#luhna firhal
komainu-no-hana · 7 years
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Luhna Gilmar stared at Reri.  Stared.  And stared.  Was it worth it? Slowly her eyes drew to Soren, but tilted her head to the side with a gentle swirl of her hip.  Yeah.  It was totally worth it.  Luhna peeled from Soren, reached across him to the bar, and plucked a bottle from the counter.  She stomped toward Reri in a flash and poured it's content over her head.  "Thas' 'bout as we' as you'll e'er ge' wit' me, s' enjoy it, bitch."
Reri Kyis grinned at Soren. "Hey, I'm up for a scuffle as quick as a screw, s'long as she's got the stamina to keep up. Hell, sometimes it's best of all when it goes from one to th-" was about as far as she got before the bottle was poured over her head. She blinked her eyes twice and then ran her tongue along her lips to taste some of the alcohol that dripped down into her face. "Well, seems good 'nough to me," she said before lashing out with both legs, aiming right at Luhna's midsection.
Luhna Gilmar 's breath was a hiss between her teeth as she took a hit to her gut.  She staggered back with a burst of fire in her eyes.  Her fingers curled into a fist as the slits of her eyes thinned and her knees bent to propel her forward as she lurched at Reri, aiming a fist straight for the woman's face.
Reri Kyis was grinning broadly, clearly quite pleased with herself. She seemed prepared for the counterattack but obviously had underestimated Luhna's speed and caught the punch right in the face. It send her tumbling backwards off the stool and onto the ground. Despite the blow she came up rolling, standing up quickly and bobbing back and forth in the stance of someone used to these sorts of fights. She gave a quick glance at Soren before she went on. "You gonna get in the way, Stars, or you gonna let us have our fun?"
Soren Gilmar jumped up quick as a flash and tried to grab Luhna by the waist to pull her away from Reri before they got banned from the Druthers. "Bleedin' hells!" He saw Reri hit Luhna though and his expression turned deadly, but then Luhna returned the hit, and he just looked at a loss. He knew Luhna had started it, but it didn't seem to matter. He stopped where he was instead of grabbing Luhna and looked at her, "Love, I don' wan' us bein' banned from 'ere aye? Lets take it outside shall we?"
Luhna Gilmar 's lips pulled into a smirk as her fist met Reri's cheek with a sickening crack.  The flesh giving way to her knuckles had her biting at her lip, a giggle not far off.  She paced back, falling into a similar dance of her feet, but Soren's voice called to her through the rush, and her fists lowered ever so slightly.  "Oi! I ain' goin' nowhere 'til I break a' leas' her nose!"
@yutikyis, @sorenspath
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