#reri kyis
yutikyis · 6 years
Honest Q&A: Round 6! Table
Hello all! It’s been a while since we were all together. I’m glad everyone was able to join our roundtable today. Hmm… looking over the questions submitted they seem to be… ahh, yes, this were all omitted from the previous questionnaires due to their… darker theme. Well, it seems my editor is looking to expand our readership. Very well, if anyone feels uncomfortable answering these VERY hypotheticals… feel free to pass.
First, a question for myself. Where have you all been? It’s been really hard to track you all down for another sit down lately.
Yuti:  “Ah... I’ve been b-busy w-with this and that.
Reri: “Same as I ever been. Huntin’ and screwin’. Ya ain’t seen me then ya either are blessed or cursed I guess.”
Rahya: “Um, same ol’, same ol’. I ain’t been that different. I been goin’ on walks with Grape an’ I found a nice pond! It’s got all kinda fishers in it an’ I saw a frogtoad once!”
Sayo: “My life has passed as normal. I have been exploring the land under the guard of Lord Vachir. I fear he is not overly excited about some of our exploration but he is kind about it.”
Tsukiko: “Ah, Lady Kususha. I am certain he is very kind about it. After all he is not a stupid man, nor a blind one. I have been waiting for new orders from my Master and aiding Kitakage in his missions.” Meichi’a: “Moi? I, of course, have been a shameless louse! Exploring the lands, drinking the finest wine, and just yesterday I spent a night with the most CHA-rming... ah and I’m getting glares again. Ahem. I’ve kept myself occupied.”
Alright, on to our… readers’ questions. <cough> Uh-hmm… let’s get this over with, shall we?
“If you had to kill one person you cared about to save the rest of the world, who would you pick?”
Yuti: “... P-probably myself? I k-know there are arguments to b-be made about t-the needs of the many a-and as a h-healer you n-need to decide these things but... I d-don’t think I could kill someone I c-cared about.”
Reri: “Haw! Like anyone’s surprised at that answer Snowflake. Me? Sure. It ain’t really a choice, is it? They’re gonna die if the world explodes or whatever. I’d just take whoever’s closest. Ain’t a big deal.”
Rahya: “Um... I... I ain’t... I ain’t gonna kill nobody, not even ta save the world. I’d keep on hopin’ an’ prayin’ that things’d work out. Aasifa’s got me belivin’ in luck so... I figure I’d just hold off an’ hope somethin’ good happens!
Sayo: “I... I suppose it would be my duty. I can not say I would... This is really a very unfair question. I... if I had to pick I suppose it would be Lord Vachir or perhaps Lord Benedict. Only because I believe the two of them would most willingly sacrifice themselves to save others! Not because I value them less!”
Tsukiko:  “If I was commanded to, of course. My highest priority is satisfying my Master and I can only imagine he would be... displeased.. if the world was destroyed due to inaction. One life is not worth more than many, especially weighed against the feelings of a mere servant.” Meichi’a: “I? I would sacrifice nobody. I have already sacrificed one person I cared about and the world is not worth more than that. Let it burn if it comes to that. Selfish perhaps but I never claimed to be anything but.”
“What is the worst thing you can imagine someone doing?”
Yuti: “Ah... t-that’s a difficult answer. I-if I had to say... it w-would be harming someone’s soul or mind. A b-body is a body a-and can be healed b-but to hurt their mind or their spirit i-is unacceptable.”
Reri: “Hah. Ya really want my answer ta this? Because I got some ideas. So, ya start with some fish hooks... now this works best if the bastard’s a guy... and ya start insertin... ya look kinda green there, fella. Ya want me to stop? Hah! Knew it.
Rahya: “Um... the worst thin’? I ain’t sure. I figure like... blowin’ up the whole world! Like in yer last question! That seems like the worst thin’ cuz everyone lives here, yah? So... where’d ya even live after ya do it? On rocks an’ stuff floatin’ around? Cuz... that seems awful inconvenient. How ya gonna make roads? I ain’t sure chocobirds can fly that far without gettin’ tired and seems kinda mean to ‘em.”
Sayo: “Ah. The worst thing I can imagine is someone shaming another. Shame is a terrible thing indeed. Many would rather endure pain and misery than face shame and dishonor... at least that is what Sire says.”
Tsukiko: “The worst thing one can do is take another. That... is all I can say.”
Meichi’a: “The worst thing one can do? To give up on life. I am afraid I must disagree with the charming silver-haired crumpet. No shame is too great, no pain is unendurable. To live is the greatest gift and to toss it away is far worse than any other. ”
“Do you think death is the worst fate there is?”
Yuti: “No. N-not at all. D-death is sad, true, but it isn’t the end of life, m-merely a transformation. T-to live in eternal a-agony or have your aether d-devoured o-or to be trapped for eternity... t-those all sound much worse.”
Reri: “Gettin’ creative there, Snowflake. I like it. Ya oughta go a bit further. Well, for once, me and the girl agree. Death ain’t so bad. Probably hurts a shiteload but I see things a lot worse than death. Ya don’t hear of folks prayin’ for the sweet relief of death for no reason, yeah?
Rahya: “I... no, it ain’t the worst thing. I’m sure hopin’ not. If’n I gotta be true... I figure death ain’t so bad for the folks who be dyin’. It’s worse for the folks who ain’t dead cuz they ain’t got the person they like ‘round much, yeah? I mean I ain’t wanna be dyin’... but I’m more scareda bein’ hurt awful bad an’ bein’ all alone...”
Sayo: “I must go with the consensus here I am afraid. Death is to be feared but it is not the worst one can imagine. The ancestors have after-lives of peace and comfort after a life of hard work. It does not sound like something to fear if you’ve lived a worthy live.”
“Death is certainly by no means the worst thing! Why, I can think of several things quite worse. Enslavement, torture, suffering... many of which some would consider death a release from!”
“Alas, once again I must disagree with these charming ladies. All this talk of afterlives and mortal suffering is fine and good, but a life is a life and death is a great mystery. Even if one should survive in some form, it isn’t *life.* No drinking, no dancing and most certainly no carnal nights spent in the comforting embrace of a lover. Life is the greatest gift we have.
“Would you rather know the date of your death or the cause of your death?”
Yuti: “A-ah... t-that’s tough. Probably the d-date. The c-cause might make me tempted to t-try to avoid it but if I know anything from stories t-that would make me c-cause it! P-plus if I knew the date I’d h-have time to set my affairs in order a-and make sure I’m not leaving anything undone..”
Reri: “Hells below Snowflake can’t you even die in an interestin’ way? I agree on the Date though... but not for the reasons ya think. If I know when I’m gonna die then I’m godsdamn sure I ain’t gonna die BEFORE that. Gives me more freedom ta do shite.”
Rahya: “Um... I figure I’d wanna know the date cuz... if I know I’m gonna die because a rock falls on my head or somethin’ then I’m gonna spend all day bein’ scareda rocks? An’ that doesn’t sound real fun. But if I know I’m gonna go poof then I can just not be afraida stuff until then, yeah? Cuz... Aasifa’s already like than an’ he seems happy.”
Sayo: “I must disagree. Knowing the date of one’s demise is... not what I would want. It feels... restrictive. The cause would be better I think. I do not fear the day I meet my ancestors but I do not want it lingering over my head.”
Tsukiko: “ Ah! But Mistress Kususha! What if you are told that you would tortured to death over a period of many days! That would hang over your head far worse! Or if you were told you would be blinded and starve to death on a desert island or...” Rahya: “Um could ya maybe please stop? I ain’t wantin’ ta hear alla that...”
Tsukiko: “Oh, a thousand pardons, Mistress Miqo’te. I meant to no offense, none at all! I certainly wasn’t *intending* to frighten you with your ignorance and shortsightedness.” Rahya: “Aw shucks, thank ya!” Tsukiko: “You are most welcome. Myself? I pick neither. I apologize if it does not answer your question but I do not wish to know the time nor the means of my death.”
Meichi’a: “I must agree with the ravishing raven-haired delight. Date or cause, it would hang over my head. Unless I was told that I would die from exhaustion after a night with several del- .. oh please don’t glare, my beret-bearing beauty! I was merely joking, merely joking!”
“If you were trapped on an island, would you rather resort to cannibalism or die of starvation?”
Yuti: “N-neither! I-if I was trapped on an island a-and had to r-resort to cannibalism, t-that would mean there are others there. W-we could work together to b-build a raft... t-then I can use conjury t-to help propel it a-and get off the island!”
Reri: “Ya ain’t stupid enough to think that’s the actual question, Snowflake.”
Yuti: “N-no! B-but... I mean...I s-suppose I w-would fish?”
Reri: “Still ain’t the question, Snowflake. Why don’t ya answer it?”
Yuti: “F-fine. I’d s-starve. It w-would f-feel... w-wrong...” Reri: “Knew it! Hah. Lookin’ Miss Prissy over here, thinkin’ she’s too good ta eat. Me? ‘course I’d do what it took to survive. Ain’t no difference between Miqo and Marlboro at the end of the day, ‘cept Miqo flesh probably ain’t gonna poison ya.”
Rahya: “I ain’t gonna do not cannyballism! Them things is big and explosive an’ madea metal! I couldn’t eat it even if I tried real real ha... what?”
Sayo: *whispers quietly*
Rahya: “WHAAA?! What kinda question is that?! I ain’t gonna eat nobody!!”
Sayo: “I must agree. To eat the flesh of a fellow Spoken is shameful and dishonorable. It would taint your bloodline and your legacy for generations. Starving is a kinder fate than that.”
Tsukiko: “It is true that such an act taints your bloodline. As I am already an *unworthy* servant of a tained line however it would not be shameful to eat the flesh of another... assuming they were already dead of course. Otherwise I would be honor-bound to offer myself first. Assuming one would like to eat *my* tainted flesh.
Meichi’a: “ Well, as much as I do enjoy eating a scrumptious beauty, it would not be in THAT way. I may consider life to be important but I am a gentleman first and foremost and there are some things a gentleman never does.”
“Would you rather have an arm hacked off or a leg?”
Yuti: “... I w-wish this wasn’t a question. A-ah... I m-mean... N-Nate seems to be doing okay... I g-guess... I d-don’t... A-arm? Yes.” Reri: “Easy. Arm. Ya can get by one one arm. It takes some work ta relearn to fight but ya can do it. Leg though? Shite, yer gonna be hobblin’ along. Lookit the Flames general. He ain’t havin’ a bad time.”
Rahya: “Um... I like havin’ arms. I can draw an’ move stuff.... an’ hug! I ain’t able ta hug nobody if I only got one arm... I mean I guess I kinda can but it’d be all.. *awkward one-armed hugging motions* so.. leg. Leg ain’t so bad. Plus ya could still ride on a chocobird or somethin’!”
Sayo: “I would choose to lose a leg. One can be far more productive with two functioning hands than two functioning legs. Honored Uncle has but a single leg and has little trouble getting by.”
Tsukiko: “I would choose an arm. My job is to go where my Master orders. It would be far more difficult to do with a single leg.”
Meichi’a: “Why, not even a question. The things you can do with two hands are FAR more fun. I make my coin from music and playing a harp with a single hand would be... well, not impossible but challenging! And as for dancing, I knew a gentleman in Limsa who could dance better than most two-legged gentleman with nary but a single flesh and single wooden limb! The sound of his peg-leg against the dance floor was a music all its own!”
“If you murdered someone, how would you get rid of the body?”
Yuti: “...I... t-that is... I w-wouldn’t...” Reri: “It’s a QUESTION Snowflake, not a confession a’ guilt.”
Yuti: “I am aware, Mother. Ugh. F-fine. I w-would... I m-mean... I s-suppose f-fire?”
Reri: “(In a whiny stuttering voice) I s-suppose f-fire. Aww, isn’t that cute. Fire ain’t bad but the best way ta hide a body is ta give it to the sea. Minimal fuss, hard as hell ta look for it, the fish do mosta the cleanin’ for you. You oughta weight it down so it ain’t washin’ up on shore or somethin’ but if ya wanna be smart about it ya lure ‘em onto a boat first. Less mess an’ trouble.” Rahya: I... i ain’t gonna murder nobody none but if I was gonna I ain’t gonna hide nuffin’ because I did a bad thin an’ I ain’t should be pretendin’ I ain’t.
Sayo: “I would never murder someone. Even in the unfortunate situation where I was forced to do so in self-defense, I would not deny my crime. I would be judged fairly by the administrators of the land so that no stain would come upon my family’s honor.”
Tsukiko: “Oh, MIstress Kususha. It is so very noble that you believe so firmly in the laws of the land and their fairness! You are a very fortunate woman indeed to never have had to hide a body by melting it into a easily washed away sludge using a careful mixture of alchemic and natural chemicals!”
Meichi’a: “... I am uncomfortable with that answer! Ah... me? I suppose I would bury it. I’m not really the murdering type but it at least feels respectful.”
“Would you rather hear the voices of dead people or see their ghosts?”
Yuti: “Ah... t-that’s tough. H-hear I suppose. T-that way I’d b-be able to help them i-if they needed it.”
Reri: “*snort* The last thing I need is some clingy dead folk cloggin’ up my hearing with moans and wails. I’d rather see the bastards. Maybe I can get some clue about what killed ‘em and if there’s danger about and I don’t gotta hear them whimperin’ and cryin’ because they were too stupid ta not get killed.” Rahya: “... I’d like ta hear folks ta be honest... be kinda nice. Like havin’ a buncha friends around. An’ if Aasifa... I mean... it’d be nice ta know I could still hear Aasifa, yah?”
Sayo: “Ah... to see, I suppose. The Kami and ancestors already speak in their own ways, but it would be... comforting to see my deceased family again. To see their smiles.”
Tsukiko: “Ah, what an unusual question. I would choose to hear. The words of the dead are wise more oft than not and not all of us are blessed enough to have worthy ancestors to whisper in our ears.”
Meichi’a: “I too would choose to hear. It is the least painful choice. To see a lost love and her smile and her beautiful eyes, knowing again I would never be able to hold her? That is a torture, my good sir, a torture. But to hear her voice, to speak to her again? That would be a blessing, if a small one.”
“If someone you loved committed a gruesome murder, would you help them cover it up?”
Yuti: “I-it would depend... I m-mean on why it happened.”
Reri: “Eh. Maybe. Depends on if it’s worth the trouble. Someone went an’ killed someone for no reason, nah. Ya can’t control yerself enough to not be stupid, I’m doin’ the world a favor lettin’ yer stupid arse get caught.” Rahya: “... I ain’t... n-no, prob’ly not I mean... I ain’t... gruesome is a real nasty word, it means all violent an’ bloody an’ stuff, right?”
Sayo: “No. Even if I loved them dearly, murder is a dishonorable act even if it isn’t violent and gruesome. They would need to stand judgement for their actions. If I was caught it would bring great shame to my family,”
Tsukiko: “If my Master commanded it.”
Meichi’a: “Absolutely. Love is love after all. Though I would dearly hope I do not fall in love with a serial killer. There is some spice in danger but ah... you’d have to be rather mad to be aroused by death.”
“Would you rather be kidnapped for six months and survive or die without any psychological damage?”
Yuti: “I w-would rather survive. I... I’ve h-had bad encounters before.”
Reri: “What the Hells ‘psychological damage’ mean anyway? Ya mean I’d be more fucked up after? Who the Hells cares. Survival is survial.” Rahya: “I’m kinda wonderin’ what psycho logic is too. I mean if yer logical then ya ain’t psycho right? It don’t make a lotta sense ta..”
Sayo: *whispering*
Rahya: “Oooooooh. Um... I ain’t... I mean... I ain’t wanna die but I ain’t wanna be hurt a bunch either... If I gotta pick one I guess I’d pick survivin’ so I ain’t... y’know.. dyin’.”
Sayo: “I would choose death. I do not know what would cause psychological damage but it would most likely involved great shame and leave me incapable of fulfilling my role as a second daughter. Death is the more honorable choice.”
Tsukiko: “I would survive, of course. I have no other choice.”
Meichi’a: “Survival, of course. Life is life and even the kindest days of life can damage our minds in some way or another. Why choose to die over something like that?”
“You can only save one… your worst enemy’s infant child, or your best friend’s true love. Who do you pick?”
Yuti: "I... w-would pick the child. N-no matter what, a child is n-not their parent. T-they are innocent and h-have their own life ahead of them.”
Reri: “Pfft. Easy. The kid. If yer too dumb ta avoid whatever danger is puttin’ a baby at risk, ya probably are gonna die when ya eat somethin’ poison cuz you thought it was candy. The kid ain’t trained enough ta stand on their own an’ frankly if it’s my worst enemy’s kid then they’ll probably grow up ta be a fun challenge.” Rahya: “Um... This is an awful weird question? I’m figurin’... um... I ain’t gonna let a baby die. I ain’t got no worst enemies but even if I did I ain’t gonna let a baby die. It ain’t right.”
Sayo: “... I... that is a difficult question. Sire would say that saving a respectable adult is more important unless the child is a Firstborn. I suppose that should be my answer...”
Tsukiko: “Why, whichever my master commanded. Truly it takes a cold individual to leave a child to a cruel and merciless fate but ah.. that may be what is ordered and I must obey.”
Meichi’a: “I am afraid I must say the true love. The child is innocent... but true love is the rarest thing of all. I would do my utmost to avenge the child but one who murders love is the cruelest beast of all.”
“Would you rather marry your most recent ex or spend five years in jail?”
Yuti: "T-that one is easy. My ex. S-she is a wonderful person. I-it would be by no m-means a bad fate.”
Reri: “Easy. Marry ‘em. Then I just ditch ‘em. Like what kinda question is this? Marriage ain’t important.” Rahya: “I ain’t really ever had an... ex-anythin’ so... um.. I guess imma get locked up.”
Sayo: “I have not had an ‘ex’ in any meaningful term... but it would depend on the circumstances. If it was marriage to someone my sire approved of then it would be my duty. If it was some sort of... tawdy kidnapping then I would choose imprisonment. I am certain Lord Vachir would come rescue me!”
Tsukiko: “*smile* Marriage, of course. Marriage is much easier to escape than prison.”
Meichi’a: “... Ah, what a question! How does one qualify an ex? The last woman I slept with? The last I took for a night on the town? I suppose she was rather charming but marriage? I’m not sure. It is a sacred bond and not easily broken. I suppose if I found love then yes. Otherwise.. well, jail it is!”
Thank you all for taking the time to answer these… ahem… questions. I appreciate your candor and I’m sure our readers do as well.  One last question of my own before we break. What’s next for you?
Yuti: "A-ah, I suppose I w-will continue my r-regular healing duties. I d-do have some e-exploration to do, m-maybe Lain will come along...”
Reri: “Same as ever. The four Fs. I hear there’s some kinda big arse monster bein’ spotted around recently, lookin’ forward ta tryin’ it out.” Rahya: “Um, I ain’t sure. Whatever happens ta me, I guess. i ain’t really plannin’...”
Sayo: “I intend to keep exploring Eorzea until I complete my mission.”
Tsukiko: “Whatever my Master commands. Until then, I suppose I will keep Kitakage out of trouble.”
Meichi’a: “Well, I saw this absolutely *beautiful* Elezen woman the other day, I am hoping perhaps to run into her again... ”
Tagged by: @peacekeeper-xiv
Tagging: @voidfirenate @anataerindottir @eyesseeingbeyondtheveil @onidephor @claihn Anyone else I missed!
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komainu-no-hana · 6 years
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Reri Kyis watched Luhna's response, her tail swaying casually to and fro behind her. She looked completely relaxed and at ease. If not for the predatory look in her eyes should have been relaxing without concern.  Yet she was watching. She saw the tension in Luhna's body. The tiny war inside of her, the struggles and battles she fought with herself. It screamed loudly to a huntress like Reri, a woman used to looking for teh weakness and the vulnerabilities in her prey. So when Luhna charged Reri was already moving. She bobbed quickly to the side and aimed to grab Luhna's arm, twisting to throw her by her arm into the tree behind them if she could pull it off.
Luhna Gilmar 's eyes widened as her fist missed Reri entirely.  She had moved as if she had foreseen exactly where Luhna was going to be, and Luhna was thrown off.  Usually she was the hunter.  To be a kit again felt clumsy and unfamiliar, and her face smacked into the tree as Reri caught her arm and threw her.  Dots danced in her vision as her nose took the full of it.  She gasped, feeling the blood spill down her lips and chin, but she fought through the pain.  Were she truly being hunted, she'd be given no time to cry it out.  She whirled, aiming a sharp - high - snap of her leg at Reri's midsection.
Reri Kyis showed little pity as Luhna slammed into the tree. She just too a few bouncing steps backwards to give herself a little distance. She'd already foreseen what Luhna was going to do and by the time the leg was sweeping through the air she was already well back. "Perky, it's happenin' again. You're comin' at me wild because I pushed yer buttons.  Ain't no different than the time we met 'cept that outfit ya got on don't show yer tits off as well, which I must admit is kinda a disappointment."  She grinned a little. "Come on, Luhna. This ain't about you. It ain't about me. It's about the hunt. S'the only thing that matters. Get it under control." Her eyes turned cold and she chanced the next line. "Otherwise them girls'll gonna be worse than dead."
The girls.  The line was a whip and Luhna's focus drew sharper.  Reri was right.  It was about the hunt, and she was sorely losing.  Again.  She had no time to fall prey to herself; she had to be the hunter.  Not the hunted.  Luhna shifted with a snap of her heels.  Green eyes flared to life with determination.  Their names ran through her mind like a prayer.  It wasn't about her but the hunt.  She made to pivot around Reri in a quick motion and a quicker jab at her kidney in an attempt to throw the woman off.
Reri Kyis wasn't sure how Luhna would respond to the jibe. Truth be told she'd been expecting it to piss her off more. She didn't know anywhere near enough of the story to guess what they were to Luhna except important. So she was just too slow as Luhna's movements changed. She tried to catch her arm again and ended up getting a firm jab to the kidney instead, a low grunt of pain escaping her as the fist struck home with solid force. She'd feel that one in the morning. Yet she didn't stop, aiming to sweet Luhna's legs out from under her, using the closeless of the other Miqo'te to try to thrust a leg between hers and kick her foot out from beneath her.
{ @yutikyis }
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rerikyis · 7 years
The Basics:
❖ Name: Reri Kyis ❖ Age: 44 ❖ Deity: The Twelve, in theory ❖ One good trait: Irrepressible confidence ❖ One bad trait: Completely tactless
❖ One bad habit:  Enjoys needling and ticking people off.
❖ One good habit: Tells the truth regardless of consequences
❖ One habit they can’t break: Wanderlust
❖ One they’ve broken:  Sneaking away without informing anyone.
❖ What they’re afraid of:  Weakness.
❖ Their parents names: Mother: Who knows?  Father: Some Worthless Nuhn
❖ Their siblings names: Does not know, does not care.
❖ Other relations: Nahtu’to Kyis (Mate) Yuti Kyis (Daughter) Nahtu’a Uwa (Mate-Brother)  Saan Uwa (Mate-Sister) Nira Uwa (Niece)
❖ Favorite childhood memory: Her Seeker tribe intended to induct her fully on her twelfth nameday. The night before she snuck into the house where they were keeping the ceremonial foods. She ate the specially prepared meat intended for the Nuhn, filled her sack with supplies, and stole a sackful of gil and a bow. She was gone before sunup, not even the guards the wiser. She never saw any of them again. The only good memory she has of her tribe.
❖ Favorite childhood toy: A small ornate dagger she was given on her sixth nameday.
❖ Embarrassing story: She ended up on a small island while working as a mercenary. While there she met a staggeringly handsome and charming Miqo’te boy. Normally it wouldn’t have meant much to her but for some reason or another she was completely taken by him. They stayed up all night together, he read her (terrible) poetry and she giggled and blushed and swooned like a schoolgirl. The other members of the mercenary band teased her so badly she ended up breaking two noses and one arm in the next morning. 
❖ Favorite family member:   Nahtu’to Kyis, her mate
❖ A story about that family member: 
.One day a chimera being transported by pirates got loose on her island when the pirate’s ship docked there for supplies. Reri had to take a large group of both her own hunters and the pirates out to take the creature down. When she returned home, scorched, electrocuted and frozen, she found Nahu waiting for her. He’d crafted a necklace, each link carved with a stylized representation of part of the battle, each focused on Reri. He’d followed her into the woods and had remained nearby for the entire battle, working with his tools even as the battle raged and near-miss of the Chimera’s flaming breath had badly burned his arm.  It remains Reri’s fondest memory of him.
What they prefer:
❖ Coffee or tea? Coffee. Alcohol goes much better with it and it wakes you up instead of putting you down.
❖ Showering in the day or night?  After a good hunt. It isn’t like she’s particularly afraid to get a bit dirty. Usually at night then.
❖ Taking baths or taking showers? Shower. Faster, less time wasted, you can keep a weapon nearby in case you get jumped. Plus a good waterfall feels great. 
❖ Writing or reading? Writing if she has to. She’s more interested in her own thoughts than others. 
❖ Platonic or romantic love? Platonic. Romance is too much trouble. Possible exception for Nahu but she considers it a lot of trouble still. 
❖ Iced tea or lemonade? Neither! Ugh. 
❖ Ice cream or smoothies? Ice Cream. Tastes good, comes in bunches of flavors, nobody complains if you eat it quick. 
❖ Cupcakes or cake? Why would you go for the cup when you could have the whole cake? 
❖ Beach or mountains? Mountains are for fun, beaches are for relaxing. You meet a lot more interesting prey up in the mountains. 
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yutikyis · 6 years
Which Greek Muse are you?
Yuti: You got: Polyhymnia The Muse of Song – When it comes to romance novels, you like them sweet and pure. The simplicity of the traditional stories, the comfort of a happy ending and the silly but swoon-worthy tropes are what you live for. Reri: You got: Melpomene The Muse of Tragedy – When it comes to romance novels, you like high drama and deep emotion. Tortured heroes, tragic backstories, lovers reaching for one another across the wild pain of an empty world…the more drama, the more heartbreak, the more satisfying the eventual happy ending will be. Rahya: You got: Melpomene The Muse of Tragedy – When it comes to romance novels, you like high drama and deep emotion. Tortured heroes, tragic backstories, lovers reaching for one another across the wild pain of an empty world…the more drama, the more heartbreak, the more satisfying the eventual happy ending will be. Sayo: You got: Euterpe The Muse of Music – When it comes to romance novels, you favour the passionate and the artistic. You don’t care how ludicrous the plot becomes so long as it is well-told and the characters throw their whole selves into it. Meichi’a
You got: Polyhymnia The Muse of Song – When it comes to romance novels, you like them sweet and pure. The simplicity of the traditional stories, the comfort of a happy ending and the silly but swoon-worthy tropes are what you live for. (Take the quiz here: https://www.buzzfeed.com/vermillionchameleon/plan-a-romance-novel-to-find-out-which-greek-muse-37kl5?utm_term=.bgD6kmmqk#.hgV12vvo2)  Thanks to @claihn for sharing! tagging: @waitingrose @wicked-virtue @voidfirenate @hana-xiv @peacekeeper-xiv anyone else who wants!
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yutikyis · 6 years
Honest Q&A: Round 5! Table
Glad to see you all here. Let’s jump right in then. It’s been a while and our reader’s will surely be itching to learn more about Eorzea’s adventurous types.
If you were ruler of your own country what would be the first law you would introduce?
Yuti: O-oh. Um. T-that’s a difficult q-question. I s-suppose I’d um... I m-mean a-are we talking a-about anything here? B-because I w-would r-rather like to f-fully fund a state-respected h-healing guild t-to allow equal access to treatment f-for all people. T-that’s something a l-law can do, right?
Reri: Bloody Hells, Snowflake, ya get unlimited power an’ THAT’S what you pick? I’d make duels to th’ death legal an’ mandatory for solvin’ problems. Shite’d be a lot more interestin’ if you had to put yer gil where yer mouth is when ya get uppity, eh?
Rahya: ... Um. I ain’t bein’ too sure about that. I ain’t really wantin’ a country, truth be told. Seems like a lotta work. So I guess I’d make the law that everyone should be real nice an’ work together? An’ then I’d retire cuz I ain’t gonna be a good leader none. Sayo: I would have to consider the existing laws of the country and figure out where the flaws and faults lie. Simply picking a ‘law’ without considering the consequences and context is foolish.
Eyn: ... Abolish slavery.
Meichi’a: Obviously once you become the ruler you have to show it. So I would order new coins to be printed with my glorious face on the coin. ... aaah, I had you there, didn’t I? I mean I would do that but it wouldn’t be my first act. Really I wouldn’t be part of any nation that would have me as a ruler. I may be devilishly attractive but a leader I am not. Though I suppose I could be talked into being a figurehead for some buxom and charm- .
Maeve: Mister Rouw, I do believe that you are going too far! It would do better to be polite and demure! I would never rule a country of course but I would gladly advise my Master or Mistress on how best to institute their ideas! 
Ganzorig: ... Execution of criminals. Yes? Logical? Are you expecting something more?
What’s the longest you’ve gone without sleep (and why)?
Yuti: Ah... s-several days. It was a-after I was p-poisoned. T-the nightmares were... w-well... I c-couldn’t b-bring myself to s-sleep for more than a few moments.
Reri: I shoulda figured it was somethin’ like that. Me? Three days, when I was huntin’ a particularly squirrely beast in the mountains. Damn thing seemed like it was never gonna go down. Worth every minute though. Best damn sleep of my life.
Rahya: Um, I been tryin’ ta sleep a good night every night. I ain’t like stayin’ up because it makes ya feel all oogy an’ woogy an’ ya don’t feel good. Ya’ll oughta sleep well.  Sayo: I agree with Miss Rahya. A proper night’s sleep is a requirement. One may have to skip it in an emergency but never for more than a few hours. A proper flower must attempt at least eight hours a night in most situations in order to maintain her poise, beauty and grace.
Eyn:  Four days.
Meichi’a: Well, I’ve had many a sleepless night, especially with charming company. Never more than a night though. (And, between you and me, my goodly sir, I usually cat-nap during the day afterwards!) 
Maeve: I have gone exactly one day, twenty one hours, and thirty nine minutes without sleep!
Ganzorig: Two days. Often. Time wasted sleeping can not be regained. 
Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?
Yuti: A b-book to read f-for certain. T-there’s nothing like a good book.
Reri: Who here is shocked? C’mon, show of hands. Anyone? Anyone? No? Didn’t think.. put yer damn hand down, One-Eye, or I’ll put it down for ya. As for me? A good drink. Makes life worth livin’ on the days ya ain’t gettin’ something better.
Rahya: I ain’t sure why ya told me ta put up my hand an’ then yelled at me but a’ight... um... I ain’t sure there’s nothin’ I couldn’t do without. I got stuffs I like real muchly like Grape an’ my cards, but I ain’t always had ‘em and I can survive right good without ‘em. Sayo: Many ask questions they do not wish to know the answer to, Miss Rahya. As for myself, I would say a day without a quiet moment to myself is a day I would regret. Everyone needs a time of peace to center themselves and find their inner goal.
Eyn: A fight. 
Meichi’a: Aaah, but there are so many things that my day is poorer without. Good company, good food, good wine... but I would say most of all good music. One can survive a lonely day, a hungry day, and a sober day. Yet to live without a song? That is a day not worth living. 
Maeve: A good meal of course! A proper breakfast is the start to a proper day! It is why I make it my top priority to cook a good meal every morning I can!
Ganzorig: I go every day without the thing I need most. 
Which of the five senses would you say is your strongest?
Yuti: T-that’s a difficult one. I d-don’t think a-any of my s-senses are p-particularly more a-adept than others... I s-suppose I’d s-say hearing though. I h-have a h-habit of p-picking up t-tiny details sometimes.
Reri: Haw! I bet you do, Snowflake. I remember you beggin’ me an’ Natu to- .. what, what? Fine. Smell for me. Ya need a good sense of smell. S’the sense least likely ta betray ya. 
Rahya: ... N-none’a my sense are all that hot but if’n I gotta pick one I’mma gonna say taste. I can taste stuff real good!  Sayo: ... Touch. I am rather sensitive to most things. I can actually feel minute differences in texture. It’s a trait I am rather proud of. Sire says it is the mark of a graceful woman. .
Eyn: Sight.
Meichi’a: Why... hearing, of course. I can hear the smallest differences in pitch and tone... or in a charming lady’s voice. That oh-so-luscious timbre that signals the difference between love and lust, for example an-
Maeve: Mister Rouw, I fear you’re doing it again sir! That will be very embarrassing if you keep it up! My strongest sense is my sight, of course! You need good eyesight to catch the tiniest flaws, you do! 
Ganzorig: Sight. I can see many things from a great distance. 
Which of the five senses would you give up if you had to lose one?
Yuti: O-oh. Um. T-that’s a t-tough one... P-probably smell? I w-wouldn’t like not being able to s-smell b-but my other senses a-are m-more important to me. I’d h-hate to not be able to r-read or taste Lloire’s c-cooking o-or anything like that...
Reri: And that is why you’ll never be a good hunter, Snowflake. I’d give up sight myself. Yeah, I know what yer thinkin’, that’s crazy talk. But think about it. Way too easy ta be blinded. Ya can’t see in the dark anyway, not even if yer a Miqo’te.  But ya can always hear, always smell, always feel. And as for taste? Damned if I’m gonna give up booze. 
Rahya: N-not sight! Absolutely for sure all the way not sight! O-or feelin’ either. Or tastin’... I’m guessin’ I’m sayin’ smell too. I ain’t not likin’ the idea of not smellin’ but it also means I ain’t gonna smell nasty stuff either so that’s kinda a good thin’, right? Means I could go an’ hug a smelly chocobird an’ not even realize it was smelly! Sayo: .Ah... hearing, I would say. I have a elder relative who has lost their hearing and they say that it has changed the way they view the world. I would loathe to give up sunsets or the taste of tea however. Is that selfish perhaps? 
Eyn: Touch.
Meichi’a: ALL of my senses are near and dear to me! Why, how can one appreciate the beauty of the world without taking in all its colors? Though I suppose if I had to choose..smell as well. To lose the scent of roses and perfume is a tragedy... but to lose the beauty of music, or the silken caress of skin? Nay, my good sir, nay. 
Maeve: Oh fiddles and sticks! I really don’t know! They’re all so important! Do I really have to pick? Touch, I suppose. I could learn to go without it! Not without the rest!
Ganzorig: Touch. To not feel pain would make me stronger.  
How would your friends describe you?
Yuti: Ah... t-that’s... w-well. I-it depends on the friend I s-suppose. I’ve b-been called everything from s-stubborn to d-dependable t-to an idiot t-to... w-well, worse things. T-though most seems to c-call me kind. S-so maybe that?
Reri: *snort* Sexy, dangerous, clever, the best damn thing on two legs, that sorta thing. 
Rahya: .Um. I ain’t got many friends but mosta them keep callin’ me funny and sweet so I’mma guessin’ that’s what ya mean? I like bein’ funny though. S’nice ta see Aki smilin’ for reals. Sayo: Proper. At least I do hope so. I work very hard to uphold my proper traditions after all.
Eyn: Quiet.
Meichi’a: Quiet. Yes, I do think that is the most accurate answer you’ve given to date, my good woman! Myself? I suppose, if I must be truthful, they’d call me a rogue. Not one of those fellows with daggers but rather a devilish sort. Though I rather prefer being known as a raconteur myself.. or at least as charming and witty.
Maeve: I am told I am very reliable!
Ganzorig: Angry. They describe me as angry. They are right.
What did you want to be when you were small?
Yuti: W-well, I d-don’t really know. I w-wanted to b-be a healer may-
Reri: Okay, we’re cuttin’ off this lie right here. She wanted ta be a princess. With a big ol’ gown and sittin’ in a tower until a prince decides ta screw her and the whole lot. Used ta fantasize about it.
Yuti: M-mother!
Reri: Yer fault for lyin’, Snowflake. Me? What I am now. Hunter. It’s all I’ve wanted ta be.
Rahya: I ain’t really rememberin’ when I was small but I kinda rememberin’ wantin’ ta be a chocobird maybe? Or maybe a onna them dragons! Or somethin’... I ain’t so sure... 
Sayo: ..It is rather embarrassing but I dreamed of being a singer. One of the types who performs on stages. Sire was always rather annoyed by this and was quick to disabuse me of the notion it would be an appropriate role for a second-daughter. 
Eyn: Nothing.
Meichi’a: Ah... to be honest I dreamed of being a dragoon. Look, at the time they were very fashionable. Half the maidens in the land dreamed of getting their hands on the Azure Dragoon’s spear after all, and one must admit that they are dashing fellows once you get past all the points. Sadly I’ve not the lineage for it.  
Maeve: Why, what I am today! My family and their family and their family’s family has always been a factotum!
Ganzorig: A fighter. What else is there for a Dotharl? 
What’s the craziest thing you’ve done in the name of love?
Yuti: D-do I have to answer? F-fine. I c-confessed to a m-man who was married to o-one woman and e-engaged to another. T-that is the craziest t-thing I’ve ever done in the name of love a-and it was one of the biggest disasters of m-my life.  
Reri: ... Bloody Hells, Snowflake. I’d almost be prouda ya if not for that last part. Too bad ya didn’t have what it took to follow through. Me? I ain’t ever been in ~love~ that way, but I’d say stayin’ put on that island for half my damn life is about the closest thing. 
Rahya: Um. I ain’t sure what ya mean by crazy. Almost everythin’ with loves seems crazy ta me but that’s kinda what makes it fun, yeah? Ya do all kinda weird stuff an’ sometimes ya see mogglemen or chocobirds or all kinda other stuff an’ ya have a good time with it! 
Sayo: I.... I have never done anything improper in the name of love. I fear I’ve never had the chance.
Eyn: I have never been in love.
Meichi’a: ... ah. You’re expecting some sort of playful answer from me? I’m afraid no such thing. The craziest thing I ever did in the name of love was to leave my love behind. 
Maeve: I once spent an entire week practicing a dance routine to attract the attention of a man! It didn’t work out but the dance was extremely fun! 
Ganzorig: Left my tribe. Came to this land.  
Do you collect anything? If so, what?
Yuti: I c-coll... y-yes, Mother, w-would you like to say something?  
Reri: Books. She collects books. Boooooks. Frankly, ya could just replace all her answers with the word ‘books’ an’ not much would change. As for me? Trophies. 
Rahya: Oh! Oh! Imma collectin’ my cards an’ those are the most important thing I bein’ collectin’ ta be honest. Though I sometimes like ta pick up little things here an’ there... s’kinda fun to collect pretty rocks n’ stuff. 
Sayo: I also favor collecting stones and gems. They can be rather beautiful when set in a collection. 
Eyn: Blades. 
Meichi’a: Songs, mostly. 
Maeve: Coins! I have a large collection of coins! You might think gil is the only type but you’d be wrong! There are ancient coins and coins from foreign lands and commemorative coins and... well, there’s a lot!
Ganzorig: It is a waste of time to collect meaningless objects. 
Who was your first crush?
Yuti: I’m n-not sure really. I h-had a crush on a f-few b-back home... a-and one of my h-healing instructors but h-he was m-more of an idle fancy... I s-suppose my f-first serious crush would be C’lest t-though...
Reri: If ya mean the first guy I wanted ta screw, it was this nice-arsed Hyur in my first mercenary band. Shame the fella wasn’t into ladies but I gave it my best shot. His loss if he’d rather- what the Hells ya mean if I go further yer gonna edit it out? 
Rahya: W-why ar all ya folks crushin’ people? I thought Miss Yuti was nice but she been crushin’ folk left n’ right?!  
Sayo: Miss Rahya, a crush is a romantic fancy for an individual. They did not mean it literally.
Rahya: Oh. Um. Ooooh. I ain’t sure why yer callin’ it crushin’. That makes it sound awful unpleasant. Like yer bein’ squished and squashed an’ not like a slime. Oh. Right. Answerin’. Um... Aasifa, I’m figurin’? I had folks with crushes onna me but I ain’t really sure I felt it back none before Aasifa. 
Sayo: I... ah... i-it is not proper for a flower to get crushes. So... i did not! Really. Perhaps I’ve had some passing fondness for a few people but never a crush. 
Eyn: Nobody.
Meichi’a: My dear Sophia, of course. Who else but her?
Maeve: M’nave Tia! He had the cutest ear wiggles he did! 
Ganzorig: I have had only one love. The only thing I crush is enemies.   
Do you or your family have a “motto” – spoken or unspoken?
Yuti: Oh by the Twelve did you have to ask this question?
Reri: Damn right we do. Well, I do at least, seeing that Snowflake barely wants to admit we’re related mosta the time. That is “Don’t be a Twelvesdamned baby.” That or the four Fs but that’s more my persona motto. 
Rahya: Ffff? I ain’t sure what that means but it ain’t make a lot of sense ta me. I ain’t got no family so I ain’t got no mot toe though. What’s a mot toe anyway? It sounds kinda gross, like some kinda sickness.”
Sayo: “Family Always.” It is a very important saying to our clan.
Eyn: No.
Meichi’a: No particularly that I recall. My family wasn’t much for mottos really.
Maeve: "To serve is to thrive!” It’s the motto of my entire line!
Ganzorig: ... I am Dotharl. You know our ways. 
What do you do to keep fit?
Yuti: W-well, I d-do a lot of r-running around. T-though I also g-get up in the morning and d-do the sword exercises that D-Durga showed me. I-it’s a good way to wake up.
Reri: Get up in the morning, go for a jog, do some stretches, crunches, pushups... what, ya thought I got this fantastic body by sittin’ around? Hells no. I take my workout seriously. I intend ta be drop dead sexy when I’m eighty.
Rahya: I ain’t really doin’ any special exercises or nothin’. I like walkin’ and climbin’ though!
Sayo: My family practices a form.of meditative martial arts. Every morning I awaken and perform my katas in order to properly start the day. I also enjoy swimming. 
Eyn: I fight.
Meichi’a: I am blessed to have the metabolism and body to need relatively little work to maintain it. Though I do favor a good hike or other, more vigorous types of exercise. Yes? You know what I m.. oh, only the mother does? Well, I feel rather ashamed right now. Please stop winking at me ma’am. 
Maeve: I wake up and set to a good cleaning! Cleaning keeps your body fit and your house well maintained! 
Ganzorig: Martial practice keeps me fit. It is all I need.
 If you could live somewhere else from where you live now, where would it be?
Yuti: T-the Far East for certain. S-somewhere like Yanxia o-or Kugane. T-they’re beautiful places. T-though I’m quite happy here in Eorzea.
Reri:  I’d like ta live in Thavnair. Seems like a Hells of a place. Good huntin’, good explorin’, and some o’ the hottest men and women in the world. . 
Rahya: I’m real happy where I live right now ta be honest. I ain’t sure. I wanna go ta the Far East with Aasifa someday so maybe that counts? 
Sayo: I...have not considered it. I suppose Eorzea is a beautiful land... but I shouldn’t be saying that as if I was prepared to stay. It’s improper.  .
Eyn: The New World.
Meichi’a: Ah! To live somewhere else... I fear I wouldn’t be happy with that. I prefer to stay on the move. To visit, certainly, but to live? No thank you. Not unless perhaps I found a particularly charming delight. 
Maeve: I would love to live in the Far East! I’ve been to Kugane before and it’s beautiful. So clean and refined and dignified!
Ganzorig: I would live in the Steppes again if I could. . 
If you had a warning label, what would yours say?
Yuti: Um. Um.  “Contents Under Pressure” maybe? 
Reri: "Danger.” It’s all you need yeah? What, ya want me to say “Slippery When Wet?” Ya wish!
Rahya: Um. I ain’t.... I mean... “Don’t Poke” maybe? Bein’ like... I ain’t likin’ bein’ poked? ... I ain’t really scary ‘enough ta get a warnin’ label.
Sayo: W-what sort of question...? Ah... “Do not touch” I suppose. .
Eyn:  I will kill you.
Meichi’a: ... I-is that a warning label or a threat?. Well. Um. Yes. Mine would say “May Cause Dizziness” because... well! *motions to self, smiles brightly.* 
Maeve: ... Ignoring that! Mine would say “Caution!” That’s a good safe one, right? And all-purpose too! 
Ganzorig: Why would a warning need a label? Once you are given a warning you should not forget. 
How do you sleep? With clothes, fitfully or peacefully, lots of pillows?
Yuti: W-well... I l-like my pajamas... I-used to have a g-gown but I k-kind of shifted away from that and I like h-having a l-lot of pillows o-or.. um.. s-something soft to hold. I’m a b-bit of a fitful sleeper though.
Reri:  Somethin’ soft, eh’? Me? Clothes get in the way. I sleep just fine tho’. Pillows ain’t important. Either I’m sleepin’ or I’m screwin’ and pillows don’t add too much to either. 
Rahya: Um.. I kinda been sleepin’ in whatever I’m wearin’ usually. I gotta nightgown but I kinda get too tired ta put it on. I like a buncha pillows though! Bunches an’ bunches, like Aasifa’s got.
Sayo: W-with clothes, of course! A nightgown. What if someone wandered in in the middle of the night? I do not enjoy overindulging in pillows. It feels... needless. 
Eyn:  Pajamas. 
Meichi’a:  YOU wear pajamas? By the Weaver’s threads I must see tha- ... that is enough with the glaring, madam! Myself? I favor boxers and company. Simple enough, yes? 
Maeve: A warm fluffy gown and lots of pillows!
Ganzorig: I sleep where I sleep. 
Real quick, before you all leave. It was recently Valentione’s Day here is Eorzea. How did you feel about that holiday?
Yuti: ... I f-felt rather happy about it, t-truth be told. It was the first Valentoine’s Day I a-actually had w-where I could p-properly celebrate.
Reri: Was a needless pink wasta time. I didn’t bother. Who wastes their time with that trash? Oh right, you do, Snowflake. Did you n’ Tyr waste yer time chasin’ moogles? Hah!
Rahya: It was the BES’ time ever! We saw mogglemen an’ we ran around a maze an’ we got chairs but the chairs were all broken so we kinda had ta sit together ta make ‘em work but I didn’t mind that much ‘tall. I ain’t wantin’ ta threaten no poms though... seemed awful mean.
Sayo: It... looked certainly very beautiful and the couples seemed very happy. 
Eyn: I did not participate.
Meichi’a: Ah... it is a wonderful time of year. So many lasses whose hearts are aflutter. I encountered this simply charming raven-haired lass who asked me to go through the maze with her. Why, those moogles even said we were destined lovers! ... and then we tried the fortune telling. Would you believe it said there was no chance? And my darling A’vira, she took it to heart and went off with some Elezen fellow!. At least the bars offered cheap drink that day..
Maeve: I was working but it looked like a lot of fun!
Ganzorig: ... It was very pink. .
As always, thank you all for answering our readers’ questions. I think next round we’ll have another theme. Until then!
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yutikyis · 6 years
Character Flaws
Bold what applies.
Italics are situational or only shown around certain people.
Honestly I stretched on some of these but I erred on the side of yes over no.
Tagged by @hana-xiv
Tagging: @anataerindottir @jonahsage anyone else who wants to and hasn’t been tagged already (which isn’t many!)
absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | aimless | alcoholic | anxious | arrogant | audacious | bad liar | big mouth | bigot | bitter | blindly obedient | blunt | callous | childish | chronic heroism | clingy | closed-off | clumsy | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cowardly | cruel | cynical | delinquent | delusional | dependent | depressed | deranged | dissimulating | distant | disloyal | ditzy | egotistical | envious | erratic | fawning | fickle | finicky | flaky | frail | fraudulent | guilt complex | gloomy | gluttonous | gossiper | gruff | gullible | hedonistic | humorless | hypochondriac | hypocritical | idealistic | idiotic | ignorant | immature | impatient | incompetent | indecisive | insecure | insensitive | lazy | lewd | liar | lustful | manipulative | masochistic | meddlesome | melodramatic | money-loving | moody | naive | nervous | nonathletic | nosy | ornery | overprotective | overly sensitive | paranoid | passive-aggressive | perfectionist | pessimist | petty | power-hungry | proud | pushover | reckless | reclusive | remorseless | rigorous | sadistic | sarcastic | senile | selfish | self-hating | self-martyr | shallow | sociopath | sore loser | spineless | spiteful | spoiled | stubborn | submissive | tactless | temperamental | timid | tone-deaf | traitorous | ungracious | unlucky | unsophisticated | untrustworthy | vain | withdrawn | workaholic Reri:
absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | aimless | alcoholic | anxious | arrogant | audacious | bad liar | big mouth | bigot | bitter | blindly obedient | blunt | callous | childish | chronic heroism | clingy | closed-off | clumsy | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cowardly | cruel | cynical | delinquent | delusional | dependent | depressed | deranged | dissimulating | distant | disloyal | ditzy | egotistical | envious | erratic | fawning | fickle | finicky | flaky | frail | fraudulent | guilt complex | gloomy | gluttonous | gossiper | gruff | gullible | hedonistic | humorless | hypochondriac | hypocritical | idealistic | idiotic | ignorant | immature | impatient | incompetent | indecisive | insecure | insensitive | lazy | lewd | liar | lustful | manipulative | masochistic | meddlesome | melodramatic | money-loving | moody | naive | nervous | nonathletic | nosy | ornery | overprotective | overly sensitive | paranoid | passive-aggressive | perfectionist | pessimist | petty | power-hungry | proud | pushover | reckless | reclusive | remorseless | rigorous | sadistic | sarcastic | senile | selfish | self-hating | self-martyr | shallow | sociopath | sore loser | spineless | spiteful | spoiled | stubborn | submissive | tactless | temperamental | timid | tone-deaf | traitorous | ungracious | unlucky | unsophisticated | untrustworthy | vain | withdrawn | workaholic
absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | aimless | alcoholic | anxious | arrogant | audacious | bad liar | big mouth | bigot | bitter | blindly obedient | blunt | callous | childish | chronic heroism | clingy | closed-off | clumsy | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cowardly | cruel | cynical | delinquent | delusional | dependent | depressed | deranged | dissimulating | distant | disloyal | ditzy | egotistical | envious | erratic | fawning | fickle | finicky | flaky | frail | fraudulent | guilt complex | gloomy | gluttonous | gossiper | gruff | gullible | hedonistic | humorless | hypochondriac | hypocritical | idealistic | idiotic | ignorant | immature | impatient | incompetent | indecisive | insecure | insensitive | lazy | lewd | liar | lustful | manipulative | masochistic | meddlesome | melodramatic | money-loving | moody | naive | nervous | nonathletic | nosy | ornery | overprotective | overly sensitive | paranoid | passive-aggressive | perfectionist | pessimist | petty | power-hungry | proud | pushover | reckless | reclusive | remorseless | rigorous | sadistic | sarcastic | senile | selfish | self-hating | self-martyr | shallow | sociopath | sore loser | spineless | spiteful | spoiled | stubborn | submissive | tactless | temperamental | timid | tone-deaf | traitorous | ungracious | unlucky | unsophisticated | untrustworthy | vain | withdrawn | workaholic
absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | aimless | alcoholic | anxious | arrogant | audacious | bad liar | big mouth | bigot | bitter | blindly obedient | blunt | callous | childish | chronic heroism | clingy | closed-off | clumsy | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cowardly | cruel | cynical | delinquent | delusional | dependent | depressed | deranged | dissimulating | distant | disloyal | ditzy | egotistical | envious | erratic | fawning | fickle | finicky | flaky | frail | fraudulent | guilt complex | gloomy | gluttonous | gossiper | gruff | gullible | hedonistic | humorless | hypochondriac | hypocritical | idealistic | idiotic | ignorant | immature | impatient | incompetent | indecisive | insecure | insensitive | lazy | lewd | liar | lustful | manipulative | masochistic | meddlesome | melodramatic | money-loving | moody | naive | nervous | nonathletic | nosy | ornery | overprotective | overly sensitive | paranoid | passive-aggressive | perfectionist | pessimist | petty | power-hungry | proud | pushover | reckless | reclusive | remorseless | rigorous | sadistic | sarcastic | senile | selfish | self-hating | self-martyr | shallow | sociopath | sore loser | spineless | spiteful | spoiled | stubborn | submissive | tactless | temperamental | timid | tone-deaf | traitorous | ungracious | unlucky | unsophisticated | untrustworthy | vain | withdrawn | workaholic
absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | aimless | alcoholic | anxious | arrogant | audacious | bad liar | big mouth | bigot | bitter | blindly obedient | blunt | callous | childish | chronic heroism | clingy | closed-off | clumsy | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cowardly | cruel | cynical | delinquent | delusional | dependent | depressed | deranged | dissimulating | distant | disloyal | ditzy | egotistical | envious | erratic | *fawning* | fickle | finicky | flaky | frail | fraudulent | guilt complex | gloomy | gluttonous | gossiper | gruff | gullible | hedonistic | humorless | hypochondriac | hypocritical | idealistic | idiotic | ignorant | immature | impatient | incompetent | indecisive | insecure | insensitive | lazy | lewd | liar | lustful | manipulative | masochistic | meddlesome | melodramatic | money-loving | moody | naive | nervous | nonathletic | nosy | ornery | overprotective | overly sensitive | paranoid | passive-aggressive | perfectionist | pessimist | petty | power-hungry | proud | pushover | reckless | reclusive | remorseless | rigorous | sadistic | sarcastic | senile | selfish | self-hating | self-martyr | shallow | sociopath | sore loser | spineless | spiteful | spoiled | stubborn | submissive | tactless | temperamental | timid | tone-deaf | traitorous | ungracious | unlucky | unsophisticated | untrustworthy | vain | withdrawn | workaholic
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yutikyis · 6 years
Honest Q&A: Round 4! 7x7 Table
It looks like there’s even more of you this time? Well, I suppose better than running off...
Well, right to business then. It looks like our readers picked something of an overarching topic today. Everyone seated where they want? Good. We’ll start, as usual, with you Miss Kyis.
Faith is a belief in the right things. Who or what would you say you have the most faith in?
Yuti: O-oh, s-so many more people. U-um. W-well... t-that’s difficult. M-my friends I think. L-Lloire and the O-Order and... a-all of those people who’ve b-been around me for a long time. T-they’re the ones I know I c-can depend on most of all. 
Reri: Oh Hells, of course ya say that, Snowflake. Me? I got faith in myself. Ain’t nobody else ta have faith in. When the MGP is down an’ ya need to depend on someone, ain’t ever gonna be someone who is there all the time but yerself. Sayo: My family, of course, and the Kami. What else could be true? Rahya: Well, truth bein’ what it is an’ all that, I’m belevin’ in the wind. Aasifa bein’ tellin’ me about it an’ it seems like a mighty good thing. It ain’t always kind but it seems like it all works out inna end, yeah?
Eynwyda: Strength. Meichi’a: ... yes? Surely you have more to say? No? Well, okay then! As for myself I have faith in wine, women and song.There are many glorious things in the world but few as oft beautiful and delightful as those three things. Even should another Calamity come, we can at least thrive if those three survive. Rhoe: Knowledge. The Twelve’s blessings are great things but depending on them is a fool’s game. The only thing worth having faith in is what you can know. 
Pride is an excessive belief in one’s own abilities. In what do you take the most pride? A particular skill? A remarkable achievement?
Yuti: ... M-my healing skills, I w-would suppose. N-no matter what else, I can say without qualm that I a-am a gifted healer. I-it’s the skill I’ve the m-most pride in.
Reri: You sayin’ I gotta pick just one? Hells, ya might as well ask me to pick a single grain o’ sand. If I gotta pick one, I’m gonna say my knifework. My archery’s a sight to behold, my axin’ is superb, but my knifework? Mm-hmm.  Sayo: You are the soul of modesty, ma’am. I must admit this is a difficult question to answer. While I am very proud of my talents they are the result of my family’s work and dedication. It would be unseemly to pretend they come from me alone.
Rahya: Oh. Um. I’m figurin’ it’d be my cards? Probably them. Lotta folk seem to like ‘em some... so them.  
Eynwyda: Strength
Meichi’a: ... Really? Twice in a row? Is that allowed? Yes? Well, I’m not the one asking the questions. I would say my voice is my greatest pride. My songs leave beauties weak in the knees and, of course, I’ve a talent with words to rival poets. 
Rhoe: Well, nobody said your answers couldn’t be delusional. I would say my vermagic. It takes a goodly amount of effort to become proficient with sword and spell alike. 
Hope is taking a positive future view, that good will prevail. What would you say that you hope for the most?
Yuti: T-to be honest, I h-hope for a future of peace. W-where we finally m-move beyond all these w-wars and c-conflicts and f-find a way to unite our a-abilities f-for the greater good of all.
Reri: *loud retching sounds* Look, ya can’t serious expect me to answer honestly after that bullshite, can you? ~I hope fer rainbows and puppies and fuckin’ unicorns to rain from the sky.~ If ya want an honest answer? A good challenge. That’s what.
Sayo: I hope that when my end comes I am satisfied with my life and have done my family proud. 
Rahya: ... Ta be honest I’m hopin’ for the rainbows and puppies an’ unicorns, though if they’re doin’ that other thing I think they should be doin’ it in private an’ not while it’s rainin’
Eynwyda: Strength
Meichi’a: Really now! My good woman, are you a spoken or a mammet!? Surely you can... my but that is quite the glare you have. Ahem. Well, for myself? I look forward to seeing what lies over the next bend. Should it be a charming raven-haired lass with an ample bosom, well, all the better, no? 
Rhoe: The same thing anyone else. That I’m alive, that I’m happy, that we’re not all serfs in some Garlean-run hole or void-touched corpses in some forgotten Hellsvoid. 
Envy is wanting what others have, be it status, abilities, or possessions. Is there someone or something you are envious of? It doesn’t have to be a huge all-consuming envy, even something small.
Yuti: ... I-if I must be honest? T-those with children. T-there’s something... j-just wonderful about it. B-biological or a-adopted or j-just ones they take care of, l-like Frost and Tyr. I t-think y-you see the g-greatest of people w-when you see them with children. ... I-in most cases.
Reri: Ya know, Snowflake, ya can solve that problem in a real quick and fun way if ya get that stick out of yer arse. Don’t think i don’t know what ya mean by in most cases. Me? I ain’t envyin’ shite from anyone. I got anythin’ I want or I can get it.
Sayo: ... I envy those who have freedom from responsibility. There are days I long... no, nevermind.
Rahya: Um... well... I ain’t... I’mma guessin’ I envy them folk who ain’t frightened of nothin’? But I ain’t like sour at ‘em for it or nothin’. Just wishin’ I was more like ‘em... Eynwyda: Greater strength.
Meichi’a: Two words this time. Well, we seem to be improving, don’t we? Ah! That glare again. Maybe... would you care to switch places? No? Okay. Ahem. No, I am most certainly not trying to avoid the... fine! If you must know? Those who have found their soulmates and kept them close. It’s a rare gift and one which far too many take for granted.
Rhoe: People with someone reliable to turn to. You’d be surprised how rare it is. 
Charity is concern for, and active helping of, others. Do you believe yourself to exhibit this virtue? Be it yours or another’s, what act or moment stands out for you as a charitable one?
Yuti: ... I l-like to think I am, t-though certainly I am n-not a paragon of it. M-most healers w-will spend their days helping others b-but to me the greatest p-paragons of virtue a-are those who do well f-for others without e-even thinking of it. T-Tyr comes to mind...
Reri: Yeah, I’ll bet she does. Charity’s a waste’a time. Ya help others if it is for a reason, like makin’ the tribe stronger. Charity for the sake of charity is just breedin’ weakness. 
Sayo: Charity is a noble virtue. To help others is to demonstrate the strength of one’s own soul. Those who are less fortunate should be elevated and assisted. It is only honorable. Eldest always says that we are only as strong as our weakest member.
Rahya: Um... I ain’t sure I’m that chattyrble. I ain’t gotta lota stuff to give folk or anythin’... but folks are real nice ta me. I figure the most chattryble person I know is Aki bein’ as she’s always givin’ away money an’ throwin’ parties an’ stuff.
Eynwyda: I am not particularly charitable. 
Meichi’a: By Halone’s fury, an actual answer! Ah! To do a good deed is a balm for the soul. Few things are as delightful as bringing a smile to the face of others. Of course if that smile happens to belong to a lovely lady, well, all the better, no? Nobody said charity can’t ever benefit the giver as well, yes? ... what IS with all these looks?
Rhoe: Charity is all well and good as long as it makes sense. Giving away your last gil to a pauper may make you feel good but it won’t actually help anything. Better to get the pauper a job. That’s the kind of charity I can get behind.
Gluttony is the desire to eat or consume more than you require. What is the one thing best guaranteed to show off your gluttonous side?
Yuti: F-fish, t-to be honest. I r-really can’t get enough of m-most seafood. I p-probably should be c-careful about that.
Reri: Booze. What? You want more than that. Booze. Alcohol. Spirits. The good shite. What more do ya want?
Sayo: ... It is improper for a flower to overindulge. 
Rahya: Um... I ain’t never really had much ta overeat with... so maybe sweet stuffs? I’ll eat a lotta sweet stuffs if I can, even if it ain’t so good for me ta do so. 
Eynwyda: Meat.
Meichi’a: I’ll let that one slide.... mostly because I fear this dear woman may belt me if I don’t. Ah, what doesn’t? A good meal, good drink, good music, good company... life is to be lived. As long as it brings joy I don’t feel one can over-indulge. 
Rhoe: A good glass of wine usually. 
Fortitude is never giving up. With as many strong willed people as there are here, I imagine this will prompt good responses. What is it you would never give up on? Is it a person, a goal?
Yuti: ... H-helping the people i care about. M-most of whom I think genuinely need it. E-especially those I k-know can do a-amazing things if only they h-have the support. I f-figure if I haven’t a-already given up on Lloire or L-Leera, I’m n-not doing it anytime soon. 
Reri: I don’t give up on anythin’. If I can’t do it then I’m dead. If I’m not dead then I’m plannin’ how ta do it. If you give up then yer already done livin’. It’s just yer walkin’ around in your corpse for a bit after.
Sayo: I have come to Eorzea with a goal and I will not give it up easily. I intend to find my own achievements here.
Rahya: Um... I... I ain’t so sure I’m gonna answer this question so well? Bein’ as I give up on a lotta things. I’m tryin’ ta get better though... so I guess that’s it? I ain’t givin’ up on not givin’ up? I don’t know if that even makes no sense.
Eynwyda: Improvement. 
Meichi’a: Living. I have a life to lead and I intend to lead it, no matter where the Weaver’s threads take me. Simple enough, no?
Rhoe: I agree with the prissy boy, actually. Living is a challenge in itself. I’ll stick with that. 
Lust is a powerful craving for things such as sex and power. Do you feel that you give in to those temptations easily? What do you lust after the most?
Yuti: I... w-well... t-that is t-to say... I’m a... I mean... I... I d-don’t give into t-temptation easily I feel. I’ve... t-that is... c-can w-we leave it there?  T-this is a humiliating question. 
Reri: What the Snowflake is sayin’ is that yes, she wants ta screw. So does probably everyone in this room except maybe ol’ one-eye over there seeing as I’m not entirely sure she can dress herself in the morning from the way she talks.  That’s my answer by the way. A good battle an’ a good lay. It’s not a temptation, it’s what I want an’ there’s nothin’ wrong with it.
Sayo: I... t-that is to say all people have temptations. Learning to control and master them is an important part of being a second daughter. Not merely temptations of the flesh but of the spirit as well. Any further answer would be improper.
Rahya: *mumbles uncomfortably* I dress myself awful good, even if I ain’t fashionable ‘bout it or nothin’ like that.. o-oh. Um. Right. Ya questionin’ me. Um. I’m figurin’ I ain’t doin’ that stuff much. I’m happy huggin’ folk an’ I ain’t wantin’ ta be powerful. I’m right happy wit’ everythin’ I got right now.
Eynwyda: I control myself.
Meichi’a: Ah, but I am afraid that the craven temptations of the flesh are oft too much for me to overcome. When the spirit is weak and the flesh is oh-so-willing, I feel I sometimes allow my, ah, baser impulses more free reign than I should. There was this once charming lass, so delightful and vivacious, but I swear she never told me she was enga-
Rhoe: Right, I don’t really want to hear about that. In my line of work you can’t really give into temptation easily. Too many baleful magics love to prey upon weakness. Anyone who gives into lust, physical or otherwise, probably is getting their soul eaten the first chance they get. 
Justice is being fair and equitable with others. It is the guiding principle of certain Dark Knights. Do you believe in justice? Is such a thing possible in the world we live in?
Yuti: Y-yes. I believe in justice. I d-don’t think it’s synonymous w-with laws but I believe i-it exists. Everyone must f-find their own morality a-and their own guiding principles. W-we can make the world a fair place for a-all.
Reri: Ta steal an old phrase: There ain’t no justice, there’s just us. The world ain’t fair or equitable. It’ll eat ya up and spit ya out and not give a damn. Tryin’ ta hold ta some idea of justice is a nice way ta get yerself used. Ya hear that Snowflake? 
Sayo: Rules and laws exist for a reason. The justice in those rules may not always be obvious but it exists. However justice must be tempered by restraint. Unlike some I do not believe justice goes hand-in-hand with violence, though sometimes it is unavoidable. 
Rahya: Um... I don’t really know what ya mean by justice, but I’m figurin’ that being fair is just a good thing, right? So... I believe in bein’ fair. I like it when folks are fair ta one another. I ain’t seein’ why it wouldn’t be possible. 
Eynwyda: Justice is born of strength to uphold your convictions. Nothing less.
Meichi’a: My, we’re up to two sentences now. I certainly believe in justice... though I fear it is not something I think the world gives us easily. The rich are rich, the poor are poor, and no amount of ‘justice’ will change that. One can strive to be as fair and equitable in their life as they like, but the world as a whole? No, my dear sir, it is not one that welcomes justice kindly.
Rhoe: Justice is in the eye of the beholder. You find what you think is just and you do it. Anything’s possible in this world. It just depends on if it’s probable to survive doing it. 
Anger is the loss of rational self-control and the desire to harm others. Are you one to lose control to your anger? What was the worst case of letting it loose that comes to mind?
Yuti: ... Yes. I h-have a problem with my temper. W-when I see friends hurt o-or people I c-care about suffering... I... I’m n-not the best at keeping myself in check. T-Tyr has helped with that but... t-to be honest the worst anger isn’t h-hot. It’s cold. T-the worst thing I e-ever did in a r-rage wasn’t b-boiling anger. It w-was when I knew exactly w-what I did... a-and I h-hurt someone rather badly because of it. 
Reri: Snowflake, I’m gonna drag that story outta you some day because I’m actually startin’ ta get curious. Probably gonna disappoint the Hells out of me when I found out ya slapped an idiot or somethin’. Oh, don’t give me that look. Yeah, I’ve gotten angry at folk. Killed some folk too. Can’t say I ever lost control though. I know what I’m doin’. My knife doesn’t find its mark by accident. 
Sayo: Self-restraint is a virtue that I strive to uphold. I have felt anger but I have never allowed it to overwhelm me. Anything else would be... unseemly.
Rahya: Nope! Nononope! I ain’t gettin’ angry at nobody. I ain’t likin’ bein’ angry ta be honest. It ain’t feelin’ good. I’d rather give someone a hug an’ alla that. If someone does somethin’ i ain’t likin’ I just... I ain’t wantin’ ta be around them is all. Not hurt them none.
Eynwyda: I remain in control. If I do not, people die. It has happened before.
Meichi’a: ... M-maybe I should be a bit more cautious about my jibes. They are all meant in good fun, my dear woman! All in good fun! Ah... as for myself? No, I do not get angry easily. There’s little point in it, yes? I don’t favor harming others. I admit it puts me in a right temper if I see a maiden being harmed though. I’ve issued more than one duel challenge on behalf of their honor! ... few accept though.
Rhoe: I get angry from time to time but I don’t lose control. Well, not often. I’ve had some bad relationships. Once threw an ex out of the house in his smallclothes in the middle of winter. He deserved it though. 
Prudence is care of and moderation with gil. This one is a bit simpler. Are you a gil-pincher or do you spend with abandon?
Yuti: I’m c-careful with money. N-not because I’m a s-spendthrift o-or anything b-but just because it’s p-prudent. I-it’s not wise to waste g-gil now t-that could be useful later. I s-splurge s-sometimes but... o-only rarely.
Reri: Gil ain’t worth a damn thing burnin’ a hole in your pocket. I spend if it I want ta and i earn it if I need it. Savin’ for later if you got somethin’ you want now doesn’t make sense. Ya could be dead in a day and then that ‘hard-saved’ gil is just goin’ ta buy whoever killed ya a good drink or a cheap lay. 
Sayo: I am ever impressed by your ability to make every answer crude, Miss Kyis. I am very careful with my gil. One must be. To spend it wildly means to be without it should the need arise. Should I run a household someday I will also need to know how to best manage the finances. It is an expected skill for any daughter. 
Rahya: Well, I ain’t ever had much gil, so it ain’t really a question I can answer. Um... I spend what I got but it’s mostly cuz I need stuff. Most gil I ever had was when Aasifa gave me the Starlight gift an’ I spent that on my an part mant right away I did. So I guess I’m spendin’? I ain’t abandonin’ it though, I’m always given it ta the folks I’m buyin’ from.
Eynwyda: I spend when I need to.
Meichi’a: Ah! What is money but the passport to experiences? Perhaps my life would be easier if I held onto my gil but easier isn’t the same as worth living, now is it? Better to spend gil on a night of good cheer and good company than to have it upon you unspent. After all the luster of coin can scarcely compare to that of a charming smile or a rousing song, yes? 
Rhoe: I’ll take the happy medium, thanks. You don’t need to spend every gil you get and you don’t need to horde it like a dragon. It’s kind of a ridiculous question when you think about it. There’s an answer: don’t be an idiot. 
Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain. Some might think this goes hand in hand with prudence but that is not the case. Even those who string their gil-pouches tightest can be known for their charity or simply do not fret over making more gil. Are you a take-take-take sort? Is the gathering of wealth important to you?
Yuti: No. Material g-gain isn’t important to me. T-the most valuable things I h-have are people, not things. I’d g-give every gil I had a-and more so i-if it would help my friends a-and those close to me. I-it’s nice to have things b-but I’m h-happy with what I do have. 
Reri: For once I agree with the Snowflake. Treasure ain’t worth shite on its own. The act of aquirin’ it can be fun but that’s about it.
Sayo: My family has not become comfortable and wealthy through luck. One must work to acquire what one needs and then have enough extra for emergencies. I suppose you could call that greed? My sire is not fond of spending money he does not have to spend but Eldest gives freely within her limits. I can see the value in both sides. 
Rahya: I’ve gotta slime an’ a flower an’ frankly I’m thinkin’ that’s already more luck then I can rightly ask for, so I ain’t askin’ for more. 
Eynwyda: Wealth is a means, not a goal.
Meichi’a: I must echo what seems to be the common consensus. I’d be a liar if I said there wasn’t a satisfaction in the feeling of gil in hand, but it’s a momentary distraction at best. There are far more charming vices than greed after all. The greedy die alone. At least those who are lustful or foolish oft die with others. To die alone is the saddest thing of all. 
Rhoe: I like getting paid. I’ll do work pro-bono if it’s interesting but it’s a lot more interesting when I know there’s a good meal and another month’s rent in it. You can call that greedy if you want. I think it’s common sense. 
Temperance is moderation of needed things and abstinence from things which are not needed. In essence it is the opposite of gluttony. Is there anything that you find you abstain from that you wish you did not?
Yuti: I... d-don’t know to be honest. M-maybe... s-seeking comfort. I t-tend to k-keep things inside a-and not speak openly t-to most. T-though I have good reason for that.
Reri: *raises hand* Yep, good reason number one right here. Ya can be honest, Snowflake, ain’t nobody in this room who doesn’t think I’m a nasty bitch. An’ as for me? Nope. I want somethin’, I do it. What the Hells would I abstain from? 
Sayo: ... many things. Restraint is also a virtue. It is not proper to allow your desires to run away with you. It is unseemly and immodest. There are things I wish I could do, but I have my duties.
Rahya: Um.. lotta things really. I ain’t... really so brave an’ I don’t do a lotta things even if I’m wantin’ ta. I’m tryin’ ta get braver though! I’m goin’ places an’ I used ta not do that so... that’s kinda my answer?
Eynwyda: Yes.
Meichi’a: ... Wait, it’s my turn? That was her answer? Can I just say yes too? Sigh. Yes, of course there are. Many things. I’ve been offered plenty of temptations, sinful and otherwise, and abstain for a variety of reasons. You would be shocked how many married women offer a place in their boudair, but that is simply not a risk worth taking. It’s not gentlemanly at all to intrude upon wedding vows.
Rhoe: I suppose. Everyone does. Sometimes I get jealous of people like the prissy boy or the nasty bitch. It’s got to be a relief to not give a damn and just do whatever you want. That doesn’t mean I’m going to do it though. 
Sloth is laziness and the avoidance of work. Somehow I don’t see that being of much concern with this group, but what would you say is your laziest habit?
Yuti: ... t-to be honest I’m r-rather bad about organizing my room if I d-don’t have to. When I p-put a book down I tend to leave it lying wherever I put it. S-sometimes it can become a r-real mess if I’m in the middle of research.
Reri: She ain’t lyin’. You shoulda seen her room back home. She *slept* on books somehow. Me? I ain’t lazy. Lazy means yer dead. If I got a lazy habit, it’s stayin’ in one place for too long.
Sayo: It is improper to be lazy. To work your hardest is to show pride in what you’re doing. T-that is not to say I’ve never cut corners from time to time. I... have a rather shameful habit of sleeping in late when it is cold. D-don’t look at me like that please. Blankets can be very comfortable...  Rahyda: Oh! Oh! Can I agree with that one? Because ever since I got me blankets I’ve been wantin’ ta sleep in a whole bunch! So that’s my answer! Sorry if’n I’m stealin’ ya answer, Miss Sayo, but I’m agreein’ with it.  Eynwyda: Laziness is death.
Meichi’a: ... Well, aren’t you all a bunch of hard workers? Now I feel rather ungainly answering. Yes, I am lazy. Everyone is, i suspect, even these remarkable people. I ride when I can walk, I sleep in late, I leave dishes unwashed... sometimes you simply just don’t feel like doing something, isn’t that right? 
Rhoe: I’m terrible about filing paperwork. It takes me ages to get everything properly organized.  
Meichi’a: Really. Paperwork. Did you just choose that to make me look worse?
Rhoe: No, you do that fine on your own. 
Thank you for taking the time out of your busy days to give some insight into your inner thoughts for our readers. I know today’s questions were a little tougher than some of the ones before but I hope you don’t begrudge me asking you. Before you go, what do you all think of me?
Yuti: .. W-well, y-you seem very nice. I’m n-not sure why you g-gathered all of us h-here but you’re v-very patient. S-some odd questions though...
Reri: Eh. 6/10. Ya got a crappy mustache. Either grow it out or shave it off. What you weren’t askin’ about that? Well, it’s still a shite mustache.  
Sayo: It is an honor to answer your questions. They give me much to think about. 
Rahya: Ya a real nice fella, even if I ain’t understandin’ everything ya askin’ about.  Eynwyda: ... 
Meichi’a: Ah, my dear sir. It has been a thorough pleasure to answer your questions. Especially as you offered me a fair amount of gil to do so.  Rhoe: You have some weird taste in interviewees. 
tagged by: @peacekeeper-xiv
tagging: @anataerindottir @jonahsage @eyesseeingbeyondtheveil @fairasmorninglight anyone else who wants to.
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yutikyis · 6 years
Family Lunch
This post is cut both for extreme length and due to violence and harsh language. 
The mood was awkward. To say the least.  The small tavern was a comfortable enough place just a little outside Limsa. It mainly catered to traders and the occasional adventurer. Today it was largely empty except for the two Miqo’te sitting across from one another. The pair had exchanged a brief greeting and then silence had reigned.  Yuti fidgeted uncomfortably as she looked across the table to the woman who sat on the other side. This was not particularly a lunch she wanted to have truth be told. She’d been putting it off for months. Yet she really couldn’t anymore, especially not with her nameday coming up and with the undeniable fact that the red-haried Miqo’te on the other side of the table kept running into people she knew. They were family. They had to talk. Right? “So, Snowflake, I hear ya beein’ doin’ pretty well for yerself,” Reri said in a bored sort of tone, more to break the silence than actual care. She had a bottle of something undoubtedly alcoholic sitting in front of her which she’d snuck in. It was only Yuti offering the waitress enough money to cover a drink plus a little extra which had avoided it being a problem. She hadn’t actually taken a sip yet but just held the bottle, lightly tilting it back and forth, her eyes fixed on Yuti. “W-well enough,” Yuti answered stiffly, sipping her tea. Tea was good. Tea was relaxing. Tea provided her an excuse not to say more to her mother. It was perhaps the finest invention the Twelve had ever created. At very least it meant she could study her mother without feeling obligated to say more. The awkward silence that followed stretched into nearly a minute before Reri spoke again. “Twelve’s Sake, Snowflake, yer the one who asked me to lunch. I could be gettin’ hammered and laid, not necessarily in that order, right about now,” Reri said in annoyed disgust. “Either speak up or toss some gil on the table and get back to huggin’ flowers or whatever the shite it is you do in your spare time.” Yuti stiffened slightly at her words and took a deep breath, trying to keep the agitation from her posture. “Yes. Well. I wanted to see how you were. Considering we’ve been in the same area for months and haven’t exchanged m-more than a couple of words.It seemed about time.” Reri shrugged and took a sip from the glass bottle she’d brought with her to the restaurant. “I ain’t dead,” she said simply enough. “So seems like I’m doin’ pretty damn good if ya ask me. Been’ doin some huntin’, am trainin’ this Perky little Miqo in how not ta get her fool arse killed, been scr-” “Yes, thank you,” Yuti interrupted quickly. This had been a mistake and she knew it now. It was the same as any conversation between the two of them and she hadn’t been sure why she thought it would be anything but. Her mother had three settings and she’d already run through all of them. “Halone’s Big Stonkin’ Tits, Yuti, ya been here long enough and ya still act like yer ears are gonna fall off if ya hear anything more risque than a thank you,” Reri snorted. “I’ve seen those folk you hang around with. Either yer spendin’ your entire day in your room with your ears covered or ya somehow managed ta not hear anything that spear says. Either way I ain’t buyin’ it.” Yuti flushed red and fidgeted again, looking down at her half-empty cup of tea with a frustrated look. “I’ve c-certainly heard plenty, m-mother. T-that doesn’t mean I want to hear it from you. Y-you’re my-” Yuti started to say but Reri raised her hand and cut her off. “Yeah, I’m yer mother. Might be worth rememberin’ that ain’t meanin’ I’m dead and in the ground just yet. Little secret for ya, Snowflake. Mommies and daddies love ta do a lotta shite that’d turn yer face as red as that beret, seeing as we’re people and not baby-raising mammets, no matter what some Nuhns like ta think.” Yuti ground her teeth slightly.”Yes, but that doen’t mean-” “Doesn’t mean what? Ya want me ta slap on a ‘dignified’ face and pretend I’m somethin’ I’m not? Ain’t happening. Ain’t worth it. If someone ain’t happy about what I’m sayin’ they can go take a leap offa the Witchdrop as far as I’m concerned. Or they can try ta shut me up and give me a good fight.” Reri took another sip from her bottle, her tone lackadaisical.  “It isn’t about b-being dignified. It’s a-about showing respect for others,” Yuti said quietly but firmly. “N-not everyone wants to hear every lurid detail a-about your life you know.” Yuti fought to keep her voice steady and under control. “E-especially when you seem to d-delight in picking the w-worst things to say to someone.” “An’ if folks want my respect then they gotta earn it. Someone whose so ashamed o’ themselves they ain’t wanna admit basic facts ain’t worth respectin’. It’s how it goes Snowflake. Folks like fightin’, folks like drinkin’, and folks like screwin’. All that blushin’ and hidin’ your face and pretendin’ like ya don’t is just wastin’ time.” She sat up a bit straighter and raised her voice “OY! Anyone listenin’? I like ta *fuck*. Hopin’ that ain’t offendin’ any of ya! We can take it outside if you want.” Yuti covered her face with her hands and genuinely wished she could melt into thin air as the few remaining patrons in the bar, as well as the staff, all stared at her table in various degrees of shock, amusement and distaste. Reri looked around the establishment for a moment before she flopped back down in her seat. “Ya see, Snowflake? They don’t care worth a damn. Most folks are too wrapped up in their own business to care about what other people are doin’ unless it involves them.”  The awkward silence returned, even moreso than before as a good number of patrons were still casting sideways glanced over at the two Miqo’s table. Eventually Yuti spoke. “M-maybe so, but there is m-more to life t-than those things. I-it isn’t worth antagonizing people unnecessarily.” Reri snorted. “More to life than the four Fs? Like what?” “Love.” Reri rolled her eyes at that. “Loooooove,” she said, drawling the word. “Ain’t worth a single damn gil. What’s it got for ya, eh? It’s an excuse. Why do I wanna screw this person? I ain’t got the guts to say it’s because they’re hot. It’s because I loooooove them. Why am I puttin’ up with a cryin’ crappin’ rugkit? It’s love and it ain’t because the tribe needs young blood ta stay alive. Why do I want to get married? S’because of love, not because I’m afraid of bein’ left.” “No, mother. That isn’t it at all. T-that’s something you don’t understand. L-love is real. M-maybe you don’t feel it b-but I certainly do.” Reri’s eyebrows raised at that and a mocking smile crossed her lips. “Oh? Are ya in looooooove,” she drawled it out again, “That it Snowflake? Got someone who ya want ta be with?” “Yes,” Yuti answered simply and with a genuine smile. That seemed to catch Reri off guard and her tail flicked behind her. “Oh. Well, about Twelve-damned time. From what I’ve seen about halfa Eorzea was tryin’ ta bang ya. Mosta yer friends are too timid ta make a move on anyone so what kinda idiot wo-” “Shut up.” Yuti’s smile was gone and voice was firm and cold and cut through Reri’s words like a knife. “‘scuse me?” Reri’s expression changed slightly at that. Her own smile didn’t fade but it did become something more brittle and false.Her ears twitched and there was something cold and predatory in her gaze. “I said shut up. I’m not going to let you start this. Do you understand me? I’ve heard the sort of things you’ve been up to and I’ve had enough of it. If one more word about Tyr leaves your mouth I will close it for you.” The alien moment passed. Reri’s eyes warmed and glittered with amusement and she leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table. “Well, too bad, Snowflake, because I’m gonna keep goin’. So she’s named Tyr, huh? So tell me about her? How she is she in b-” Yuti’s hand came up fast. Faster than it would have a year ago. Yet Reri was faster. Her own came up and caught Yuti’s wrist, the other MIqo’te’s palm an inch from her cheek. Reri’s smile never wavered and she squeezed Yuti’s wrist hard. Yuti’s eyes fixed on her mother’s, near-identical shades of blue meeting one another. “Still too slow, Snowflake. Always going to be. Too easy to push your buttons too. You wear yer heart on yer collar,” Reri’s hand squeezed tighter still, threateningly tight. “I could kill ya right here and ya know it. Maybe go and comfort that poor little girl a’ yours a-” Yuti’s eyes blazed and she tilted her palm upwards. The burst of aetheric water she sent from her palm was shocking in its size and intensity, slamming into Reri at point-blank range like a firehose. The unexpectedness of it caught the older woman off guard and she lost her grip on her daughter’s arm, grunting in pain as she was slammed into the nearby wall with enough force that it rattled the small building.  The Bartender was on his feet at once but seemed reluctant to step between the two Miqo’te. Reri had slid slowly to her feet and a dagger had appeared in her hand. Yuti remained where she stood, rubbing her wrist softly. Yuti’s eyes blazed with hatred. Reri just looked empty and distant.  “So, ya really want to do this, Snowflake?” Reri asked quietly. “Because I ain’t opposed to it. You’ve needed a spanking for a while anyway.” She adjusted her grip on the dagger and her eyes betrayed nothing at all. “I ain’t gotta kill ya but maybe I’ll add another little scar to that face of yours. Give ya some character. Think Tyr’ll still like ya like that?” Yuti’s temper was entirely out of control now and she knew it. Her aether spiked and seemed to ripple off her in waves and her fingers clenched and unclenched. Every action seemed to just amuse Reri more. Far from being angry, the older Miqo’te looked excited, her tail dancing to and fro behind her shamelessly.  “Outside.” Yuti spoke calmly. She pulled a pouch of gil, far more than necessary, and tossed it on the table, pausing only to give the bartender an apologetic look. The glare she got back made it clear that no amount of gil would have her welcome back in this place again. She stepped out the front door, her mother inches behind her. Outside the two stood apart. Reri’s daggers were drawn, held in a lazy reverse grip, the woman swaying slightly on her feet like a boxer. Yuti’s scholar book book raised from her side and flipped open to the page full of symbols she used to amplify her magic. Neither looked away from the other. “So, Snowflake, ya want me ta give you the first blo-” Yuti was acting before Reri finished talking. She raised her hands and sent aether threw the symbols. The earth beneath Reri’s feet began to shift almost at once before jutting upwards in large blunt rock formations. The agile older Miqo’te dodges and weaved between the sudden burst of stone but one caught her off-guard, turning her evasive weave into an awkward tumble.  Reri’s curse filled the air even as she tossed one of her daggers, aiming for Yuti’s arm. With the unerring skill of a combat-trained Seeker the blade found its mark, sinking into Yuti’s shoulder and drawing an angry yelp of pain from the younger woman, her book falling from her hand to the dirt below. “Never bring a book ta a knife fight, Snowflake. Now say yer sorry and maybe i’ll-” The next movement was so unexpected that it caught Reri off guard. Yuti, far from retreating, sprang forward, her eyes blazing with anger. She extended her hand and a glittering blade forms of pure aether appeared in it. The radiant energy seemed to hum through the air as Yuti swung the weightless blade with surprising grace and speed. Reri weaved out of the way but not quickly enough, the energy sword catching her and tearing a thin gash in her side.  That seemed to genuinely shock Reri and she lashed out quickly with a kick that caught Yuti in the side, staggering her long enough for. the older to Miqo’te take an agile leap backwards, holding her bleeding side. She pulled her hand away and stared at the spattering of red there for a moment before she looked up, her expression confused. “... Where the Hells did that come from, Snowflake?” she said, a slow grin spreading across her face.  Yuti was panting softly as she looked at her mother. She let the aetheric sword fade away and reached up, tugging the dagger from her shoulder with a wince of pain, before she held her hand to the wound. The glow of magic danced around her fingers before the wound began to knit. “I brought a sword to a knife fight. I w-would have thought you approved,” she said coldly.  Reri’s laugh filled the air. “Well, how about that. Kitten’s gettin’ some claws after all. Ya still ain’t got what it takes but... that’s cute, Snowflake. It’s cute.” She adjusted her stance slightly, shifting her remaining dagger slightly before she cracked her neck. “So... how far we gonna go?”  “Far enough for you to get the lesson.” “Heh. Pretty damn far then. So be it.” The hand holding her side came up... holding a small device that she’d pulled from a hidden pouch on her coat. She tossed it towards Yuti with a quick movement. The other Miqo’te responded at once, sending forth a burst of air to catch the thing mid-throw. There was a moment of aeter meeting metal and then the grenade exploded, sending a cloud of smoke filling the air between the two. Yuti coughed wildly and gathered a whirlwind of air to blow the smoke away... but she’d lost track of Reri, the older woman having all but vanished in the sudden confusion. For most opponents that would have been enough to spell their doom. Most opponents didn’t have two decades of being ambushed by Reri Kyis under their belt. The older Miqo’te had taken to a nearby roof, scrambling up it as soon as Yuti was distracted, and the pounce from above should have been enough to catch her daughter off guard. Should have. As soon as it came Yuti was in movement, spinning out of the way almost at once, Reri’s attempt at a tackle turned into an awkward roll.  Yuti’s hiss of anger was the only sound to escape her as she gathered her aether again and drew more water from the air itself, sending it in a torrent towards the huntress. Reri had seen this trick once before though and she was prepared. She moved at once, sliding easily around the incoming stream of water, dagger flashing forward to press against Yuti’s neck.A finishing blow if there ever was one... Except Yuti caught it. Her hand came up, palm extended, and a barrier of aether energy flickered around it, blade meeting magic, sparks flying from the metal as it pressed against the reinforced shield. The blade was inches from Yuti’s neck, only magic and hand keeping it away. The two stared at each other, mother and daughter’s near-identical eyes fixed upon one another.  “I can keep going if you want to, Snowflake,” Reri purred. “This is a good fight. I’m almost prouda ya.” Somehow the compliment just made Yuti angrier and the younger Miqo’te’s brow furrowed as she gathered her aether. It was a sloppy blow but Reri wasn’t in the best of shape either. The stone that came up was more like a shower of pebbles than a genuine attack but it pelted right into Reri’s injured side, causing the older Miqo’te to grunt in pain and twist to cover herself. Yuti stepped forward at once and drew back her fist. She wasn’t strong. She wasn’t trained in fistfight. She wasn’t particularly talented. She was, however, angry. The aetheric barrier around her fist made for a perfectly good knuckleduster and she aimed a punch right for Reri’s face. The older Miqo’te looked up just in time to catch the blow, the force of it breaking her nose with a sickening crunch and sending her tumbling backwards onto the ground. Yuti was on her at once, straddling her, rage filling her eyes as she drew back to punch again... only to feel the sharp point of a blade pressed against her stomach. She glanced down and saw the blade of Reri’s dagger waiting to press forward.  Her eyes darted back up to Reri’s face, blood leaking from her broken nose, giving her a monstrous look, especially with the wide grin splitting her features. “We’d go to the Hells together, Snowflake,” Reri said in an almost bored voice.  “Keep goin’ if ya want. But ya see, Snowflake... I ain’t afraid ta keep goin’. And you are. S’why you stopped. Ya feel the steel at yer gut and yer scared... but it’s more than that.” Her eyes twinkled. “Yer afraid ta kill too. I ain’t.” Yuti’s hand trembled for a moment, fist clenching more tightly, the aether around it humming, before the glow faded. The younger Miqo’te looked miserable. Reri snorted for a moment and dropped her own dagger... and then using the same hand punched Yuti right in the stomach. The blow was so unexpected Yuti had no time to dodge. The healer gasped as the air left her lungs and Reri bucked, throwing her off and to the ground. Reri moved at once, bouncing to her feet. She knocked the beret from Yuti’s head and tangled her fingers into her hair, pulling her daughter to her feet. Yuti started to try to draw aether again but Reri’s next blow caught her right in the stomach again and she buckled, kept upright only by the other woman’s iron-tight grip on her hair.  “Ya see Snowflake,” she said in an amused voice. “It’s like I said. Ya ain’t got what it takes to step up to me.” Reri’s next blow was an open-palmed slap across Yuti’s face, the force of it turning her cheek bright red. “An’ yer gonna have to learn that.”  She was sounding bored again. “Yer scared a’ me and yer scared a’ fightin’ and that ain’t ever gonna change.” She considered it for a moment and then brought her leg up just as she tugged Yuti’s head down hard, slamming it hard into Reri’s knee with a loud cracking sound. The force of it made stars dance in Yuti’s vision, the beginnings of a brutal black eye visible as Reri tugged her head back up. “You best remember this next time you talk back to your momma, Snowflake. I ain’t one of your little friends. I’m the Tribe leader. You wanna take me down you better be prepared to bring all of it.” She pulled Yuti’s face up to her own with a smirk. The other Miqo’te had tears of humiliation and anger running down her face, her head pounding, barely able to think. “Say hi ta Tyr for me,” she said in a quiet voice and then gave Yuti one more knee to the stomach before she let her drop. Yuti curled up in a ball, trying to catch her breath, unable able to move as her mother looked down at her. There was something unreadable in Reri’s eyes. Not anger but something else entirely. She rubbed at her nose for a moment, pulling her finger away to study the crimson on her fingertips. She gave a small hum and ducked down, picking up Yuti’s beret and then dropping it like a shroud atop the crying Miqo’te’s head. With a shrug she walked away, leaving her daughter behind. 
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yutikyis · 6 years
Aggressive Passiveness
Ul’dah might have a reputation for a lot of things, but one thing it absolutely had was some damn fine inns. So many folks came to the town with gil to spend that inns had to compete for business from the easily-bilked out-of-towners. It meant if you knew where to look you could find a Hells of a place for little effort. That was how Reri had found herself spending the night in a well-stocked little in room, complete with complimentary booze. The damned idiots. It might not be the finest stuff but it was all the same once it was in your stomach. Reri was splayed out on a bed, fighting off the urge to head out into the town. She was already three sheets to the wind and as fun as a drunken fight sounded right about now she figured the Blades were probably on watch for troublemakers. What a shite night it was anyway. The snow was coming down heavier than before and even the thieves and whores were probably keeping indoors. Not a damn interesting thing happening in the whole of the city.  She’d been just about to drift off to bed when she heard a terrified squeaking “Kup-.” It probably should have been a kupo but her dagger was out and flying through the air before it finished, coming within a spider’s thread of sheering off the poor floating postmoogle’s pom, plonking into the wood right next to it with a loud thunk. “Kupo! Don’t! Stop! Cease! Desist! I didn’t come to hurt you, Kupo, I..” Reri was up and moving before it could say another word. She reached out and grabbed the Moogle by the pom, leaning her face close. “I’m drunk an’ I’m angry, so quit Kupoin’ at me before I decide to make ya into a handbag.” The terrified pile of fluff squirmed and wiggled before reaching into its tiny postbag and drawing out a carefully wrapped package. Reri’s eyes flickered down towards it... and the moogle threw it at her face and then quickly darted away as she let go to grab it. “There! There’s your gift, kupo! Go kupo yourself,” it grumbled angrily as it fluttered quickly out of the room. Reri was tempted to toss a dagger after it but honestly it wasn’t worth the trouble. They’d probably start throwing her mail in the river if she did.  She flopped down on the bed and stared at the package for a moment before noticing a small hand-written card attached to it. Curiosity overcoming drunken surliness, she opened the card and read. The handwriting was simple, neat and familiar. “Hello Mother- We’ve seen very little of each other since you came to Eorzea and from the stories I’ve heard you’ve certainly made a reputation for yourself  However it is Starlight and Starlight is a time of goodwill and kindness towards others. Even those you do not get along with well. It is after all a celebration of empathy, altruism and selflessness. As such I’ve attached your present to this letter in hopes you’ll remember that. A good Starlight to you. -Yuti.” Reri read the letter over twice, her tail giving a swish of annoyance. That arrogant little tart knew exactly what she was getting at, didn’t she? She couldn’t even be aggressive without being passive, could she? Reri took the package and opened it up. Probably was going to be a damn book, wasn’t it? The Snowflake tended to love that sort of thing. To her surprise it was nothing of the sort. Inside the package were two ornate daggers carved of some exotic chitinous blue material. She picked one up and examined it curiously, turning it left and right in her hand for a moment. The hilt seemed to pick up the heat from her hand and the blade slowly dissolved from a pale blue to a glowing red. She let out a small ‘huh’ of surprise and gave the blade a toss into the air before catching it. Too heavy to throw but the extra weight and size would make it good for close up fighting, and the blade itself seemed sharp as a razor.  Damn. Snowflake couldn’t even piss her off right, could she? Send that snotty letter and then include an actual worthwhile gift. Or maybe that was the way to piss her off. If the Snowflake had given her a book she’d have just chucked it in the fire. These were too nice to toss away though. She examined the blades curiously, testing their heft and weight, grinning slightly to herself. Well, joke was on the Snowflake. Nothing cheered her up like a good dagger anyway. Poor girl couldn’t even be a shite to her mother right. She’d never learn. Reri set the daggers aside and flopped back onto the bed. She’d go out hunting in the morning, give them a whirl. Better luck next year, Yuti. Someday you’ll learn how to be a right and proper bitch.  
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komainu-no-hana · 7 years
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Our baby’s growing up... Castrum Meriadianum beaten, and onward we go!
 @ikara-esho @lloire14 @captain-tanner @yutikyis
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komainu-no-hana · 7 years
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Our baby White Mage did so well.  It was so much fun to take her through it all! ♥
@ikara-esho @lloire14 @captain-tanner @bezzetserlein @yutikyis
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komainu-no-hana · 7 years
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Luhna Gilmar stared at Reri.  Stared.  And stared.  Was it worth it? Slowly her eyes drew to Soren, but tilted her head to the side with a gentle swirl of her hip.  Yeah.  It was totally worth it.  Luhna peeled from Soren, reached across him to the bar, and plucked a bottle from the counter.  She stomped toward Reri in a flash and poured it's content over her head.  "Thas' 'bout as we' as you'll e'er ge' wit' me, s' enjoy it, bitch."
Reri Kyis grinned at Soren. "Hey, I'm up for a scuffle as quick as a screw, s'long as she's got the stamina to keep up. Hell, sometimes it's best of all when it goes from one to th-" was about as far as she got before the bottle was poured over her head. She blinked her eyes twice and then ran her tongue along her lips to taste some of the alcohol that dripped down into her face. "Well, seems good 'nough to me," she said before lashing out with both legs, aiming right at Luhna's midsection.
Luhna Gilmar 's breath was a hiss between her teeth as she took a hit to her gut.  She staggered back with a burst of fire in her eyes.  Her fingers curled into a fist as the slits of her eyes thinned and her knees bent to propel her forward as she lurched at Reri, aiming a fist straight for the woman's face.
Reri Kyis was grinning broadly, clearly quite pleased with herself. She seemed prepared for the counterattack but obviously had underestimated Luhna's speed and caught the punch right in the face. It send her tumbling backwards off the stool and onto the ground. Despite the blow she came up rolling, standing up quickly and bobbing back and forth in the stance of someone used to these sorts of fights. She gave a quick glance at Soren before she went on. "You gonna get in the way, Stars, or you gonna let us have our fun?"
Soren Gilmar jumped up quick as a flash and tried to grab Luhna by the waist to pull her away from Reri before they got banned from the Druthers. "Bleedin' hells!" He saw Reri hit Luhna though and his expression turned deadly, but then Luhna returned the hit, and he just looked at a loss. He knew Luhna had started it, but it didn't seem to matter. He stopped where he was instead of grabbing Luhna and looked at her, "Love, I don' wan' us bein' banned from 'ere aye? Lets take it outside shall we?"
Luhna Gilmar 's lips pulled into a smirk as her fist met Reri's cheek with a sickening crack.  The flesh giving way to her knuckles had her biting at her lip, a giggle not far off.  She paced back, falling into a similar dance of her feet, but Soren's voice called to her through the rush, and her fists lowered ever so slightly.  "Oi! I ain' goin' nowhere 'til I break a' leas' her nose!"
@yutikyis, @sorenspath
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yutikyis · 6 years
Snowball Fight
(I am posting this here because I am considering consolidating my character blogs into one. It’s easier to write for other characters if I can just write instead of fumbling between tumblrs. So this is a Reri story, not a Yuti one.) 
Starlight. Frigging Twelve-damned Starlight. Worst damn time of the year if you asked Reri Kyis. A damn waste of time for everyone. Not that she hated getting gifts. Truth was she didn’t even mind giving gifts. Nahu had been surprised about that but it was true. She wasn’t going to give gifts to every damn person she met like the Twelve-forsaken Saint but a gift could be a way to praise someone as much as anything else. Despite what the Snowflake thought she wasn’t against praising people. They just had to earn it first. It was the idea behind it that ticked her off. It was a celebration of weakness and coddling and cowardice. Those stupid red outfits which so many people saw as something to praise. To her they were like scarlet signs of weakness. She wasn’t an idiot. You took care of kids until they could take care of themselves. That was how you kept the species alive. What she despised was hiding it. Pretending those kids were soldiers and then snickering in your hand about how you go away with it? The entire damn thing pissed her off. It pissed her off that the Ishgardians had been stupid enough to let a bunch of children probably die when they had enough space for them. Waste of life and waste of resources on top of that. It pissed her off the soldiers didn’t have the balls to actually confront their officers and settled for second best. It pissed her off because it taught those kids the wrong lesson and they began handing out presents to every random kit they could find instead of learning something useful. Damn celebration of weakness is what it was. If you asked her a damn sight better figure for Starlight would be that Azure Dragoon fellow. Now that’d be a damn proud story to tell your kids. “Yeah, Snowflake, people wear red because the Dragoon killed the ugly bastard who’d been terrorizing us for a generation and it stained his armor red. We wear red to celebrate that because it’s a damn fine thing to be proud of.” Course there was more to that particular story from what she’d gathered but it didn’t really matter. Both were stories anyway. It just depended on which one you wanted to celebrate. Killing an ancient wyrm and bathing in its blood was a damn sight more of an act to be proud of than hiding a bunch of kids from some damn bureaucrats and chucking them back out in the snow when you were done. Not to mention the frigging snow. Who ever heard of it snowing in a desert?  She’d come to Ul’dah to get piss drunk and ended up having to deal with it being cold enough to freeze her tits off despite it being the Twelve-damned desert. An frustrated part of her wondered if this was the result of some kind of Saint of Starlight Primal and if so could she stab the hell out of it and bring the warmth back?  Not that it mattered. Not even the bars were a fun escape today. Of course every single bar in the entire damned city was dressed up for the holiday. You couldn’t even get piss drunk without some arsehole crooning in your ear about the Saint’s bells or whatever. She could enjoy a good drinking song but those were songs that were about fun shite, not some red-faced Roe whinging about mother making out with the Saint beneath the mistletoe.  So that was why she found herself sitting outside in the snow, a bottle of Limsa’s finest imported in her hand, generally angry about the state of the world. Frigging celebrations of weakness ruining her drinking. She couldn’t even go out hunting because half the damn Companies were more worried about some stupid trees stealing decorations and the best place to hunt in the Shroud was full of idiots on dressed-up bears throwing boxes at one another like morons.  So she was content to get pissed and let the day pass... until a snowball hit her square in the face. As she sputtered and brushed the snow from her eyes, she looked around quickly, her hands sipping down to the daggers at her side, face alight with anger. Who in the Hells?! Her would-be victim was actually a Miqo’te boy of about twelve summers whose snowball had clearly missed HIS intended victim, a tall and lanky Roegadyn girl of a similar age. Both looked entirely terrified as Reri’s blazing eyes turned towards them. “OY! Ya bloody idiots! What the Hells kinda throw was that? I shoudl tan yer hides and hang ya up for the bloody vultures!” The Miqo’te boy looked as if he wanted to melt as quickly as the Starlight snow. It was only the Roe girl who seemed to be regain a little composure. “'’Leave 'im alone ye ole bat. It ain't his fault ye were sittin' thar mopin',” the girl shouted back, standing between her friend and the angry redhaired Miqo’te, arms crossed tight over her chest as if she could intimidate Reri into submission. “Well, I ain’t mopin’ if you want to know the truth. I’m considerin’ how to tear yer head off and shove it up your own arse. Figure that’d be an interestin’ Starlight challenge. Figure the Saint can find ya ta give ya a gift up there?” Reri growled, though there was a twinkle of amusement in her eyes as the girl stood up to her. “Well, I assume ye'd be th' one t' tell me considerin' ye already 'ave yers up thar!” the Roe sniffed. The Miqo’te boy slid up behind her and tugged at her arm. “Iyrn, c’mon, don’t make it worse,” he whispered in a pleading, plaintive and desperate voice that made it clear he did this all the time.  “I shall nah! Th' squiffy ole strumpet be threatenin' us 'cause she got a wee snow down her front? Maybe if she buttoned up her jacket that wouldna be a problem!“ Reri’s bad mood vanished in an instant and she began to laugh loudly. She took a long swig from her bottle and pulled her hand away from her daggers. “Squiffy ole strumpet am I? That’s mighty big words comin’ from a bearchild whose askin’ for a beatin’.” Reri’s threat however seemed only about halfway real. “Good on you for standin’ up for yourself, girly. Probably gonna get your arse kicked for it someday but better an arsekickin’ than being a pansy.”  The Roe seemed entirely unsure how to take that mix of threat and compliment and settled for huffing quietly. “I be nah afeared o' some tart who be so bothered by snow she'd try t' skewer me o'er it.” Reri’s laughter redoubled at that and the Miqo’te boy’s ears flattened back against his head. “C’mooooon  Iyrnthota, let’s just go before the lady gets angrier at us...”  Reri shook her head and gave the Miqo’te boy a glare. “Oy, mankit, shut yer bloody mouth. Yer a man, ain’t ya? You should be the one standin’ in front of her, not cowerin’ like a babe behind his mama. Have some damn Miqo pride boy. Ya ain’t ever gonna be a Nuhn that way.” The boy slumped slightly and mumbled something about not wanting to be a Nuhn anyway.  Reri gave a derisive snort at that. “Well, I ain’t particularly fond of Nuhns myself but I doubt you’re going to be able to take a ride on the Roegadyn express either if’n ya keep acting like a wimp.” Judging by the sudden way the Miqo’te’s face turned pale and then a vivid shade of red, there was was a very real chance the poor boy was about to pass out and die on the spot. Iyrn turned no less red though her response was more anger than anything. “Ye crude ole strumpet, wha' be th' matter wit' ye? We be friends 'n even if we were nah that ain't somethin' ye jus' say.” Somehow that made the Miqo’te boy look both happy and miserable ta the same moment. Reri rolled her eyes and walked over towards a nearby street pole, one of the large ones used to hold up advertisements and banners. She rested her back against it and motioned for the two to approach her with her head. After a moment they did. “Listen, the pair a ya. Ya ain’t got nothin’ ta be gained by pretendin’ ya nothin’. Yer little friend there,” she motioned at the Miqo’te who slunk behind his friend again “.. s’clearly got a crush on ya about as wide as a chasm. So just admit it boyo instea’ dancin’ around all this shite. It’s a wastea everyone’s time, myself included bein’ as I gotta tell ya this.”  Iyrn looked behind her shoulder at the MIqo’te and frowned. “That ain't true, be it O'Lei?” The boy’s cheeks turned a brighter shade of red which just made Reri burst out into laughter. “Girl, ya must be mighty blind if ya can’t see that. Boy has it bad enough for ya he’s probably havin’ dirty dr-” “S-Stop it!” “C’mon boy, nothin’ to be ashamed of, you’re at that ag-” 
“By th' Twelve do ye ever stop natterin'!?” Iyrn interrupted with a huff. She looked over at O’Lei again and there was something a bit softer in her eyes as she smiled at him. He looked up at her and fidgeted a little before giving her a tiny smile. “If she's right ye should say somethin', ye know. I like ye too,” Iyrn said softly. The boy’s expression shifted to one of shock before a brilliant smile crossed his face. “You mean it?” “O' course I do. Ye're me best mate aren't ye?” “Yeah but I wasn’t-” And anything more was interrupted by Reri making a loud exaggerated gagging sound. As both looked back at her, Iyrn clearly affronted, while O’Lei was too obviously pleased with the situation to be really upset, Reri smirked at them. “See? Ain’t nothin’ to be gained from dancing around the truth. Ya be honest and ya go for what ya want. If it ain’t what either of ya want then ya might as well get that out in the open too. Have some balls.” Both the children seemed a little unsure but nodded their heads in unison. O’Lei actually reached out and took the Roe girl’s hand lightly and stood a bit closer with her.
Reri’s eyes twinkled slightly. “Well, one la’ thing before I leave the two of ya.” The Roe and Miqo both looked at her in confusion. “Ya oughta keep yer wits about ya even durin’ a conversation,” she said and quickly pulled her leg up and kicked backwards at the pole she was leaning again..  Up above a particularly large pile of snow that had been pile up above on the small outcropping used to hang the advertisements was suddenly shaken loose, sending a veritable avalanche of heavy wet snow down on both children.  By the time it was finished they were both covered in the stuff, shivering and trembling and shocked. “Looks like I win’ the snowball fight, ‘eh?” she said with a wink and a raucous laugh as she turned and strode away, finishing the last of her bottle as she did, leaving the two snow-covered kids behind her.
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yutikyis · 7 years
The Basics:
❖ Name: Yuti Kyis ❖ Age: 25 ❖ Deity: Menphina/The Twelve ❖ One good trait: Hardworking ❖ One bad trait: Low Self-Esteem
❖ One bad habit: Assuming the best about anyone she meets.
❖ One good habit: Assuming the best about anyone she meets
❖ One habit they can’t break: Nervous stammering and stuttering
❖ One they’ve broken: Extreme passivity, a genuine fear of acting. 
❖ What they’re afraid of:  Being abandoned.
❖ Their parents names: Mother: Reri Kyis  Father: Nahtu’to Kyis
❖ Their siblings names: None that she is aware of. Her mother makes jokes but her mother always makes jokes. 
❖ Other relations:  Nahtu’a Uwa (Uncle) Saan Uwa (Aunt)  Nira Uwa (Cousin)
❖ Favorite childhood memory: The very first day a trader came to her home village. Yuti had never seen an Au Ra before and that alone was exciting but more exciting was the trade items the Au Ra brought along. Clothing unlike anything else on the island, weapons and armor, toys and trinkets... and books. The very first book that Yuti ever read for herself she was given as a gift this day and she still has that particular tattered book to this day.
❖ Favorite childhood toy: Openly: A book of fairy tales she bought from a trader. Secret: A stuffed fox she bought from the same trader. 
❖ Embarrassing story:  During a barbecue with friends conversations turned, as they do, to the cooking of food. Yuti’s unfortunate usage of the word meat without realizing the particular slang it could represented reduced the rest of the gathering to hysterics and caused Yuti to serious consider burying herself in a hole to never escape. Secondary answer: Almost every single moment spent in her mother’s company. 
❖ Favorite family member:  Her father, Nahtu’to (also known as Nahu.)
❖ A story about that family member: Nahu is a craftsman by trade and a layabout by nature. However there’s a bit of steel in him none the less. Once during a particularly bad day of weather a fishing boat was smashed against the rocks and most of the crew went overboard. Nahu assisted in the rescue, swimming out and helping pulling injured from the water. One of the crewmen had been training his child and Nahu himself safely brought the child to shore. A small whispered conversation later and Nahu went back into the raging water and vanished beneath it. A terrifying two minutes later he emerged carrying a sopping wet stuffed coeurl which he proudly delivered to the child before passing out right on the beach. 
What they prefer:
❖ Coffee or tea? Tea by far. It is more relaxing to drink and recently she has been studying the Hingan methods of brewing which she finds deeply interesting.
❖ Showering in the day or night? Both. A shower in the morning gets one fresh for the day, a shower in the evening allows one to relax.
❖ Taking baths or taking showers? Baths.  Being able to sit and relax (possibly with a good book!) is comforting. She’s spent a lot of time at hot springs lately.
❖ Writing or reading? Both. Yuti has always adored fairy tales and histories alike and has recently taken to writing her own notes, with a secret longing to write her own fantasy stories. She longs to compile a collection of the stories of T'zulih the Gardener, a folk figure from her homeland.
❖ Platonic or romantic love? Platonic.  Yuti is not opposed to romantic love but finds herself caring for people deeply without wishing a romantic relationship with them. She is open to romantic love of course but for good or ill she cares a lot without getting romantic.
❖ Iced tea or lemonade? Lemonade. If she drinks tea she wants it to be hot.
❖ Ice cream or smoothies? Ice cream for fun, smoothies for a filling meal.
❖ Cupcakes or cake? Yes please.
❖ Beach or mountains? Both! Before she came to Eorzea Yuti would never have said beaches as mountains were her far-off dream, but now that she has spent time there she can also enjoy the simple nostalgic comforts of a beach. 
Tagged by: Nobody in particular but several people I follow were doing it so why not? Tagging: Anyone who wants to!
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rerikyis · 7 years
An Irrelevant Character Guide: Reri Kyis
What I tried to make:
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What her family sees:
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What her allies see:
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What she thinks she is:
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What I think she is:
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What she actually is:
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0 notes
yutikyis · 5 years
Prompt 23: Alms
Yuti: “Alms! Alms for the poor. Please, kind lady, please!”
As Yuti walked along the Limsa path, she paused. There was a young man there. It was hard to make out the details but it must have been a child. He was bandaged heavily and kneeling alone on one of the paths near the marketplace.  Yuti frowned to herself. A child that young, alone? That didn’t make any sense. Had his parents abandoned him or... had they been lost? She worried at her lower lip for a moment before she approached him, kneeling down politely next to him. “A-are you okay? W-what can I d-” She had barely a word out before the child moved. He slipped past her with surprising speed and took off at a dead run down the path. He almost barreled over two slender Elezen men on the way. “W-what was t-that about?” the Miqo’te wondered in bewildered amusement before she checked her belt. Her coin pouch was gone. Her eyes widened in shock and she let out a little frustrated sound, stomping her foot. He was certainly already gone.. and so was her lunch money!  Well, she’d just have to go hungry. He probably needed it more.
Sayo “Alms! Alms for the poor. Please, kind lady, please!” Sayo stopped in her tracks, her hand flying to her mouth. “Lord Vachir, that boy ne-” “No.” The Auri man’s voice was firm. “W-what do you mean no? I am afraid I do not-” she started to say more but he gently-yet-firmly took her wrist and guided her down the road. “He is a thief. He is trying to attract your attention so he can rob you. It’s a common trick. We need to move on.” Sayo looked startled and glanced over her shoulder at the bandaged boy. She felt rather guilty. She had plenty of gil and he was remarkably small. Maybe she should go... And as she watched another woman, a Miqo’te in a red beret, stopped and knelt down. Before she could so much as breathe the boy had darted past her like a dark spirit was after him. Judging by the Miqo’te’s expression she’d last her own money. “... Ah. I see. Thank you, Lord Vachir. I appreciate your advice.” She bowed her head politely to her bodyguard and gave him a smile, which Vachir responded to with his customary grunt. Rahya:
“Alms! Alms for the poor. Please, kind lady, please!”  Rahya had just been walking along when she heard someone calling out. She looked left and right and when it became clear there were no other ladies around, she turned to the small bandaged figure and pointed at herself.  “Me?! I’m awful sorry some but I ain’t got no almonds or nuffin’ like that, just got me an’ Grape an’ that’s about it,” Rahya said with a bright smile. “If’n ya are lookin’ for food there’s that place up above an’ sometimes they’ll give ya stuff is ya ask real polite-like.” The bandaged child gave a solemn nod. “Would you... help me up? My legs don’t work so well.” Rahya smiled brightly and bent down to help him up...
In a flash he moved, his hand slipping into Rahya’s pocket, clearly intending to grab something. What he got, instead, was a handful of something wet and squishy and very purple. With a startled shriek he pulled his hand free and waved it wildly, trying to extract the slime which was now fist-deep upon it.  “Oh, ya oughta be more careful some, Grape’s real sticky an’... oh there he goes!” The wild flailing of the child had sent Grape high into the air. Rahya quickly darted back and caught him! .. well, he landed on her head but that was *like* catching him. When she looked back down though the boy was gone. She pulled the slime off her head and looked at it with shocked eyes. “Grape! Ya fixed that boys legs! Ya got some real talent in ya,” she beamed happily, snuggling the burbling blob to her cheek before she moved on... Meichi’a “Alms! Alms for the poor. Please, good sir, please!”
Mei paused his steps as he tilted his head towards the bandaged boy. He smiled politely and adjusted his collar. “Ah, my good lad, what a shame to see you in such a state. Certainly I’ll give you some coin.” He reached into his pocket and with an ostentatious-yet-graceful movement extracted several gil coins. With teasing enjoyment he flicked the coins until they landed in the boy’s lap.  The bandaged boy seemed utterly confused. “A-ah... thank you?” “You are welcome my friendly fellow! Though if you want my advice you need to improve your act. This is a home of pirates and pirates, you will find, are adept at trickery.” He winked and walked onwards, smirking to himself. Those coins were, after all, quite fake and so he’d played a little trick of his own. At least until a gil coin tossed with surprising force flonked him in the back of the head. Yelping in pain he turned to give the ner-do-well a piece of his mind but he was already gone!
“Bloody Hell ya tart, put me down right now ‘for I turn yer guts into garters!”
Reri was standing at the edge of the bridge, head tilted curious to the side, holding a small bandaged figure by one leg over the very long drop to the water below. In the struggle some of the figure’s bandages had come off, revealing the distinctly middle-aged Lalafellian figure beneath.  “You want me ta drop ya? Well, sure, if ya say so,” Reri grinned as she started to loosen her grip. “No! NO! Don’t drop me! Doooon’t drop me! I take it back!” The panicked figure squeaked, suddenly stopping his struggle.  “So, ya tried ta rob me. Can ya give me one good reason I shouldn’t toss ya into the drink and let the sharks have ya for dinner? I figure popoto is a rare treat for ‘em.” Reri’s voice was lackadaisical but amused.
“I’ve got three kids! I’ve got two wives! I’m sick! I’m needed the money!”  “Frankly sounds more like reasons I should be droppin’ ya. Sounds like I’d be doing you a favor. Welp, goodbye.” She slowly started to open her fingers again, agonizing, moment by moment...  The Lalafell gave a horrified shriek, his eyes rolled back into his head, and he passed out. Reri gave an annoyed grunt. Where was the fun in it if they didn’t scream? Even if she wanted to toss him he’d sucked all the enjoyment out of it by fainting. Damn lazy popotos.  She rolled her eyes and pulled him back, tossing him to the ground. In a swift movement she searched him finding... three or four coin purses. Her lucky day! Gaffawing to herself she slipped the pouched away and headed towards the Member. Seems like some poor idiots who couldn’t keep a hold of their gil were buying her booze today! Alms for the poor indeed. Did she look like a nice lady?
(@claihn​ for character mention!)
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