escamaserrantes · 1 year
Play it cool
Aegon walks in his father’s rooms to ask for his blessing to marry Jacaerys Velaryon and Viserys’s milk-popped mind mistakes him for Aemond and Lucerys at the dinner and announces gladly that his Alpha son Aemond has his blessing to marry his Omega grandson Lucerys Velaryon. 
Aemond didn’t understand what’s going on, but he likes it and Helaena cheers before anyone could protest.
Aegon just sigh, he never expects nothing from the old man and yet he disappointed him already. 
N/A: AU en el que Viserys ya no puede distinguir a ninguno de sus hijos y nietos.
Día 5: AU favorito
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heroskatman · 1 year
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#LucemondWeek Day 4 M-peg
A baby is coming~
-Hero Skatman
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galaphianships · 1 year
Dia 1: Reencarnación
Lucemond Week 2023
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escamaserrantes · 1 year
Bad idea
Daeron is coming back to Kings Landing for the weekend, so Aemond goes to pick him without noticing they were about to found their bastard nephew barely taking care of the three pups he had for siblings as Joffrey helps him. Daeron is too polite to leave the omega alone when people start talking behalf his back that he's too young to have three pups.
All went wrong when baby Visenya mistook him for his father and people start gossiping about how knothead he is.
Aemond doesn’t think that's funny.
N/A: Lucerys had a long ago fat crush on his uncle Aemond, so he teaches at his little sister to call him Dad and Joffrey just loves to tease his brother calling him "Mom" btw as lil Aegon and Viserys join him. Daeron is just having the time of his life in the ice cream shop.
Día 7: Amor secreto
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escamaserrantes · 1 year
Gēlenka zaldrīzes
According to Valyrian tradition, Alphas must wed to the Omegas who defeat them in battle as an Omega who can win in combat to an Alpha must be honored and cherised. Defeated Alphas must be grateful to found such a strong Omega.
Aemond was doomed from the moment Lucerys gouged out his eye.
N/A: Inspired by "Manías de un Gato" arranged marriage AU where a Velaryon cuts his hair when he loses a battle and Lucerys Velaryon had never been defeated.
I loved that «Kesā sagon ñuha gēlenka zaldrīzes» quote.
I'm so done and doomed.
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escamaserrantes · 1 year
Courting gift
“Don’t you mind?” mumbled his brother on the way home.
“About what?”
“I saw the way that horny Alpha looked at you!!”
“Don’t act like a dad, Jace."
N/A: AU where Rhaenyra doesn’t get along with his father new family so she and Laenor move to Dragonstone before they divorced, neither of her boys met their mother's side of the family.
Día 5: AU favorito.
Lucerys felt conflicted.
He loved the gift, but the couldn't accept it.
Perhaps it could look wrong to reject such a gift, but Lucerys Velaryon was aware what means take a such gift.
A courting gift indeed.
Honestly, he was told since childhood that an Omega like him shouldn’t accept this from anyone. Unless he found his soulmate, then he could let the Alpha give him the moon and the stars.
Aemond could seem stunning, but he still could be not his soulmate.
Plus, Lucerys barely knew him.
They met just because he returned a book. He couldn’t know how much that book means for the Alpha.
When their eyes met, he didn’t feel anything special or a mate call singing trough his veins.
He just felt a little shy because the Alpha was handsome.
Lucerys didn’t thought deeply, he just did the right thing and continued with his life without thinking that the Alpha would came to see him the following days when his brother and friends weren’t around to talk to him or just staying at his side with that haughty grin on his lips. 
He started buying little things as Lucerys favorite ice tea and candies.
So Lucerys didn't noticed at first, he thought it was just... You know, one of those kind of gifts, a grateful one.
It bothered him late, when the irreal brightness in the violet eyes of the Alpha were there as the courting gifts he attempted to give him every week when Lucerys let his guard down.
.     ·  ✦ 
Today was one of these days were Jacaerys was more annoying that the usual, he even complained all the way at home.
“Don’t you mind?” mumbled his brother on the way home.
“About what?”
“I saw the way that horny Alpha looked at you!!”
“Don’t act like a dad, Jace."
“Well, unlike Dad I care."
Lucerys wished that he didn’t said that, but Jacaerys didn’t hesitate.
He never hesitate after their parents divorce.
“You should care more, you are an Omega."
“Well, have you had enough?” Lucerys asked, pissed out with his brother behaviour. 
“I’m concerned, Luke”, said Jace with a dramatic tone of voice. “You’re my baby brother and I know my kind. Alphas can be nasty and knotheads, they would do everything to get in your pants and then left after fun."
Lucerys raised an eyebrow. 
“Who said I’m going to let him go inside my pants?”
“Luke, didn’t you see? He’s already pampering you and providing food!!” 
“He’s just being nice!”
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heroskatman · 1 year
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#LucemondWeek Day 3 Arranged Marriage (Matrimonio Arreglado) Aemond will get his revenge... Or might he get inlove? #lucemondweek2023 #Lucemond #LucerysVelaryon #AemondTargaryen #Hotd #HouseOfTheDragon #HeroSkatman #MyArt #AemondxLucerys 
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escamaserrantes · 1 year
White noise
The last two princes in the dance are forced to marry and mend the gushing wounds they caused each other and start house Targaryen anew. Aemond finds no pleasure in feminise Lucerys.
N/A: What if Lucerys was a transmale and the small counsil keep suggesting that Prince Regent Aemond must marry his niece to start house Targaryen anew.
Día 7: ¿Qué pasaría si Lucerys es un hombre trans que sobrevivió a la tormenta?
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escamaserrantes · 1 year
Paper cuts
Lucerys didn’t believe much in soulmates, but when the flowers bloomed through his face skin after he cut Aemond’s eye and everyone on Driftmark noticed he learns in the most hard way that the purple Hyacinths aren't fading away soon.
N/A: Soulmates AU where the wounds or cuts of your soulmate appear on the other’s as flowers. Incompleto porque hoy fue un día de papeleo.
Día 2: Almas gemelas.
Lucerys was too young to remember, but Aemond was his favorite uncle in Kings Landing. The one that teach him things about the Old Valyria, the one that take the time to explain him what flower was blooming on your hands or cheeks with petals when you were just a kid and didn’t understand what a soulmate means.
Not like someone like Aemond would think much about soulmates, but he still dared to care to learn about those little things.
Lucerys didn’t believe much in soulmates, but when the flowers bloomed through his face skin after he cut Aemond’s eye and everyone on Driftmark noticed he learns in the most hard way that the purple hyacinths aren't fading away soon.
It looked worse than it felt, his nose was broken and bleeding. His mother seemed worried at first sight, until she noticed that those purple bruises were petals and not a contusion.
Whispers went off like wildfire when everyone notices.
Perhaps the Maesters and his mother didn't have the heart to explain why the flowers wouldn't fade from his face, but father took him to a walk talk on the seaside to speak of Valyrian tales and soulmates.
After his father's death, Lucerys wondered if Aemond's flowers vanished from his nose at some point. He wouldn't know.
As the purple hyacinths only dimmed a little bit from his face.
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escamaserrantes · 1 year
Heat Waves
Otto vende a Aemond a los Velaryon para apoderarse de las rutas comerciales y la flota marina más grande del reino. Aemond no está contento con renunciar a su nombre para desposar a Lucerys Velaryon, pero sabe que en Desembarco del Rey no hay títulos o tierras que vaya a heredar a diferencia de su afortunado sobrino.
N/A: How do you write in English when Spanish is so good and angst??
Día 3: Matrimonio arreglado.
Cuando Aemond llegó a Marcaderiva para renunciar a su nombre y desposar a Lucerys Velaryon, no entendía por qué la Serpiente Marina había aceptado la propuesta de la mano del rey.
Escoger a un Omega como heredero no era común, pero tampoco improbable. Varias casas habían caído en más de una ocasión en la misma disyuntiva de tener que buscar un Alfa sin ambiciones o derecho a tierras para conseguir alianzas políticas y así proteger su línea de sangre. Corlys Velaryon no había esperado a que un maestre declarará núbil a su nieto para pactar un matrimonio, la mano del rey simplemente había estado bien informada en el momento correcto para endulzar los oídos del rey.
Su padre había dado su bendición encantado, por supuesto. 
No podía decir lo mismo de su madre.
En ocasiones bajaba la mirada hacia el mar, calculando la distancia a la que se encontraba la flota real que transportaba a sus padres y sus pertenencias. 
Vaghar resopló antes de descender bajo el sol y contra el viento, rozando la superficie del mar antes de aterrizar. Aemond miró la playa de soslayo, escudriñando la comitiva que lo recibía en tierra. No dejó que sus expectativas se reflejaran al descender de su montura.
No es como si esperase a su sobrino dándole una calurosa bienvenida.
Acarició las escamas de Vaghar con detenimiento, adorando el color de sus escamas al sol a sabiendas de que la Serpiente Marina lo aguardaba en Marea Alta, sentado en el Trono de Pecios. 
Aemond recordaba bien aquel lugar, cada puntada del hilo que el maestre había cocido sobre su carne ardía pese a haber cicatrizado hace años. La angustia de su madre, la dureza en los ojos de su padre y las llamas iluminando rostros indiferentes seguían rondando en su mente.
No le perturbaba el hecho de que el salón siguiera ostentosamente adornado de manufactura extravagante y no humana, era consciente de que más de un objeto allí no estaba diseñado para ser empleado por los hombres. Lucerys Velaryon bien podría ser un bastardo de Rhaenyra, pero Aemond tenía que admitir que era un buen jodido partido. Un omega que heredaría la flota más grande de los Siete Reinos, el control de las rutas comerciales marítimas a Essos y cuyo futuro Alfa recibiría la fortuna y tesoros de la Serpiente Marina. 
Si tan sólo Lucerys no le hubiese sacado un ojo, a Aemond no le hubiese molestado enmendar la vergüenza de su nacimiento ni adoptar los colores de su casa como suyos.
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escamaserrantes · 1 year
Aemond dared to claim Vaghar to test himself and become a dragon rider, he bonding the bigger war machine that survived the conquest and kidnaped the pretty boy that tried to gouge out his eye by accident in the process.
N/A: Alien AU where Valyrians belong to an ancient race, Targaryen are a fire draconic kind with the last ships of war called 'dragons' and Velaryon are the most wealth noble family in their local system and control the trades routes with other races.
Necesito ver Dune de nuevo para sacar un conflicto politico intergaláctico entre familias con poder.
Día 5: Cambiaformas
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galaphianships · 1 year
Día 7: Secreto Familiar
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galaphianships · 1 year
Día 4: MPREG / Cuento de Hadas
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galaphianships · 1 year
Día 5: Cambiaformas
Lucemond lemon mandarina 🍊 🔞🐉🐲
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escamaserrantes · 1 year
Fuck it, I love you
Aemond tries to control his Alpha behavior, but Aegon is a jerk that loves to talk about omegas and how they must impregnate them.
N/A: IDK, I just wanted Aegon shit talking and Aemond being a snob as Daeron didn't understand yet bc he didn't presented yet and Helaena ignores them.
Jace es omega por propósitos narrativos, usualmente lo veo al revés.
Día 4: M-preg
“Have you ever looked at an omega and thought ‘Wow, I want them to bear my pups’?” Aegon asked one day in the dining room, lost in his thoughts.
Aemond tries to not choke on his tea, cocking his eyebrow at the other Alpha “What?”
Daeron looked at him a little bit worried, but kept eating his muffin as Helaena ignored them.
Aegon sighs deeply before asking again “Have you ever seen an omega that makes you want to impregnate them so badly? Not just any omega, I mean The Omega.”
“Fucker, this isn't the right time for omega talk” Aemond cusses out, confused by the sudden horny comment this early when their sister was eating with them. Mother could appear in any moment, for the Seven's sake!
However, Aegon didn’t care.
“There is a right time for an Omega talk?” Aegon asks.
Aemond frowned as Daeron, so curious boy and always polite, dared to ask “Why are you so horny this early? Are you in rut or what?”
Aegon grins to the youngest, glad to answer.
“We’re Alphas, we’re always horny.”
“Gross,” Aemond says.
Daeron's grimaced face speaks loud, he surely questioned himself for coming back to the Red Keep and try to share a breakfast with them. Aemond understand the feeling, he wondered the past years if he will become a knothead after presenting too.
With a little of faith Daeron still will got brains after presenting, Aegon is enough punishment to their mother.
Gods had mercy.
“So you’ve found the Omega.” Aemond states, already feeling sorry for their mother's next headache. "What a pity."
"What a pity? A pity is not to breed that Omega!!" Aegon laughs, eyes moving flirtatiously. "Not put one or two bastards in his womb should be a sin."
Aemond composes himself when he catches the scent of their mother near and stops any violent attempt to punch the older Alpha as he sits back down. Alicent look at them, confused but excuses herself for joining them this late.
Helaena mumbles calmly "Black and Green, the tides wed in the sea. Summer comes with sapphire tides."
And Aemond knows that he should be aware.
He tries to find among the people in the Red Kept who was the poor unfortunate soul that got Aegon's attention, but all he could see in the training yard was Lucerys Velaryon pretty face and those damned thin kissable lips drawing a smile to his brother Jacaerys. He was wearing black and blue robes with that thick leather collar, as usual to cover his omega scent glands.
An odd feeling sets in Aemond's veins at the sight as he tries to ignore it, even if his Alpha instincts are kicking under his skin. Unmated omegas were problematic, like Sir Criston said.
It's not fair that the bastard smells so sweet and endearing.
Teeth ached, too many Alphas around.
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galaphianships · 1 year
Día 3: Hanahaki Disease
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