transfemlogan · 1 year
yo do any of your sides have typing quirks 👀 wentz strikes me as someone who’d use leet speak (wentz is your creativity’s name right? sorry, trying to memorize all of them and struggling jajdjdjf) - @girlboypatton
Well i actually used 2 have a typing quirk (& still do), so when I used 2 type silly & strange, all my sides did 2
i typed liek diz !!11!!! Or svmtiemzz iid dovble mqii lttrzz & qdd rqndom qz evrywherezz
(I typed like this! Or sometimes id double my letters and add random qs everywhere)
My typing quirk has adapted in2 something more accessible 2 screenreaders, ppl w/ dyslexia, & other disabled ppl.
ANYWAY. Wentz (creativity) 100% uses a typing quirk occassionally and, quite literally, speaks little emoticons like xD and :3 (how does nya do that? Thats 4 woof 2 know & u 2 find out). It is a running joke in my Swapped AU, that cos uses random faces & c!Thomas is Terrified.
There is a very specific way scene kids typed back in the early 2000s & it was not leet speak (leet speak originated 4 hackers & evolved more 4 gamers, if i rmbr correctly), so Wentz doesn't use leet speak.
Wentzz typez liek DIZ x3 o3o probzz liek da way da author of mai immortal typd thru out da seriezz. Phull of miszpellz & bd grmmr & tking out rando lttrz cuz it waz KEWL xD (@ da tiem!) -_-;;
(Wentz types like this x3 o3o probs like the way the author of my immortal typed through out the series. Full of mispells and bad grammar and taking out rando letters because it was cool xD (at the time!) -_-;)
Memphis (egotism) doesn't necessarily use a typing quirk, in the way that word means now, but she does shorten every single word if she can (& even when she cant). Uses every abbreviation & acronym under the sun. He has things 2 do!!! Like.... continue 2 text & b on his phone.
Both him & wentz r probably the 2 ppl u do NOT want 2 text w/.
Memphis wll shrtn vrythng 2 spnd less time typng. probs uses LOL & OMG & TTYL in daily cnvrs. & hates making his wrds easier 2 read
(Memphis will shorten everything to spend less time typing. Probs uses LOL & OMG & TTYL in daily conversation. & hates making his words easier to read)
On the other hand, Wentz will gladly drop his scene speak 2 make his text accessible.
Maven doesn't like 2 text or call... or talk, or be around people, but when they do text they don't use a typing quirk, they're just always tired & it affects their writing. A million misspells and missing letters and— how did you even sleepily misclick so badly you ended up in the emojis??
& then everyone else is somewhat normal. They either type w/ 2 much punctuation (see: Melvin Compassion) or refuse to even respond 2 ur text message (see: Mercury Paranoia) or responds 2 all of ur msgs w/ some form of vulgarity & middle finger emojis (see: Maddox Impulse)
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lttrz · 5 years
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