#lucian the fox
sweetface-the-dollbaby · 11 months
ok their names are officially
Kitsie (any prns)
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Lucian (he/they)
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Hellsing (he/him)
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Grimsy (he/him)
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Jayson (he/they)
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Kovo (he/him)
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Elise (she/her)
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Eliza (she/they)
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Cobalt (they/them)
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And Delilah (she/her
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Benson (he/it)
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Keven (he/him)
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Mitsy (she/her)
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Ram (he/him)
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Trixie (she/her)
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Freya (she/her)
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Jazz (he/him)
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Misty (he/they)
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Gabriel (she/her)
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Lester (he/him)
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And here are my voice claims for them
Comic blog
Super special secret link
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Part 6
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foxxism · 4 months
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something something distrust
\\ dreamswap by @onebizarrekai
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vonlipvig · 5 months
Hope youre not annoyed akkdkks but I'm having big feelings about my dictator run.. maybe I'm insane! But Petr and Lucian being Anton's right hand men is. Well. It's damaging me bc Petr is the sheep trotting happily while Lucian is the fox. In this way Anton is the wolf. This probably doesnt make sense but. Yeah
i love it, i always kinda saw petr and lucian as like, the angel and the devil on anton's shoulders (even though petr is no angel, and lucian certaily wants to appear all squeaky clean lmao), but yes i love that mental image. and anton being the wolf in your dictator run? ooh yeah, that's some good stuff, baby.
[gives all three of them a hug] i love whatever toxic relationship is going on between you guys <3.
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be alee destan-mixtio, defeat the fates in armed combat, acquire children sired by reapers
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Jesse Duquette, The Daily Don   ::  [Scott Horton]
* * * *
How Murdoch steamrolled Tucker
Rupert Murdoch is 92 years old, and everyone just finished making fun of his brief engagement to conservative radio host Lesley Ann Smith, the ex-wife of California railroad heir John B. Huntington.  The engagement lasted just two weeks.  Murdoch has been married four times, the last time to Jerry Hall, model and ex-wife of Rolling Stones front man Mick Jagger.  That marriage lasted six years.  Murdoch reportedly told Hall he was divorcing her in an email.
Murdoch’s marital history is particularly interesting when you consider his recent divorce from Fox host Tucker Carlson.  That’s the way I think of Carlson’s departure from his seven-year career at Fox.  When Rupert decides it’s over, it’s over.  Here’s an excerpt from his email to his former wife: “Jerry, sadly I’ve decided to call an end to our marriage,” The Guardian reported. “We have certainly had some good times, but I have much to do.”
You get that?  It was good while it lasted, six years with those cameras flashing at the world’s wealthiest media-mogul with his supermodel on his arm, but now he was finished.  Moving on.  Busy man.
You don’t want to get on the bad side of Rupert Murdoch.  You don’t even want to be on his good side, because as his marriages and latest engagement prove, once he decides it’s time to pull the ripcord, you’re in the wind.
It’s been the same with his business empire.  It’s easy to forget that Murdoch was once just an Australian newspaper owner with big eyes to get off that gigantic island-continent and make his way in the wider world.  His first big move, way back in the 60’s, was to expand into Great Britain, buying the News of the World and the Sun.  Next was New York City, where he established a beachhead in 1976 by buying New York Magazine and the Village Voice in a hostile takeover.  I wrote about that battle for the late-lamented New Times magazine, and I have to say that I watched slack jawed as Murdoch steamrolled Clay Felker, the magazine genius who had created New York Magazine and then combined it with the downtown alternative paper I had worked for, the Voice.  Murdoch charmed, threatened, and walked over or past the board of New York Magazine, getting one after another of them on his side until he was able to, in a single sweep of paperwork and investment banking magic, make Felker’s mini-empire his.  The New York Post was next, followed by his purchase of the prestigious London broadsheet, The Times.
He became an American citizen in 1985 and set out on another buying spree, this time buying Twentieth Century Fox.  He used the Fox brand to buy up a small television network, Metromedia, which he transformed into the Fox channel.  In the early 90’s, the Fox channel began carrying original programing.  Then he formed the British broadcasting company, BSkyB.  In 1996, Murdoch started Fox News on cable, and in 2007, his holding company, News Corporation, bought the Wall Street Journal, which he had coveted since the days when he took over New York Magazine.
If you owned anything that published in print, made movies for the big screen, or broadcast shows on network or cable television, you were a target.  Murdoch hit more than he missed.  By last year, he was worth $21.7 billion and was the world’s 31st wealthiest man.  
Fox News became a cash cow for the Murdoch empire, taking in about $12 billion a year in recent years.  It’s money Murdoch earned by feeding a ravenous horde of conservative viewers a steady diet of right-wing red meat around the clock.  Fox News long ago ceased being a real news network and simply went into the business of raw propaganda with its wink-and-a-nod motto, “Fair and Balanced.”
Tucker Carlson became one of the channel’s biggest revenue generators with his nightly spew of conspiracy theories, racist garbage like “the great replacement theory,” paeons to authoritarianism with his worship of Hungary’s Victor Orban – Carlson even took his show there for an entire week in 2021, and produced a rabidly antisemitic documentary on the country last year called “Hungary vs. Soros: Fight for Civilization.”
All of this was fine and dandy for Rupert Murdoch as long as Tucker kept the bucks coming.  Carlson warmly embraced Trump’s Big Lie, beginning when Trump lost the election in 2020.  The Big Lie was a feature of his show almost nightly for the next two-plus years.  Carlson’s show featured many of the right-wing loons who made the allegations against Dominion Voting Systems that were defamatory – Rudolph Giuliani, Sidney Powell and many others.  Tucker sat there and listened to them spew their lies night after night, nodding and giving his patented look of puzzled curiosity.  But asking questions and looking puzzled wasn’t a defense when Dominion sued for defamation.  That lawsuit ended up costing Murdoch a whole lot of money, $787.5 million to be exact, when Fox News settled the suit without a court fight last week.
There has been a ton of speculation about why Carlson was fired yesterday morning, much of it settling on emails written by Carlson that were revealed by the Dominion suit.  Many of his emails were embarrassing to the network, and thus to Murdoch, as Carlson wrote repeatedly that he didn’t believe a word of the garbage he was putting out on his show about the Big Lie that Trump won the election.
The L.A. Times reported yesterday that sources inside Fox say that Murdoch himself was upset by some of Carlson’s emails that were not released by the Dominion lawsuit because they didn’t bear on its defamation claim.  These emails instead gave an insight into what Carlson thought about Fox management, according to the L.A. Times.
“Fox management” is one man:  Rupert Murdoch.  Carlson is said to have written some nasty stuff about lesser Fox figures such as CEO Suzanne Scott.  Murdoch doesn’t care about Suzanne Scott.  He doesn’t care if Tucker Carlson thinks Scott is incompetent or unlikable.  What Rupert Murdoch cares about is being considered a Big Man Media Mogul and making money.
The Dominion lawsuit, much of it caused by the statements made on Carlson’s nightly show, brought Murdoch low in the eyes of his Big Man Media Mogul contemporaries, the guys – and they’re almost all guys – who show up every year at Herbert Allen’s Sun Valley Conference of media Big Men.  It’s a kind of summer camp in the mountains of Idaho for media moguls, among whom Murdoch was arguably the biggest.  Herbert Allen is the CEO of the investment bank, Allen & Company.  Murdoch goes way back with Herbert Allen and his investment bank.  He and his company handled Murdoch’s takeover of New York Magazine way back in 1976.  Murdoch doesn’t like it when you do something that lowers him in the eyes of “Herbie” Allen, as he is called, or any of the other media Big Men.
And he especially doesn’t like it when he can put a name on a loss of $787.5 million.  That name is Tucker Carlson, who thought that he was a Big Man because of the adoring hordes who watched his show every night and the millions he was paid for attracting them.  But he wasn’t a Big Man.  He was a worker bee in the sprawling Murdoch media empire, and now he’s a worker bee who got squashed by the Murdoch steamroller, as so many have been squashed before him.
Murdoch still owns the Fox empire.  Tucker Carlson owns his trust fund check as an heir to Swanson Frozen Foods, however much he managed to put away when he was riding high in the 8 o’clock slot on Fox News, and whatever he can squeeze out of Fox in his so-called exit package.  And he owns the stack of bills that are piling up from lawyers representing him in the sexual harassment lawsuit filed by former Fox producer Abby Grossman, because there is no doubt that in firing him, Rupert Murdoch severed Fox from Carlson in the Grossman lawsuit and is no longer paying his legal bills.
I often see businessmen like Murdoch referred to in the press as killers.  But Murdoch isn’t a killer.  He’s a taker.  He sees something he thinks he wants, like a magazine or a newspaper or a studio or a network, and he takes it and then he takes all the money it brings in.
Murdoch paid the legal fees for his four ex-wives, but he wasn’t married to Tucker Carlson.  Murdoch was once his employer, and he was happy to take the money Tucker earned for him, but he’s a busy man, and he moved on.
[Lucian Truscott Newsletter]
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crownedinmarigolds · 3 months
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All of the VTM collaboration art so far! Sorry to re-post, I just wanted to have a big post where I can put them all one spot! I will link to the original posts and perhaps update this the more we all do! I hope we get to do more soon. <3 Gangrel Fall! Thinblood Renaissance Faire! Malkavian Lupercalia Valentine's Day! Nosferatu New Year!
All of the characters and art are provided by the VTM Tumblr community who are all so gorgeous and talented! All of the artists are listed on the original posts but I will also try to list them all beneath the cut as well to make sure they get the praise they deserve!
Gangrel Gang: Misha - @m4rloe5 Jensen - @satteredhunter Saffiya - @spell-fox Corvus - @renaissancebadboy Aidan - Spell-Fox Nixie Tube, Lexi Lyall, Darius, Hannah, and Mouse - @problemsynth Kuro - @urbanknightart Eli - Spell-Fox Dayo - @enderkriller77 Beepli Alison - @salubri-outcast Trixie - CrownedinMarigolds Damaris - @thesixthplaneteer Hugo Pitt - @squiretinnion Annette and Bones - @sheriff-shitstarter Alyssa and Lisa - @anarchswild Marcy - @confusedwithglitter JJ Slayter - @lealdog Ajax - @wizzsp Blake Moore - @vtmgremlin Fern - @lylailaeth Marina - @knuxtiger4 Wallis and Reynard - salubri-outcast Snare - TheSixthPlaneteer The Mariner - @holly-bearie Gaius - @ollieanderr Thinblood Faire: Jesse Steele - Fullblood Caitiff Scourge - @discodiablo (art by me!) John Carmichael - @emissary-of-stuff Ezra and Skye - @wizzsp Havi - @m4rloe5 Camilla - @renaissancebadboy My Stakebait Coterie! Ralph, Khloe, Kyle, and Christian! Gabbie - @del-uxie Leo - @cynical-tuba Ramona - also @renaissancebadboy!! Lucian - @squiretinnion Miles - @confusedwithglitter Cecil and Perry - @zyurp Blanche - @holly-bearie Del - @kentuckycaverats
Malkavian Valentine's: Monday - @zyurp Sophia - @holly-bearie Rigby - @themarginalthinker Emil - @morticrows Mir and Marie - @problemsynth Claire - @pretend-pretend-vampire Thom - @socialprawn Charlie - @osatokun Quinn and Sunspire - @tzimizce Niko - @shaydh Daimund - @thesixthplaneteer (art by me!) Shivers - @kmpshitposter Andrea - @bugcouncil Heleen - @m4rloe5 j and clemency - @luoniiel and @kermitted-cause Brooklyn - @svampira Wyrd - @clompe Apollo - @mountainashfae Lucas, Noelle, and Zeus - @supersquiddle Finn - @confusedwithglitter Lyla and Thirteen - @problemsynth Father Emir - @urbanknightart Monroe - @cynical-tuba
Nosferatu New Year: @its-sixxers - Elaine de la Saules, Casimmir, Briar Mary, Adam Romaniuk @themarginalthinker - Blue, Charlie, Tweak @tzimizce - Quinn @confusedwithglitter - Orpheus @the-art-block - Oginn, Atena:ti, Lamb, and Wolf Mother @holly-bearie - Angelo @problemsynth - Nere @m4rloe5 - Charlie
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viennafantasies · 8 months
𝜗𝜚- Character's I write for
Outer Banks: jj maybank, rafe cameron, john b routledge
The Vampire Diaries: damon salvatore, stefan salvatore, klaus mikaelson, kai parker, kol mikaelson, elijah mikaelson, jeremy gilbert, enzo st john
Pretty Little Liars: toby cavanaugh, caleb rivers, Jason dilaurentis
Glee: santana lopez & sam evans
Once Upon A Time: killian jones & peter pan
Brooklyn Nine Nine: jake peralta
Gossip Girl: chuck bass & nate archibald (for now)
Riverdale: archie andrews & jughead jones
The Office: luke cooper & jim halpert
Stranger Things: steve harrington & billy hargrove
Cobra Kai: miguel diaz, robbie keene & hawk aka: eli horowitz
The X Files: fox mulder
American Horror Story: tate langdon, kit walker, kyle spencer
Pen15: dustin long, brandt
Outnumbered: jake
Marvel: loki laufeyson, steve rogers, bucky barnes, peter parker
DC: bruce wayne, clark kent, dick grayson, joker
Hunger Games: finnick odair & peter malarky, ps. I haven't done cornelius bc I haven't watched the new movie :)
Harry Potter: ron weasley, draco malfoy, blaise zabini, mattheo riddle, tom riddle, lorenzo berkshire, theodore nott, lucian bole, james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, regulus black
Note: Let me know if you want any poly, my requests will be open by tomorrow. You can request whatever you want but it has to be x reader. I don't mind writing anything but be careful with warnings. I hope you have a great day!! mwah :) ps. tell me if you want fluff, smut or angst. I don't know how to do smut that well but I will try!
cba to do tags
still did it ...
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redgoldsparks · 8 months
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January 2024 reading and Reviews by Maia Kobabe
I post my reviews throughout the month on Storygraph and Goodreads, and do roundups here and on patreon. Reviews below the cut.
Electric Bones volume 1 by Hazel and Bell 
Lucian is the son of a minor nobleman and the CEO of the galaxy's biggest AI company, but he's not so rich that he can't get in trouble. After being fired as a programmer from Echo Station he joined a startup with a couple friends and is now fishing for funding at an elite tech expo on board an expensive and exclusive space vessel. There he sees someone he thinks he recognizes- Ezra, a grey robot, an fully sentient AI who worked on Echo Station as a researcher and partially cost Lucian his job. So why is Ezra now working on the space vessel as an escort? Unless it's not Ezra, but just a look-alike robot model? These questions drag Lucian into the beginnings of tangled web of intrigue which include kidnapping, AI-hacking, and murder. I've been reading this story online as a webcomic for years; you can still read all of volume one here: https://electricbonescomic.com/index.... But last year I also backed the kickstarter, and just sat down to re-read the whole story in print form, including a sexy little bonus comic. I love these characters, I love the rich colors, the lovely sense of flow and design of the pages. I can't wait for volume two!
The Fox Maidens by Robin Ha
Action packed and exciting, this family drama is full of unexpected twists and turns. I loved the focus on female characters: passionate Kai, whose love of martial arts and sense of justice cannot be contained by the normal rules of Joseon society; her mother, Meorhu, a fragile woman with a surprising past; Sura, a thief turned mercenary; and the Gumiho herself, the deadly but alluring fox spirit who impacts the lives of all the others with her magic and charisma. The art is rich with historical details, beautiful nature scenes, and fast paced fight scenes. Lovers of ghost stories, kdramas, and queer re-tellings of fairy tales will find much to enjoy here. I was lucky enough to read an advanced copy of this book! Pre-order it now, or look for it in bookstores in mid-February 2024.
A Nobleman’s Guide to Seducing a Scoundrel by KJ Charles read by Martyn Swain
What a delightful return to Romney marsh! This book picks up 13 years after the dramatic conclusion of the previous installment. Luke Doomsday is now a secretary, looking for a new position in a large house were he can keep books and solve his master's problems. Rufus, the recently minted Earl of Oxney, formerly a major in the army and son of a draper, has problems. For one, he never expected to inherit and his uncle is doing everything he can to prove Rufus illegitimate in court. For another, the previous Earl of Oxney was a selfish old bastard who let the estates fall into terrible disrepair, while Rufus' timid cousin kept poor account of the estate's money in a chicken scratch handwriting. Rufus struggles to read at the best of times, and he can barely make sense of his newly inherited account books. When Luke shows up on his door, it feels like a godsend. The men are immediately attracted to each other, though both have reason to be wary. And Luke, in seems, may have come to Stone Manor looking for more than a job. This series is such a fun mix of spicy romance, action, mystery, and danger. I'm really enjoying the setting and time period, which is just after the end of the Napoleonic wars. I really hope there will be more books to come!
Translation State by Ann Leckie
No one is doing it like Ann Leckie! This sci-fi novel uses six different pronoun sets (actually kind of seven, except one is the same set just used culturally very differently by different groups of people). It’s fantastic. We’ve got they/them, e/em/eir, sie/hir, it/its, he/him, she/her, and she/her again except used as a universal pronoun regardless of gender (which works great inside the Radch Empire and badly outside of it). I'm on the fence about whether this book can be read as a stand alone, or if it would only really make sense after having read at the Imperial Radch trilogy and Providence. I suppose it depends on what level of baffling alien customs and politics you are willing to tolerate. This book opens with Enae attending hir grandmaman's funeral, only to learn that the seemingly wealthy old woman had sold her entire estate to a stranger before her death. For the first time in her life, Enae leaves home with a Foreign Affairs job: to see out a fugitive who left Presger space some 200 years prior. Enae isn't expecting to succeed, but sie gives it hir best shot- and in doing so completely upends the lives of a widening circle of bystanders including Reet, a man of unknown parentage, and Qven, a juvenile Presger. This book finally begins to explain this inhuman and terrifying species, and the reason why the Presger-Radachii Treaty defines the rules of so much of this universe. I deeply enjoyed this installment; it makes me want to go back and re-read the original trilogy.
Brooms by Jasmine Walls and Teo Duvall 
Set in an alternate 1930s, Mississippi, this story follows a group of friends and found family who have to hide their magic from the restrictive and racist government. They survive at the margins, but they don't let the fear of prosecution stop them from doing what they love: racing together as a team. Deep in the woods seers and witches host carnival like events where racers on brooms compete for prize money and glory. Each of them has reasons why they need to win; lives and futures depend on it. This book is deeply queer with a diverse and magical cast. If you're looking for historical fiction where the trans and lesbian brown witches win, this one's for you.
Boys Weekend by Mattie Lubchansky
Sammie is a recently out nonbinary transfemm but their college friend group has not picked up on that fact yet. When Sammie is invited to be the "best man" at their friend Adam's wedding and attend a bachelor weekend at a high-tech, no-laws resort built on top of the Pacific Garbage Patch they decide to go in stealth mode. The resort is a pyramid scheme mutated with a strip club, business conference, all you can drink brunch bar, pro-gamer, most-dangerous-game corporate nightmare. Also, the waters around it are infested with terrifying flesh-eating monsters and someone is trying to raise an eldritch god. It takes every bit of queer resistance Sammie possesses to survive this bleak, hilarious, and surprisingly moving tale. In both their fiction and nonfiction comics, Lubchansky continues to hold up the black mirror to our own dystopian times.
Belle of the Ball by Mari Costa 
A very queer high school rom-com comic with a satisfying message about growing into yourself and seeing others truly for who they are. It opens with a love triangle, but subverts that form into a more complicated shape by the end of the tale. Strong character designs and very effective limited color palette.
The Moth Keeper by K. O’Neill 
In a desert village, a group of folks choose to live a nocturnal life to keep the moon company, and to care for a small group of magical moths, the only creatures who can pollinate a magical tree which helps sustain the whole ecosystem. One youngster, Anya, volunteers for the important but lonely job of Moth Keeper. She yearns to be of service to others, and feels she must earn her place in the village. In reality, help and friendship are only an ask away, and in this space everyone is cared for. This is a very beautifully illustrated and brief tale of responsibility, community, and resilience.
Feeding Ghosts by Tessa Hulls
What an accomplishment! I savored every page of Feeding Ghosts, absolutely floored by the labor and courage that went into the writing of this book. The inking is gorgeous, the history is clear, digestible, and devastating. This book threads the line between honesty and compassion in a way that I appreciate so much in any memoir, but especially one dealing with family. Hulls lays out the story of three generations of women starting with her grandmother, Sun Yi, a Shanghai journalist who faced intense persecution during the rise of Communism in China, who penned a popular and scandalous memoir and then suffered a mental breakdown. This left her only daughter, Rose, a student at an elite boarding school with no parental figures and no other family to lean on. Eventually Rose earned a scholarship to an American university and in the end moved her mother into her California home. Sun Yi haunted that home during the author's own childhood. The unexamined trauma and codependency of Sun Yi and Rose drove the author to the extreme edges of the Earth, seeking freedom from their ghosts. But in the end, she stopped running from her family history and turned, instead, to face it. Shelve this book with Maus, Fun Home, Persepolis and The Best We Could Do.
I Keep My Exoskeletons To Myself by Marisa Crane read by Bailey Carr 
I really struggled with this book. I almost DNFed at 25%. Ultimately, I did finish it, and I am glad I did because I think the final act was my favorite part of the story. However, I think the title and cover set me up with expectations of what this book would be which were very different than what the book actually delivered. This is not science fiction- despite the fact it was nominated in the science fiction category in the Goodreads Choice Awards. It is only barely speculative. This is a book about grief, depression, and parenting a baby and then a young child as a single mom struggling with loss and borderline alcoholism. There were passages of the book which struck hard, individual observations and lines which rang like bells. There is also nearly no plot and I was frustrated by the lack of world building. I wanted to know more about the laws governing extra shadows- were Shadesters allowed to vote, hold passports, travel across state lines? Had anyone experimented with the removal of Shadows? When and how did cameras get installed in apparently every home in American, and how did the government hire and pay for a workforce of seemingly 1:1 surveillance agents to citizens? Also, how on earth did Kris manage to pay for a whole apartment on a single salary working a call center job, especially when as a Shadester she had to pay extra taxes? I understand that this is literary fiction, and these questions are obviously not the ones the book was interested in answering. But it felt strange to me that a book so focused on parenting would not include a single passage about struggling to pay for or arrange childcare. The "pop quizzes" that break up the text did not work well in audio, and did not add anything to my experience of this book. Ultimately, I would only recommend this novel to a vary narrow audience of readers who enjoy lit fic, and are willing to spend a lot of time in the POV of a character teetering on the edge of a mental breakdown through much of the story.
Atana and The Firebird by Vivian Zhou
Atana is a mermaid, but she was banished from her home to live alone on island for a reason she doesn't understand. One night a curious young firebird leaves her flock in space to come down and visit Earth, and she convinces Atana to go an adventure. They are soon pursed by magic hunters, but they also make friends, and end up as invited guests in the Witch Queen's palace. She makes them welcome in her massive library and gardens, but she also has ulterior motives. This is a fast paced story of magic, friendship, and young people slowly learning about the forces larger than themselves that shape their world and their lives. I really enjoyed the art, it has a very active, energetic line which serves the action scenes particularly well. I can tell the author came from an animation background! I am glad that the ending set up potential future installments in this world.
Portrait of a Body by Julie Delporte  
I really loved the colored pencil illustrations of this book, especially the botanical drawings, and the kind of abstract relation of the text and images. I thought the drawings paired extremely well with the hand lettering even if at times I struggled with some of the cursive capitals. This is a candid memoir of recovering from sexual assault and a dysfunctional relationship to ones body and sexuality, of stepping into queerness and self-acceptance. I couldn't really relate to the author's journey, but I appreciated the honestly and thoughtfulness with which the more challenging themes were handled.
Fool’s Fate by Robin Hobb read by Nick Taylor 
This book, and this series, has earned Robin Hobb a permanent place in my list of favorite authors. This story goes so hard, weaving together threads that are 9 volumes and 30 plus years of in-story history in the making. The final confrontations, reunions, and farewells at the end of this story were hard earned and so well written. This very much felt like it could have been a final volume of the Realm of Elderlings series, but I know that there are 7 more books to come and I can't wait to see what else this series has in store for me!
System Collapse by Martha Wells read by Kevin R Free 
This book picks up right after the end of the previous volume and I had, unfortunately, completely forgotten most of the previous plot. Once I got myself oriented I still had a great time with it. Wow, I just love watching Murderbot learn and grow and solve problems in unique and interesting ways! I kind of want to go back and re-listen to the whole series.
The Chromatic Fantasy by H.A. 
This comic blew me away. One of the most beautiful, strange, artistically ambitious and deeply trans books I've read in a while. Aesthetically, its as rich as a stained glass window or illuminated manuscript. Its narrative is psychedelic but emotionally it rings so tender and true. The story opens with Jules, a transman trapped in a nunnery who accepts a deal with a devil who promises to help him live as a man. Possessed and impervious to physical harm, Jules turns to a life of debauchery and crime. Then he meets another trans criminal, the poetic thief and thespian Casper, and they begin to fall for each other. They see each other as no one else ever has, they validate and treasure one another, but Jules' devil is a jealous master. The devil would rather see Jules burn than thrive. This is one of those books that made me want to draw, made me want to write, made me want to be bolder, weirder, freer, wilder in my story telling. An instant favorite, I expect I'll return to this over and over.
Mall Goth by Kate Leth
Liv's parents are on the verge of divorce; they've just moved to a new town and Liv will be starting at a new high school. At her last school, Liv was bullied for being openly queer and an unapologetic mall goth, and she is understandably hesitant to accept friendship overtures at the new school. However, a supportive male English teacher and a fellow goth gamer boy start to make Liv feel welcome. The goth introduces her to an MMORPG and the English teacher praises her essays and gives her Lolita. Both of them start regularly DMing Liv late into the night, more than is appropriate for the relationships they have. This book is in large part about a teen navigating confusing advances and how and when to disclose things that make her uncomfortable but feel hard to speak about or define. I thought that aspect of the story was handled very well. Some of the pacing in the friendship plot lines surrounding it felt a bit rushed, a few sections underdeveloped, but ultimately I think this book tackled an important issue not often seen in YA comics. It is also steeped in early 2000s Hot Topic/emo music/pop culture references- if you were there, you'll know.
What’s Wrong? Personal Histories of Chronic Pain and Bad Medicine by Erin Williams 
Williams illuminates, through memoir, interviews, and mixed media illustrations the extreme failures of the US healthcare system to address chronic pain. These failures are especially common for patients of color, patients who struggle with addictions, patients who are queer or survivors of assault and trauma. If you had any illusions that the systems of medical care are working in this country, shed them now. This book is half cathartic, half infuriating to read. I really appreciated the honesty and vulnerability of the interviewees and the trans and nonbinary inclusiveness of the language surrounding pain tied to the reproductive system.
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sennamybeloved · 5 months
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✩ °。⋆ WELCOME !
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hello! i'm seren, but you may also call me ellie. i'm an adult, i go by she/he/it/star pronouns, and i am a genderqueer/stargender grey-aroace lesbian. welcome to my selfship safe haven! this blog is my main, but it also serves as a hub for everything self insert x canon related. i post art, imagines, writing, ask/reblog games, and of course, long-winded gushes about dozens of fictional wives.
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⛧ . my dms, askbox, and replies are always open, regardless of how well i know you! feel free to contact me for any reason, even if it's just to say hello!! i absolutely love making friends in this community.
⛧ . i don't really have a dni, i'll just block you if i don't like you. that being said, i, obviously, do not want bigots or abusers anywhere near this blog. i also beg that you block me if you ship romantically with lucian and/or senna from league of legends.
⛧ . 16+ to follow, please! this blog isn't explicitly nsfw, but it certainly isn't clean. there will be some mildly suggestive content, as well as (fictional/appropriately tagged) blood, gore, horror, violence, torture, and toxic/cruel behaviors. this is primarily because i ship with a lot of villains. i tag triggers as "cw [thing]."
⛧ . i selfship to cope. this entire blog is for comfort and entertainment purposes only! don't take anything i post too seriously. this is just my way of giving myself love!
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my f/o list can be found here! i have dozens of f/os, but my beloved mains are lucian and senna from my league of legends. i've been happily wedded to them since may 25th, 2020, and i couldn't be happier to call them mine ♡
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my informal tag dump is here. the psd i used is here. i have a weird byf thing here. my other "main" blog is @fox-illusions, my stim blog is @shadowstims, and my spirituality/kin blog is @spiritedfox. i also have a whump blog i won't give out the name for, but if your blog is whump/angst related and i follow you, that's why. blah blah blah whatever!!! regardless, i hope you enjoy your stay here!
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ctheathy · 1 year
☏ Masterlist ☏
Sonic the Hedgehog
SH Tails/Reader • SH Tails/bold yet shy!Reader • SH Tails/sleepy!Reader • SH Tails/psychopathic!Reader • SH Tails/hyper cuddly!Reader • SH Tails/adoring!Reader • SH Tails/fox!Reader • yandere SH Tails/yandere Reader • yandere SH Tails/sweetheart!Reader • Nine/unintelligent yet emotionally clever!Reader • yandere Nine/Reader • yandere Nine/human!Reader • yandere Nine/Reader Rivalry • yandere Nine/abducted!Reader • yandere Nine/sweet!seedrian!Reader • yandere Sails/Reader • Sails/traveler!Reader • yandere Mangey/Reader • Mangey/traveler!Reader • yandere WWMH Miles/Reader • yandere Kitsunami/Reader • Zor the Zeti/pregnant!Reader •
NSFW Headcanons --- Zails/female!Reader [eating you out] • Nine/female+GN!Reader [eating you out+make out sessions] •
A Once Innocent Act of Tenderness - yandere SH Tails/Reader [Community Label: Mature] • Representative of Power - SH Tails/Reader [!Smut!]
Achievement Through Appetite - Miles[Operation Crimson]/female!Reader [!Suggestive!]
It’s called Desperation, Dummy~ - Tails/Reader [!Suggestive!]
A Betrayal out of Nowhere - Zails/Reader [!Smut!]
yandere Julius the Dressmaker/Reader • Julius the Dressmaker/Reader Affection •
Survival instinct didn’t make the cut - yandere Ticci Toby/Reader
Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun
Hanako/Kou/Yashiro/Sakura/Reader who has a panic attack
yandere Fukase/Reader • Fukase/Reader who lives under a rock
•#1 A State of Seduction - Fukase/Reader [!Smut!] #2 The Brattiest go Below - Fukase/Reader [!Smut!] • A Fall to Temptation - Fukase/Reader [!Smut!] •
Friday Night Funkin’
yandere Faker Sky/Reader • Faker Sky/Reader who likes to smooch her in her ‘mask off’ form • Miko/Tiktok addict!Reader
South Park // Hellpark
Hellpark Pip/sweetheart!childhood friend!Reader
So Wrong yet So Right - Hellpark Pip/Reader [!Suggestive!]
Happy Tree Friends
Fight Forwards Favour - Fliqpy/Reader
My Little Pony
yandere Changelings/human!Reader
Chikn nuggit
yandere Hawt Saus/Reader • yandere Fwench Fwy/biological child!Reader/yandere Iscream •
Popee the Performer
NSFW Headcanons --- yandere Popee/Reader who hate-flirts with him • yandere Eepop/Reader [stepping on him] •
Monster Hunter Stories
Hyoro reacts to fatally injuring his Darling
Lego Monkie Kid
Redson/male!Reader •
The Claim of an Operational Sin • Claude Frollo/female!Reader [!Suggestive!]
yandere The Angel/Reader • Rio Ranger/Reader fluff alphabet 1/4 • Rio Ranger/Reader fluff alphabet 2/4 • Rio Ranger/Reader fluff alphabet 3/4 • Rio Ranger/Reader fluff alphabet 4/4 • Aoi/Reader/Miyuki • yandere Lucian Abbot/Reader •
Good Boy? More like... Gutter Boy • yandere Lucian Abbot/Reader [!Smut!]
Psych Ward of Partiality • Arc/Reader [!Suggestive!]
Heads or Tails for Granted • Rio Ranger/Reader [!Smut!]
Lost Chances Face Consequences • yandere Kennith Simmons/female!Reader
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sweetface-the-dollbaby · 10 months
he’s getting ready for his date w/ Grimsy <3
Reblogs > likes
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part 4
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foxxism · 4 months
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it's my birthday today! last year I'm pretty sure I missed out on posting about my birthday but this year I'm celebrating a lot more!! thank you to everyone whose stuck around! you don't know how grateful i am!!
okay here's the rant. honestly I wanted to do something way more to celebrate because this year is a big milestone in my life. coming from someone who didn't even think they'd be alive to see this day years ago it's really amazing how far I've come even in the past few years. I've been through a lot in my life and being able to have support from so many people even just in online spaces is so amazing to me. I've also been on a self-improvement journey for the past two years and it's had some hiccups but I've recovered from a lot of issues. while certain things never really go away I can at least look forward to a far brighter future without weighing myself down in the past.. also if you've read this far i'll likely be posting a short dreamswap/fatal flaws as a dating sim thing next w. arthur..
Thank you to everyone, genuinely. You don't know how much this matters to me. 💙
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florian-luster · 3 months
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𝓛𝓪𝓭𝔂 𝓕𝓵𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓪𝓷 𝓕𝓸𝔁
Part of Noctis’s royal retinue and a member of the crownsguard, labelled the King’s Spear as Noctis’s polearm weapons teacher and companion.
Born June 23, M.E. 734 in the royal capital of Insomnia to the noble family of house Fox, a few months after Ignis Scientia. Florian is second cousin to Prince Noctis with his grandfather, King Mors, being the brother of her grandmother, Princess Vera. 
[Florian is not in line for the throne but is titled Lady due to her noble status - she is able to summon weapons and dismiss them but not warp like the Kingsglaive of those in the direct line]
An idea proposed by King Regis along with a letter of permission from Lord Leon Fox, Florian’s father, suggested an engagement between the Prince of Tenebrae and the Lady Florian to strengthen bonds further between Lucis and the line of the Oracle. 
[This decision was made with the knowledge that Florian has Lucian blood in mind] 
The engagement is accepted by the Oracle and reigning Queen Sylva Via Fleuret and a Royal engagement is set until the two are older.
The two are separated when Tenebrae is annexed with Florian escaping to Lucis regretably.
Florian keeps correspondence with Ravus through letters, hoping to make a state visit so that the two may meet again as they are separated by the war between Lucis and the Empire.
The star-crossed pair finally reunite after the attack on Insomnia and Florian is conflicted between her allegiance to Noctis and her love for Ravus.
(see previous posts for more Ravus x Florian art)
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thehighladywrites · 10 months
This may be a weird review, but I love how you write Lucian in your text imagines. He's never far from being his usual sassy fox king, but at the same time being in a relationship with reader keeps him on his toes and he *could* break down at any moment. I just love it, its an incredibly entertaining take on one of my top fave acotar characters.
I don’t think I’ve felt better than now lovely anon🥹🥹 This is not a weird thing at all i’m actually geeking 🥹Thank you so much this is such a good compliment!!! Lucien is always the one where I have to really think about when writing, i love him and i don’t wanna get him wrong bc he isn’t stone cold and he isn’t a super goofy happy character either, he’s somewhat of a mix i think😌
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