Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ayato Route ー Chapter 1
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Yui: ( I have to retrieve my heart no matter what…! )
ー The scene starts in the carriage
Ayato: Oh, take a look, Chichinashi! The castle has come into view!
Yui: Eh...?
Ayato: Heeh...Guess it’s to be expected with the ongoing Parade, but things seem pretty fired up in the surroundin’ city as well.
Hehe. I think we’re in for a good time...!
Yui: ...Hold up!
( A good time...? I thought we were going to look for my heart...? )
Ayato: Hm? Why are you frownin’...?
Ah. I bet you think that I’ve completely forgotten ‘bout your heart, aren’t you?
Yui: Uu...
Ayato: Hmph. How could I forget? I remember it very well!
But you know, we have to gather some information on this Walter guy first.
So I see no harm in enjoyin’ the Parade a lil’ while we’re at it?
Yui: Eeh...!?
( Can we really afford to take the slow approach...? )
Ayato: ...Are you that worried ‘bout your heart?
Yui: ...Well...
Ayato: Oi, listen up.
I’ll ensure you get your heart back.
So don’t worry. Trust me!
Yui: ...Yeah...
( ...Right. I’m the one who chose Ayato-kun after all...So I can’t lose faith... )
Ayato: ...Puttin’ that aside, guess I’m take a lil’ break before we arrive at our destination.
That bein’ said, I’m gonna borrow your lap for a bit.
Yui: ...! A-Ayato-kun!?
( He laid his head down in my lap...! )
Yui: ( Count Walter...I wonder why exactly he has stolen my heart...? )
( Um...I think it was called a ‘Kleinod’? )
( Apparently I’m still alive because one of those has been put inside of me to replace my heart but...Still... )
( ...Let’s not think about that now. Worrying myself sick won’t get us any further anyway. )
( It’s just like Ayato-kun said. I shouldn’t make myself unnecessarily anxious... )
Ayato: ...Zzー ...Zzー...
Yui: ( Fufu. Ayato-kun seems to be enjoying his nap... )
ー The carriage suddenly comes to a halt
Yui: Kyaah...!
Ayato: Uwah!?
Ayato: ...Ow!!
Yui: ( ...! Ayato-kun was sent flying from the rebound...! )
A-Are you okay...!?
Ayato: T-The fuck!? I was sleepin’ so comfortably too...!
Ayato: Oi, Familiar! Where did you learn to drive like that!? Cut the crap!
Familiar: M-My sincere apologies...! Someone suddenly jumped onto the road from behind the shadow of those trees...
Ayato: A person...? ...What? Who the fuck’s that bastard dressed in all black...?
Yui: ( ...A black-clad figure riding on a horse is blocking the path... )
( On top of that, he seems to be staring our way... )
Ayato: I don’t know what’s goin’ on but I don’t like this one bit...Fuck! Imma go give him a piece of my mind!
ー Ayato gets out of the carriage
 Yui: A-Ayato-kun...!
Ayato: Oi, don’t come down. Sit still and wait for me inside the carriage. ...Capiche?
ー He runs off
Yui: ( There he goes... )
( I wonder if he’ll be okay by himself...? )
ー The scene shifts to the outer area around Bernstein castle
Black-clad figure: ...
Ayato: Oi! Mr. Man in Black! You sure have some nerve to get in my way!
Who the fuck are you!? Get off your horse and name yourself!
Black-clad figure: ...I’m the gatekeeper.
Ayato: Gate...? Hmph! Strange name you’ve got there, mate!
Gatekeeper: I have no name. Gatekeeper...In other words, the one guarding the gate of the Demon World.
It is my duty to ensure that no unwanted intruders enter the Demon World...
I simply cannot allow that tainted woman who is neither demon nor human to set foot inside.
Ayato: Aah!? Oi, say that one more time?
She’s a tainted woman!? Imma send you straight flyin’ if you speak that sorta crap again!
ー The scene shifts back to the carriage
Yui: ( ...Oh no! I have to stop him! )
ー Yui rushes out of the carriage
Yui: Ayato-kun! Calm down!
Ayato: ...! Chichinashi!? Idiot! Why did you come out!?
Yui: Because...!
( At this rate, it’d turn into a fight... )
Gatekeeper: Hmph. I knew it...Oi, woman. You are under arrest.
Yui: Kyah...!
Ayato: ...! Not in my book! Let her go!!
Gatekeeper: ...!
Ayato: You really think I’m gonna hand her over to some creep like you!?
Let’s go, Chichinashi! Run!!
Yui: Y-Yeah...!
ー The two of them start running as the scene shifts to Glimmer Main Street
Ayato: Haah...Haah...Seems like we got away somehow.
Even if he chases after us, we should be fine amidst this large of a crowd.
Yui: Right...
( Still...I wonder if we should have ran away...? )
( What did that person mean with ‘a tainted woman who is neither demon nor human...? )
( He must have been talking about me, right...? )
( Being here might be more dangerous in my current state than I thought... )
Ayato: ...Oi, what’s wrong? Why do you look so glum?
Yui: Eh...?
Ayato: ...Listen, Chichinashi. You are mine.
I definitely won’t let someone else have you.
So you’ve got nothin’ to worry ‘bout.
While I’m lookin’ for your heart, you can look ‘round the Parade and take it easy for a bit.
Yui: ( ...Ayato-kun... )
( Right. Ayato-kun’s with me after all...I’m sure everything will be fine. )
( I’m sure he’ll save me no matter what happens... )
Okay. I will.
Ayato: Mmh! Let’s go then.
Male Vampire A: Oi, did you see it? The poster on the plaza...
Female Vampire A: Yes. one of Karlheinz’ sons is on the wanted list, right?
Male Vampire A: Yeah, it’s Sakamaki Ayato...
Yui: ...!?
( Ayato-kun’s a wanted criminal...!? )
Ayato: Ah? What did you say ‘bout Yours Truly?
Male Vampire A: ...’Yours Truly’...? Could you be...Sakamaki...Ayato...?
Ayato: ...? I mean, yeah?
Yui: ( ...! Ayato-kun just revealed himself! I have to cover up for him!! )
Let’s go over there!
Ayato: Aah? The fuck you doin’ all of a sudden...?
Yui: ( Either way, we have to get away from here...! )
ー Yui drags him away as the scene shifts to Aizen Alleyway
Ayato: ...Hmm, I see. I’m an outlaw, huh?
Well, I’m sure that ‘Gate’ guy or whatever his name was is behind it, right?
Hmph! He’s challengin’ me, huh? He’s got some balls then.
Yui: Anyway, that’s our current situation, so we should probably avoid crowded areas for now...
Ayato: ...Well, you might be right but...
...Say, Chichinashi?
Yui: Eh?
ー He pins her against the wall
Yui: ...Kyah!
Ayato: Aren’t you just makin’ up excuses ‘cause you want some private time with me...?
Yui: Eh...!?
Ayato: You should just be honest ‘bout it then. ...I don’t mind.
I was just ‘bout in the mood for that as well. Nn...
Yui: Nn...!
Ayato: Nn...Haah...
Yui: Haah...! Gosh, Ayato-kun! Now’s not the time for this...!
Ayato: Oh shut up. You’re the one who enticed me.
Come on, look this way. I’ll give you one more. Nn...
Yui: ...
( ...It’s no use. I can’t push him away... )
ー Footsteps can be heard in the background
Male Vampire A: I could have sworn they went that way...
Ayato: ...!?
Yui: ( ...!! Somebody’s coming!! )
Ayato: ...Che. Seems like somethin’ got in the way. We’ll continue later. Come here!!
Yui: Kyah...Ayato-kun, wait...!
ー They run off again to an underground passage
Ayato: Fuck...That Gate guy totally ruined our plans to enjoy the Parade...
Oi, Chichinashi. We’re takin’ a break. Now!
Yui:  A-A break...? Right here?
Ayato: ...Let’s see if there’s any good spots ‘round...Well, guess we can just open one of these doors at random...There!
Yui: ( ...! He’s opening doors without permission...! )
Ayato: Oh. Better than I expected. We can take a seat and rest here.
Yui: A-Ayato-kun...Couldn’t this be the basement of someone’s home...?
( He just invited himself in...We’ll get yelled at if they find us! )
ー The scene shifts to an underground room
Ayato: ...Heeh. Well, it’s a lil’ dusty in here, but I guess it’s more comfortable than the place we were at before...
Well thenー... Guess I’ll kick back and relax for a bit.
Yui: ( Ayato-kun totally made himself at home... )
→ Call him out (☾)
Yui: ( I should probably tell him... )
...Hey, Ayato-ku...
Ayato: Come on, you should sit down here with me. I’m sure you’re tired from runnin’ ‘round, right?
Yui: ( Is he looking out for me...? It’s kind of difficult to call him out now... )
→ Keep quiet 
Ayato: Come on, you should join me here as well.
Yui: S-Sure...
ー Yui takes a seat next to him
Yui: ( It can’t be helped...If the resident of this house were to come down here, we can just explain the situation to them... )
( ...However, if this person has seen the wanted poster...What will we do...? )
( Perhaps we should explain the circumstances to the Gatekeeper instead, )
( and have the wanted poster taken down...? But... )
ー A flashback ensues
Ayato: ...Listen, Chichinashi. You are mine.
I definitely won’t let someone else have you.
So you’ve got nothin’ to worry ‘bout.
ー The flashback ends
Yui: ( I truly felt happy to hear those words from Ayato-kun... )
( He got upset when the Gatekeeper called me a ‘tainted woman’ as well... )
( Despite some of his statements, I can tell he properly looks out for me... )
( I’ll stick to his plan for a while after all... )
( ...Wait, huh...? )
ー Ayato opens one of the cupboards
Ayato: Oi, Chichinashi! Check this out! There’s so much interestin’ stuff to find in this room!
Yui: ...Ayato-kun!?
( He went ahead and opened one of the cupboards...! )
A-Ayato-kun...! You’ll get scolded for looking through other people’s belongings...!
Ayato: Haah? Who cares? It’s not like I’m tryin’ to steal anythin’.
Anyway, look...You should join me here as weーー
Ayato: ...!? Uwah...!!
Yui: ( The cupboard...!! )
Yui: ( O-Oh no...! It fell over...! )
Ayato: S-Shit...
ー Somebody rushes downstairs
???: ...Is someone there!?
Yui: ( ...! We’re busted! )
Ayato: ...Yeah. We let ourselves in for a bit, ‘kay?
House owner: ...! Who are you two!? What are you doing in someone else’s basement!?
Ayato: What do you mean...? Can’t you tell we’re takin’ a lil’ break here? Got a problem with that!?
House owner: Of course I do!!
Yui: A-Ayato-kun...!
We’re on the wanted list, so we have to somehow talk our way out before things escalate...!
Ayato: Che, shut up. I don’t need you tellin’ me that! ...There!
House owner: Uwah!
Yui: ( He knocked over a different cupboard this time...! )
Ayato: Oi, Chichinashi! Now’s our chance! We’re gettin’ out of here!!
Yui: Kyah...! W-Wait, Ayato-kun...!
ー The scene shifts back to Aizen Alleyway
Ayato: Haah...That was close...
Yui: ...Gosh, you definitely went too far just now!
Ayato: Aah!? Fuck off!
If we just stood ‘round there twiddlin’ our thumbs, we would have both gotten arrested!
Yui: ...Even so...!
Ayato: Anyway, we can’t return to the underground now...
...Guess we have no other choice. Okay, this way. Let’s go.
Yui: ( ...But that’ll take us back to the plaza from earlier, no...? )
Ayato-kun, wait...! Where are you...?
Ayato: I’ve got an idea. ...Lend me your ear for a sec.
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: There should be a dress shop right across the plaza. We’re gonna get ourselves some costumes there.
Yui: Costumes...?
Ayato: There’s plenty of people walkin’ ‘round dressed up as part of the Parade.
If we mix in with them, we’ll be able to proceed without gettin’ our cover blown, right?
Yui: ...I see! Way to go, Ayato-kun...!
Ayato: Heh! How’s that? Let me tell you, try and keep your head high. 
Bein’ all sneaky and trying to keep low will only make you stand out more in these kinds of situations.
Yui: ...Yeah, gotcha!
ー The scene shifts to the dress shop
Ayato: ...Phew. We made it to the store somehow.
Yui: ( Thank god... )
( I’m sure it’s because my heart is missing that nobody took notice of me, unlike the previous times I’ve been here...Right? )
( ...However, we can’t rest assured just yet. We have to make sure the employees don’t recognize us... )
Dress shop owner: Are you looking for something?
Ayato: Yeah! We want costumes for the Parade. For me...and for her as well.
Dress shop owner: Understood! In that case, I would highly recommend these outfits which came in just earlier today!
Ayato: Oh! Show us then!
Yui: ( ...Ayato-kun’s acting completely normal... )
( I guess nobody would suspect we’re wanted outlaws like this... )
Ayato: Hm...There’s quite the collection. Oi, Chichinashi. Which one do you want?
Yui: ...Hm, let’s see...
( If we want to conceal our faces, a mask might be good... )
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: ...Hey, look at this one.
Yui: Eh?
Ayato: You over there! Stop fooling around and make your choice already! Your sense of danger is severely lacking! 
Yui: ...!
Ayato: ...What do you think of these nose glasses? All I gotta do is part my hair differently (1) to complete the look!
Yui: ...Ayato-kun...Just now were you trying to...? 
( Imitate...Reiji-san...? )
Ayato: Hehe. Whatcha think? I sounded just like him, no?
Yui: ...Pfft....
Ayato: Ah! Why are you laughin’ your ass off!?
Yui: I-I mean...!
Ayato: ...You finally smiled. 
Yui: Eh...?
Ayato: You’ve had a frown on your face ever since we came here. 
Don’t blame me if it gives you wrinkles. (2)
Yui: ( Ayato-kun...He was trying to make me laugh on purpose... )
Ayato: ...’Kay, guess this will have to do for now...
Yui: ( We got masks and costumes for the both of us...I guess we’ll be okay now. )
( We kind of got caught up in the flow and spent quite some time inside the store. )
ー They leave the dress shop
Yui: ( Ah...! We accidentally walked out without our disguises. We have to get changed somewhere... )
Female Vampire A: ...Ah, hey...Aren’t they...? 
Male Vampire A: ...I’m positive! It’s those two from earlier...! Seize them!
Yui: ( T-Those people from earlier...! T-This is bad...!! )
Ayato: Oi, we’re makin’ a run for it, Chichinashi! Come here!!
Yui: Y-Yeah!
ー They run towards the wagon area
Male Vampire A: They went that way!
Yui: ( They’ll catch us at this rate! )
Ayato: Fuck! No way I’m lettin’ myself get caught so easily!
Female Vampire A: They went that way!
Ayato: Oi, Chichinashi! We’re takin’ a shortcut! This way!
Yui: Eh!?
Crepe vendor: Crepes! Who’s in the mood for a fresh crepe?
Ayato: Get out of the way!
Crepe vendor: Uwaah! My stall!
Yui: ( H-How terrible...! )
Ayato-kun, you can’t do such a thing...!
Ayato: Whatever, just follow me! Do you want to get caught!?
Yui: Kyaah...!
( Even if he says that, this is messed up!! )
ー The two of them flee to Aizen Alleyway
Ayato: Haah...Haah...Che, a dead end...
It can’t be helped...I’ll just jump up in the air the...Uwah!?
Ayato: The fuck!? ...Wait, this is...
Yui: ...! Could this be...
( It’s our...wanted notice, right? But...these portraits... )
( ...They look nothing like us...actually... )
Ayato: ...Hahaha....Ahahaha!
What’s this? Who made these sloppy drawings?
Yui: ...But in this case, we probably wouldn’t have gotten recognized even without dressing up...
Ayato: Well, you do have a point...
ー Somebody walks up to them
???: ...I have finally found you two. No more of this useless game of tag.
Ayato: ...! You’re...!
Yui: ( The Gatekeeper... )
Ayato: ...Chichinashi! Grab hold of me! We’re takin’ off!
Yui: ...Ayato-kun, let’s not...
Ayato: Ah? The fuck you sayin’!?
Yui: Even if we do that, it’ll just bring us back to square one...
Let’s go with this person and explain the situation to them?
Ayato: Haah!? What are you sayin’!? Why should we let ourselves get arrested when we’ve done nothin’ wrong!?
Yui: ...Exactly. We have to start by explaining why we came here and clear our names.
Ayato: ...Why should we...!?
Gatekeeper: Hmph. For being a tainted woman, you seem rather reasonable.
Ayato: Tsk...Try sayin’ that one more time, you punk! I’ll send you flyin’!
Yui: Ayato-kun! It’s fine! Just calm down, okay?
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: How can I stay calm!? That bastard talked shit ‘bout you bein’ tainted again...!
Yui: Please! Listen to me right now...!!
Ayato: ...Fuck!
Yui: ( Ayato-kun...I’m sorry... )
Gatekeeper: So? Have you made your decision? Well, you only ever had one choice from the very beginning.
Yui: ...We will come with you.
Gatekeeper: ...Very well. Come with me then. I have a carriage waiting for us on the main street.
Yui: ...Yes.
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ...Let’s go, Ayato-kun.
Ayato: ...
ー They get in the carriage
And so,
we were taken suspect,
by the Gatekeeper.
The place we were taken to by the carriage,
was Bernstein castle.
The home of Count Walter,
and the exact same location we were headed ourselves...
It turned out that the Gatekeeper,
had been looking for us,
upon Count Walter’s direct order.
ー The scene shifts to the throne room in Bernstein castle
Ayato: Che. Tell us that right from the beginning next time!
That Gate-something is actually one of Walter’s underlings!
???: ...Well, well, my sincere apologies.
Ayato: ...! Walter!
Yui: ( ...! This man is Count Walter...! )
Count Walter: So you are Ayato, son of the world-famous Karlheinz?
Ayato: Hmph! You bet! Altho I don’t give a damn ‘bout the Old Man.
Count Walter: Please, don’t say that. And you must be...
...I see...You are, huh? ...Fufu...
Ayato: Aah? The fuck’s your problem...? Stop ogling her!
Count Walter: Fufu, don’t get so upset. Well then, let us use this opportunity to have a nice, leisurely chat. Take a seat.
Ayato: Oi...I didn’t come here for no chit-chat.
Give her heart back. Right now!
Yui: ...Ayato-kun...!
Ayato: I mean, I’m not wrong, am I!? All of this happened ‘cause this freak stole your heart...!
Count Walter: ...I see. Ayato, it appears to me that you have quite the temper.
I have actually been testing you two.
Yui: Us...?
Count Walter: Yes. Ever since I sent that card your way, I have been keeping a close eye on you from here the whole time.
To see if you, and your partner Ayato...
...are suitable candidates to possess a precious treasure of which only one exists in this world.
Ayato: A precious...treasure...?
Yui: Could that be...?
( Is he talking about my stolen heart...? )
Count Walter: Hence why I chose not to reveal my ties with the Gatekeeper in an attempt to observe how you would deal with him.
However, unfortunately, it seems like you two are simply not suited for this treasure.
Yui: ...No way!
Ayato: What do you mean!?
Count Walter: I am sure you will agree with me if you take a second to think back to everything you have done these past couple of hours?
Ayato: Fuck off! Why do we have to get told all this shit by a frickin’ thief, huh!?
Stop spoutin’ this nonsense and hand back her heart!
Count Walter: ...That just cost you another five points.
Ayato: Haah? The fuck are these points...!?
Count Walter: While we may know each other’s names, this is our first time meeting in person. On top of that, I am your senior by many years...
Yet you choose to behave in such an outrageous way, which can only result in a bad score, no?
I cannot see someone like that as a fit candidate for this treasure...
Ayato: Aah!? You’re in no position to tell me that!
Yui: ...! Ayato-kun!!
Count Walter: Haah...There goes another five points. This is just sad.
As I thought, I don’t think I will be returning this treasure any time soon. Give up and go home. Gatekeeper! Show our guests the way o..
Yui: P-Please wait! J-Just one more...! Can’t you give us one more chance?
Count Walter: ...Hooh.
Yui: I’m begging you! Without that heart, I will...
Please...! Just one more chance...!
Count Walter: Hm...I see...
It seems that unlike with Ayato’s case, you seem worthy of retaking the trial.
Ayato: Aah!? Excuse me!?
Count Walter: ...Well then, Yui-san. Out of respect for you, I shall give you one more chance.
Yui: ...Really!?
Count Walter: Yes. Well then...You two will go and set straight all crimes you have committed here in the Demon World.
Yui: Set straight...our crimes...?
Count Walter: ...Exactly. In the meantime, I shall watch your every move from here.
If you can satisfy me with your approach, I do not mind returning your heart to you then.
Yui: ...Really!? Thank you so much!
Count Walter: Fufu. Being capable of giving a genuine response to someone’s act of goodwill is an admirable feat. I shall award you one point for that.
Ayato: Aah!? Look at you favorin’ Chichinashi this whole time! I’m not diggin’ this!
Count Walter: Oi, Ayato. If you do not watch your words, you will lose points again? Why not take a lesson or two from her?
Ayato: ...!
Count Walter: Well then, get going you two!
Yui: ...B-But...What should we do exactly?
Count Walter: Fufu. You will have to figure that one out yourself.
All I can say is that you should think long and hard about everything you have done so far and fix things appropriately...That’s it.
Well then, I have high hopes for you.
Yui: ...Yes. Please excuse us now. ...Ayato-kun, let’s go.
Ayato: Ah, oi! Chichinashi! Wait!!
We returned to the city,
in a carriage which had been prepared for us.
The Count had been so kind,
to take down the wanted posters,
which meant we no longer had to hide ourselves,
while going from one place to another.
However, the real challenge starts now.
Let us take a deep breath and think first.
About the true meaning,
behind the task which has been given to us by the Count...
I have to somehow retrieve,
my stolen heart after allーー
While trying my best to explain the situation,
to Ayato-kun who seemed as grumpy as ever,
we settled in a waterside hotel.
ー The scene shifts to the hotel room
Yui: Ayato-kun?
( ...He’s not here...? )
( Could he be out on the balcony? ...He must still be upset, huh...? )
ー She steps out on the balcony
Ayato: ...
Yui: ...Ayato-kun. You must be thirsty, no? I’ve got some juice. I’ll leave it here, okay?
Yui: ...Um...I’m sorry...I was quite selfish back then...
Ayato: Che, my thoughts exactly! What was your problem? You just bent to that Count’s will like it was nothing...
He’s the one who stole your heart in the first place, remember!?
So why are we the ones who have to get tested!? It makes zero sense!
Yui: ...Yeah...
( I can’t blame him for getting upset...Still... )
Say, Ayato-kun? Listen?
Ayato: Aah? 
Yui: I don’t think you’re wrong...
When we came here and the Gatekeeper talked badly about me...
You got mad at him...Remember? That made me really happy, you see. 
Ayato: ...!
Yui: I was convinced you’d protect me no matter what. I told myself to have some faith in you.
Even when we were being chased around by a bunch of strangers, I knew things would be okay because you were there with me.
I want to stay with you from here on out too.
...That’s why I just have to get my heart back.
So we can be together in the future as well...
Ayato: Chichinashi...
Yui: I truly do feel bad for involving you in this as well.
If you don’t want to, I’ll handle it by myself.
I promise I’ll return with my heart, so you can...
ー He suddenly embraces her
Ayato: You really think I’d do that!? Don’t give me that crap!
...You are mine. How many times do I have to repeat myself?
Ayato-sama will definitely retrieve your heart!
I mean, doesn’t it only make sense? If you are mine, then so is your heart.
I’m not gonna let that bastard do with it as he pleases...!
Yui: Kyah...Nn...!
Ayato: Nn...
Oi, Chichinashi. Don’t ever say you’ll go by yourself again. ...Understood?
Yui: ( Ayato-kun... )
...Yeah. Gotcha. I won’t.
Ayato: Mmh...Well then...Let’s call it a day.
Starting tomorrow, we’ve gotta get started on that fucked up task given to us by the Count after all.
Yui: Yeah, good idea. ...Ah, Ayato-kun!
Ayato: Pwaah...Hm, what?
Yui: Listen...Okay? ...Thank you for everything...
Ayato: ...Hmph. What are you sayin’ out of nowhere...?
...Oi. I was gonna sleep but I changed my mind. Come here.
Yui: ( Eh!? W-Wait...Ayato-kun!? Kyaah! )
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Ayato: ...Oi, Chichinashi. If you want to thank me that badly, you better tend to me tonight.
Yui: Eh? W-What do you mean...?
Ayato: ...Let me suck your blood. I was just feelin’ kinda thirsty.
Don’t even try sellin’ me that juice of yours. It has to be your blood. Hehe.
*Rustle rustle*
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Ayato: Nn...Haah...Nn...
Haah...It really does taste a lil’ different from usual but oh well...
...It’s still your blood in the end.
In other words, every single drop of this blood belongs to me as well. Nn...
Yui: ...Ayato...kun...
Ayato: ...Oi, gimme more. Nn...Nn...
Yui: ( Even if his words are harsh at times, he always embraces me so gently... )
( I’m sure everything will be okay with Ayato-kun by my side... )
Translation notes
(1) 七三 or ‘seven-three’ refers to a type of hair style in which the hair is parted unevenly with 30% being on one side and the other 70% on the other, hence the name ‘seven-three’. Reiji has this hairstyle, so Ayato always refers to him as 七三メガネ or ‘shichi-san megane’ 
(2) Literally he says ‘Don’t blame me if your face never goes back to normal’
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