez By Fabric, Salwar Kameez By Occasion
Brand Relssa Catalog Kusum Pcs 8 AVG. Price 1795 Full Price 14360 Final Amount Rs.15445.5(Full Price = 14360+ Shipping = 350 + GST = 5 %) Single Price 1895 Size Unstitched Fabric Lown Cotton Fabric Availability On Booking Other Details
Brand – Relisha .
Catlog name – KUSUM .
Fabric Details Attach Image
Dispatch 3-5 days
Note Stitching available on customer Requirment For Sarees , Salwar Kameez, Lehengha.(i.e M,L,XL,XXL).
Relssa Fabric Presents Kusum 5601 To 5608 Series Catalogue Of Pure Lawn Cotton Fabric Party Wear Salwar Kameez With Beautiful Embrodery Work At Best Wholesale Price From Surat Exporters
ETHNIC COLLECTION- Exporter and Supplier of Designer Sarees, Printed Sarees, Fancy Sarees, Embroidery Sarees, Half and Half Sarees, Lace work Sarees, Designer Salwar Suit, Fancy Anarkali Suit, Designer Suits, Casual wear Kurtis, Party Wear Kurtis, Digital Printed Kurtis, Dupatta, Scarf, Stoles, Abaya, Hijaab, Lehngas, Designer Lehnga, Bridal Lehnga, Surat, Gujarat, India.
Call or Whatsapp on +91-8788051232 for booking or enquiry
Bank Icici Bank Ac.Name Ethnic Collection Ac. No. 635705500665 Type CURRENT IFSC Code ICIC0006357 Branch Ichalkaranji Branch Note Goods Will be dispatched only after Payment is recived in our bank account.
BOOK CATALOGUE Relssa Fabric Presents Kusum 5601 To 5608 Series Catalogue Of Pure Lawn Cotton Fabric Party Wear Salwar Kameez With Beautiful Embrodery Work At Best Wholesale Price From Surat Exporters ON ETHNIC COLLECTION.CALL ON +91-8788051232
AVAILABILITY: ON BOOKING Relssa Fabric Presents Kusum 5601 To 5608 Series Catalogue Of Pure Lawn Cotton Fabric Party Wear Salwar Kameez With Beautiful Embrodery Work At Best Wholesale Price From Surat Exporters
Relssa Presents Latest Collection Kusum Launched on . Presenting Beautiful collection of 8 PCS with Camric Lone Cotton Salwar Kameez, Partywear Salwar Kameez, Relssa, Salwar Kameez, Salwar Kameez By Fabric, Salwar Kameez By Occasion
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