#luckily my cat allergies were never that bad and i grew up with them so im used to the Symptoms
tea-earl-grey · 6 months
very exciting news that i spent half an hour with a cat today and i didn't get any allergy symptoms!!!! I've done almost 8 months of allergy shots and this is when you're supposed to first start seeing results so fingers crossed!
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uniquemekylieb · 6 years
You 👏 know 👏what👏 you 👏gotta 👏do 👏for Kylia (or Kaija, take your pick. Or both!)
Hmmm, I think I’ll do Kylia first and do Kaija (my poor girl, I still love you 😭) in another post~ Another few hours, annnnnd go!
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?
- Her full name is Kylia Lucis Caelum. Her name was chosen from her father liking one name (Kylis) and her mother liking another (Ilia), and instead of choosing between the two, they decided to mash them together. Luckily, it turned out well.
2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them?
- She does; Her Royal Highness, Princess of Lucis. She acquired it by being born to royalty.
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory of it?
- Her childhood was rather tumultuous. It was good overall, but her being a princess didn’t help it any. Fond memories include numerous times her mother would brush her hair, any times she and her brother played together, being able to be with her parents at all. A bad memory would be her mother’s passing.
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents?
- Her relationship with her parents was a little strained, but otherwise really good. One of her good memories of them together are any of the times they would be able to put her to bed or otherwise spend time with her before bedtime when she was young. She has a particularly bad memory of when she was young; she was five and really wanted to spend time with her parents, playing, reading, dress up, tea parties, anything. However her parents, being the King and Queen of Lucis, were incredibly busy and burdened with their duties. They had told her they couldn’t at that moment, as they had many times before, and she just snapped at them, yelling how they were always too busy for her and she would never important enough. They ultimately postponed any other duties for the rest of the day and spent with her and her brother.
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
- She has one older brother; Noctis Lucis Caelum. Her relationship with him in the present is not where she would like it to be, and she tries her hardest to make it better. When they were kids they were extremely close (they are roughly 11 months apart in age), but as they grew up and their responsibilities grew and changed with them, they haven’t been as close as they once were, which Kylia wishes weren’t the case.
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
- She was an excellent student in her tutoring sessions and ultimately at the Royal Academy. She thoroughly enjoyed her studies, and she graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in only a year and half after her high school education at 19 due to the college classes she took during high school. She enjoyed most of her classes, some favorites being the fine arts classes, history, and english. She was okay with math and most sciences, but she absolutely despised chemistry.
7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood?
- Being the princess, she wasn’t given the opportunity to have too many friends a child. However, in her small circle of friends, she has kept all of them into adulthood; Lunafreya nox Fleuret, Ravus nix Fleuret, Trinity Lasitene, her brother, and Gladiolus Amicitia.
8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals?
- Unfortunately, she was able to have pets as a child as she wasn’t responsible enough to care for one on her own; as an adult she is now unable to own one due to her duties and responsibilities. However, she loves animals, and she love to own a dog someday.
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals?
- Animals like her rather well, however, for some reason cats do not tend to be fond of her.
10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/etc?
- She likes children well enough. She isn’t fawning over them all the time, but she will be kind and gentle with them and try to be a good role model for them. She doesn’t have any children, but she would want them if she was married and deeply in love with her spouse. She worries sometimes that she wouldn’t be a good mother, but in reality she would be much like her own mother, gentle and patient and always loving. If she were anything other than a parent, however, she wouldn’t be as confident in her nurturing abilities.
11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?
- She isn’t a vegan or vegetarian, but she tries her best to eat as healthy as she can. But sweets are a thing, so she has some trouble with being consistent. She doesn’t have any allergies.
12. What is their favourite food?
- She loves many kinds of food, so it’s hard for her to choose. However, some of her tops are noodles of any kind, spicy foods, many Galahdian dishes, and cakes.
13. What is their least favourite foods?
- She tends to dislike certain ingredients; cherries, sour cream, whipped cream, pudding, mushrooms.
14. Do they have any specific memories of food/ a restaurant/meal?
- Yes; during her secret relationship with Nyx, he introduced her to the packaged noodles that were from Galahd and she absolutely fell in love with them. After that he would bring her freshly made noodles when he could and they would picnic in her room together.
15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?
- She isn’t the worst at cooking, considering she’s only cooked a handful of times, but she’s enjoyed it when she has. Only Trinity has tried her cooking, and she gave her a few tips to improve for the next time.
16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it?
- She doesn’t actively collect anything; the things that would come closest to being collected would be clothes and video games. She loves playing and wearing them. Video games are in her media center and clothes are in her massive walk-in closet.
17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos?
- Kylia hadn’t been interested in it too much until she met Prompto. As they became friends she became more interested in it. When she does take photos, she takes photos of what seems like everything, including selfies sometimes. However, she loves taking aesthetic photos the most. She doesn’t really do anything with them currently, but she’ll show Trinity and the guys.
18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, TV shows, films, video games and anything else?
- Books: YA, Romance, Poetry Music: All kinds except rap TV shows: Comedies, Dramas, Reality shows, Anime Films: Rom-coms, Dramas, Sci-fi Video Games: First person shooters, JRPG style, 3D platformers, Action, Thrillers
19. What’s their least favourite genre?
- Books: Most nonfiction Music: Rap TV shows: She isn’t sure yet. Films: Horror Video Games: Horror, bit games, side scrollers
20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes on?
- Kylia absolutely loves musicals (she wishes she could be in one), and she loves music. If her favorite song comes on, she either dances or sings like she’s performing it.
21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
- She doesn’t really have to much of a temper, because she can be pretty patient. If she ever does lose her temper, her become sharp and can cut like a knife. A quiet rage kind of temper because she knows she can go on a tangent if she speaks.
22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?
- She doesn’t have a particular favorite; sometimes they don’t even make sense. If she insults someone, it’ll be about their character. She will be harsh and sarcastic to their face, but prefers to actually insult them and bitxh behind their back.
23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?
- She has a great long term memory, not so much with her short term memory. She is, however, really good with names and faces.
24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
- Her sleeping pattern is overall pretty good, but it can get pretty awful if any circumstances come into play. She doesn’t tend to snore, but if she does it’s really quiet. She likes to sleep on her stomach, one of her legs bent out to the side, the other straight out, and cuddling her pillow. She prefers a decently hard mattress with a little softness in it.
25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?
- Kylia finds many things funny; videos, photos, people, situations. She has a good sense of humor most of the time. She tries to be funny, but it doesn’t always work. However, when she isn’t trying, she tends to be much funnier than when she is.
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions?
- She can hide her emotions rather well, but around those she trusts, she will just tend to be in a really good mood and act accordingly. Occasionally, she’ll sing.
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like when they’re sad?
- Before the Fall, not much made her sad, just not being able to see her father and brother too often and the weight of her title and what came with it, with an occasional sad video or picture. After the Fall, the entire situation of what Lucis now is. She absolutely does not cry regularly. When she cries, she will try her best to hide it or hold it so she doesn’t bother others with it. When she’s sad, she will be much quieter and mope more.
28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
- She has a lot of fears; death, falling from heights, rats to name a few. After the Fall, she seems to be afraid of more things than usual. When she’s scared, she’ll tend to freeze or tense up, her breath will quicken, and she’ll try to get away from what’s causing her fear. She’ll also talk a lot and very fast, and depending on its proximity to her, she may squeal or shout.
29. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective?
- If she finds out someone else’s fear, she will do her best to keep it away from them or not cause it. She will be over protective of them if someone tries to use it against them or tease them about it.
30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-workout and post-workout?
- Before the Fall, her exercise was regular with her weapons training. After the Fall, her exercise has turned into a lot of cardio from running and strength from fighting. Gladio will help her with her exercise sometimes. Pre-workout tends to be her regular self; post-workout, though, she will be tired and not nearly the same as usual.
31. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing?
- She does drink, more than she did before the Fall, which was only on special occasions. When she’s drunk is much more outgoing and fun, talking easily and without trouble but definitely concentrating when she tries to walk. She hasn’t ever had a hangover, amazingly. If people she doesn’t know are drunk around her, she’ll be extremely uncomfortable, but if it’s those she trusts, she’ll be a mix of kind and teasing.if they’re hung over, she’ll be much kinder.
32. What do they dress like? What sort of shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
- Kylia dresses in all sorts of things, from ballgowns to sweats. If she buys any clothes, she’ll get them from all sorts of stores from low to high-end. She’s always worn whatever fashion she wanted, considering it’s appropriate for where she’s going and the occasion. When she sleeps she will wear shorts and a camisole in the summer, and in the winter she will wear fleecy pajama pants and some sort of thermal shirt with fuzzy socks. Before the Fall, she would wear more makeup than she does after the fall, which is now just mascara, tinted moisturizer, minimal eyebrows, the slightest bit of blush, and a tinted lip balm. Her hair before the Fall was always exquisitely done in some sort of hairstyle, but now it’ll either be just brushed and down, or in a low maintenance ponytail or braid.
33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties?
- Kylia has sorts of underwear (none of the male kind). On a regular basis, she’ll wear cotton cheeky or hipster panties with a bit of lace on the edges, and if she’s trying to impress someone (😏) they’ll be lacy all over and possibly a thong. However, if she’s on her menstrual cycle, it’s granny panties all they way.
34. What is their body type? How tall are they? Do they like their body?
- Kylia is 5'7" with thin build. She really doesn’t have any kind of opinion on her body, but at times when her mental health takes a dive she won’t be the most comfortable with it.
35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure?
- Guilty pleasures: Self pleasure 😏👀 (she tries not to indulge too much), certain songs, daydreaming of the past and what could have been Unguilty pleasures: Too many to list.
36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing?
- Kylia has many hobbies she enjoys when she can do them, which includes, dancing, singing, drawing, playing video games (with or without Noctis), and sewing. She can sing very well, and anyone who has heard her hasn’t been disappointed. During their relationship, Nyx would have her sing quietly to him sometimes during their rendezvous’.
37. Do they like to read? Are they a fast or slow reader? Do they like poetry? Fictional or nonfiction?
- She does like to read, and she’s a rather fast reader. She does like poetry and fictional novels, with an occasional nonfiction here and there.
38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had?
- She wishes she could do a lot of different things, most notably garden and drive. She admires others ability to motivate themselves in a snap; she needs to work up to that motivation a little.
39. Do they like letters? Or prefer emails/messaging?
- She does like letters; she thinks it’s much more personal being able to see the senders handwriting. While she likes messaging, she hates emails.
40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary foods? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert?
- Kylia doesn’t really like energy drinks, but she does like sugary foods and has been gradually been warming up to coffee (thanks to a certain advisor). However she can stay awake and alert most of the time without those things.
41. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship?
- She considers herself to be straight (although the slightest bit curious) and polyamorous. Physically, there’s not too much, but she does like a tall stature, toned muscles, a 👌 voice, and an overall nice face. Mentally, she likes if they are stable, just as (if not a little more) intelligent than she is, well-read, and mature (though still with some childlike attributes). She wants to be able to laugh and have fun with her partner, to be able to lean on and rely on them if she’s struggling, to feel secure and loved by them always, and they have to see eye to eye with her on certain political and other topics.
42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition?
- Her main goal is to live the happiest life she can, and whatever that entails. She would sacrifice anything for those she loved to be safe and happy. Her not-so-secret ambition is to save and restore Lucis.
43. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people?
- She has an odd relationship with religion. While she does pray to the Astrals, she doesn’t live her life by the “religion”. She doesn’t mind religion, as long as people don’t let it consume their lives and force it on others. She doesn’t have any certain opinions on people who are and aren’t religious.
44. What is their favourite season? Type of weather? Are they good in the cold or the heat? What weather do they complain in the most?
- Kylia loves the fall the most, hands down. She loves every single aspect of it. She loves either cool rainy days or when the sun is out but the air is crisp and cool. She’s much better in the cold than she is in the heat, which is why she is insufferable in the late spring and summer.
45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves?
- Considering she is a public figure, there are people who see her one way or another, but overall the people of Lucis adore her. There is just a select few who actively try to take her out (garbage jesus). In a way, it is both similar and not to the way she sees herself.
46. Do they make a good first impression? Does their first impression reflect them accurately? How do they introduce themselves?
- Kylia does her best to make a good first impression, especially as she is a royal. Her first impression always reflects herself accurately. She will tend to introduce herself with a smile; any other interactions depend on the person.
47. How do they act in a formal occasion? What do they think of black tie wear? Do they enjoy fancy parties and love to chit chat or loathe the whole event?
- Kylia acts with the utmost etiquette of a princess as she has been groomed to throughout her whole life. She doesn’t mind black tie wear at all; she absolutely loves getting dressed to the nines and wearing gorgeous gowns. As for how she enjoys the event, it depends. If her depression or anxiety flare up, she struggles to get through it, but if they don’t, she will be just fine and enjoy the occasion.
48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so, what kind? Do they organize the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged Long by a friend?
- It’s hard to say, seeing as she’s never been to that kind of party. But hypothetically, she would probably just show up, maybe organize on occasion. She would most likely mingle with her closest friends and occasionally mingle with new faces. If she were dragged along, she would stay with that friend most of the time or leave.
49. What is their most valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to take everywhere with them?
- Kylia has one thing she treasures the most: a music box with a beautiful glass unicorn inside that has gold accents. It was given to her by her mother, and she loves it more than any other thing. She can be very sentimental with her things. One thing that’s always on her is a beautiful pendant necklace her father gave her for her 16th birthday. Other than that, it would be her phone.
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them, what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
- She would take the essentials to live: clothes, shoes, toiletries, hair brush, feminine products, medical supplies. She would take her phone charger, a blanket and small pillow, and a few sentimental things for her to feel a little more at home.
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victorluvsalice · 4 years
AU Thursday: Londerland Bloodlines/Tell Me Where To Find Shelter -- Layers of Alice
Okay, I said that I wanted to do this meme for Alice back when I did it for Victor, and I FINALLY completed it. Reason it took so long? Well, I did it for BOTH my Malkavian!Alice’s -- the standard one from “Londerland Bloodlines,” and the one that I felt the need to jam into “Tell Me Where To Find Shelter.” And it took me longer than I thought to nail down some of the favorites. . .
Anyway. Here’s the completed meme. Anything that applies to a specific version of Alice, I have designated with either LB Alice or TMWTFS Alice.
- Name: Alice Pleasance Liddell
- Eye Color: Green
- Hair Style/Color: Very dark brown, practically black – though it used to be a lot lighter. If Alice had a picture of herself as a child on hand, she could prove she used to be practically a redhead. She thinks age and so much time spent in an asylum is what caused it to darken the way it did. At any rate, it's about shoulder length, a bit shaggily-cut, and she tends to wear it loose, parted in the middle. If she needs it out of the way, she'll put it up in a ponytail.
- Height: Five feet, five inches
- Clothing style: For everyday wear, Alice tends to be very practical – simple, easily-cleaned tops; sturdy pants or skirts; and solid boots or a good pair of running sneakers. But she will confess that she's a sucker for a pretty dress (as anyone who could look inside her head when she's in Wonderland could attest to), and if given the chance will happily flounce around in a full skirt. Her go-tos tend to be in darker colors – blacks and browns don't show stains as well, after all. If she's dressing up, though, she'll go with something brighter, or at least work in some pops of color.
TMWTFS Alice, post-War, scavenges whatever jeans and shirts she can find, along with whatever armor might fit – she's can see how dangerous the Commonwealth is, and even if she's a lot harder to kill than your average settler, she wants to be prepared! She does take a couple of pretty dresses, though – and in my world, there's a Mistress of Mystery dress to go with the Silver Shroud costume that she grabs from Hubris comics. Victor finds it very – distracting.
- Best physical feature: Alice would say her eyes – people seem to find them pretty attractive, and she herself likes the shade of green they are.
- Fears: Fire (comes with just barely surviving a house fire); losing those she cares about (also because of the aforementioned fire); being mind-controlled (thank you, Bumby and LaCroix); losing control of her Beast (because it's the decapitation-happy Queen of Hearts in her head and that would be bad on a number of levels)
- Guilty pleasure: Drinking from humans – Alice tries to be pragmatic about it, and does her best to obtain some form of consent before she does it (unless it's a battle situation – you're trying to kill her, anything goes), but she can't help but feel bad sometimes that she enjoys sucking the blood out of people's necks. The fact that they enjoy it too mitigates it a bit, but. . .
- Biggest pet peeve: People making jokes about her name, or not believing she's actually named "Alice Liddell." TMWTFS Alice is actually somewhat relieved when it transpires the post-War world doesn't remember "Alice in Wonderland" well enough to make fun of her.
- Ambitions for the future: LB Alice just wants to keep up her peaceful existence in Hill Valley, protecting her loved ones and avoiding other vampires and vampire politics as much as possible.
TMWTFS Alice wants to help the Minutemen and the Railroad with their operations and continue adjusting to life after the nuclear apocalypse. Happily, she has a much easier time avoiding vampire politics, mostly because they don't exist anymore. (Kindred – did not do well after the nukes fell.)
- First thoughts waking up: Depends on the situation and how thirsty she is – if she's calm and sated, it'll be something along the lines of, "okay, nightfall – what's the most pressing activity I can think of?" If there's danger afoot, it'll be closer to "crap, okay, where's that sword of mine?" And if she's hungry, it'll be something like, "Closest source of blood is?"
- What they think about most: How best to keep herself existing, and keep the people she cares about safe. LB Alice of course has her little polycule, plus Lizzie and Bonejangles; TMWTFS Alice's main priority is Victor, but she likes most of his friends well enough to want to look out for them too. (I imagine she gets along well with Preston, Piper, and Nick in particular.) Keeping herself properly sated is also a common concern for her – it's not so bad for LB Alice, who has willing ghouls to donate, but TMWTFS Alice has to factor in the radiation levels of her prey. She's pretty sure she's immune, but she doesn't want it to turn into a "plaguebearer" situation. . .and if she isn't immune, well. . .
- What they think about before bed: LB Alice generally just reviews her day and tries to make a few plans for the next one, if she's not plopping into bed just before sunrise. TMWTFS Alice is typically looking for the safest place to go to bed – her "sunlight allergy" means she needs a well-protected shelter, and even after that's eventually taken care of, she wants to sleep somewhere relatively out of danger!
- What they think their best quality is: Her ability to survive whatever the world throws at her – I mean, no matter the verse, this girl's been through some shit. Yes, it takes her longer to recover from some things than others, but the world has yet to get her down permanently, and she intends to keep it that way.
- Single or group dates: Alice would actually not mind going out as a group as a first date – while she's not really a fan of crowds, she'd feel safer with more people around in case her date turned out to be an asshole. Once a connection is made and she's comfortable, she'd prefer single dates, so they don't have to worry about anyone but each other.
- To be loved or respected: Alice would choose respected, especially with her memories of being a fledgling in LA! She does not like people talking down to her or ordering her about.
- Beauty or brains: Brains – Alice can enjoy a pretty face on an aesthetic level, but in a partner, she wants someone she can talk to. Being gray-ace probably has a bit to do with that.
- Dogs or cats: Cats, definitely. She grew up with cats, she befriended a cat in the asylum, she followed a cat the day she plunged back in Wonderland and started discovering just what it was Bumby was up to. . .cats all the way. Of course, finding cats that like her back can be tricky when you're a vampire who gives off an "unnatural" vibe animals tend to pick up on. . .but I like to think both Malkavian!Alices eventually find a pet. In TMWTFS Alice's case, Victor likely traps one for her, and luckily its one not bothered by her Kindred nature. :)
- Lie: Definitely. Usually to protect herself or her loved ones. And as long as the Masquerade has to be upheld, she's always lying at least a little bit to the average person on the street. (TMWTFS Alice is relieved when that particular lie can be dropped!)
- Believe in themselves: It's a bit of a "fake it until you make it" situation with Alice – she does her best to believe in herself and her abilities, but she still struggles sometimes with self-loathing and survivor's guilt and all that fun stuff.
- Believe in love: Believe it exists? Sure – her parents had a very happy marriage while they were alive. Believe she can find it? Not until she realizes she's falling for Victor – which means LB Alice believes in it for herself a lot sooner than TMWTFS Alice!
- Want someone: LB Alice, though she gets Lizzie back, would still like to have her parents returned to her. Her sister is awesome, but she's still only one part of the family Alice lost. She also wants Victor after getting to know him more, and feels guilty as hell about it for a long while because of the whole "accidental ghouling and blood-blonding" thing. And then Victoria and Emily enter the picture, and things get even more confusing. . .at least with those three, she gets everyone she wants!
TMWTFS Alice wants her whole family back – going more canon for her Bloodlines adventures means she doesn't even get Lizzie, poor thing. :( She knows it's basically impossible, but she does still miss them. And, again, she ends up wanting Victor after getting to know him. Fortunately, she gets him.
- Been on stage: Never in a professional capacity – just in the "nearly executed in front of an audience of vampires after her illegal Embrace" one. Oh, and being an extra in a school play once.
- Done chems/drugs: Never willingly – she was subjected to a few "experimental medications" while in Rutledge to help her catatonic state, none of which worked (though fortunately none of which left truly permanent damage either). And if she's not careful about who she feeds on, she can get a high from whatever's in their blood. Alice tries her best not to feed from anyone drunk or high, but she has gotten a bit tipsy from sipping on revelers early on in their revels. TMWTFS Alice drinks from one raider on Psycho once and basically goes Ragebox mode for a while – it takes months before she's willing to bite another raider in a fight.
- Changed who you were to fit in: Not really, unless trying to suppress her Wonderland hallucinations for a while after getting out of Rutledge counts. But that was firstly, a mental health issue, and secondly, in the bad old Bumby days, so she's not sure how much it counts. She was also politer to LaCroix at first than she really wanted to be, but that was out of fear of his Dominate discipline – and that facade smashed to pieces after the Grout Mansion Incident. These days (whenever they are), she's just herself, and everyone else has to deal.
- Favorite color: Blue and red
- Favorite animal: Cats, butterflies
- Favorite movie: Both versions of Alice actually have rather fond memories of Negative Zero, which they saw after helping Ash Rivers (figuring they ought to take a look at his work). It's a rather dumb and cheesy action movie, but Ash's performance was good, and they can think of much worse ways to spend a couple of hours. Also, for some reason, my brain has decided Alice likes Ghostbusters, or whatever the local universe equivalent is thereof. This is probably just because I'm fond of the movies myself (yes, the 80s originals AND the 2016 reboot) – I guess an actiony-horror-comedy appeals to her?
- Favorite game: Okay, I'm not sure what of the parody games in Bloodlines would appeal to LB Alice, but I do have a persistent headcanon that, if Sims 2 exists in that world, she and the family end up getting it once they're out of Los Angeles, and really enjoy it. Alice probably recreates herself and her family as humans so they can have a happy life together (after getting some sort of polyamory mod).
As for TMWTFS Alice, of the available games in Fallout 4, I think she'd enjoy the challenge of Pipfall – seeing if she can beat her best time and whatnot. She might like the Automatron holotape as well, trying to beat every wave of enemies as fast as she can.
- DOB: May 4th, 1984 (she was 20 when Embraced)
- Day of their next birthday, they will be: LB Alice would have been 21, though now being an undead creature of the night, that doesn't mean a lot.
TMWTFS Alice on the other hand. . .20 years old when Embraced in 2004. She would have been technically 93 when 2077 rolled around – and 303 when finally unstaked in 2087. Her next birthday would be May 4th, 2088, so that would make her 304. Probably one of, if not the, oldest in the Commonwealth!
- Age they lost their virginity: Never – Alice is gray-asexual and never wanted to have sex with anyone before getting turned, and doesn't want to have sex with anyone now. Being a vampire, she prioritizes the Kiss anyway.
- Does age matter: Yes, in the sense that, after Bumby, she is going to slaughter anyone going after a minor. Between two consenting adults? She might be concerned if there's a particularly large age gap, but as long as everyone is happy and there's nothing illegal going on. . . TMWTFS Alice happily admits this question gets a bit muddied with her and Victor's situation too (she was Embraced at 20, he was frozen at 27 – but she was born in 1984, and he was born in 2050. . .).
- Best personality: Alice likes kind, gentle people who don't mind getting their hands dirty and who don't want to order her around. Bonus points for a good sense of humor or being able to give as good as they get when it comes to her sarcasm. It's kindness that really gets her attention, though – part of the reason she's attracted to Victor is just because he's nice to her. She hasn't gotten nice a lot in her life, especially not from men.
- Best eye color: Alice wouldn't say she has a preference, but she does like Victor's eyes – it intrigues her to see a brown so dark!
- Best hair color: Again, Alice doesn't really have a preference. Heck, she might joke that having one would be hypocritical, given how her own hair proved so changeable.
- Best thing to do with a partner: Something they're both good at and can enjoy – Alice would like a quiet night reading as much as a spar, as long as her partner was having as much fun as she was. She also likes board and card games – she and Victor probably play their fair amount of chess!
- I love: Victor, and I will not let anyone take him from me.
- I feel: rather more confused than I would like, most of the time.
- I hide: how scared I am by some of what's happened.
- I miss: being a proper human.
- I wish: that my loved ones and I could just have a normal life together.
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melisfits · 8 years
Get two know me
basics what’s your name ➔ Melissa do you have a nickname ➔ Hobbit do you have a middle name ➔ - do you like your name ➔ No do people often mispronounce your name ➔ No do you like the meaning of your name ➔ 'Honeybee’ like why when is your birthday ➔ 21 December how old are you ➔ 22 do you like your age ➔ No, responsibilities ew.  what’s your zodiac sign ➔ Sagittarius
appearance what’s your hair colour ➔ Half blonde, half brown is your current hair colour your natural hair colour ➔ The blonde is a bit lighter, but I am naturally blonde do you dye your hair ➔ Yes do you have natural highlights ➔ No idea when was the last time you had a haircut ➔ Few months ago what length is your hair right now ➔ Just a little longer than my schoulders do you have straight, wavy or curly hair ➔ Wavy do you have frizzy hair ➔ Yes do you use a curling iron ➔ No do you use a hair straightener ➔ No do you braid your hair ➔ I am too lazy for all of this what’s your eye colour ➔ Green/Grey/Blue do your eyes change colour ➔ Yes, because of the light do you wear contacts ➔ No if so, do you use colour contacts or regular contacts ➔ - do you wear glasses ➔ No do you have naturally long eyelashes ➔ Yes do you wear braces ➔ No do you have dimples ➔ One, which is odd do you have moles ➔ Yes do you have outstanding cheekbones ➔ I am known for my cheekbones. I don’t like them though. do you have freckles ➔ Yes, but I never go in the sun so they’re not that visible. do you have piercings ➔  Used to have a nosepiercing. do you have tattoos ➔ Yes. do you wear make up ➔ Yes. do you paint your nails ➔ Yes do you wear jewelry ➔  Sometimes. are you happy with your height ➔ Yes. personality would you consider yourself outgoing or shy ➔ Shy are you sarcastic  ➔ Not at all *coughs* what’s your biggest fear ➔ People what’s your guilty pleasure ➔ K-pop & Backstreet Boys are you religious ➔ Nah. do you get easily along with people ➔ I usually don’t get into any fights and I think it’s not that hard to be friendly, but at the same time I often feel extremely different and an outsider. do you cry easily ➔ Yes, highly sensitive.
school do you go to middle school ➔ No do you go to high school ➔ Already graduated do you go to a private school ➔ No are you home schooled ➔ I wish have you gratuated from school ➔ Yes what grade are you in ➔ Last year of college have you skipped a grade ➔ I could have, but my mother decided not to because of my fear of failure. have you been held back a grade ➔ No have you ever failed a class  ➔ Yes have you been sent to the principals office ➔ Yes but funnily enough I had been chosen as the ‘most trustworthy’ person and had to represent my class along with a few others. We had some problems with two teachers and our mentors wanted honest kids to repesent the class. No idea how I got chosen, as I were heavily bullied.  have you skipped school ➔ Surprise, I have. On several occasions actually. Mom had allowed me to skip school a few times when I was very depressed and suicidal, or when I was on my period and I also accidentally skipped school a few times. Furthermore I am that kind of person who skipped school in order to meet Slash, but my teacher knew about it and understood haha. have you cheated on a test ➔ Once, but the girl had a lower grade than I had hahaha. family do you live with your biological parents ➔ My mom do you get along with your parents ➔ Mom do you tell your parents everything ➔ No do you have strict parents ➔ Sometimes do you have siblings ➔ 3 are you the oldest ➔ Yes are you in the middle ➔ No are you the youngest ➔ No are all of your grandparents still alive ➔ My grandfather is friendships do you have a best friend ➔ I decided not to call anyone my best friend after my first best friend didn’t want to hangout with me anymore. The first day of high school had been terrible and I accidentally ran into an older student. The entire group started to bully me and I was already being bullied a lot. I sat down and started crying and told my friend to just go home, that I would call my mother because I felt really bad. My mother however received a phonecall from my ‘best friend’ and she told her that I completely misbehaved myself and that she didn’t wanted to be seen with me anymore. My mother got angry at me, but after explaining what happened she was just as clueless as I was. This has actually been quite traumatic for me, especially because I needed a friend and she ran away, probably out of fear of being bullied herself. So no best friends for me. do you have more than 10 friends ➔ Yes. I consider every person who I like to be my friend. do you have at least 2 friends you can trust with your life ➔ Luckily enough yes.  do you have a lot of guy friends, a lot of girl friends or equal girl and guy friends ➔ I never really think about their sex tbh. Probably equal? do you text with your friends a lot ➔ I can, but I am not always that talkative. Forgive me if I don’t message you.  relationships what’s your relationship status ➔ Single, hitting the music charts. have you ever been in love ➔ Ew yes. do you believe in love at first sight ➔ No, I believe in crushes at first sight, but not love. have you ever been in a relationship ➔ Yes have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ Yes xD have you ever been asked out on a date ➔ Yes have you ever been kissed ➔ Yes have you ever made out with someone ➔ Yes have you ever been cheated on ➔ Several times (thanks for giving me trust issues) have you ever been proposed to ➔ YES HAHAHAHAHHAAHAHA. BY STRANGERS do you want to get married ➔ Yes do you want kids ➔ No comment. country where were you born ➔ The Netherlands where do you live right now ➔ In a house, wow. have you ever been out of the country ➔ Yes. do you prefer country or city ➔ Country. do you like sightseeing ➔ Yeah is one or more of your parents from another country ➔ No, but I have a Dutch and German nationality. It’s a mystery to all of us. what places would you like to visit  ➔ London (again), San Diego Comic Con, Download Festival, The Harry Potter themepark, all Disney World parks.  are you fluent in more than one language ➔ I wouldn’t say I am fluent in English so no. what languages can you speak ➔ Dutch & English, and I can understand German. health do you have any allergies ➔ Sun, dust & wool are you lactose intolerant ➔ No have you had surgery ➔ Not yet (help, my wisdom teeth is being a pain in the mouth) have you had stitches ➔ No have you broken a bone ➔  No (I am a magical creature) has someone close to you died of a disease ➔ Yes, cancer do you exercise a lot  ➔ Yeah my mind experiences have you ever had a near death experiene ➔ I think an abusive father who wants to kill you, your mother and sister counts right? have you ever been on a plane ➔ No have you ever had an allnighter ➔ That’s staying up the entire night right? have you ever been to school/work after a sleepless night ➔ Yes. Haha, I once just came back from London (by bus) and had to go to college right away. have you ever been in a physical fight ➔ Yes have you ever been to a wedding ➔ Yes have you ever been to a funeral ➔ Yes have you ever lived in a different country ➔ No have you ever been drunk ➔ No have you ever been trick or treating ➔ We don’t do that in my country :( have you ever been in a school play ➔ Yes have you ever been to a camp ➔ Yes have you ever driven a car ➔ No skills how many languages are you fluent in ➔ 1 have you ever read a book in another language ➔ Plenty  can you roll your tongue ➔ Yes can you braid hair ➔ Yes, but I suck can you do a handstand ➔ NOPE habits do you crack your knuckles ➔ Yes do you bite your nails ➔ No do you bite your lips ➔ Not that I’m aware of favourites what’s your favourite movie ➔ Oh no, not favourites. Rip me. Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Marvel, The Lost Boys, Interview with the Vampire, Frankenstein, The Crow, Scream, Finding Neverland, Runaway Vacation (HAHAHHAA), Edward Scissorhands, Star Wars, The Hunger Games, Maleficent, Cry Baby, Ten Things I Hate About You, Pocahontas, Mulan, Hercules, what’s your favourite tv show ➔ Supernatural, The Walking Dead, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Jessica Jones, Charmed, Game of Thrones, That 70s Show, Friends, Once Upon a Time, Scream, Reign, Stranger Things, American Horror Story, Bates Motel what’s your favourite book ➔ Harry Potter (I grew up reading the books and I feel like Harry Potter has always been there with me) what’s your favourite song ➔ November Rain - Guns N’ Roses, The Chain - Fleetwood Mac, Flesh for Fantasy - Billy Idol (don’t judge omg), Lovesong - The Cure, Rebel Rebel - David Bowie, What Difference Does it Make? - The Smiths, The Sacrament - HIM, Kashmir - Led Zeppelin, People Are Strange - The Doors, Iron Sky - Paolo Nutini, Atmosphere - Joy Division, Another Brick in the Wall - Pink Floyd, Dancing in the Dark - Bruce Springsteen, All Ends Well - Alter Bridge, Crying Lightning - Arctic Monkeys, Little Miss Disaster - The Damned. I have more help. what’s your favourite colour ➔ Black what’s your favourite animal ➔ Sloths what’s your favourite season ➔ Spring this or that summer or winter ➔ Summer  day or night ➔ Night cats or dogs ➔ Dogs rain or shine ➔ Shine. Rain ruins my hair and I can always hide in the shadows for the sun. coffee or tea ➔ Tea reading or writing ➔ Both humorous or serious ➔ Also both brown or blue eyes ➔ Both are pretty single or group dates ➔ Single texts or calls ➔ 100% anti calls. Texts please. driving or walking ➔ Sitting while somebody else is driving because I can’t drive. last last phone call ➔ Mom last text ➔ Erica last song you listened to ➔ Always Where I Need to Be - The Kooks last thing you ate ➔ Vegan burger last thing you drank ➔ Water last purchase ➔ Fred & George Weasley funko’s omg. last time you cleaned your room ➔ Help last time you’ve been on a date ➔ 6 Months ago I think. But it was very confusing. I was pretty much trying to trust a person after having been single for 6 years and I have no idea what we had. He didn’t want a relationship because he wasn’t ready and I was fine with that. But I was not fine with him messing with my feelings the way he did. Receiving mixed signals is just messed up. The one day he was talking about ‘if we ever get married’, then another day he says ‘I saw this girl walking yesterday and fell in love’, another day he is begging me not to go home, and yet another day he is openly flirting on Facebook on a post which I also replied to while he is ignoring me. He didn’t really treated me bad when I was with him, he was actually really kind to me. But I can’t deal with mixed signals. It makes me feel like I am not good enough so I got out of it. Actually quite proud of this, as it means I am really progressing and I have become more immune to manipulation.
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